Chapter 3: Mysterious aids arrives.
In Deep Sea Metro Train...
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Man! That was dangerous. But you made it in the end, Agent 8!
Agent 8: Yeah.
Then, a walkie-talkie starts making noises as it receives a transmission.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Huh... Is this thing working? I hear something! Agent 3, do you copy!?
As it becomes more clearer, a loud pitch voices runs through the transmission.
???: Mic check!! One-two! Who the heck are you!?
Cap'n Cuttlefish: This voice!? Is that you, Agent 5!?
MC.Princess: Who's Agent 5!? It's your girl! MC Princess in the house!
Cap'n Cuttlefish: ...
???: Pearl! Respect the elders, remember?
MC.Princess: Ugh..!
???: Anyway, this is Agent 6 coming in. Do you copy?
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Yes, copy that, Agent 6. How did you two get the radio? Where's Agent 3?
???: Agent 3? We found a radio here and heard your transmission. We're currently in Mount Nantai. Where are you calling from?
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Mount Nantai... That's near from Octo Valley! Agent 8 and I were near there, but someone seems to have taken us deep underground.
DJ_Hyperfresh: I see... So you and Agent 8 don't know where you are? Sorry to hear that.. But worry not! From now on, you'll have me! Marina - aka DJ Hyperfresh, supporting you!
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Okay but how?
DJ_Hyperfresh: I'll get to work analyzing your surroundings, and hopefully I'll be of some help to you!
MC.Princess: I don't really get what's going on, but hang tight! We got you!
DJ_Hyperfresh: And we'll search for Agent 3 once you two got out to the surface!
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Okay, thanks for your help! We're off to pass some tests and make our way to the promised land in the meanwhile!
DJ_Hyperfresh: Good luck, Cap'n!
MC.Princess: See you later, Gramps! Let's keep in touch sometimes!
Transmission ends...
After that, Cap'n commands him with confident.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Alright! Let's get back to business! Pass some tests! Retrieve some thangs and we all will be out of here in no time!
The Octoling nods..
Agent 8: Sure!
Timeskip... A06, Bounce With Me Station.
As he exit out from the train. He stands on top of the equipper. Giving him a Blaster this time. Cap'n explains the weapon to Agent 8..
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Just to remind you, that weapon shoots explosive shots. Make a good use of it.
Agent 8: Okay.
He swipes the card and the second test begins.
C.Q Cumber: Reach the goal within the time limit!
Agent 8 nods and proceeds with his Blaster by launching himself with the Dash Tracks. He jumps onto the Bounce Pads and encounter some Octarians.
M.C Princess: Check it, Eight! Those Octo-nerds look like they're having fun...
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Blast! There are Octarians here too!?
DJ_Hyperfresh: They look like Octarians, but there's something weird about them..
Agent 8 splats the Octarians that gets in his way through the bounce pads. Then, he made it to the top. As he jumps down again to the next bounce pad. A long ink stick rotates towards Agent 8.
DJ_Hyperfresh: Watch out! Bounce yourself higher to jump over the Ink stick!
Agent 8: Okay!
He jumps over the Ink stick without touching them. Climbing up the platform after inking the wall. Then, he saw a lot of bounce pads and Ink sticks rotating around.
Agent 8: Oh cod..
Test complete!
After returning back, he receives a piece of memory..
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Nice work, Agent 8! Now let's head on back to the train.
MC.Princess: What's that piece of rubber there you just got?
Agent 8: I don't know.. But better keep it tho.
MC.Princess: I don't think that would work in this place.. Right Marina?
DJ_Hyperfresh: ...
MC.Princess: Marina? Yo, Marina! You wake up yet!?
DJ_Hyperfresh: Ah! Yes?
MC.Princess: Geez... What made you spaced out? Don't tell me it's the rent again?
DJ_Hyperfresh: No.. Not that! The Octarians that Agent 8 encountered with. They're something totally weird and suspicious. Maybe I should check with the scanner.
MC.Princess: The place they're in is already weird and suspicious enough. Can't even know why the Octarians are here in the Test Chamber..
DJ_Hyperfresh: That's why I have to do it. Anyway, keep up the good work, Agent 8.
Agent 8: Okay..
The Octoling boards on the train.
Timeskip... In Deepsea Metro Train.
As the train, Agent 8 examines the reward he just got from the tests.
Agent 8: I wonder what all of this does.. Kinda familiar...
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Well, if you don't know. It's good to treasure it as your collection. They seems pretty rare..
Agent 8: I will..
DJ_Hyperfresh: Okay, Eight! I just brought my device! Try take a test on the left side of the map!
Agent 8 nods and opens the map to toggle to the left side which it's A04 station, Roll Out Station.
He exits out and stands on the Equipper from the train. This time, the equipper gives a Special Weapon, Baller.
Agent 8: ?
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Oh.. You probably don't know but it's a Special Weapon. Try figure it out by yourself.
Agent 8: Okay...
Then, the Sea Slug explains the goal of the test.
C.Q Cumber: Get to the goal within the time limit!
He swipes the card to start the game.
He contains himself into the Baller and start rolling out inside of it, collecting some CQ points before riding on the dash tracks. Then, he takes another ride on the reversed moving platform.
M.C Princess: You can jump even when you're using the Baller, Eight!
DJ_Hyperfresh: Take a ride on those Dash Tracks!
As Agent 8 gets enough close to the Dash Tracks to hop on. It boosts him forward to the platform where an Octarian is patrolling.
M.C Princess: Hey! Someone is there!
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Octarian!? Man, they are pain of the keister.
M.C Princess: Oh yeah! You can create explosion with your baller.
Agent 8: Oh!
He floods the Baller with his ink until it expands and bursts the enemy. Then, he return back inside in a new Baller automatcally.
M.C Princess: Whoa! Unlimited Specials!
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Only for certain tests..
DJ_Hyperfresh: No way... My device can't pick up any vital signs of it. That Octarian isn't really alive! But why it still kicking!?
M.C Princess: Wait what!? Like Zombie basically? But it would just bite Eight or even worse. Not just shoot ink!
DJ_Hyperfresh: Its color looks suspicious. I bet it has something to do with it. Anyway, be caution on your way, Eight!
Agent 8: Yes. Will do.
Agent 8 finally reaches the checkpoint. He notices in front of him are some Ink sticks spinning around and he frowns as he recalls the last test that he recently took on had almost took him out for sure because of the Ink stick damage.
Agent 8: Ink stick again... I can't think the outcome of getting hit by that again.. Even in a Baller.
DJ_Hyperfresh: Come on, Eight! You can do it!
Agent 8: !!
He stops and focuses on holding the buds to his ear, wanted to listen her voice again.
DJ_Hyperfresh: I know you can do it, Eight! Don't give up hope!
Agent 8: (Her voice...So magical...)
He grins slightly by her encouragement. Then, he rolls out through the course despite the risk he's taking on against the Ink sticks.
M.C Princess: Yeah! That's the spirit!
As Ink sticks spins towards Agent 8. He jumps onto the stick and the baller bounces over it from the top. Then, he proceeds on climbing on the wall. After reaching another checkpoint. He notices the goal is up ahead but far away from him, with two Octarians guarding it. There are two lines of platforms are moving backward. Agent 8 rides on top of it. Jumping to across the gap or switching side between the lines. He jumps to the Dash Tracks on the wall to boost himself to the goal. Splatting two Octarians and the barrier of the goal with its explosion. Then, he acquires the data in the end.
Test Complete!
Agent 8: Yes!
M.C Princess: Woohoo! Nice job, Eight!
Agent 8: Thanks.. Marina, right?
DJ_Hyperfresh: Yeah! That's my name!
Agent 8: Thanks for the encouragement. Your voice's kinda motivated me.
DJ_Hyperfresh: Ehh!?
M.C Princess: Looks like someone's blushing. You okay, Rina?
DJ_Hyperfresh: Yeah I'm fine!
Cap'n Cuttlefish: *sigh* You three...
Agent 8: *Giggle* Hehe...
End Of Chapter...
In a Small Shack in Mount Nantai...
Pearl: Geez... I've never seen your face blushed before. You sure you really okay?
Marina: Yeah! Thanks for asking! ><"
Pearl: Anyway, should we ask Agent 1 and Agent 2 for help?
Marina: I don't know... We'll see..
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