Aimless Worthow {Side Story 5}

Am i wrigeing too mutch? Cos this book is just turning into aimless Worthow...

Hey everyone its Shadow

So I understand now I understand everything

I umm um sorry for allmost leaving agen

I posted an ancoment saying what was happening

My brother.....I love him alot I rly do he is going to be with me for life i want him to have a good life not a waited bad one

Know that nromally im not like this allright? This isent me imagen i am somone else

Right now its 3 AM i cant sleep and all I want to do is hold Worthy (ik he isent ril but stilllllllllllllllllllllll)

Ik ik sleep is inportent

But when things blow up like this? Besides ive allready selpt i woke up and its bad fir me to go back to sleep now anywahy cos then my sleep will have been disroupted and my bodey isent ust to that ill get grumpy and its my mums britday timrow (ikr the only not star wars fan has her birthday on NSWD XDD)....infact its her birthday now XDD

Well I hopw you enjoy this

Plese becose of what i said do not feel like you have to read this you dont

Im wrighting this to help me right now to clam me

Amd im listening to into the unkowen rn cos its on the AURORA playist and i cant be bitherd to change it XDD besreds its nit the wirst song ever AURIRA really is beutfull in it

The setting here is in The Wildcts Claw when Worthy is sleeping and 'Anka' and Meilin are having a heart ti hear talck about Teng (R.I.P) wile he is sleeping on the floor but we r gonna imagen Rollan is with Coneke (yes I dared it was sutch a Coneke moment XDD) and Shadow was told to wale him up (this is cos i read that chaoter agen last night XDD)

"Shadow wake up Worthy will you?" Asked Meilin the girl nodded and dropped down beside the cat boy she poked him

"Wake up sleepy!"

"No" he said very clarly awake

"Yes" he monaed

"Do i have to?"

"Yes" he opned his eyes Shadow wished to see his face she hated it when he cincled that hansome thing with his mask "Good morning" she smiled she wanser waring her mask she dident war it mutch she dident like the feeling of it on her face and it was herder to brethe (hey mask like you waer for covid i allready reised that ages ago like litterly a year ago but oh well XDD)

"Cant i sleep longer"

"You have allready asked that do you think the awnser is going to change?"

"No" he sighed Shadow reched down a hand ti pull him up he took it but inset of her pulling him he pulled her down

"Hey!" She scolded as she fell ontop of him

"What?" He asked outting his arms around her she smiled and mooved her amrs so they where arkund him too it fekt good to be in his arms agen

"Shadow? Worthy?" Meilin asked Shadows head shot up and she relised she was lying on top of Worthy in the grass hugging him if not for his mask if wuld have looked like she was kissing him

"Well we blew it" said Worthy

"Where you two just hugging on the floor there?" Asked Anka (pain)

"Ummm no?" Sugested Worthy as he jumped to his feet beside Shadow

"Mhm hm" Meilin looked at them suspishly "you know you dont have to hide everything from me"

"Yeah but um well you hide that you like Rollan" said Worthy Meilin stared at him outrigly appalled

"Worthy was that mabey a step too far?" Asked Shadow there was a huge grin on her face thogh and she dident try to hide it Meilin glared at him

"So then mrs Trunswick" she said adressing Shadow Worthy had had enogh and his fist shot forwards and allmost conceted with Meilins face allmost he seemd to regain himself hakf way thrigh and oull his ifst back but the atempt had still been made "Worthy!" Meilin shouted the yell alerted Conor Abeke and Rollan who came running back (why do i allways want ti say in brakets when i new song comes on? XDD)

"Whats going on!?" Asked Rollan Meilin pointed at Worthy and Shadow

"Worthow over there-"

"Woah owah woah what did you just call me!?" Worthy had never sounded more anoyed in his life

"Worthow, Anywahy Worthow has been keeping some seecrets from us" Shadiw pulled out her mask and tried it onto her face to hide her blushing

"Like what?" Asked Rollan i treeged

"Well they where hugging eriker"

"So what?" Asked Worthy "you giys hug eachother what if Shadow just needed a hug? She is quite a sensative person"

"But what culd jave hit her right then?"

"You dont know whats going on in her life!" He cried

"Worthy its ok clam down" she told him Meilin looked at her confused

"Are there other strugles you are faceing? If so why dont you tell us? Mabey we can help?"

"Well" said Shadow "I find it hard beeing part animal sometimes i just get alittle insacire and uoset it just comes over me then goes away agen Worthy faces the same strugles so he understands when he saw i was sad he hugged me to help me feel better anout myself to remind me i wasent alone and to help me remeber somone loved me just the way i was" most of that was a bluff she dident care for her changes they where cool is anything and she liked them normally Worthy was the inscaure one but he had hugged her to remind her that she was loved

"Shadow" Abeke sounded horrafied "do you really feel like that? We had no idea" Worthy out his arm around her

"But dont talck to her about it....there is a reason i took her with me, becose onky i understand fully"

"Woah Worthy understaing thats unhderd of" said Rollan Shadow felt Worthys grip toghten on her out of anger

"He was with me at the time it first began the redloacks said it was inportent that if i am to go thrigh atakes like these that he..." she trilsed off she culdent lie to her freinds

"He?" PromtednComor

"Nothing" she mumbled she glanced across at Worthy "come on lets go" the others nodded then set off Worthy and Shadow fell behind

"Hey nice bluff" he said

"We shuld tell them" she replied

"What no way!"

"I cant lie to them" she said "they are our freinds"

"But our relisonship comes frist thight"

"Of corse it dise but somtimes its bet to tell your freinds...besides then you can kiss me informt of them and not feelenbaresed" he laghed

"I wish" she looked at him she just wanted him to remoove the mask she just wanted to see his face his hansome face it had been so so long since she had seen it "sohow are we going to tell the ?" He asked out of knowvere she thrigh her arms around him he seemd shoked at first but soon hugged her back

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!"

"Hey its alkright you know ill do anything for you" she laghed


That night Shadow and Worthy sat at thier camp Worthy had remooved his mask to eat and Shadow was staring at his handome face since she hardly got to see it she tended to stare at him when he removed his mask

"So Shadow" began Abeke "tell me about youre life"

"Oh um well i habe lots of good freinds sutch as Worthy"

"Worthy is a giid frind?" Rollan laghed Shadiw stood up and walked right iver to him

"wanna say that agen bird brain!?" Rollan atuly looked terifued "do not insult him you hear me do not in-"

"Insult him ueah yeah i know" he rolled his eyes getting over the shock Shadow glared at him

"Uh Shadow?" Asked Conor "you allright?"

"I umm yeah" she went over to sit beside Worthy

"Hey thanks Shadow" he said she put her arm around him and keant her head in his sholder

"Any time" she repliled with a sweet smile

"So um you gonna fishs youre story?" Asked Rollan

"Yes. Well i have made lots of good freinds i cuding Worthy who-" she looked to him just to make shure he was deiffently conpltey ok that she relived it he smiled at her and gave a small nod "who is my boyfreind" she finshedRollan aruly laghed he clraly thight it was a joke

"Oh come on Shadow..." then he tried off noticng how they sat how they allways stood up for eachother how Worthy wuld often put his arm around her

"Worthy" said Conor "you have a girlfins!?" He nodded slightly blishing alot he reached for his mask but Shadow stopped him

"Whit one thing before you put that on" he looked down at her

"Hm?" Then before he knew what hit him she kissed him she fekt him kiss back his lios agenst hers

"Just prooveing that we arnt lieying" she said "im sorry we ceot this from you"

"They are cuye tigether" Anka said Shadow blushed and bith her and her boyfreind tied thier makes over thaier faces to hide them Shadow knew Wirthy hated people seeing his face so the fact she showed it so often around her meant he really did trust and love her she was happy ablut that she really was he was oerfect everything snythone culd ever need he was Worthy

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