The Hunger Games - SA Roleplayers Edition #2
Hunger Games Simulator SA edition, classified by continent
Idea by: Tasha FoxgloveNotHolly
Written/Simulated by: Meilin Tabby_Sohee0310
Simulated by: Brantsteele Hunger Games Simulator
A message from Tabby_Sohee0310:
Hehe - I wanted to do this again! I classified districts by continent this time, like Tasha once suggested. For her honor, the Potato that wants revenge for her lost son is now in her District XD
The custom text is still in there ;-; other than that, enjoy!
Bold: Existing Roleplays
Not bold: Other Spirit Animals characters
A Revengeful Potato: A Potato that wants revenge for her son that died brutally
District 1
Shane GravityFallsFan9009
District 2
Meilin Tabby_Sohee0310
District 3 (I know they aren't from the same continent but I can't resist Larik)
District 4
Kalani spiritanimalslover (I'll keep you in the roleplay although you've slipped out of the fandom for a while daughter <3)
District 5
Conor TheCobaltWolf_
District 6
Kaiina (random but I like Kaiina so here's a nice partner that despises you Raisha XD)
Raisha MLB333
District 7
Rollan (you're welcome back anytime Atlas)
District 8
Worthy RageAndSerenityy
Shadow shadowisalivepeople
District 9
District 10
A Revengeful Potato
Tasha FoxgloveNotHolly
District 11
Abeke Lafayetteorjhon
District 12 (oh the heartbreaking friendship)
Empress Song Spiritanimalpanther
The Bloodbath
Tasha runs away from the Cornucopia. *intense music*
Conor, Meilin, Finn, and Takoda share everything they gathered before running.
Shane runs away from the Cornucopia. *intense music*
Maya grabs a jar of fishing bait while A Revengeful Potato gets fishing gear.
Raisha runs away from the Cornucopia. *intense music*
Kana severely injures Aidana, but puts her out of her misery.
Shadow runs away from the Cornucopia. *intense music*
Worthy runs away from the Cornucopia. *intense music*
Drina runs away from the Cornucopia. *intense music*
Tarik severely slices Rollan with a sword.
Empress Song finds a backpack full of camping equipment.
Kalani runs away from the Cornucopia. *intense music*
Niri snatches a pair of sais.
Katalin runs away from the Cornucopia. *intense music*
Kaiina breaks Lishay's nose for a basket of bread.
Kirat takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia.
Abeke runs away from the Cornucopia. *intense music*
Day 1
Conor, Kalani, Katalin, Finn, and A Revengeful Potato hunt for other tributes.
Meilin stalks Kaiina.
Abeke hunts for other tributes.
Tasha travels to higher ground.
Lishay makes a wooden spear.
Kirat and Shane split up to search for resources.
Worthy scares Empress Song off.
Niri tends to Kana's wounds.
Maya discovers a cave.
Tarik searches for firewood.
Shadow, Drina, and Raisha hunt for other tributes.
Takoda tries to spear fish with a trident.
Fallen Tributes
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. *multiple BOOMS* NOOOOO-
District 7
District 7
Night 1
Maya and Kalani threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die.
Finn stays awake all night.
Niri looks at the night sky.
Empress Song and Lishay huddle for warmth.
Kirat, Takoda, Drina, and Tarik form a suicide pact, killing themselves.
Shadow throws a knife into Abeke's chest.
Tasha quietly hums.
Kaiina attempts to climb a tree, but falls to her death.
Raisha sees a fire, but stays hidden.
Shane receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Kana is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.
Worthy, A Revengeful Potato, and Conor discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.
Meilin tends to Katalin's wounds.
Day 2
Lishay and Worthy hunt for other tributes.
Kana dies from an infection.
Raisha receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Tasha fishes.
Meilin receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Conor constructs a shack.
A Revengeful Potato fishes.
Shane, Empress Song, Niri, Finn, and Shadow hunt for other tributes.
Katalin makes a wooden spear.
Fallen Tributes
9 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. *multiple BOOMS* NOOOOO-
District 5
District 4
District 11
District 2
District 1
District 3
District 11
District 6
District 12
Night 2
Worthy begs for Conor to kill him. He refuses, keeping Worthy alive.
Finn fends Raisha, Tasha, and Niri away from his fire.
Shane fends Katalin, Lishay, and Shadow away from his fire.
Empress Song and Meilin hold hands.
A Revengeful Potato receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Day 3
Lishay, Empress Song, Worthy, Shadow, and Niri hunt for other tributes.
Tasha defeats A Revengeful Potato in a fight, but spares her life.
Katalin constructs a shack.
Raisha questions her sanity.
Finn attacks Shane, but he manages to escape.
Meilin tends to Conor's wounds.
Fallen Tributes
No cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Night 3
Finn is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.
Empress Song and Niri run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Meilin taints A Revengeful Potato's food, killing her.
Tasha receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Worthy tries to sing himself to sleep.
Lishay, Conor, and Shane sleep in shifts.
Shadow and Katalin threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die.
Raisha loses sight of where she is.
Day 4
Shane and Niri split up to search for resources.
Finn attacks Conor, but he manages to escape.
Meilin steals from Worthy while he isn't looking.
Empress Song spears Lishay in the abdomen.
Tasha dies from hypothermia.
Raisha receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Arena Event (OH NO - *screams*)
Wolf mutts are let loose in the arena.
Meilin survives.
Niri knocks Conor out and leaves him for the wolf mutts.
Empress Song survives.
Raisha knocks Finn out and leaves him for the wolf mutts.
Worthy survives.
Shane is eaten by wolf mutts.
Fallen Tributes
8 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. *multiple BOOMS* NOOOOO-
A Revengeful Potato
District 10
District 8
District 9
District 3
District 10
District 5
District 9
District 1
Night 4
Meilin tends to Worthy's wounds.
Niri sets up camp for the night.
Raisha begs for Empress Song to kill her. She refuses, keeping Raisha alive.
The Feast (Thanksgiving Murder)
The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.
Niri decides not to go to Thanksgiving Murder Event.
Empress Song decides not to go to Thanksgiving Murder Event.
Meilin sobs while gripping a photo of her friends and family.
Raisha kills Worthy with a sickle.
Day 5
Raisha and Empress Song split up to search for resources.
Niri accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.
Meilin makes a slingshot.
Fallen Tributes
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. *multiple BOOMS* NOOOOO-
District 8
District 4
Night 5
Empress Song looks at the night sky.
Meilin sets up camp for the night.
Raisha bleeds out due to untreated injuries.
Day 6
Empress Song shoots a poisonous blow dart into Meilin's neck, slowly killing her.
(Sohee: *flopping around in disappointment*)
Fallen Tributes
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. *multiple BOOMS* NOOOOO-
District 6
District 2
The winner is Empress Song from District 12!
2: Empress Song
2: Raisha
1: Kana
1: Meilin
1: Tarik
1: Niri
1: Shadow
District Placements
1. District12
2. District2
3. District6
4. District4
5. District8
6. District1
7. District9
8. District5
9. District10
10. District3
11. District11
12. District7
1. Empress Song
2. Meilin
3. Raisha
4. Niri
5. Worthy
6. Shane
7. Finn
8. Conor
9. Tasha
10. Lishay
11. Katalin
12. Shadow
13. A Revengeful Potato
14. Kana
15. Kaiina
16. Abeke
17. Tarik
18. Drina
19. Takoda
20. Kirat
21. Kalani
22. Maya
23. Rollan
24. Aidana
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