Chapter 5 Meeting Roselia and Sakura Spider!

Seeing of Spider-Man encounter meeting who is the Daughter of Demons' head known as Ra Al Ghul, is Azumi Al Ghul.

Spider-Man pull out his mask to reveal of his face as he forming of the serious expression, he stares at her.

(Y/N): Talks, why are you here, Azumi?

Making Azumi to be let giggled with the playful smiles, she lift up her head staring at the man who stole her heart and fell in love with him.

She walks toward facing him, she leans her head placing against on his chest playing and notices his new suit. Making (Y/N) to be forming the blush on his cheeks.

Azumi: New suit, huh? I must say.... This one does looks impressed you and suit you... I like it~

(Y/N): Yeah.... Thanks, but seriously why are you here?

Azumi: I miss you so much, I just wanted see again, beloved.

(Y/N): Really? Last time I remember, I refused to joins the League of Assassin your father try to kill me and trying to kill my family!

He snaps back of Azumi's flirting and seducing with the hiss and venom on his tone and remember of memory.

As Azumi stop leaning on (Y/N)'s chest. She walking away to avoid eyes contact with him, before she turns to him and cross her arms.

She glance at him she narrows her eyes as she humph. 

Azumi: I would never intention to harm or kill your family, beloved. My father threatened if you don't join us become as his successor. 

(Y/N): Oh come on! Plus me and your dad fought and plus..... It is not my first time I fought an evil dad has the beloving daughter.

He rolls his eyes and cross his arms.

He remember of the memory, he did the battle against on Vulture who was the father of his former crush during in Homecoming dance. And fought against his former friend who is Mysterio wanted to have his daughter to be happy.

Azumi: I know you had taken your enemy who is the father has taken liken on you.... My father has taken liken to you like my sister Talia in love with the detective and he wanted to be his succ....

(Y/N): I refused. I won't kill someone, plus you try to killed and hurt on Dick!

Azumi: He was the fool and the threats like his own mentor who refuses to joins us! He was preventing and destroying our love....

(Y/N): He was protecting me! He knew your affiliation with the League of Assassin are the corrupted and cult! 

He gritted his teeth to argued with her.

Knowing that Dick knew about the League of Assassin their goal is to wipe out of the corrupted and crimes is by killing them. 

Azumi: Hmphf! You may know our motivate? What about you? After you gets your powers, you were on the revenge and vengeance to see the crime and losing of your beloving uncl....

(Y/N): Don't you say Uncle Ben's names!!!

He snaps in angrily at her knowing he lost his Uncle Ben when he got shot and murder, knowing he using his powers for selfish gains.

As Azumi open wide and stunned, never see her beloved to be snap in anger she looks down and become saddened knowing her beloving is in pain for losing his uncle who was like a father to him.

As (Y/N) notices her expression, before he release of the sigh and realize what he done and snaps at her.

(Y/N): Look, I'm sorry that I'm snap to mention of Uncle Ben.... He just wanted to help me....

Azumi: I understand, beloved. You do lost of your beloving uncle he was like the father to you and your mentor who acted the father to you since he sacrifice his life to save humanity. "With great power comes with great responsibility" Your uncle is the good man.

(Y/N): Yeah.... Uncle Ben is the good man who acted like a father to me and my sisters after our parents disappearance.

He said with the sad smiles and remembering of the good memory he spend time with Uncle Ben and he was like a father to him.

As Azumi to be nodded with the small smiles.

(Y/N): Azumi.... Please.... Come join us, together we can stop your father's madness and to end this.

Azumi: No, I can't beloved it. If I leave my family to be with you my beloved. They will declared me as traitor. 

She looks away to avoid eyes contact with him, and forming the single tear spread out from her left eye.

Before she wipes out of her tear and facing at her beloved with the sad looks expression on her face.

Azumi: Also.... I had been jealous since you're interacting and searching for the other girl bands when you got part time jobs.

(Y/N): Wait, how did you....

As he opens wide and realizes what she saying she mean, before he looks at her with the bit of disgusted looks.

(Y/N): You're had been stalking me, didn't you?!?!

Azumi: Hmphf! Those girls are the threats to me, like to your former lover is the red headed and the other is the thiefing cat. Also..... That blond hair girl with violet eyes poses of dangers and obsession on you.

(Y/N): Chisato? Really? She looks normal to me.....

He staring at her with the dumbfounded expression looks on his face, before raised his eyebrow at her.

She not the yandere to him? She kept staring at him with the love hearts and her eyes went blank, is she can't be the yandere...... right?

As Azumi to be released of the heavy sigh.

Azumi: Since you too clueless what it mean? I can't blame you.... You do make those girls fell in love with you. That what I like you.

As Azumi smiles lovely at him.

Making (Y/N) to be confusion looks at her, before he could ask her of the another question for her but he was interrupted by Azumi pulling (Y/N) for the kiss as she press her lip against on his lip.

As he opens wide with the surprised looks on his face, before Azumi separate their kiss leaving with string of salvia connect their mouth.

Seeing of Azumi blushing with the small smiles on her face, while she placing her hands to holding of his cheeks.

Azumi: How do you feel?

(Y/N): Yeah.... That was unexpected for that.... You kissed me like..... I don't know 18 times.

Making Azumi to be let out of the giggles, before she let go of his cheeks and turns walking to the edge of the rooftop.

She gives the one last looks at (Y/N) with the smiles before placing the mask on her face to change her hair into white hair.

Fox: We will meet again my love.... And my love. Be careful for the assassin will come for you.... Beware..... The Son of the Bat...

Making (Y/N) opens wide with the surprised looks on his face .

(Y/N): Azumi, wait what you me....

Before he could ask her suddenly she throw the smoke bomb on the ground, causing to creates the smoke surrounded on (Y/N) in this area of rooftop.

Making (Y/N) to be let out of the coughing and waving his hands, before he looks up knowing she has vanished in sight, before he released of the big sigh.

(Y/N): And she did vanished, of course she does. Well.... Time to for the patrols and fixing the few towers and search of my missing search bags.

He pulls down his mask on becoming as Spider-Man before jumps off and releasing of the webline to swinging across the city.

Seeing of Spider-Man fixing of the few towers of OSCORP on the Police Stations and founded of his missing stuff on the different locations.

Spider-Man: The webs fluid cartridge! I remember I used it when I need to refill of my web shooters when I ran out of the webs out, but why I didn't think I needed of the web cartridges on the belt on my upgraded suit to battle against Beck.

And Spider-Man found his missing belonging.

Spider-Man: Man! I remember me and Ned found out of the new movie and missed out when it was released after we were turned into dusts, it was alright but until Disney ruined for us for Star Wars Saga! Somehow this is all your fault, Disney!

As Spider-Man arriving for the last one.

Spider-Man: Ahhhhhh Queens! I remember me and my family used to live Queens, good memory and I kinda miss home back in Queens in America. I remember when I wear this shirt going on casual go out, gotta miss the others back home in Queen.

Timeskip brought you by meme!

Seeing the news are on the small TV, seeing of (Y/N) Parker is currently resting on his manmade hammock made with web.

While he reading the book of his idea of the gadgets and suit, while listening of the news.

News reader: [Breaking news, during lives there was the terrorist attack on the Tsurumaki Mansion by Wilson Fisk aka Kingpin send his men attempted to robbery and held hostage the daughter of Tsurumaki who is the vocalist and leader of Hello! Happy World, but once again thanks to Spider-Man.]

Mr Tsurumaki: [I am thankful and grateful for Spider-Man for saving of my beloving daughter. after all.... He is Tokyo's Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man would you like to say, sweetie?]

Kokoro: [Yes, yes, yes, yes! Spider-Man thank you so much for helping and saving my friends! You really Amazing and Spectacular!]

Making (Y/N) to be forms the smiles and felt touch from Kokoro's encouragement and praising words to him.

He reaching of his coffee on the nearby table, he grabs before placing in his mouth he sipping his coffee.

Kokoro: [Daddy? Can I married (Y/N?]

Causing (Y/N) to be spit out of his coffee with his reaction looks.

Causing to be reaction in movement before he fall down off from the web hammock landed roughly on the floor.

Mr Tsurumaki: [Of course, my sweetheart. But who is (Y/N) person?]

Kokoro: [(Y/N)! (Y/N) Parker, I met him from yesterday! He was look unhappy but he becomes happy when he invite us to the Live CiRCLE plus he has the nicest and biggest smiles I love it! I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!! I love him so much, I wanted to married him so mu...]

(Y/N): EDITH turns off the TV!

Before Kokoro could let out of the another words from her mouth, before the TV has turned off on the screen.

Making (Y/N) let out of the groans before move back and sit down on his bed with the annoyed looks expression before he facepalm. Until he got phone call from the glasses.

(Y/N): EDITH, who is this?

[EDITH: Call from Jason Todd aka Red Hood.]

(Y/N): Put on the phone.

Red Hood: [Yo! What up, little spider! How you doing?]

(Y/N): Good, guess you take watching the news.

He rolls his eyes.

Until he heard the sound of laughing behind of his glasses in phone call, while (Y/N) making the deadpanned and annoyed looks.

Red Hood: [Sorry, sorry, sorry. It was so much fucking funny of Bruce's old friend's daughter announced to married you.]

(Y/N): Yeah, I know right. Also.... What you doing?

Red Hood: [Oh.... Just wanted to say hi to my little favourite spider to see what you doin.....]







Hearing the sound of gunshot behind the phone, making (Y/N) flinch with opens wide with the reaction looks.

Hearing the sound likes....

(Y/N): 0_0.........

Red Hood: [Sorry, little Spiderling, gotta go buy! Tell Dick I says hi and congratulation having sex with your sister making baby!]

As he heard the hang up calling buzzing behind the call, while (Y/N) making with the reaction looks on his face.

(Y/N): Okay..... So I.... Going to check the Downtown, hasn't been checked while ago, so I got free time.


Seeing of (Y/N) in his casual clothes under beneath him, he wearing of his Spider-Man's costumes in case for the emergency. 

He walking in the downtown to checking around the stores, before he let out of the sniff that he smell of the bread, before he turns his head spotted the store.

(Y/N): Yamabuki Bakery.... Is that Saaya's last name? Let check it out.

As he enter inside of the building, when he enter the bakery shop and unexpected  to see unfamiliar face....

Saaya: Welcome, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Saaya, I didn't know you worked here. 

Making Saaya to be let out of the giggles with the smiles.

Saaya: Yeah, but also this is my family's bakery they own. It one of the popular store in the downtown. Pick everything you like it one the house.

(Y/N): Okay, thanks!

As he looking around to checking the breads he wanted to eat, before he spotted Chocolate cornets.

(Y/N): What is this?

Saaya: Chocolate cornet. It one of the popular bakery that my family made and Rimi-rin's favourite and one of our best customer!

(Y/N): Rimi like this?

Saaya: Yeah! Try it!

(Y/N): Really? Alright....

As he took the bite on the chocolate cornet as he open wide and looks up at Saaya as she smiles at him.

He let out of the words before he swallowed the bread.

(Y/N): Wow! This is amazing!

Saaya: I know right!

(Y/N): This is why you smell bread on you when we're first met when you girls has visited in the CiRCLE. You smells good.

He smiles at her.

Making Saaya to be forming of the blushing increasingly felt the touch on (Y/N)'s words and felt her hearts is beating.

Saaya: Re-Really? That kind for you....

(Y/N): Yeah.... It is okay I can takes the chocolate cornets?

Saaya: Sure, how many you wants?

(Y/N): 5 cornets please.

Saaya: Five, just for yourself?

She looks at him with curious expression.

As (Y/N) let out of the small chuckles with the nervous smiles before he stop and answer for her.

(Y/N): No, this one is for me, my brother in law, my older sister, my younger sister and my Aunt May.

Saaya: Okay! Be right there!

Seeing of Saaya picking up of the chocolate cornet using of the tongs, before placing them inside of the bag.

She turns with the smiles on her face, before lend to (Y/N) while holding the bag.

Saaya: Hai! Here your order!

(Y/N): Thank you so much!

He smiles in grateful, before he could grab the bag but he accidentally touch Saaya's hand, making them blush in reaction.

Making them quickly looks away to avoid eyes contact, has the tints of blush on their cheeks. (Y/N) manages to grab the bag. Saaya felt fidgets.

Saaya: So.... Where you going now?

(Y/N): Oh! Well, you see.... I'm going to search for the Roselia.

Saaya: Roselia?!

She outburst with the surprised looks on her face.

(Y/N): Yes, is something wrong? 

Saaya: No, no, no, no just be careful that Roselia are the most talented and popular are J-Rock band and pro level bands, wanted to find the place for their worthiness and probably will turn you down.

(Y/N): Oh okay.... I keep in mind, it was the good talk, Saaya I see ya soon!

Saaya: Bye (Y/N)!

Seeing of Saaya smiles in dreamily, watching to be (Y/N) leaving before she place her palms under her chins and elbow on the trouble.

She felt her heart beating really fast when she see (Y/N) for everytime.

Saaya: I-Is this Love? 

She blush.

At (Y/N)

Seeing of (Y/N) on the rooftop, doing of the parkours perform using of his spider skills agility through the area.

Suddenly, heard the sound of siren before (Y/N) turns his head, leaning on the edge of the rooftop, seeing the police car is chasing the car are the thieves did the robbery on bank.

He forms the serious looks expression, he place the chocolate cornet in his backpack, before throw it and shoot out of the web stick the bag on the rooftop door wall. He pulls out of his shirt revealing his back symbol on his suit.

At Street

Cheerful sound: Hey, hey, hey, hey Maho chan! When will our next live performances!

Calm tone: Be calm and patient Rinku, I still writing for our next lyrics and out next song sound.

Seeing are the two teenagers girls are currently walking on the street, and wearing their school goes from the different schools called Yoba Academy it is all girls school. 

Their name is Maho Akashi and Rinku Aimoto.

Rinku: Mouuuuuu!!! I can't wait!

Maho: Ahahahahahaha.... Me to...

As they were stop, by the two cars passing through them before they halt on sidekick in quick speed with the reaction looks.

In blink of eyes, however they spotted of Spider-Man arriving swinging with his webline chasing on the thief's car, making Maho smiles in admiring while Rinku stares at confusion and dumbfounded.

Rinku: Hey, hey, hey Maho! Look at that do you thi....

Maho: Spider-Man!

She outburst with admiring and fangirl.

Making Rinku to be let out of the startled and flinch at Maho's sudden outburst, before she looks at her friend.

Rinku: Maho, wait.... Is Spider-Man a monster with the scary spider's head and arms?!

She shivering in fear and felt scared thinking the imagine of Spider-Man would be like of Man Spider with four arms and spider's head.

As Maho shook her head.

Maho: No, Spider-Man is the vigilante hero who has been protecting and saving of our city from harm way. He fought crimes and stopping of the evil villains wanted to takes over of the city. Spider-Man was originally from America and.... He is everyone Tokyo's Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.

Rinku: Sugoi....

She staring at admiring at Spider-Man where he left at.

Spider-Man chasing of the thug's car they stolen, they point their guns at him before fired out of the bullets charging at him.

Spider-Man manages to react in time, he quickly to dodge from incoming bullets charging at him before he activate with his web wings on to gliding flew in the air chasing after the car, before landed on top of the car.

Spider-Man: Knock, knock out! Who there, it me your Spidey ed!

Thug: Oh shit! It Spider guy!

The thug get up out from the window, attempted to point shoot at Spider-Man but Spider-Man quickly evade with quick reaction on the left side, he punch before web him with cocoon and pull out in random direction attract with web line.

Spider-Man quickly turns to the right side where the thug out his head from the window, but Spider-Man quickly reacted in time punching and preventing to fired, before he web him with the cocoon and pull out with webline on random direction.

And Spider-Man stop the driver thug, to pull him out of the driver seat, and Spider-Man goes to the front side and fired the double webline on the random direction, he using all of his strength and superhuman strength to pulling as the car slowing down and stop moving.

Spider-Man: Whew! That all of them, now gotta go get the Chocolate Cornet luckily I place the tracker on it.

As Spider-Man rushes before jumps in higher great meter up in air, and he shoot out of the double webline swing across the city.

While Maho and Rinku smiles admiring watching on Spider-Man, while they're holding of their phones.

Rinku: Wow...... That was so cool! Spider-Man is amazing, he shoot out of the web like rope to swing around the city and really sticky, he even have the super strength and he must be really strong!

Maho: Yeah, that right. So... Shall we go.

Rinku: Yeah! Maho chan! I wanted to Spider-Man soon!

Maho: Ahahahahahahaha..... That really impossible, I don't we're going to meet Spidey soon.

Rinku: Spidey? Is that the nickname for Spider-Man?

Maho: Yeah.....

Timeskip brought you by comic!

Seeing of Dick and Clara are eating of the chocolate cornets as they looks up with smiles they like them.

Clara: This is good! 

Richard: Yeah! This is the amazing, where did you get this?

(Y/N): Oh.... I got it from the Yamabuki Bakery, Saaya and her family made it....

Clara: Saaya? Isn't that the girl who is the drummer from the first band you recruited, little brother?

She let out of the smiles in teasing.

As (Y/N) blushed a little on his cheeks, before he shook his head snaps back of his blushing and reality.

(Y/N): Nevermind that, this one is for Amy and Aunt May. I see you guys soon.

As (Y/N) gives the leftover of cornets to his older siblings, before he turns and walking toward the doors.

As the husband and wife let out of the small laugh with the smiles.

Clara: Seems like he got the Parker lucks.

Richard: Indeed, honey.

At (Y/N)

(Y/N) is currently to be listening of the music on his earphone, while to be walking in the park.


???: Come on, Sayo! Just the little break won't hurt a bit. We're been practicing for the 4 days in a row.

Making him to be snap out of his thought, before he turns his heads looking at the five girls are talking.

Sayo: Imai san, we do not have time for the break, we have our goals to be best, till we kept practicing of number 1. 

Lisa: But.... If we keep practicing without of the breaks, we will be tired and unable to play, right Rinko?

Rinko: Right..... It is important.... To takes the breaks. 

Lisa: See! Come on, Yukina, let take some breaks!

Yukina: No.

Lisa: I'll make those cookies....

Hearing she making of the smug sound with the smiles.

Yukina:.... Very well.

Imai and Ako: Yes!

As (Y/N) stares at them for the minutes before opens wide and realize, he is looking for the 5th band is Roselia!

(Y/N): Um, excuse me are you girls are Roselia? 

Lisa: Yes, are you here for our autograph.

(Y/N): No, no, no, no not like that. I wanted to tell you guys that I inviting of you girls going to the Live House hosting for the events.

Ako: A live house I wanted to play here!

She sounded so much excited.

Yukina: We don't perform at any live houses. We only performs at the places is worthy enough we deem our level.

Lisa: Hey, hey, hey Yukina, let hear about it, right? 

Sayo: It's sound like that is Live House's first event, which means it is the beginners for this.

She crossed her arms with the disapproval looks and agreeing with Yukina.

As (Y/N) with the nervous looks, and try to talk to her change their minds.

(Y/N): Well.... Looks, maybe you girls might give it a tr....

Yukina: Did you not hear what I said? Please, go bother to someone else. We told you, that we do not to be perform at the places that are under our level! They are not worthy to have us!

She shouted harshly at him.

Making (Y/N) looks down he gritted his teeth in anger, as he forms his hands into the fists of balls trembling for the bits.


Lisa: Well, well, well... Just listens to the details for that before coming of the descisions. 

Yukina:..... Very well, what is this event about? 

(Y/N): Well, you see the Live House are hosting of the events, we have invited of the 8 multiple bands for our events. Are Poppin 'Party, Afterglow....

Ako: Wah, onee chan go there!

Making (Y/N) startled for the bit, seeing of Ako making the happy smiles with the admiring feeling excited.

He stares at her in confusion

(Y/N): Really? So tell me who your sister is?

Ako: Yeah! My big sister Tomoe is here!

(Y/N): I see.... That makes sense. Also there Pastel * Palettes and Hello! Happy World.

Sayo:..... Hina!

She scowled of the name.

Making (Y/N) knew notices of her tone and she sounded bitter, hatred and not sounding enthusiastic and staring at her looks familiar with her.

Inner (Y/N): Wait, could it be that Hina and Sayo are twins? It seems like she hurt but she wrong...

(Y/N): Hear me out, what if you girls come to the Live House and listen one of the band to play. If you deem see them unworthy and doesn't want to that place. That right.

Yukina: Hmmmm.... Very well.

(Y/N): Good, let me talk to my boss.

As (Y/N) talking to Marina on the phone call.

(Y/N): Hey, Marina I got the Roselia with me.

Marina: [Nani?! You got them to be joins?!]

(Y/N): Not exactly. They agreed to listen one of the band to see if they are good enough. If they agreed they will joins the event.

Marina: [Okay! By the way, Kasumi and the other has arrived.]

(Y/N): Thank you, so much Marina!

He hang up of his phone, before he released of the big heavy sigh and turns his head facing at the girls.

He let out of the words out from his mouth.

(Y/N): Okay, Poppin' Party we got. By the way we hadn't met yet, my name is (Y/N) Parker, the staff works in Live House CiRCLE.

Yukina: Very well, Yukina Minato. I'm the Vocalist of Roselia and our bands aim to be the top of number one.

Inner (Y/N): So she the serious type but I can tell.... She has the soft and kind side....

Sayo: I'm Sayo Hikawa. I'm the Guitarist.

Inner (Y/N): They are twins! Good to know, (Y/N)! 

Lisa: My name is Lisa Imai, I play the bass. I happy and looking forward to be with you when I see cutie boy~!

Inner (Y/N): Okay! She is the teasing and flirting type. That is the time I got call by cute, but damn for Parker Luck!

He blush a little.

Ako: I'm the Dark princess known as Ako Udagawa, the player of the drum!

Inner (Y/N): Wow! They have a kid here.

Rinko: Ah! I'm...... Rin-Rinko Shirokane..... I play keyboard.

Inner (Y/N): She the shy girl.

As (Y/N) felt vibration and alerted in his pocket, before he pulls out revealing of the Crime Alerted.

(Y/N): Well, I gotta go. Here some address of the Live House.

Lisa: Wait! I wanted to talk him more....

(Y/N): Sorry, gotta go now! Buy!

He quickly rushes go to the random direction, while the girls kept watching him to be leaving them alone.

Lisa: Aw poop! I just wanted to talk him more~

She pouted in upset.

Ako: Rin-Rin, did you thinks so nice!

Rinko: Ye-Yeah....

She smiles in shyly.

As Yukina and Sayo can't help to be focused and watching to be leaving and felt suspicious on him.

Inner Yukina: (Y/N) Parker.... You caught my attentions.... What are you hiding from?

At (Y/N)/Spider-man

Seeing of Spider-Man swinging across the city's block holding of his web line, before let go shoot another web line.

As Spider-Man kept swinging with the few of the weblines, before he let go and activate with the web wings he gliding up flew in the air directly at the building, before he landed stick on the wall.

Spider-Man: Alright, Droney your up.....

He activate the Spider Drone to pop out from his chest emblem, as it flew in air linking with Spider-Man's mask length to seeing of the thugs on rooftop.

Spider-Man: Those guys are Two-Face's thugs? What they doing here?

[Karen: According to my information, they are planning for the prison breaks to free their leader Two-Face aka Harvey Dents, using the weapons to break out.]

Spider-Man: Right.... Karen, activate Disruptor mode.

[Karen: (Y/N), before he could use the disruptor mode, but there is more selected new gadgets on your webshooters and suits.]

Spider-Man: Really?! That awesome, let checks the webshooter?

[Karen: Bringing of Gadget's Web Shooters' selective.]

Seeing under his mask's lenses with HUD with many multiple gadgets of his webshooters to show the new webshooter name 'Web Impact'

Spider-Man: Web Impact, what that?

[Karen: It is the upgraded improve version of Web shooter can allow you to fired the powerful web blast in faster then normal one.]

Spider-Man: That awesome, let pick on that.

[Karen: Right, selecting Impact Web.]

He looks at his web shooter equipped with web impact.

Spider-Man: Time to say hello myself.

As Spider-Man pop out up in midair, before fired the double powerful quick speed fast web charging at two thugs before hit them stick against on the wall.

Making the thugs to be opens wide and notices, Spider-Man landed on the rooftop.

Spider-Man: Hey, guys did I ruined your party?

Thug: Shit! Spider-Man, get him!

Spider-Man quickly reacted in time, fired the Splitter web stick on the two thugs, Spider-Man flip roll through the strand of web while grabbing them before he reels the thug to push forward.

Spider-Man shoot the web strand on the random item, he started to spinning around to smacking the thugs attempted to charged at them, before Spider-Man slam down on the thugs to whack them.

Spider-Man quickly to slide down from incoming punch from the brute thug, he quickly get up before shoot out of the web taser on the brute thug, as he screamed in pain.

Spider-Man charges throwing the multiple punches and kicks at the through and throw the knee kick before he jumps in air to knock the brute knock out in cold.

Spider-Man: Wow! That was easy!

But he was unaware the thug behind him holding the crowbar sneakily goes behind, before he could hit him suddenly he was stop seeing of the web stick on the crowbar.

In the blink of eyes, there is the person drop down throwing the kick on thug to knock out in cold. Making Spider-Man turns attention before he opens wide on his lenses on his mask.

Spider-Man: It you....

???: Hey, it been a while....

She pull down her hoodies, revealing is..... Sakura Spider!

Haruka: (Y/N).....

End of Chapter 5

Well that end for Spider-Man's chapter 5, will (Y/N) succeeded for the Roselia to joins the Live House's event? And we finally known who is Azumi Al Ghul, but will she be allied or enemy of (Y/N)/Spider-Man?

And also there is cameo appearance of Maho Akashi and Rinku Aimoto from D4DJ, they will going be here soon in the few chapters later. And now next time (Y/N) going to recruit Morfonica and half and half of cold and hot! Later guy.

And also, check out my intro it similar to the Flash! My favourite tv Show!

(Spider-Man intro)

(My name is (Y/N) Parker and I am the Spectacular and just your friend friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!) Seeing of Spider-Man swinging the city with his web line, before landed on the floor.

(To the outside world I am ordinary employee of research scientist and employee of Live House CiRCLE, but secretly with the helps of my friends) Seeing of (Y/N) got bitten by the radioactive spider, he secretly use his superhuman strength to lift up the speaker changes to (Y/N) in his lab coat. Seeing of Dick Grayson formerly Nightwing, Red Hood and Red Robin. 

(I use my powers, to promise my uncle Ben for responsibility and I remember of his words that he said to me. I fight crimes and find the other supervillains uses their powers for evils.) Remember of his beloving uncle says "With Great Powers comes with great Responsibility." Seeing of Spider-Man fights the different supervillains.

(I had been searching the truth of my parents' disappearance when they left us to care of Uncle Ben and Aunt May, and losing my own father figures.) Seeing of Richard and Mary tearfully goodbye to young (Y/N) with his sisters, changes to present (Y/N) obsession's to searching the truth of his parents' disappearance on the investigation board, changes to (Y/N) lost his uncle Ben he got shot by murder and his mentor Tony Stark die sacrifice for lives. 

(Soon after I defeated Kingpin and his Empire fall down that he lost control on Tokyo, but there is the new threats and trying to take over Tokyo.)  Seeing of Kingpin being arrested, changes to the new criminal rise up known as Inner Demon. 

(But I am the only one who is responsibility enough to stop them, I am.... Spider-Man) Seeing of (Y/N) looks up with the determine looks before pull down his mask. Seeing of Spider-Man swinging to climb up with his web before point forms his hand into ily sign to shoot out of his web shooter in midair

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