3 - The stories and the re-meeting
Lisa was in her LonelyShip, writing her story called "The Oddities of Nature", she finished the current chapter which was chapter number nine, she saved the text file.
After that, she reviewed and published that chapter of her story on Wattpad, after some minutes, the chapter had five views and two comments.
(Wattpad is a website for people to write and read stories, for authors to post their stories and gain readers.)
Lisa was happy about that, she liked to have people that liked to read what she writes and people who comment on her stories.
Then Lisa opened the Netflix website to watch some series, she liked to watch the "The Walking Dead" series.
(Netflix is a website and mobile app where you can watch series, movies, cartoons, and anime online, using a paid plan.)
Lisa was in the second episode of the seventh season, the girl liked the story and the characters, but she was a little scared to watch it sometimes.
The Discord program was open on her computer when she started watching the episode "The Walking Dead S07E03(86) 'The Cell'".
(Discord is a social network platform for gamers but non-gamers also use it.)
The details of what she was watching appeared on her Discord profile, as a status of the Discord program, showing the title and number of the episode.
She paused the video and got some popcorn and a Coca-cola can from out of her TPF fridge, she liked to eat popcorn while watching things.
Then she sat in her chair and put the video to play, Lisa ate while watching the episode, she opened the SpaceLiving Network App on her computer.
Lisa dimmed the light levels of the LonelyShip to watch the episode better, without the bright light bothering her.
A character from the survivor group of Rick Grimes was jailed in the cell of an enemy of the group, he had to stay there as a hostage.
Lisa was sad for him, she wanted to live there in the apocalypse, Lisa thought that it would be good and fun, but also dangerous.
She wanted to go there to save him, to kill people of the Negan group, the girl hated the Negan group, they killed people for no reason.
After forty minutes of watching it while eating popcorn and drinking Coca-cola, the episode ended, it was registered on Lisa's Netflix account.
The friends of Lisa from Discord could see what Lisa was watching on Netflix, Fred commented about the episode of The Walking Dead that Lisa was watching.
The girl looked at the window at her left and saw the black emptiness of space, thinking that she can not see the sun like on Earth, but she has the clock on her computer.
She knew that she could change her computer's clock to any time or timezone on Earth, but that would not reflect the actual time in there.
Because there is no way to measure time on the LonelyShip, there is no sun or moon to look at, people could not tell if it was day or night on Earth.
Lisa switched to the Discord window, she wanted to talk with her friends on Discord and changed her status to online, she noticed that Fred was online.
The girl read Fred's message about The Walking Dead and replied to it.
"Did you got better at writing?" asked Lisa.
After some time, Fred replied, "Yes, I searched on the Internet how to get better at writing, how to write better, and I wrote a draft today".
"Oh, that's cool, can I see it?" asked Lisa with smiley emoji.
"Yes, of course, I'll send the file to you, okay?" asked Fred.
"Okay ^^," replied Lisa.
Fred sent her a file named "Bubbles and Cream.txt" with 7KB of size.
"I will read it, wait for a little ^^," replied Lisa.
After some time reading, Lisa opened the Discord window again to reply to Fred.
"I think this is better than the other story you sent me, I mean... The way you wrote, it's very good.
The grammar is better too, I liked the story, I think the concept is interesting, you should publish it somewhere, like Wattpad.
I would be happy to read your story there ^^," replied Lisa.
Then Fred read the whole message and started typing.
"Oh, okay, I'm happy that you think that about my story, I tried to get better at writing just because I admire you and your work so much.
And I wanted to make you proud of me, so thanks for liking my story, I'm very happy because of that, and thanks for helping me get better at writing.
I will post it on Wattpad, thanks for the suggestion ^^," replied Fred.
Then Lisa started typing, "I'm happy that I could help and inspire you too, thanks for that.
I'm gonna make something else now, see you later, Fred ^^," said Lisa.
Fred then replied to Lisa, "Okay, see you later, Lisa, hehe ^^".
Lisa was so happy that she inspired Fred to get better at writing, which made her want to do more stories and to write more, to inspire people and make them happy.
She was looking at her Direct Messages in Discord and looked at Anny's conversation with her, Anny also had Discord.
Lisa liked to talk with her, she wanted to play some games with Anny.
They are virtual friends, Lisa met her at a game that she played when she was on Earth.
She sent a message to Anny, "Hey Anny, wanna play something?"
"Yes, what do you wanna play?" asked Anny.
"I don't know, maybe GTA 5, or Terraria if you want," replied Lisa.
Anny said. "I would like to play both, hehe, ^^".
Then Lisa and Anny entered a private server on Discord to go on a voice-call, Lisa called a Music Bot to the voice-call to listen to some music while playing with Anny.
Lisa and Anny played the game GTA 5 Online a little, they liked that game, it was very fun, they also played Terraria a little.
They made some theft missions on GTA 5 Online, they chilled around the city while driving.
Lisa and Anny continued building a house for the NPCs (Non-Player Character) to live, the guide, the nurse, and the others, on Terraria.
After some time playing, Lisa stretched a little.
"I'm gonna do something else Anny, see you later ^^," said Lisa on the voice call.
"Okay, hehe, see you later Lisa ^^," replied Anny.
Lisa opened the Mozilla Firefox browser and opened the Wattpad website, she started looking for some stories to read.
(Mozilla Firefox is a web browser.)
She received a notification telling her that the story "The Life of Littletato" (link on the first comment) received a new chapter, chapter number eighteen.
The story was written by a user called "Stake2", he was a boy, he loved to write stories, he had so much love for his stories.
Lisa liked that story, she liked to see Littletato and Julia living their lives, she thought they were so cute together and a cute couple.
The girl loved to read the chapter, it was so much fun, she gave it a vote and commented on it saying what she thought of it.
"Hey Stake2 ^^, I loved the part where she opened Vegecord to talk with her friends :3.
Vegecord is Discord, right?
I love it when you change the name of things to put 'vegetables' in the middle xD.
I also liked the fact that Littletato writes stories too, that is so much fun, I love to write too ^^.
And I'm happy for Julia because she got a job, now she'll be able to buy her things :3.
I liked the conversation between Yam and Julia, and Julia inviting him to the barbecue.
'VegiantArt' xD.
I loved this chapter ^^," commented Lisa, on chapter number eighteen of "The Life of Littletato".
After some minutes, the author replied to her comment.
"Hello Lisa ^^, thanks for voting on my story, and thanks for liking and commenting on it, I'm really happy to receive your feedback and your comments, hehe ^^.
Yes, Vegecord is equal to Discord xD.
I love to do that xD, sometimes I come up with some very funny names, it is very cool xD.
Sometimes I "self-insert" into her, like, I write Littletato like I would be, or how I would act, and sometimes my interests.
That's why she likes reading and writing stories, it's because I like it ^^.
Hehe, I'm happy to find someone that loves writing as much as me :3.
I liked to write about Julia getting a job, and about her conversation with Yam.
It was so much fun writing about Julia trying to find a job, and finding it, hehe, it'll be better when she starts working ^^.
uwu xD.
I'm glad that you loved it ^^, thankies you for commenting :3," commented Stake2, replying to Lisa's comment.
Lisa was happy to give feedback and to comment on the stories that she liked, she also liked to receive a happy and gentle response like the one of Stake2.
She felt hungry, got up, and opened her TPF fridge, there was a packet of chocolate stuffed biscuits there, a packet of Doritos, and also a cup of Coca-cola inside it.
Lisa picked up all the things and placed them on top of her computer table, she opened the packet of chocolate biscuits and filled a plastic bowl that she grabbed from the fridge with them.
She opened a movie on Netflix to watch, the movie was called "Avengers: Infinity War".
The girl watched the movie while eating the biscuits, Doritos, and drinking a cup of Coca-cola.
She liked the movie, it was very fun, she was happy to see all the action, special effects, and heroes, she cheered for Iron Man.
Lisa added the movie to her list of watched movies, it was a text file inside her computer, where she registered all of her watched movies.
She registered the movie on the text files of her History of Watched things with a Python script called Watch.py, Lisa also knew how to code, to make programs to help her.
The girl had a friend that she met in Google+, the username of her friend on Discord was "Funkysnipa Cat", the same he used in Google+.
(Google+ was a social network website created by Google in 2011, in an attempt to challenge other social networks, linking other Google products like Google Drive, Blogger, and YouTube.
Google+ died on 2 of April 2019 due to people finding out the privacy violations that Google had hidden about Google+.
And Google closed Google+ because it felt shame about the privacy violations, Google+ was house to a lot of fans of things and new fandoms.
Such as the Five Night's at Freddy's Fandom in 2014, My Little Pony, anime. a lot of Brazilians loved to use Google+, there was a movement called the Funky Cats on Google+.
Funkysnipa Cat was in that movement, Google decided to continue working on Google+ but only for companies, and continued fixing the privacy errors.)
Funkysnipa Cat was the first to start the conversation on Discord when Lisa and he met again.
Lisa opened the Hangouts app of Google to ask Funkysnipa Cat for his Discord name and discriminator.
(Hangouts is an app that was linked to Google+, and you could use your Google+ account to talk in it.)
He and Lisa were Brazilians and native speakers of the Brazilian Portuguese language.
"Hello, you're that friend I had in Google+, right?" Funkysnipa Cat asked in Brazilian Portuguese
"Hey, yes, I'm that friend ^^, I'm glad that I asked for your Discord name and discriminator," replied Lisa.
They talked a little and started to know each other again, they liked to talk about stories, anime, cartoons, series, video games, and music, they had a lot in common.
Both Funky and Lisa loved to write stories, Lisa wanted to write a story together with Funky sometime.
The real name of Funky was Izaque, Lisa liked to be his friend, she was happy to have a gentle, caring, and interesting friend such as him.
Izaque was happy about meeting Lisa in that Google+ community about anime.
While talking to Lisa on Discord, Izaque remembered their first conversation on Hangouts.
They were talking about My Little Pony and anime, Lisa said that she liked the Eromanga-sensei anime, Izaque said that his first anime was Sword Art Online.
After some time getting to know more about each other, Izaque discovered that Lisa lived inside a LonelyShip.
Izaque lived on the normal Planet Earth, he thought that was an interesting fact about Lisa, the fact that she lives inside a spaceship.
At the beginning of the conversation, Izaque sent Lisa the link to his Wattpad profile, Lisa and Izaque talked about stories for a while.
Lisa looked at Izaque's profile on Wattpad, she noticed that he was Stake2, the writer who created "The Life of Littletato" (link on the first comment).
After that, she came back to Discord to type a message to Izaque.
"Izaque... Are you Stake2?!" asked Lisa, surprised.
"Yeah... Sorry for not telling you," replied Izaque.
"I love your stories! Hehe, so you're a professional writer, hehe," said Lisa with a smirk as an emoji.
"Hehe, I'm not that good, but thanks, you don't fall behind too, I love The Oddities of Nature, hehe ^^," said Izaque.
"Thanks! Hehe :3, let's write something together sometime okay?" asked Lisa.
"I would love to, Lisa ^^," replied Izaque.
They also played some games together sometimes, while talking on Discord voice calls.
The author of this story is Izaque or Funkysnipa Cat, but that is the SpaceLiving Universe version of Izaque.
Yes, that's it, I'm Izaque and I'm writing about Lisa, my dear friend, this is a weird thing to do, right? Well, maybe not, I asked for her permission.
Because a lot of stories do not talk directly with the reader, they tell a story to the reader.
But now I'm talking directly to you, and I include myself in my own story, is it common for authors to do this?
Please answer me if you know xD.
I think you're probably making a face like this right now: "O_O", now, going back to narrator style.
Lisa said to Izaque what she did on the days that she spent on her LonelyShip, she told him about the SpaceLiving Network and the LonelyShips.
He wanted to write a story about Lisa living on the SpaceLiving Network, Lisa explained the things to him.
Then Izaque started writing his story called "SpaceLiving", about the SpaceLiving SpaceShip Network in 2019.
Izaque loved to write that story (*wink*), it was a story about the SpaceShip that Lisa lived, and also about the spaceships network called the SpaceLiving SpaceShip Network.
He analyzed the day of Lisa and wrote a story about that, then he sent the story text file to Lisa for her to check.
Lisa read the first chapter of the story, she liked it, Lisa gave Izaque permission to publish his story on Wattpad and to send the story to his friends.
The girl thought that she had a happy life, she wrote stories, had some good friends like Izaque, Anny, and Fred to talk with.
She could eat delicious food using her TPF fridge, she was happy living in her LonelyShip, writing, watching anime, and other things.
Izaque wrote, revised, and posted the first chapter of the SpaceLiving story on Wattpad, he sent the link to Lisa on Discord.
Lisa read the whole chapter, it was very good, and it explained very well the SpaceLiving Network, and how it worked, she gave a vote and commented on the story.
Then, she began writing a message to Izaque on Discord.
"Hey Izaque, I loved the first chapter of SpaceLiving, hehe, it was so well written.
You described the systems and technologies of the LonelyShips very well, and about the wish of TOTB to make teens happy.
Thanks for writing it, hehe, I'll wait anxiously for the next chapter, tell me if you need more content, hehe ^^," said Lisa in her message.
"Hehe, thanks, I'm glad that you loved it, Lisa, hehe ^^, I like to write about technologies, I love them xD.
I want to write about this friend of yours, Fred, as you said to me.
Can you ask him if he's willing to share his SpaceLiving story?" asked Izaque.
"Oh, okay, I'm gonna ask him ^^," replied Lisa.
The girl felt a little tired, she said goodbye to Izaque, telling him goodnight, thanking him for the talk, smiling happily while looking at the screen.
Lisa turned her computer off and laid on her bed, the LSAI, Ana, turned the LonelyShip's lights off and Lisa could see the moon through the left window of the spaceship.
Ana left the LonelyShip turning slowly, using its turbines, for Lisa to see the moon, sun, and the Earth moving slowly through the windows.
The LonelyShip's temperature was very good, she covered herself with the blanket and slept, having good dreams about the spaceship, and her friends.
(I write this chapter on 19/11/2019.
I finished re-revising it on 26/04/2021.
I revised while listening to some Dubstep songs.
And I arrived at a song that I loved, I left it on repeat.
The song is called Skybreak & Mizu - Aurora (link on the first comment).
I love that song so much, it is awesome! So calm and good to listen to while writing SpaceLiving, hehe xD.
I love to sing it and feel it while writing SpaceLiving or anything.
That song makes me feel so happy, I suggest that you listen to it, hehe :3.)
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