Dom: Dad, what are you doing? We're in the middle of a game.
Silver: Hey, what's goin' on?
Shadow: I don't know.
[Dom] Dad...
(Play a song in the top)
Lebron: Dom, your game is amazing, son. But I guess I would've known that if I would've listened more. Sorry I didn't. For me, when I was a kid, the things that I went through to get where I am now, I had to be a certain way. [sighs] Yeah, it helped me win games, but not so much being a dad. I'm still learning how. You're teaching me. I want you to be yourself. Do you understand how much I love you? Do you understand how important you are to me? How very special you are? I mean, I don't even know if I'm saying this right.
[ball bounces off]
Dom: Sounds right to me.
[tender music playing]
Dom: I love you, Dad.
Lebron: I love you too, son.
[crowd applauding]
Whisper: Oh, now, that's beautiful.
[Granny] Let's go!
[Yosemite Sam] Whoo!
Lola: I think I'm gonna cry.
Bugs: Not me. [wailing]
Lola: Bugs, pull it together.
[Kamiyah] Dom! Dom!
[Dom] Mom! Hey, Xosha!
[Al G.] Are you serious?
[in distorted voice] Zip it!
[crowd quiets]
Al G: You two are a joke, you know that?
Dom: I got this, Dad.
Al G: [in normal voice] Oh, what? You got something to say?
Dom: Yeah. I think you want people to fear you more than anything. And I'm not about that, Al G. I'm playing with my dad.
Al G: First of all, it's Mr. Rhythm to you, you little traitor. Second of all, you're not. You're playing against your dad. (Tune squad glaring at Al G)
Al G: See what this says? "Goon Squad." You already made your choice, Dom. Right, Pete? He can't...
Al G: Pete, are you crying? There's no crying in the Serververse, Pete!
[Al G. scoffs]
Al G: All right. Yeah, all right. I see how it is, Dom. [in distorted voice] I see how it is. I gave you everything!
Foghorn: I say, I say, good to have you, son.
Lola: Great spot for you right here, kid.
[Yosemite Sam] We got 'em now!
[Speedy] Bienvenido, senorito!
Somebody get him a new jersey.
[Elmer] Welcome to the hunt.
Sufferin' succotash!
Granny: I made this, just in case.
Dom: Thanks, Granny.
Eh. What's up, Dom?
Oh, it's so nice to meet you.
Here you go, Dom.
[Tweety] Really glad to have you on the team!
[Dom] Thanks, Dad.
[Al G.] Fine.
You wanna join these losers?
You go ahead, Dom.
'Cause it's not your game anymore.
[in distorted voice] I am the game.
King Kong ain't got nothin' on me!
[King Kong gasps, grunts]
Lil: Did you see that? The man just grew, like, five feet.
[distorted laugh]
Al G: [in distorted voice] Yo, King. You're about to lose your family, your friends, those Tunes, everything you love.
Lebron: I don't think so.
Bugs: Oh, it's on.
[crowd cheering]
[stirring music playing]
Lola: Count it!
[crowd cheering]
Yeah, Lola!
All right!
Nice pass, King!
[crowd chanting] Let's go, Tunes!
Let's go, Tunes!
Let's go, Tunes!
Al G: That's cute. But I thought I told you...
Ugh!'s my game now.
Yo, yo, switching everything.
Yo', stay home. Bump out.
Sic 'em, Goons.
[tense music playing]
[crowd cheering]
[bird screams]
[LeBron] Get back, rabbit.
Come here!
[Lola grunts]
[The Brow grunts]
[dramatic music playing]
[distorted grunting]
[Al G.] Incoming!
[crowd exclaims]
I'm a monster!
We about to break the internet, baby!
It's over.
Time out.
Oh, brother.
[whistle blows]
[Lola] Did you see that?
Knuckles: (furious) He's cheating!
Lebron: Listen, it's all right. All we gotta do is get one bucket.
Tails: How can we score if he controls the game, Bron?
[Al G.] Whoa! Where my Goons at?
[White Mamba] Right here, Coach!
[Al G. chuckles, sings indistinctly]
[Al G.] No mercy!
Dom: Yo! That's it! Your move, Dad. Remember? The step-back glitch. In and out, crossover, step back, shoot. That move froze my whole game.
[LeBron] And that's good because...
[Dom] If the game crashes, Al G. won't be able to control it anymore. And if he can't control it, he can't stop us from scoring.
[Dom] Right!
[Sylvester] Oh, boy!
[Porky] Yeah! Yay!
Sally: This could be good.
Dom: Wait. That's not gonna work.
[LeBron] Why not?
Dom: When my character did the step-back, it got deleted.
Daffy: So, whoever does the glitch move...
Dom: Will get deleted.
[all gasp]
Foghorn: So, I say, so I guess we're drawing straws.
Amy: We are not doing that. We'll think of something else.
What about the old alley-oop?
Lebron: I'm gonna do the step-back.
[all gasp]
Dom: What? No. Dad, you'll be deleted.
Lebron: I'm not a video game character. I think I'll be okay.
Dom: Dad, you don't know that. I've done the calculations.
[LeBron] Dom. Somebody's gotta do something.
LeBron, you don't have to do this.
[all] No!
Lebron: Listen, just get me the ball. Hands in. Tune Squad on three. One, two, three...
[all] Tune Squad!
[dramatic music playing]
[crowd cheering]
[The Brow] Here we go.
Yeah, this is fun, huh?
We should just do it again, and again, and again.
Just over, and over, and over for all eternity.
How's that sound?
[Ernie] Ten seconds on the clock.
[breathing heavily]
The Tunes are one style point play away from victory, or defeat.
Everyone gets prepared for the ball, as Lola has it,once ready Pete blows the whistle and everybody scrambles and Lebron is open so she tosses it to him but Bugs grabs it midway.
[Ernie] This is their last chance.
Shadow: Bugs, Sonic, what are you doing?
Ernie: And it looks like a broken play!
Bugs and Sonic: In and out, crossover, step back...
Lola, Amy and Sally: [in slow motion] Bugs, Sonic, no!
Sonic and Bugs: [in slow motion] Shoot!
[inspirational music playing]
[Ernie] Bugs' and Sonic's shot is gonna be short.
But wait, LeBron is flying through the air!
Come on, Dad.
[music stops]
Oh, no.
He's not gonna make it.
He's... He's not...
Gonna make it.
That's cheating!
[uplifting music playing]
[LeBron yelling]
[buzzer sounds]
Great. Posterized.
[all cheering]
Yeah! Yes! Let's go!
We did it! Yeah!
Posterized. Yeah!
Beep, beep.
[Tune Squad cheering]
[Lil Rel] The Tunes win! The Tunes win!
Silver: Yeah! We did it!
The love couples in Tune Squad kiss in victory.
Cream: Yay!
Tails: I can't believe it! We won!
Al G. just got turned into a literal poster.
[sighs] This is not how I wanted to go out!
[Pete grunts]
I say, I say,
that's all right!
That's what I'm talkin' about!
No, no, no, no, no!
Hold on. No! No!
[laughs] Adios, Goons!
We won! Whoo-hoo! We won!
Give me a hug!
[Taz moans]
Somebody hug me! Anybody?
I love y'all. Yeah, Tunes!
All right, Dad!
Beep, beep.
Great assist, Dom!
[Pete babbles] Whoa!
[all gasp in awe]
[tender music playing]
[people cheering]
Lil: Yes! I never doubted you for a second, LeBron! We are going home! Thank you so much! You are the Akron Hammer. The chosen one! King James, man! I love you! [laughing]
[crowd continues cheering]
Lebron sees Bugs and Sonic in the ground
[LeBron] Bugs...
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Play a song for Bugs's and Sonic's sacrifices)
Bugs: How'd we do, Coach?
[soft music playing]
Lola: Bugs, that's the least looney thing you and Sonic ever done.
Bugs: You got that right.
Sonic: But taking care of the people you love is fundamental. Right, Bron?
Lebron: Thank you.
Sally: (smiled) Goodbye, Bron.
After Tune World is fixed, they gather around Bugs and Sonic and see their time is up.
Bugs: We did it.
[all sniffling]
Sonic: We're all back together again.
Amy: Sonic... don't leave me, I love you.
Sonic: I love you too, Ames. I'll will always be here in your heart.
Lola: Bugs...
Sonic and Bugs: That's all, folks.
They then turns into light in the sky and disappears. Amy wipes her tears away and hugs Sally.
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