A Competitive Baseball Game

Sonic and Neptune was on each other as they both breath heavily towards each other.

Neptune: Ahh... Sonic... keep going...

Sonic: Neptune...

They both hold hands together as their faces closes in.

In Neptune's church:
Sonic then wakes up from a dream.

Sonic: What the? It was just a dream... But me and Neptune doing it...

Neptune: Doing what?

Sonic gets embarrassed as Neptune was next to him.

Sonic: Wahh! Ah, uhh, nothing! Hehe...

Neptune: Hmm? Were you thinking of something naughty with me?!

Sonic: Huh?!

Neptune: Come here you!

Neptune tickles Sonic.

Sonic: Ahahaha! S-Stop it!

Neptune: No way!

Nepgear enters the room.

Nepgear: Neptune? Sonic?

Nepgear sees Neptune tickling Sonic.

Nepgear: (There goes those two...)

Neptune: Oh, what is it, Nepgear?

Nepgear: I got a message from Vert. She said for us to meet her in Leanbox.

Sonic: Really?

Neptune: Alright, perfect! C'mon, Sonic!

Sonic: W-Wait!

In Vert's church:
They go inside seeing the other goddesses in Vert's church.

Vert: Glad to see you three here. There's something I wanted to show all of you.

Noire: Hmm?

Blanc: What is it?

Neptune: Is it a new game?!

Vert: Not just any game... a sports game!

Everyone: Huh?

Vert shows them a baseball game that came out.

Sonic: *Whistles* Looks fun.

Vert: Right?

Neptune: It looks cool!

Blanc: For something like baseball, it looks good.

Noire: I don't know why we're doing this? Why don't we play real baseball instead?

Everyone turns over to Noire.

Noire: Huh? What?

Vert: You're a genius, Noire!

Noire: Well of course.

Sonic: I was thinking the same too. Why not play it ourselves?

Neptune: Alright! A baseball match! I'm in!

Blanc: I guess I'll join.

Vert: The others can join too.

Neptune: Hmm... should there be a reward for winning.

Sonic: Reward? For what?

Neptune: Which ever team wins, goes to a unique hot springs for free!

Noire: That's actually not bad...

Blanc: Yeah... for once, you actually made a good plan.

Vert: I like that challenge.

Sonic: Hot springs...

Vert: Makes sense for you to react like that. You passed out last time.

Sonic: T-That's only because of I've never really done it before. It was really embarrassing for me...

Neptune: So next time you won't pass out?

Sonic: Right, promise.

Neptune, Vert: (Got em.)

Sonic: But anyway, how are we gonna do this if we don't have a field?

Vert: Oh, don't worry, there's one here.

Sonic, Noire, Blanc: Huh?

Neptune: Here?!

In Vert's field:
Everyone else arrives at the field with gear and equipment ready for baseball as the crowd was screaming happily. 5pb was the commentary.

5pb: Hello everyone, and welcome to the very first Gamindustri Baseball Match!

The audience screams in joy.

5pb: I'm you're host, 5pb, here for commentary. I'll be here to announce the players. The following people in red team; Sonic, Neptune, Nepgear, Noire, Rom, and Compa! The following people in blue team are Vert, Blanc, Uni, Ram, and IF!

IF: Hold on, that's not fair. We don't have much people.

Vert: Which is why the special guests are coming.

Sonic: Hmm?

They look behind seeing the other Sonic and the others from the other dimension.

Neptune: Plutia! Pea-ko!

Pururut: Hey, Nep.

Peashy: Neptuna!

Sonic: Hey, me, it's been a while.

Dem-Sonic: It sure has.

Dem-Noire: So we're playing baseball huh? I'm in.

Dem-Blanc: That's new from you.

Dem-Vert: A baseball game, how fun.

5pb: And here we have our special guests!

In red team... Dem-Noire, Dem-Blanc, and Peashy!

Peashy: Yay! I'm in your team!

Neptune: That's great, Pea-ko!

5pb: In blue team... Dem-Vert, Dem-Sonic, Plutia, and Histoire!

Everyone: Ehh?!

They all see Histoire flying around with her uniform.

Sonic, Nepgear: Histy?

Neptune: What are you doing here?!

Histoire: Its time I show you some manners, Neptune!

Sonic: Uh oh.

Vert: I'll let you know that there are regular rules in baseball, but with a twist. You can use your HDD forms and abilities to your advantage to win.

Sonic: Alright! That makes it interesting!

Dem-Sonic: Heh, I'll won't go easy on you!

Sonic: Heh, me neither!

Vert: We're the one's who's winning.

Dem-Vert: That's right.

Noire: Oh, you're going down!

Dem-Blanc: I'm kicking your ass, thunder tits!

Neptune: Wow, they're fired up.

Nepgear: I've never played Baseball before. I might mess up the team...

Sonic: Nepgear, don't say that. We're a team remember? We help each other.

Nepgear: Thanks, Sonic.

Sonic: Alright guys, let's show blue team how it's done!

Red team: Yeah!

The audience cheers for either team as the game was starting.

5pb: It's now time for the game to begin! Let's get it underway!

Sonic: Alright guys, I'll be your captain. It's our time to show them that we're serious of winning this game. I'd say let Compa go first since she doesn't have HDD. Is that okay with you, Compa?

Compa: Huh? Me?

Sonic: Relax, I'll help you through it.

Compa: O-Okay...

Neptune: Alright, let's get to it team!

Red Team: Yeah!

Vert: Alright, they have almost all people that got HDD, but we can counter it with our abilities. Since your fast Sonic, you will be in the outfield with the other me, Histoire, and Ram.

Dem-Sonic: Got it. Let's do it, you three!

Outfielders: Yeah!

Vert: Blanc, you should be pitcher, the rest will be on bases.

Blanc: Sounds good to me.

Uni: Alright!

Plutia: I'm so excited.

5pb: Now then, let the games begin!

The audience cheers as everyone gets in their places.
Compa goes first to bat.

Compa: I'm so scared...

Sonic: It's okay to be scared, but remember, you got a team with you. Hitting the ball is all that matters.

Compa: You're really a nice person, Sonic. No wonder Nep-Nep went for you.

Sonic: Oh, stop it.

Neptune blushes a bit.

Compa: O-Okay.

Blanc was pitcher as she throws the ball towards Compa.

Compa: Yahh!

Compa hits the ball, but it rolls down to Blanc.

Sonic: Go, Compa, go!

Neptune: Go first base!

Compa tries to run to first base, but Blanc quickly throws it to first base where Vert is as she was out.

5pb: And that's out on Compa!

Compa: Oh man...

Sonic: Hey, you tried your best.

Neptune: Yeah, Compa, even if you didn't get one, you still tried.

Nepgear: There's always next time.

Compa: Thank you...

Sonic: Guess it's my turn.

Neptune: Go get em, Sonic!

Sonic: Yeah!

Dem-Sonic: (Here he goes...)

Noire: Let's see what he does here.

Dem-Blanc: He just needs to be in a base.

5pb: Now it's Sonic's turn to bat!

The audience cheers for Sonic.

Blanc: I won't go easy on you, Sonic!

Sonic: Heh, let's see what you got!

Blanc goes for a fast ball as Sonic gets ready to swing.

Dem-Sonic: Huh?

Dem-Sonic sees Sonic changing his stance.

Dem-Sonic: Wait! It's a put!

Sonic puts it and immediately runs off.

Sonic: (He knew?!)

Blanc: Damn!

Neptune: Go, Sonic!

Nepgear: C'mon, Sonic!

Rom: Go, big bro!

Sonic quickly passes first and goes for second.

Blanc quickly grabs the ball and throws it second base where Plutia is.

Sonic: (Gotta slide!)

Sonic slides next to second base as Plutia catches the ball with her glove.

Referee: Safe!

5pb: Wow! And that's safe! What great thinking by Dem-Sonic!

Historie: Nice thinking, other Sonic.

Dem-Sonic: Just call me Dem-Sonic. (But that was close. If I hadn't noticed it, that could've been a straight home run.)

Neptune goes next to bat.

Neptune: Alright! Time to Nep you in this game of Baseball!

Sonic: C'mon, Neptune!

Nepgear: You can do it sis!

Blanc: I'll show you true strength!

Blanc starts transforming.

5pb: Whoa! Here comes Blanc transforming!

Sonic: Already?

Neptune: In that case...!

Neptune transforms as well.

Peashy: Go, Neptuna!

Blanc: Tanzerine Bullet!

Blanc uses a special throw as it was as fast as a bullet.

Neptune: Cross Combat!

The bat glows to purple as Neptune smashes it in the air.

5pb: Wow! What a hit by Purple Heart!

Sonic: (Alright!)

Sonic immediately runs to third as Neptune runs over to first. The ball was still in the air as Histoire flies up.

Sonic: Huh?

Histoire catches the ball above in the air as it was out. Everyone was surprised.

Neptune: What?!

Sonic: Huh?!

Red team: What?!

5bp: And that's out, but Sonic's still running!

Dem-Sonic: Oh no, you don't! Histoire!

Historie throws the ball to Sonic as he uses his special.

Dem-Sonic: Speed Blitz!

Dem-Sonic throws it extremely fast as Sonic goes to home base.

5pb: What a throw! Will this be a double play?!

Sonic and the ball passes the home base as the catcher has the ball.

Catcher: Out! Double play!

Sonic: Shoot!

Dem-Sonic: Alright!

Blue team: Yeah!

Neptune: Aww man, we're already out...

Red team: Awww...

Sonic: (That's crazy. We need to be careful of Histoire...)

5pb: Now it is time to switch sides!

Sonic: Alright guys, that was our first try, we can't let them score! Neptune, Noire, Compa, you're with me.

Compa: M-Me?

Sonic: We're gonna need some CPU's on bases. That's where you four come into play. Blanc, you're on pitch, show them how powerful your pitches are!

Dem-Blanc: Oh, I'll show them alright!

Compa: B-But Sonic...

Sonic: Don't worry, you got this.

Neptune: That's right! We got your back!

Nepgear: She's right, Compa.

Compa: O-Okay...

Sonic: Alright team, let's do this!

Red team: Right!

Vert: This is our chance to get a score in.  Let's show them what we can do!

Blue team: Yeah!

5bp: Now it's time for Blue team's turn! Let's see how this'll turn out!

Vert goes to bat first.

Dem-Blanc: You're going out, thunder tits!
Tanzerine Bullet!

Dem-Blanc throws a powerful pitch down to Vert, as she misses it.

Catcher: Strike one!

Vert: Oh my... I guess I'll go serious this time!

Vert then transforms into her HDD form.

Blanc does the same throw again as it goes for Vert.

Vert: Javelin hit!

Vert hits the ball with her special attack as the ball was going straight out of the park.

Sonic: It's fast!

Sonic tries to jump up to catch it, but the ball suddenly goes all the way down.

Sonic: What?!

5pb: What a trick! The ball went straight down!

IF: Go Vert!

Vert quickly runs to first then goes to second as the ball was on the ground. Noire grabs the ball and throws it to second, but Vert was safe.

Vert: That went well.

Dem-Sonic: Nice one!

Uni was next to bat as Blanc throws the ball. Uni grabs her gun as the ball goes inside it. Uni charges it up as she fires a blast towards Blanc.

Dem-Blanc: Whoa!

Blanc barely dodges it as it goes for Compa.

Compa: Wahhh!

Neptune: Compa!

Neptune goes in front and tries to catch it, but it was too powerful as it goes through her. The ball goes in the floor as Sonic grabs it. As soon as he did, Vert was already in home base.

Vert: I got the first point!

5pb: And that's the first point of the game with Uni at first base!

Neptune: Aww man! They got the first point!

Sonic: Don't worry about it. We just need to get these catches. You okay, Compa?

Compa: Y-Yeah.

Neptune: But man, that was powerful.

Noire:  That's Uni for you.

Sonic: Yeah, no kidding. We gotta be quick if we wanna get these catches.

Next was IF to bat. Blanc throws as IF hits the ball straight at Rom where Uni is as she runs to second.

Rom: I got it!

Rom gets the ball as it was one out.

5pb: One out by IF!

IF: I'm totally not cut out for this.

Nepgear: Nice one, Rom!

Sonic: Alright! One down!

Next was Ram. Blanc throws it lightly as Ram hits the ball. The ball goes next to Nepgear as she grabs it.

Sonic: Nepgear! To first!

Nepgear: There!

Nepgear throws it as as Ram was out. As she was out Uni gets to third base.

5pb: And that's two outs by Ram.

Ram: Aww man.

Rom: Sorry, Ram.

Dem-Sonic: Alright! Time to get serious! Blanc, you're up!

Dem-Blanc: Got it! Give it your best shot!

Blanc throws a fastball as Dem-Blanc quickly swings it as it was a home run.

Noire: What?!

Neptune: Whoaaaa!

Sonic: No way...!

Blue team: Alright!

Dem-Blanc: Easy!

Sonic: (This is gonna be tougher than I thought...)

Next up was Plutia as she's using her plushy to swing.

Dem-Noire: Blanc, switch. You've did enough.

Blanc: Yeah, thanks.

Dem-Noire switches spots with Blanc for pitcher.

Plutia: Its my turn now.

Dem- Noire throws the ball as Plutia swings as it goes up in the air.

Dem-Noire: No way!

Neptune: They're gonna get another home run!

Sonic: Not if I can help it!

Sonic runs on the walls and jumps in the air as he reaches the ball in his hand.

Sonic: Got it!

5pb: And that's 3 outs! Switch sides!

Plutia: Oh man...

Sonic: Alright! Now's our chance to score some points!

Red Team: Yeah!

Nepgear was first to bat as she was nervous.

Sonic: C'mon, Nepgear! You got this!

Nepgear: Yeah. Thanks, Sonic. (Sonic's counting on me... I won't let him down!)

Nepgear tramsforms into her HDD form.

Nepgear: M.P.B.L!

Blanc throws the ball as Nepgear uses her special launching the ball far into the air.

Dem-Sonic: So fast!

Before the other team could go, it was a home run.

Sonic: Alright, Nepgear! You did it!

Nepgear: Yeah! I did!

Neptune hugs her little sister.

Neptune: I'm so proud of you!

Nepgear: Hehe, thanks, Neptune.

Next up was Rom to bat.

Rom: I can do this...

Blanc slightly throws it as Rom hits it towards third base.

Dem-Sonic grabs it as he throws it towards first, but was safe.

Red Team: Yeah!

Vert: We can still keep it 2-1! Just focus!

Blue Team: Right!

Next was Peashy.

Neptune: You got this, P-ko!

Blanc throws the ball as Peashy hits it towards her. As she about to throw it to first, Plutia looks at her with a smirk as she was terrified.

Blanc: Ack...!

Peashy gets to first as Rom was in second.

Peashy: Yay!

Neptune: Yeah, P-ko!

Dem-Sonic: (Oh man, I forgot about that... Plutia wants her to get full base...)

Next up is Dem-Blanc as she transforms using her axe to hit the ball.

Dem-Blanc: I'll blast this ball away!

Blanc: Have some of this! Tanzerine Bullet!

Dem-Blanc: Tanzerine Axe!

Blanc throws a powerful ball as Dem-Blanc hits as it goes far out into the field.

Sonic: Go, guys!

Histoire flies and picks up the ball and throws it to Uni, Uni to Vert as she sees Rom going for home base.

Vert: Sorry, but I have to get you out.

Vert throws a special shot, but Rom uses her ice spell to block the ball.

Vert: What?

Blue Team: No way!

Red Team: Alright!

Rom got home base as Blanc gets the ball.

Blanc: (Nice one, Rom...)

Sonic: You did it, Rom! That was great!

Neptune: Yeah! That was awesome!

Rom: Hehehe!

5pb: It's now tied up to 2-2!

Dem-Sonic: Blanc, switch!

Blanc: Huh?

She looks behind him as he was in his awakening form.

Dem-Sonic: It's about time I get serious!

Sonic: (Here he comes...)

Dem-Noire was up next to bat.

Dem-Noire: I got this!

Dem-Sonic: Let's see if you can! Speed Blaster!

Dem-Sonic throws a fast ball as Dem-Noire couldn't even see it as it was in the catcher's gloves. Everyone was shocked seeing what happened.

Dem-Noire: Huh?

Sonic: What the...?

Neptune: That's too fast!

Nepgear: I couldn't even see it...

Sonic: (So, he's finally decides to get serious huh?)

Dem-Noire tries two more times, but it happened again as she was out.

Catcher: Strike three! You're out!

Dem-Noire: Darn!

Next was Compa again as she was scared to bat again.

Dem-Sonic does the same thing again as Noire tries to hit it, but was out.

Catcher: Out!

Dem-Blanc: That's crazy!

Noire: That throw's not a joke.

Sonic: Im up next. Wish me luck.

Neptune: C'mon, Sonic! I know you can do this!

Nepgear: Yeah!

Sonic: Thanks, you two.

Sonic goes up to bat as Dem-Sonic smirks.

Dem-Sonic: Heh, I was waiting for this!

Sonic: Bring it on!

Dem-Sonic: Speed Blaster!

Dem-Sonic does a special throw as Sonic sees it and swings, but it pushes him back causing the bat to fall out of his hands.

Sonic: What power...!

Catcher: Strike one!

Neptune: You got the next two, Sonic!

Red team: C'mon, Sonic!

Dem-Sonic does it again as Sonic swings it as he still gets pushed back.

Sonic: Gh...!

Sonic tries, but the bat falls out from his hand again.

Sonic: (Tch...! This is bad...)

Vert: One more, Dem-Sonic!

Histoire: Throw it to em!

Dem-Sonic: Here it comes! Speed Blaster!

Dem-Sonic throws a powerful throw as Sonic does his special also.

Sonic: How about this! Blue Hurricane!

Sonic swings as he struggles to swing it.

Sonic: Gh-Gh....! Ngrahhh!

As Sonic tries to swing hard enough, suddenly the bat breaks in half as the ball gets slammed into the wall.

Sonic: No way...

Sonic and his whole team was shocked.

Catcher: Strike three! You're out!

Blue Team: Alright!

Sonic: My special swing... it didn't work... how can I stop that...?

Neptune: Sonic, the game isn't over yet! We can still win this!

Nepgear: Yeah, Sonic! This isn't like you to think about that!

Noire: She's right, you know. We're not done yet.

Rom: Mhmm! We can do it, big bro!

Compa: That's right!

Blanc: I know you're not gonna give up to these guys over there!

Dem-Noire: Precisely! There's still a chance! By

Peashy: We can do it!

Sonic: Guys... Yeah! It's not over yet! Let's win this!

Red Team: Yeah!

Sonic: (I gotta find a way to stop that throw...)

The game keeps going and going back and forth with both teams batting and throwing as the score was 5-4 for Blue team.

5pb: Blue team is on the lead with 5 with Red team with 4! Can they make this last inning count?!

Sonic: Alright guys! This is it! Let's show them how strong we are!

Red Team: Yeah!

They get a new bat to use as Blanc was first. She gets furious and ready to swing as Dem-Blanc was the pitcher.

Blanc: C'mon! I'm ready!

Dem-Blanc throws a powerful throw towards Blanc as she swings it with all her might sending it all the way out of the park.

Red Team: Alright!

Sonic: Way to go, Blanc!

Blanc: Hell yeah!

Nepgear: We're tied up!

Neptune: Just one more!

Dem-Sonic: Oh no you don't! Dem-Blanc, switch!

Dem-Blanc: Right!

They switch places as Dem-Sonic was pitcher again.

Nepgear goes to bat as she transforms.

Sonic: C'mon, Nepgear!

Neptune: Yeah!

Nepgear: Thanks guys. I can do this.

Dem-Sonic: Speed Blaster!

Dem-Sonic throws his special throw as Nepgear hits the ball, but the bat falls out of her hands.

Nepgear: Wahh!

Sonic: Rrrr...! (There has to be something to stop his throw...)

Nepgear: I won't give up...!

Dem-Sonic: There's no way you can beat my Speed Blaster

Nepgear tries the next two hits, but was out as she turns back.

5pb: That's one out! Will they be able to get a score?!

Blue Team: Yeah!

Vert: Just two more outs, Dem-Sonic!

Nepgear: Sorry, everyone...

Sonic: Hey, don't sweat it. You did your best.

Neptune: Yeah, there's nothing to be sad about...

Nepgear: I know but, I noticed his throws.

Sonic: Hmm? Really?

Nepgear: Yeah, the way he throws it, it might have something to do with his stance.

Sonic: His stance, huh...?

Neptune: Welp, I'm next! Wish me luck!

Sonic: Yeah, good luck, Neptune!

Neptune: Alright! It's my turn again!

Dem-Sonic: No matter how many times you try, you'll still won't be able to hit my Speed Blaster!

He does his special throw twice, but Neptune couldn't hit it.

Neptune: Rrr... I'll have to go in this form!

She then transforms into her HDD form.

Dem-Sonic: Hmph...!

Dem-Sonic uses his special throw again as Neptune uses her special against it.

Neptune: Haaaa!

Sonic: (C'mon...!)

Neptune: It's... too... strong...!

Neptune loses the bat as the ball hits the wall.

Catcher: Strike three! Out!

Dem-Sonic: That's two down!

Blue Team: Alright, Sonic!

Neptune reverts back to normal.

Neptune: Man...

Noire: There has to be something to stop that...!

Neptune: It's all up to you now, Sonic.

Sonic: Right!

Sonic grabs the bat and walks up to base.

5pb: This is it! Will blue team be able to get this victory?!

Dem-Sonic: I was waiting for you again.

Sonic: Hmph...! Come on!

Dem-Sonic: Speed Blaster!

Dem-Sonic launches his special throw as Sonic tries to hit the ball with a different stance.

Dem-Sonic: Hmm?

Sonic: Ngh...wahh!

The ball goes through him as the catcher catches it.

Catcher: Strike one!

Sonic: (It's getting a little easier to hit it. I just need the perfect timing...)

Neptune, Nepgear: (Sonic...)

Red team was silent as Sonic goes for his second try.

Dem-Sonic: Hraghh!

Dem-Sonic throws it again as Sonic does his stance again and swings the bat.

Sonic: Nghh...!

Dem-Sonic: (He's changing his stance...? No matter...!)

The ball breaks through again as it hits him landing on the floor.

Neptune: Sonic!

Nepgear: Oh no!

Noire: That's crazy...

Nepgear: Sonic! You okay?!

Sonic: Yeah, hehe, I'm fine.

Neptune sighs in relief.

Sonic: I think I know how to stop it.

Neptune: You do?

Sonic: Yeah. I'll win this!

Neptune: Yeah!

Sonic grabs the bat one last time.

Sonic: I'm not giving up yet!

Dem-Sonic: Neither am I! Speed Blaster!

Dem-Sonic does a power throw as sonic changes his stance again, but this time he holds the bat with his right hand.

Dem-Sonic: Huh?

Blue Team: What?

Red Team: What's he doing?

Sonic: Haaaaa!!!

Sonic swings the bat towards the ball and hits it as it goes all up in the air.

Dem-Sonic: No way! He stopped it!

Everyone was shocked as they looked at the ball falling down.

Neptune: Run, Sonic!

Nepgear: Go, Sonic, go!

Red Team: Go!

Sonic: Right!

As Sonic speeds off to first, Dem-Sonic notices him.

Dem-Sonic: Ball!

The ball lands on the grass as Sonic makes it to first. Histoire picks it up and throws it towards Vert.

Histoire: Go, Vert!

Vert: Javelin Spear!

Vert throws the ball as it goes all the way towards Dem-Sonic.

Sonic: Gotta hurry!

Sonic speeds up even more and passes second and third base.

Red Team Blue Team: Go, Sonic!

Dem-Sonic: Speed Blaster!

Dem-Sonic does the fast ball again as Sonic speeds up even more.

Sonic: C'mon!

Sonic jumps and reaches out his hand towards the base as the catcher quickly catches the ball.

Everyone and the audience was shocked as they look at the catcher.

5pb: I-Is this it?!

Catcher: Safe!

Sonic eyes widen as Neptune quickly jumps in joy hugging Sonic.

Neptune: We won!

Sonic: Whoa!

Red Team: Alright!

5pb: It's over! Red team takes the victory!

They all come hugging Sonic as blue team was speechless.

Dem-Sonic: We lost...

Vert: Oh, what a bummer...

Uni: Dang it!

Ram: Aww, man...

Histoire: At least we tried.

Blanc: Shit...!

Plutia: Oh well...

IF: Welp...

Dem-Vert: It was still a fun game.

Dem-Sonic then smiles.

Dem-Sonic: Yeah.

Sonic gets back up as the other walks towards him.

Dem-Sonic: Great game, me!

Sonic: Heh, same here!

They both shook their hands as the audience screams in applause.

Sonic: About the hot springs, why don't we all go?

Vert: Huh? But you guys won.

Sonic: That doesn't mean anything. We all had fun, didn't we?

Neptune: That's right!

Vert: I'm very grateful, Sonic.

In the hot springs:
All the girls were in the water having fun as Neptune was playing with Noire's breasts.

Noire: H-Hey! Cut it out!

Neptune: Ha! No way!

The others were relaxing as Peashy slowly swims across.

Vert: Ahh... feels nice.

Vert looks at Blanc's chest.

Vert: Oh my...

Blanc: What was that?!

Blanc starts to attack Vert.

Neptune: Hmm... I wonder what those two are doing?

The Sonic's were relaxing in the water.

Dem-Sonic: Man... what a day.

Sonic: Yeah, really.

Dem-Sonic: So, Sonic, what's the progress between you and Neptune?

Sonic: Huh? W-Well, we're together as in her CPU Warrior, but...

Dem-Sonic: Really? You haven't thought of you two getting married?

Sonic: What?! Married?! Why'd you say that?!

Dem-Sonic: Hahaha, sorry!

Sonic: Well, the thing is... I don't think I'm ready for marriage. Neptune probably isn't either. There's so much things we both want to do, so... if there's ever the time to... I would marry Neptune.

Dem-Sonic: Ah... I see...

Neptune: Really?! You mean that?!

Sonic: Well, of course I'll marry her- whaaa!

Neptune appears in the boys side.

Neptune: Sonic!

Neptune jumps and lands on Sonic as he grabs her chest, causing him to blush.

Sonic: Wahhhh!

Dem-Sonic: Hahaha!

Plutia: You'd marry me too, right?

Dem-Sonic looks behind seeing Plutia next to him.

Dem-Sonic: Huh? Well, yeah, of course.

Plutia: Hehe, I'm glad. In that case...

Plutia then transforms.

Plutia: I'll let you have fun today.

Dem-Sonic: Wwwww-Woah! Not now! Wahhhh!

The other girls hears this from the other side as they began to laugh.

Girls: Ahahaha!

TO BE CONTINUED!!! Omg it's been a year since I did this! Hopefully this chapter kept you guys good to read. Sonic X RWBY Volume 6, Avatar, and my hero will be here soon!!!

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