Aura and friends react to Sonic Shorts 3

We're back everyone! It's time to react to the next Sonic Shorts video!

And we have a special guest for this reaction!

Knuckles: What's up?

Aura: Yes, Knuckles will be joining us for this reaction.

Hip: Cool!

Bopper: It may not look like it, but I'm fanboying on the inside.

Fury: Lets not confuse Knuckles. You won't like Knuckles when he's confused.

Class: As always, anyone reading this who has a YouTube channel should like and subscribe to them afterwards. A lot of time was put into this.

Hip: Start the video!

(Watch video before seeing reaction)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Sonic: Hey everybody! Thanks for coming out tonight!

Hip: It's Sonic Underground!

*video pause*

Fury: Hey Knux, isn't Sonia an old flame of yours?

Knuckles: You mean one of my exs? Yeah

Bopper: Why aren't you two together anymore?

Knuckles: We kind of had an argument with each other about how I always spend less time with her and more with the Master Emerald.

Aura: I feel sorry for you.

Class: At least you're married in the comic universe.

Knuckles: I think Sonia's moved on from the last time we've seen each other.

*unpause video*

Sonic: Before we get started, we just have one question for everyone!

*Sonic Underground changes into a punk rock band*

Bopper: ......What?

Sonic: Are you ready....*loud deep voice* TO ROCK!!!!

*Sonic Underground plays a song that the Author was too lazy to search*

Knuckles: *eyes widened and jaw on the floor*

Everyone: *Same reaction as Knuckles*

*Sonic running down a field*

Hip: Wow! Look at Sonic-!

*Sonic runs into a spring that sends him bouncing off several before falling to the ground*

Hip: ....go?

Sonic: *points at Mario* I hate you! I! Hate! You! I! Hate! You!

Mario: *tears up* H-Hate?

Aura: Now I'm feeling sorry for Mario.

Fury: Of course you would since Nintendo owns the Pokémon franchise, which is where your Lucario form came from.

Hip: Anyone think Mario and Luigi need a hug?

*Sonic tickles Knuckles to make him slap whipped cream on his face*

Knuckles: Sonic!

Knuckles: *growls* Really Sonic?! The whipped cream in the face prank?!

Fury, Bopper and Hip: *laughing on the floor*

Knuckles: Stop it!

*Sonic, Tails and Knuckles zoom by too fast to see*

*Silver is catching his breath and widens his eyes when he see the loop*

Silver: Oh (beep)!

Aura: You better be glad Blaze didn't hear you!

Hip: I thought Silver could go up loops?

Class: He can, he just gets really tired afterwards.

*Knuckles bursts into Sonic's room, which scares him to death and makes him cling to the wall while screaming*

Knuckles: Sonic, dude! It's the best idea since underwear!

Hip: Nothing can surpass the invention of underwear!

Knuckles: I don't know what I was smoking to say that.

*Knuckles slaps Shadow's face onto a Devil May Cry poster*

Knuckles: Huh?

Sonic: I think you may have an idea there.

Fury: Really? Knuckles is the one who came up with the Shadow the Hedgehog game?

Knuckles: Again, I don't know what I would've smoked to think that.

Hip: It was a cool game...sort of.

Tails: *barges in* Sonic! It's an emergency!

Sonic: What Tails?! What?!

Tails: Eggman just got fatter!

Fury: Hahahahahaha!!! Yes! Perfectly hilarious!

Sonic: Emergency? That's not an emergency.

*A huge and bloated Eggman burst through walls, roaring like Godzilla*

Hip: Run!!! It's Egg zilla!!!

Aquatic Zone 1

Sonic: *dodges missile* Too slow! Come on Tails, isn't this fun?

Tails: *panicking while dodging lasers and missiles everywhere*

Sonic: *stops* Oh yeah! Another zone done! Come on Tails, let's go to the next one! *runs off*

*a burnt Tails walks by the screen*

Bopper: Does that count as child abuse or neglect?

Class: Both...

Aura: Take a break Tails, this routine is killing you.

*Froggy doing a weird and creepy thing with his eyes*

Bopper: What the (beep)!

Fury: What is that?! What the (beep) is that?!

Knuckles: What the heck man?!

*Sonic walks over to Amy looking into space, but is interrupted by a dead Shadow hitting the window*

Hip: Oh hey Shadow!

Class: Shadow definitely knows how to crash something.

Sonic: *spin dashes and stops to puke from it*

Aura: Why doesn't that happen in real life?

Class: Ask Sonic after he eats 100 chili dogs.

*Sonic gets blasted to the ground and picked up by Eggman in a robot claw with a blaster about to shoot him*

Eggman: *laughs*

*Windows error occurs and Sonic destroys robot*

Sonic: *comes back and shakes his rear* See ya! *runs off*

Eggman: *growls while turning red* I HATE THAT HEDGEHOG!!!!!!

Class: And that's why you should check your insurance policy first.

Knuckles: I don't get it

*Bean going around doing crazy, Looney Tunes stuff the Author couldn't understand*

Bopper: Uh Hip, I think there's something wrong with Bean.

Hip: Either he's going through "that phase" again, or lack of attention has made him mad.

Sonic: *singing while passing a poster advertising a discount on chili dogs before stopping to look at it and run off*


Sonic: *goes to pay*

Eggman: *raises the price and chuckles*


Class: Actually it's 100,000.

Fury: 100,000?! How is that possible?!

Shadow: *uses Chaos Emerald* CHAOS.......SWISS ROLL!!!


Shadow: *eats it and laughs* This is delicious!

Fury: *rolls on the floor laughing* I'm going to keep this video just to show Shadow!

Author's note: I skipped the Eggman Sonic X scene since I didn't want to type in that weird gibberish they were putting in the subtitles.

*Sonic riding Tails while laughing*

Fury: Now Sonic is acting like a kid!

Knuckles: I think he already was one

Bopper: Tails must have drank a lot milk to lift Sonic on his back

King of Soleana: Remember, be brave. Don't cry, no matter what happens. *dies*


Silver: *lays a young Elise against a tree* The flames are properly sealed.

Shadow: It's time to return.

Young Elise: *wakes up* Where am I? Where's my dad?

Silver: Um...I'm afraid I have some bad news.

Bopper: What's that thing flashing at the bottom?

Class: The time paradox alert!

Knuckles: A what?

Elise: *tears up*

Silver: No..don't cry! Please! I'll do anything!

Elise: *cries loudly*


Shadow: Uh oh!

Fury: Oh crap!


FUTURE SCREWED! Thanks a lot Silver!

Hip: *sings the following*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

You're screwed! Yeah! You're totally screwed!


Director: Welcome to the Sonic Villain cast call! Your name please.

Chaos: *bubbling roar*

Aura: Calm down Chaos! It's only the first day of tryouts!

*Silver trying to climb the loop*

Silver: *grunts and growls before groaning and giving up*

Bopper: So close Silver! You almost had it!

*Big chasing Froggy*

Fury: Oh come on! Give it a break Big!

Froggy: Alright! That's it! I can't take it anymore!

Big: Huh?

Froggy: I mean, it's like your mentally or utterly retarded or something.

Big: Yeah...

Froggy: You're just chasing me around all day! Is this what friends do?!

Big: Sure it is

Froggy: No it's not! We're not even good friends! I'm a frog! You're a cat! You should be devouring me!

Big: Ew!

Froggy: What were we doing the other day?

Big: Fun!

Froggy: No that was fun! You were shoving me up your arse!

Big: Yeah...

Froggy: That wasn't enjoyable for the both of us!

Big: Yes it was!

Hip: *imitates Michael Jordan* Stop it! Get some help!

Froggy: I mean come on! Get a girlfriend or something!

Big: Huh?

Froggy: *sighs* That's it! I'm done! *runs off*

Big: No! Froggy!

A few seconds later...

Big: *hanging from his neck on a tree*

Everyone: *stares with wide eyes*

(Credits scene)

Tails Doll: Hello! Would you like to play?

Aura: *hides behind furniture*

Hip: What's so scary about a doll Aura?

Tails Doll: Come play with me.

Bopper: So cute!

Tails Doll: Play!

Fury: Uh...this thing is starting to freak me out.

Tails Doll: Play!

Class: I think....we should run...

Tails Doll: *becomes nightmarish and has demonic voice* Play~!

Bopper: *eyes widen* What?

Tails Doll: *demonic voice* Come play with me my child!

Hip: to steal my soul?

Tails Doll: *demonic voice* Come play with me! *jumps at screen*

Hip: *girlish scream*

Fury and Bopper: *hug each other while screaming*

Class: *faints*

(Real credit scene)

*Tails Doll tries to scare everyone again*

Bopper: He's back!

Fury: Run!

Hip: *pulls out cross* The power of Satan-I mean Jesus...compels you!

*Tails walks over and stares Tails Doll down before beating him up and throwing him into the air*

Fury: Yes! That's how it feels!

*Tails leaves as Tails Doll hits the ground, afterwards coming up with a sad face*

Class: Do you really think you can make us feel sorry for you?

Knuckles: Not falling for it this time!

*Marine enters the scene*

Hip: Hey! It's my girlfriend!

Aura: At least in most universes

*Marine picks up Tails Doll and carries him away, comforting him*

Hip: What?! NO!!! Don't feel sorry for him! He's a demon doll! You can't cheat on me with him!

Bopper: Ouch! Hip got cheated on by an evil plush.

Knuckles: Welcome to the club Hip!

Thanks for watching this!

Aura: This was an odd episode

Fury: I actually laughed a lot in this! 10 out of 10 for Sonic Paradox!

Bopper: It's ok with me

Class: These shorts seem to be well planned satires that any fan would enjoy

Knuckles: At least I didn't look too stupid in this one

Hip: I can't believe I lost my girlfriend!

Knuckles: You'll recover like I did. Now if you excuse me, I have to go back to protecting the Master Emerald again.

Author: Ok, but we'll be seeing you again in Knuckles Briefs soon

Knuckles: Neat! See ya!

Author: Next time is Sonic Shorts 4!

Which Sonic character should guest star in the next reaction?

Leave a comment down below on who should be next!

See you later!

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