Chapter 21: Proof that I'm not guilty
Within the Freedom fighters maximum holding cell we see Y/n inside of one of the cell as he is sitting on a bed while he has his head down and wonder on what the heck is going on and why they call him a traitor even though he was gone with the Chaotix on a mission.
All of these thoughts floating in his mind until he heard footsteps approaching his cell and soon Tangle and Sonic appear at his cell as he sat up and rush up to them.
Tangle: Y/n, are you okay? Did they hurt you?
Y/n: No they just ask me some questions and then throw me in here. The heck is going on? Why did they arrest me?
Sonic: So you didn't do it?
Y/n: Didn't do what? Please tell me what's going on because I'm so confused right now.
Sonic: Well someone broke into the Vault and stole the Chaos Emeralds. When Rotor looked through the footage, they saw you breaking into the Vault and taking the Emeralds.
Y/n: (shocked) What?! I would never do such a thing! You have to believe me!
Sonic: We do buddy. I would never believe you betray us like that man.
Tangle: (smile) Yeah same here. Yhe Chaotix are on their way to find any clues so they can find the real criminal who took the Emeralds.
Y/n: That's a relief. Thanks you guys.
Sonic: Court is about to start and we're here to take you there so they can decide if your guilty or not.
Tangle: (smile) But your in luck. My buddy Jewels know i thing or two about lawyers and even has her lawyers licence so she will back you up.
Y/n: I'm thankful for that. Okay let's do this.
We see the people of Knothole at court with Jewels sitting with Y/n in front of everyone, the jury are sitting and among them is Sonic, Tails, Amy and Sally as the judge enter the court as he sat down on his chair and hits the gavel.
Judge: We are gathered here to today to discuss of Y/n L/n for treason of Knothole and to the Freedom fighters. Hamlin, will you start this course off?
Hamlin: Glady your honor.
Then he sat up and walks over to Y/n and Jewels table and tells the crowd.
Hamlin: Mister Y/n L/n has commented of treason within Knothole and to the Freedom fighters by stealing the Chaos Emeralds and may have been working for Eggman as his agent this whole time.
The crowd gasp as Hamlin turns to Y/n and asked him.
Hamlin: Y/n L/n how do you plead?
Y/n: Not guilty.
Hamlin: And why is that?
Y/n: Because I would never do suck a terrible thing and besides, I was away on a mission when the crime happen. There is no way I would have been there?
Hamlin: (smirk) I see. And what is your mission may I ask?
Y/n: Mighty and Ray were missing and the Chaotixs lost contact with them so I offten to help them and-
Hamlin: So you want to a mission without promising from Princess Sally herself?
Y/n: W-Well I thought it be fine as long I'll come back safe and-
Hamlin: It doesn't matter what you thought. You didn't get the order to help the Chaotix and because of that, you gone rouge as the result!
The crowd gasp once more while Y/n can't believe this until Jewels back him up by standing up and said.
Jewels: I like to object that there is no rules in the Freedom fighters book that stated that he needs promising to go on thsi mission. Infact, since Vector was taking in charge of this mission, then he is alright to go on missions as long there is someone in charge on this mission.
Everyone mutter behind them and agreeing to Jewels while Hamlin see her point but he also asked.
Hamlin: Then where were you when the crime took place?
Y/n: Well we heaf to the Kingdom of Mercia to get some information about the where abouts of Mighty and Ray and then head to sand blast city to rescue them and Mighty's sister.
Hamlin: (smirk) The Sand blast city huh? That is q strict place that you aren't allowed to go through. Speaking of that, I have gotten word that a Freedom fighter group were taking down by one of the Dark Legion with a help of q electricity like hedgehog. That meaning you tear down that Freedom fighter group and help one of the Dark Legion force to win a battle yes or no!
The crowd were shocked by this but Y/n tells Hamli qnd the crowd.
Y/n: It's...partly true but listen. Jack was abusing the Wips and use them to power up their mech and try to kill us. I have to stop him and free the wisp so Jack won't use them. Beside the leader of the Dark Legion wasn't as evil as third Hood, he was very nice and even change sides after the battle.
Hamlin: But you did help a Dark Legion group before they change sides, yes?
Y/n: W-Well kinda but still-
Hamlin: I think we can answer more with the people that you knew and talk to. Shall we you honor.
Judge: You may bring the first witness.
The first witness was Cream who sat next to the judge ad Hamlin asked Cream.
Hamlin: Is it true that Y/n is really a nice and caring person to you?
Cream: (smile) Of course. He take care of us when ever mother is out and did so much fun together. He's the best babysitting me and Cheese ever have. Gemerl also likes him as well, saying how caring he is when it comes to me and my family.
Hamlin: I see. And has he done anything that is bad?
Cream: (smile) Of course not. He has a good heart and I will never believe him of being a traitor to all of us.
Y/n smiles and guvs Cream a nod to thank her which she smile and nods back. Next was Shadow who sat down and tells Hamlin and the crowd.
Shadow: Y/n might be weak and a bit suspicious when it comes to his origin and where he came from. I have to admit, he's not as bad and not as annoying then Sonic is.
Then up next was Elina who sat down and said.
Elina: (smile) Y/n is one of the best customers I ever met. He's very helpful and shows to like very more to plants qnd nature. If he was a traitor, then why dose he care aboit nature so much?
The crowd see her point and that if Y/n was a traitor, then he'll be like Eggman or any of his Dark Legion allies. Next was Mighty who tells everyone.
Mighty: (smile) Y/n is by far one of the greatest friend I have ever met. Not only he help me and Ray find my sister Matilda but he saved her and our lives by Jack. If aren't for him, then things would been different. He's reckless yes but, he dose it to save lives and that isn't enough to make him innocent, then I don't know what is.
The crowd were convinced that Y/n is really is innocent and after the cour was silent for a bit and they think Y/n is gonna be innocent but then Hamlin said.
Hamlin: That maybe so, but there is this footage and if this isn't you, then who would this person be?
Then Hamlin pulls out a tape and insert it into the TV and it plays as they see a Vault and a hedgehog that looks like Y/n as he used his powers to burst open the Vault and enter inside the Vault and soon came out with a case of the chaos Emeralds. Hamlin pause the film and looks at Y/n as he doesn't know and tells the crowd.
Y/n: Look I may not know who that person be but i swear at the bottom of my heart I would never betray the Freedom fighters. If there is anything I can do to proof my innocents then tell me. Sent me on a solo mission, any mission at all, i will complete it and proof my innocent, anything at all!
There was silence as no ons doesn't say anything. Then Hamlin thinks of one and tells Y/n.
Hamlin: There is one but this mission will be risky for you to do.
Y/n: What ever it is. I will take it.
Hamlin: (smirk) Very well then. Your mission is to head to the Special zone and rescue the Acorn family and the higher up leaders.
Everyone gasp in shock by this as Sally stood up and calls up.
Sally: I will not allow that!
Tangle: Wait what is the Special Zone?
Jewels: No clue.
Y/n: Me neither.
Hamlin: The Special zone is another world and it's more of a prison. It's used by the Acorn family to transport dangerous and powerful criminals there so they won't threatening this planet. However, Eggman used it to trap them into the Special Zone and now all of them including some civilians are now trapped there. We have the machine but it be risky for anyone to go through. But since you have goof luck on you, I suggest we sent you there to rescue them. If you rescue them within 24 hours, we will clear your name and all your crimes will be gone. If yo fail, then you will be trapped there and be there forever. So what do you say? Will you take it?
Everyone looks at Y/n waiting for his answer while Y/n knew that this is is only chance to clear his name and proof himself that he is loyal so he looks up at Hamlin and said.
Y/n: Yes.
Everyone was shocked by this while Hamlin turns to Sally and Sally was about to said no but see how determined he is and with no choice, she said.
Sally: I'll have Rotor get the machine ready. You will leave in 5 minutes.
Judge: Then it's decided. Let's see if your true to your name or not. Court dismissed!
We see Y/n at the armoury getting ready for his solo mission as Amy enters and see him getting his things ready as approach him.
Amy: Are you sure you wanna do this? This will be dangerous.
Y/n: I have no choice Amy. I need to proof that I'm still loyal to the Freedom fighters and help them.
Amy: But what if you don't come back?
Y/n: Then I'll find the way. Don't worry Amy, I'll be back.
Amy: I's just....I'm worried about you.
Y/n looks at Amy to see her worrying about him which he drop his stuff and hugs Amy which made Amy blush but she smiles and hugs him back.
Y/n: I know how you are feeling. I too worry about my friends as well. Worrying that if they gonna be alright or not. But I just needed faith and hope for the best. Just never give up on faith Amy, I'll be back safe and sound. That's a promise.
Amy: Okay. Promise me, after you come back, we.....we.....we go on a date.
Y/n was surprised by this and looks at Amy while blushing and so dose Amy as she is waiting for a no or let us see but instead Y/n said.
Y/n: (smile) S-Sure thing Amy. After this, we go on a date together. I promise.
Amy is shocked by that and blushes even more when one Freedom fighter soldier enter and tells Y/n.
Freedom fighter soldier: It's time.
Y/n: Okay. Let's do it, to it.
Amy nods and soon we see Y/n inside a room while everyone else is watching this in tge control room as Tails ans Rotor press some buttons and pulls some levers as the machine in front of Y/n actives and soon a portal to the special zone opens up.
Then Hamlin tells Y/n through the speakers.
Hamlin: Remember. You only have 24 hours to find them and then once the portal opens, you only have 5 minutes until the portal shuts forever. I hope your ready for this mission Y/n?
Y/n looks at the portal before he makes a fist, grab his bag of stuff and puts it over his shoulder and said.
Y/n: Yeah. I'm ready.
He then walks towards the portal and he got close to it as he breaths in and out and then.....step through the portal and once he gone through the portal shuts and now all they need to do si to wait until Y/n returns with the Acorn family and other leaders and Generals and see if Y/n is really on their side or not.
At eggmans base, we see Eggman laughing while Orbit and Cubot approach him and seeing him laughing.
Orbot: I see something goog happened?
Cubot: Yeah because we never seen you laugh this long ever since Sonic trip on a banana.
Eggman: (smirk) Those idiots just arrested one of their own friends for stealing the Emerald while they didn't know that I have made a new robot to serve me.
Orbot: How interesting. Did they actually think sonic or shadow the one to steal the chaos Emeralds?
Cubot: Or that Sliver hedgehog from the future....what was that name again?
Eggman: No you idiots! They believe that Y/n stole the chaos Emeralds and they were too busy of their trail, they haven't bothered going after him.
Cubot: But we haven't made a machine that looks like Y/n?
Eggman: (smirk) Until now.
???: Dr Eggman.
Then they look over as a dark figure appear at the hallway as Eggman rushes over in joy as a robotic arm hands over a case to Eggman which he takes and opens it to see the Chaos Emeralds that he took.
Eggman: (smile) Excellent work! It seems the first test was success.
Cubot: Hey that's a new record! We never have a robot who has the first test gone successful before.
Orbot: Indeed. He must be a special type of robot.
Eggman: (smirk) Indeed. A special type that i I use to crush Sonic and his Freedom fighter friends once and for all!
He then pat his creation on the head while he said.
Eggman: (smirk) You havepast the test perfectly. Welcome to the family....Metal Y/n.
Then we see a robot version of Y/n as he step out of the darkness and he he respond in a deep robotic voice.
Metal Y/n: All Hail to Dr Eggman, All Hail to the Eggman Empire.
A portal opens as Y/n leaps out of thr portal and once landed he looks up to see what the special zone looks like. It's like a large desert except it feels kinda cold, with some weird plants around Y/n with the sky being this multicolour that slowly changes within one minute.
The portal behind Y/n closes as he set his timer on his watch to 24 hours and grab his bag and looks around.
Y/n: (thought) Okay Y/n. You can do this, I just to find any clues to where they want and maybe I can find them quicker. Let's see.
He looks around to see nothing but he can use the wind and luckily there is some wind as he gose North and he walks North while he thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Man this feels very weird walking alone with no one else around. I can't hear anything around me. No animals, no people, there is nothing but just wind blowing around me. Still I need to find them and bring them home. At least there is nothing dangerous out here, I mean how many prisoners did the Acorn family imprisoned here?
In the distance on top of a small hill we see two claoked figures as they see him walking through the desert as one turn to the other and nod to person while it nods back and the two leave the hill to report this to someone so they can decide what to do with a new arrival to the special Zone which is Y/n.
To be continued...............
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