Chapter 3: The Story of Shadow and Eve

Later, as the power comes back on, Sonic is alone as he gets up from his battle with Shadow.

Sonic groans, "1.21 gigawatts," He then notices that he is handcuffed to the railing.

Sonic becomes annoyed, "Oh, you gotta be kidding me!"

Sonic tries to get out, but he's stuck to the handcuffs, and to the railing.

He calls out, "Hey Eve, how about you help me get out of this?"

However, he doesn't hear Eve's voice, and turns to look around, "Eve...?" the blue hedgehog continues to look around and notices that Eve is gone, "Eve, where you go?"

Then calls out, "Eve!"

They suddenly hear Tails' voice, "Sonic!"

Sonic turns to see Tails carrying Knuckles over and mananges to catch up. Jazz flies right beside him. Tails then drops Knuckles down and rushes to Sonic.

"Are you okay?" Tails asks, and uncuffs Sonic.

"I'm fine, guys. And before you ask, I handcuffed myself for tactical reasons that I do not have time to explain," Sonic says.

Then Tails says, "You shouldn't have gone off on your own. We're supposed to be a team."

"Sorry, buddy. Still working on this teamwork thing," Sonic apologizes.

Knuckles looks around to notice one other hedgehog is missing, "Sonic, where is Eve?"

"I don't know, she was with me while dealing with that hedgehog, but when I woke up, she was gone," Sonic says.

"Chao chao," Jazz says, sadly.

"Don't worry Jazz, we'll find her," Tails reassures.

"But still, if she's not here, and she didn't run into you guys, so then where could she be?" Sonic wonders.

Tails gasps to realize, "What if that hedgehog took her?"

"Impossible, Eve is strong. She wouldn't let him take her," Knuckles says.

"Really? Because that guy really kicked our butts," Sonic says.

"That is true," Knuckles says.

"Still, who is he?" Tails wonders.

Sonic thinks a minute and softly says, "Shadow?"

Tails, Knuckles, and Jazz look at Eve, confused.

"Shadow?" Knuckles questions.

"It's what Eve called him. She called him Shadow, and more than once," Sonic says, "and she was very determined to catch up with him, hoping to talk to him."

"You think Eve knows him?" Tails asks.

Sonic answers, "I think she does. And that hedgehog is actually a good description of the hedgehog she sees in her dream."

"You're right. Eve told us about a black and red hedgehog, more than once. There must be a connection between Eve and that hedgehog. Besides their appearance and power," Tails says.

"Then her dreams are truly visions of her past, and that mysterious hedgehog is a part of it," Knuckles says.

"Chao," Jazz replies with a nod.

Then Knuckles asks, "So now what?"

"Well, I'm not jumping out of any more helicopters until we get some answers from GUN," Sonic says, "They know something about that hedgehog, and maybe they know something about Eve. We need somewhere to regroup."

Tails then has an idea, "I know just the place."

Sometime later, the gang are now hanging out in a Japanese Chao-themed restaurant called the Chao Garden. Chao Mascots are roaming around, dancing and being adorable. Jazz is rather surprised to see the many Chao products all over the place, Chao plushies, mascots, hats, and anything Chao related. A Japanese waitress takes a picture of the gang.

Knuckles screams, "It's an ambush!" And turns to the Chao mascots, "You'll never take us alive, foul beast!"

"Calm down, Knuckles," Tails says, "This is a Chao Garden, one of the top ten spots in all of Tokyo. It's a perfect place for us to blend in!"

"Chao chao," Jazz replies, tilting her head.

Soon, a kid walks over to Tails and asks, "Are you Detective Pikachu?"

"Yes, he is!" Sonic says.

Knuckles laughs and says, "He does look like a Pokemon!" And mimics Pikachu, "Pika pika! Ha!"

"Chao Chao," Jazz replies.

Then another girl notices Jazz, "Aww, what a cute little Chao Toy."

"Chao chao?" Jazz responds tilting her head.

"Actually, she's not a toy," Tails says, sheepishly.

Jazz flies and says, "Chao Chao."

"Wow. It's flying," Another little girl says.

"Chaos are real?" The first girl asks, excited.

"They are, but they are very difficult to find," Tails says as Jazz lands on his head, "It's a surprise I became friends with my Chao friend."

"Really? Chaos is that rare?" Sonic asks.

"Well, rare to be seen. There are many different Chaos, but they're not easy to find, especially in a colony," Tails says.

"Can we pet her?" The girl asks.

"Yes, but be gentle," Jazz says.

The girls gently pet Jazz and give her rubs, Jazz practically pur in response. The girls giggle and like how cute she is.

They both say, "Thank you," And leave the scene.

Tails giggles and pet Jazz, "Hear that girl, Chaos are practically famous here. Though, it would be cool to see real ones here too."

"I think girls will go nuts over them," Sonic says.

Just then, Walters arrives to sit at their table.

Sonic notices, "Commander Walters."

Walters then sits down and says, "Sonic. Thank God you're all okay. I'm sure you have questions."

"Just a big, ticked-off red-and-black one," Sonic says.

Commander Walters notices that someone is missing from their group, "Where's Eve?"

"He took her," Tails says.

"What?" The Commander asks, confused.

"We tried to stop him, he that hedgehog did a number on us, and took Eve," Sonic says.

Commander Walters sighs, "I was afraid something like this might happen."

"Commander, do you know something about that guy? About Eve? Because she seems to know him. She called him, Shadow," Sonic says, getting serious and determined to get answers and find his sister.

Commander Walters calmly says, "So it's true... she's starting to remember."

"So you do know something," Sonic says.

"Commander, do you know Eve, like personally?" Tails asks, curious and concerned.

"Yes, I did," Commander Walters says, earning everyone's attention, "Shadow also knows Eve, personally, more than you all realized.

"How so?" Knuckles asks.

"Yeah. I mean, from the way they look, you think Eve and mister edgelord are siblings," Sonic says.

"Actually, they are..." Commander Walters says that causes the group to be confused.

The Commander says, "Eve was really a nickname that she had since her childhood. Her real name is Eveline-Ra, and Shadow is her older brother."

Everyone reacts in shock to hear it.

"I first met them a long time ago, I was a captain in charge of a research facility when she was a little girl. I don't blame her for not remembering, it was over five decades ago," Commander Walters says.

"Fifty years?" Tails asks, shocked.

"But she doesn't look that old," Knuckles says.

"Commander, if you know who Eve is, why you never tell her? Her own brother? And what's their story?" Sonic asks.

Commander Tower explains, "Shadow and Eve's story began a lot like yours, Sonic. But where you found family and friends on this planet, Shadow only found pain and loss. As for Eve, while she was also suffering from pain and loss, she eventually found family and friends, like you did.


In Oklahoma, where a bewildered farmer steps out of his car to find a meteorite in a smoldering crater.

Walters explains, "It begins over fifty years ago with a meteor crash in a quiet corner of Oklahoma."

Cut to a GUN base, the meteorite is lowered down into a bubbling container.

Walters explains, "The meteorite contained two lifeforms. The ultimate lifeforms."

A pair of glowing eyes peek out from the rock.

Then it cuts to Eve, looking like she has severed injuries and is in a containment tank.

Walters explains, "However, Eve has received injuries from the collision to Earth, and was kept in the containment a little longer than Shadow. There was a chance that she might not survive."

It shows an elderly man walking over to check on the child with IV tubes connected to her.. Then turns to see the female echidna, with the other side of the tube connected.

"However, Professor Gerald Robotnik, the head of the project, had an assistant. An Echidna, like Knuckles here, who she called herself, Tikal. She agreed to perform a transfusion and use strains of her hair to help with the reconstruction. As a result, Eve became part Echidna, and gained her genes, and she was able to survive."

Then cuts to reveal Shadow and young Eve, walking with Tikal and the young girl with blonde hair. All of them look really happy.

"And with that, Tikal decided to adopt both Shadow and Eve as her own children, to help raise them in the facility. They also bonded with the professor's granddaughter, Maria. Maria really adored the two hedgehogs. It's clear that all four of them, including the professor truly become a family," Walters continues, "I guess over time I got a bit attached to her myself."

Young Walters, at the time, watches the group walk together and can't help but smile to see how happy they are.

Cut to Shadow surging in chaos energy as he runs around a big room while scientists gather results.

Walters explains, "However, Shadow and Eve's power, their chaos energy, went far beyond any living creature."

Then cuts to when Eve also uses some of her Chaos Energy to run, and then uses it to take flight.

Walters continues, "The scientists who discovered them believed this power would usher in a new era for humanity. But Shadow and Eve's power proved too dangerous."

Cut to an explosion outside the base.

"A terrible accident destroyed the lab, taking human lives with it," Walters adds, and sadness is found in his voice, "Among them is the professor's granddaughter, Maria... and Shadow and Eve's mother, Tikal."

GUN agents drag out the project leader, a scientist, who is holding a quill of Shadow.

"The project leader was blamed for the incident and imprisoned," Walters adds.

Shadow is zapped by electric batons, and he stumbles back into a cage. He watches the burning base sadly. And turns to see Eve placed in another cage, as she cries and screams as she bangs to be let out.

"With the program canceled, Shadow and Eve loose ends no one knew how to deal with," Walters says, "But then, another incident occurred. Eve was so devastated from the loss of her family and home, the loss of those she cared deeply, caused her to unleash her powers in an unimaginable way."

Eve then lets out a scream and her powers set off an explosion, causing a vortex to be open which pulls Eve in. Shadow is stunned and tries to escape, but Eve is already gone and the portal closes.

Walters continues, "And the next thing we knew, Eveline-Ra, was lost to us, forever. And Shadow remains."

Cut to Shadow banging on the container as he's imprisoned.

Walters continues, "Too dangerous to be walking free. Too valuable to destroy. So, I had him placed into stasis."

Water rises up from below him. The hedgehog turns to Walters, who watches. He gives the man one last look of anger before he's contained forever.

"Indefinitely," Walters adds.

Walters then brings out a small photo of himself and Eve.

Flashback Ends:

Walters has a sad expression on his face as Sonic and the others look at him with shock and sorrow.

"So that... that's what happened..." Sonic says, with deep sadness, "Oh Eve, I... I can't believe she went through something like that."

"That's why Eve can't remember anything from her past, the pain must have been too much for her to bear," Tails says.

"That's correct," Walters says, "In a short span of time, Eve has lost her family, and her home."

"But Walters, if you knew Eve, why did you never tell her?" Sonic asks.

"I guess I just never knew how. What happened, really traumatized her, and that is the reason why she lost her memories. It was too much for a small child to bear, so she subconsciously repressed her memories," Walters says, "I fear if I ever brought up my connections to her, it might do her more harm."

"But then, how did she find her way to Sonic?" Knuckles asks.

"I believe I know how. It's possible that the vortex might have been some kind of portal or wormhole. It took Eve away from those that caused her harm, and ended up years later in Montana..." Commander Walters says.

"And it happened on the same day I ended up on Earth, but it's also the day she lost her family," Sonic says.

" Yes," Walters says, "Everyone who was involved believed that she died and left it like that, but I had some hope that you're still alive, somewhere, "Then turns to Sonic, "Sonic, the day you and Eve let out your powers and fought Dr. Ivo Robotnik, I knew she had to be Eveline-Ra. And it's clear she had no memory of the incident, or her previous life. And now, she is slowly gaining it back.

"That's why you've been watching over Eve," Tails says.

"That's right," Walters says, "I've been secretly watching over her from a distance. Her powers are too dangerous to go unchecked, but too valuable to destroy, and have gained a new family and friends during that lifetime. And... I honestly don't want her to go through that trauma again. But I know that I can't just leave her alone."

"Then, the reason why Shadow took Eve..." Knuckles questions.

"Yes. It was because he realized that Eve was the sister he believed he lost, and doesn't plan on letting her go this time," Walters says.

Then Sonic wonders, "Wait a second. If Shadow's been on ice for fifty years, someone had to help him escape."

"True. But there's only a few people in the world who even know of Shadow and Eve's existence at that time," Walters says.

Suddenly, the lights dim out. Everybody looks around in confusion. Then, a spotlight shines on stage with the Chao mascots dancing to a Japanese cover of Jackson 5's Want You Back.

Tails gets excited, "A live show?! Yeah!"

"Chao Chao!" Jazz cheers.

The four aliens seem enthused, while Walters rests his head in his hand in annoyance.

However, they don't notice the egg drones floating down outside the window. They power up and prepare to fire missiles at the group.

Sonic turns around and notices, "Get down!"

Everyone gets down as the missiles hit, destroying the Garden and flinging Walters away, chair and all. The customers and mascots scream and run away in fear. As Sonic gets up, the drones point lasers at him and the others.

"Egg Drones?" Sonic says, shocked.

"But Robotnik is supposed to be dead," Tails says.

Suddenly, a mystery figure breaks into the place while riding on a motorcycle. One of the egg drones fires at him, but he casually dodges out of the way.

Sonic is shocked, "Konnichi-what?!"

The biker activates some devices on his arms and rides around, firing mini EMP discs at the drones. He presses a button on his hand, and the egg drones are zapped before shutting down.

"I'm sorry. We already had our big motorcycle chase for the evening," Sonic says to the biker.

The mystery biker rides out of the cafe and Team Sonic rushes over to Walters.

Distraught, Sonic cries out, "Commander Walters!

Knuckles moves the table aside to find Walters, critically injured from the attack.

"Commander Walters, are you okay?" Sonic asks, distraught.

Injured and dying, Walters says, "Sonic..." And hands her a keycard and something wrapped around it, "Take this."

"What is it?" Sonic asks, and takes the key.

"A key..." Walters says, "To the most powerful weapon GUN has ever built. You're the only one I trust to keep it safe," And softly says, "And tell Eve, that I'm glad, she's been able to find her happiness, and I glad was able to see her, for that final time..." and soon, Walters passes away from his wounds.

Sonic saddens, "Commander Walters..."

Sonic then notices the paper wrapped in the card, he unwraps it and looks to see a photo of Walters in his younger days, and Eve is standing next to him, saluting, and both have smiles on their faces. Sonic begins to understand that, in his way, Walters actually cares about Eve.

Later, GUN soldiers arrive at the ruined cafe.

A GUN Soldier shouts, "Secure the perimeter!"

Rockwell and her men come in to check the area.

Rockwell's Assistant says, "Medevac is enroute.

Rockwell checks Walters's dead body.

Director Rockwell then says, "His launch key is missing."

She then finds a picture of Team Sonic. Seeing this, she believes Team Sonic is behind the attack, "I knew they couldn't be trusted," and crumbles up the picture.

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