Chapter 16: A Possible Regret (Zeus named the title)

Percy's POV:

Everything was warm one moment, and the next, it wasn't...and I had three passed-out girlfriends on top of me.

"Well, this is great," I said to myself rather sarcastically.

Shut it. I can't incinerate you anymore, Roman me replied.

'Cry me a river,' I responded.

I'll take over, wake them up early, and then give you control back. 

'I'd force you to keep control then.'

That's illegal

'You'd be the one that woke them up. Anyway, why are they asleep?' I asked.

I could feel the blank stare my Roman self was giving me. Dude really. They aren't used to Ichor running through their veins like us.

'I am failing to see how that makes them sleep.'

Oh...Next, explain all the shit that's happened today, including the Ichor thing.

'Dude, you're just grabbing at straws now.'

Am not

'Are too'

Am not

'Are too'

"Son, stop arguing with yourself. You're giving me a headache," A voice interrupted with a separate chuckle accompanying it.

"Sorry mom," I said. Sorry was

"I said shut it," Roman Mom said. 

"You and Diana weren't much better when she first came about," Milady's voice said.

"Milady," I said, slightly panicked, as I was not showing her respect by lying here with her adopted daughter, Annabeth, and Thalia, and Reyna. 

"Rest, my Champion. You need it after the Parthenon, as do...your three companions," She said. "As to answer your questions about them falling asleep, it is that their bodies aren't as used to...the energy levels of immortality as you are..." she said hesitantly, pausing to find her words. "They were raised as mortals, not as immortals...not to mention the fact how many times your mother here tried making you immortal when you were still a baby." 

"I stand by my attempts, and if it weren't for the Fates meddling, I would have succeeded too," Mom defended. 

Milady Hestia rolled her eyes at Mom. "I swear my brothers' kids have more and more become the reason I don't actively seek out having children myself."

"So when should they wake up?" I asked, only to receive two shrugs. 

"In all honesty, my son, we came here to check on you as your little sisters are upset with how Zoë and Phoebe handled the bright flash changing you four," Mom explained.

"And you should really stop your daughter from killing Phoebe, niece," Milady said in her remember you have something to do voice.

Oh right...we have an annoying sister to deal with for eternity now...Is it too late to not become immortal?

Somehow, don't ask me; Hestia slapped me for what Roman me thought or said internally. "She is still your sister, Perseus, and I know you don't mean that."

Well, she is annoying to me. 

"Perseus," Milady scolded. 

Sorry Milady.

"That's better," Hestia said. "As for when they'll wake up, I do not know, but I suspect my daughter will likely be the last of the three of them to wake. Despite her Grecian side following the wisdom goddess more closely, her Roman side follows me. I suspect Reyna will wake first because of her warlike nature. Peaceful beings usually take longer to recover...of course, it depends on an enumeration of factors, but I am rambling."

"It's ok, Milady," I said. "I don't think it would be wise of me to move and risk waking them before they're ready to wake." 

Time Skip: Hestia and Percy have a lovely conversation...and a long one at that...I'm sure y'all would love to have heard it, but 14 doesn't have all day.

Hestia left not too long ago, and Mom dropped off a message from my sisters saying that they won't kill each other...yet. And that my little sisters wish to see me at my earliest convenience, or else they'll be sad because I forgot about them already.

I swear it feels like my sisters only engage in the extreme. And I know Mom didn't teach them that, so it must be Apollo's fault. That's the only logical explanation, clearly.


'Mom told you to shut it.'

Fine, but only because we're at the Greek Camp.

Then the conch shell sounded, signaling dinner, which coincidentally woke Reyna. "How long have I been out?" she asked sleepily.

"Oh, just from when you entered my mom's cabin til dinner time, so a few hours," I answered her.

"Oh no," she said, sitting up panicked, "My..."

"shhhh, calm down, Reyna, the legion is fine. I'm certain you can sense that, at the least," I said, trying to calm her. 

She closed her eyes, and I could feel her extending her senses and presence. "I'm hungry," she stated. 

"I figured you would be," I said, still beneath her mind you. "So perhaps we could get some food and allow Thalia and Annabeth to rest."

"huh...Oh, right," she said, noticing that Thalia and Annabeth were also lying down in bed with us.

Thankfully, Reyna got up in a manner that didn't wake Thalia or Annabeth because, in all truthfulness, I fear waking them up without food, especially Thalia. I have made that mistake before and do not wish to repeat it.

I slowly maneuvered my way from out of being a Percy sandwich. I saw that Annabeth and Thalia started cuddling together in the absence of Reyna, and I was no longer separating them. "They're cuddlers, aren't they?" Reyna Whispered.

"Yes," I answered, taking her hand and heading to the dining pavilion. 

"Is this our first official date, or are we just catching dinner together?" she asked.

"Definitely not the first official date. I was thinking maybe a hunting trip in Cascadia for that."

"You are definitely your mother's son," she said, leaning closer to me as we walked through the cabin area to the food. And now I am hungry, if you couldn't tell. Well, I've been hungry since I started talking with Hestia, but Mom doesn't like anyone eating inside her cabin...or maybe she just doesn't like me eating inside her cabin because I'm pretty sure I saw Hestia eating a sandwich.

"BROTHER," My little sisters yelled and jumped me as we approached the dining pavilion.

"See, I told you he wouldn't forget you...nor his stomach," Phoebe taunted.

"Last I recall, you ate that cake quicker than I did."

"LIES. Don't believe your brother," Phoebe exaggerated.

"I may not have known you long, Phoebe, but even I can tell that was a lie," Reyna retorted, causing Zoe and a few more of my older sisters to laugh.

Phoebe gasped in shock. "Is it gang up on Phoebe day?" 

"Would you children please just stop instigating each other...please," Mom pleaded.

"Milady, why are we not allowed to bicker?" Atalanta asked.

"Girls, your lady is tired; she was at the pantheon long before the rest of, you all don't make her worry less."

"Yes, lady Hestia," my sisters responded, sitting down and beginning to eat.

"Thanks, Auntie," I heard my Mom whisper.

"Hey, sis," Reyna's two half brothers came up, only to have arrows pointed at them.

"I'd appreciate you all not killing my charges for just being male, especially my half-brothers," Reyna said.

"What about castration?"

"Or torture?"


"Please just let me handle them," Reyna said as her brothers ran off, receiving my sisters' message.

Then Gweyn walked up, with Reyna's brothers hiding behind her. "Lady Diana, the two idiots behind me would like to know why Reyna is sitting with you all and if they can join for meal," Gweyn asked.

"Are they paying you?" Mom asked, to which Gweyn nodded. 

"My brothers are idiots," Reyna muttered.

"Your brothers? Mine are usually born without a brain," Mom said, which got chuckles from around the table but not from the Apollo cabin or her half siblings's cabins. "Tell them they are permitted to speak with their sister about whatever they originally came to my table for."

"Hey, sis, can you thank Lady Diana for us? We're not too sure how strict she'll be about the speaking-to-you-only rule," the two brothers said, speaking as the Stolls did.

"You are only proving my assessment of you two being idiots correct," Reyna retorted

"So whatcha doing over here, sis?" they asked.

"Trying to enjoy a meal with my boyfriend and his family without you two annoying me for once," Reyna answered.

"Can we join?"


"What about other members of the legion?"

"They and you have my orders until tomorrow when the trials begin."

"But, we haven't seen you in like months."

"Did you two nearly die or something on that quest because you are way more clingy than before."

"Whhhaaaaaattttt, Nooooooo us, nearly die...Mother would be very dissap..."

"They nearly got themselves killed at the Pantheon," Atalanta interrupted.


"we're the hunt; we were scattered amongst all of the defensive lines. I see what you mean by them being idiots, Reyna," Atlanta said.

"we'll just..." and they bolted.

"Please tell me Percy isn't like that," Reyna exasperated. 

"Depends on who he's talking to," Phoebe said, to which I sent a small glass of water to dump itself on her head.

"PERCY," Mom yelled. 

"She asked for the shower," I defended, hiding myself from my Mom's glare behind Reyna. 

"Really, Perseus," Reyna said.

"What? Have you seen her glare since you were two... it's scary."

"Brother has a point, Miss Reyna," My little sisters jumped to my defense. At least I know I'm not alone in thinking Mom's glare is scary.

"Great, now I have to worry about my son corrupting my hunters against me," Mom exasperated. 

Line Break: Hello, darkness, my old friend. Would you please hide me from them again?
Nico: No

"Dinner was nice," Reyna said. "Though, did you really have to give Phoebe the second 'shower'?" Reyna asked. 

"Was it necessary? No. Did I enjoy dumping more water on her head? Yes. I won't deny that," I answered her, to which Reyna shook her head. "Though..." I paused, sensing something.

"What is it?" Reyna asked. 

"Thalia and Annabeth are beginning to stir," I said, splitting myself in two so I could give them food when they woke up. 

Perseus's POV:

Finally, he lets me out. "Hey Reyna," I said.

"Perseus?" she questioned.

"That's me...well, Roman form me, which is me me right now...Greek me went off to make sure Thalia doesn't destroy everything in her hungry state," I told her. 

"So was..."

"Yes, it was completely necessary to dump water on Phoebe...she annoys me almost as much as Zoe does."

Reyna shook her head. "And I am to believe you a good Roman," She said tauntingly.

"Who said Good Romans can't have fun amongst family and friends?" I asked. "Maybe not a good soldier, but that is not really my thing. Yeah, sure, I'm a good fighter, but I prefer putting my skills to...different uses."

"But, you lead well," Reyna stated as we walked to the hearth and sat at Milady's fire.

"Greek me does. However, that was a position forced upon us. We prefer our services dedicated to our lady...we prefer to protect the family from those who would abuse us, immortal and mortal."  

"So the trials tomorrow, you'd be against death," Reyna somewhat asked but also stated.

"My Greek self probably would be, mi amor, though he does surprise me sometimes. As for myself, whatever punishment Rome decides for them, I will accept. They were soldiers and should be held to the higher standards their positions require of them," I said, looking into the hearth and starting to poke the coals around.

Reyna thankfully understood and just leaned against me, resting her head on my shoulder.  

We stayed like that for a while, and I noticed that Annabeth, Thalia, and my Greek form joined us before he rejoined with me but let me retain control for some reason. 

"Thanks for bringing us food, Perseus," Annabeth said, though I could sense she, too, was in her Roman form.

I nodded in acknowledgment and tried drawing in my senses. The numbers that need help—all the pain...the hopelessness from those who need it most. It was starting to become too much for me, though I knew I couldn't do anything because Jupiter would lose his shit about me breaking the ancient laws if I did. 

"So what's next in our now eternal lives?" Thalia asked.

"Well, Reyna still has to preside over trials tomorrow. Annabeth will likely start designing our home. I'll probably be split between trials and my sisters demanding my attention. And that's not mentioning the fact of officially getting our domains and attending an undoubtedly upcoming meeting on Olympus once your father has deemed himself fine enough to call us to a meeting," I answered straightforwardly.

"Roman?" Thalia asked.

"It's his Roman form, Thalia," Annabeth and Reyna answered

"Oh great, three of my three loves are in a Roman I get one of those?"

"I don't think so...It was harder for you to adapt to the Roman ways, and even when you did, it wasn't well, and you almost blew our cover numerous times," Annabeth said.

Time Skip: Ok, let's see bleh bleh bleh more dialogue...they don't go to bed but do remodel their tent to be more accommodating of a fourth inhabitant...Percy's little sisters invade to make sure, and I quote, "No funny business happens whatever the Hera that's supposed to mean..."Breakfast goes surprisingly well without Percy and Zoe fighting...wait they don't fight?!?!?!? Are the fates ok...Is Hades frozen over? Is Hellheim a blazing inferno? Anyway, the trials...

Bonus: Mr. Time Skip, I need more musics for my music box
Time Skip: Sure thing, little dude. I'll take care of that after I fast-forward past the trials for our readers.
Bonus: Don't most of them get demoted to probatio, and the rest go into Exile voluntarily before they are sentenced?
Time Skip: That's right, little dude. Now Imma leave them with that meeting Perseus mentioned earlier and help you get more music on that music box 14 gave you.
Bonus: Thanks, Mr. Skip. Oh, and it's Percy's POV now

Percy's POV:

"UGGH, WHY HAVE YOU CALLED FOR US, FATHER?" Thalia groaned, whined, and complained all at once.

"There are numerous reasons for that, Thalia," Mom interrupted her father before he could speak. "Firstly, which my father won't like is that you four will be having your domains announced. Secondly, from that, what position will you all be receiving, assuming the fates don't also announce titles. Thirdly, we will need to make a decision on rewards to be granted to the questers to the ancient lands and make the announcement of your ascendancy to the campers. Last on the agenda is the trial of my twin and his descendant. The council is welcome to add anything I may have left out," Mom answered in full; honestly, that's what I expected.

"Their marriage ceremony, of course, silly," Aphrodite added once Mom finished. I couldn't tell with Reyna, Thalia, and Annabeth, but I wanted to sow the Love Goddess's mouth shut. 

"Pranks with my nephew, too," Hermes added, though he must have seen a glare from the girls. "But not against any of the women in his life," he added quickly. 

"I still want to cream the punk for that blast he gave me back in '05."

"Didn't your mommy say you deserved that," I sassed, causing Poseidon, Hermes, and Hephaestus to burst out laughing and Ares to grumble about impertinent nephews from his sisters.

Then, a bright flash illuminated the room. Though it wasn't blinding, somehow, I knew it would have been if it had been only a couple of days ago. 

"Lady Fates," Zeus said and gave a nod of his head.

"We aren't here for you, manwhore," The fates said, which caused Hera to whack Zeus on the backside of the head. "Even the fates call you that," she grumbled under her breath.

"First, for the one who knew Percy longest," Clotho the spinner spoke. 

"Annabeth Chase," Lachesis, the allotter, continued. 

"Come forth and receive your domains," Atropis the inevitable finished for the three. I'm just happy, Zoe, and I don't do that because that's creepy when it's not the Stolls.

Annabeth went forward and bowed to the ladies of fate. "Rise, Annabeth, Daughter of Athena, Greek Goddess of Intelligence, Architecture, War Planning, Balance, Mediation, Daggers, and Knives. And Annabeth, Daughter of Vesta, Roman Goddess of Intelligence, Architecture, War Plans, Strategy, Balance, Mediation, and Family," the fates announced.

"WHAT?" Athena shouted after they finished. "SHE'S MY DAUGHTER"

"And I adopted her when you abandoned her so she'd get your statue," Vesta retorted. "And you should be dam glad I did for if I didn't she could have very likely ended up like the rest of your children you sent to their deaths."

"Dam, auntie. Chill," Hermes said, "we don't have Apollo to heal burns right now."

"But," Athena tried.

"You'll shut up and be happy about it, Athena," the fates said, somehow getting the wisdom goddess to shut up. I should ask them how much that costs per day, which could come in handy in the future.

"Next, Thalia," Clotho said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, no need for all that extra stuff," Thalia said, stepping forward and giving a slight bow to the ladies of fate.

"Her domains do suit her sisters," Lachesis said with a slight chuckle.

Her two sisters glared at her before relenting to announce Thalia's domains. "Rise Thalia, Daughter of Zeus, Goddess of Lightning, Impulsiveness, Impatience, Courage, Adversity, Spear and Shield Combat, and Over Protectiveness," The fates announced.

"I'm not overly protective," Thalia grumbled. "Yes, you are," Annabeth immediately replied.

"Do I even want to know why she has impulsiveness and impatience as a domain?" Reyna asked

"It's one of the primary reasons why she wouldn't make a good Roman," Annabeth answered.

"I do not want to know more," Reyna said, which Thalia shrugged too. "It's probably for the best; it might give you a heart attack, Rey," Thalia said nonchalantly.

"Reyna," Clotho said, indicating towards the spot where Annabeth and Thalia recently rose from.

Reyna went and knelt where the fates indicated. "Yes, Lady Fates," She spoke way too formally for my opinion. What are you talking about, Greek me? This is a formal ceremony with the's perfectly formal.

"Rise Reyna, daughter of Bellona, Roman Goddess of Battle, Peace, Alliances, Warfare, Swords, Leadership, and New Rome. Successor of Lady Roma, Horse Friend, and Queen of Rome and New Rome."

Reyna looked baffled at the titles she was given. Heck, even I was baffled and not expecting it, and thanks to Drunk Uncle Apollo (who wasn't really all that drunk), I knew a lot more than I should about the future. "But Lady Fates," Reyna said in a mix of protest and bafflement.

"Lady Roma has long ago faded and given her prerequisites of whom her successor is to be, and you, Reyna, don't just meet her standards but far exceed them," the Fates responded.

"And Percy," The fates called. 

I rolled my eyes and gave them an overly dramatic bow. "Don't you sass us," they said.

"Only my loves and lady are immune from my sass...and Mom," I replied, not caring.

The Fates glared at me as if trying to think of a way to get included on that list. 

"Fine then. Rise, Percy, son of Artemis and Poseidon, Greek God of Water, Archery, Tides, War, Victory, Destruction, Weapons, Assassins, the Hunt, Sibingly Love, Protection, Sass, Loyalty and Harems. The Champion of the Hearth, Protector of Children, The Destroyer, Brother of the Hunt, King of Greek Demigods. 

And Perseus, son of Diana, Roman God of Assassins, Hidden Weapons, Stealth, Vengence, Destruction, Annihilation, Loyalty, Military Service, Water, Tides, Children, Safety, Protection, and Woodchippers. Champion of The Hearth, Protector of Children, The Destroyer, The Annihilator, The Silent One, The Avenger, Brother of the Hunt, King of Rome and New Rome." The Fates announced.

What the fuck is a woodchipper, and why do I have it as a domain?

"To answer your question, Perseus," the fates said, "a woodchipper can be used for more than just creating wood chips. We will let you figure out the rest."

With that, the Fates left. 

"They have some powerful domains," Hermes whistled.

"Can't believe the punk is a war god," Ares Grumbled.

"Why do woodchippers need to be a domain?" Athena asked.

"Brother, they are powerful with those domains," Poseidon stated.

"I won't approve of all of them having a throne," Hera retorted with a glare.

"SILENCE," Zeus thundered, causing the gods to shut up and Mom to smirk. "They're too powerful to be ignored," Zeus continued after achieving the silence he wanted. "However, only one throne shall be added for the four of them. "It's up to them to figure it out," he declared, raising one throne that looked like a combination of representation between Annabeth's, Thalia's, Reyna's, and my domains.

I shared a look with my loves before they shoved me onto the throne and moved to sit on top of me.

"Dam Perce, you lucky," Hermes mumbled, which got a silver arrow introduced between his legs.

"Comment on my son again, and I won't be so gracious next time," Mom threatened.

Hermes rapidly nodded in response. 

"Now the questers," Zeus stated. 

"They did well, even those who were there as auxiliaries," I stated. 

"But do they deserve immortality?" Athena questioned. 

"That's debatable. The remaining five of the Seven more so than the others. Then again, I doubt Kym, Zoe, Mom, and the rest of us there before Olympus arrived would have been able to kill that many giants without the others holding back the reinforcements," I said.

"So a wish then for the remaining five, not including Immortality," Hera suggested.

"I'd second that," Ares stated gruffly.

"Then we shall vote on it," Zeus stated, also voting in favor. 

"We abstain due to our ties on the matter," Annabeth said. 

Then, the other gods began their voting, and believe it or not, Hera's motion passed.

"And for the Auxiliaries," Mom asked after the vote concluded. "Perhaps some time with their godly parent or a weapon made by Hephaestus."

"The first is against the ancient laws," Hera stated.

"I second Artemis's motion." Demeter jumped in, probably wanting to spend time with her kids, who accompanied the quest.

Again, the Gods began voting. Ares was saying it should be weapons because he doesn't want to spend time with the punks, though I doubt his kids want to spend time with him, too, so it's probably mutual. We voted in favor of Mom's motion, as did the other gods who had children on the quest. 

Zeus began grumbling after a majority was reached, with Hestia voting in favor because it would temporarily suspend the Ancient laws separating the gods from their own children. 

Time Skip: 14 is getting board...So, END OF THE MEETING NOW...Oh, I supposed Apollo was given a quest to free his other oracles, but he doesn't lose his immortality for it, but he does lose his powers...Octavian is sentenced to public crucifixion... Let us see if anything else is important...oh they announced the relevant stuff to the campers...Jason was officially promoted to Pontifix Maximus, Hazel's and Frank's curses are removed, Leo is pardoned for his death escape, and Piper gets the promise her mother will 'try' not to interfere in her love life anymore...Ooooohhh, and Hephaestus made Perseus a woodchipper.

It sucks not being able to do what I am entitled to do as per my domains...Perseus also wants to try using his new woodchipper on some of the mortals we sense doing...harmful things to those we are supposed to protect. But Zeus is refusing to allow us to do it because MuH aNcIeNt LaWs. A bunch of BS if you ask me.

"Can I please go and do what I am supposed to be doing?" I asked again in a council meeting I summoned only a few days after having my domains announced.

"No," Zeus said flatly.

"Can I have a hidden temple, and once the mortals uncover it, can I then go do what I am supposed to be doing from my domains?" I asked.


"I never agreed to those stupid laws," I said, realizing I never signed on to them. "So, Imma."

"Fine, you can have the temple thing," Zeus relented. "And we won't enforce the ancient laws pertaining to your domains as long as you follow the temple thing." 

The gods paused in shock. I mean, this is the 10th council meeting in five days that we had on this, and this time, Zeus finally relented.

"No cap?" Hermes asked.

"He can do it so long as the mortals uncover his temple that he buries," Zeus stated.

 YAY, we can go woodchipper mortals soon.

'shhh, Roman me, we can't let Hades know about that yet.'

"Thanks, Gramps," I said and flashed off to Annabeth, who was finishing the design on the temple I was going to bury soon. 

"So we are going to get to bury this," Annabeth asked.

"Yes," I said. 

"Officially, I do not condone unrestricted killing of mortals," Reyna stated.

"and unofficially queeny," Thalia asked.

"If they deserve it, make sure it is painful, dear."

"You all are a bit sick in the head," Annabeth stated, "You should just eliminate them quickly."

"They harm children...they don't deserve anything besides pain, pain, and more pain...and then if I'm feeling merciful death, else more pain," I retorted. 

"And Hades can grant that in the realm of the dead," Annabeth stated.

"I'm curious about the woodchipper thing, so Imma watch," Thalia said.

Annabeth rolled her eyes and handed over the blueprints for the temple she had designed. The thing is, this had to be designed with the Ancients in mind. I already had an idea about the location; it was in the Mountains of Slovenia, in an area with just enough traffic that it should be discovered relatively quickly but just remote enough for it to be considered plausible to have remained buried for thousands of years.

The story the temple tells is a modified story of my actual life. The moon goddess finds me in the woods as a baby crying over my slain mother, adopts me, becomes attached, makes me immortal, and finds out I was a demigod of Poseidon. Hestia decides to help hide me and declares me her champion. My Sisters help her raise me. Apollo corrupts me from their views on love. I find Annabeth. We revert Thalia from being turned into a tree back into a demigod. Fall in love and marry. At least, that's the jest of the Greek story. 

The Roman story is a bit different. Mom still finds me, except I was a full-on mortal; she adopted and turned me immortal—the same thing for Vesta, my sisters, and Apollo. Except when I'm older, Vesta orders me to find and protect her adopted daughter, which I do from a whole bunch of monsters that were sent out to kill her and eventually assassinate the one who sent them after her. Then, when hiding one day, we come across the female warrior Reyna, a disguised immortal daughter of Bellona, leading a legion, a modified version of my story in the legion with me taking two legionaries with me to recover the eagle standard far into Germania from a prior failed expedition this legion had. I came back to find the legion in chaos under attack, killed the enemy commander, and continued to serve till the war was over. At that point, all the lovey-dovey stuff comes into play, and I end up with Annabeth and Reyna. And that's the jest of the Roman story.

However, both stories end roughly the same. Zeus fears my growing power as I become pretty popular amongst the gods. During times of war, I step in and lead when needed, often overstepping the plans of the other war gods and Zeus and Hera themselves. This leads to Zeus becoming paranoid and convincing a corruptible mortal king on the Greek side and a Roman emperor on the Roman side to wipe out my existence from Greece and Rome, which is successful. Then, they 'find' the net that Hephaestus used to capture Ares and Aphrodite to capture and bind me, leaving me in my last temple before burying it never to be seen again. However, my wives in both stories refuse to leave me and are 'captured' with me, and the hunt records it all as it happens, leaving the story in my buried temple and leaving me captured there to avoid the wrath of Zeus.

I got Zoe to write the whole story. However, I did have to admit she was older than me, so she would write something in full. I think she did a good job of combining the Greco-Roman side, and I found it hilarious that she wrote that the gods developed a second personality with the rise of Rome. So, three full stories of my existence will be in the temple.

"We approve of this plan, Percy," the fates said, invading my mother's palace, which we had been living in, at least until Annabeth finally decided on a palace design she liked and got to the requests the rest of us have designed in.

"See Annie, even the Fates approve," Thalia goaded. 

Annabeth again rolled her eyes at Thalia. "All I am saying is that he should be careful with how much he interferes. Your father is already undoubtedly unhappy about Percy's cop-out to the ancient laws and is already doing his best to restrict him."

"And what of my checking on the legion?" Reyna asked.

"Within your domains and already under the influence and knowledge that the Gods exist," Annabeth answered, not taking her eyes off her next piece of work. 

"You're also their queen," Thalia replied. "Which reminds me, I am going to check on the Greek Demigods later today. See if Clarisse wants to spar. Check on Silena, too, if I have the time."

"Am I the only one who is worried about us breaking the Ancient Laws?" Annabeth exasperated. 

"Yes," Thalia, Reyna, myself, and The Fates replied.

Annabeth sighed, "and to think I agreed to help keep you three out of too much trouble. Are you trying to get me in trouble with your Mom, Percy?"

"It wasn't a binding oath, Annabeth," The Fates informed. "Anyway, your buried temple is where you want it to be, and it should be discovered in a few days. We suggest you also visit Annabeth's family," The Fates added and disappeared.

Bonus: Street Lights along the Highway Throwin' Nicos... OH, HELLO FRENS, YOUR BACK...I thought you left already.
Me: Hey, little dude, sorry I dumped you on Time Skip there for a bit. I am back now, but I have to go again soon.
Bonus: *rushes and tackles me in a hug* 14 YOU'RE BACK...Time Skip was nice, but this random cat showed up and thought Stinky Apollo gave me the music box you did.
Me: Time skip told me about that little dude, but you still have your job to do.
Bonus: *notices you all still here* OH right. Sorry, frens..anyway here you go.

I brought my family across the Atlantic for the summer, partially for work but also to tour the Alps. I thought it was a good idea at the time. Still, sometime in the middle of July, near my daughter's birthday, more like the day she was dumped on my doorstep by her mother, something happened in Rome, blowing a hole in one of the buildings and roads that created a deep sink hole that swallowed some cars, and shortly before that numerous explosions were reported near the Coliseum. So, we changed our plans to continue moving west instead of going south due to the uncertainty of what was going on in Rome. Then, a few days later, there was an explosion reported in Bologna, so my wife and I decided to make our way into the Alps instead of staying in Italy.

This brings us to now. Of course, there have been crazy news reports throughout the rest of our time, but we were pretty close to Ljubljana, and we got our tickets back home a few days ago, though we do have connecting flights at Heathrow and JFK. We were actually backpacking the last few miles of the way since we got a great deal on the bikes we bought for the trip, and some decent hiking trails leading to the city lay ahead. 

"Honey, are you sure we aren't lost?" My wife asked me as our two boys rock-hopping on the trail ahead of us.

"We aren't lost, dear," I replied. "Walking just takes longer than biking."

"Then why did we sell the bikes," she complained.

"Because we effectively sold them for what we bought them for, and the kids wanted to explore the wilderness some," I reminded her. She was a bit upset about us not just renting a car, but she doesn't drive, and I submitted for my international driver's license a bit too late, but she just thinks the postal service didn't deliver it in time.

"OWWWW," one of my sons screamed out in pain.

"MATTHEW," my wife yelled. 

"That's a strange rock," Bobby commented. "I told him not to jump on that one," he defended, as his mother turned and glared at him for making light of the situation before starting to baby Matthew.

 It seems like she has Matthew handled. "Let me take a look at it, Bobby," I said, walking over to the rock that Matthew slipped on. 

It was unusually smooth for a rock, especially up in the mountains. I started brushing some dirt out of the way of the stone, and it became less and less like a stone. It was smooth, and the part that Matthew slipped on just appeared to be the top.

It came to a point, and from what I could tell, it went down quite a few feet. As knocking on, it seemed as solid as some of the Roman temples we passed in North Italy. I decided to start brushing away some of the dirt to either side of the rock and, after a few minutes, found something that shouldn't be buried there. I saw what appeared to be roof tiles. 

"FREDRICK," my wife yelled, getting my attention. "Well, now that you've stopped playing in the dirt, Matthew's ankle is twisted badly, and he can't walk."

I took a moment to process what my wife told me. "I'll see if I have a signal to call for help; if not, I'll get out the SAT Phone and call for help. But, uh, Matthew may have just made an unintentional Archaeological discovery," I said, only to be whacked about putting work ahead of my son's well-being.

My wife thankfully stopped soon and allowed me to try making calls. Sadly, my cell didn't work, so the first call I made, and don't tell my wife, was to my university. I told them about the discovery that my sons and I made here and gave the rough location of where I was before asking them what and who I should call since my son may have made the discovery by getting himself hurt. 

Thankfully, they were able to give me a line for a multi-language rescue line for the area of Slovenia we were in. Which I called, and they sent out for rescue, which was interrupted by government authorities showing up and securing the area. 

My wife glared at me after the government arrived and started speaking in a language she didn't understand. 

"Mr. Chase," one of the rescue team members said, "they want to know exactly what happened and what the discovery made here is."

"Oh, I think my son, by tripping on what appeared to be a rock, may have inadvertently discovered some sort of ancient building," I said, indicating over to where the rock Matthew tripped over and the rescue worker translated. I didn't know enough of the local language to be conversational, but I knew enough to get bits and pieces. "My other son commented that the rock didn't really fit with natural rocks, and as a Historian with my studies completed at Harvard and teaching at West Point, I decided to put to work some of the skills I thought I would never need, and see if it was a natural rock or some part of humanities history."

The rescue worker looked at me like I was insane but translated it anyway. Then, the government people finally responded with something; Since I was the one to make the discovery and technically had credentials, they wanted me to stay to make sure the site was being handled correctly. My wife was against this, as it was out of my specialty of what I taught, and the kids needed to be back in the States for school. 

"Dear, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me. I've already informed my work, and that's honestly probably why the authorities showed up. This might be an incredible discovery about humanity's past and how they lived. I promise I'll call you and the boys every day and video call when I can," I somewhat pleaded with my wife.

Our rescuer translator translated, "The wife doesn't want him to stay. He wants to stay."

I almost chuckled at his comment as some of the government authorities did chuckle.

"Fine, but I won't be happy about it, and the Sopwith goes to a museum."


"He gets to stay," the rescuer translated for the authorities again. 

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