Whoops, Wrong Lobby!

[Synopsis: Player logs onto Among us to join his friends...But apparently, he put the wrong code in, and he ends up with a band of complete strangers! Ah, well. Might as well shake things up for a change, right?]

[Location: The Airship]

Did someone ask for a crossover episode? No? Too bad, you're getting one anyway. XD


"Alright, time to log back onto Among Us and meet up with the others!" Player chirped as he pulled the game up on his computer and pulled up the code Captain had sent him, ready to join the lobby with all of his friends. He was in a pretty good mood that day; his report card had come in with only one B+ among all of the A's he'd gotten that semester, and he'd been BRUTAL during karate practice that day. He couldn't wait to tell everyone and hang out with them.

...He was so excited that he didn't realize his finger slipped onto a different key as he was putting the lobby code in, and he pressed the enter button without noticing that the code he'd entered had one wrong letter in it.

"Alright! Let's go. They're probably all waiting for me."

The screen faded to black for a few moments, and he spawned into the dropship, spying the crowd on the opposite side of the ship...But before he could make his way over to them, he noticed that his hand looked a lot darker than it normally was, and he rose it to his face to take a look at it.


He wasn't in his usual red suit, but rather a maroon one, much to his dismay.

"Aw, come on. Maroon? I knew red was considered a sus color, but this just takes the cake."

He let out a frustrated sigh, then rolled his eyes, figuring whoever had red wouldn't be willing to trade.

"...Oh well, color doesn't really matter. Besides, it's just this one time. I'll be able to change back later on."

"Hey Chloe, you made it!"

Player tore his gaze from his hand to see a purple figure approaching him. And to his great surprise, the figure was neither Ninja OR Engineer, ESPECIALLY judging by the starkly female voice she had.

"Did you change your hat? It looks good on you!"

"Huh? Chloe? Who's that?"

She paused for a moment when she processed the sound of his voice, then her visor widened with surprise.

"Oh...Oh my gosh, I'm sorry," she swiftly apologized. "Judging by the color, I thought you were someone else, but...It looks like you're not."

"Oh. It's fine," Player assured her, putting on a smile now that the misunderstanding was cleared up. "Is she a friend of yours?"

"Well, we only just met her, but...We sort of had to save her from a crazy situation. But since she's not here yet, I think it would be a good idea to call her and see if she's okay."

"What's this, a newcomer?"

A blue crewmate with a distinct Australian accent came over. He had a pair of leaves sprouting from his head, not unlike Stoner.

"Well, I can't say I've heard a voice like that at all recently. What's your name?"

Who's this guy? Player said to himself. I'm starting to think I'm not in the right lobby...

"Everyone just calls me Player. You?"

"Well my name's MrGrits. And I see you've already met Sandy."

"What's goin' on here, guys?"

A white crewmate with a noticeably deep voice came over. He wore a white suit paired with a tiny snow crewmate on his head.

"Hey, babe~!" Sandy greeted, nuzzling visors with the white crewmate.

"Ah, Snowball. We've got a visitor today, it seems," MrGrits informed him. "Gather the rest of the gang so we can introduce ourselves properly."

"Got it."

Snowball went to everyone else in the lobby and gathered them around...Player took a look at each other crewmember, and it was MORE than enough to determine that he was in the wrong place.

...But he couldn't help but be a bit intrigued by this set of circumstances.

Huh...Maybe I'll give these guys a shot! he said to himself. I'm in a good mood today, so might as well try something different.

 It was a pretty decent crowd of twelve. There was himself, MrGrits, Sandy, Snowball, a pink crewmate with a straw hat, a cyan one with a flat cap, a yellow crewmate with a banana peel on his head(a stark resemblance to what Veteran looked like on Halloween the previous year,) an orange crewmate with the same "DUM" sticky note his sister had, a black one with a cherry on his head, and...

"Humph...As if we needed another new person making everything here go crazy again."

The grouchy voice and expression belonged to a green crewmate, who wore a slice of pizza for a hat...Player's eyebrow raised at the sight of him.

"Um...Hey there. I know I just met you, but where and how exactly did you get a pizza hat?"

"What's the big deal? I just took a slice from the Kitchen and stuck it on. It's not hard."

"Really? You can do that?"

"What part of that don't you understand? You take a slice and plop it on your head. It's not gonna go anywhere, ya dunce."


"Oh, ah, please forgive MrPepperoniMan," someone else spoke up; a familiar-looking brown figure with a roll of toilet paper on his head. "He might seem like a grump, but he's really nice once ya get to know him."

"You sure about that, PoopyFarts?"

"'PoopyFarts'? Huh. Never heard that one before."

"Wait. Since when can you-? Agh, wait, I'm sorry. I keep forgetting I'm in the wrong lobby."

"Oh. Well that's okay! You got a friend who looks like me?"

"Yeah. As the name implies, PoopyFarts only speaks fart, heh heh. Only guy who can understand him is my friend Captain."

"I see. Well, my name is just Poop, and I speak the same way everyone else does, so we've got that cleared up now, haven't we?"

"It seems as though we have, yes!" yet another unfamiliar voice replied. "And I must say, good sir, you have a wonderful taste in hats."

"Huh? Whoa, what the-!?"

Forgetting for a moment that he was maroon instead of red, Player swore he was looking in a mirror as he faced the red figure now standing in front of him. He had the exact same hat as he did, and he even had that same determined glimmer in his visor.

"Who are you!?"

"Well, my name is Jeff," he introduced himself. "And I don't mean to brag, but I'm considered by my peers to be the best Impostor on board. Isn't that right, everyone?"

He got a series of nods and agreements from the others.

"Whoa...You look just like me."

"Well, I see we have the same hats, but we're different colors, of course."

"I-I mean I usually AM red, but, ah, I guess you already had that color picked out, so..."

"Oh, I see...Well. Allow me to introduce you to the others!" Jeff offered. "This is Chester."


"And MrsPotato."

"Hey there, new guy."

"And here we have-"

"Hi, my name is Banana!"

"Yes, that's his name," Jeff confirmed.

"Oh, so are you, like, the MrCheese of the group then?"

"Uhhhhh, who's MrCheese???" the yellow crewmate asked him, obviously confused.

"He's someone I play with back in my usual lobby. His favorite thing to do is introduce himself to people...including the people who already know him."

"Oh, I see! He sounds like a pretty cool guy!"

"Heh, yeah well, sometimes..." he admitted awkwardly.

"Who else...? Ah yes, this is Ninja."

"Nice day for a game, isn't it?"

"Wait, you're name is Ninja?" Player asked the black crewmate with the cherry on his head. "Huh. I have a friend with the same name. But he usually wears either purple or grey, and has a different hat."

"Oh, that's pretty neat!"

"And finally, Player, we have Your Mom."

"Wait, what? My mom?"

"No, not YOUR mom, just 'Your Mom,'" the pink crewmate with the straw hat corrected him. "That's what everyone else calls me."

"Oh...Oh, I see," Player replied, hoping he hadn't come off the wrong way. "Heh heh...So uh, Jeff. I hear that you're the best Impostor here. When you're one of the Impostors, who do you prefer to have as a teammate?"

"Teammate? Hm...Well, to tell you the truth, we usually only play with one Impostor," Jeff told him. "But you know, I would like to see how well we do against two! Puts the crew to the test, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah! And that way, they won't have to do all of the killing alone!"

"I've added a second Impostor in the settings!" Snowball announced. "Alright. Everyone ready to start the game?"

Everyone cheered, and the white crewmate started the timer...The screen faded to black for a moment before the role screen came up, and Player smiled when he saw it.

Oh, cool! I'm an Impostor! Who's my partner?

...His smile only grew even wider when he spotted his pseudo twin behind him.

It's JEFF? Aw man, if everyone was right about him being the best Impostor here, then we're gonna have a blast!

Player spawned in the Cargo Bay, and the first thing he did was fake the wire panel on the wall by the stairs to feign innocence.

So far, so good, he said to himself. Chester passed him while he stood by and pretended to reconnect the loose wires, and only batted an eye to greet him.

"Hey! You're, uh, Player right?"

"Yep. That's right."

"See anything fishy 'round here yet? I know we just started, but you can never be too careful, you know?"

"Yeah, I know. I had to learn that the hard way."

Seeing that his start-of-round 10 second cooldown was almost emptied, he decided to sabotage the lights and take care of his first victim.

"Oop, there go the lights. Good thing there's a panel right here in the Cargo Bay, huh?"

"Yep," Player nodded, lowering his tone of voice down to a whisper as the lights dimmed. "But uh...It's a shame ghosts can't fix sabotages, isn't it?"


Before Chester had a chance to react, Player opened up his Impostor maw and shot his pointed tongue out, skewering the cyan crewmate right through the visor before making a break for it...There was more than one wire panel on the Airship. If he got lucky, it would be a while before someone found him there.

He made his way to the bottom, paused and peered into Medical before making his next move and then hopped into the vent, taking the shortcut into Showers...When he popped up in the room, he saw that Jeff was there as well, and he'd just killed Ninja.

"You get anyone yet?" Jeff asked him quietly.

"Chester's down, so it looks like we're off to a good start...You wanna head up to records, take the vent to the other side of the gap room and fake the ID Code task?"

"Oh, that's a great idea! Let's hurry up and get over there before the lights come back on!"

They headed up through showers and into the gap room, and they hopped into the vent just as the lights were beginning to come back on again...As they crawled towards the opposite side, Jeff struck up a bit of conversation.

"So I hear that Among us is going to be getting a really big update soon! Have you heard anything about it?"

"An update? Well, I've heard a few things about a fifth map in the works, but not much else. What have you heard?"

"Oh, there are going to be all sorts of new hats and skins! And you can get most of them with this new in-game currency called beans?"

"'Beans,' huh? Well, I guess that makes sense, heh heh..."

"And what's more, there are going to be more roles added in! Like a Scientist and a Guardian Angel!"

"Huh. I'd better look into all this; sounds like a lot."

"Oh, it most certainly will be! I think it's coming out in just a few days!"

"Wow, really?"

"Yep! Personally, I can't wait to see what we get. I'm getting all excited just thinking about it...!"

"Well, don't get so excited that you can't concentrate," Player reminded him as they neared the other side of the vent. "We've gotta maintain some stealth."

"Yes, I was about to say the same...Here, would you like to take a peek and make sure no one is coming?"

"Sure thing. Better you get caught than me."

Player cautiously peered over the vent exit, only his beanie and part of his visor spilling above it as he scanned the area...He heard no footsteps coming from the brig, and there was no one coming down the ladder.

"Coast is clear, Jeff. Let's go."


They both hopped out and made their way to the ladder, climbing to the top and entering the Meeting Room...MrPepperoniMan was already in there, punching his ID Code in.

"Hello, MrPepperoniMan!" Jeff called out, putting on a smile.

"Huh? Oh. It's just you, Jeff...And the new guy," he replied, eyes narrowing at the maroon crewmate. "What did you say your name was again?"


"Heh. What'd you do, forget to change your name into something better when ya first got the game?"

"Yes. That's...actually exactly what happened," Player replied, turning slightly pink in the face. The green crewmate snickered.

"Heh heh, noob..."

"Hey! I'm not a noob! I've been playing for over a year!"

"And you still haven't changed your name to something besides 'Player?' Ha! What a joke."

The two beanie-wearing crewmates exchanged glances with one another, then Jeff gave Player a knowing nod of approval before making his way back to the ladder.

"Oh yeah? If I'm a joke, then here's my punchline!"

Before MrPepperoniMan could respond, Player whipped out his pistol and shot him square in the heart before making his way down the ladder after Jeff.

"Come on! Let's go to the vault!" the red crewmate told him as they left the brig. Your Mom was in there dressing the mannequin, so they figured they might as well kill some time feigning innocence; with three people dead already, it couldn't be long now until someone found one of the bodies.

Player headed to the download panel while Jeff made his way to the Romanian Ruby to pretend to polish it.

"Hey, Jeff!" the pink crewmate greeted. "You showing the new guy around?"

"Yes, I most certainly am. Our tasks are coming along quite well so far, I must say; how many have you gotten done so far?"

"This is my third one," she replied as she stuck the hat on top of the mannequin, completing the outfit. "All I have left to do is put in my ID Code and download in the Cockpit before taking the data outside."

"So, uh, question," Player spoke up. "Where exactly did you get the name 'Your Mom' from? I mean, what made you think of the name?"

"What, are you implying that it's strange?" Your Mom retorted.

"No, not strange, just...unique, I guess. I mean, names like 'NotOrange' and 'DrDoktor' aren't much more uncommon than that, are they?"

"Hm. No, I guess not," she replied, her hostility lowering again. "Well, I...I guess the name sort of comes from the fact that I see myself as sort of a mom friend, if you know what I mean. I care about the others, y'know?"

"Man...There are a lot of people in this lobby that remind me of my friends, that's for sure."

"Why, is there someone like me in your group too?"

"Sort of; she's got the same mom friend thing going on that you have, but she takes hers a bit more seriously. Heck, she even has two kids of her own."

"Oh, really! That's pretty cool; who knows, maybe one of us will stumble across YOUR lobby one of these days, huh Jeff?"

"It's a possibility!"

All three of them shared a laugh. The moment was short-lived, however; Chester's body was discovered and reported right then and there, and everyone was teleported to the Meeting Room.




MrPepperoniMan and Ninja were also shown alongside Chester in the body count.

"Oh my gosh!" Your Mom exclaimed. "Three people dead already!? We've only just started!!"

"MrGrits. You reported. Where'd you find Chester's body?" Snowball asked.

"I found him in the Cargo Bay as I was going in to fix my last set of wires, right at the bottom of the steps."

"Did you see anyone nearby?" Sandy inquired.

"Unfortunately, no; no one was around, and I didn't see anyone pass me from that direction."

"You guys don't think it might be a self report, do you?" MrsPotato wondered.

"MrsPotato, an empty Cargo Bay would be the perfect opportunity for a drive-by kill and Crash Course sabotage; I wouldn't waste it on a self report."

"Hmm, that's true," Your Mom agreed. "Well, Jeff and Player were both just with me in the vault, and we're all still alive, so I don't think it's either of them."

"Hm. Well, I guess that clears you guys," MrGrits shrugged. "Snowball, Sandy, where were you two at?"

"We were both putting away the weapons in the armory," Snowball answered him. "I think I saw Banana go into the kitchen not long ago."

"Yeah, I had to clean a vent in there and then I went to make myself a burger!"

"MrsPotato," MrGrits addressed. "Where were you at?"

"I was uploading in the western viewing deck. I've been there for a while; taking me some time to find the best spot for reception. How about you, Poop?"

"I was in Electrical diverting power."

"Hmm...So that means PoopyFar-wait-I mean Poop, sorry," Player spoke up. "Poop was the closest person to the body, in that case."

"What? But I came down from the Main Hall!"

"Hm...Interesting theory, Player," Jeff told his partner. "But even with Poop closer to the body than the rest of us, that doesn't mean he did it. How about we skip the vote and just be wary of Poop until we have better evidence to work with?"

"Seems like a reasonable idea," MrGrits agreed. "Alright, everyone. Let's skip."


Your Mom:

Skipped: *********


No one was ejected(Skipped.)
2 Impostors remain.


"Welp, let's keep at it with the tasks, fellas," MrGrits told everyone. "We've only got five this round, so if we're lucky, we might be able to pull off a task win."

"Yeah! Everyone scatter!" Player called out as they all headed down the ladder and dispersed...Jeff spoke up again once the two of them had gotten far enough away from the crew.

"'Everyone scatter?' Heh heh, I like that. It's short, simple, and makes the point across!"

"Thanks; a friend of mine always says it whenever a round starts or the meeting ends, so I figured I might as well throw that in there," Player replied.

"Well, he certainly sounds nice. Oh, and remember, we should probably keep Poop and Your Mom alive; we can use them."

"Yeah, I was thinking the same...Who should we target next?"

"Hmmmm...Well, how about Sandy and Snowball? They're usually together, so it would make for an easy double kill, no?"

"Sounds like it would," Player nodded. "Where do you think we'll find them?"

"Let's check the Admin map in the Cockpit; that might give us a clue as to where everyone is."

"Good idea, Jeff."

The two Impostors turned into the Engine Room, passed by Communications and entered the Cockpit. Jeff pulled up the map, and the two of them took a look.

"Let's see...There are two people in Security, two in the Lounge, one in the Viewing Deck and one in Records. One of the two pairs is likely Snowball and Sandy, so let's make our way down into the Kitchen and through the Hall of Portraits into Security to see who's there...If Snowball and Sandy are the ones in Security, then we should double kill and then down the lights. If it's MrGrits and Your Mom in Security, however, we should let them live, then split up in Electrical and see if we can corner them there from opposite directions."

"So, one of us will go to the Lounge through Medical and the Cargo Bay while the other takes the route through Showers and Records?"

"Exactly," Jeff confirmed as they left the map and headed out of the Cockpit. "But just to be extra safe, how about we see who's in the Viewing Deck and take care of them before they can catch us doing anything sus."

"Got it...Let's go check it out."

They both headed down through the Kitchen into the Viewing Deck...MrsPotato was there downloading data.

"Hey, MrsPotato," Player greeted. "How's the download coming along?"

"It's just about done....Aaaaaand there! Finished!"

"Alright, good. Now we can kill your body without crushing your soul."

"Wait, huh?"

Jeff shot the orange crewmate in the head with his pistol before he could react, and the two of them slowly headed back through the Kitchen.

"Looks like the kill cooldown is pretty short this round," Player noticed. "That should come in handy."

"Yes, but just to be safe, let's take our time getting to Security," Jeff told him, both of them slowing down a tad. "Now. Keep in mind that if MrGrits and Your Mom are on cams, we'll have to down Comms before we perform the kills, just to make sure they don't see us doing it."

"Good idea," Player nodded. "Wow...You really did your homework with Impostor work, didn't you?"

"Well, in order to be as good an Impostor as I am, one needs to strategize and plan ahead. That and knowing the layout of the maps, as well as the sabotage locations and other game settings are key factors in determining Victory or Defeat."

"That's true...Usually, I just try to rely on lying my way out of situations, but it doesn't always work. I should take some pages out of your book; you seem amazing at this, Jeff."

"I'm glad I could help you, Player," the red Impostor smiled as they entered the Hall of Portraits. "Always glad to give someone a hand!"

"Oh really? Heh...Well, that's different from MrCheese."

"The Banana of your group?"

"I'd say he's sort of a mix between you and banana; he's a great Impostor, but his skill really gets to his head. He can be pretty full of himself sometimes, and he's dangerously smart despite his cute and innocent façade. Especially as an Impostor."

"Oh, I see."

"Yeah...He's a good guy though, really. They all are."

"Who? Your friends?"

The voice came from Security, and Player beamed when he saw who said it...It was Snowball, and Sandy was with him rewinding the tapes, so that meant they wouldn't have to go trying to corner the duo in the Lounge.

"Yep, my friends," Player nodded. "So, what are you guys doing in here?"

"We're just taking a peek at the cams and finishing up our tasks," Snowball replied. "Sandy and I usually finish earlier than the others, so we figured it'd be good to-"


Both of them turned to the tapes to see Sandy getting stabbed by Jeff's Impostor knife, and her lifeless body fell to the ground just a moment later.

"Sandy! No!"

Snowball tried to report, but Player had already whipped his pistol out, and the white crewmate was down and dead himself before he could report.

"Two down, two left to go," Player remarked, satisfied with their success thus far. "Okay Jeff, let's get out of here before someone sees us with the bodies."

"Right behind you, Player!"

"Um...Yeah. It's a little late for that, you two."

The third voice came from the entrance to Electrical...Poop was standing there, having heard everything.

"Uh-oh...Well, Player, it was nice playing with you, but it looks like we're done for now."

"Yep," Poop nodded, pulling out his megaphone to report.

"Not yet it isn't," Player retorted, pulling out his OWN megaphone and reporting the body before Poop could. "Follow my lead, Jeff."

"Wait, what?"




Everyone spawned back into the Meeting Room, and Player spoke up before Poop could.

"Oh my God! It was Poop! I saw him kill Snowball right in front of me in Security!"

Everyone gasped...Jeff's eyes widened when he realized what Player was attempting, and he played along.

"It's true! I went into Security with Player and I saw Poop kill as well! And I think I saw a blood spatter down by the Viewing Deck there, too! Sandy must have been there!"

"Wha-!? I-!?" the brown crewmate spluttered.

"Poop, these are some pretty solid accusations," Your Mom told him, her tone stern. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"It's not me! It's Player AND Jeff! I saw them double kill!"

"Psh. Yeah right, Poop. Trying to deflect the blame and put it on us," Player scowled. "It's not gonna work."

"Well, Player did report first," MrGrits noted. "I will say this; it CAN'T be Your Mom; she's been with me nearly this entire time."

"It's true," she nodded. "We were emptying the trash and cleaning the toilet in the Lounge just as the body was reported."

"Which means..." Jeff added. "Banana must be the second Impostor who killed Sandy on the Viewing Deck!"

"Oh my gosh!"

"NO! You guys are seriously going to believe them!?" Poop argued.

"Just trust me, guys," Player told everyone. "If it's not Poop, then you can vote me off next."

"Hm. That seems fair," MrGrits figured. "Alright! Let's vote out Poop!"

"You guys are gonna regret this..." Poop grumbled.

"All in favor of casting Poop out and sending him careening to the unforgiving ground below," Player exclaimed. "Say aye!"



Player: *
Your Mom:
Poop: ****

Skipped: *


"Oh, no..."

"Welp, see ya later, Poop," MrGrits told him as the crew surrounded and apprehended him, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, have fun skydiving!" Jeff teased.

"You're gonna pay for this, Jeff!" Poop hollered as MrGrits, Your Mom, Player and the red crewmate he was addressing all hauled him into the Cargo Bay. He tried to break free, but his attempts were futile...And Poop just stopped struggling once he realized he wasn't going anywhere but down.

He only screamed once he was thrown out the back, and he disappeared into the thick, white clouds below.


Poop was not An Impostor.
2 Impostors remain.


"Hey, uh...Wait a minute," Banana spoke up. "It wasn't Poop?"

He, MrGrits and Your Mom all stared at Player and Jeff...The latter seemed tense and nervous, but the former didn't look anxious in the slightest.

"...Have you two got anything to say before we oust you next?" MrGrits asked them.

"Yep," Player nodded. "...Crash course!"

That was when the alarm blared, and the Airship tilted downward as it started hurdling down towards the earth. Banana was the first one to start running for the Gap Room, and everyone else tailed him.

...To the dismay of MrGrits and Your Mom, the shortcut platform was on the other side of the gap, so they couldn't use it to get across.

"Punch in the code, Banana!" the blue crewmember told him. "And keep punching it in until the alarms stop!"

"I will, I will!"

They departed and ran into Records and through Showers to reach the other side...leaving Banana all alone with Player and Jeff.

"So, Banana, tell me," Jeff taunted him. "Did you first start to suspect us before or after Poop was confirmed innocent?"

"I...uhhh...Ah...Y-you're distracting me! I don't wanna be around you two!"

"Wow. Some intelligence for a change," the red Impostor remarked as they followed the yellow crewmate down to the panel. "Ah, well. It's a shame the kill cooldowns are only fifteen seconds this round; you're pretty much doomed once they hit zero."

"Yep. Sorry, banana," Player added, shrugging a bit. "I think you're a pretty nice guy, though. No hard feelings?"


"Two...One...Zero," Jeff counted down from the cooldowns. "Care to do the honors, Player?"

"Don't mind if I do."

He rose his hands, put them on each side of Banana's head and snapped his neck with one quick twist...Banana was dead too soon to feel any pain.

With that, the screen faded to black, and Player showed up on the screen alongside Jeff just a moment later.


With that, everyone spawned back into the lobby, and MrGrits and Your Mom were the first ones to speak.

"Wow. You really sounded convincing there, Player!" the pink crewmate told the maroon one. "I really thought it was gonna be Poop!"

"Me too," MrGrits agreed. "Gg, guys. That was pretty tense."

"Yeah, Gg," MrPepperoniMan nodded. "I guess you did pretty good, new guy."

"I think he's scary..." Banana remarked, cowering behind Chester. "He sounds too...too...trustable."

"Ya mean 'trustworthy?'" the cyan crewmate corrected him lightly. "Well, I gotta admit; he like to give his victims that twist ending; I didn't suspect a thing until it was just a split second too late."

"Wow, we must have done really well for the crew to be so impressed!" Jeff remarked. "We made a really great team back there, didn't we?"

"We sure did; you did the math, and I did the talking. It was awesome!"

"Hey, hang on. How about we switch colors for a minute! I want to see how you look in red!"

"Really? Okay!"

They headed to the computer in the dropship and swapped their colors, and Player had his usual bright shade of cherry red back on in a split second.

"Ah, it's good to be red again," he remarked. "Wow. You look pretty good in maroon, Jeff."

"I should say so myself! Maybe I'll be this color more often...And you look great in your usual red. You were right; we DO look quite alike, don't we?"

"Like a dang mirror. Ha!"

That was when, out of nowhere, the sound of an accordion started up from somewhere, and the entire crew suddenly stopped talking.

"Um, Player?" MrsPotato addressed. "Is that your phone?"

"Ah, yep, heh heh...My best friend's calling me; he and the others are probably wondering where I'm at."

"Oh, is this My Bologna? I love that song!" Jeff remarked as Player picked up the phone.

"Hey, Veteran!"

"Player, dude, didja get the invite and the code? We already finished our first round, and we've been waiting for you since 5:30!"

"Agh, yeah, I'm sorry, Veteran; I tried to punch it in, but I guess I missed a letter or something, because I ended up in a whole other lobby. And, well...I figured I'd shake things up a little for once and play a round with them, you know?"

"Hmph. So what, ya left us in the dust, compadre?"

"What? No dude, I just-! *sigh* Veteran..."

"Heh heh, nah, I'm just messin'. But Captain's gettin' ready to start another game; if you wanna join it, you better leave wherever you're at now and punch in the right code so you can get in on this action."

"Oh, well, okay. Tell Captain I'll be right there, alright?"

"He's got it on speaker, Player, I can hear you!" Captain's voice called out.

"Oh. Well, I'll be there in a minute guys, see ya then!"


"That was my main group, guys," Player told the others. "I gotta get going."

"Oh, well, will you ever be back?" Jeff asked him.

"I dunno...Maybe."

"Well, if you ever see any of our names in the public server list, don't hesitate to join if you can," Snowball told him. "Nice havin' you on board with us today, Player. Have a nice day."

"You were the best first Impostor partner I ever had!" Jeff smiled, pulling him into a quick hug. "Be safe out there, and stay sharp, alright?"

"I will, Jeff," Player assured him, returning the favor. When the two teammates broke apart, the maroon crewmember waved to the rest of the group."

"Bye, everyone!"

"Bye, Player!"

Player left the game.

"Hm...Yeah. I guess he was okay," MrPepperoniMan shrugged. "I mean, for a joke, he did have an impressive punchline."

I didn't suspect him until it was too late," Your Mom remarked.

"Yep, me neither," MrGrits agreed. "Same with Jeff; you two made a formidable duo, ya did."

"Man, I'm going to miss him," Jeff remarked. "He was quite good, wasn't he Ninja?"

"はい, 彼は時間の経過とともに多くのことを改善しました."

They all turned to the figure now standing there...Judging by the voice, language, and headband in place of the usual cherry Ninja wore, something was off.

"待つ. ここは正しい場所ではありません! 皆さん、誰ですか!?"

"Uh oh, looks like we've got another mix-up," Chester remarked, turning to his brown companion. "Poop, would you mind explaining the situation to the new guy? I'm sure we can clear this up."



*insert the STA Studios outro theme here because it's catchy af*

Welp, bet nobody expected me to do somethin' like this. I like throwing people for loops and doing something unexpected, but in terms of success, I think it's either a hit or miss; I think I give too much info away before actually publishing things sometimes. XD

Okay, that's all for now! See you guys next time! :D

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