Chapter 1
The player is having a nice dream of seeing the Kamen Riders fight in his dream, but suddenly he feels my body colder than normal. He felt discomfort at his back and turned around to find comfort, only to feel like he was not dreaming at all and was lying on the floor so he ended up waking up, gasping from his sudden shift of comfort.
Player: What is this...? Where did I end up?
He looked up and saw a silver steel ceiling; he looked to his left to find no one there and then on the floor, to his surprise was an emblem of some sort but also a strange creature barking at him with cute sounds.
Fou: Fou! Fou, Fou...!
???: Fou, where have you been going lately?
He turned to the right and saw a beautiful woman with lilac hair and lavender eyes, wearing glasses and in some lab coat, and underneath it was a casual student outfit. She's now looking at him with a curious look like she has never seen somebody sleep in the cold halls of where she was. He looks at her with surprise but also cautious towards her.
Player: Who are you?
???: Um... Let's see... Maybe I'm not important enough for you to know my name...
Player: Huh?
???: I mean, I have a name. But I never really had the chance to use it...
He's looking at her in confusion and he can hear her muttering about herself. But he puts it on hold for now and she asks where he ended up. He was sleeping comfortably then suddenly waking up and finding himself in a new place.
Player: Ok, maybe you can introduce yourself later. But for now, can you tell me where am I exactly?
???: Oh that's an easy one. This is an observatory built to make the future of the human race continue to live on strong. This is the Chaldea Security Organization.
Player: W-Wait, can you tell me where am I exactly again?!
???: I just said... this is the Chaldea Security Organization.
The player's face went pale and his mind was running crazy as he was starting to panic. He knows what this means, and he starts to panic due to how he didn't play this game at all. He only knows one thing, don't trust anyone; he learned that after being too deep in Penacony's story in Honkai Star Rail.
He manages to suppress the beat of his heart after knowing the timeline where he is now. He then gets up with the girl looking at him curiously and the creature climbs up to her shoulder. He first asks a question to her.
Player: Do you have any drinks here like juice or water?
She looks confused about why suddenly asking a dumb question when it's nearby, but she thinks it is the other way.
???: Um, it's this way...
She's about to guide him when he asks her name again.
Player: About the name... I think it's Mash based on what I saw in your ID Card on your coat.
She looked to see that there was indeed her ID of herself on her coat. Maybe she just forgot about it and only just wore it for fun. Nevertheless, she nodded and greeted him properly.
Mash: Yes, my name is Mash Kyrielight. It's a pleasure to meet you...
Player: Player.
Mash: Hm?
Fou: Fou?
Player: That's my name.
Mash is innocent so he knows that she wouldn't even ask anyway. So they made it to a vending machine nearby and they both drank what they ordered. She's drinking water while he's drinking canned Buko juice. She watched him gulp down half of the can's content as he breathed properly, rehydrated and his body was energized.
???: Are you calm now?
Player: Yeah. Thanks by the way.
He knows he needs to play by the dialogues for now until he can find a way to how he ends up in this place.
Player: Uh, I remember that I was entered into a simulation or something. What was that?
Mash: Oh, you mean the Spiritron Dive? If you're not used to it, it might put a lot of stress on the brain.
Player: Well, that explained the discomfort in my head and having body pain for a bit there...
Mash: Fou is the one who found you here on the floor, unable to regain your consciousness.
Player: You mean the little one here?
He lifts his arm to show her that the creature Fou is now on his arm and jumps to her head. Mash finds it a bit discomforting when Fou tries climbing up on her head. Fou notices this and just sits on her shoulder instead as she introduces the little puppy.
Fou: This squirrel-like beast is Fou. It has the special rights to roam freely around Chaldea.
Fou then gets on his shoulder and she licks his cheek. He finds it ticklish a bit and starts chuckling. So he just simply pats her head and tells her to get down from his shoulder.
Player: Ok, that tickles. I think you should get down now because my skin is not as good as hers.
Mash wasn't offended because of her innocence but Fou just comes down and starts running around like Mash said about its rights.
Mash: As you can see, she goes where she pleases.
Player: Hm... Big world with small rarities...
Mash: She rarely approaches anyone except for me. By the way, are you one of the people with Master potential who they gathered for Rayshifting?
Player: Well... one of them. Said to be that I was qualified to make a contract with a Servant, somebody from those guys at the clock tower invited me here. Wait, if I remember ray-shifting has some sort of teleportation in our history?
Mash: Yes. You're correct. Back when CHALDEAS was developed by our top researchers, we saw the lights beginning to die out. If the light disappears, that means our civilization will come to an end. We find out the human race will become extinct in December 2028.
Player: So did you find the source?
Mash: A close examination of the information has revealed a new abnormality. The Spatial Singularity F.
Player: 'Fuyuki...'
Mash: We discovered from 2016 to 2028 CE, there was a suburban city in Japan that was an unobservable area and did not exist in history. So Chaldea assumed this was the cause of humanity's extinction, and proposed the Rayshift experiment to the UN, which received approval. Just like what you said, rayshift is related to teleportation in our history. They will be turned into Spiritrons and sent back into the past to intervene in the abnormalities caused by our extinction.
Player: So that's the plan, huh?
He looks up thinking all of this to himself, he knows the good and bad of having an idea or power to time travel. He learned that based on his parents, his grandmother, and to a King. He wonders what would be the King's reaction towards this.
Player: 'Time travel...' Say, how long have you been in this frigid place, Mash?
Mash: I've been in here for two years.
Player: So I think, I should be calling you Senpai.
Mash: No, everyone is a Senpai to me.
Player: *sigh* Well, if you insist.
???: Mash. Mash Kyrielight.
But suddenly, someone calls out to Mash and she turns to see a tall guy wearing a green coat and a green top hat. The man walks towards them, reminding them of the incoming briefing.
???: So this is where you've been.
Mash: Professor Lev.
Lev: The briefing on the Master potentials is about to begin. Come quickly to the control room.
The player stands up as he looks towards this man, his body is screaming rage, and anger. But he suppressed it, needing to know more about him,
Lev: Oh, who are you?
Lev taps into his wristwatch as he scans him he only sees his picture with a stoic look on his face and his name.
Lev: No. 50. Oh, one of the common recruits. Please don't be disappointed. All of you are necessary for this mission.
Suddenly they heard a camera snapshot sound and they looked to see Player taking a photo of them both from afar.
Player: Don't mind me. I'm just not gonna join the briefing when I get the gist of it. I'll try to find my room around here to place my stuff for now.
He starts to walk around to find his room and then he proceeds to sit on the ground and puts his back against the wall to organize his mind first.
Player: 'What did I end up myself into? I was just having a nice nap for tomorrow's college performance task and dreaming about Kamen Riders. Now I'm here in the complicated Nasuverse where I got no info on anything of what or who to trust here?! Damn you, De-... No, I blame you for this shenanigan... ZELTRECH!!!!!!!'
Player: Okay. Now that's over I should be able to find it now and not worry about it.
When he found it and entered the room, he was met by a bewildered expression. He sees a man, eating cake in his room with a tablet on the bed. Even the man in front of Player is confused about what is he seeing right now.
???: Hm?
Player: 'Right... This guy...'
???: Why are you looking at me like that? Come inside...
But as soon as he was looking at the tablet, it took 10 seconds for him to realize he was there standing.
???: Wait?! Who are you?!
Player: I was gonna ask you the same thing...
???: I should be asking that, first! Second, this is my "hooky hangout"! Who said you could come in here?!
Player: This was supposed to be my room.
???: Your room?! Here?! *realizes* Snap, I forgot. You were the last kid that was supposed to be showing up.
Player: Ok, let's get things right. Who are you?
Romani: I'm Romani Archaman, head of the medical division. Everyone just calls me Dr. Roman.
Player: So, like the best doctor in the organization?
Romani: Hehe. No, not at all. I'm just a run-of-the-mill doctor. Wait, the Rayshift is about to start soon after the briefing. All staff are supposed to be present. Why didn't you join?
Player: Well...
He tells him a white truth that he only finds out about the whole task when he hears it from one of the guards who invited him here and then tells it bluntly to Olga. But for Player, he felt like he skipped over the slap moment but just like the rude destroyer of worlds, he gets the gist. Romani filled up a hot chocolate on two cups and gave one to him.
Romani: So in other words, you've infuriated the director by saying you got the gist of everything after your Spiritron Dive and started arguing for it and kicked you out to cut you from the first mission.
Player: Well, you can say that.
Romani: Well, I can relate to that. The director rants me out, saying, "When Romani is here, the mood softens up too much!" All I could do was just sulk in this room. But since neither of us has anything to do, we should deepen our friendship.
Player: Well, my friend... *raises his cup* I couldn't agree more.
They both raise their cups as a toss to deepen their relationship. As Romani starts to explain what Chaldea is in detail, he starts roaming around his pocket and looks at the camera he used to take a picture of Mash and Lev. It was a metallic magenta-colored Blackbird Fly 135 Twin-Lens Reflex Camera.
Y/n: 'This was supposed to be Tsukasa's camera... Why did I have it a few moments ago and now stuffed in my pocket?'
But suddenly they were disrupted by a call in Romani's communication device. He saw who was calling when he answered it and it was from Lev.
Romani: Hey, Lev. Why did you call?
Lev: Romani. Rayshift is going to begin shortly. Would you come here as well just in case anything goes wrong during the process?
Romani: Did something happen down there?
Lev: Team A is ready, but Team B and the other teams are having small abnormality issues with some of the people who aren't used to this.
Romani: Well, I'll anesthetize them.
Lev: Just hurry up. You're in the medical office, right? You should be able to get here in 2 minutes.
Romani: Okay, okay.
Romani ended the call as Player just snickers at the lie answer he gave to Lev.
Player: You like being a little late, huh?
Romani: W-Well, it's not that I like it. It's just that sometimes I won't get in trouble for being a little. Sometimes. Besides, it sounds like Team A isn't having any issues. Oh, the man I was talking to.
Player: Professor Lev? I just encountered that guy who has furry hair. Excelled in Engineering based on what I hear from the staff and the Clock Tower.
Romani; Hahaha. That was humble of him. But I'll lend you a little secret. He created the telescope for CHALDEAS: the Near-Future Observation Lens, SHEBA. SHEBA not only observes CHALDEAS but also serves as a surveillance system for most of this facility. Also, it was the previous director, Marisbury Animusphere, who built the summoning and unsummoning system FATE, which is the foundation of the Rayshift tech. Meanwhile, the Spiritron Calculation Engine was provided by the Atlas Academy. So all together they-
But suddenly a massive explosion was heard from the walls of Chaldea that shook the entire place and caused a blackout throughout the entire facility. Romani and Player get up after falling to the floor.
Romani: Was that an explosion just now?
Player: 'It started already?!'
Emergency. Emergency. Multiple fires have broken out in the Central Power Station and the Central Command Room.
Romani: Fires?!
Central Area's containment wall will activate in 90 seconds. All staff must evacuate from Gate 2 at once. The containment wall will close in 40 seconds. Those who remain in the Central Area, evacuate immediately.
Player: Control room... Mash!
The player then immediately gets out and rushes towards the control room with Romani following all of a sudden. When they get inside, all they see are massive rubbles and fires everywhere but the CHALDEAS is unharmed.
Romani: CHALDEAS... This must be an act of sabotage.
The generator operation stopped. Power level critical. Switch to the backup generator, error. Please make the switch manually. The containment wall will close in 40 seconds. Those who remain in the Central Area, evacuate immediately.
Romani: This is bad...
Romani: I'm heading down to the underground power station!
Player: You sure?!
Romani: We can't let Chaldea's light go out. Hurry up and go back the way we came.
Romani leaves him alone as he hears the announcement for the final phase of the rayshift.
System switching to the final phase of the Rayshift. Coordinates, AD 2004, January, 30th, Fuyuki, Japan. Laplace's shifting protection was established. Singularity's additional factor slot is secured. Unsummon Program set. Please start the final adjustments.
The player then rushes to the center where he passes by all the rayshift pods with the windows cracked some can be seen that the people inside are dead but others can be signified through a blood-filled pod. Every time he passes through his adrenaline is rushing but also can feel the unbearable sight of everyone who died in the pods.
Player: Mash! Where are you?!
But then he hears Fou barking for help and he rushes there to see Mash crushed by the rubble. He was shocked because her blood was leaking to the watery floor as the lower half of her body was crushed.
Player: Mash!
Mash: Senpai...
Player: Mash, don't move! I'm getting you out of there!
Mash: No, that's...
Player: Don't you even dare say it!
He started to grab the rubble but it was so hot that he let go.
Player: Argh! S**t!
Mash: Never mind me... Please... you need... to run... Forget about me-
Player: Don't you dare even try to say that to make me save myself for you! Grrgh! Come on you piece of crap!!
The player struggles to lift it but he doesn't care about the pain, as he continues to try and lift it bearing through the scorching temperature. He even tried to punch it with his frail strength. He even started to scream in effort and pain to lift it.
Mash was helpless and seemed like all his efforts were in vain when all of a sudden she suddenly felt a lift on the weight of the rubble. She starts to see his body glowing black and white, shifting to dark gold, then to magenta, then to red. He opens his eyes and his eyes glow dark gold he lifts the whole rubble and tilts it over the other way.
Mash was in disbelief, her senpai had such strength but also a feat that she had never seen in all Masters. But he didn't care why is she looking at her like that. He lifts her on his shoulder as they slowly walk back to the exit but then he hears another announcement in the facility.
Warning all observation staff. Chaldeas' state has changed. Now rewriting Sheba's near-future prediction data. Unable to detect the existence of mankind 100 years shortly of Earth. Unable to confirm human survivors. Unable to guarantee mankind's future.
Mash: CHALDEAS is...
Central Area, sealed. 180 seconds till the internal containment procedure.
The CHALDEAS glowed like the sun, it scorched meaning it's the end of humanity in the near 100 years from now. They are about to get out when the bulkhead has activated locking themselves in. Mash looks at him apologetically and feels burdened.
Mash: Senpai... I'm sorry. Because of me...
Player: No, it's my own decision. I should be the one who's apologizing.
They now are sitting together side by side behind the bulkhead. He looks at his hand to see the blood stain, Mash's blood on him as he asks her in concern. He can see her eyes slowly dying.
Player: Are you okay, Mash?
Mash: Yes... Thank you...
Coffin Vitals: Masters Baseline not reached. Rayshift requirement not met. Searching for qualifying Master...
Mash: Senpai... You can't see... the sky... at all... from here.
He looks at her with such sadness knowing her voice is fading away he simply wraps his arm around her shoulder as they look at the burning CHALDEAS.
Player: That's because we're inside these freezing mountains. But I promise you, as your senior of the outside world, I'll bring to those skies even if it includes the night sky.
He holds her hand knowing he's just making a pointless promise to cheer her up and just further delaying the inevitable death. She starts to feel her hand warming up, it also feels like she is being healed. She looked at her senpai, she could see his sadness and disappointment, she's saddened by this too.
Mash: Senpai... Please, keep holding my hand...
He didn't need an answer as he looked at her with a sad smile as a tear flowed down from his cheeks. She has the same feeling too, and both of them are thinking their last moments before doom comes to them. Their experiences, their efforts and hardships, and finally, their loved ones, the family that they won't be seeing anymore.
They didn't care about the place being destroyed as Fou barked at what was happening, they're just looking at each other's eyes. The announcement was voiced out finding the last Master to qualify. Fou simply gets behind him and Mash.
Searching for qualifying Master found. Candidate No. 50, Player, reset as Master. Unsummon Program, start. Spiritron Conversion, start. Rayshift beginning in 3... 2... 1...
After that, they hear a digital click as everything has gone dark and they feel their bodies being transported through a blue time vortex. The last announcement they heard was the commencement of the First Order.
All procedures are clear. First Order, commencing operation.
As darkness envelops him, he hears a voice. A mighty voice so loud that it talked to him like it was commanding him. He can see a blurry figure with dark clothing and only a bright neon light on his waist.
I'm bestowing you the power you all need to survive in your mission to get home! Remember this, whatever happens now, will be yours to write as a history of your journey! So make the one you won't regret!
He then hears Fou's sad bark and he can feel a wet sensation on his cheek. He then gasped as he got up to see where he was now. He's on a square road, it is a ghost town and the skies are dark.
Player: This is... Fuyuki.
Suddenly he heard a whistling sound as he saw a red light streaking through the skies but then he realized what these were as he saw flickering red lights.
Player: Him!
But suddenly someone stood in front of him, it defended him with its ginormous shield. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, it was Mash, who had turned into something more of a cosplay of Mash Kyrielight he saw on Google. This was Mash's Shielder servant form.
Player: Mash...
Mash: I'll explain later. But for now, please stay down.
Then another barrage comes to them as he gets down and Mash steadily stands herself. He recognizes these attacks as he can only think of who's launching them.
Player: This kind of attack... One type of servant that can do this range of attacks, is an Archer type. 'Emiya...'
He was on point when from a satellite tower, somebody stood there with a bow in hand, watching the destruction he made. He has a red cloak on his waist and wears all-black gear, his bow is also black however his skin has red veins on his arm. He was impressed that somebody to stand against his devastating attacks.
Archer: Well, well...
He then forms another weapon it is a sword and it is forged into another arrow to fire another attack. But suddenly a presence nearby is casting a spell and he felt it. A massive beam of light fired at him so he immediately got out of the way by teleporting out of there and the servant who fired it also teleported as the light was seen from where Player and Mash stood.
Player: Is he gone?
Mash: Looks like he retreated.
Player: Mash... That outfit of yours...
Mash: Oh, this is-
But suddenly he saw something behind her and he grabbed her immediately. The attacker hit the shield and it fell beside them. He looked up to see that it was not any enemy in the nasuverse. It was a monster, Gurongi specifically.
Mash immediately grabs the shield and pushes the Gurongi out of the way. He starts to feel his heart and mind that he is being a useless fall guy again like he was back in real life. But he remembers his world, his home, and everything. If it meant for him to get back home to fight his way through this hell, then so be it. Screw doubts, screw hesitation, screw all those out.
Mash is getting pushed back by the Gurongi as several others start to appear, including a porcupine Gurongi. The porcupine fired its quills towards her and she defended herself but suddenly somebody stood in front of her to take the quills instead.
Mash: Master!!
Player: This world... These creatures... Everything that caused our future... They caused enough suffering! *gets hit by more quills* I don't want to see anyone's tears ever again!
He shrugs those quills off like dust and the poison in his body evaporates out of his body as he proceeds to push the Gurongi back with a kick first and then grabs a pipe and hits them with it.
Player: I want everyone to keep smiling!
He then felt someone behind him and it was a bat Gurongi and he judo threw him in front of his sights as Mash was surprised at what she was seeing, even Fou, they couldn't say a word.
Player: So please take a look! This is my... transformation (Henshin)!
Suddenly an item on his waist appeared and wrapped around him. It was a neon yellow buckle with black straps. He opened his hand instinctively as another item appeared in his hand. He then looked at it and it was a Progrise Key and he knew what he was wearing on his waist.
He was interested to see about the strange progrise key he has but he'll deal with it later for now he'll let them demonstrate it. He pressed the button on his Progrise Key telling the ability of his Progrisekey.
High-tech music starts to blare across the place. Everyone in the vicinity is attracted by this and can see the skies thundering and it starts raining despite the fires not putting out the rain. He shows the progrise key and spins it as it turns into its key mode. Finally, he snaps his fingers on his left hand before saying the magic words and inserts the key into the driver.
Player: Henshin!!
The Rider who breaks fate with a Rider Kick.
They were shocked to see his transformation. He stood tall with a body suit that had black plates in different shapes all over. For enemies, it spells death by his presence but for Mash, she sees it as a lone guardian who protected her and bestowed her powers. His visors glowed fiercely and stalking them in the darkness like a grim reaper.
Player: Kamen Rider Singularity! I'm sending you all back to the worlds you belong to!
He proceeds to run towards them and will begin his first fight, his first step toward being a Rider, but also getting back home to his Earth. The man who surpasses and breaks through fate, is now a Master of Servants. Kamen Rider Singularity has arrived.
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