Chapter Twenty One
"I am so excited to get rid of these crutches!" Mia exclaimed.
"That's good because it looks like your leg has mended entirely and your burn wounds have almost disappeared," Dr. Clarkson told her, happy as ever.
Unlike the last time Mia had gone to the doctor, Blake wasn't there. She still hadn't talked to him and ended up not even going to the movies. Instead, she went to Starbucks with Charlie.
"Does that mean I can get the bandages off too?" Mia asked hopefully.
"I'm afraid not. You can get the bandages off in about a week but the wounds aren't fully healed yet. Soon, though," she smiled.
Mia had to stop herself from talking about how excited she was to train with Blake again. Her smile turned down slightly at the thought of Blake. She knew she messed up but she just didn't know how to fix it.
Once the cast was removed, Mia stood up. The feeling was weird. Her foot was really numb, making it hard to move and when she looked down at it, her skin was a gross yellow color. She wrinkled her nose in disgust.
"Can we go home so I can wash this grossness off of my leg?" she asked.
Her dad laughed lightly before looking at her leg. Needless to say, he stopped laughing and she saw him cast it a look of disgust.
"Yeah, let's go." Mia laughed, glad that he realized how disgusting it was.
Tori walked over to her sister, smiling wide as she always was in her never ending excitement. "Eeee!" she squealed. "You can walk!" she exclaimed. "That means that you can drive so we don't have to get rides from dad until you fix things wit-"
"Nuh uh uh," her dad scolded, silently reminding Tori not to talk about Blake.
"Dad, it's fine. You can say his name. Blake! Blake! Bla-" She got cut off by herself, choking back tears.
"Oh, Mia. Just talk to him," her dad sighed.
"But... what if he doesn't forgive me? What then?"
"You really think that he wouldn't forgive you?" Tori asked.
"Well, I really messed up and I don't know if I could forgive me if I was him. Okay, I feel like that didn't make any sense at all but you know what I mean," Mia grumbled.
"You must not know Blake at all if you think he wouldn't forgive him. He likes you so much. You don't even know!"
What should I say? What if he doesn't accept? WHY AM I SO STUPID? she wondered as she stared at the hot metal phone resting in her hand. Mia groaned, as she let her face fall on the palms of her hand.
"You've just got to do it," Tori told her from the doorway, making Mia jump.
"When did you get here?" Mia wondered.
"Like three seconds ago. Doesn't matter. What does matter is that you TELL HIM!" she exclaimed, managing to look angry and annoyed at the same time.
"But what if he doesn't accept?" Mia asked, doubting everything.
"Then I'll drag him there," she responded, rolling her eyes.
"I don't know." Mia's phone was grabbed out of her hand and she watched as Tori typed away.
"Don't send any-" needless to say, she was too late. A ding resounded around the room.
"Oopsies. Sorry," Tori apologized. It was fake.
Mia rolled her eyes, imitating Tori's signature look. "What did you send?" Mia asked hesitantly.
"Oh, nothing terrible. I think I said 'hey, Blake. It's Mia. I love you. Do you wanna meet up tomorrow at the park on 34th and Jingle street?"
Mia nodded her head in affirmation before the realization hit her. "Please tell me that you didn't actually tell him that I love him!" she begged, grabbing the phone out of Tori's hand.
"Hey! I was playing Crossy Road!" she complained.
"And now you're not." Mia got off of the game and went back to her text messages. Sure enough, when she clicked on Blake's name and saw the latest text, it told Blake that she loved him. "WHY!? Why in the world would you think that that was a smart thing to send!?"
Luckily, he hadn't responded back yet which meant that she had time to fix this.
Hey, that was my sister. Not me. I do wanna hang out but I don't love you. Definitely not. Because that's creepy and weird and I've only known you for like five months and it's not even possible to love someone after only knowing them for six months. I feel like I'm digging myself into a deeper hole but I don't care. Okay, bye
She groaned as she pressed send, immediately regretting her choice in words. She knew she didn't love him. I mean, seriously, it's not possible to love someone after only knowing them for a few months.
"Uh oh. What did you send." Mia held her phone out to mis with her head still in her palm. Silence.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seve- "Wait a second. You actually love him?" she asked shocked.
"What? Where in the world did you come up with that?" she wondered.
"I mean, have you looked at it? It's obvious that you do."
"No, I really don't. I thought I made that quite clear." Suddenly, a ding chimed in the air, catching Mia's attention. "What did he say?" she asked, knowing that the ding meant she had a new message.
"You have a dentist appointment next Saturday," was all she said. Mia groaned.
Three hours later and Mia was sitting on the living room couch next to Tori, watching some cheesy romance movie she couldn't care less about. She had to admit, it was nice to be able to walk down stairs again. She could barely do it when on her crutches and needed to be carried when in her wheelchair.
Her thoughts weren't on her walking situation or the weird movie playing on their TV. No. All she could think about was why Blake hadn't responded yet. She could tell he'd seen it and at times, he even started typing, the three little dots scaring her out of her mind, but he never actually pressed send, leaving her to guess what he could have possibly wanted to say.
"Ugh!" Mia groaned for the dozenth time in the last hour as the dots disappeared again.
She had had enough. What are you thinking? she texted.
... Really? she thought, annoyed at the never ending sea of dots she had seen in the past three hours.
Mia tried to be patient but it kept going on and off. "Can you just shut up and watch the movie?" Tori asked exasperatedly. "I get that you're upset about the love of your life-"
"I do not love him!" she protested, cutting Tori off and earning a glare from her sister.
"Whatever. I know you're upset that the like." She made sure to put emphasis on the word 'like'. "Of your life hasn't responded but you need to get over it. He'll respond when he's ready. You are such a teenager," she mumbled under her breath as if she wasn't also a teenager.
"Okay, I just need to forget about him, right? Ugh! I am so annoyed right now."
Okay. That is all Blake sent. No, 'sure, Mia. I can't wait to see you,' or 'I'll see you then.' No, instead he said 'okay.' PERIOD! Even, 'fine, Mia, but you better have a good apology," would have been better then, 'okay.'
Infuriated. Confused. Relieved. Confused. Happy. Confused. Angry. Confused. Angry. Confused. Angry. Confused.
Needless to say, Mia went through a good amount of emotions that day.
Ignoring her countless emotions, she responded calmly, knowing that she was the one who needed forgiveness. I'll see you then, she responded, her heart beating erratically against her ribcage in nerves.
"Girl, you seriously need to calm down. You're totally freaking out," Bella told her, looking over at Tori for assurance. Tori nodded her head in agreement as Mia mentally rolled her eyes. Why Mia thought it would be a good idea to have a sleepover with the two most loud, opinionated, and squealy girls, she had no idea.
"Can you just let me be on the matter? I mean, it's not like none of you have talked or squealed or stressed or whatever about boys before. And that reminds me, how are things going between you and that Talon boy from your choir class?" Mia asked, her bionic memory serving her well once again.
Instantly, Tori rolled her eyes. "I am so over him. We broke up like a month ago. You are so out of the loop," Tori complained.
"Seriously," Bella agreed. "I mean, even I knew that and before tonight, I didn't even know you that well." Okay, this was starting to get creepy. She was starting to get a suspicion that they were actually secret twins separated at birth.
"Okay, guys. As much as I love you guys telling me how disconnected I am from everything, could we just not?" she asked.
"If we can't talk about fun stuff, can we at least watch The Princess Bride?" Tori asked. "It's a classic."
"Agreed," Bella added, furthering her point of them being twins.
"You know what? Okay, I like The Princess Bride. Especially 'have fun storming the castle!'" Mia said, imitating the lines to the best of her ability
"Oh! And 'I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!'" Tori added
"You can not forget the best line in the whole movie," Bella told them. "My name is Amigo Mantoy (I'm so sorry for the spelling. I don't know smarts). You killed my father. Prepare to die!"
"I think that's debatable," Tori argued. "The witch/wife line is obviously way better." And just like that, Mia knew that she was in for quite a night. Including, watching old movies, listening to one of her best friends and her sister fighting, and staying up way too late.
Mia groaned and rolled over in her sleeping bag, kept awake by Bella's incessant snoring. It was 2:00 am and she was still wide awake.
Giving up on trying to sleep, Mia stood up and walked over to the kitchen. She didn't know what to do. She was so bored.
Mia, being the crazy, stupid person she was when she was exhausted, decided to text Blake.
Hey, I'm still awake. How about you?
The moment she pressed send, she regretted it but there was no going back now.
To Mia's surprise, a few moments later, her phone lit up. She had set it to silent so as not to wake up Mia or Bella. She unlocked it and saw a new message from none other than Blake.
Same. Thinking.
Do you maybe want to hang out now instead of later? I just want to have my best friend back, she admitted, hoping that he would accept her request.
Moments later, after staring at the three little dots, one word popped up on the screen.
I'll meet you at the park?
I'll be there.
Mia sat on the swaying swing set, the chill breeze helping to calm her nerves as she waited for Blake. She looked around once again in search of his silhouette but, once again, all she saw was the plastic slide a few feet to her right, the merry-go-round to her left, some monkey bars a good seven feet in front of her, and cars passing the road next to the park. The park wasn't big. In fact, it was extremely small but she had seen kids playing there so many times that she could appreciate it.
Sad that he hadn't arrived, Mia looked down again, trying to focus on swinging rather than the pounding of her heart.
Suddenly, the smell of mint wafted through the air and Mia looked up. There he was. Blake.
Mia stood up quickly and ran to him, gripping him in her small arms as they hugged. For a few moments, Mia thought he wouldn't hug her back but a second later, he was practically squeezing her to death.
"I'm so sorry, Blake," she whispered into the embrace. "I just got so upset and then I thought you didn't care and then it just spiraled out of control but I'm so sorry. I never should have doubted you and I know I'm in the wrong and please forgive me," she begged.
"I do," he responded quietly. Slowly, Mia loosened her grip and looked into his perfect, shining, forest green eyes. Then, her gaze moved to his lips.
She leaned up at the same time that he leaned down until their lips were connected in a kiss.
A/N Soooo... another Mia and Blake kiss. That reminds me, what do you guys think the ship name should be? Also, who do you guys like more Blake, or Charlie?
I'm sorry for being so late. I was in extreme writers block which is why it took so long. The next chapter has some juicy new things. It's very exciting. It kind of changes the whole point of the story so I hope you're ready. I just have to write it.
Bye beauties
Xoxo - Abby
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