Oh baby, I'm down

Time is no friend when lovers are apart... When the bus is late... or you are. When school subjects are a drag. Or the pittance, of what you call a wage, isn't due for another day... Or three.

Her fingers touched lonely lips.

Her eyes roved the empty room.

Paul was gone. The mirage of lovers, and or, friends, blurred, disappearing with each and every tick and tock, of the clock on the wall.

Should have kept whatever we were a secret, Jackie surmised. She should have said no to going out in public. Said no and stayed home to wield her womanly wiles on him. He liked her enough in private. Skin heated, hearts thumping in time.


He was so fast. His life a merry go round of Beatle mayhem. Never a moment, never a pause. Making love to the man had been full of passion and lust and spontaneous combustion. Something she had never felt before. Something she wanted more of. Him. All glorious five foot ten, of him.

Chocolate chip biscuits sat on the plate. Warm, still soft, slightly crunchy at the edge. Nibbling and pondering Jackie closed her eyes for the briefest of moments. Paul was far away and had been ever since they had returned from that club. He may as well have said Hello Goodbye as was the speed of his entry, and exit, into Jackie's world.

Crumbs gathered on the plate.

Beth rushed through the front door. Kicking it shut with black leather shoes, scuffed in the toe, low on tread. The clock tripped over to twenty-five past three "Oops" Beth cringed as she received her mother's bestest motherly scowl. The tick and tock of their clock was as routine as ever.

Beth. Jackie. Them. One. A unit.

"Kate says I need to offer to mind Julian again" Chocolate mmmmm mum makes the best chocolate bikkies. She looks... sad, sort of far away. Maybe not Norfolk far away but at least the end of the street far away. Rush the reason, maybe mum will nod absentmindedly "Cause they have been off touring so John will need to take Cyn out" Two, no three biscuits. Yes, yes please.

"I'm sure John can organize himself a babysitter. For heaven's sake no, two bikkies, Bethy"

"But, ummm, I was good. Please three mum, they are so yummy! And regarding babysitting...I didn't cause any bother. Looked after Julian like a trooper John said"

Watching Beth flinch three moreish afternoon treats, she shrugged. Win some, lose some. "You can't push yourself on them; On him like that... You'll come off as desperate" Huh well now who's the pot calling the kettle black. Throwing yourself at Paul, wanting his kisses... his candlestick. Oh lordy... his wonderful candle-

"Who's desperate?"

"Pattie! How in the blazers did you get in the flat? I didn't hear you!" Head swivelling Jackie surveyed the front door, and Pattie. Shaking one more 'no' from her head as Beth reached for yet another biscuit Pattie waved her hand about like breaking into a flat wasn't a bother. "Your sneaky sneaking skills are really coming along Pats"

"My finely honed stealthy skills you mean! George was ever so impressed and disgusted when I crawled out from under the telephone table in the hall and grabbed his hairy leg. Must have jumped seven foot, he did"

"Your telephone table with- twice the size of its girth- tablecloth draped over it, doesn't count. I'm talking about how you sneak around stealing chocolates from Gary's desk and writing afternoons off in the diary when I'm not looking!"

"Oh poop. It was one teeny weeny pineapple heart and I made us two measly hours late for the Mary Kay shoot. Gary doesn't need the pounds on his bummy... and I was tired!" Flicking hair to distract Jacks interrogation Pattie rounded on a suitably impressed looking Beth huffing out indignantly " 'ello Bethy dear. Your mother is an absolute slave driver!"

"Am not"

"Are too!"

"Children" Beth chided happily. What is it with mother and Pattie? They are like kindergarten students when they get together. Work must be such fun!

"Oh Bethy, before I forget, John wants you"

"Oh my gosh... he does!?" Eyes clouded immediately; entranced with imagery of John running toward her, arms spread wide open, grinning from ear to ear.  Just.  For. Her. She sighed dramatically. Love was such a wonderous-

"Not like that Beth"

"Yes, he does"

"No, he doesn't"

"Yes he- No he- oh my god Pattie, what are we doing?"

"Conversing on a much simpler, and unpolluted by adult double meanings, scale"

"He wants me!"

"Yes! He so does Beth!... To change stinky poopy bums and warm milk. And burp and change poopy stinking bums again"

"Oh. Oh goody! When! Soon?!"

"Oh, I don't know. Paul says he'll.." Nibbling a delicious biscuit Pattie opened the oven to see if there were any more.

"Paul?" Eyes lit up then faded to begin self scrutinising her and Paul's 'relationship'. Well that's a 'loose' word isn't it.

He hadn't been round in a week! Fair enough he was off galivanting about the place like a knight of the realm but even so he was really a prince and princes' should be able to say no to gallivanting about and definitely should be able to take time out to visit damsels in states of undress-

"Yes Jacqueline, Paul"

Her undress that is, not loads of damsels.

Bloody hell he could be shagging half of the UK what with their humongous following and that talented candlestick of his.

Can't open a door without girls throwing themselves at him. No doubt they would be up to pulling some shady tricks and turning up in all sorts of places. And what about the security of their persons on stage, and off... Girls throwing bras and knickers I'd expect. Who wouldn't!? It's perfect Paul with his gigantic cand-

"Now Bethy. Paulie says he will pick up your mum and -"


"You are indeed Bethys mum so yes-you, my love"


"For the weekend?! Please, please me Miss Boyd and say for the entire weekend!" Oh my lord John and his appendages would have to be in the room at some point during a whole weekend, wouldn't they. He would want to sleep. He likes sleep. He would want to relax after his wonderful tour. He would need to shower... Shower, oh boy, he'd have a long hot shower for sure. I could test the water-

"But-" Ugh Paul can't just turn up and up end everything. Can he?

Spin his fancy motor round the corner, park in the No Standing and say... 'hop in luvs' and I just trot out like some little docile lamb on a leash for him.

"Yes Bethy, I indeed recall John saying week or was it til the end of something. Or was it Monday? Maybe it only tonight? Silly me, I can't remember. Oh ha- ha please please me~ funny" Pattie opened the refrigerator for milk, Jacqueline's self-doubting popped its dreadful head up again.

How can Jack's be the boss of me when she acts like a scared child in need of reassurance? Ohh, bread and butter pud.

Paulie's smitten but he's not exactly yelling it from the rooftops, now is he. No. Maybe he likes Jackie all to himself. He's always been the greedy type. I remember one time he plonked himself down and ate an entire bar of Cadbury Turkish Delight because Georgie had mentioned he had a craving for chocolate....


"Yes Jack. Have you hit your head on the side of the bath tub again? I swear you are denser than my mum's brill, yet slightly stodgy, bread and butter pudding this afternoon. Yours looks firmer"

"Miss Boyd!" Squeal!!!! ... Johns gonna kiss me and Kates going to be so jelly again. I mean who wouldn't it's Johhhnnn Lennonnnn hunka hunka hubba hubba.

"Patricia, I am not stodgy bread and butter pudding!"

"What-ever do you want hollering like that for Bethy dear!?"

"It's this afternoon- like right NOW!!??!"

Jacks is getting that stressed mother look again, I cant imagine why, its Paul for goodness sake, she should be off fixing her hair. "And the issue is Jacqueline...?"

"I-" He's coming... here. Again. Don't read to much into it, he's just dropping Beth to Cynthias. That's all. That's it. But it is Paul and that body and that butt of his. Oh and those thighs. Christ get a grip woman.

Plonking down at the kitchen table and bumping of head repeatedly on the tabletop was required.

Too much. Much, much too much.

Beth's high-pitched squeals and Patties perfumed steamrolling herself in the door and throwing Prince Paul the perfect into a formerly dull yet safe evening was much too much to process.

"I'm going to have a super speedy quick bath. Make sure Paul doesn't drive off without me!"

"If your mothers here he won't go anywhere fast. Except of course to her-"

"What's that supposed to mean Miss Boyd?"

"Bethyyyyy bathhyy luvvy!"

"Oh yes, of course! I'll be right quick"

"Remember your underarms! Both of them!!" The words wailed in the wind after Beth stomped rapidly up the narrow staircase. Hygiene reminders were the constant for the current month it seemed.

"What's wrong, sugar butt?"

"Sugar Butt?" The table top had biscuit crumbs on it. As she swiped them off her cheek Jackie raised an eyebrow at Pats in question.

"Well if I said 'Sweets' on its lonesome you would still be there headbanging the table but I won! I said butt and got you to look you dirty chook haha. Is that a choc chip on your top lip or are you trialing fake moles?"

"Mmmmm choc chip!"

"Ugh if that had been a mole it would have been gross"

"Is he really on his way?"


"You know who"


"Noooo the other one. The fun one"


"No. Not John! Come on Pattie give me a heads up will you"

"Paul will be here in.." Where's the blasted clock. After a trip to the living room, a check for food in front teeth in the mirror, a major grumbly groan from Jacks with another bump to her noggin on the kitchen table... The rest of the sentence was given "ten minutes"

"You have got to be joking"

"Nah, where's the fun in that. Saying the correct amount of time is just as amusing... The look on your face is priceless. Oh, come on Jacks. It's Paulie. He's coming. You'll be coming. Everyones com-"

"Stop that! You're such a dirty model!"

"I do try"

"Pattie! Arghhhh"

"Hellloo! Any pretty women about?"

"My god, he's here already! And I have remnants of choc chips and biscuit crumbs all over my face!"

"Oh, hello there Patricia. Hi luv... And don't you look utterly delicious"

Reddening as Pattie cackled, eyes ran all over the perfect prince of Abbey Road. His jacket was ripped at the shoulder. Like he'd been attacked...

Like a pack of hyenas had turned up and dragged on his arm to throw him to the ground and devour him. Like a herd of monkeys. Herd? Group... Troupe? Troupe! Like a troupe of monkeys had swung from him. Little monkey digits tugging and plucking and nipping at his body.

"What happened to your jacket?"

"Oh, you know. The gurls were right wackers today what with us being off out in the countryside for a bit, they missed us something shocking. Great innit"

"Your lapel has lipstick on it... just there" Pattie added pointing at the offending coral imprint. Jacks eyes widened. Bloody monkeys. Bloody gurls. Bloody princes causing all sorts of mayhem.

"Beth up-?" Throwing a pointy finger skyward whilst skirting round Pats lips, descended to the doorway of erotic adventures, Jacqueline's mouth.

There now, bit of tongue, and she's blushing like a virgin.

Good lord how did I survive the lack of his lips and that glorious tongue of his for more than twenty four hours!? So talented, so handsome. He's so fit. He stands tall and the wiff of aftershave waffs but all I can see are teeth. His zipper teeth. Rapid heart palpitations occur... Must recover decorum. Must not, I repeat not, close in with my own teeth to his ahemmm.

Must return to the kitchen from floating up and visualising Nirvana.

Must drag eyes upwards. Must close mouth to stop drooling.

Must rein in my want for a good shag.

Must- "She's right!... There is lippy there"

"Where? Oh that. One got rather fresh. It's all off me neck though, innit?"

"Yes it's all off your bloody neck, Paaaul" Why oh why was I born with green eyes?! How-ever can I indicate to him I'm actually being a green-eyed jealous monster?!


Yes, you silly girl. Jealous. Ugh.

Paul descends once again and dreams broached horizons as his tongue twirled like a cheerleader's baton. Slower than a quick marching tune but more than making up for it in skill. "Mmmm" was moaned by some flipping hussy. Damnit! Be hard to get, not laid out on the kitchen counter like meat for tea. Please, some decorum for crying out loud Jack.

'Where's kiddo?" Pulling off her moaning wanting lips was a mission and a 'alf but this sweet mission must be knocked on the head so I can pull off the pièce de résistance- Jackie all to myself forever and a day. Well a day and a half minus a trip to the studio in the A.M to lay down some bass parts. Still. Jackie all to meself to explore a little more. What am I saying, a lot more. Better than a random shag in a motel room this one.

What can I say...

She's all that.

Beautiful, sweet. Virginal in the tender quiet moments, kinky hussy in the loud. And she doesn't have crabs.

Big plus.


"Cyn!!!!!" Cleave wants an interview again. Last time she was so... so... God what's the word for it? In your face! No slinking in and giggling that woman. No, she had balls. Big ones. Hung like an ox she was, the way she pushed through the glazed look of boredom in my eye to actually get a real response. As opposed to the waffle I purge to the wankers at press conferences. Turn left at Greenland indeed.



"Tea please"

"For the last- " Ugh, just be cheerful luv "Yes dear"

Remember luv he's been 'working' He better have been working not fooling about. Gee they all think I'm a prissy ignorant wife, they do. But you watch, a drop or two of peppermint oil, a nip of grapeseed and he's stuck at home for a few days.

On the loo granted, but all mine.

100 percent here, with me. Only lasts a few days. But after those lovely few days he's a flipping handful anyway, can't stomach the incessant telly watching and phone calls placed as he reclines on our well-worn couch. Oh my, that telephone should be a melted mess the amount of calls he makes.

Setting the tea and a few Chocolate Oliver's before Prince Charming as he scratches his inner thigh, I see our future. Me here to make tea and him here to service the masses; Via his vocal cords only that is. And he does do a lot of that. I love it really. He's a wonderful singer, a man with flaws as they all are yet one that can make me feel beautiful with a quick sarcastic turn of phrase. Oh yes, and he makes me laugh til I pee with his funny antidotes and wicked jokes.

I see the girls, the looks, the lust, I just can't overthink all that or I'll go plum crazy. He's talented, he's handsome, he's playing around but what really can I do. Strap him to the clothes line? Brian wouldn't like that and Paul would have a pink fit if I pulled his boy off their musical playground.

So here I stand shoveling sugar into his tea, splashing a precise drop of milk and passing him the cup and saucer; and I'll hold my head in my hands as I watch his collars come clean in the fancy new automatic washing machine.

Maybe we can go out tonight?

Maybe he'll be mine tonight.

"Go doll up luv, off to the Bag O' later. Put on the slinky red number. You always look a blast in that one"

"Sure, great, wonderful... Julian? I'll get mothe-"

"All done, Bethy G is coming over to mind the little 'en"

"Marvellous. I'll duck into the shower now"

"Take your time luv, I'll nap for a bit first"

"Perfect. Oh dear, wait a moment, I forgot that's' my chamomile tea, that. I'll go grab a fresh cup for you! Silly me"

"Ta luv"

Wouldn't want him sat on the toilet in the bag o' nails all night would we...


With Bethy deposited at a' la lunatics. Nah, shouldn't call Johns abode that but John- yeah. The mad lad said some dirty aside about vibrators and bloody scarlet again, and she giggled. Actually giggled. I get the frown when the dirty collar is presented and Johnny boy gets giggles about vibrators. Cor I'll vibrate on her something rotten later but for now she plays with said collar mumbling something about her green eyes.

"I'll fix it right good when we get back"

"Corrr, yes you will. Been a few days since-"Breaking off speech her eyes blaze as she pulls them free from the coral hued imprint on my lapel. She's not actually talking about my old fella by the look on her beautiful face. It's smudged surely that counts for something. The lippy- not me you know. It's quite intact thank-you very much.

"You jacket sleeve. You can wash your own lipstick stains out."

"You're not worried about a bit of coral crush lippy are you?" Pressing her pouty sheer nude lips together with a bite added for my groins pleasure I get the feeling she's seeing all of me. Well not the nudity part but the Beatley shitty part where other women line up for a piece of me. Shitty? Yes mate, shitty. Never called it shitty before, have you? NO! of course not, but it's shitty when the pretty lady cottons on to the lay of the land... my said land...

"They push and shove and lean and grab. Its not a magical place that, you know"

"Hmmm ok"

"Not down selling the whole girls trying to lock lips with me well, am I?"


"She only got my collar and a bit of my neck. A little bit, like a smidge bit. No shagging"

"Mmmhmmm. Maybe you should step on it so I can get out of this-"

"Step on me collar? no luv. I know I'm rather nimble but I'm no Houdini!"

"-Constraint Out of my panties..." Sighing at the thought, the words continue on as the swiftly heating, terribly traitorous body, hums "... and other terribly restrictive clothing" There you go again! You bloody hussy! Using your own needs to stop over thinking about herds of monkey girls attacking and trouping all over his neck. Look at that five o'clock shadow - he's so yummy... Hormones down. Stand down! Stand down I say!

"Bloody hell Jacqueline you are the absolute tops. The toppermost of the poppermost. Stepping on the Astons' accelerator will be my delight"

"No Paul, you laying all over my bed... will be my delight..."

Ugh so needy.

So depraved?


Ugh, he's so fine I can't not want this sexy music man.

I'm down... so going down.

A/N: Hi my loves. Apologies apologies apologies. But here finally.. is an update. I hope it is in the style you are accustomed. Fun, cheeky, sexy.

I wish you all good health. Not only are we Beatle lovers united but we are one people, a family, united. If you're stuck at home- good! You're safe. And that's the best news us, your family want to hear. Learn something new (Quizup app is great, add your friends worldwide.. And it has Beatle themes. Thats a Win Win!), ring a friend, write! Draw, do a jigsaw, listen to music, dance.

And remember, if you run out of toilet paper a good squirt of the hose should work a treat. haha. Love T

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