Chapter 8: A Possible in need of help!

It was early in the morning in the city of Paris and everyone was still resting, but for a certain someone who likes to wake up early in the morning for a morning work out had decided to take a morning run around the park area to get some exercise in which Michael was doing his early morning jogging around the park to stay in shape.

Michael: Path..path...path...

Spring: Wow Michael you sure do like to stay in top shape.

Michael: It's what I do after beating villains and saving lives. Besides I needed a good exercise before I do anything today.

Spring: All right just don't over due yourself.

Michael: I never do Spring.

Michael continued on with his morning jog for the next five hours and when he was finished he looked at the time and it was about 10:30 am. His whole body felt great altering doing his morning exercise and has decided to sit down and have a drink of water that he brought with him. While Michael was resting, another person who also was doing a morning exercise decided to take a break as well but not before looking at the person sitting next to her in which the person that also was doing exercising was a girl with short black hair and beautiful eyes and when she looked at Michael she couldn't help but stare at this hot and good looking boy.

Oh wow....I must be loosing it or am I seeing a really really hot guy! He looks so cute! Such beautiful blue eyes, nice black hair, great muscular figure...oh my gosh that is a man right there.(The girl saids in thought until Michael turned and looked to see the girl next to him)

Michael: Hello I see that you also were doing some morning exercises.

Oh um...yea...hehehe...yea I woke up early in the morning and decided to go for a run...

Michael: Same here though I usually wake up a lot earlier to help start the day.

Really what time do you wake up?

Michael: 4:30 to 5:00 in the morning.

That early geez I usually wake up around 6 to 7 in the morning.

Michael: Good start, I'm Michael nice to meet you.

My name is Videl, it's nice to meet you to Michael.

Michael: Need a water bottle because it looks like you could use a drink after your run.

Videl: Yea I could use something to keep me hydrated thanks.

Michael gave Videl a spare water bottle and the two sat together to drink and catch their breaths while Videl on the other hand was eyeing Michael with interest.

Videl: You from Paris?

Michael: London, I moved here weeks ago to get away from my old life cause I went through a bad experience with my former friends who I probably will never see again.

Videl: Let me guess someone new came to your home and told your friends fake stories and they ate it up while thinking that they were real in which they were not. And this person turned your friends against you and lied about doing awful things.

Michael: How did you know about that?

Videl: Wait you mean that was for real? I was just making something up. Did that actually happened to you.

Michael: A year ago it happened but I am over it and that person who lied and made my life a living hell is long gone and locked up.

Videl: Crazy psychopath?

Michael: Kind of both and a murderer.

Videl: did you get that person locked up?

Michael: Expose the lies, got the police involved, found out that person was working with a dangerous criminal, also found evidence that person killed innocent people as well as finding nasty and horrible secrets in a dairy.

Videl: Seems like this person really is dangerous, boy or girl?

Michael: Girl.

Videl: Well you did the right thing that is the good news. What was her name?

Michael: I don't like to talk about it, I despise her very existence.

Videl: I understand.

Michael: I like to change the subject, are you from Paris too?

Videl: Oh no I used to live in Japan but things got out of hand with my dad. He let fame and money get to his head and I couldn't deal with it any longer so I moved away and got a job for a gym trainer here in Paris.

Michael: Thats a good job for you how you liking it.

Videl: It's all right especially I get train a lot to improve my martial arts.

Michael: Cool, I do martial arts as well, along with other fighting techniques to improve my skills.

Videl: How long have you been training? I been training since I was ten.

Michael: For me I been training since I was five.

Videl: That young, wow you must be one smart learner.

Michael: I owe to the people who took care of me for so many years.

Videl: Wait you don't have a family?

Michael: Sigh..never knew them nor remember them. I grew up on the streets for couple years until I was adopted by a good and wise man who took me in and raised me as his own son. Years later after I got older I moved out and went to search for my destiny and so far I am still searching.

Videl: That sounds great though I am sorry that you never had a family and you practically grew up on the streets didn't your parents not want you.

Michael: Like I said I don't remember my parents as a matter of fact I don't think I had any at all. My memory isn't that good. All I can remember is that I was alone, cold, and hungry until I was taken in by my adoptive father and he gave me a home as well as love.

Videl: I am so sorry Michael.

Michael: It's all right Videl thanks for your concern.


Michael: Was that you?

Videl: Yea...hehehe I guess it is time for some breakfast.

Michael: Same here and it's about time to get a bite to eat.

Videl: Um...would you know join me for breakfast.(Videl saids while blushing)

Michael: Sure why not, we can go to Cafe Palais Royal. I heard the breakfast there is really good.

Videl: Oh my gosh I am going to have breakfast with a really hot boy eeeeeee!!!!!❤️ (Videl saids in thought while in excitement)

Michael: Come on we can take short cut through the park.

When Videl was about to get up all of sudden altering running for hours it made her legs feel like jelly and she began to trip until Michael saw and caught her in his arms.

Michael: Whoah easy I got you.


Michael: It would seem that your legs are a little numb I guess maybe running for hours made them a little weaken.

Videl: Uh....y...yea I guess...

Michael: Here just get on back I will carry you until we arrive at the cafe and hopefully your legs will be fine then.

Videl: Ar....are you sure?

Michael: Not it all I am just helping out. I like helping people it's what I do.

Videl: He's so compassionate.(Videl saids in thought)

Videl got onto Michael's back and when she did, she felt Michael's strong back as well as his muscles that made her heart skip a beat but not only that but she also felt something while gently touching Michael's chest in which she felt the guys rock hard ten pack that made Videl's face turn crimson.

Videl: HE'S A TEN PACK?!!!! AN ACTUAL TEN PACK!!! HE IS SO RIPPED!!!!(Videl saids in thought while steam was coming out of her ears and her facing turning a shade of red)

Michael: You all right Videl?

Videl: Hm?...Oh yea I am good thanks Michael.

Michael: Well all right then, just relax until we arrive.

Videl: Oh I am so going to enjoy this forever.(Videl saids in thought while snuggling into Michael's back)

The two headed out of the park and walked towards the direction of the cafe to get a bite to eat and fill up their stomaches and soon after walking a couple blocks down later Michael saw the cafe and smelled the food reaching his nose.

Michael: Hey Videl we arrived at the cafe so hows about we head on in and get some...uh Videl?

Videl: So warm.....this feels so good.(Videl saids in thought while enjoying the feeling of Michael's muscles)

Michael: Whistle! Hello earth to Videl we're here.

Videl: Huh? Oh right sorry I must of drifted off. Also I think I can feel my legs again.

Michael: That's good I thought for a minute there you were taking a nap.

Videl: Sorry well let's head on inside and gets some food.

Both of them headed into the cafe and got themselves a table and picked what they wanted to eat. Soon their food came out and the smell of it was delicious especially when they ate it and then after getting some more both Videl and Michael were full and rested a little longer until it was time to leave.

Videl: Sigh.that was great.

Michael: You said it even the eggs as well as the bacon were delicious.

Videl: They sure were but you didn't have to pay I would have done it myself.

Michael: Maybe next time.

Videl: Say I got to head over to the gym and help out wanna come.

Michael: Actually I have plans for today. Though if you tell me the name of the place your working at I will stop by and do some training.

Videl: The gym is called Salle de sport Paris 11 located on 5 Av. de la Republique.

Michael: Thanks.

Videl: Say would it be all right if I got your number you know if you wanna hangout some time.(Videl saids while smiling and blushing)

Spring: Wow Michael is getting a lot of girl numbers whenever he bumps into one.(Spring saids in thought while inside her holders pocket)

Michael: Yea sure.

Both Videl and Michael exchanged numbers and when they finished, Videl wore a big smile that she got Michael's number and looks forward to hanging out with him more but until than she is needed at the gym.

Videl: Bye Michael I will call or text you when we can hangout!(Videl saids while running and waving Michael goodbye for now)

Michael: See you later Videl!

Spring: I like her.

Michael: She is very sweet and likes to work out as well as study in martial arts. I wonder how skill she is.

Spring: You will probably know when you see her again.

Michael: I probably will, in the mean time hows about we head home because I could use a shower to get all this sweat off me.

Spring: Yea and you do smell.

Michael: Rude.

Spring: Hehehehehe well it's true.

Michael: Yea I guess so.

Hours later Michael arrived back at his Penthouse and took off his work out clothes and hopped into the shower to clean off the sweat while Spring was relaxing and enjoying some Oreos as well as a cookies and cream smoothie that Michael picked up on the way back. Michael then finished and put on some nice dark clothes that he got from the mens store when he arrived in this world and headed out to see his Kwami who was eating and relaxing.

Spring: Hm? Wow Michael you look amazing!

Michael: Thanks.

Spring: You look like you are going on a secret mission like those secret agents in those spy movies.

Michael: Heh yea anyway before we do anything I want to look up those other heroines in this world so I know what they do and how they help people.

Spring: You mean those heroines that Zatanna and her friends mentioned to you about.

Michael: Yea those ones since I already did research on the others but not the others.

Spring: Which ones you didn't look up?

Michael: Black Cat, Black Panther, Woohp Spies and this Kim Possible.

Spring: Wow there is a lot of cat heroins in this world.

Michael: Indeed so might as well look them up.

Michael began typing away to find out more about the other heroines until he found some images of the girls and pulled them up to get a better look at each of them.

Spring: So these are the other heroins in this world. I actually Black Panthers costumes design.

Michael: The girls said that her suit is made from a metal from off world called Vibranium that exist in a place called Wakanda.

Spring: Wakanda now that sounds new to us. What place is that?

Michael: I found something about it though only little information due to that these people in this place like to keep secret and well hidden.

Spring: What does it say?

Michael: It saids that Wakanda officially known as the Kingdom of Wakanda is a small nation in North East of Africa and for centuries the people known as Wakandians have remained in isolation and are now considered the most technologically advanced nation of the planet while it's guardian helps and defends it's people from possible threats and that guardian is The Black Panther. Turns out there were many generations of Panthers that came before all following in the bloodline till the next generation.

Spring: Incredible.

Michael: Yea a guardian as well as a highly advanced civilization. They use the metal of the Vibranium to build their homes and technology to improve themselves while under the leadership of the Black Panther.

Spring: And it does say the Panther's suit is made of the same metal though how did they turn it into fabric?

Michael: It's a secret and this the only information that we can get.

Spring: Well hows about this Woohp place?

Michael: Woohp better known as The World Organization of Human Protection. I think this is some kind of secret government program where they help train people from around the world to become agents as well as top spies like these girls here.

Spring: Strange these girls don't even hide their identities.

Michael: Yea well they should otherwise it's going to be easy spotting them out in the open. Saids here that these girls took on the most dangerous missions in Woohp spy history while under the guidance of man named Jerry who I believe is the one in charge of Woohp. Every government program needs someone in charge.

Spring: Seems like you can't get into their program because it would appear to be locked tight.

Michael: That's because they don't want anyone knowing who they are and what they do. Which also means I can't find information about this spy girls either. Though it does say they are highly skilled in combat and work together well as a team.

Spring: So is this Kim Possible.

Michael: And it looks like she has website, that could be something to look into.

Spring: Kim Possible, not an average high school graduate cheerleader but in her spare time she saves the world from dangerous super villainess's that want to take over the world. She had a partner named Rin Stoppable but she moved away to be with her family after graduation. Kim studies in many different forms of fighting techniques that make her not only an incredible fighter but also a highly skilled learner. Also with the help her resourceful webmaster named Wade who helps Kim warn her if there is a mission and people to save. And when duty calls she goes into action and help save the world. Wow for someone who is graduate and a cheerleader she is awesome.

Michael: Looks like she's been doing heroin work for a couple years now and is still doing it. Surprise  she can handle this stuff on her own.

Spring: Well she did have a partner but I think this Rin Stoppable was a sidekick.

Michael: Yea her profile popped up as well and it saids sidekick.

Spring: I would like to see this Kim Possible in action.

Michael: She used to live in a town called MiddleTown after graduating from Middletown High School and is now living in Paris just like the other heroins are. Even though she is living in Paris, she still goes out and help save the world.

Spring: And the Black Cat. What's her story?

Michael: Former jewel thief then switched sides to become a heroin after stopping some criminals robbing banks as well as kidnapping. She only comes out at the proper moment and takes down people who want to do awful things in which I do not want to explain.

Spring: She's like a girl version of Cat Noir minus the white hair and no tail belt and the bell around the neck.

Michael: The girls did also say that Black Cat is a flirter so best try to avoid that. Her main defense are silver claws on the finger tips but is also skilled in combat. I think she is on the same level as the other heroines. Also it saids that she used to be in New York city and has decided to make her appearance in Paris.

Spring: Guess things didn't work out in America.

Michael: Looks that way.

After Michael finished with his research he closed up his computer and went to enjoy his day in Paris with Spring. Michael thought about going to the mall and see what they have to offer. Michael took his car and drove to the mall and when he arrived he parked his car and walked over to the building. Michael walked inside and saw a lot of people going into stores.

Michael: This mall is a lot bigger than the one back home.

Spring: But better.

Michael: Looks like there is a lot of people here. Might as well check out some stores that aren't packed.

Spring: Hey check out that place Michael.

Michael: What place?

Spring: Over there by the stairs it's called Club Banana.(Spring saids to Michael pointing at the store)

Michael: Club Banana? Shouldn't it be Banana Republic.

Spring: Guess this is new.

Michael: I looked it up and it saids there are multiple Club Banana's as well as this Country Club Banana.

Spring: Wanna go in and see what they have.

Michael: Why not.

Michael headed inside the store and looked to see it was a clothing store but with some nice outfits and good prices. Michael had a look at the clothes until someone saw him who was one of the employee's to see if the customer who is Michael needed help looking for something.

Excuse me is there something here you are looking for? I can help.

Michael: Hm? Oh hello there and yes I am looking something that is my size and would look nice and are you all right miss because you look a little red.(Michael saids to the employee but not just any employee but the heroin herself known as Kim Possible who was blushing at seeing Michael)


Michael: Wait a minute I know that face, she's that Kim Possible heroin.(Michael saids in thought)

Michael: hello you all right.

Kim: Huh?....What just happened?

Michael: You were spacing out just for a few seconds.

Kim: I don't know what came over me.

Michael: It's all right anyway I am looking for something that is my style as well as able to fit. Got anything at Club Banana that is to my liking miss Possible.

Kim: How did you know who I am?

Michael: Your website obviously. You'r the heroin Kim Possible who lives a normal life as well as goes out to save the world. I did my research.

Kim: Oh well it's no big, I just do what I can to help people. And as for your question we actually do have some new outfits that just arrived would you like to see them and try them on.

Michael: Sure why not as well as long as they fit.

Kim: I'm sure we have something in your size um...

Michael: Michael, Michael Troy is my name.

Kim: Sigh...his voice is so breathtaking.(Kim saids in thought while in awe)

Kim took Michael around the store to see the new outfits until Michael some that interest him as well as seeing that they were his size and asked Kim if he could try them on which she directed him to the changing room so that he can see how the clothes look on him.

While Michael was trying on clothes Kim went over to the front desk to talk with her friend known as Monique who also saw the cute boy and wanted to ask her friend Kim about him.

Monique: So girl spill whose the tall and good looking prince charming that you talked too.

Kim: Oh well um..his name is Michael Troy, and all I did was help him find some nice clothes to try on why.

Monique: Kim you just struck big time. I saw how you were looking at that guy and don't get me started on the blush on your face.

Kim: Heh I wasn't blushing, I was just helping a fellow customer.

Monique: A customer who is hot and handsome not to mention has a perfect figure.

Kim: There is a lot of hot and handsome guys out there.

Monique: But not like this one Kim.

Kim: Whatever besides I think he already has someone in his life.

Monique: You wouldn't know if you ask him.

Kim: Monique I just met the guy like three minutes ago.

Monique: Kim it could be love at first site.

Kim: Yea I don't think so, I think you are messing with me.

Michael came out of the changing room and looked to see Kim talking to Monique and went over to ask about the clothes that he is wearing.

Michael: Hey Kim tried on the outfits and they fit great though I think this one looks more amazing. What do you think?


Monique: I change my mind he doesn't look hot and handsome but he looks absolutely gorgeous, me likes.(Moniques saids in thought while blushing as well as Kim who is also blushing)

Michael: I think I will take this one as well as the others. Oh are you a friend of Kim's.

Monique: I'm Monique nice to meet you.

Michael: Same to you. I will like to purchase these outfits and of course I will pay double.

Monique: I like this guy!(Monique saids in thought)

Michael changed back into his other clothes and went back to the front to pay for his clothes while having a conversation with Kim and Monique.

Michael: So you both are from Middletown.

Monique: Yup, Kim and I decided to move in together after we graduated from high school. After words we moved to Paris and continued to work for Club Banana since the both of us are big times employee's and we get paid well.

Michael: Anything idea what your plans are for the future.

Monique: For me I am into the fashion business so I think I would like to be a fashion designer.

Michael: My ex wanted to be a fashion designer as well.

Kim: Ex? You have someone in your life.

Michael: Had but not anymore, I left home after things went down fast over a year ago.

Monique: What happened?

Michael: A crazy psycho chick with a wanted list made my life a living hell after lying about who I am and doing things I never did. She turned everyone I knew against me and they called me names and things I do not want to say.

Monique: Whoah thats must of been tough for you.

Michael: It was.

Kim: How wanted are we talking about?

Michael: Caused the deaths of innocent people to commit suicide as well as being bullied by the same people they knew for years due the lies that were told. Working with a dangerous criminal as well as having a diary with many threats and lies that will bring nightmares to who reads it.

Kim: Thats horrible.

Michael: Yea but luckily I got my payback after I exposed those lies as well as the truth about that psycho chick who is not only a wanted criminal and a murderer but also a pathological liar.

Monique: Ehh I hate people like them.

Kim: Same here.

Michael: I got the school board of directors, the police involved and they had the chick thrown in prison and thank goodness for that.

Kim: And your friends if you can call them that.

Michael: Don't want anything to do with them, since they don't share a single brain cell and as for my ex she broke our relationship off with fake evidence that I cheated on her where she saw fake pictures that the pyschopath created to frame me.

Kim: Michael, I am so sorry.

Michael: It's all right, the girl was wanted everywhere all I did was found the evidence and showed the world who the girl truly was and thanked the heavens she is locked up and behind bars.

Monique: How did you parents take the news?

Michael:.....I don't have any parents, I never knew them.

Kim: You mean they're....

Michael: I been alone my whole life, grew up on the streets and when I turned five I was taken in by a nice man who treated me like a son and him as a father.

Monique: Thats so sad.

Michael: I learned to adjust to my new life.

Kim: I feel so bad for him, not having a family, was lied to and his friends betraying him as well as his ex. Though I do want to know who that psycho chick is and give her a piece of my mind.(Kim saids in thought)

Beep! Beep!

Kim: What's The Sitch Wade?(Kim saids while checking device on her wrist that looks like a communicator)

Michael: Wade isn't that the person who helps Kim with the missions.(Michael saids in thought)

Wade: Hey Kim I just got word that Shego busted out of prison again.

Kim: Any idea what is she doing this time?

Wade: Saids here that she is planning to hold famous rock star Jan Stone for ransom otherwise its bye bye rock star.

Michael: Jan Stone that sounds like Jagged Stone?(Michael saids in thought)

Kim: What's her location?

Wade: I got her location she is at the Hotel de Seine, Jan Stone went there to check in for the night after her concert in America until Shego and her goons came in and got the drop on her.

Kim: Thanks Wade keep me posted.

Wade: I wouldn't go in alone Kim, Shego brought in more backup this time.

Kim: Sigh..if only Rin was here I could use the backup.

Wade: I am sure you will figure something out Kim you always do. I will keep you posted.

Kim: Thanks Wade.

Monique: So what are you going to do?

Kim: I don't know maybe y....

Monique: Oh no don't even think about it girl, you remember what happened last time.

Kim: Then who am I going to....(Kim saids then stops and looks towards Michael)

Michael: Hm? Why are you looking at me?

Kim: Michael how highly skilled are you in combat?

Michael: Very skilled I trained at the age of five and became of master in martial arts and so much more why.

Kim: Good to know because you are coming with me to help save Jan Stone.

Michael: And what makes you think I will go?

Monique: Ooh you shouldn't have said that.

Kim did a pose and then tilted her head and then finally gave Michael a pouting face while looking sad.

Michael: Oh no....not another one...

Kim: I can't go alone if I have someone to back me up.

Michael: No absolutely not I am not falling for the same look twice.

Kim: Please Michael...pretty please.

Michael: I am not falling for it.

Kim: Please......

Michael: Argh...ok fine just stop with that face geez it's like a curse.

Kim: Yes! Let me change into my gear and we can get going.(Kim saids then goes to get change)

Michael: Honestly how do people fall for that trick is it like a secret weapon that all women have.

Monique: Hey she did the same thing to me and I can't even get over it.

Michael: So who is this Shego person?

Monique: She's one of Kim's big time enemies, green and black getup, green skin, green eyes and she shoots out green fire from her hands.

Michael: I see.

Kim: All right Michael I am finished ready to go.

Michael: Cool outfit though what happened to the original?

Monique: Sold out, gone never seen again.

Michael: Damn.

Kim: Yea but so not the drama. Come on let's head over to the hotel and rescue Jan Stone.

Michael: We can take my car there.

Michael and Kim headed out and towards the car where Kim was amazed of the vehicle that Michaels and only seen in commercials.

Kim: Nice car.

Michael: Thanks won it at the casino along with a few other things.

The two drove off and towards the location of the hotel that Wade gave to Kim and once they arrived they looked to see everything outside look normal though too normal.

Kim: Wade we are at the hotel.

Wade: All right I am going to patch you...wait did you say we?

Kim: Oh Wade this is Michael, Michael this is Wade.

Michael: Hey.

Wade: Hey, um Kim what's going on?

Michael: She begged me to come and help her out.

Wade: Puppy dog pout.

Michael: Puppy dog pout.

Kim: Works all the time, anyway Wade how many guards are we dealing with?

Wade: I hacked into the camera's and it looks like there is about twenty of them. Ten on the first floor while the others are on top where Jan Stone and Shego are located.

Kim: Thanks Wade.

Michael: Whats the plan?

Kim: Can't get into the front door so we will have to go up.

Michael: I don't think that is wise idea we might alert the enemy.

Kim: What do you have in mind?

Michael: Go through the back way, this hotel has a ladder we climb that without making a sound so the guards wouldn't hear and then we climbed through one of the hotel windows then work our way up.

Kim: Not a bad plan let's do it.

The two got out the car and went around the hotel and checked to see if the coast was clear and once cleared Michael spotted the ladder and soon both went to climb it without alerting the guards on the bottom. Michael then spotted an open window nearby and went to see if anyone was inside and it turns out it was four men dressed in red and black suits with mask.

Michael: Hold position Kim.

Kim: What is it Michael?

Michael: Four of the guards are in there. I will deal with them myself.

Kim: Sure you can handle them.

Michael: Just watch me and you will know.

Michael then soon went into the room where the guards saw him and went to attack him when all of sudden Michael unleashed the butt kicking upon them where he backflipped over the two guards that charged him and did the chop move to their necks that knocked them out cold while the remaining two were still standing.

Michael: Whose next.

Kim: Michael are they.............wahhh.....

Michael flipped the guard over followed by a punch to the face and then did the spiral kick to the last one until he looked to see all the guards are done and knocked out cold leaving Kim speechless and in awe.

Kim: Whoah.......

Michael: These guys aren't so tough.

Kim: I guess you do have skills in fighting.

Michael: I always have though I don't usually show it off. Come one let's keep moving.

The two headed out of the room and looked both ways to see if any more guards are around which there wasn't and so they ran down the lobby and towards either the stairs or the elevator to take them up where Jan Stone and Shego are until they both stopped and saw four more guards in front of them.

Guard: Alert Shego and tell her that Kim Possible is......ARGH?!

All of sudden the guard didn't get to finish his sentence when all of sudden he was kicked in the gut by Michael who didn't waste time to take the guy out followed by doing the same chop neck shot to the other two guards and lastly kicking the other with quick speed.


Michael then saw the guard fall to the ground unconscious while Kim on the other hand had her jaw dropped to the ground after seeing what Michael just did in front of her.

Kim: Oh my......I never seen such incredible movements and skills.

Michael: Eight down two to go which means.

Michael turned to the corner and saw the remaining guards shaking in fear until Michael showed himself and did the chop neck attack and had the remaining two guards unconscious.

Michael: All right all clear we can head up now.

Kim: I have got to take him on missions with me.(Kim saids in thought)

The two then took the elevator up to the top floor and headed towards the room where Jan Stone is staying at and once they both arrived to it Kim kicked down the door and looked to find her enemy Shego.

Shego: Oh hey Kimmy come to join the party, I was just telling Jan Stone here about our time together.

Jan: Whoah rock n roll, miss Possible good to meet you though it would be honor for me to shake your hand if I wasn't tied up at the moment with this crazy green woman here.

Michael: Wait a minute she looks like Jagged Stone, oh don't tell me they have gender bends in this universe ehh...I can only imagined who else I might find.(Michael said in thought)

Kim: Let her go Shego, and I might just go easy on you.

Shego: Hah! Like I ever heard that one before.

Michael: So this is what Shego looks like.

Shego: Ooh whose your friend Kimmy, let me guess your new side kick. Got to say he's quite the looker and very handsome.

Michael: I will take that as a compliment.

Shego: Tell me Kimmy is he a fighter or is he a wimp like your old side kick hahahaha.

Michael walked over towards Shego and did something that caught her off guard but not before saying something to her.

Michael: Hey mind if I say something.

Shego: And what would that be?

Michael: You talk too much for a green skin colored bitch.

Michael then unleashed a powerful kick to Shego's gut that made go towards the wall and a loud bang was heard.

Shego: Argh?!....

Michael: And another thing that outfit was so last season, you need to get a new style.

Shego: Well looks like the the new side kick isn't a wimp after all, though I wonder how you will do against this!(Shego saids and throws green fire at Michael)

Michael: I guess she does throw green fire.

Michael dodged the attacks from Shego while Kim went over and freed Jan Stone. Once Kim got miss Stone loose both looked to see Michael dodging all of Shego's attack with such marvelous movements.


Michael: Hehehe you are going to try a little bit harder if you want to get me miss pickles.

Shego: Did you just call me a pickle?!

Shego then charged at Michael and was trying so hard to hit him but due to Michael's speed, the villainess couldn't keep up and couldn't lay a punch nor kick at Michael.

Kim: Wow...I never knew Michael can move so quick.

Jan: That man has got the moves rock n roll!

Shego: Who the heck is this guy?!(Shego saids while still trying to lay a punch and kick)

Michael: Come on little green give me your best shot.

Shego: You asked for it!!

Shego ran over in full speed with a glowing fire in her fist in which was heading towards Michael until he did an amazing backflip and saw Shego heading towards the wall.

BAM!(Shego hitting the wall)

Michael: Ooh...thats got to hurt.

Shego: Why I alda.......?!

Michael: Too slow! HEEEYAAAA!!

Michael delivered a mean right kicked to Shego's face that made fall to the ground unconscious leaving Jan Stone and Kim Possible in shock as well as amazed but Kim hover had her eyes widen like dinner plates that Michael defeated her enemy with such brilliant fighting styles and was easily taken down in a matter of minutes.

Michael: Well that was fun, let's call the cops and have them pick up the trash.

Guard: Miss Shego is everything all..........right....(The guard saids while the others were behind him looked to see their boss unconscious on the ground)

Michael: Hows about right after we kick these guys butts in the next week, Kim care to join me.

Kim: You just read my mind.

Kim and Michael then attacked the remaining ten guards that were down stairs and soon after the fight was finished, both called the cops and had Shego and her men arrested and hall off to prison while Michael informed the cops to have a device that would prevent Shego from using her powers and that gave the cops a good idea to do that.

Jan Stone: Thank you Kim Possible for saving my life.

Kim: No big though it was Michael here who did most of the work and took down Shego and half of her goons.

Jan Stone: Thank you Michael as well and I got to say you got the moves.

Michael: It's what I do miss Stone.

Jan Stone: Please call me Jan. Say in thanks of saving my life hows about a give you two each concert tickets for my upcoming concert that is happening in a month.

Michael: Thanks Jan but you don't have too.

Jan Stone: Hey anyone who would risk their life to save mine deserves a special reward. So hows about it wanna see my concert in the next month. VIP section.

Michael: I guess it wouldn't hurt to go to a concert.

Kim: We'll take them!

Jan Stone: Rock n roll! See you two in a month for now this rock star needs some beauty sleep.(Jan saids and heads back to the hotel)

Michael: Well that was fun.

Kim: Yea, but seriously Michael I never seen such movements and fighting styles where did you get such skills.

Michael: My adoptive father taught me, I learned everything there is to know in order to become right I am now.

Kim: He seems like a good man.

Michael: He is...

Kim: You miss him don't you.

Michael: I will always think of him and those closest.

Kim: Say I got time wanna head over to Bueno Nacho my treat.

Michael: Bueno Nacho?

Kim: You never heard of Bueno Nacho.

Michael: No not really is it good.

Kim: Me and Rin go to it all the time back in MiddleTown. I am sure you will like it as well.

Michael: All right then.

Kim: Great and it's only couple blocks down where the hotel is.

Michael: Well lead the way KP.

Kim: I haven't been call that in a while.

Michael: Well it does have a nice ring to it.

Kim: Can I call you something if you don't mind.

Michael: I guess it wouldn't hurt.

Kim: You can call me KP if it is just the two of us and I get to call you Shadow.

Michael: I could agree to that.

Kim: Nice, now come on let's head over to Bueno Nacho.(Kim saids and takes Michael by the hand)

Spring: Ooh looks like Michael is going to get another girls number. I have to say my holder is going to become a chick magnet pretty soon.

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