Chapter 7: Arrogant demon
"We missed the scan, so now people will be charging for us." Yuuichiro pointed out as he and his team all settled down to sit in an abandoned mall. The blonde ponytailed girl shushed him and told Shinoa to continue reading from the scan.
The purple haired girl nodded and opened the terminal scan from her skirt pocket. The small device flickered before all dots were shown from the previous 4:40 scan. "So that means we've missed two scans? Great."Mika groaned.
"Oh shush, would you rather we died during that fight or missed two scans were barely any teams moved-" she was interrupted by the purple haired girl who raised a hand up. "Actually Mitsu, the progenitors team led by Siga Madu is coming straight for us." She admitted. Mitsuba's face flushed in disgust, oh great, more trouble coming their way? Just when she was already exhausted from slamming her axe on the ground. Yoichi gave an uneasy expression upon hearing that but Kimizuki patted his back. "We'll be fine. Don't worry, Shinoa will come up with an idea, right Shinoa?" The glasses-wearing boy glanced over to where the leader stood.
The purple haired girl nodded before she was interrupted by the obnoxious Yuu.
"Props to Shinoa though! For coming up with that plan!" The black haired boy cheered. The rest of his comrades all nodded before Yoichi mentioned something. "It's true, we did say in the last SS that we wanted to fight Krul with our cursed gear, she's so strong." He said. Yes, it was a goal of theirs to fight the vampire queen, ever since Mika discovered her immense strength, he encouraged the rest of his team to fight alongside him. "Well I think we've trained enough, shall we track her down?" continued Yuu. However, Shinoa shook her head. "We can't go after her yet." She reminded.
"Why?" It seems that the black haired katana user has already forgotten.
"Because the Progenitors are coming."
Since Siga Madu's team was coming straight for them, the Shinoa squad had figured that they should at least create more distance between them. The battle with the Narumi squad has forced two of the team's attackers to use up all of their medkits as well as Idle some time for the Progenitors to arrive here all planned out. Right now, they were walking down a slope, getting away from the ruined town. There were chances that the Progenitors carried with them a grenade launcher so they didn't want to risk anything.
It would be convenient if they had found a truck or a vehicle of some sort for Kimizuki to drive them away with but no luck thus far. Shinoa was in the lead while Mika and Yuu were in the back. The two had a chance to chat a bit as they all walked. "Hey Mika, are you doing okay?" Yuu asked for about the fifth time the minute. His blonde friend simply chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, my health bar is about 80% full, I think that's how high it could go since I lost a lot." He admitted.
His companion lowered his brows and extended his hand out for him, "Then that just means I have to try really hard yo protect you, huh?" He giggled and Mika blushed a bit at his determination to protect him. "Huh? You really have to, Yuu. We're a team and we all work together. Don't mind my low health." He told the stubborn black haired boy. The squad has now entered a tunnel meant for cars to go through when driving, Shinoa sighed as he took in the dimmer out orange lights. "I wish the city didn't look so ruined, I bet it was beautiful." She commented.
As small chatter went on between her and Mitsu, agreeing with one another that cities are absolutely a sight for sore eyes, Mika and Yuu continued on with their little ramble. "Even Shinoa said it herself," Yuu started which raised questions in Mika's blue eyes. What did Shinoa say about medkits and health? He didn't get it unless he didn't understand Yuu's point. Being deep in thought, trying to find Yuu's meaning, he didn't realized that the black haired boy placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Yuu-chan?" Mika's eyes widened and Yuu smiled at him. "Forgetful, Shinoa said that we'd win SS3 all together and if you were dead, then, we registered for nothing!" He told him. Mika could have sworn that he wouldn't laugh at such a petty excuse but he did, he laughed and he laughed, so loud that Yoichi turned around to see what was wrong. But when he stopped, he nodded at the black haired boy. "What? Don't worry, we'll all win SS3 together!" He cheered alongside him. But deep in his thoughts, he smiled to himself, 'Thank you Yuu-chan, for caring about me.' Despite this was a game, Mika was glad that his friend would do everything to protect him.
On top a mountain, there was a conflict going on. "Lord Kureto!" The blonde woman with purple eyes rushed over to the stern-looking man behind the mountains' rocks. He peered out of his scope and greeted to enter his refuge. "So, did you get any information to why we're being attacked?" He wondered.
The blonde nodded frantically, "Yes! We're under attack by KKHC!" She gaped out and began taking out her photon sword. However, Kureto shook his head and fired a single bullet from his weapon. "No need, Aoi. Let me handle everything. Tell me more about whatever the hell KKHC stands for." He firmly adjusted his scope to look around his surroundings. Aoi felt like she was just punched in the gut, why was that? Well because she didn't get a good look at them. She had noticed that the two players in the lead had snipers but she knew how risky it was already to be sent off to explore the woods for any enemies.
She had spotted a boy with a panther-like mask with flowing black hair and a man with luscious red lipstick and a funny-looking top hat. Their main weapons were snipers and she saw the bullet-line was aimed directly for her forehead. In a screech, Aoi used her Mini Moose sub machine gun to block the bullets. That's why Kureto gave her a confused look when she was all out of breath with a half broken gun in her hands. "I don't know! But they were hiding away behind the trees! They-" as she telling all of the information, a bulletin ricocheted from the rock they were hiding behind. Aoi screeched.
"Don't panic, I've got this." He said as he fired a single bullet. Aoi bit her lips, 'But you don't know where they are, Kureto.' She thought carefully before realizing what the man beside her was doing. Each time a member from KKHC fired a bullet, Kureto retraced where it came from and fired in the same direction. All Aoi could do was watch in fear that one of them would pull off a wrong move.
"Damn, I messed it up again."
"Shoot without a bullet-line, Basteya, we've done this sort of thing in real life already."
'bam bam'
Kureto was flung backwards as a bullet pierced through his ear. He quickly grasped his injury and noticed it bleeding quickly. Aoi gasped and quickly pulled out a medkit from her pockets. "Kureto, you've been shot!" She pointed out the obvious much to Kureto's annoyance. "I know I know," he pushed her aside. He needed to fight despite his bizarre looking injury. He squeezed the trigger of his gun and it shot a bullet rather hazily through the red-lead skies. Kureto softly groaned in pain.
"I knew it was a bad idea to register as pairs only!" tears could be seen coming down from Aoi's eyes. Hearing the slightest weeping from Aoi made the man materialize his main fighting arm from his inventory. It was a Mossberg 500 410 shotgun. He quickly hauled it over his knee and used it to lift it up over the rocks. Kureto lifted himself up too to one knee and began firing while refining the chamber. Aoi decided that she was more than useless if she just sat and watched. She began firing some bullets from her own machine gun.
Now with KKHC receiving some backfire, the team leader, Nix Parthe clicked his tongue in disgust. "It's because of you that they're now firing back!" He affirmed in a shout. Scuffled leaves from behind him were heard before a short black haired androgynous player popped their head out. He had an offended look on their face as Nix growled at them more. "I thought you didn't take games seriously, Nix." Basteya pointed out.
"I don't! But 'Seraph of the End' is different!" Nix replied in the same angry tone. Basteya kept their mouth shut and instead began on working to make their team leader happy again. Basteya aimed their scope at the targets and didn't squeeze the trigger of their gun. If a player squeezed their gun's trigger, it would create a bullet line to be seen and that wasn't the goal of KKHC here. KKHC were a band of irl friends that worked in an animal sanctuary as hunters. They've pretty much gotten shooting experience and wanted to play 'Seraph of the End' for good fun. And possibly flex on other players.
"Calm down calm down, we still have the upper hand." Lucal reassured his arguing teammates. He was hiding behind a tree on the right of the bush Basteya and Nix were in. Basteya flinched at his statement, "Sure. How?" He retorted. Lucal smiled, his red lips curling. He aimed his sniper at the buff male player on the enemy team, his finger squeezed the trigger and immediately let go after the shot. Kureto groaned as his forehead was shot. This was an immediate kill and Aoi didn't know where it came from since there was no bullet line. "Like that." Lucal responded.
"Kureto!" Aoi shook his shoulders and begged him to give her the next orders. However, his body just went limp and soon a 'DEAD' marker was over his head. He was dead and out of the tournament. Aoi shed a tear before she stood up from the ground and narrowed her eyes at wherever KKHC were hiding. "Shoot me! I dare you, or else I-" she paused mid-way to look down at Kureto's lifeless body. If he heard her say this next thing, he would give her a cold slap for even saying it. "Or else I resign!" She taunted.
Nix hissed at that. No, she cannot resign, their team needed that kill. He aimed his sniper at her forehead, for an instant kill. That's how they killed mooses and deers anyways, shoot them in the forehead for a guaranteed death and so that no metal gets involved with the meat. "That's a coward." Basteya commented, watching Nix's eyes flare up. "Oh no she doesn't." He growled then exhaled and a bullet was fired. A 'DEAD' marker appeared on the purple eyes girl's head as she fell on atop of her partner. The tryhard duo was out.
Nix sighed, well that was that dull battle over. It was more one-sided than he thought. He wished that Lucal refrained from killing off Kureto and that KKHC faced a real challenge however, that's not the case. He wrapped his gun's sling around his shoulder before standing up from the ground. He turned his head back and faced an individual who was pressed behind a tree the entire fight. "You know Chess, you could have shot too." He mentioned.
Chess was a blue haired girl who seemed childish at first glance, she caries a childish personality and even whines like one however, she just turned 18 a few months ago. She got a job by the animal sanctuary, being recommended by her friend Horn and she loved her life ever since. Living with the animals and making customers happy by bringing them fresh meat. She could wield a gun and shoot animals. "No, that's okay. Maybe next time." She whispered, putting away her binoculars. But she couldn't shoot humans.
"What's our next course of action?" Basteya asked, gathering with the rest of their friends. Nix took his terminal scan out and checked the scan. It was now 4:48PM, and they realized that KFLC was nearby, just a few rocks away from where they were located. "I have an idea and I think they already know it."Basteya said upon noticing the team locations on the scan. Nix glared him, "No you will not. I encountered Ferid in the last SS and he was a terrible player."
Terrible as in: super evil or somewhat, whatever happened in SS2, Nix despises Ferid Bathory with all of his pixeled mind and his team was aware of it but Basteya didn't seem to think that Nix was serious. "Come on, they might agree to it!" they chimed and just like that, Nix was forced to follow his team towards KFLC.
The vampire queen's team had a chance to glance at the terminal scan as they were calmly hanging out by the forests' rocks and treetops. It was mossy but what Ferid hated the most about it was that it was quiet, way too quiet for his own liking. Sure some birds flew past him but it happened really rarely. He tried bugging Krul, by making small talk with her to keep himself entertained but the pink haired girl wasn't interested.
"Ah, my gun is getting bored, we really need to kill more people~" fawned Ferid as he lay beside Krul on the rock. However, as she saw his head was near her thigh, she growled and pushed him off the rock. "Stay focused, Bathory." She warned and put away the terminal scan. Crowley shrugged at the small conflict and Lest was looking out with binoculars. They had fought off one enemy team so far and that was the team that the encountered in the abandoned village. Since then, all of them, and they all knew it themselves, that all of them wanted to kill players.
"So, why aren't we hunting anyone? I'm boredddddddd." Ferid kicked the dirt under his boots. Lest looked down to where he was begging for fun and just have him a sneer. "Anyways Krul, what was on the scan?" He asked. The pink haired girl checked her wristwatch and sighed, plopping her back down on the rock and vulnerably exposed herself to the sun. "A team named KKHC wants to do business with us so watch out everyone." She was laying down on the spacious big rock.
It wasn't until fifteen minutes later that KKHC found themselves to greet the pink vampire bunny queen, it was like all of them were expecting the newly arriving team. Sitting down by the rocks, Krul raised her hand up. "I wouldn't shoot if I were you." Her red eyes left a frosty chill go down the other team's spine. Basteya raised their hand up as Krul just told them off. "We weren't intending to actually. We wanted to make a proposal." They said.
Krul and Ferid exchanged glances and she let the man take over, sure whatever.
If he screws it up anyways, she'll be sure to kill him for that. "A proposal, you say? Let's hear it." Ferid smiled at them. It was an almost too friendly one if you asked Krul herself however the other team seemed to have fallen for it. With wide eyes, Basteya smiled at them, "KFLC, it would be an honour if we could fight alongside you." Basteya started. Ferid just gave an amused smile after hearing that. It seems he already knows the direction on where this was going. "Besides," Basteya continued.
"We have shooting experiences in real life, we could shoot without a bullet line. So we could certainly help you guys win." They chimed in, mentioning happily about all the great things they could do. Ferid scoffed and shot his eyes, knew it. They were here to brag well sadly for them, Crowley here knew how to shoot without a bullet line too but Ferid didn't mention it unless KKHC tried to betray them. "Wait, so I heard that you'll give us the victory?" He questioned the black haired speaker.
"Yup! When we're the last two teams standing, we'll happily resign." They explained. Ferid didn't know what to say, just smile but he did look over to Krul, who was sitting beside him. "Wait I don't get it, if you don't want the victory, why did you join?" She asked the team. The other team all looked at eachother, wondering to each other who would be the one to answer that. Before finally, "Oh the win doesn't matter, we just registered into 'Seraph Squads' to practice our aim." Lucal answered.
"I'd certainly like to see you shoot without lines."'Crowley commented quietly and quickly. Basteya smiled and turned over to where the two attackers were sitting. "So what do you say? Team up?" The black haired player inquired once more. Ferid's eyes scanned the team, there was Basteya of course, happy to be here. Lucal, who didn't seem too bothered, Horn who was smiling too and finally Nix and Chess who gave uneasy looks. "What's wrong with those two?" Ferid asked. Basteya turned around to face his two comrades and personally check what Ferid was trying to point out.
"I don't like you Ferid Bathory but I'm only going along with this alliance plan because I care about my team's opinions and amusement, unlike you, you arrogant demon." Nix hissed at him before staying silent for the rest of the negotiations. The entire KFLC team exchanged glances with one another, well if you asked Crowley, Krul And Lest, they definitely appreciated Nix Parthe's behaviour. If they had seen what Ferid did to Crowley in SS2, they had every right to call Ferid more than a demon. 'We might even get to the A word.' Krul thought rather quietly. Oh well, the silver haired man didn't seem too bothered by the snarky remarks being shot through back and forth. "And her?" He pointed at Chess. In which the latter flinched.
Basteya glanced at the silent Chess Belle, he gave an unbothered look. He wasn't even curious to why she didn't want to speak up then again, it could be that Basteya and KKHC were already used to the silent-types. "Oh she doesn't like shooting at people, don't worry, she won't cause you any trouble and we won't be in your way during battles." The short black haired player continued. Ferid and Krul exchanged glances and she was mildly annoyed by his gleaming smile when he managed to catch her in an eye contact. "Alright, tell us what you can do." The pink haired bunny stalled, Basteya seemed more than pleased as one of the powerhouse teams had just asked for them to brag some more, ugh. Mix and Lucal gave bored expressions as Basteya began to blabber. "We're mainly snipers! That's our main weapon and like we said before, we can shoot without a bullet-line mainly because we work at a—" Ferid almost scoffed when he felt his wrist being yanked by the pink haired girl.
"What?" whispered Ferid, being as quiet as possible not to interrupt the black haired player's story.
"Shut up and just pay attention." whispered back Krul, her fangs resting on her lower lip.
"—It's really fun and people ask us where we get our skills from and honestly, it's all from practice! Nix had trouble killing an antler a few months ago and that's why he suggested we all play 'Seraph of the End'—"
Ferid shivered as he felt a tickling sensation on his gloved hand. When he peered over to what was brushing against his glove, it was Krul's finger. He met her eyes and noticed she was watching Nix and Basteya attentively. Ferid just took a deep breath and paid attention, like asked.
'K' His companion had written the letter 'K' on the palm on his hand as the story progressed. Crowley and Lest noticed Nix's cheeks flustering red as Basteya told their amateur tales. "Please, this is getting boring." The short bomber muttered to his sniper buddy.
"—We started farming in deserts, occasionally visited a dungeon once a week during the weekends and can you believe it, the snipers weren't affordable for us yet so we sticked to pistols!—" Basteya continued on. Krul kept writing.
The letters 'I' and 'L' were written, Ferid kept listening through until Basteya reached the end of the story and Krul finished right on time. As if being snapped out of a trance, Ferid's hair wafted in the soft breeze and he glanced happily at their future comrades of SS3. "Oh how amusing!" He chimed, as if he had listened the entire way through. Not really, he mostly paid attention to what his 'real comrade' had to say.
"So what do you say?" Basteya's eyes glimmered with hope. "Team?"
Ferid hopped off the rock he was sitting on and sighed happily. Aw man, had he wished the sun was an audience of his for what he was about to do. "I'm sorry," he commenced. "I don't think it'll work out." He broke the sad news for the sniping-loving team. Nix growled at Basteya and practically scolded him after the decision from KFLC's demon was heard. "See, I told you this was a foolish plan!" Nix bared his canines. However, there was no need for violence. "Oh no no, it wasn't. We're quite flattered you came to us in the first place~!" covered Ferid as he didn't want any breaking arguments in their territory.
Crowley and Lest were already doing them a great favour by watching for any enemy teams deciding to third-party them. They just left the bloodshed for their two most wildest comrades. They say that there's a rivalry between the pink bunny queen and the silver haired maniac. But if you paired them up together, they could be one dangerous bunch. Ferid was made seem that he was the one orchestrating this entire alliance mess but in reality, it was all Krul's planning. She knew Ferid was a pawn of hers and plus, she knew how much Ferid would like this plan as well. Therefore, both were amused in their own ways. "But unfortunately, we're kind of testing out our own skills too! I believe it would be too much of a burden to have other teams watching us play, no offense!" Ferid mused.
Nix sighed and nodded, 'well he didn't try to kill anyone yet, so that's good. Perhaps he wasn't that bad?' the team leader thought in an unsure manner. Basteya nodded as well as he lowered his head. "Oh that's okay, perhaps next time." They said. As the team began to retreat into the tree thickets, Ferid called out after them: "We're really sorry for the inconvenience!" He even dared wave at them, for words he didn't mean...that's a lot of effort being made. Nix and Basteya were in the lead while Lucal and Horn were in the centre, leaving Chess in the vanguard. "We promise we won't attack until next scan." promised Nix patronizingly. All that was heard was a chuckle from Ferid.
When they were a few miles away, Ferid looked over at the pink bunny, who had her arms crossed. She was not looking at him nor did she want to. "You know Krullie dear, that was really clever thinking of you! Secret communication, I like it!" Ferid chimed. Crowley gave a confused expression hearing all of this, as far as he was concerned, there was no secret communication between them while the conversation was going. Unless, he simply wasn't close enough. "What do you mean secret communication?" The sniper inquired before he was interrupted by Krul Tepes. "I did what I had to do, remember the strategy whenever you need to communicate with me or the rest of the members." She responded quietly. Right, she had to teach Lest and Crowley.
The silver haired man sighed and reached for his left plastic holster attached to his belt. "Well, it can't be helped." His fingers slithered to take hold on one of his XDM duellies. His lips cursed into a smile as Krul say there emotionless, but if she were in a movie, flames would be growing in her pupils as she hungrily watched the slaughter about to begin. KKHC was about 3 metres away now and they continued chatting along, completely oblivious for what was about to happen. Horn nudged Chess' shoulder as the blue haired girl seemed to be zoning out. "Hey, put a smile on your face!" The blonde encouraged Nd that immediately put a smile on the silent girl's face.
That face turned into sheer horror as a clicking noise was heard behind her.
Seconds too late, if she had time to warn her team on the noise she heard, the safety trigger of a pistol being unlocked-
Lucal, who was in front of her toppled over and polygon fragments flowed like a newly released river. He had been shot from behind.
The rest of the attacked team turned around after they had heard the loud bang noise coming from behind them. Nix was the first to react, seeming as he is in fact the team leader. After noticing Lucal's health bar reducing to zero at the top left of his screen, he immediately whipped his head back and his eyes widened in without a doubt rage and surprise.
Behind them, Ferid had a hand extended, it was his dominant hand to wield his XDM pistol. A big smile covered his accomplice behind him but Nix spotted Krul Tepes' look despite the tall man shielding her. She was smiling, glowing magenta eyes piercing into his soul.
A word was written in Ferid's palm earlier.
It was kill.
"Everyone! Run for your lives!" Nix yelled to his team as he had just figured out what Ferid—no, what Ferid and Krul had planned for them. Nix Parthe didn't think that Krul Tepes would have herself involved in this mass murder but here she was, practically the ringmaster. Guess, he had underestimated her due to her outfit, he couldn't take her seriously with all that pink and black. Especially that dopey-looking hat of hers. Basteya gasped and ran but still tried to reason with the attacker from the KFLC team. "Hey, we made about a deal about no attacking until next-" a gunshot was fired to seal his lips. The second casualty of the KKHC team has been committed.
Ferid scoffed to himself before adjusting his hold on the trigger. "You should have listened to your leader, he even said it himself. I'm an arrogant demon." He grinned and continued his firing, the targets of his all stumbled over, one by one and so much in-game blood was spilled on the forest grass.
There were now two players left, everyone was dead. "We must escape!" Chess convinced her sole partner, Horn Skuld, to escape with her. Despite looking hopeful to make it out alive, Chess and Horn continued to run. Only for the latter to feel a mysterious hole begin to drain her insides. Horn collapsed on the grass and spat out blood. Chess yelped as she crouched down beside her best friend. "Horn! Horn! Please stay!" She urged the blonde haired girl, even trying to shake her almost limb arms. However, Horn didn't have much health left, she was hit good and she was going to die. "K-Keep....g-" a 'DEAD' marker stopped her mid-sentence.
"Oh no, she's dead." Ferid taunted with a big smile, his head looped over to his comrades and none of them were impressed, not even by his impressive shooting. Lest sighed and rubbed his red eyes, "Ah, you should have at least killed them all quicker, see look, the blue haired one is escaping." He pointed out in exact disappointment. Crowley sighed at Ferid's mistake and lifted his battle rifle, "I can take care of this." he pointed his sniper's muzzle at the runaway Chess. But Ferid halted him in his movements. "Hold it, It's bad to shoot those who can't defend themselves." He grinned. No teammate of his can even bear to look at him like a sane person anymore after that.
It was now 5:00PM. Krul stood up from the rock and took out the satellite scan from her skirt pockets. "Guys, scan starting." She told the rest of her team. Ferid clapped happily, putting away his pistol, Lest nodded without much debate and Crowley stayed quiet. They all huddled over to where Krul was and she sighed. "Okay, let's do this." She commented before the map was displayed before her very eyes. All the way at the bottom was the Guren's squad, they had not budged from where they had spawned, Ferid scoffed at that. Next, was the Progenitors, who had arrived at the centre of the map, they were diagonal to where the Shinoa squad was, a bit to the north and finally, there was them, KFLC. A team isolated in the top east of the map, hiding away in the forests. But upon further examination, her eyes widened. A dot was right next to theirs.
"Ferid!" The team leader hopped off the rock and hopped onto the silver haired man's shoulder. A figure was standing in front of her mad behind her whole team. They were aiming for the maniac man, of course.
"I'm not done yet!!" raged an angry blue haired girl, she lifted her side-arm, a pistol and shot at Ferid's back. It was Chess Belle, KKHC's final surviving member.
The bullet was fired out of the pistol muzzle and zoomed pass the trees in the backgrounds. Ferid turned around in surprise as he felt pressure land on his shoulders by Krul's stilettos. She bent forward and her small hand reached down for the photon sword attached to Ferid's belt. She unsheathed the weapon and with burning rage, she activated the blade. The sword was of a gleamy red colour, ready to bring death to whoever attacked.
Chess watched with victorious eyes and a happy smile as she believed that she had shot the man dead. But to her surprise and disappointment, Krul was too fast. When the bullet was about to shoot pass his back, she swung the sword similar to what Lest's bullet-lines looked like and managed to cut open the bullet, saving both her and Ferid's life. "What?!" yelped Chess Belle in absolute sadness and potential anger. She stepped back as she caught a glimpse of Krul Tepes' vicious look while wielding that red lightsword.
So what's the initial instinct to do when you miss a single shot like that? Chess already came across these scenarios in the past, especially during those times when she missed her target, the moose. Why, it was to keep shooting of course. Normally, you'd take your time to adjust your aim but Chess was in panic mode right now. "Why you!! You won't get away with this!!" She let out all of her fury on the small bunny atop Ferid Bathory's shoulder. She began firing in all directions, but specifically three shots were coming in their direction. "Watch out!" yelled Crowley to his teammates.
But this time, Chess Belle was faster. Already being unbalanced by standing on Ferid's shoulder, as the man shifted uncontrollably by the fact that heels dug into his shoulders. Krul stumbled backwards which caused her to fall into the incoming fire. All three bullets pierced into her shoulders, at least it was nowhere serious. However, the fact that these bullets didn't miss her at all, the momentum of being shot as well as the fall from being atop Ferid's shoulder, she slammed head-first into the rock she was sitting on earlier. She had dropped Ferid's sword,in which the blade switched off as well as the terminal scan. Krul winced and blood was spat out from her, Chess watched in almost fear as she had just shot a human being.
"Die vermin!" Chess yelled out to Ferid, the one who double-crossed her teammates, the one who double-crosses everyone. She wasn't even sure if Crowley, Lest and even Krul should trust this insane man. This time, Ferid was prepared. He ducked at the incoming bullets as Chess reloaded her pistol and even dared to take out two. The bullets pierced through everything, the leaves, the tree trunks, even ricocheted from a few rocks. "Lest, Crowley, take care of Chess Belle and I'll bring Krul to safety!" The silver haired man strangely said. Usually, he'd be the one urging to get into battle, but this time, he insisted on protecting his rival. I guess he was impressed enough that Krul showed him her skills with the photon sword.
As he lifted Krul off the ground and carried her in a bridal carry, Lest raised an eyebrow at his order. "Alright, how?" He screeched in panic as more bullets were being fired. Crowley had to duck his shoulders several times in order to avoid the bullets. Ferid beared his fangs in Karr's direction, he simply smiled. "I don't know, figure something out~!" He encouraged the two other players then jumped over the giant rock Krul was injured from. Crowley and Lest exchanged glances, "Alright, I have an idea, just follow my lead." The sniper took out his side-arm, a pistol as well. He began to fire back.
Lest panicked a bit on the inside, as he understood one step of Crowley's plan. That was, to hide behind the other massive rock and take out a plasma grenade. 'Think Lest. Lest, think.' He slapped his small cheeks and stared at the grenade. If he threw it in right now, Crowley may be in risk of getting affected by the explosion but if he let it get shot at by any of the offensive bullets, then he'd ne the one dying from an explosion. He growled as he couldn't think of anything until, his eyes glanced to his right. "Huh?" He quietly hissed as he spotted gloved fingers make a 'come' gesture. It was Ferid Bathory, who was smiling like usual. This must be apart of Crowley's plan.
"Ferid, is Krul healed?" Lest spoke over the communicator. Sure they can talk with eachother without them but with all the firing, not many would be able to hear eachother. It didn't take much time for the silver haired man to answer: "Yup all better now~! I told her to take it easy though!" He responded. Lest huffed in slight annoyance but yet, was kind of glad that Ferid had his sword out, if not, then Krul and him would be totally dead. All because this idiot decided to mess with karma. Lest was about to zone out into battle, watching Crowley get shot on his arms and blood dripping from his lips however, the sight of Ferid's tall build slither upwards made the small grenader flinch.
"What do you think you're doing?!" Lest snapped over the radio. Ferid smiled at his obnoxiously loud reaction and gave him a thumbs up. "It's all part of the plan."
"What are you trying to do?! Get killed for real this time?!" Lest continued, his words not being able to stop his moving figure from climbing the rock and making his way to Crowley. "Hush Lest, don't talk and trust me!" He laughed whilst taking out his pistol. Lest practically hissed as he prayed to the red lead skies that Ferid would just think for a minute. 'Use your photon sword.' he insisted in his mind. 'Use your photon sword, godammit.' He cursed and venomous words spilled onto his tongue. Chess Belle practically stopped firing when Ferid Bathory appeared. "Vermin." She spat cold words.
Crowley ceased firing as well, sighing as he had to refill his pistols. Chess noticed this and pointed her gun at Crowley, in which the latter just scoffed and refilled his gun casually in the middle of both players. Lest could be seen face-palming in the background and Krul was knocked out. "Oh I wouldn't do that if I were you. Crowley's a really nice guy." Ferid grinned, Crowley scoffed once more after hearing that. A nice guy huh, was Ferid being serious? Chess shook her head and tears exploded from her red eyes. "Shut up! Just die!" She switched her aim back to Ferid however he saw it coming. The man rushed forward, zigzagged when the bullet came past him. He stopped behind Chess Belle and snickered. "But I don't want to." He whispered in her ear.
It sent a cold shiver down her spine as she resorted to her last weapon. Chess' hand reached for her black dress's pockets. Ferid smiled, Crowley was emotionless, Lest's eyes were widened and Krul couldn't react at all. In her hand, was a plasma grenade. "Ahahaha...clever..." Ferid muttered, backing away from the now armed blue haired player. Chess grinned at him and looked at the weapon in her hands, "Oh ho, so you're scared of this?" She laughed.
Ferid shook his head, okay well, maybe a tiny bit. Plasma grenades were like a sub machine gun, the fire spreads everywhere. Unlike assault rifles who had consecutive targets. "Of course not, maybe because I'm too bored to attack you." He chuckled back. Chess raised a brow before she used her other hand to squeeze on her pistol trigger.
"Now!" Crowley shouted as loud as he could from his communicator. So this was Crowley's plan, had he foreseen ahead of time that KKHC carried a few plasma grenades? Well who cares right now! Lest nodded at the order and threw the grenade as far as he could to collide with the one carried by KKHC's surviving member. He watched how Ferid's figure stumbled to the floor after blood poured out of his chest and How Chess's avatar became enveloped in the massive two grenade explosion. This marked the end of KKHC's inscription into 'Seraph Squads' 3. Lest sighed in relief as he saw the 'DEAD' marker atop Chess's head when the smoke dispersed.
Ferid was on the ground, coughing and clapping and bleeding. "That was amazing, I knew I could count on you guys to save me!" He chuckled, despite being on the verge of dying, he was still laughing. He really was insane. Crowley rolled his eyes and gestured Lest to follow him. "Well to be fair, you threw yourself into the enemy without a plan. You're lucky that she panicked or else you wouldn't stand a chance with the veteran players." The sniper warned, helping him off the ground. As the three men limped over to the massive rock that Krul was peacefully sleeping behind of, Ferid laughed at Crowley's comment. "Oh don't be silly, I'm a veteran player myself, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Besides, I have this." He took out a pink-handled dagger.
Lest rolled his eyes just like Crowley did earlier. "You should probably return that to Krul. She'll kill you when she wakes up." He warned. That was true, the pink bunny didn't like her things being shared, especially if it's with an idiot by the name of Ferid Bathory. But even to Lest's justice, Ferid's counted was quite clever. "To be fair, Lest Karr, she did steal my photon sword without permission to defend herself and I guess me too." He started. Both Crowley and Lest knew Already what he wanted to say. "So therefore, by using her dagger, I not only had a backup plan to protect myself but also to protect Krul and you guys! If I didn't take her out, we'd all be dead!" He chimed.
The sniper sighed, well worse logic ever but whatever, they didn't have time to deal with this craziness. "Come on, do you think we'd let ourselves die in the hands on that amateur?" He phrased. Ferid shrugged and took out his medkits, "I don't know, maybe?" He chuckled again and as he was about go apply a medkit to his bleeding chest. There was a ruffle coming from behind the rock they were all sitting on. Crowley's ears perked up and he placed his hand on his pistol. "Enemy team?" He whispered. The ruffle got even louder and this time, Crowley and Lest became anxious. They didn't know whether Ferid cared that they might be watched but who knows. Then finally,
"Ouch..." a groan escaped the newly awaken pink bunny queen. She rubbed her head and blinked a few times when she saw Ferid all wounded up. "Woah. What happened to you?" She asked, it was a half of concern and disappointment honestly. Half of her wanted to know how the battle went but the other half didn't want to know what dumb mistake triggered his injuries. Ferid put aside his medkit to open his arms to hug the pink queen. "Krul dearest! I'm so happy you're awake!" He bounced up in the air. But Krul snarled at him before avoiding his hug and grabbed the medkits on the rock. She stabbed him in the arm with two of them, two should be enough to bring his health bar to 80%. "Think about healing yourself first." She reminded. What was this? She was teaching him the basics of battle all over again?
When his health rose and rose, he hugged her waist. "Why thank you!" He thanked her for taking care of him like the small brat he was. Krul sighed and sat beside him before she was called over by Crowley. "Here, you dropped this." He handed the two players their two respective items. He had picked them up when he was called to battle by the silver maniac. He handed Krul her terminal scan and Ferid his photon sword. The two thanked him respectively before a blast of questions was targeted for the pink bunny. "So how many mes kits did you use to heal my injuries anyways?" She asked first.
Ferid was the one who healed her, therefore he knew the exact number. "I used two! Why, wanted to waste your last medkit? It'll be easier for all the other players to kill you in that case, even I could!, he teased, well more like foreshadowed. Only Crowley was the one who noticed the heavy hint and he coughed in another direction. Krul rolled her eyes and laid her back on the bloody rock again. Well that was one intense battle. She rolled her massive sleeve up and checked her wrist watch. "It's 5:20PM." She remarked with a bored or neutral expression on her lips. Lest crossed his arms and thought for a bit. "So hey, why did you pass out when you fell? I thought this game blocked out all contact to the real world." The red and white haired boy inquired. But Krul only replied: "No idea honestly."
As KFLC began showing their true colours and won their battles with KKHC, they remained in the same spot for the next 5 minutes to recover and refill their guns before moving locations to hopefully find more teams to massacre.
A/N: Ahhhhh and here's chapter 7 of Seraph Squads! Hope you all liked it as much as I enjoyed coming up with the conflict between KKHC and KFLC! But to be fair, after Krul's sacrifice, I had no idea what to write for the battle. In my original notes, I gave myself the prompt to "Ferid gets hurt but gets saved by Crowley and Lest before getting healed by Krul." I wrote as much as my brain could while respecting my prompt. Though I do believe that the way that Ferid injured himself really badly was kind of idiotic. Originally, Krul wasn't supposed to be knocked out, it was Ferid supposed to be on the verge of death however, I wanted to develop Ferid and Krul's relationship more as well as introduce in Lest's real thoughts about his teammates.
The way Crowley and Lest saved him was by a plasma grenade however in my original ideas, I expected a big of pistol gunfire coming from the two KFLC members and when Krul would heal Ferid, it's because she would be be completely awake. Oh well, I had fun writing the battle either way! Hope you guys don't mind I changed so much from my original ideas! Should I have kept some of them? Tell me down below! Cya in chapter 8 and oh my gosh, I forgot to mention that it's been FOREVER since I didn't write about KFLC! I miss these main characters so much!! And it's a bad sad because spoiler-alert, they won't be getting any cameos until chapter 11!
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