Chapter 1: The return and first day of Hanzo Academy
Over above the city of New York we see a helicopter flying through the city, passing a few buildings and gose up to a roof of a tall building were a landed pad is seen with couple of people with black clothes and wear sunglasses while holds guns. One who is standing at the landing pad waiting for the helicopter to land and once the helicopter landed at the pad. The door slide open and a huge guy with gold chains around his neck looks around and puff out some smoke and walk towards the other man.
Mafia boss: You've got the drugs?
Drug dealer leader: Yes follow me.
The mafia boss follows the drug dealer while on another roof a silhouette of a person with a sword on his hand stare at the drug dealing and throw a smoke bomb to the ground and disappeared.
The dealer open a case and the mafia boss looks at them and we see its cocaine. The mafia boss smiles and nods. The dealer close the case and the Mafia bosses henchman hand his boss a case filled with money and they were about to make a treat when suddenly someone landed on the roof were they were at and the mafia boss see him and asked.
Mafia boss: Who the fuck is that person!?
The dealer wave his hand and his henchmen point there weapons at the person. This person wears a ninja outfit with two swords cross on his back and holding a bigger sword on his hand.
The ninja looks around to see there is any opportunity to beat them and after a few minute of thinking he got it and throws another smoke bomb into the ground and the dealer's men open fired but after a few shots the ninja disappeared after the smoke was gone.
They thought they got away with it but then the lights around them get cut off by someone throwing ninja stars at the lights destroying them. The it was dark as they try to find out who's responsibility for this.
Henchman 1: Where is he?
Henchman 2: I don't know?
Then suddenly there was a scream and turn yo see one henchman getting electrocuted by something and fell unconscious. Then another henchman gets kick in the head by someone and anothe right there gun sliced off and got knock out by the back of the head.
The henchmen have entered and open fire around them and try to hit this person. Ever shot they fire they see the same ninja but missed every shot and the ninja beats the last remaining henchmen off until it was silence as the mafia boss and dealer have enough and make a break for it.
The ninja see them escaping but didn't fallow them as the mafia boss and dealer made it down the stairs they were surrounded by sirens and police officer's pointing there guns at them.
The mafia boss and the dealer were taking away by the police and drive off while the ninja watch them leave from another roof and turn to walk away.
The ninja pull down his hood and mask and we see our protagonist named Y/n L/n as he sigh and look at a beautiful view of the city of new York.
Y/n: (sigh) Another day is saved thanks to me.
???: Yes the lone wolf shinobi.
Y/n turn and a man step out of the shadows wearing a smart clothes and had white hair.
Y/n: Sorry man I have no time for you so here.
Y/n throw a smoke bomb and he disappeared. He then reappeared from another roof and smirks to himself but when he turn around that same guy was that.
Y/n: Nani?!
???: So you are Japanese.
Y/n was surprised by how he found out were he landed so he asked.
Y/n: Ok who are you, the FBI? A Government agent?
Kiriya: I'm non of them. I'm Kiriya and I'm a teacher of Hanzõ academy.
Y/n: If I can tell your from Japan right?
Kiriya: That's correct.
Y/n: Well what is it do you want from me?
Kiriya: I've seen your skills and ability that you've been doing in this country and I want you to be part of my shinobi student at Hanzõ academy in Japan.
Y/n: Yeah no thanks I think I'm perfectly ok in here thank you. So Chio.
Y/n turn to walk away but then Kiriya said.
Kiriya: You have no choice, if you won't com back your father will take over Japan and the world.
Y/n stop a minute and quickly turn to Kiriya and said.
Y/n: (surprised) Wait what? I thought he died?
Kiriya: No your father is still alive and now he is making a new clan of shinobi to take over the world. That's why I'm here, so I can teach you so you can be stronger against your father and his new evil clan of shinobi.
Y/n thinks about it for a moment and after a second Y/n sigh and said.
Y/n: Ok I'll go back to Japan and join your school, but after I defeated my father I'm leaving for good Ok?
Kiriya: I'll see you there.
Then kiriya throw a smoke bomb and he disappeared. Y/n sigh to himself and walk back home to get packing for tomorrow.
(2 days later)
We see Y/n on a boat looking on the rails and see Japan, his home country which he is a little upset he has returned.
Y/n: Home sweet home. (Sigh) Why did I agreed to this crap? Look just deal with my father and get out ok? Ok.
(At the city)
Y/n walk through the city and he must admit it sure is good to be back but he shake it off and heads to where he was supposed to be. After an hour he arrived at Hanzõ academy. Y/n took a deep breath and out and he enter into the school's building and walk through the halls until he spotted Kiriya and he call out for him.
Y/n: Mr Kirirya.
He turn and have a small smile and walk up to Y/n.
Kirirya: (smile) I'm glad your here Y/n, follow me and you can meet your new shinobi students.
They walk through the halls and Kirirya reveals a secret door that lead to a secret room. They walk through the halls and Y/n asked.
Y/n: So how long has your students been training with you?
Kiriya: For couple of years but I'm glad your here as our new student.
Y/n: So how many students are there in this shinobi club?
Kiriya: Theres only five but you'll be a sixth member to there group.
Y/n: Only five? That's weird.
Kiriya: Still they will be glad they have a sixth member.
Y/n: (smirk) I can probably tell because of my legend back in America the demons mask?
Kirirya: No because all of them all female.
They arrived at a door and Y/n continue on saying.
Y/n: Females huh so is there like five males and five girls?
Kirirya: No just five girls.
Kiriya slide open the door and the first thing Y/n see was a blond girl grabbing at another girls breast and squeezing them.
Asuka: Katsuragi stop that!
Katsuragi: (smirk) Sorry can help of how huge they are.
Y/n: (thought) This has to be a joke right?
Then a two othe girls see Y/n and ask Kiriya.
Ikaruga: Mr Kiriya who is that boy?
Yagyuu: Yeah never seen him before.
Kiriya: Girls this is your sixth member and your new student named Y/n L/n.
They were surprised to see a boy here and Y/n just there wondering to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Damn it I'm in one of those cliche anime shows where a male protagonist is in a school with only girls.
Asuka: (smile) Its nice to mee you Y/n, I'm Asuka.
Ikaruga: I'm Ikaruga a head later of this team.
Katsuragi: (smirked) I'm Katsuragi and I must say you are a interesting boy.
Yagyuu: I'm Yagyuu and this is Hibari.
Hibari: Hello.
Y/n: (thought) Well if this is my life is gonna be then I have to get used to it. (Sigh) ok here I go.
Y/n: (smile) Its nice to meet yous all and I'm honoured to be your student.
Asuka: So what's your reason for being here?
Y/n: Oh no reason I thought I would-
Kiriya: He moved to America and become a legend vigilante in New York.
Y/n: (thought) Way to ruin it.
Ikaruga: So you also fight for justice as well?
Y/n: Yep I'm what you call it a lone wolf shinobi or ninja works for a two.
Katsuragi: I like him.
Ikaruga: Well we don't use the word Ninja here because it's a sign for a evil shinobi.
Y/n: Right ok.
Ikaruga: Anyways Master Kiriya mind if we test out his strength?
Kiriya: Hmm (turn to Y/n) Are you Ok with it?
Y/n: (smirk) Sure I'll escaped your challenge but I must warn you. I've being training before I even met Kiriya.
Ikaruga: Alright let's see your skills at the gym hall.
Y/n: (smirk) Right.
(At the gym hall)
Both Y/n and Ikaruga were in opposite side of the hall as everyone else was sitting down and Ikaruga got into her battle stand while Y/n stretched his arms and tell her.
Y/n: I'm don't a type of guy beating up girls so I'll go easy on you.
Ikaruga: Really then how do you defeat your enemies that are female.
Y/n smirk and pull out a blind fold and cover his eyes with them. Then he pull put a ear protectors and place him on his ears.
Asuka: Is he blocking all his senses?
Katsuragi: How is he gonna beat Ikaruga without ears or eyes?
Hibari: I hope Ikaruga will go easy on him.
Yagyuu: Just what is he doing.
Ikaruga was also found this weird but not let her lose force and get ready.
Kiriya: Alright let the match begin!
Ikaruga charge at Y/n and was about to jump kick Y/n but then Y/n moved to the left and dodge Ikaruga strike. This shocked everyone as Ikaruga was even more shocked and try to throw punches but Y/n dodge every blow from Ikaruga. Then Y/n duck down and dodge a punch and Y/n trip Ikaruga's legs with his own and Ikaruga fell on the ground.
Y/n stand over her and Ikaruga was surprised how he can dodge her strikes and blows. Ikaruga jump back and got into a battle stand.
Ikaruga: This was only round 1, here comes round 2.
Kiriya: Round 2, go!
Ikaruga jump into the ceiling and Y/n stood there and Ikaruga thought he was confused so after a moment of silence Ikaruga jump down and try to land on Y/n but suddenly Y/n quickly dodge and Ikaruga missed and landed on her feet. She turn over and see Y/n rushing towards her and she thought he was gonna to strike so she jump out of the way and landed on her feet.
Y/n stop himself and Ikaruga and Y/n were in a stand off and Ikaruga charge at Y/n one was to punch Y/n but Y/n move his head just a bit and Y/n took out his feet and Ikaruga trip on his feet and she fell once again.
Kiriya: Match is over. Y/n has won.
Everyone was shocked as Y/n took off the ear protectors and blind fold and see Ikaruga was on the ground so he reach out a hand and asked.
Y/n: Need a lift?
Ikaruga look up at Y/n as he smiles and Ikaruga blush a little and grab Y/n's hand and Y/n help her up.
Y/n: (smile) That was a great match, better luck next time.
Ikaruga: How did you manage to defeat me without your ears or eyes?
Y/n: I use the wind.
Ikaruga: Wind?
Y/n: I use the wind as my weapon and use that to know your gonna close to me or too far from me. It's a difficult thing to do but I've managed to do it.
Ikaruga: Interesting.
Kiriya: Well that would be enough for today. Hope to see yous tomorrow.
They nod and they pack up and they leave the secret hanzõ class.
They walk through the streets as Y/n looks around to see things have changed sense he move to America.
Asuka: Hey Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Asuka: Who teach you those skills?
Katsuragi: Yeah I want to know as well.
Y/n: Its....someone I wather not talk about.
Ikaruga: Why?
Y/n: Well it's a long story and-
Then there was a huge explosion near them and they race over and turn a corner and see ninja like robots attacking the city.
Katsuragi: What are they robot shinobi?
Y/n look close and see a mark on there shoulder and this shocks Y/n as he recognizes that mark.
Y/n: (thought) Oh no it is true.
Ikaruga: What ever theyare it's our duty as a shinobi to protect the weak. Ready?
They nod and they all transform into there shinobi outfits.
Y/n: Ok then I gest it's my turn. Shinobi transformation!
Y/n's shinobi outfit appeared on him and with a mask on his hand which he puts it on his face and draw out his sword.
They all change at the ninja robots and they cut them down without any trouble. Then they head stomping and a huge robot appeared out of the corner and face the Hanzõ team.
Asuka: That one is huge!
Katsuragi: Well the bigger they are the better to scrap it!
Ikaruga: Katsuragi wait!
Katsuragi charge at the huge robot and kick it but it only hurt her leg and she rolled around in pain while the robot stare at her and rais up its blades.
Asuka: Katsuragi!
Katsuragi see the blades and they go down about to finish off Katsuragi bit there was a slash sound the the robots blade and arm came off and crash onto the ground. Katsuragi open her eyes and see Y/n in front of her and he turn to Katsuragi and said.
Y/n: You better let me face this one.
Katsuragi: (smirk) Sure cutie.
Katsuragi: (thought) What a hero.
Y/n turn to the huge bot and the huge ninja bot was about to strike at Y/n with its other arm blade but Y/n throw ninja stars and it hit the wires and it shortened out its system. Y/n stab his blade onto the ground and draw out twin blades and slice the robots legs off and the robot fell on the ground. Y/n slid back his twin blades and pull out his sword from the ground and jump into the air and came down and stab the sword into the robots head and it was offline.
Y/n sigh of relief as the Hanzo team regroup and Y/n walk over to them.
Asuka: That's was awesome Y/n.
Ikaruga: I must say I am impressed.
Katsuragi: (smirk) Yeah Thanks for saving me back there.
Y/n: You'll welcome just be safe. These robots are programmed to hunt down shinobi's like us so we must be careful.
They nod and Asuka asked.
Asuka: Wait how do you know?
Y/n:....I face them before and I'll will face the person who made them again.
Y/n took out his grabbing gun and fire a shot at the roof and said to the girls,
Y/n: See yous tomorrow.
Then Y/n went to the roof and disappeared.
Katsuragi: What a interesting handsome boy.
Ikaruga: What dose he mean by that?
Yagyuu: Is he keep a secret about something?
Hibari: We shouldn't think he is keeping a secret.
Ikaruga: But he didn't tell us who train him so what is he hiding?
Asuka: Guys he's just a new member, we can't suspect his past.
Ikaruga: Still where ever these robots are from, let's hope it's just a normal attack.
They walk away while one robot was still on and record them leaving the area.
(In a Unknown location)
In a office in a Unknown building we see a man watching a video of the shinobi fighting then he stop and rewind and see Y/n and he knows who he is.
???: So my son has return to stop me huh? Well I won't let him stop me and my plans of taking over the world.
He chuckled to himself while he stare at Y/n and knowing that his son has return to Japan.
To be continue.......
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