14 | chess pieces

"I'm fine," Abigail pointed out as she followed her father around Number 12, Grimmauld Place. It had been a few weeks since he had come back permanently and she had been trying to get him to let her go back to Hogwarts for the past few days.

"You're fine because we took you out of the environment that was making things worse," he countered as Sirius entered the room. "If we send you back, it may just go back to how it was."

"Then send me back for a trial run," she suggested, "Just a week. And if I seem to be reverting back to old habits, I'll come home. No questions asked."

"Your father makes a valid point," Sirius spoke up as he sat down on the couch, "Besides, there's only a month or so left of term. What's the point in you going back?"

"Because I miss my friends."

"Don't you talk to Harry every night in your dream thing," he commented with a wave of his hand as he scanned through the paper.

Lupin raised an eyebrow at this, "Dream thing?"

Sirius looked up from his paper and Abigail glared at him, "I had not gotten around to mentioning it to him, thank you very much."

"Dream thing?" Lupin repeated and Abigail huffed.

"I can talk to Harry while we're asleep. It's like we're together but we're not," she explained, "Kind of like how I can communicate with people through thought only a little different is all."

"Hey, can you read minds?" Sirius inquired, folding the paper up and placing it down on the table.

Abigail's nose wrinkled at this, "No and hopefully it stays that way. Never do I ever want to know what you're thinking about." Sirius grinned at this.

"Why do you need to go back if you can talk to them?" Lupin inquired and Abigail rolled her eyes.

"For one, it's not the same," she pointed out. "And for two, I can only talk to Harry." She turned to Sirius quickly, "Shut up."

He put his hands up, "I didn't say anything."

"But you were going to."

"Okay, okay," Lupin interrupted. "You'll have to make your case to Dumbeldore."

"Can you make the case to Dumbeldore?" she requested.

Lupin raised an eyebrow, "What's your issue with him?"

"She seems to think he's an evil mastermind," Sirius announced and Abigail glared at the man.

"I never said that," she pointed out, her arms crossed over her chest.

He cocked his head to the side, "But you implied it."

"If I ask why, will I be given an answer?" Lupin asked.

"Nothing that wouldn't be the ramblings of a crazy person," Sirius replied and then he faltered. He raised his hand quickly, "Poor choice of words. Maybe we can backtrack a moment."

Abigail rolled her eyes, "I just don't think he's as grand as everyone else seems to think."

"He's a man like anyone else," Lupin reminded her.

"A man with power," she added. "And power comes with responsibility. I just happen to think he doesn't have the right level of responsibility to be as powerful as he is."

"I'm still waiting on an explanation."

She huffed, "Name a time where he did something good."

"He gave me a job."

"Which was a position he knew had been jinxed by Voldemort," Abigail explained and the two men in the room grew confused. "Tom Riddle approached Dumbledore about a job, he was turned down and being the petty wizard he is, he cursed the position. Now no teacher has lasted more than a year without something happening."

"And you know this how?"

"How do I know anything?" she countered. "Come on. You both went to Hogwarts. Did you have a single teacher teach Defense Against the Dark Arts for more than a year?" They remained silent. "Do you really think it's a coincidence?"

"Okay, you don't believe me," she concluded. "Give me another thing."

"He saved me from the Dementors Kiss," he reminded her. "Indirectly but nevertheless."

"Please," she scoffed, "He was banking on your death the moment he knew you meant something to Harry." Sirius appeared taken aback by this. "You were in Azkaban for twelve years. He kept you stowed away here even though he knew you were the type to go stir crazy. And then Harry saw what he thought was you getting tortured after a year of Dumbledore ignoring him and making him feel like he was losing it. You jumped at the first chance to leave. And yes, I'm aware that he's your godson but you were trigger happy. If I hadn't been there to intersect the spell, you'd be dead."

"And you think Dumbledore orchestrated all of that?" Lupin asked as he watched his daughter warily.

Sirius raised his hand, "He kept me here because I'm a wanted fugitive."

"And Polyjuice Potion didn't exist until recently?" Abigail inquired. "The only reason you were in Azkaban in the first place was because of him."

"We're back at this again?"

"He worked with the Wizengamont," she reminded him. "He had pull with them. He could have convinced them to check your wand or use a truth serum or anything!" She looked between Sirius and her father. "Stop looking at me like I'm crazy."

"It doesn't make any sense."

"It does make sense," she countered, "You just don't want to see it."

"See what?" Lupin asked.

"That he's been using all of us like we're stupid pieces in a chess match," Abigail replied. "The moment he realized Sirius was no use to him, he hung him out to dry. And then when he realized the connection between him and Harry, he knew he was useful again so he saved him."

"But I'm not dead," Sirius pointed out.

"Because I saved you," she reminded him. "He wasn't banking on me being as knowing as I was because he had been controlling the narrative." She looked between them again, "Let me try a different angle. Severus Snape."

"Why would he have helped someone who was very clearly loyal to Voldemort?" Abigail asked.

"He's a spy."

"Not the first time around," she countered. "Dumbledore covered for him because Snape had suddenly become a useful piece in his game. Snape had whatever his connection to Lily was and Dumbledore has used that. Snape has been putting his life on the line everyday by being a spy and he's doing it because he's indebted to Lily and will do anything to protect her son, even though he's an asshole to him."

"Was it really necessary that Harry stayed with those muggles?" Abigail finally asked. "They were abusive, neglectful. They made him sleep under the stairs because they despised him so much. The only reason they ever even started acting like he was a little bit human was because they feared magic above all else. Dumbledore put him with those people and he knew how they treated him. There is never, ever an excuse to leave a kid in a home like that. Ever."

Lupin tapped his fingers on the table and Sirius was staring down at his hands. She could understand why they were hesitant to accept what she was telling them. But it was the truth.

"Even if he has done everything he's done for the greater good, too many people have gotten hurt because of it. The Potters didn't have to die. Sirius never should have been sent to Azkaban. And Harry-" she cut herself short. "None of the things that have occurred had to happen. Dumbledore has been using everyone since day one, everyone is just too blinded by their loyalty to him to see it."

She stood up from the table with a frown, "If you don't want me to go back to Hogwarts, fine." She pushed her chair in, "I'll see you in the morning."

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