Error x Child Neko reader
(Errors POV)
I just destroyed another AU and I came back to the anti void. "AnoTheR D-d-day anOtheR AU D-d-dEsTroyED" as I was walking I saw a little girl with cat ears and a tail 'a Neko.....what is a Neko doing in the anti void' I thought to myself. I walked up to her and saw she was sleeping, "H-h-hEy" her eyes opened and see tilted her head at me she looked to be about 5 years old. "WhAt aRe YoU S-s-staring at-t-t" the little girl just giggled. "W-w-what aRe YoU LagHing at" I asked with a bit of anger in my voice. She had stopped laughing and again tilted her head at me. "W-w-well at-t-t LeAsT T-t-Tell mE YouR NaMe" the girl just looked at me "WhAt D-d-do YoU N-n-not hAVe a N-n-naMe" I said with a bit of sarcasm. She just looked at me and tilted her head again with a look of confusion. "I-if y-y-yOu DoN't TelL Me-E-e YoUR NamE I'Ll H-h-hAvE t-T-tO g-g-gIvE Y-you One" she just looked at me with the same look. 'Can she not talk......maybe I should ask someone about her......but the only person I could think to ask is Ink' I thought to myself. "'Sigh' I-I'll aSk-k-k I-I-Ink-k abOuT Y-y-you L-lat-eR" when I looked back at where the girl was I saw she had disappear, then I felt a tug on my arm. When I turned I saw the little Neko pointing to her mouth "w-w-What ArE y-y-yOu h-h-huNgRy" I asked and she nodded in response.
(Time skip)
I got the kid some food from the undertale grillbys and now where going to see Ink. When we got to where Ink usually is I called for him. When he came over to us he had his usual smile "hey Error did you need something" 'I swear to god I hate this guy' I thought as he walked over to us. "I-I-I nEeD Y-y-you T-t-to TeLl mE aBoUT tHiS KiD-d-d" I told Ink as I looked at the little Neko who sat behind me eating. "I don't know who they are I've never seen them before.....what's there name" he said walking over to them "t-t-they dOn'T S-s-SpeAK-k-k" I told him. When Ink started to walk over to the kid she got up and hid behind me. "Looks like she really likes you" I just rolled my eyes Ink got down to her height and started to ask a few simple questions like "Hey what's you name" and he got the same response I did, a head tilt. "Here can you spell you name on the paper" he asked as he gave her a Crayon and a peace of paper. The kid sat down and wrote her name and when Ink asked more questions she responded with little drawings. "Where do you live" she drew a house then scratched it out "you don't have a home" she shook her head up and down. "Well (Y/N) you are welcome to stay with me if you want" she shook her head in a no fashion and pointed at me. "Hey Error I think she wants to stay with you" Ink said to me and my eyes widened "w-w-wHaT nO ShE iS N-n-not StAyinG-g-g W-w-with Me" after I said that (Y/N) just looked down sadly with her ears down and tail hanging low. "Error you hurt her feelings" Ink said with a mad tone "I d-d-DoN't C-C-CaRe" I looked back at (Y/N) and notice she was crying I felt a little guilty "f-f-fine sHe c-c-cAn S-S-Stay wItH M-m-Me" she still had tears in her eyes but she looked a little happy and hugged me. I didn't know what to do so it became awkward she stopped after a few seconds "so what know Error you going back to the anti void with her" he asked "I-I-I gUesS s-S-so"
(Time skip)
Me and (Y/N) went back to the anti void and she just followed me around until she got tired and yawned as she laid down and fell asleep. "F-f-fInILy" I said to myself and started to walk off when I saw a light and turned around to see her soul. It had a crack and it looked like a human soul and not a monster soul 'but she's a Neko how could she have a human soul" I thought to myself as I examined it. Her soul looked so small compared to the ones I've seen. I cupped her soul in my hands and examined it some more, I looked at (Y/N) and saw she was curled up. 'Are you cold' I thought as I got a blanket I had made and covered her, she looked so peaceful. "Hey Error are you here" I heard a voice come from behind me "I-I'm oVEr H-h-hErE" I said trying to stay quiet not to wake (Y/N). Ink walked over to me "I found some stuff out about (Y/N)" Ink looked at me with a serious look. "W-w-WhAt Did yOu F-f-find O-o-out" I asked with a bit of concern. "She doesn't have a home because it was destroyed, but we already knew that, but I found out that she was from an undiscovered AU where she was experimented on, then you destroy AU you saved her, she was going to die but you saved her. That's why she wanted to stay with you." I was processing everything he said "I s-s-sAvED h-h-hEr" I asked looking at her "yes Error, you saved her life" 'I-I saved her she was in a cruel AU and I saved her' all my thoughts went through my head. "WhAT K-k-kInD O-o-oF ExpARiMenTS" "they fused her DNA which is why she has cat ears and a tail" I nodded "AnD HeR s-s-sOuL" Ink just nodded. "So what are you going to do with her" Ink asked "W-w-wHAt Do YoU M-m-mean" I asked my eyes locked on (Y/N) "Is she going to stay with you" Ink asked. I shoot my head in his direction "O-o-oF cOuRSe w-w-wHaT KiNd Of QuESteN Is T-t-tHaT" I said with a little anger "well you didn't want her at first......soooooooo I didn't know if you wanted me to take her". I looked at (Y/N) she looked so peaceful, I picked her up and made a bed with magic and laid her in it. "She's growing on you isn't she" I smiled a little
"I-I-I gUeSs sO"
Hey guys I didn't really know what to do in this story so sorry if it's not good but hey you guys really like my stories that I think are trash so maybe I should put more faith in my self anyway thank you for your support and see you later
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