Chapter one: The only one
Y/n”s POV
I’m married with sam like one month ago. Sam alway protect me and he truly love me so Sam had go to work which mean I’m alone in mansion all by myself.but lucky i can invite my friends to hangout with me.As I pick my cell phone start texting
Start texting (also it group chat)
Y- you
I- Iridessa
Y-Hey Noryn, Iridessa,and Irene! I was wondering you can hang out together ^-^
N-oooh y/n I have work today
Ir- well same for me
I- of course I love too hang out with you but sadly I had do importantly things
Y-I completely understand you are busy
I-thank you for understanding however maybe we hang out next when we have day off
Ir- absolutely!
N-when we have time with you maybe it will happen today who know! ^-^
Y-okay good luck !
End the text
I’m guessing it all by myself well i can do the cleaning and cook some food for my husband.
It too soon make some dinner food hmmm i should start cleaning around house
Even i cleaned up the house the last clean is bathroom.when i enter in bathroom.I decided look at mirror all the sudden with all the shady face also there blood on me this weird i’m kinda freak out. What! i just saw on the mirror it kinda sight a horror movie.i wasn’t expecting that…..
My mind give me a flash what happened today.I went outside give me fresh air.
It actually clear my mind so i went back finish the time make food for dinner I’m think gonna make F/f for tonight.when my husband came home just in time
“Hey doofus, i'm home”Sam smirked
“Hi sam”
“Hmmm that smell really good doofus”Sam said
“Yea i made F/f for tonight”
“Sweet soo how are you”Sam smiled
“Something happen to you???” Sam asked
“Yea i was cleaning in bathroom i look at the mirror...i saw myself something scary also i was cover in blood”
“Huh….” Sam
“I was freak out when i saw it of myself”
“Well are you okay??”Sam asked
Sam truly care about me if I am okay. This place had soo many magic in my mansion.
I remember house party one time this crazy guy with red skin and pointy ears his name is Malix also there another she have red skin just like malix but she have brown hair. Malix shot Sam on forehead.I felt shook but Sam was okay. The bullet went through Sam’s forehead. Malls wasn't happy at all because his gun didn’t kill Sam. Damien step in and told about the magic in my mansion.I'm glad Sam was okay. This woman told Malls it time leave soo yea that pretty crazy however I got man I love in my life always protect me and keep me happy.
“Sam we should start eating cuz food gonna be cold”
“Shit.. right let’s eat”
It was great dinner we had ate f/f.
“food was pretty good we can sit and watch ?”Sam smiled
“Sure I love too”
I felt little shaking...why I brought it up but i had tell him, he need know what wrong.
“Doofus do you need a hug?” Sam asked
I nodded.I slowly walk toward him and hug him
“You’re gonna alright doofus”Sam calmy telling you
I decide give him a kiss after all he truly love me soo much.
“Heh well come on let's go watch movie in living room also I'm gonna make popcorn” Sam smiled
“are you sure you can make popcorn”
As I smirked at him if he can. Since he know how read and write.
“I'm sure. nothing could go wrong doofus” Sam said
Oh okay I trust him if he can make it.I want living room till when I hear Sam screamed.
“Agh!”Sam screamed
I was right as I ran into kitchen check out what happen to him.
“Sam are you alright ?”
“yea I'm fine doofus” Sam responded
“do you need my help?”
“Yea…. Popcorn all over in place”Sam frowned
“Don't worry we clean it later now let's make popcorn”
Well the kitchen was mess but we do it later I want popcorn and teach him. how to make popcorn. After that we enjoyed the movie tonight.I felt sleepy soo I fell asleep.
Next day
I woke up seeing sam went to work as i look up on my phone. I got new messages by someone hmm i check the text messages
Text messages
S- hey doofus well i made breakfast for you. I hope you like it at least I try my best
S- also from yesterday you fell asleep well I carry you in our bed soo yea right now i am at work
End text message
I felt happy he just great man. I went down grab my breakfast and ate them. I got call by someone as i pick up my phone and answer it
“Hi noryn”
“Hey y/n!”
“What going on Noryn?”
“I was wondering if we can hangout to together’ Noryn
“Sure, where are we going ?”
“Hmm maybe park or mall’
“You know what we can go mall”
“Hmm that sound good!” Noryn cheered
“Wait what about matthew and your daughter ?”
“I think matthew can care his daughter. Everything gonna just fine trust me” Noryn smiled
“Okay well then let go”
“Alright we need get ready hehehe”Noryn said
I hang up the call. I went my bedroom and go change my clothes. I check everything what i need before i go to mall with noryn. I need tell sam but he at work .
Texting messages
Y- hey sam I’m going mall with noryn.i’m letting you know so yea also I love you <3
S- alright be safe doofus, i love you too
End texting messages
Alright. As I head out outside, I saw noryn in car. Everything gonna be fine.
Hey guys
I'm still alive I have been working soo hard on this story. I will make more chapter for you guys. I hope you all will like it. Soo yea
Kittyart is out~😸💜
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