Chapter 11

Hello, readers! How are you all doing? I hope you are well. I have another chapter for you today. We are taking a break from the fluffy Jicheol and switching to giving our lovely leader a bunch of love. That's all I have to say, so go right ahead and enjoy!

"Oh, what shall our wonderful King have for us today," Soonyoung says in a sing-song voice. Seungcheol and his advisors all walk towards the meeting room. Early this morning, the vampire King sent out a message of a last minute meeting regarding some urgent news. Seungcheol, having hoped to go to Jihoon's gig, was forced to say he couldn't. He isn't too happy about it. Although Jihoon told him it was okay, he could tell the human is upset that he is unable to make it. But, what can he do? He still has responsibilities here. It would not be right for him to ditch them for Jihoon, even if Seungcheol cares a lot for him. "Do you think we should be worried?" Seungkwan murmurs, "The King hasn't done a sudden meeting like this in ages."

"The King did stress in his message that something major has to be discussed," Jun says, "Do you have any idea what it is, Seungcheol hyung?" Seungcheol shakes his head. He has no clue what this meeting is about. It's not like his parents ever tell him anything. He usually has to find things out from Jeonghan, the resident gossip. His friend hadn't told him about anything big happening when he had returned from the human world, but that could just be because it hasn't reached the public yet. Which means that it's either not that big of a deal or that the King is trying to keep it under wraps. "We'll find out," Seungcheol states, "Don't freak out before we know what's actually going on." The advisors all nod their heads and fall silent as they come up to the doors of the meeting room. The two guards standing there open the door for them and they enter. The King and his advisors are already in the room. "Finally," The King states, "We've been waiting for five minutes."

"The meeting isn't supposed to start until now," Seungcheol says, "We are on time." He gestures to his friends to take their seats, which they do while avoiding the gaze of the King. The King shakes his head, "I said it was urgent. I expect you to have come here immediately."

"Well, I am here now," Seungcheol says, moving to take a seat beside his father, "What is so pressing that you needed to call together a meeting like this?"

"The deaths in the human world have increased," The King states, "Your safe houses have proved to be useless. A waste of time that hasn't done anything to protect our people." Seungcheol grimaces at the words of his father. He had worked hard to set up the system. It isn't his fault that vampires are still getting killed. He's done what he could to offer them protection. But, his idea hadn't been enough to protect them. He wonders how many of those killed vampires had tried to reach the safe house, but couldn't. He wonders about how many vampires called the hotline only to be slaughtered before the call could connect. Maybe, his idea had just been a waste of time. It hasn't really helped anyone. Maybe, his father is right. "Your idea has only made a bigger mess for me," The King huffs. "The people are wondering why we had to set up safe houses in the first place. They are asking too many questions. If they are to find out about the numerous vampire deaths, it will not be good."

"You've been covering it up," Seungcheol says, "I doubt you need to worry."

"I wouldn't need to if you hadn't introduced you're idiotic project in the first place!" The King bellows, "All you have done is waste our resources and our time!"

"Your Majesty!" Hansol exclaims, "Is this meeting not to discuss these mysterious deaths?" The King stops his ranting and slowly regains his composure. Seungcheol looks to Hansol and sends his cousin a thankful look. Glad that his father had stopped yelling at him for at least a couple more minutes. "Yes, yes," The King says, "I apologize for getting off track. Advisor Kangmin, you've been leading the investigation on the hunters. Please share what you have found."

"We haven't found any evidence of them hurting our people or being anywhere near them," Advisor Kangmin answers, "Sire, we spoke with the head of a hunter family and he said that he hasn't slain a vampire in years."

The King scoffs, "Then, who is killing my people!?"

"We are still searching for that sire," Advisor Kangmin says, "All the most recent killings match the MO of the others. We still have reason to believe that humans are behind it."

"The hunters are denying it," The King grumbles, "But, it must be them. Some normal human would be unable to get the jump on a vampire."

"You are right, Your Majesty," Minghao says, "Humans would never be able to overpower our kind unless they were given training. But, if the hunters say it wasn't them, should we not trust their word?"

The King rolls his eyes, "I have never trusted those filthy things. Even after we've signed the peace agreement. I knew one day they would come back to slaughter us." Seungcheol listens to the conversation with a blank expression on his face. His mind is elsewhere, thinking about his failed project and Jihoon. Wondering if even the human would find someone like him shameful. Cause at the moment, he can't help but feel very dejected. "I still think that we should close off transportation to the human world," The King says, "But, I was speaking to Captain Kim about strategies. We don't want the hunters to know that we're on to them. They want us to flee, but we won't. We will continue as if everything is normal. This allows us to investigate more. I want more people on this assignment. I want any of our available vampires trailing the hunters from all over South Korea. Am I understood?"

"Yes, your Majesty," All the advisors say in unison.

"Good," The King states, "Dismissed." The advisors all stand, grabbing their stuff and slowly leaving the room. Seungcheol stands as well, planning on making a beeline to his room, where he's pretty sure his friends are already gathering. "Seungcheol, may I speak with you?" The King asks.

"Of course, father," Seungcheol says, putting a fake smile on his face. His friends flash him sorry expressions before exiting the meeting room. The King doesn't speak until it is only the two royals in the room and the doors are shut. "I've been told that you have been frequenting the human world," The King states. Seungcheol stiffens. He had expected for his father to yell at him more about the project. He didn't think he would mention his travels to the human world. How had the King even found out? He had gone alone. No one knew except his friends and they would never tell anyone. Then again, he had chosen to travel to the human world using the train. Seungcheol sighs, he's so stupid. He should have just gone using his speed. Screw the train. "What were you doing there?" The King asks.

Seungcheol smiles, "Nothing really. I just sort of enjoyed my time there when I was working on the safe house project. I understand why our people go to the human world so often. It is rather enjoyable."

"Hm," The King says with narrowed eyes, almost as if he knew Seungcheol is lying, "You can no longer go. With the increase of vampire deaths, it isn't safe for the crown prince to be going on trips to the human world."

"Father..." Seungcheol says, "I can handle myself."

"So could those vampires that were slaughtered," The King says, "I am not allowing you to just gallivant with the very bugs that could kill my son. I won't have it. From now on, you stay in the society. Am I clear?"

"Crystal," Seungcheol says with crossed fingers behind his back.

"Good," The King states, "If I hear anything about you leaving the palace again, I will lock you in your room."

"That won't be necessary, father. I understand completely," Seungcheol says, "I shall follow your orders." The prince bows before turning around and walking towards the door. The fake smile is gone and replaced with a hardened grimace.

≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪

Seungcheol bursts into his room with a huff. His friends are gathered inside, sitting on the couches or his bed. "Hey, what happened?" Jeonghan asks, "What did your dad want to talk to you about?"

"Was it about the project?" Jun asks. Seungcheol shakes his head and walks over to his bed. He falls onto it and tugs at Hansol's sleeve. The vampire turns to look at his cousin for a second before laying down and letting Seungcheol wrap his arms around him. "He found out about how I've been going to the human world," Seungcheol murmurs, burying his face into Hansol's shoulder.

"What?!" Mingyu exclaims, "Does he know about Jihoon?"

Seungcheol shakes his head, "I lied about why I've been going and he didn't seem to know that I went there to see a human..."

"Let me guess...he isn't letting you go back," Seungkwan says. Seungcheol nods and the others have exasperated looks on their faces. "Not to be that person, but it isn't a bad idea for you to stay here," Minghao says, "Vamps are dying in the human world..."

"I know," Seungcheol murmurs.

"Are you really not going to go back?" Jeonghan asks, "What about Jihoon?"

"What happened to fighting for him?" Wonwoo questions.

Seungcheol sighs, "I don't plan on just disappearing from Jihoon's life. You guys all know that he's important to me. I'm going back."

"Just don't use the train and you should be fine," Soonyoung says, "And we'll cover for you when you do go."

"Thanks...I appreciate it," Seungcheol says in a quiet tone.

"Is something wrong?" Mingyu asks. Seungcheol doesn't say anything, feeling the eyes of his friends on him. "Does it have something to do with what the King said?" Jun asks. The vampire prince lets out a breath and slowly nods. He feels tears build up in his eyes and he starts to blink them away, but still some escape and trail down his face. "I've always tried to give myself the benefit of the doubt," Seungcheol says, "Just cause my parents didn't see the worth in my projects doesn't mean they're failures...but now that my safe house plan ended up a bust...I can't help but think that they're right."

"Seungcheol," Jeonghan murmurs, running a hand through the vampire prince's hair.

"My idea was a stupid pipe dream. Safe houses for's ridiculous," Seungcheol says, "I wasn't able to save anyone."

"That's not true," Hansol says, "I read the report. There are some vampires who used the safe house to get away and survived."

"But, not enough," Seungcheol laments, "The deaths are increasing each day."

"You can't prevent the killings, Seungcheol," Wonwoo says, "It's not possible to save everyone. The fact is that there are vampires that are still alive thanks to your project. You need to see that."

"I wish I could," Seungcheol mutters, "I just...feel like such a failure."

"You're not a failure," Minghao states, "Not in the slightest. Whoever is hunting vamps is smart. That's why the numbers are increasing and we still can't seem to find the exact human that is doing it. It has nothing to do with your safe houses. They're working."

"I'm listening to everything you guys are saying," Seungcheol says, "But...I just...can't stop this feeling...why can't I seem to do anything right?" The vampire prince turns away from Hansol and buries his face into his bed sheets. He whimpers a little and grips at the sheets. He hates that he's acting like this in front of his friends, but he can't bring himself to be strong. It's too much for him to bottle up. The balloon has popped and the air is pouring out. "Cheollie," Jeonghan coos and rubs his back, "It's okay..."

"It isn't Jeonghan," Seungcheol murmurs.

Jeonghan sighs, "You know you're going to find this whole thing silly in a couple of days. You'll ask yourself why the hell was I being a big crybaby over something like this. You'll see that we were right and you were just blabbering about nonsense. It isn't the end of the world, Seungcheol. You did your best and that's more than enough. And until you realize that, we'll be by your side to tell you that it is okay. So rest...Seungcheol...close your eyes and we'll take care of you." Seungcheol takes a deep breath, trying to relax a little. He lets his eyes fall shut and accepts the warm embraces of his friends that come to him without a second thought.

Awwww....our Cheolie is stressed and deserves all the love in the world. What did you think? Isn't the vampire king nuts? Let me tell you, he isn't going to get much better. You'll just have to see how bad he does get later on in the story. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and are excited about what's to come. If you could please comment, vote, follow me, add this story to your library, and check out my Romance One-shots! Have a wonderful rest of your day, Carats 💖

P.S. Omg full SVT album! I'm so excited! I don't even know what to expect but I already know it's going to be amazing! Let me know in the comments what you think they're concept may be...

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