Part 8
"Where's Louis" Harry asks when Scott gets in the car. He thinks for a split second that Louis may have listened and gone back to bed.
"He's catching a lift with Drew" Scott says calmly.
Harry shakes his head upset
"Why can't he just do as he's told Scott" Harry asks as be begins driving.
"You know why H, that's Louis and we know what he's like, he needs to prove to himself and you and I that he can handle his shit" Scott says
"He doesn't need to prove shit to us and he knows it" Harry says
"Babe, just calm down, you really upset him and he doesn't understand why you're so angry" Scott says.
Harry sighs.
"I know, but I can't help it right now, every time I look at him, I see the scar on his forehead and I'm reminded of what happened and I know I can't protect him from everything but I can bloody well try" Harry says.
"By yelling at him?" Scott says
"I'm just so frustrated that he doesn't do what I ask him too" Harry says.
"Would you?" Scott asks gently
"Would I what?" Harry asks.
"Would you do what you were asked if you were in Louis position?" Scott says
Harry is silent for a few seconds
"This isn't about me" Harry says quietly
Scott smirks.
"It is H. You need to understand Louis point of view too and he needs to understand yours and why you're so protective of him. If he understood why you wanted him to stay home he probably would have. He's not in recruits anymore. You can't yell at him and expect him to obey you. That's not how it works, not how our relationship works" Scott says.
Harry's huffs
"You know that though, you just wanted to get angry. Just because he calls you daddy and listens to you in the bedroom when you make love to him. Doesn't mean he's going to bow at your knees and obey your commands, you know that makes him more likely to rebel. You know you went about it the wrong way and that's okay, Louis will understand and the two of you can sit down and talk it out. Without yelling" Scott says
Harry sighs.
"I don't want him to bow down to me, I like it when he stands up for what he believes in and what he thinks is right. I just..." Harry says
"Hate it when his safety is involved. I know H and when you explain that too him he will understand too" Scott says
Harry is so thankful for Scott right now and knows he is what he needs to help him through his feelings. He understands Harry.... and Louis for that matter, so well it's scary
"I love you" Harry says
Scott smiles
"I know, I love you too" Scott says back
Harry grabs Scott's hand and kisses the back of it
"And go easy on the team today okay" Scott jokes
"No promises, if Troy gets out I'm going to lose my shit" Harry says
"He won't H, he won't" Scott reassures and he just really hopes it's true.
Louis is having a bad morning, he feels like shit and knows he should have listened to Harry and stayed home, but when Harry acts like that all he wants to do is go against him. He figures he will just stay out of Harry's way for a while, that includes at home too.
When they get back to the station the office is unusually quiet,
"Where the hell is everyone?" Drew asks as he looks around.
They then see a few people head up the stairs to level three
"Looks like somethings going on upstairs" Louis says
"Want to go see?" Drew asks
"Mmm, I might let you do the honours worn that one" Louis smiles as he sits behind his desk.
Drew laughs knowingly
"Okay, sir right I'll be right back" Drew smiles and Louis chuckles as back.
Drew goes to investigate while Louis decides he will get started on their paperwork that's due. He wants to avoid Harry and Scott right now.
Drew makes it upstairs and finds most of the bureau in their media room, watching the big screen.
He sneaks in and sees a police broadcast on,
"What are you guys waiting to see?" Drew asks Jake who's closest to the door.
"Something to do with Troy's parol hearing, he's supposed to make it today but somethings going on"Jake says
"Shit" Drew says
"Yeah, Haz and Scotty are in a shit arse mood so it's not good" Jake says
"Is it something to do with Troy and Louis?" Drew asks.
"Hope not, but it might be" Jake says
Drew sighs
"Where is Lou? I have some gummy bears for him" Jake smirks and Drew laughs
"He's avoiding the husbands, I think he's been victim of their bad moods too" Drew says
"Wow... so no one is safe, it must be really bad then" Jake says worriedly
No one messes with Louis and everyone knows it.
Of course in all the three years they've been in a relationship, Jake and the team have witnessed a few fights between the three boys but it's been petty and juvenile and everyone jokes around about it. This time it's different though, Harry and Scott are in full protective mode and it's worrying.
"Fuck this" Harry says loudly as he and Scott begin to exit the room.
"Figure it out boys. I want answers by 4pm or your jobs are on the line" Scott demands
They exit full of authority
"Drew" Harry calls Demandingly not even looking at him but Drew knows he's expected to follow.
Drew looks at Jake and raises his eyebrows
"Wish me luck" Drew smiles
"You'll need it" Jake laughs and pats him on the back.
Drew walks his way to Harry and Scott's office to face the wolves.
Harry and Scott stand intimidatingly behind their desks.
Drew is good friends with these two boys, known them for at least 10 years but right now he's looking at them and sees the worry in their eyes and it's concerning.
Harry closes the door sighs.
"What's happened?" Drew asks
Harry and Scott look towards him.
"Troy's appeal was supposed to happen today" Scott says
"Does Louis know?" Drew asks
"He knows it was coming up, but not that it was today" Scott replies.
"I won't say anything" Drew says letting the boys know he wants to protect Louis as much as them.
"We appreciate that" Scott smiles.
"But that's not all?" Drew asks.
"Troy didn't appeal, his defence addressed the media and told them he isn't appealing" Harry says angrily
"Isn't that a good thing?" Drew asks.
"Troy made sure Cody and Rhys made parole, he pulled strings when he knew we were out of the country, even on the inside he's dangerous. Why did he make sure Cody and Rhys were out while he stays on the inside?" Harry asks
That's a good point and Drew has no idea.
"It's not a coincidence, he's got a plan. He's not feeling guilty about what he did, he's got a plan and we need to be one step ahead and we aren't" Harry says angrily.
"Well let's get one step ahead, we will figure it out" Drew says.
"Louis needs to be kept out of this" Scott says
"I'll look after him, you know I will but... If the media gets hold of it" Drew starts
"We know, we can handle that side of it but, In the field, we need to know you have his back" Harry says.
"I always have his back Harry, he's my partner. He's saved my life more than once and I'm not about to let anything happen to him" Drew says matter of fact, a little insulted that Harry and Scott think he won't look out for Louis.
"We know Drew, Harry knows you will look out for him, we're just a little on edge and we just want Louis to be safe" Scott says.
"I know, you know I'll keep him safe" Drew assures.
The boys nod.
"Keep me updated, let me know if you find out anything else" Drew says.
"We will, is..... Louis okay?" Harry then asks
"I know you guys had a fight this morning, if that's what you're asking" Drew smirks
"He's still upset at me?" Harry asks
"Well he wouldn't come upstairs, he thinks you're a... how did he put it...., pompous arse" Drew chuckles
Harry sighs and runs his hands over his face.
"I have to agree though, you guys need to let up on the team." Drew says
"We know" Scott says
"Just...boys, you know Jake, Joey, Edward and I understand you and Harry, we are lucky enough to know you guys personally and we can dish shit straight back at you guys without consequences, but when your wrath reaches the outside the team, and then to level two where Louis works, who do you think is going to cop the backlash from an unhappy team....Louis" Drew reasons as he smiles knowingly and walks out of the office
Harry and Scott sigh, he's right, Drew is right and the last thing Harry and Scott want is Louis to be the person the teams anger is directed at when it's Harry and Scott causing the tension.
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