Chapter 15: another comic

Y/n's pov

Sans asked if we were gonna go skating today, and for some reason, him saying that reminded me that I have a comedy thing today at 8 pm. I looked at the time, and saw that it was 6:45 pm. Ok, so I have time. I got up and said "just remembered the comedy thing", sans turned to me and asked "you do comedy?". I said "yup", and rushed to my room. I quickly changed into presentable clothes, putting my phone and charger in my pockets. I then headed out of my room and proceeded to get my shoes on. Sans asked "can I invite everyone to the show?", "I guess so", I said as I finished tying my shoes. Sans said "ok, I'll text them", I then said "it's at a cool restaurant called the pun hub. It's literally just down the street from here, see ya there" and walked out the door. Once I got there, I went through my short piece of comedy that I'll be doing. As I practiced to myself, a guy who looked like a manager came in and said "we have quite a crowd out there, so we have to do a good job with this". I nodded and said "alright", the man then came to me and said "you have five minuets as the opening act". I nodded again and said "got it". He said "you got three minuets to get ready", and walked off the the other comedian here. Anyway, I go over the lines one last time and try to calm my nerves down. I was then called onto the stage, when I walked out there I noticed all of my friends smack-dab in the middle of the crowd cheering for me. I waved to the crowd and started (start video now). "The most selfish thing a person can do, is put an empty shopping cart in a parking space. If you've don't that shame on you, you're telling me you can meander two and a half miles inside Costco. And the moment you get to your vehicle you're like not another step. Timed out my physical endurance down to this moment. Can't push it twenty feet, help everyone else out. That's why I don't even care, you guys can try this too. Every time I'm inside a grocery store I take someone else's cart". The crowd is laughing, even papyrus seems to be enjoying it. So I keep it coming, "do it, full of food, it is so much faster...... and you get to try new things". I think sans is on the floor laughing right now, but I'm just glad that they're having a good time. "Do it, it's not wrong, tell me how that's wrong. It's not stealing. What could they possibly even say to you, 'excuse me, I... gathered that'. I just say 'thanks now you can regather you know the rout'. That's how I found out I like hummus. You know what else isn't stealing, putting an extra bike lock on a strangers bike. It's insane that bike locks are legal, that they're just available to the public. Do you have any idea the amount of power you wield, with your imagination and a bike lock. There are so many things, like you can just walk past a Baskin Robins and be like, 'you're closed'. It is so arbitrary what we need permission to buy, and what we don't. You have to show photo ID at a hobby shop to buy paint, yet all of us are just one amazing click away from buying orange cones and making traffic go wherever we want". At this point, everyone, and I mean everyone, is laughing. I keep it up. "I don't like buying milk alright. They don't sell any other product that way. You grab a bag of marshmallows off the shelf all the other marshmallows don't come at you. Milk, the heaviest item in the store, they sell on a ramp that's aimed at your face. I pull one gallon off, seven others slam forward. It's 2% you wanted non fat, but now you can't put it back. I discovered though you push those other milks hard enough they disappear". I'm running out of time, gotta finish this up. "In the healthy grocery stores I never buy anything from that aisle of barrels, alright. I just don't like how accessible it is to, like, bare hands.... or the air. Here's what I do though, I go up to the most expensive granola, and scoop it into the cheapest one. I'm the Robin Hood of Whole Foods". Everyone has a smile on their face, and most are still chuckling at my jokes. I say "I'm y/n l/n thanks for having me", and walk off the stage. Though I didn't miss the confused looks my friends had as another comedian came onstage and did the main performance. Sans was the first to confront me about it. Sans said/asked "that was awesome y/n, but were you just the opening act?". I nod and say "yeah, there's always an opening act, a main act, and and closing act", sans just said "oh" in response. Everyone came up to me and congratulated me.

3rd pov

Now that all of y/n's friends and loved ones were there, chase made his move. Chase didn't care if he got arrested or killed for this, he just wanted to get the job done. Chase came into the pun hub un-noticed and searched for y/n. Chase soon spotted y/n and sneakily got close enough to get a clear shot. Chase then pulled out his dads gun that he stole and fired two shots at y/n. The shots were followed by screaming and the evacuation of everyone inside. Y/n had been hit by both bullets, one in her shoulder, and one in her stomach. Chase yelled "that's what you get for breaking our deal, and breaking up with me". Toriel got to y/n and immediately attempted to use healing magic, but nothing was working. B/n was on the other side of y/n, shouting encouragements at her to stay alive. Sans was processing this, and rage began boil in him. Sans' eye began to glow blue and yellow, as the fight between chase and sans began. Sans said "you just made a bad decision hurting the love of my life.... now you're going to have a bad time", making a bunch of bones appear as well as Gaster blasters. Suddenly, and soft, but bloody hand reached out to sans. It was y/n, y/n said "sans, please don't fight. I need you...... I need you to absorb my soul, keep it together in one piece...... while alphys keeps my body in living condition. And b/n, I'll be back... I promise". Y/n then fell limb to the floor, her soul floating out of her chest.


A/n: hahahaha, cliffhanger. Have a happy Fourth of July everyone. I'll try to update soon if I can. I'm a lifeguard now, so I won't have that much time on my hands. If you have ideas for what should happen next, or what you want to see happen, let me know in the comments. Who knows, I might be able to make a few things happen.

Anyway, later peeps.

~gem out

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