Chapter 12: fighting back
Y/n's pov
I don't know why, but I've been thinking about sans', frisks, and undynes concern toward me. They're right, I should stand up for myself. My whole life I've been letting people basically walk all over me, and I'm sick of it. Screw my records, I don't care if I get suspended anymore. Whatever happens though, chase is throwing the first punch. I walked to the bus stop prepared for anything, my legs were still a little sore from skating last night, but it didn't matter. The bus ride there was pretty calm, but once I got to the school, things got a little more interesting. Chase has pushed me around for the last time, and here he was, at the front of the school, waiting for me. As I walked toward chase, I noticed frisk off to the side recording this with her phone. I'm about to do something really cool, or something really stupid, I can tell ya that. Chase cake up to me all alone and said "well well well, look who showed up for her beating", I just said "ok". Chase got mad and went to punch me, I dodged however and made him hit the brick wall behind me. I then grabbed his arm and put him in a wrist lock, pulling chase to the floor. I saw chase trying to move so I stomped on his chest hard, probably cracking some ribs. I then said through gritted teeth "you messed with the wrong girl for too long. Now give me a good reason why I shouldn't kill you right here, right now", chase was still wincing in pain, not answering. I stomped on his stomach now and yelled "ANSWER ME! NOW!", chase started stuttering, trying to find something to say that won't make me hurt him more. Chase then said "you'd get charged *gasp* with manslaughter if you do", chase then tried to lift his leg to kick me, but I grabbed and wrapped my body around it before breaking his leg with my body weight. Chase wailed out in pain, now beginning to cry. I went over to him and gently put my foot back on his chest and said "one more question, are you gonna stop bullying me?" Chase nodded with fear in his eyes, I said "I better not see you bully another kid again, got it?". Chase nodded again, and I backed off and held out my hand like nothing ever happened. I then said in a friendly voice "come on, let's get you to a nurse", chase took my hand and put almost all of his body weight onto me. We slowly but surely made our way to the nurses office, however, chase was rushed to the hospital because his leg was broken. The nurse then came to me and asked "what happened?", I shrugged and said "he picked a fight, he got a fight, he paid the consequences". The nurse began to write something down on a piece of colored paper, then asked "who did he pick a fight with?". I gestured to myself and said "me", the nurse stared at me with wide eyes. The nurse then said "you know you will have to get a suspension for this right?", I nodded and said "you know this wasn't the first time chase has tried to fight me, this was just the first time I fought back. Chase has been bullying me for three years now, so this beating thing was long overdue". The nurse nodded, continuing to write on the colored paper. The nurse then handed it to me and said "you can serve your suspension now, go home, and come back on Monday". I just took the slip, said "ok", and left.
3rd person pov
Y/n walked home, and frisk sent the video of y/n beating up chase, then helping to the nurses office, and then heading home with a suspension slip in hand, to sans, and undyne. Frisk then posted it online, and it went viral. The video was titled "girl stands up for herself, and gets suspended for it", many people even raged about it in the comments. The video even featured the video of y/n getting bullied a few days before, which even proved further how messed up the school system is. Y/n didn't even know how popular she had been getting over the internet, until she got home. When she went in her phone and went to trending on YouTube, y/n was surprised. Y/n became nervous, knowing that she'll get a lot of attention from other people because of this. Sans and undyne were really impressed that y/n stood up for herself, and even more impressed and surprised when they watched y/n help chase up and take him to the nurses office. Turns out that chase got suspended as well, but got to come back on Friday. Sure it was Wednesday, but that was still a bit unfair. Y/n didn't complain though, she didn't really like school anyway. "I wonder if chase will be nicer now", y/n thought to herself. Y/n shrugged and went to the kitchen, preparing to make a bowl of ramen. After y/n finished with her ramen, she went on her phone and scrolled through trending topics. Y/n was shocked when she saw the video frisk took of her fighting with chase the number one video on trending, there were already reaction videos to it from various channels. Y/n cringed a little, knowing how much she hated violence, and how much attention she would get from this. Elsewhere, b/n was at grillbys, working his shift. Grillby pat b/n on the shoulder, letting b/n know that grillby had it covered so b/n could go on break. B/n decided to look at YouTube to see what was going on, b/n was intrigued when he saw his sister on trending. B/n clicked on the video and watched a clip of y/n beating up chase, followed by a clip of chase beating up y/n the day before. The video then listed the punishments for each person, turns out y/n got a suspension for a few days, having to come back on Monday, while chase only had to come back on Friday. B/n knew that y/n was already home now, and was pretty sure she'd already seen this on the internet. "Welp, there goes her hopes on going to her dream college", b/n thought out loud. "Y/n isn't gonna like the attention she gets from this", b/n continued. At the college y/n wants to go to, you can't have a single suspension on your school record, or else they won't accept you. That is also only one of the many requirements, so yeah, there goes that college option. B/n put his phone back in his pocket and told grillby "I gotta go home. Y/n just went viral for using self defense, and I need to help her for reasons I need to explain later", grillby just nodded in understanding as b/n left the establishment.
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