Authors note: Ok so I don't know what's going on with this chapter, but the writing keeps disappearing and I think I got it fixed and if it happens again please someone tell me. My phone's gonna die soon. Thanks for the vote rubies-gems. The chapter picture is of Taki who you will learn about in the chapter and the picture above is the color of Takis optics.
Disclaimer: as always I don't own transformers or the pictures except my ocs.
When we finally get to the Nellis air force base I am rudely awoken by Chaser pouncing on me and licking my face. I feebly try to protect my face from the spoiled little brat. I look around to see my team stare in amusement and epps with a shit eating grin on his face and I know exactly who ordered Chaser to wake me up epps will regret it later. I'm given a hand from will who's still smiling from what just happened as he hauls me up and we all exit the plane. I quickly spot black suvs coming near us and sector seven guys getting out of the cars and coming towards us. "Captain Lennox we need you and your team to come with us right now go" random s7 guy says and takes wills bags. Will looks to me with a questioning look and I nod at him and make a gesture to follow the dude. I follow will and epps to the suvs and get in with Chaser rolling over onto his back down on the floor of the car as soon as he gets in. "Will wake me up when we get there and epps do not tell Chaser to wake me up again or you'll regret it" I tell will and epps. Will nods while epps smirks and for once keeps his mouth shut. I'm soon falling asleep trying to get as much rest as I can before Slag hits the fan. Unfortunately the ride was not long because we were transferred to a helicopter. I was not going to be getting anymore sleep so I just stared outside at the world going by missing being able to fly as a dragon.
*another time skip to when they get to s7 brought to you by a grumpy Kumori who feels sleep deprived*
We finally arrived at hoover dam only to be put into suvs that drop us off on the dam. I finnaly am here I'll get to meet the autobots soon and I can honestly not wait to meet them. Sam I'd rather stay away from for now, but Mikaela is okay if I stay near sam I might start gib smacking him for no reason so I'll keep my distance from him. Standing next to epps on his left while waiting for Secretary of Defense John Keller to walk to us. We're soon saluting him as he's walking to will. "At ease Captain, Sargent I got your intel excellent work" John says to epps and will. "Thank you sir what about the gun ships" Will asks. "There being retrofitted with sabot rounds now they hit us again we'll be ready for them, but won't do us much good if we can't get world communications back up" John tells Will. After that we are moving into the area that take us to where Megatron is frozen. I swear Simmons is annoying in the first movie I really want to punch him at least he's not that bad in the second and third movies I don't think I can take listening to him at all. "Alright here's the situation you've all had direct contact with NBES" Simmons says as we're walking into the dam. "NBES?" Epps says confused. "Non biological extraterrestrials try and keep up with the acronyms" Simmons says to epps. "What your about to see is tottering classified" Banacheck tells all of us. Yeah classified my aft keeping megs in a basement not a very good idea if the power went down and he'd be able to break free. I stare at Megatron frozen like a popsicle and can't help, but want to laugh at him being frozen. Will looks at me while I'm trying to keep my face neutral and not break out into snickers probably thinking I knew this would happen. "Dear God what is that" Keller says. "We think when he made his approach over the north pole our gravity rotational field screwed up his telemetry, he crashed in the ice probably a few thousand years ago we shipped him to this facility here in 1934" Banacheck tells us as we get close to Megatron and stop in front of him. Chaser has become very fidgety with being so close to the decepticon warlord and truthfully I am as well. "Call him NBE one " Simmons says. "Sir I don't mean to correct you on everything you think you know, that's Megatron he's the leader of the Decepticons" Sam says to Simmons. "He's been in cryo-stasis since 1935 your great great grandfather made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of man kind" Banacheck tells Sam. At this point I'm getting bored and anxious it's not like I haven't heard this several times before oh wait I have and I want to skip it. "Fact is your looking at the source of the modern age microchip, lasers, spaceflight, cars all reversed engineered by studying him NBE one that's what we call it" Simmons says. "Um excuse me, but Megatron is clearly a him so stop calling him an it Mr. Know it all" I say to Simmons cutting in before Keller can say anything thankfully Simmons doesn't reply and just glares at me while Keller talks. "And you didn't think the United States military might need to know that your keeping a hostile alien robot frozen in the basement" Keller asks Banacheck. Until these events we had no credible threat to national security" Banacheck tells Keller. "Well you got one now" Keller says. I can't help, but grin at how he said it. "So why earth" Will asks. There it is the curiosity and wanting to know more although all the other soldiers want to know as well and are giving me pointed looks. "It's the allspark" Sam says. "Allspark what is that" Keller asks curiously. "Well yeah they came here looking for some sort of cube looking thing anyway mister NBE one here aka Megatron thats what they call him pretty much the harvenger of death wants to use the cube to transform human technology to take over the universe that's there plan" Sam answers. "And your sure about that" Simmons asks Sam. "Yeah you guys know where it is don't you" Sam asks Banacheck and Simmons. "Follow me" Banacheck tells all of us and we follow him to where the cube is and a side comment from me about them of course knowing where the cube would be. "Your about to see our crown jewel" Simmon says on the way to the cube. "Carbon dating puts the cube here around ten thousand B.C. the first seven didnt find it until 1913 they knew it was alien cause of the matching hyrogliphics on the cube as well as NBE one president hoover had the dam built around it 4 football fields thick of concrete a perfect way to hide it's energy from being detected by anyone or any alien species on the outside" Banacheck says. I can feel the power of the cube and I suddenly remember how frenzy got into the dam, but there was nothing I could do to stop that, but I can save a little phone bots life. "Wait back up you said the dam hides the cubes energy what kind exactly" Maggie asks. "Good question" Banacheck says. I'm getting agitated as we get closer to where several sparklings have probably died. "Please step inside they have to lock us in" Banacheck tells us. I'm to busy thinking about if I'm going to put my phone which is a samsung galaxy s7 edge from my past life and I have two of them and put one of them into the box that makes electronics come to life so I didn't hear epps and Glen talking. "Anyone have any mechanical devices blackberry, Kia cell phone on them" Simmons asks all of us. "Yeah I got a phone it's a tampered one, but it's still a phone I got bored one day at home decided to tweak my Samsung touch screen made it better really people always tell me I'm a tech genius" I say as I pulled out my old phone from my past life and hand it to Simmons carefully. "Ooh that is a big phone very high tech looking too" Simmons says as he's putting my phone in the box. "Simmons I want my phone back after you zap it no matter what happens to it that phone means a lot to me" I say to Simmons. "Ok, but it's your funeral" Simmons says to me. "We're able to take the cube radiation and funnel it into that box sweetie your probably not getting your phone back" Simmons says as he's starting up stuff. I'm standing close to the hatch so I can pluck the little bot out as soon as possible. Then my phone transforms and I'm shocked the bot looks like a very tiny cyber wolf with deep ocean blue optics and is staring at me and not attacking the glass. Before Simmons or anyone can react I'm opening the hatch which gets some startled noises from everyone. I quickly pull the cyber wolf close to me cradling the bot in my hands with some very stunned people watching me and the wolf. Ignoring the others I feel a bond snap into place and realize the bot who is a femme just created a bond like Chasers. A Symbiote sibling like bond was just created by her and I am now her big sister. Memories were shared and I realized that the cyber wolf thats black and white in a pattern familiar to me used to be my black and white husky Taki that I got when I was 7. Taki died when I turned 17 in my old life a year after Chaser who used to be a Russian blue Egyptian mau cat mix died when I was 16. Chaser died of throat cancer while Taki had turned 10 she just gave up on life and stopped playing and eating the only thing she'd do would go outside I had to watch Chaser die in my arms from cancer and then Taki gives up on life and my parents made the decision to have her put down and stayed by her petting her when she slipped away. When they both died it tore me apart and now I have two of my family members back. Looking around at the amazed faces I cant help, but feel amused by there awe. "What are you all staring at I said I'd be taking my phone back as soon as possible you didn't think I'd actually let you destroy my phone did you Simmons" I say sarcasticly to everyone placing Taki in my bag on my back. The lights then flicker and I know what is up above. "Gentleman they know the cube is here" Keller says. "Banacheck what's going on ... what." "Do you have an arms room" Will asks Banacheck and he nods. "Get everyone to the NBE one chamber now" Banacheck yells at the workers while I'm following behind Will. "There poping are generators" Banacheck says to us while we're all running towards the arms hangar. The lights start to flicker again when we're loading up vehicles for the battle that will happen soon. "You gotta take me to my car, you have to take me to my car he's gonna know what to do with the cube" Sam says to Simmons. "Your car it's confiscated" Simmons replys back. "Then unconfiscate it" Sam says. "We do not know what will happen if we let it near this thing maybe you know, but I don't know" Simmon says. I'm getting tired of them bickering I might just take Wills place. "You wanna just sit here and see what happens" Sam says to Simmons. "I have lives at stake here young man" Simmon yells at Sam. Will then grabs Seymore backing him up to a car demanding he take Sam to his car. I quickly pull out my Para 1911 G.I. Expert and one of my throwing knives and point them at sector seven guys like the rest of my team with Chaser growling at the s7 goons. "Whoa whoa whoa" Banacheck says trying to stop the fighting. "Drop your weapon soldier there's an alien war going on and your gonna shoot me" Simmon asks Will. "No we didn't ask to be here" Will replys to Simmons question. "I'm ordering you under s7 executive jurisdiction" Simmons says to Will. "S7 don't exist" Epps says to Simmons. "And we don't take orders from people who don't exist" Will tells Simmons. "I'm going to count to five" Seymore says to Will. "Well I'm going to count to three" Will says to Simmons. "Simmons" Keller says. "Yes sir" Simmons asks. "I'd do as he says loosing really not an option for these guys" Keller tells Simmons. "Alright ok hey you want to lay the fate of the world on the kids Camaro that's cool" Simmons says to Will. We are then all running to where poor little bee is being tortured and it instantly makes me angry and I run ahead of everyone to where bee is. I yell at the people to stop torturing the bot, but the scientists don't listen and bees screams continue. I point my Para 1911 G.I. Expert at the ceiling and shoot five times. "Stop torturing the bot and leave now" I yell at the now shocked and terrified scientists as the others quickly run in behind me. Sam asks bee if they hurt him and bee puts his battle mask on and brings out his cannon. I was standing near bee with Chaser by my side as bee started waving his cannon around, but didn't point it at me. Bumblebee seemed to know that I wouldn't harm him and didn't see me as a threat not even bothering to point his cannon at me. Sam is then telling Bumblebee the cube is here and the Decepticons are on there way and he tells bee to not worry about the other humans. Bumblebee is then heading towards the allspark and I can feel the energy radiating off the allspark. I didn't notice my eyes glowing the way they do as a cybertronian when I got very close to the allspark until Chaser told me over the bond that we should move away from the allspark. When I'm a safe distance away from the allspark standing with my team and my eyes arent glowing I relax and watch as Bumblebee makes the cube transform as small as It can go.
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