reading comprehensin success










3rd Edition

Copyright © 2005 LearningExpress, LLC.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Reading comprehension success in 20 minutes a day.—3rd ed.

p. cm.

ISBN 1-57685-494-9 (paper)

1. Reading comprehension—Problems, exercises, etc. I. Title. II. Title: Reading

comprehension success in twenty minutes a day.

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INTRODUCTION How to Use This Book ix



LESSON 1 Getting the Essential Information 19

How to be an active reader, picking up clues in what you read

LESSON 2 Finding the Main Idea 27

Looking beyond the facts, considering the author’s motive

LESSON 3 Defining Vocabulary in Context 33

Dealing with unfamiliar words without a dictionary

LESSON 4 The Difference between Fact and Opinion 39

Distinguishing between what an author knows and what an author

believes to be true

LESSON 5 Putting It All Together 45

Practice in combining the skills you’ve learned in Lessons 1–4




LESSON 6 Start from the Beginning: Chronological Order 53

Working through passages that start at the beginning and finish at the end

of a sequence of events

LESSON 7 Order of Importance 61

Using the order in the writing to determine what is most important to the author

LESSON 8 Similarities and Differences: Compare and Contrast 67

Using comparisons to determine the author’s attitude

LESSON 9 Why Do Things Happen? A Look at Cause and Effect 73

The relationship between action and reaction

LESSON 10 Being Structurally Sound: Putting It All Together 81

Reviews Lessons 6–9, including identifying the structure used;

practice with combined structures


LESSON 11 A Matter of Perspective: Point of View 89

Purposes of first-, second-, and third-person writing

LESSON 12 Diction:What’s in a Word? 95

Defining tone from the choice of words

LESSON 13 Style: It’s Not What They Say but How They Say It 101

Sentence structure; degree of detail, description, and formality

LESSON 14 How They Say It, Part Two: Tone 107

How tone influences meaning

LESSON 15 Word Power: Putting It All Together 111

Reviews Lessons 11–14


LESSON 16 Finding the Implied Main Idea 119

Making inferences, determining an unstated purpose

LESSON 17 Assuming Causes and Predicting Effects 125

Reading between the lines, implied action and reaction

LESSON 18 Emotional Versus Logical Appeals 131

Being aware of strong and weak arguments



LESSON 19 Finding Meaning in Literature 137

Identifying themes, working with poetry

LESSON 20 Drawing Conclusions: Putting It All Together 143

Reviews Lessons 1–19


APPENDIX A Preparing for a Standardized Test 169

APPENDIX B Additional Resources 175



This book is designed to help you improve your reading comprehension skills by studying 20 minutes

a day for 20 days. You’ll start with the basics and move on to more complex reading comprehension

and critical thinking strategies. Please note that although each chapter can be an effective skill builder

on its own, it is important that you proceed through this book in order, from Lesson 1 through Lesson 20. Each

lesson builds on skills and ideas discussed in the previous chapters. As you move through this book and your reading

skills develop, the passages you read will increase both in length and in complexity.

The book begins with a pretest, which will allow you to see how well you can answer various kinds of reading

comprehension questions now, as you begin. When you finish the book, take the posttest to see how much

you’ve improved.

The text is divided into four sections, each focusing on a different group of related reading and thinking strategies.

These strategies will be outlined at the beginning of each section and then reviewed in a special “putting it

all together” final lesson.

Each lesson provides several exercises that allow you to practice the skills you learn. To ensure you’re on the

right track, each lesson also provides answers and explanations for all of the practice questions. Additionally, you

will find practical suggestions in each chapter for how to continue practicing these skills in your daily life.

The most important thing you can do to improve your reading skills is to become an active reader. The following

guidelines and suggestions outlined will familiarize you with active reading techniques.Use these techniques

as much as possible as you work your way through the lessons in this book.

How to Use This Book


Becoming an Active Reader

Critical reading and thinking skills require active reading.

Being an active reader means you have to engage

with the text, both mentally and physically.

■ Skim ahead and jump back.

■ Mark up the text.

■ Make specific observations about the text.

Skimming Ahead and Jumping Back

Skimming ahead enables you to see what’s coming up

in your reading. Page through the text you’re about to

read. Notice how the text is broken down, what the

main topics are, and the order in which they are covered.

Notice key words and ideas that are boldfaced,

bulleted, boxed, or otherwise highlighted. Skimming

through the text beforehand will prepare you for what

you are about to read. It’s a lot like checking out the hills

and curves in the course before a cross-country race. If

you know what’s ahead, you know how to pace yourself,

so you’re prepared to handle what’s to come.

When you finish your reading, jump back. Review

the summaries, headings, and highlighted information

in the text. Notice both what the author highlighted

and what you highlighted. By jumping back,

you help solidify in your mind the ideas and information

you just read. You’re reminded of how each idea fits

into the whole, how ideas and information are connected.

When you make connections between ideas,

you’re much more likely to remember them.

Marking Up the Text

Marking up the text creates a direct physical link

between you and the words you’re reading. It forces you

to pay closer attention to the words you read and takes

you to a higher level of comprehension.Use these three

strategies to mark up text:

1. Highlight or underline key words and ideas.

2. Circle and define any unfamiliar words or


3. Record your reactions and questions in the


Highlighting or Underlining Key Ideas

When you highlight or underline key words and ideas,

you are identifying the most important parts of the text.

There’s an important skill at work here: You can’t highlight

or underline everything, so you have to distinguish

between the facts and ideas that are most important

(major ideas) and those facts and ideas that are helpful

but not so important (minor or supporting ideas).

Highlight only the major ideas, so you don’t end up

with a text that’s completely highlighted.

An effectively highlighted text will make for an

easy and fruitful review.When you jump back, you’ll be

quickly reminded of the ideas that are most important

to remember.Highlighting or underlining major points

as you read also allows you to retain more information

from the text.

Circling Unfamiliar Words

One of the most important habits to develop is that of

circling and looking up unfamiliar words and phrases.

If possible, don’t sit down to read without a dictionary

by your side. It is not uncommon for the meaning of an

entire sentence to hinge on the meaning of a single

word or phrase, and if you don’t know what that word

or phrase means, you won’t understand the sentence.

Besides, this habit enables you to quickly and steadily

expand your vocabulary, so you’ll be a more confident

reader and speaker.

If you don’t have a dictionary readily available, try

to determine the meaning of the word as best you can

from its context—that is, the words and ideas around

it. (There’s more on this topic in Lesson 3.) Then, make

sure you look up the word as soon as possible so you’re

sure of its meaning.



Making Marginal Notes

Recording your questions and reactions in the margins

turns you from a passive receiver of information into

an active participant in a dialogue. (If you’re reading a

library book, write your reactions in a notebook.) You

will get much more out of the ideas and information

you read about if you create a “conversation”with the

writer. Here are some examples of the kinds of reactions

you might write down in the margin or in your


■ Questions often come up when you read. They

may be answered later in the text, but by that time,

you may have forgotten the question! And if your

question isn’t answered, you may want to discuss it

with someone: “Why does the writer describe the

new welfare policy as ‘unfair’?” or “Why does the

character react in this way?”

■ Agreements and disagreements with the author

are bound to arise if you’re actively reading.Write

them down: “That’s not necessarily true!” or “This

policy makes a lot of sense to me.”

■ Connections you note can be either between the

text and something that you read earlier or

between the text and your own experience.

For example, “I remember feeling the same way

when I . . .” or “This is similar to what happened

in China.”

■ Evaluations are your way of keeping the author

honest. If you think the author isn’t providing sufficient

support for what he or she is saying or that

there’s something wrong with that support, say so:

“He says the dropping of the bomb was inevitable,

but he doesn’t explain why” or “This is a very

selfish reason.”

Making Observations

Good readers know that writers use many different

strategies to express their ideas. Even if you know very

little about those strategies, you can make useful observations

about what you read to better understand and

remember the author’s ideas. You can notice, for example,

the author’s choice of words; the structure of the

sentences and paragraphs; any repetition of words or

ideas; important details about people, places, and

things; and so on.

This step—making observations—is essential

because your observations (what you notice) lead you

to logical inferences about what you read. Inferences are

conclusions based on reason, fact, or evidence. You are

constantly making inferences based on your observations,

even when you’re not reading. For example, if

you notice that the sky is full of dark, heavy clouds, you

might infer that it is going to rain; if you notice that

your coworker has a stack of gardening books on her

desk, you might infer that she likes gardening.

If you misunderstand what you read, it is often

because you haven’t looked closely enough at the text.

As a result, you base your inferences on your own ideas

and experiences, not on what’s actually written in the

text. You end up forcing your own ideas on the author

(rather than listening to what the author has to say) and

then forming your own ideas about it. It’s critical, then,

that you begin to really pay attention to what writers say

and how they say it.

If any of this sounds confusing now, don’t worry.

Each of these ideas will be thoroughly explained in the

lessons that follow. In the meantime, start practicing

active reading as best you can. Begin by taking the








Before you start your study of reading skills, you may want to get an idea of how much you already

know and how much you need to learn. If that’s the case, take the pretest that follows. The pretest

consists of 50 multiple-choice questions covering all the lessons in this book. Naturally, 50 questions

can’t cover every single concept or strategy you will learn by working through this book. So even if you get

all the questions on the pretest right, it’s almost guaranteed that you will find a few ideas or reading tactics in this

book that you didn’t already know. On the other hand, if you get many questions wrong on this pretest, don’t

despair. This book will show you how to read more effectively, step by step.

You should use this pretest to get a general idea of how much you already know. If you get a high score, you

may be able to spend less time with this book than you originally planned. If you get a low score, you may find

that you will need more than 20 minutes a day to get through each chapter and improve your reading skills.

There’s an answer sheet you can use for filling in the correct answers on page 3. Or, if you prefer, simply circle

the answer numbers in this book. If the book doesn’t belong to you, write the numbers 1–50 on a piece of paper

and record your answers there. Take as much time as you need to do this short test.When you finish, check your

answers against the answer key at the end of this lesson. Each answer offers the lesson(s) in this book that teaches

you about the reading strategy in that question.



1. a b c d

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49. a b c d

50. a b c d




The pretest consists of a series of reading passages with questions that follow to test your comprehension.

Cultural Center Adds Classes for Young Adults

The Allendale Cultural Center has expanded its arts program to include classes for young adults. Director Leah

Martin announced Monday that beginning in September, three new classes will be offered to the Allendale community.

The course titles will be Yoga for Teenagers; Hip Hop Dance: Learning the Latest Moves; and Creative

Journaling for Teens: Discovering the Writer Within. The latter course will not be held at the Allendale Cultural

Center but instead will meet at the Allendale Public Library.

Staff member Tricia Cousins will teach the yoga and hip hop classes. Ms. Cousins is an accomplished choreographer

as well as an experienced dance educator. She has an MA in dance education from Teachers College,

Columbia University, where she wrote a thesis on the pedagogical effectiveness of dance education. The

journaling class will be taught by Betsy Milford. Ms.Milford is the head librarian at the Allendale Public Library

as well as a columnist for the professional journal Library Focus.

The courses are part of the Allendale Cultural Center’s Project Teen, which was initiated by Leah Martin,

Director of the Cultural Center. According to Martin, this project is a direct result of her efforts to make the

center a more integral part of the Allendale community. Over the last several years, the number of people who

have visited the cultural center for classes or events has steadily declined. Project Teen is primarily funded by

a munificent grant from The McGee Arts Foundation, an organization devoted to bringing arts programs to

young adults.Martin oversees the Project Teen board, which consists of five board members. Two board members

are students at Allendale’s Brookdale High School; the other three are adults with backgrounds in education

and the arts.

The creative journaling class will be cosponsored by Brookdale High School, and students who complete

the class will be given the opportunity to publish one of their journal entries in Pulse, Brookdale’s student literary

magazine. Students who complete the hip hop class will be eligible to participate in the Allendale Review,

an annual concert sponsored by the cultural center that features local actors, musicians, and dancers.

All classes are scheduled to begin immediately following school dismissal, and transportation will be

available from Brookdale High School to the Allendale Cultural Center and the Allendale Public Library. For more

information about Project Teen, contact the cultural center’s programming office at 988-0099 or drop by the office

after June 1 to pick up a fall course catalog. The office is located on the third floor of the Allendale Town Hall.



1. The Creative Journaling for Teens class will be

cosponsored by

a. The Allendale Public Library.

b. The McGee Arts Foundation.

c. Brookdale High School.

d. Betsy Milford.

2. Which of the following statements is correct?

a. Tricia Cousins will teach two of the new


b. The new classes will begin on June 1.

c. People who want a complete fall catalogue

should stop by the Allendale Public Library.

d. The cultural center’s annual concert is called


3. According to Leah Martin, what was the direct

cause of Project Teen?

a. Tricia Cousins, the talented choreographer

and dance educator, was available to teach

courses in the fall.

b. Community organizations were ignoring local


c. The McGee Arts Foundation wanted to be

more involved in Allendale’s arts


d. She wanted to make the cultural center a more

important part of the Allendale community.

4. Which of the following factors is implied as

another reason for Project Teen?

a. The number of people who have visited the

cultural center has declined over the last

several years.

b. The cultural center wanted a grant from The

McGee Arts Foundation.

c. The young people of Allendale have complained

about the cultural center’s offerings.

d. Leah Martin thinks classes for teenagers are

more important than classes for adults.

5. From the context of the passage, it can be

determined that the word “munificent” most

nearly means

a. complicated.

b. generous.

c. curious.

d. unusual.

6. The title of the course “Creative Journaling for

Teens: Discovering the Writer Within” implies that

a. all young people should write in a journal


b. teenagers do not have enough hobbies.

c. writing in a journal can help teenagers

become better and more creative writers.

d. teenagers are in need of guidance and


7. Which of the following correctly states the

primary subject of this article?

a. Leah Martin’s personal ideas about young


b. The McGee Foundation’s grant to the

Allendale Cultural Center

c. three new classes for young adults added to

the cultural center’s arts program

d. the needs of young adults in Allendale

8. This article is organized in which of the

following ways?

a. in chronological order, from the past to the


b. most important information first, followed by

background and details.

c. background first, followed by the most important

information and details.

d. as sensational news, with the most controversial

topic first



(excerpt from the opening of an untitled essay)

John Steinbeck’s Grapes ofWrath, published in 1939, was followed ten years later by A.B. Guthrie’s The Way West.

Both books chronicle a migration, though that of Guthrie’s pioneers is considerably less bleak in origin.What

strikes one at first glance, however, are the commonalities. Both Steinbeck’s and Guthrie’s characters are primarily

farmers. They look to their destinations with nearly religious enthusiasm, imagining their “promised”

land the way the Biblical Israelites envisioned Canaan. Both undergo great hardship to make the trek. But the

two sagas differ distinctly in origin. Steinbeck’s Oklahomans are forced off their land by the banks who own

their mortgages, and they follow a false promise—that jobs await them as seasonal laborers in California.

Guthrie’s farmers willingly remove themselves, selling their land and trading their old dreams for their new hope

in Oregon. The pioneers’ decision to leave their farms in Missouri and the East is frivolous and ill-founded in

comparison with the Oklahomans’ unwilling response to displacement. Yet, it is they, the pioneers, whom our

history books declare the heroes.



9. From the context of the passage, it can be

determined that the word “frivolous” most

nearly means

a. silly.

b. high-minded.

c. difficult.

d. calculated.

10. Suppose that the author is considering following

this sentence with supportive detail: “Both

undergo great hardship to make the trek.”Which

of the following sentences would be in keeping

with the comparison and contrast structure of

the paragraph?

a. The migrants in The Way West cross the

Missouri, then the Kaw, and make their way

overland to the Platte.

b. The Oklahomans’ jalopies break down

repeatedly, while the pioneers’ wagons need

frequent repairs.

c. Today’s travelers would consider it a hardship

to spend several days, let alone several

months, getting anywhere.

d. The Joad family, in The Grapes ofWrath, loses

both grandmother and grandfather before the

journey is complete.

11. Which of the following excerpts from the essay is

an opinion, rather than a fact?

a. “Both Steinbeck’s and Guthrie’s characters are

primarily farmers.”

b. “Steinbeck’s Oklahomans are forced off

their land by the banks who own their


c. “John Steinbeck’s Grapes ofWrath, published

in 1939, was followed ten years later by A.B.

Guthrie’s The Way West.”

d. “The pioneers’ decision to leave their farms

in Missouri and the East is frivolous and

ill-founded in comparison with the


12. The language in the paragraph implies that

which of the following will happen to the

Oklahomans when they arrive in California?

a. They will find a means to practice their

religion freely.

b. They will be declared national heroes.

c. They will not find the jobs they were


d. They will make their livings as mechanics

rather than as farm laborers.

Bill Clinton’s Inaugural Address

(excerpt from the opening)

When George Washington first took the oath I have just sworn to uphold, news traveled slowly across the land

by horseback and across the ocean by boat. Now the sights and sounds of this ceremony are broadcast instantaneously

to billions around the world. Communications and commerce are global. Investment is mobile. Technology

is almost magical, and ambition for a better life is now universal.

We earn our livelihood in America today in peaceful competition with people all across the Earth. Profound

and powerful forces are shaking and remaking our world, and the urgent question of our time is whether we can

make change our friend and not our enemy. This new world has already enriched the lives of millions of

Americans who are able to compete and win in it. But when most people are working harder for less; when others

cannot work at all; when the cost of healthcare devastates families and threatens to bankrupt our enterprises,

great and small; when the fear of crime robs law-abiding citizens of their freedom; and when millions of poor

children cannot even imagine the lives we are calling them to lead, we have not made change our friend.



13. What is the central topic of the speech so far?

a. how Americans can keep up with global


b. ways in which technology has undermined

our economy

c. ways in which technology has improved

our lives

d. how change has affected America and our

need to adapt

14. By comparing our times with those of George

Washington, Bill Clinton demonstrates

a. how apparently different, but actually similar,

the two eras are.

b. how technology has drastically speeded up


c. that presidential inaugurations receive huge

media attention.

d. that television is a much more convincing

communications tool than print.

15. When President Clinton says that “most people

are working harder for less,” he is

a. reaching a reasonable conclusion based on

evidence he has provided.

b. reaching an unreasonable conclusion based on

evidence he has provided.

c. making a generalization that would require

evidence before it could be confirmed.

d. making a generalization that is so obvious that

evidence is not needed.

16. Assuming that Clinton wants to add something

about crime being a more serious threat in our

time than in George Washington’s, which of the

following sentences would be most consistent

with the tone of the presidential speech?

a. If I’d been alive in George’s day, I would have

enjoyed knowing that my wife and child could

walk city streets without being mugged.

b. In George Washington’s time, Americans may

not have enjoyed as many luxuries, but they

could rest in the awareness that their neighborhoods

were safe.

c. George could at least count on one thing. He

knew that his family was safe from crime.

d. A statistical analysis of the overall growth in

crime rates since 1789 would reveal that a significant

increase has occurred.

The Crossing

Chapter I: The Blue Wall

(excerpt from the opening of a novel by Winston Churchill)

I was born under the Blue Ridge, and under that side which is blue in the evening light, in a wild land of game

and forest and rushing waters. There, on the borders of a creek that runs into the Yadkin River, in a cabin that

was chinked with red mud, I came into the world a subject of King George the Third, in that part of his realm

known as the province of North Carolina.

The cabin reeked of corn-pone and bacon, and the odor of pelts. It had two shakedowns, on one of

which I slept under a bearskin. A rough stone chimney was reared outside, and the fireplace was as long as my

father was tall. There was a crane in it, and a bake kettle; and over it great buckhorns held my father’s rifle when

it was not in use. On other horns hung jerked bear’s meat and venison hams, and gourds for drinking cups, and

bags of seed, and my father’s best hunting shirt; also, in a neglected corner, several articles of woman’s attire from

pegs. These once belonged to my mother. Among them was a gown of silk, of a fine, faded pattern, over which

I was wont to speculate. The women at the Cross-Roads, twelve miles away, were dressed in coarse butternut wool

and huge sunbonnets. But when I questioned my father on these matters he would give me no answers.

My father was—how shall I say what he was? To this day I can only surmise many things of him. He was

a Scotchman born, and I know now that he had a slight Scotch accent. At the time of which I write, my early

childhood, he was a frontiersman and hunter. I can see him now, with his hunting shirt and leggins and moccasins;

his powder horn, engraved with wondrous scenes; his bullet pouch and tomahawk and hunting knife.

He was a tall, lean man with a strange, sad face. And he talked little save when he drank too many “horns,” as

they were called in that country. These lapses of my father’s were a perpetual source of wonder to me—and, I

must say, of delight. They occurred only when a passing traveler who hit his fancy chanced that way, or, what

was almost as rare, a neighbor.Many a winter night I have lain awake under the skins, listening to a flow of language

that held me spellbound, though I understood scarce a word of it.

“Virtuous and vicious every man must be,

Few in the extreme, but all in a degree.”

The chance neighbor or traveler was no less struck with wonder. And many the time have I heard the query, at

the Cross-Roads and elsewhere, “Whar Alec Trimble got his larnin’?”



17. Why did the narrator enjoy it when his father

drank too many “horns,” or drafts of liquor?

a. The father spoke brilliantly at those times.

b. The boy was then allowed to do as he pleased.

c. These were the only times when the father was

not abusive.

d. The boy was allowed to sample the drink


18. Judging by the sentences surrounding it, the

word “surmise” in the third paragraph most

nearly means

a. to form a negative opinion.

b. to praise.

c. to desire.

d. to guess.

19. The mention of the dress in the second

paragraph is most likely meant to

a. show the similarity between its owner and

other members of the community.

b. show how warm the climate was.

c. show the dissimilarity between its owner and

other members of the community.

d. give us insight into the way most of the

women of the region dressed.

20. It can be inferred from the passage that Alec

Trimble is

a. a traveler.

b. a neighbor.

c. the narrator’s father.

d. a poet.

21. What is the meaning of the lines of verse quoted

in the passage?

a. Men who pretend to be virtuous are actually


b. Moderate amounts of virtuousness and

viciousness are present in all men.

c. Virtuous men cannot also be vicious.

d. Whether men are virtuous or vicious depends

on the difficulty of their circumstances.

22. Which of the following adjectives best describes

the region in which the cabin is located?

a. remote

b. urban

c. agricultural

d. flat

23. The author most likely uses dialect when quoting

the question, “Whar Alec Trimble got his

larnin’?” in order to

a. show disapproval of the father’s drinking.

b. show how people talked down to the narrator.

c. show the speakers’ lack of education.

d. mimic the way the father talked.



(excerpt from a letter to a pet-sitter)

Dear Lee,

As I told you, I’ll be gone until Wednesday morning. Thank you so much for taking on my “children”while

I’m away. Like real children, they can be kind of irritating sometimes, but I’m going to enjoy myself so much

more knowing they’re getting some kind human attention. Remember that Regina (the “queen” in Latin, and

she acts like one) is teething. If you don’t watch her, she’ll chew anything, including her sister, the cat. There

are plenty of chew toys around the house.Whenever she starts gnawing on anything illegal, just divert her with

one of those. She generally settles right down to a good hour-long chew. Then you’ll see her wandering around

whimpering with the remains of the toy in her mouth. She gets really frustrated because what she wants is to

bury the thing. She’ll try to dig a hole between the cushions of the couch. Finding that unsatisfactory, she’ll wander

some more, discontent, until you solve her problem for her. I usually show her the laundry basket, moving

a few clothes so she can bury her toy beneath them. I do sound like a parent, don’t I? You have to

understand, my own son is practically grown up.

Regina’s food is the Puppy Chow in the utility room, where the other pet food is stored. Give her a bowl

once in the morning and once in the evening. No more than that, no matter how much she begs. Beagles are

notorious overeaters, according to her breeder, and I don’t want her to lose her girlish figure. She can share Rex

(the King’s) water, but be sure it’s changed daily. She needs to go out several times a day, especially last thing

at night and first thing in the morning. Let her stay out for about ten minutes each time, so she can do all her

business. She also needs a walk in the afternoon, after which it’s important to romp with her for awhile in the

yard. The game she loves most is fetch, but be sure to make her drop the ball. She’d rather play tug of war with

it. Tell her, “Sit!” Then, when she does, say, “Drop it!” Be sure to tell her “good girl,” and then throw the ball

for her. I hope you’ll enjoy these sessions as much as I do.

Now, for the other two, Rex and Paws… (letter continues)



24. The tone of this letter is best described as

a. chatty and humorous.

b. logical and precise.

c. confident and trusting.

d. condescending and preachy.

25. If the pet-sitter is a business-like professional

who watches people’s pets for a living, she or he

would likely prefer

a. more first-person revelations about the owner.

b. fewer first-person revelations about the owner.

c. more praise for agreeing to watch the animals.

d. greater detail on the animals’ cute behavior.

26. According to the author, his or her attachment to

the pets derives at least partially from

a. their regal pedigrees and royal bearing.

b. having few friends to pass the time with.

c. these particular animals’ exceptional needs.

d. a desire to continue parenting.

27. The information in the note is sufficient to determine

that there are three animals. They are

a. two cats and a dog.

b. three dogs.

c. a dog, a cat, and an unspecified animal.

d. a cat, a dog, and a parrot.

28. Given that there are three animals to feed, which

of the following arrangements of the feeding

instructions would be most efficient and easiest

to follow?

a. all given in one list, chronologically from

morning to night

b. provided separately as they are for Regina,

within separate passages on each animal

c. given in the order of quantities needed, the

most to the least

d. placed in the middle of the letter, where they

would be least likely to be overlooked

29. From the context of the note, it is most likely that

the name “Rex”is

a. Spanish.

b. English.

c. French.

d. Latin.

30. If the sitter is to follow the owner’s directions in

playing fetch with Regina, at what point will he

or she will tell Regina “good girl”?

a. every time Regina goes after the ball

b. after Regina finds the ball

c. when Regina brings the ball back

d. after Regina drops the ball



(excerpt from a pro-voting essay)

Voting is the privilege for which wars have been fought, protests have been organized, and editorials have been

written. “No taxation without representation” was a battle cry of the American Revolution.Women struggled

for suffrage as did all minorities. Eighteen-year-olds clamored for the right to vote, saying that if they were old

enough to go to war, they should be allowed to vote. Yet Americans have a deplorable voting history.

Interviewing people about their voting habits is revealing. There are individuals who state that they have

never voted. Often, they claim that their individual vote doesn’t matter. Some people blame their absence from

the voting booth on the fact that they do not know enough about the issues. In a democracy, we can express

our opinions to our elected leaders, but more than half of us sometimes avoid choosing the people who make

the policies that affect our lives.

31. This argument relies primarily on which of the

following techniques to make its points?

a. emotional assertions

b. researched facts in support of an assertion

c. emotional appeals to voters

d. emotional appeals to nonvoters

32. Which of the following sentences best summarizes

the main idea of the passage?

a. Americans are too lazy to vote.

b. Women and minorities fought for their right

to vote.

c. Americans do not take voting seriously enough.

d. Americans do not think that elected officials

take their opinions seriously.

33. By choosing the word “clamored,” the author

implies that

a. eighteen-year-olds are generally enthusiastic.

b. voting was not a serious concern to eighteenyear-


c. eighteen-year-olds felt strongly that they

should be allowed to vote.

d. eighteen-year-olds do not handle themselves

in an adult-like manner.

Improving Streamside Wildlife Habitats

(excerpt from Habitat Extension Bulletin distributed by the

Wyoming Game and Fish Department)

Riparian vegetation [the green band of vegetation along a watercourse] can help stabilize stream banks; filter

sediment from surface runoff; and provide wildlife habitat, livestock forage, and scenic value.Well-developed

vegetation also allows bank soils to absorb extra water during spring runoff, releasing it later during drier

months, thus improving late-summer stream flows.

In many parts of the arid West, trees and shrubs are found only in riparian areas.Woody plants are very

important as winter cover for many wildlife species, including upland game birds such as pheasants and

turkeys. Often this winter cover is the greatest single factor limiting game bird populations.Woody vegetation

also provides hiding cover and browse for many other species of birds and mammals, both game and nongame.

Dead trees (“snags”) are an integral part of streamside habitats and should be left standing whenever possible.

Woodpeckers, nuthatches, brown creepers, and other birds eat the insects that decompose the wood. These

insects usually pose no threat to nearby living trees. Occasionally a disease organism or misuse of pesticides will

weaken or kill a stand of trees. If several trees in a small area begin to die, contact your local extension agent




34. What is the effect of the word choice “riparian”?

a. It gives the article an authoritative, scientific


b. It causes confusion, since both streams and

rivers could be viewed as riparian.

c. It seems condescending, as if the author was

stooping to teach readers.

d. It misleads readers into thinking they are getting

scientific information when they are not.

35. By listing the specific birds that live in riparian

areas, the author conveys a sense of

a. urgency on behalf of endangered species.

b. the rich and varied life in such areas.

c. his or her own importance as a scientific expert.

d. poetic wonder over the variety found in nature.

36. Assume that the author has done some other

writing on this topic for a different audience. The

other piece begins: “Remember the last time you

walked along a stream? No doubt thick vegetation

prevented easy progress.”What is the likely

effect on the reader of this opening?

a. an aroused interest, due to the reference to the

reader’s personal experience

b. resentment, due to being addressed so


c. loss of interest, because the opening line

makes no attempt to draw the reader in

d. confusion, because not every reader has

walked along a stream

37. The main subject of the second paragraph of this

passage is

a. the types of birds that live in riparian areas.

b. the effect of winter cover on water purity.

c. the role of trees and shrubs in riparian areas.

d. how winter cover affects game bird


38. Overall, the assertions of this passage seem to be

based on

a. rash opinion with little observation behind it.

b. deeply held emotional convictions.

c. fact derived from scientific literature.

d. inconclusive evidence gathered in field studies.

39. What does the word “arid” accomplish in the

first sentence of the second paragraph?

a. It provides a sense of the generally high altitude

of the West.

b. It signifies a change in subject from the

Eastern United States to the West.

c. It clarifies the author’s purpose to discuss

nonurban areas.

d. It clarifies the reason that trees and shrubs are

found only in riparian areas.



(excerpt from “First,” a short story)

First, you ought to know that I’m “only” fourteen.My mother points this out frequently. I can make decisions

for myself when I’m old enough to vote, she says. Second, I should tell you that she’s right—I’m not always

responsible. I sometimes take the prize for a grade-A dork. Last weekend, for instance, when I was staying at

Dad’s, I decided it was time I learned to drive. It was Sunday morning, 7 a.m. to be exact, and I hadn’t slept

well thinking about this argument I’ll be telling you about in a minute. Nobody was up yet in the neighborhood,

and I thought there would be no harm in backing the car out of the garage and cruising around the block.

But Dad has a clutch car, and the “R” on the shift handle was up on the left side, awful close to first gear, and I

guess you can guess the rest.

Dad’s always been understanding.He didn’t say, like Mom would, “Okay, little Miss Know-It-All, you can

just spend the rest of the year paying this off.”He worried about what might have happened to me—to me, you

see, and that made me feel more guilty than anything. Overall, I just think he’d be a better number-one caregiver,

if you get my drift. Of course I can’t say things like that to Mom.

To her, I have to say, “But Mom, Dad’s place is closer to school. I could ride my bike.”

She replies, “Jennifer Lynn, you don’t own a bike, because you left it in the yard and it was stolen, and you

haven’t got the perseverance it takes to do a little work and earn the money to replace it.”

40. Which description best explains the structure of

the story so far?

a. chronological, according to what happens

first, second, and so on

b. reverse chronological order, with the most

recent events recorded first

c. intentionally confused order, incorporating

flashbacks to previous events

d. according to importance, with the most

significant details related first

41. What device does the author use to illustrate the

narrator’s feelings about her mother and father?

a. vivid and specific visual detail

b. rhetorical questions, which make a point but

don’t invite a direct answer

c. metaphors and other figurative language

d. contrast between the parents’ typical reactions

42. The narrator attributes her inability to sleep

when staying at her father’s house to

a. thinking about a disagreement with


b. the uncomfortable quiet of an early Sunday


c. the sore throat she had from shouting

so much.

d. her accident with the car.

43. The first-person point of view in this story

a. obscures how the narrator’s mind works.

b. illustrates the thoughts and personality of the


c. makes the narrator seem distant and rigid.

d. gives us direct access to the minds of all the


44. When the narrator says she sometimes “take[s]

the prize for a grade-A dork,” the word choice is

intended to indicate

a. that she doesn’t know proper English.

b. her age and culture.

c. that she is unable to judge her own actions.

d. that she thinks she’s better than most others

who might be termed “dorks”.

45. From the context in the last sentence of the

passage, it can be determined that the word

“perseverance” most nearly means

a. attractiveness.

b. thinking ability.

c. ability to persist.

d. love of danger.

46. Overall, this narrator’s tone is best described as

a. emotional and familiar.

b. stuck up and superior.

c. argumentative and tactless.

d. pleasant and reassuring.

47. In choosing to use the bike argument with her

mother, the narrator is trying to appeal to

her mother’s

a. compassion over her lost bike.

b. disregard for material objects.

c. laziness.

d. reason.

48. The main argument the narrator has been having

with her mother is over whether she should

a. be allowed to date.

b. live with her mother or father.

c. be allowed to drive a car.

d. pay for things she breaks.

49. It appears that the mother has alienated her

daughter by

a. being too busy to give her the attention she


b. having divorced her father.

c. insisting too much on reasonableness.

d. valuing things over people and feelings.

50. What most likely happened with the car?

a. The narrator mistook first gear for reverse and

ran into the garage wall.

b. The narrator stole it from her father and drove

it over to her mother’s.

c. The father left it in gear, and when the narrator

started it, it leapt forward into the wall.

d. The narrator attempted suicide through

carbon monoxide poisoning.



Answer Key

If you miss any of the answers, you can find help for that kind of question in the lesson(s) shown to the right of

the answer.



1. c. Lesson 1

2. a. Lesson 1

3. d. Lesson 9

4. a. Lesson 16

5. b. Lesson 3

6. c. Lesson 12

7. c. Lesson 2

8. b. Lessons 6 and 7

9. a. Lesson 3

10. b. Lesson 8

11. d. Lesson 4

12. c. Lesson 17

13. d. Lesson 2

14. b. Lesson 8

15. c. Lesson 4

16. b. Lesson 13

17. a. Lesson 19

18. d. Lesson 3

19. c. Lesson 8

20. c. Lesson 19

21. b. Lesson 19

22. a. Lesson 16

23. c. Lesson 13

24. a. Lesson 14

25. b. Lesson 11

26. d. Lesson 9

27. c. Lesson 1

28. a. Lessons 6 and 10

29. d. Lesson 3

30. d. Lesson 6

31. b. Lesson 18

32. c. Lesson 2

33. c. Lesson 12

34. a. Lesson 12

35. b. Lesson 13

36. a. Lesson 11

37. c. Lesson 2

38. c. Lesson 4

39. d. Lesson 3

40. c. Lessons 6, 7, and 10

41. d. Lesson 8

42. a. Lesson 9

43. b. Lesson 11

44. b. Lesson 12

45. c. Lesson 3

46. a. Lesson 14

47. d. Lesson 18

48. b. Lesson 16

49. d. Lesson 17

50. a. Lesson 17


Building a



You may not have thought of it this way before, but critical readers are a lot like

crime scene investigators. In their search for the truth, they do not let opinions

sway them; they want to know what actually happened. They collect tangible

evidence and facts and use this information to draw an informed conclusion.

Separating fact from opinion is essential during a crime scene investigation. It is also a crucial

skill for effective reading.

When you read, look for clues to understand the author’s meaning.What is this passage

about? What is this writer saying? What is his or her message? At times, it may seem

like authors are trying to hide their meaning from you. But no matter how complex a piece

of writing may be, the author always leaves plenty of clues for the careful reader to find. It

is your job to find those clues. Be a good detective when you read. Open your eyes and ask

the right questions. In other words, read carefully and actively.

The five lessons that follow cover the basics of reading comprehension. By the end

of this section, you should be able to:

■ Find the basic facts in a passage

■ Determine the main idea of a passage

■ Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words from context

■ Distinguish between fact and opinion

Imagine, for a moment, that you are a detective. You have just been called to the scene of a crime; a house

has been robbed.What’s the first thing you should do when you arrive?

a. See what’s on the TV.

b. Check what’s in the fridge.

c. Get the basic facts of the case.

The answer, of course, is c, get the basic facts of the case: the who, what, when, where, how, and why.What

happened? To whom? When? Where? How did it happen? And why?

As a reader faced with a text, you go through a similar process. The first thing you should do is establish the

facts.What does this piece of writing tell you? What happens? To whom? When, where, how, and why? If you can

answer these basic questions, you’re on your way to really comprehending what you read. (You’ll work on

answering the more difficult question—“Why did it happen?”—in Lesson 2.)


Getting the




The first step in increasing your reading comprehension is to learn how

to get the basic information. Like a good detective, start with the basic

facts. To get the facts, be an active reader and look for clues as you




What Are the Facts?

Let’s start with a definition. A fact is:

■ Something that we know for certain to have


■ Something that we know for certain to be true

■ Something that we know for certain to exist

Much of what you read, especially today in this

“Information Age,” is designed to provide you with

facts. You may read, for example, about a new office

procedure that you must follow; about how the new

computer system works; about what happened at the

staff meeting. If you’re taking a standardized test, you’ll

probably have to answer reading comprehension questions

that ask about the facts in a reading passage.

These facts are not always easy to determine, especially

if the writing is dense or complicated. To make it simpler,

ask yourself these questions as you read: What

facts am I expected to know? What am I to learn or be

aware of? What happened? What is true? What exists?

Practice Passage 1

Jump right into the task of finding facts. The following

brief passage is similar to something you might see in

a newspaper. Read the passage carefully, and then

answer the questions that follow. Remember, careful

reading is active reading (see the Introduction), so

mark up the text as you go. Underline key words and

ideas; circle and define any unfamiliar words or phrases;

and record your reactions and questions in the margins.



On Friday, October 21, at approximately 8:30 a.m., Judith Reynolds, owner of

The Cupcake Factory, arrived at her establishment to find that it had been

robbed and vandalized overnight. The front window of the shop at 128 Broad

Street was broken, and chairs and tables were overturned throughout the café

area. Additionally, the cash register had been pried open and emptied of money.

The thieves attempted to open the safe as well, but were unsuccessful. Ms.

Reynolds used her cell phone to report the crime to the police. She also phoned

the proprietor of Primo Pizza, located at 130 Broad Street, as she noticed that the

door of that restaurant showed signs of forced entry. The police department is

asking anyone with information to call 555-2323.

1. What happened to The Cupcake Factory?

2. When was the crime discovered?

3. Where did it happen?

4. What was stolen?

5. Who called the police?

6. What other businesses were affected?

Remember, good reading is active reading. Did you mark up the passage? If so, it may have looked something

like this:



On Friday, October 21, at approximately 8:30 a.m., Judith Reynolds, owner of

The Cupcake Factory, arrived at her establishment to find that it had been

robbed and vandalized overnight. The front window of the shop at 128 Broad

Street was broken, and chairs and tables were overturned throughout the café

area. Additionally, the cash register had been pried open and emptied of money.

The thieves attempted to open the safe as well, but were unsuccessful. Ms.

Reynolds used her cell phone to report the crime to the police. She also phoned

the proprietor of Primo Pizza, located at 130 Broad Street, as she noticed that the

door of that restaurant showed signs of forced entry. The police department is

asking anyone with information to call 555-2323.

You’ll notice that the answers to the questions

have all been underlined, because these are the key

words and ideas in this passage. But here are the

answers in a more conventional form.

1. What happened to The Cupcake Factory? It was

robbed and vandalized.

2. When was the crime discovered? At 8:30 A.M. on

Friday, October 21.

3. Where did it happen? 128 Broad Street.

4. What was stolen? Money from the cash register.

5. Who called the police? Judith Reynolds, owner of

The Cupcake Factory.

6. What other businesses were affected? Possibly

Primo Pizza.

Notice that these questions went beyond the basic

who, what, when, and where to include some of the

details, like why the proprietor of the restaurant next

door was called. This is because details in reading comprehension,

as well as in detective work, can be very

important clues that may help answer the remaining

questions:Who did it, how, and why?

when who



was affected

what happened—

robbery and


unclear if anything was

taken from Primo Pizza

from this report

what a


money was




Practice Passage 2

This passage includes instructions for renewing a driver’s license. Read it carefully and answer the questions

that follow.



Instructions for License Renewal

A driver’s license must be renewed every four years. A renewal application is sent

approximately five to seven weeks before the expiration date listed on the license.

Individuals who fail to renew within three years of the license expiration date are

not eligible for a renewal and must repeat the initial licensing process. To renew

a license, you must visit a Motor Vehicles Agency. You must present a completed

renewal application; your current driver’s license; acceptable proof of age, identification,

and address; and proof of social security in the form of a social security

card, a state or federal income tax return, a current pay stub, or a W-2 form.

You must also pay the required fee. If all the documents and payment are in order,

your photo will be taken and a new license will be issued.

7. What documents does one need to renew a

driver’s license?

8. What documents represent proof of social


9. How often must one renew a driver’s license?

10. How does one obtain the renewal form?

11. True or False: You can renew your driver’s license

by mail.

Before you look at the answers, look at the next

page to see how you might have marked up the passage

to highlight the important information.

Instructions for License Renewal

A driver’s license must be renewed every four years. A renewal application is sent

approximately five to seven weeks before the expiration date listed on the license.

Individuals who fail to renew within three years of the license expiration date are

not eligible for a renewal and must repeat the initial licensing process. To renew

a license, you must visit a Motor Vehicles Agency. You must present a completed

renewal application; your current driver’s license; acceptable proof of age, identification,

and address; and proof of social security in the form of a social security

card, a state or federal income tax return, a current pay stub, or a W-2 form.

You must also pay the required fee. If all the documents and payment are in order,

your photo will be taken and a new license will be issued.





for renewal

application will

be mailed

bring checkbook!

must go in

person. find

out nearest


how often I need to renew

With a marked-up text like this, it’s very easy to

find the answers.

7. What documents does one need to renew a

driver’s license?

Completed renewal application

Current driver’s license

Acceptable proof of age, identification,

and address

Proof of social security

Money to pay required fee

8. What documents represent proof of social


Social security card

State or federal income tax return

Current pay stub

W-2 form

9. How often must one renew a driver’s license?

Every four years.

10. How does one obtain the renewal form? It is sent

five to seven weeks before current license expires.

11. True or False: You can renew your driver’s license

by mail. False: You can only renew by visiting a

Motor Vehicles Agency.

Practice Passage 3

Now look at one more short passage. Again, read carefully and answer the questions that follow.



Today’s postal service is more efficient and reliable than ever before. Mail that

used to take months to move by horse and foot now moves around the country

in days or hours by truck, train, and plane. First-class mail usually moves from

New York City to Los Angeles in three days or less. If your letter or package is

urgent, the U.S. Postal Service offers Priority Mail and Express Mail services.

Priority Mail is guaranteed to go anywhere in the United States in two days or

less. Express Mail will get your package there overnight.

12. Who or what is this passage about?

13. How was mail transported in the past?

14. How is mail transported now?

15. How long does first-class mail take?

16. How long does Priority Mail take?

17. How long does Express Mail take?

Once again, here’s how you might have marked

up this passage:

Today’s postal service is more efficient and reliable than ever before. Mail that

used to take months to move by horse and foot now moves around the country

in days or hours by truck, train, and plane. First-class mail usually moves from

New York City to Los Angeles in three days or less. If your letter or package is

urgent, the U.S. Postal Service offers Priority Mail and Express Mail services.

Priority Mail is guaranteed to go anywhere in the United States in two days or

less. Express Mail will get your package there overnight.

You can see how marking up a text helps make it

easier to understand the information a passage conveys.

12. Who or what is this passage about? The U.S.

Postal Service.

13. How was mail transported in the past? By horse

and foot.

14. How is mail transported now? By truck, train,

and plane.

15. How long does first-class mail take? Three days

or less.

16. How long does Priority Mail take? Two days or


17. How long does Express Mail take? Overnight.

What a

long time!

3 services listed–

First class–3 days

Priority–2 days




Are there


services? now


Active reading is the first essential step to comprehension.

Why? Because active reading forces you to really

see what you’re reading, to look closely at what’s there.

Like a detective who arrives at the scene of a crime, if

you look carefully and ask the right questions (who,

what, when, where, how, and why), you’re on your way

to really comprehending what you read.



Here are some suggestions for practicing the skills covered in this chapter throughout the day and even

the rest of the week. Try them!

■ Mark up everything you read throughout the day—the newspaper, a memo, a letter from a friend. Underline

the key terms and ideas; circle and look up any unfamiliar words; write your reactions and questions

in the margins. If possible, share these reactions with the writer and see if you can get answers

to your questions.

■ Develop a “detective’s eye.” Begin to notice things around you. Look at the details on people’s faces;

notice the architectural details of the buildings you enter. The more observant you are in daily life, the

more enriched your life will be and the easier it will be to comprehend everything you read.

Skill Building until Next Time

When Lesson 1 talked about establishing the facts—the who, what, when, where, and how—it

omitted one very important question:Why? Now you’re ready to tackle that all-important question.

Just as there’s a motive behind every crime, there’s also a “motive” behind every piece of writing.

All writing is communication: A writer writes to convey his or her thoughts to an audience, the reader: you.

Just as you have something to say (a motive) when you pick up the phone to call someone, writers have something

to say (a motive) when they pick up a pen or pencil to write.Where a detective might ask, “Why did the butler

do it?” the reader might ask, “Why did the author write this? What idea is he or she trying to convey?”What

you’re really asking is, “What is the writer’s main idea?”

Finding the main idea is much like finding the motive of the crime. It’s the motive of the crime (the why)

that usually determines the other factors (the who, what, when, where, and how). Similarly, in writing, the main

idea also determines the who, what, when, and where the writer will write about, as well as how he or she will write.


Finding the

Main Idea


A detective finds the facts to determine “whodunit” and what the motive

was. A reader determines the facts not only for their own sake but also

to find out why the author is writing: What’s the main idea? This lesson

shows you how to determine the main idea of what you read.



Subject vs. Main Idea

There’s a difference between the subject of a piece of

writing and its main idea. To see the difference, look

again at the passage about the postal system. Don’t

skip over it! You read it in Lesson 1, but please read it

again, and read it carefully.

Today’s postal service is more efficient and reliable

than ever before. Mail that used to take months to

move by horse and foot now moves around the

country in days or hours by truck, train, and plane.

First-class mail usually moves from New York City

to Los Angeles in three days or less. If your letter or

package is urgent, the U.S. Postal Service offers Priority

Mail and Express Mail services. Priority Mail is

guaranteed to go anywhere in the United States in

two days or less. Express Mail will get your package

there overnight.

You might be asked on a standardized test, “What

is the main idea of this reading?”

For this passage, you might be tempted to answer:

“the post office.”

But you’d be wrong.

This passage is about the post office, yes—but

“the post office” is not the main idea of the passage.

“The post office” is merely the subject of the passage

(who or what the passage is about). The main idea

must say something about this subject. The main idea

of a text is usually an assertion about the subject. An

assertion is a statement that requires evidence (“proof”)

to be accepted as true.

The main idea of a passage is an assertion about

its subject, but it is something more: It is the idea that

also holds together or controls the passage. The other

sentences and ideas in the passage will all relate to that

main idea and serve as “evidence” that the assertion is

true. You might think of the main idea as a net that is

cast over the other sentences. The main idea must be

general enough to hold all of these ideas together.

Thus, the main idea of a passage is:

■ An assertion about the subject

■ The general idea that controls or holds together

the paragraph or passage

Look at the postal service paragraph once more.

You know what the subject is: “the post office.”Now, see

if you can determine the main idea. Read the passage

again and look for the idea that makes an assertion

about the postal service and holds together or controls

the whole paragraph. Then answer the following


1. Which of the following sentences best summarizes

the main idea of the passage?

a. Express Mail is a good way to send urgent


b. Mail service today is more effective and


c. First-class mail usually takes three days or less.

Because a is specific—it tells us only about Express

Mail—it cannot be the main idea. It does not encompass

the rest of the sentences in the paragraph—it doesn’t

cover Priority Mail or first-class mail. Answer c is also

very specific. It tells us only about first class mail, so it,

too, cannot be the main idea.

But b—“Mail service today is more effective and

dependable”—is general enough to encompass the

whole passage. And the rest of the sentences support

the idea that this sentence asserts: Each sentence offers

“proof” that the postal service today is indeed more

efficient and reliable. Thus, the writer aims to tell us

about the efficiency and reliability of today’s postal




Topic Sentences

You’ll notice that in the paragraph about the postal

service, the main idea is expressed clearly in the first

sentence: “Today’s postal service is more efficient

and reliable than ever before.” A sentence, such as this

one, that clearly expresses the main idea of a paragraph

or passage is often called a topic sentence.

In many cases, as in the postal service paragraph,

the topic sentence is at the beginning of the paragraph.

You will also frequently find it at the end. Less often, but

on occasion, the topic sentence may be in the middle of

the passage.Whatever the case, the topic sentence—like

“Today’s postal service is more efficient and reliable

than ever before”—is an assertion, and it needs “proof.”

The proof is found in the facts and ideas that make up

the rest of the passage. (Not all passages provide such

a clear topic sentence that states the main idea. Less

obvious passages will come up in later lessons.)

Practice in Identifying Topic


Remember that a topic sentence is a clear statement of

the main idea of a passage; it must be general enough

to encompass all the ideas in that passage, and it usually

makes an assertion about the subject of that passage.

Knowing all that, you can answer the following

question even without reading a passage.

Practice 1

2. Which of the following sentences is general

enough to be a topic sentence?

a. The new health club has a great kickboxing


b. Many different classes are offered by the

health club.

c. Pilates is a popular class at the health club.

d. The yoga class is offered on Saturday


The answer is b, “Many different classes are

offered by the health club.” Answers a, c, and d are all

specific examples of what is said in b, so they are not

general enough to be topic sentences.

Practice 2

Now look at the following paragraph. Underline the

sentence that expresses the main idea, and notice how

the other sentences work to support that main idea.

Erik always played cops and robbers when he was a

boy; now, he’s a police officer. Suzanne always played

school as a little girl; today, she is a high-school

math teacher. Kara always played store; today, she

owns a chain of retail clothing shops. Long before

they are faced with the question, “What do you want

to be when you grow up?” some lucky people know

exactly what they want to do with their lives.

Which sentence did you underline? You should

have underlined the last sentence: “Long before they are

faced with that question ‘What do you want to be when

you grow up?’ some lucky people know exactly what

they want to do with their lives.” This sentence is a

good topic sentence; it expresses the idea that holds

together the whole paragraph. The first three

sentences—about Erik, Suzanne, and Kara—are specific

examples of these lucky people. Notice that the topic

sentence is found at the end of the paragraph.



Practice 3

Among the following eight sentences are two topics

sentences. The other sentences are supporting sentences.

Circle the two topic sentences. Then write the

numbers of the supporting sentences that go with each

topic sentence.

1. Finally, there is a concierge on duty 24 hours a day.

2. Some police offer duties, like writing reports,

have no risk at all.

3. For example, there is a pool on the top floor.

4. Not all police duties are dangerous.

5. Others, like traffic duty, put police officers at very

little risk.

6. Tenants of the luxury apartment building enjoy

many amenities.

7. Still other duties, like investigating accidents,

leave officers free of danger.

8. In addition, the lobby has a dry cleaner, an ATM

machine, and a coffee shop.

Sentences 4 and 6 are the two topic sentences

because both make an assertion about a general subject.

The supporting sentences for topic sentence 4, “Not all

police duties are dangerous,” are sentences 2, 5, and 7.

The supporting sentences for topic sentence 6, “Tenants

of the luxury apartment building enjoy many amenities,”

are the remaining sentences 1, 3, and 8.

Here’s how they look as paragraphs:

Not all police duties are dangerous. Some duties, like

writing reports, have no risk at all. Others, like traffic

duty, offer very little risk. Still other duties, like

investigating accidents, leave officers free of danger.

Tenants of the luxury apartment building enjoy

many amenities. For example, there is a pool on the

top floor. In addition, the lobby has a dry cleaner, an

ATM machine, and a coffee shop. Finally, there is a

concierge on duty 24 hours a day.

You might have noticed the supporting sentences

in the first paragraph about police duties begin with the

following words: some, others, and still other. These

words are often used to introduce examples. The second

paragraph uses different words, but they have the

same function: for example, in addition, and finally. If

a sentence begins with such a word or phrase, that is a

good indication it is not a topic sentence—because it is

providing a specific example.

Here are some words and phrases often used to

introduce specific examples:

If you’re having trouble finding the main idea of

a paragraph, you might try eliminating the sentences

that you know contain supporting evidence.


Now you can answer the last question—the why.What

is the writer’s motive? What’s the main idea he or she

wants to convey? By finding the sentence that makes an

assertion about the subject of the paragraph and that

encompasses the other sentences in the paragraph, you

can uncover the author’s motive.

For example

For instance

In addition


In particular







■ A paragraph, by definition, is a group of sentences about the same idea. As you read today and the rest

of the week, notice how texts are divided into paragraphs. What idea holds each paragraph together?

Can you identify any topic sentences?

■ Formulate topic sentences about things that you come across in your day. Make assertions about these

people, places, and things. For example, you may eat in the cafeteria every day. Make an assertion about

it: “This cafeteria needs remodeling,” for example. Or, make an assertion about a coworker: “June is a

very hard worker,” you might say. Then, support your assertions. What “evidence” could you supply

for your paragraph? Why do you say the cafeteria needs remodeling? Is there paint peeling off the walls?

Is it still decorated 60s style? Is it not wheelchair accessible? What evidence do you have that June is

a hard worker? Is she always at her computer? Does she ask informed questions in staff meetings?

Does she look like she needs more sleep?

Skill Building until Next Time

Sometimes in your reading, you come across words or phrases that are unfamiliar to you. You might

be lucky and have a dictionary handy to look up that word or phrase, but what if you don’t? How

can you understand what you’re reading if you don’t know what all of the words mean? The

answer is that you can use the rest of the passage, the context, to help you understand the new words.




in Context


An active reader looks up unfamiliar words. But what if you don’t have

a dictionary? In a testing situation (or, for that matter, if you’re reading

on the bus), you almost certainly won’t be able to look up words you

don’t know. Instead, you can use the context to help you determine the




Finding Meaning from Context

The following paragraph is about one of our nation’s favorite pastimes, reality TV. Read it carefully, marking it

up as you go—but do NOT look up any unfamiliar words or phrases in a dictionary.



Most reality TV shows center on two common motivators: fame and money. The

shows transform waitresses, hairdressers, investment bankers, counselors, and

teachers, to name a few, from obscure figures to household names. A lucky few

successfully parlay their 15 minutes of fame into celebrity. Even if you are not

interested in fame, you can probably understand the desire for lots of money.

Watching people eat large insects, reveal their innermost thoughts to millions of

people, and allow themselves to be filmed 24 hours a day for a huge financial

reward makes for interesting viewing.Whatever their attraction, these shows are

among the most popular on television, and every season, they proliferate like

weeds in an untended garden. The networks are quickly replacing more traditional

dramas and comedies with reality TV programs, which earn millions in

advertising revenue.Whether you love it or hate it, one thing is for sure—reality

TV is here to stay!

As you read, you may have circled some words

that are unfamiliar. Did you circle obscure and proliferate?

If so, don’t look them up in a dictionary yet. If

you do a little detective work, you can determine their

definitions by looking carefully at how they are used

in the paragraph.

What Does Obscure Mean?

Start with obscure. How is this word used?

The shows transform waitresses, hairdressers,

investment bankers, counselors, and teachers, to

name a few, from obscure figures to household


Even if you have no idea what obscure means,

you can still learn about the word by how it is used, by

examining the words and ideas surrounding it. This is

called determining word meaning through context.

Like detectives looking for clues at a crime scene, we

must look at the passage for clues that will help us

define this word.

So, given the sentence we have here, what can we

tell about obscure? Well, since the shows transform

waitresses, hairdressers, investment bankers, counselors,

and teachers from one position—obscure figures,

to another position—household names, that immediately

tells us that an obscure figure and a household

name are two different things.

Furthermore, we know from the sentence that

the people in question are involved in typical, everyday

jobs (waitresses, hairdressers, bankers, etc.) and that

from this position, they are transformed into household

names, which means they achieve some level of

fame and notoriety. Now you can take a pretty good

guess at the meaning of obscure.

1. Before they become household names, the

waitresses, hairdressers, investment bankers,

counselors, and teachers are

a. famous and notorious.

b. unknown and undistinguished.

c. unique and distinctive.

The correct answer, of course, is b. It certainly

can’t be a, because we know that these people are not

yet famous. The reality shows will make them famous,

but until that happens, they remain obscure. Answer c

doesn’t really make sense because we know from the

passage that these people are waitresses, hairdressers,

investment bankers, counselors, and teachers. Now,

these are all very respectable jobs, but they are fairly

common, so they wouldn’t be described as unique or

distinctive. Furthermore, we can tell that b is the correct

answer because we can substitute the word obscure

with the word unknown or undistinguished in the sentence

and both would make sense.

Review: Finding Facts

Here’s a quick review of what you learned in Lesson 1.

Reality TV has the ability to take ordinary people and

make them famous. However, another reason people

participate in reality TV shows is

2. a. for money.

b. because they feel lucky.

c. because they are bored.

A quick check of the facts in the paragraph will

tell you the answer is a, for money.

What Does Proliferate Mean?

Look again at the sentence in the passage in which

proliferate is used:

Whatever their attraction, these shows are among

the most popular on television, and every season,

they proliferate like weeds in an untended garden.

Again, even if you have no idea what proliferate

means, you can still tell what kind of word it is by the

way it is used. You know, for example, that these shows

proliferate like weeds in an untended garden. Therefore,

you can answer this question:

3. Proliferate is a word associated with

a. growth.

b. reduction.

c. disappearance.

The answer, of course, is growth. How can you

tell? Well, we all know that weeds have a tendency to

grow wherever they can.

Now that you’ve established that proliferate relates

to growth, you can determine a more specific meaning

by looking for more clues in the sentence. The sentence

doesn’t only tell us that these shows proliferate like

weeds. It also tells us that they proliferate like weeds in

an untended garden. Just imagine a neglected garden,

one that has been left to its own devices. Weeds will

begin to grow in every nook and cranny of that garden.

In fact, they’ll quickly take over, to the detriment of the

plants. The phrase “weeds in an untended garden” is

quite descriptive, and as such, it serves as a wonderful

clue. Based on the words and phrases surrounding it,

an active reader should have no problem determining

the meaning of the word proliferate.

4. Proliferate in this passage means

a. decrease, shrink.

b. underestimate, play down.

c. increase, spread at a rapid rate.

d. fail, fall short.



The correct answer, of course, is c, “increase,

spread at a rapid rate.” It can’t be a or d because these

are things associated with reduction, not growth. And

everyone knows that weeds in an untended garden will

grow fast and aggressively. And b is not an appropriate

answer because if you replace proliferate with underestimate

or play down, it doesn’t really make sense. In

addition, you can tell that c is the right answer because

the rest of the passage provides other clues. It tells you

that reality TV shows are replacing other network programs,

it tells you that they are popular, and it tells you

that they are earning millions of dollars in advertising

revenue. All these clues would indicate that reality TV

shows are spreading and growing in number, not

shrinking or declining. Hence, the meaning of proliferate

must be c, “increase, spread at a rapid rate.”

How Much Context Do You Need?

In the previous example, you would still be able to

understand the main message of the passage even if you

didn’t know—or couldn’t figure out—the meaning of

obscure and proliferate. In some cases, however, your

understanding of a passage depends on your understanding

of a particular word or phrase. Can you

understand the following sentence, for example, without

knowing what adversely means?

Reality TV shows will adversely affect traditional

dramas and comedies.

What does adversely mean in this sentence? Is it

something good or bad? As good a detective as you may

be, there simply aren’t enough clues in this sentence to

tell you what this word means. But a passage with more

information will give you what you need to determine

meaning from context.

Reality TV shows will adversely affect traditional

dramas and comedies. As reality TV increases in popularity,

network executives will begin canceling more

traditional dramas and comedies and replacing them

with the latest in reality TV.

5. In the passage, adversely most nearly means

a. mildly, slightly.

b. kindly, gently.

c. negatively, unfavorably.

d. immediately, swiftly.

The correct answer is c, “negatively, unfavorably.”

The passage provides clues that allow you to determine

the meaning of adversely. It tells you that as reality

TV becomes more popular, network executives will

cancel more traditional dramas and comedies and

replace them with reality TV programming. So the

meaning of adversely is neither a, “mild or slight,” nor

b, “kindly or gently.” And based on the passage, you

can’t really tell if these changes will be immediate or

swift (d) because the sentence doesn’t say anything

about the exact time frame in which these changes

will occur. Remember, good detectives don’t make

assumptions they can’t support with facts; and there are

no facts in this sentence to support the assumption

that changes will occur immediately. Thus, c is the best


You may also have noticed that adversely is very

similar to adversary. And if you know that an adversary

is a hostile opponent or enemy, then you know that

adversely cannot be something positive. Or, if you know

the word adversity—hardship or misfortune—then

you know that adversely must mean something negative

or difficult. All these words share the same root—

advers. Only the endings change.




Read the following passages and determine the meaning

of the words from their context. The answers appear

immediately after the questions.

Although social work is not a particularly lucrative

career, I wouldn’t do anything else. Knowing I’m

helping others is far more important to me than


6. Lucrative means.

a. highly profitable.

b. highly rewarding.

c. highly exciting.

When you are in an interview, try not to show any

overt signs that you are nervous. Don’t shift in your

chair, shake, or stutter.

7. Overt means.

a. embarrassing, awkward.

b. subtle, suggestive.

c. obvious, not hidden.

By the time our staff meeting ended at 8:00, I was

ravenous. I had skipped lunch and hadn’t eaten since


8. Ravenous means

a. like a raven, bird-like.

b. extremely hungry, greedy for food.

c. exhausted, ready for bed.


6. a. The writer says money is not important to

him. If money is not an issue, it is okay that

social work is not highly profitable, that it

doesn’t earn a lot of money.

7. c. Shifting, shaking, and stuttering are all

obvious, not hidden signs of nervousness.

They are not b, subtle or suggestive; and

though they may make the interviewee feel a,

embarrassed or awkward, the signs themselves

are not embarrassing or awkward.

8. b. Because the writer hadn’t eaten since breakfast,

she is extremely hungry, greedy for food.

She may also be c, exhausted, but the context

tells us that this word has something to do

with eating.


The ability to determine the meaning of unfamiliar

words from their context is an essential skill for reading

comprehension. Sometimes, there will be unfamiliar

words whose meaning you can’t determine

without a dictionary. But more often than not, a careful

look at the context will give you enough clues to




■ Circle any unfamiliar words you come across today and the rest of the week. Instead of looking them

up in a dictionary, try to figure out the meanings of these words from their context. Then, look them up

in a dictionary to make sure you are correct.

■ Begin a vocabulary list of the words you look up as you work your way through this book. Many people

feel insecure about their reading and writing skills because they have a limited vocabulary. The more

words you know, the easier it will be to understand what others are saying and to express what you have

to say. By writing down these new words, you’ll help seal them in your memory.

Skill Building until Next Time

What’s the difference between fact and opinion, and what does it matter, anyway? It matters a great

deal, especially when it comes to reading comprehension.

During your life, you’ll be exposed to a wide variety of literature, ranging from analytical

articles based on cold hard facts to fictional novels that arise wholly from the author’s imagination. However,

much of what you read will be a mixture of facts and the author’s opinions. Part of becoming a critical reader means

realizing that opinions are not evidence; for opinions to be valid, they must be supported by cold, hard facts.

Facts are:

■ Things known for certain to have happened

■ Things known for certain to be true

■ Things known for certain to exist

Opinions, on the other hand, are:

■ Things believed to have happened

■ Things believed to be true

■ Things believed to exist


The Difference

between Fact

and Opinion


To make sense of what you read, you must be able to tell whether

you’re reading fact or opinion. This lesson tells you how to distinguish

what someone knows for certain from what someone believes.



As you can see, the key difference between fact

and opinion lies in the difference between believing

and knowing.Opinions may be based on facts, but they

are still what we think, not what we know.Opinions are

debatable; facts are not.

Using Facts to Support Opinions

Reasonable opinions are those based on fact; and indeed,

that is what much of writing is: the writer’s opinion (an

assertion about his or her subject) supported by facts

or other evidence.

Think about the topic sentences you formed after

you finished Lesson 2. Perhaps you made an assertion

like this:

James is a terrific boss.

This sentence is a good topic sentence; it’s an

assertion about the subject, James. And it is also an

opinion. It is, after all, debatable; someone could just

as easily take the opposite position and say:

James is a terrible boss.

This is another good topic sentence, and it’s

another opinion. Now, a good writer will show his or

her readers that this opinion is valid by supporting it

with facts. For example:

James is a terrific boss. He always asks us how we’re

doing.He lets us leave early or come in late when we

have to take care of our children. He always gives

holiday bonuses. And he offers tuition reimbursement

for any course, even if it has nothing to do with

our position.

Notice how the topic sentence states an opinion,

whereas the rest of the sentences support that opinion

with facts about how James treats his employees. Now

that paragraph is much more effective than something

like this:

James is a terrible boss. I really don’t like him.He just

can’t get along with people. And he has stupid ideas

about politics.

Why is the first paragraph so much better?

Because it’s not just opinion. It’s opinion supported by

evidence. The second paragraph is all opinion. Every

sentence is debatable; every sentence tells us what the

author believes is true, but not what is known to be

true. The author of the second paragraph doesn’t provide

any evidence to support why he or she thinks that

James is such a lousy boss. As a result, we’re not likely

to take his or her opinion very seriously.

In the first paragraph, on the other hand, the

writer offers concrete evidence for why he or she

believes James is a great boss. After the initial opinion,

the writer provides facts—specific things James does

(which can be verified by other observers) that make

him a good boss. You may still not agree that James is

a great boss, but at least you can see exactly why this

writer thinks so.

Distinguishing Fact from


When you read academic materials, very often you will

have to distinguish between fact and opinion—

between what the writer thinks and how the writer

supports what he or she thinks, between what is proven

to be true and what needs to be proved.

A good test for whether something is a fact or

opinion might be to ask yourself, “Can this statement

be debated? Is this known for certain to be true?” If you

answer yes to the first question, you have an opinion; if

you answer yes to the second, you have a fact.



Practice 1

Try these questions on the following statements. Read

them carefully, and then write F in the blank if the

statement is a fact and O if it is an opinion. The answers

appear right after the questions.

1. The Academy Awards honor the film


2. The Academy Awards are always fun to


3. More independent films should win

Academy Awards.

4. The Academy Awards are an annual


5. Best director is the most interesting

Academy Award category.


1. Fact

2. Opinion

3. Opinion

4. Fact

5. Opinion

Practice 2

Now try the same exercise with a complete paragraph.

Underline the facts and use a highlighter or colored pen

to highlight the opinions. Be careful—you may find

fact and opinion together in the same sentence.When

you’ve finished, you can check your answers against the

marked passage that follows.



There are many different ways to invest your money to provide for a financially

secure future. Many people invest in stocks and bonds, but I think good oldfashioned

savings accounts and CDs (certificates of deposit) are the best way to

invest your hard-earned money. Stocks and bonds are often risky, and it doesn’t

make sense to risk losing the money you’ve worked so hard for. True, regular savings

accounts and CDs can’t make you a millionaire overnight or provide the high

returns some stock investments do. But by the same token, savings accounts and

CDs are fully insured and provide steady, secure interest on your money. That

makes a whole lot of cents.


How did you do? Was it easy to distinguish between the facts and the opinions? Here’s what your marked-up passage

should look like. The facts are underlined and the opinions are in boldface type.



There are many different ways to invest your money to provide for a financially

secure future. Many people invest in stocks and bonds, but I think good oldfashioned

savings accounts and CDs (certificates of deposit) are the best way

to invest your hard-earned money. Stocks and bonds are often risky, and it

doesn’t make sense to risk losing the money you’ve worked so hard for. True,

regular savings accounts and CDs can’t make you a millionaire overnight or

provide the high returns some stock investments do. But by the same token,

savings accounts and CDs are fully insured and provide steady, secure interest

on your money. That makes a whole lot of cents.

Practice 3

To strengthen your ability to distinguish between fact

and opinion, try this. Take a fact, such as:

FACT:Wednesday is the fourth day of the week.

Now, turn it into an opinion.Make it something

debatable, like this:

OPINION:Wednesday is the longest day of the week.

Here’s another example.

FACT: You must be 18 years old to vote in the United


OPINION: The voting age should be lowered to 16 years

of age.

Now you try. Suggested answers come after the


6. FACT: Healthcare costs have risen over the last

several years.


7. FACT: The 22nd Amendment of the United States

Constitution establishes a two-term limit

for the presidency.


8. FACT:More than 58,000 Americans lost their lives

in the Vietnam War.


9. FACT: The Motion Picture Association R

(Restricted) rating requires anyone under

17 to be accompanied by a parent or adult



10. FACT: Use of performance-enhancing drugs is

strictly prohibited in both amateur and

professional sports.



There are, of course, many opinions you could form

from these subjects. Here are some possible answers.

6. Our government should make healthcare a higher


Companies should give employees several healthcare

programs from which to choose.

People should stop complaining about healthcare


7. Presidents should be allowed to serve for three


Limiting service to two terms will make U.S. presidents

more effective.

Term limits are a very bad idea.

8. American soldiers should not have been sent to


Our government did all the right things concerning

the Vietnam War.

9. The Motion Picture Association should not be

able to rate films.

The Motion Picture Association ratings should

be taken seriously by all parents.

Movie ratings are useless.

10. Performance-enhancing drugs should be legal.

Competitive sports would be more interesting to

watch if performance-enhancing drugs were legal.

Performance-enhancing drugs are the worst thing

that ever happened to competitive sports.


The ability to differentiate between fact and opinion is

a very important skill. Like a detective, you need to

know the difference between what people think and

what people know, between what people believe to be

true and what has been proven to be true. Then you will

be able to see whether writers support their opinions,

and if they do, how they do it. This will allow you to

judge for yourself the validity of those opinions.



■ Listen carefully to what people say today and try to determine whether they are stating a fact or expressing

an opinion. When they offer opinions, do they support them?

■ As you come across facts and opinions today, practice turning them into their opposites; make facts

out of opinions and opinions out of facts.

Skill Building until Next Time

In order to solve a crime, a detective cannot just get the facts of the case, just discover the motive, just decipher

difficult clues, or just distinguish between fact and opinion. To be successful, a detective must do all

these things at the same time. Similarly, reading really can’t be broken down into these separate tasks. Reading

comprehension comes from employing all these strategies simultaneously. This lesson gives you the opportunity

to combine these strategies and take your reading comprehension skills to the next level.


Putting It All



This lesson reviews what you learned in Lessons 1–4: getting the

facts, finding the main idea, determining what words mean in context,

and distinguishing between fact and opinion. In this lesson, you’ll get

vital practice in using all four skills at once.



Review: What You’ve

Learned so Far

These are the strategies you studied in the past four


■ Lesson 1: Find the facts in what you read. You

practiced looking for the basic information that

was being conveyed in the paragraphs: the who,

what, when, where, and how.

■ Lesson 2: Find the main idea. You learned about

topic sentences and how they express an assertion

about the subject of the paragraph. You saw how

the main idea must be general enough to encompass

all other sentences in the paragraph; it is the

thought that controls the paragraph, and the other

sentences work to support that main idea.

■ Lesson 3: Determine the meaning of words from

context. You practiced looking for clues to

determine meaning in the words and sentences

surrounding the unfamiliar word or phrase.

■ Lesson 4: Distinguish between fact and opinion.

You learned that a fact is something known to be

true, whereas an opinion is something believed to

be true. You practiced distinguishing between the

two and saw how good paragraphs use facts to

support opinions.


In this lesson, you will sharpen your reading comprehension

skills by using all of these strategies at once.

This will become more natural to you as your reading

skills develop.

Practice Passage 1

Begin by looking at the following paragraph. Remember

to read actively; mark up the text as you go. Then

answer the questions on the next page. An example of

how to mark up the passage, as well as the answers to

the questions, follow.

If any of these terms or strategies sound

unfamiliar to you, STOP. Take a few minutes

to review whatever lesson is unclear.



It is clear that the United States is a nation that needs to eat healthier and slim

down. One of the most important steps in the right direction would be for school

cafeterias to provide healthy, low-fat options for students. In every town and city,

an abundance of fast-food restaurants lure teenage customers with fast, inexpensive,

and tasty food, but these foods are typically unhealthy. Unfortunately,

school cafeterias—in an effort to provide food that is appetizing to young

people—mimic fast food menus, often serving items such as burgers and fries,

pizza, hot dogs, and fried chicken.While these foods do provide some nutritional

value, they are relatively high in fat.Many of the lunch selections school cafeterias

currently offer could be made healthier with a few simple and inexpensive

substitutions. Veggie burgers, for example, offered alongside beef burgers, would

be a positive addition. A salad bar would also serve the purpose of providing a

healthy and satisfying meal. And tasty grilled chicken sandwiches would be a far

better option than fried chicken. Additionally, the beverage case should be

stocked with containers of low-fat milk.

1. What is the subject of this passage?

2. According to the passage, which of the following

options would make healthy, low-fat additions to

a school cafeteria’s offerings? (Circle all correct


a. tofu

b. veggie burgers

c. low-fat milk

d. fries

e. salad bar

f. grilled chicken sandwiches

g. stir-fried vegetables

3. The meaning of mimic is

a. reject.

b. copy.

c. ignore.

d. disregard.

4. Which of the following best summarizes the

main idea of the passage?

a. Teenagers love to eat fast food more than anything


b. School cafeterias should serve veggie burgers.

c. School cafeterias should be providing healthy,

low-fat options for students.

5. True or False: “One of the most important steps

in the right direction would be for school cafeterias

to provide healthy, low-fat options for students”

is a topic sentence.

6. True or False: “One of the most important steps

in the right direction would be for school

cafeterias to provide healthy, low-fat options for

students” is an opinion.



Marking Practice Passage 1

Before you check the answers, look again at the paragraph.Did you mark it up? If so, it may look something like this:

It is clear that the United States is a nation that needs to eat healthier and slim

down. One of the most important steps in the right direction would be for school

cafeterias to provide healthy, low-fat options for students. In every town and city,

an abundance of fast-food restaurants lure teenage customers with fast, inexpensive,

and tasty food, but these foods are typically unhealthy. Unfortunately,

school cafeterias—in an effort to provide food that is appetizing to young

people—mimic fast food menus, often serving items such as burgers and fries,

pizza, hot dogs, and fried chicken.While these foods do provide some nutritional

value, they are relatively high in fat.Many of the lunch selections school cafeterias

currently offer could be made healthier with a few simple and inexpensive

substitutions. Veggie burgers, for example, offered alongside beef burgers, would

be a positive addition. A salad bar would also serve the purpose of providing a

healthy and satisfying meal. And tasty grilled chicken sandwiches would be a far

better option than fried chicken. Additionally, the beverage case should be

stocked with containers of low-fat milk.

main idea

possible healthy

low-fat lunch




to copy


1. The subject of the passage is healthier, low-fat

lunch options in school cafeterias. Remember, the

subject of a passage is who or what the passage is


2. b, c, e, f. These results are all mentioned in the

passage. Tofu (a) and stir-fried vegetables (g) are

both healthy, low-fat lunch options, but they are

not mentioned in the passage. Fries (d) are mentioned,

but they are not low-fat and are mentioned

as one of the unhealthy items that should

be replaced.

Remember, you’re looking for the facts that the

author has provided. It is extremely important,

especially in test situations, not to put in an answer

that isn’t in the text. Logic may tell you that tofu

and stir-fried vegetables are healthy, low-fat lunch

options, but the paragraph doesn’t tell you this.

You need to stick to the facts. Any assumption

that you make about a passage must be grounded

in evidence found in that passage itself.

3. b.Mimic means to copy. The most obvious clue is

the way the word is used in the sentence. “Unfortunately,

school cafeterias—in an effort to provide

food that is appetizing to young people—mimic fast

food menus, often serving items such as burgers and

fries, pizza, hot dogs, and fried chicken.” Burgers and

fries, pizza, hot dogs, and fried chicken are all

foods served by fast-food restaurants, and if school

cafeterias are also serving those foods, they are

clearly copying fast-food menus, not rejecting,

ignoring, or disregarding them.

4. c. Answer a is an assumption not based on anything

written in the passage. Answer b is too

specific—it is only one example of a healthy, lowfat

lunch option that a school cafeteria can serve.

Only c is general and factual enough to encompass

the whole paragraph.

5. True. This sentence expresses the main idea.

6. True. This sentence is an opinion. It is debatable.

Someone else might think that altering the menu

in school cafeterias isn’t one of the most important

steps to be taken in order to make the United

States a healthier, slimmer nation. They might

think that launching a public service ad campaign

about the dangers of fast food or implementing

more rigorous classroom education about eating

healthy is more important than changing the

menus of school cafeterias.

How did you do? If you got all six answers correct,

congratulations! If you missed one or more questions,

check the following table to see which lessons to review.


Question 1 Lesson 2

Question 2 Lesson 1

Question 3 Lesson 3

Question 4 Lesson 2

Question 5 Lesson 2

Question 6 Lesson 4



Practice Passage 2

Try one more paragraph to conclude this first section. Once again, mark up the paragraph carefully and then answer

the questions that follow.



Robert Johnson is the best blues guitarist of all time. There is little information

available about this legendary blues guitarist, and the information is as much

rumor as fact. What is indisputable, however, is Johnson’s tremendous impact

on the world of rock and roll. Some consider Johnson the father of modern rock:

His influence extends to artists from Muddy Waters to Led Zeppelin, from the

Rolling Stones to the Allman Brothers Band. Eric Clapton has called Johnson the

most important blues musician who ever lived. Considering his reputation, it is

hard to believe that Johnson recorded only 29 songs before his death in 1938, purportedly

at the hands of a jealous husband. He was only 27 years old, yet he left

an indelible mark on the music world. Again and again, contemporary rock

artists return to Johnson, whose songs capture the very essence of the blues,

transforming our pain and suffering with the healing magic of his guitar. Rock

music wouldn’t be what it is today without Robert Johnson.

7. According to the passage, from what musical

tradition did Robert Johnson emerge?

a. rock and roll

b. jazz

c. blues

8. Johnson died in

a. 1927.

b. 1938.

c. 1929.

9. True or False: Johnson influenced many rock

artists, including Led Zeppelin and the Rolling


10. Johnson’s cause of death was

a. heart attack.

b. old age.

c. murder.

11. Indelible means

a. permanent, impossible to remove.

b. fleeting, brief.

c. troubling, disturbing.

12. The main idea of this paragraph is best expressed

in which sentence in the paragraph?

13. Indicate whether the following sentences are fact

or opinion:

a. “Robert Johnson is the best blues guitarist of

all time.”

b. “Eric Clapton has called Johnson the most

important blues musician who ever lived.”

c. “Rock music wouldn’t be what it is today

without Robert Johnson.”


7. c. See the first and second sentences. The next-tolast

sentence also provides this information.

8. b. See the sixth sentence.

9. True. See the fourth sentence.

10. c. See the sixth sentence.

11. a. permanent, impossible to remove. There are

several context clues. The third, fourth, and fifth

sentences discuss Johnson’s major impact on

musicians who have followed him. The next-tolast

sentence also discusses the fact that contemporary

artists return to Johnson again and again.

Also, the sentence that uses the word indelible

states, “He was only 27 years old, yet he left an

indelible mark on the music world,” implying that

he left a lasting mark in spite of his young age.

These clues make it obvious that (b) fleeting, brief

and (c) troubling, disturbing are not the correct


12. The third sentence. The point of the whole passage,

which is Johnson’s impact on rock and roll,

is very clearly stated in the third sentence, “What

is indisputable, however, is Johnson’s tremendous

impact on the world of rock and roll.”

13. Choice a is opinion. It is debatable whether Johnson

is the best blues guitarist of all time.

Choice b is fact. This is verifiable information.

Choice c is opinion because this is a debatable


How did you do this time? Better? If you missed

any questions, this time, you figure out which questions

correspond with which lessons. This will help you see

with what categories you most need help.



■ Review the Skill Building sections from each lesson this week. Try any Skill Builders you haven’t


■ Write a paragraph about what you’ve learned in this section. Begin your paragraph with a clear topic

sentence, like: “I’ve learned several reading strategies since Lesson 1” or “I’ve learned that reading comprehension

isn’t as difficult as I thought.” Then, write several sentences that support or explain your

assertion. Try to use at least one vocabulary word that you’ve learned in this section.

Skill Building until Next Time



Now that you’ve covered the basics, you can begin to focus on one specific

reading comprehension strategy: structure.How do writers organize their


You might want to think of a writer as an architect. Every building has a number of

rooms. But how these rooms are arranged is up to the architect. The same goes for a piece

of writing—how the sentences and ideas are arranged is entirely up to the writer. However,

most architects—and most writers—generally follow certain patterns, not because

they can’t think on their own, but because these patterns work. In this section, you’ll study

four organizational patterns that work for writers:

1. Chronological order

2. Order of importance

3. Compare and contrast

4. Cause and effect

You’ll learn to recognize these patterns and some of the reasons why writers use them.

There are many ways to tell a story. Some stories start in the middle and flash backward to the beginning;

a few start at the end and tell the story in reverse. But most of the time, stories start at the

beginning.Writers often begin with what happened first and then tell what happened next, and next,

and so on, until the end.When writers tell a story in this order, from beginning to end in the order in which things

happened, they are telling it in chronological order. Chronology is the arrangement of events in the order in which

they occurred.

L E S S O N Start from the





This lesson focuses on one of the simplest structures writers use:

chronological order, or arrangement of events by the order in which they




Chronology and Transitions

Much of what you read is arranged in chronological

order. Newspaper and magazine articles, minutes of

meetings, explanations of procedures, and so on are

usually arranged this way. For example, look at the following

paragraph that might be found in a company


This year’s employee award ceremony was a tremendous

success. The first award was given to Carlos Fe

for Perfect Attendance. The second award, for Most

Dedicated Employee, went to Jennifer Steele. Then,

our president,Martin Lucas, interrupted the awards

ceremony to announce that he and his wife were

having a baby.When he finished, everyone stood up

for a congratulatory toast. Afterward, the third

award was given to Karen Hunt for Most Inspiring

Employee. Finally, President Lucas ended the ceremony

by giving everyone a bonus check for $100.

You’ll notice that this paragraph tells what happened

at the ceremony from start to finish. You’ll also

notice that you can tell the order in which things happened

in two ways. First, you can tell by the order of the

sentences themselves—first things first, last things last.

Second, you can tell by the use of transitional words and

phrases, which signal a shift from one idea to the next.

Here is the same paragraph with the transitional words


This year’s employee award ceremony was a tremendous

success. The first award was given to Carlos Fe

for Perfect Attendance. The second award, for Most

Dedicated Employee, went to Jennifer Steele. Then,

our president,Martin Lucas, interrupted the awards

ceremony to announce that he and his wife were

having a baby.When he finished, everyone stood up

for a congratulatory toast. Afterward, the third

award was given to Karen Hunt for Most Inspiring

Employee. Finally, President Lucas ended the ceremony

by giving everyone a bonus check for $100.

The underlined words—first, second, then, when,

afterward, third, and finally—are transitional words

that keep these events linked together in chronological

order. Look at how the paragraph sounds without these


This year’s employee award ceremony was a tremendous

success. The award was given to Carlos Fe for

Perfect Attendance. The award for Most Dedicated

Employee went to Jennifer Steele. Our president,

Martin Lucas, interrupted the awards ceremony to

announce that he and his wife were having a baby.

He finished; everyone stood up for a congratulatory

toast. The award was given to Karen Hunt for

Most Inspiring Employee. President Lucas ended

the ceremony by giving everyone a bonus check

for $100.

It doesn’t sound quite as good, does it?

Practice with Transitional

Words and Phrases

Practice Passage 1

Here’s a more extreme example of a paragraph with the

transitional words and phrases omitted:

I went to work early to get some extra filing done. I

got there; the phone started ringing.My boss walked

in.He asked me to type a letter for him.He asked me

to make arrangements for a client to stay in town

overnight. I looked at my watch; it was already 11:00.

Now, take the paragraph and add the following

transitional words and phrases:



_____________ I went to work early to get some

extra filing done. _____________ I got there, the

phone started ringing. ____________ my boss

walked in. ____________ he asked me to type a

letter for him. ____________ he asked me to make

arrangements for a client to stay in town overnight.

__________ I looked at my watch, it was

already 11:00.

See how much better the paragraph sounds with

transitional words and phrases to guide you?


You might have come up with a slightly different version,

but here’s one good way to fill in the blanks:

Yesterday, I went to work early to get some extra filing

done. As soon as I got there, the phone started

ringing. A moment later,my boss walked in. Immediately,

he asked me to type up a letter for him.

Then he asked me to make arrangements for a client

to stay in town overnight. When I looked at my

watch, it was already 11:00.

Practice Passage 2

Here is a series of events listed in random order.Use the

transitional words and phrases in each sentence to help

you put them in proper chronological order. Number

the sentences from1–6 in the blank provided.

If the penalty structure is to your liking,

make sure that the money market

account is FDIC insured.

After you’ve found the best terms, be

sure to find out what the minimum

account balance is and ask what the

penalties are if your account drops

below the limit.

In order to open a money market

account, you should follow several


Then you should shop around for the

best terms and yields available.

Finally, once the account is opened and

you are earning interest, you should

consider using that interest to pay off

outstanding credit card debt.

First, you should decide what features

are important to you.


You should have numbered the blanks in this order: 5,

4, 1, 3, 6, 2. Here’s how the sentences look together in

a paragraph.

In order to open a money market account, you

should follow several steps. First, you should decide

what features are important to you. Then you should

shop around for the best terms and yields available.

After you’ve found the best terms, be sure to find out

what the minimum account balance is and ask what

the penalties are if your account drops below the

limit. If the penalty structure is to your liking,make

sure that the money market account is FDIC

insured. Finally, once the account is opened and

you are earning interest, you should consider using

that interest to pay off outstanding credit card debt.


as soon as



a moment later




Practice Passage 3

Read the following paragraph, which describes a local community event.



The International Dinner raised $15,000 to renovate the Berkshire Park Community

Center. Three-hundred and fifty people attended the dinner, which was

held in the ballroom of a local hotel. Tickets were sold in advance for $50 each.

The attendees left the event feeling very good about their community. The Berkshire

Park Community Center was damaged in a fire six months ago. An energetic

committee of eight community members came up with the idea of the

International Dinner to raise funds to repair the damages. The plan was to celebrate

the diversity of the Berkshire Park Neighborhood Association by serving

ethnic food that represents the various cultures in the neighborhood. The committee

also organized a silent auction with prizes donated by local businesses to

take place during the dinner. The committee chairperson talked to a local newspaper

reporter at the dinner and stated that the goal was to raise $10,000. A

follow-up letter to community members thanked everyone for the huge success

of the fundraiser and outlined a schedule for the renovation.

Notice that this paragraph is not arranged in

chronological order. Take the ten different events that

make up the story and rearrange them so that they are

in chronological order.

Here’s the order of events as they are presented in

the story.

■ The International Dinner raised $15,000 to renovate

the Berkshire Park Community Center.

■ Three-hundred and fifty people attended the


■ Tickets were sold for $50 each.

■ The attendees left the event feeling very good

about their community.

■ The Community Center was damaged in a fire six

months ago.

■ A committee of eight community members came

up with the idea of the International Dinner to

raise funds for repairs.

■ The plan was to serve foods that represent the various

cultures in the neighborhood.

■ The committee organized a silent auction to take

place during the dinner.

■ The chairperson talked to a local newspaper

reporter stating the goal was to raise $10,000.

■ A letter to community members thanked everyone

and outlined the schedule for renovation.

Now put the events in chronological order.











Now, take these chronologically ordered events

and make them into a cohesive paragraph. To do this,

you need to add transitional words and phrases. Here

is a list of transitional words and phrases often used in

chronologically organized passages:

Write your paragraph, putting the events in

chronological order with transitional phrases, below or

on a separate piece of paper.


There are, of course, many possible ways of using transitional

words and phrases to put this story in chronological

order. One paragraph might look like this:

The Berkshire Park Community Center was damaged

in a fire six months ago. Soon after, a committee

of eight community members came up with the

idea of an International Dinner to raise funds to

repair the damages. The plan was to serve foods that

represent the various cultures in the neighborhood.

In addition, the committee organized a silent auction

to take place during the dinner. Before the event,

tickets were sold for $50 each.During the dinner, the

committee chairperson talked to a local newspaper

reported and stated that the goal was to raise

$10,000. Three-hundred and fifty people attended

the event which raised $15,000.When the attendees

left the event, they felt very good about their community.

After the event, a letter was sent to community

members thanking them for everything

while outlining a schedule for renovation.








as soon as








in the meantime

at last





Practice Passage 4

Chronological order is very important, especially when

it comes to procedures. If you perform the steps out of

chronological order, you won’t get the results you

desire. Just imagine, for example, that you are trying to

bake a cake.What happens when you do things out of

order? You go without dessert.

Of course, the consequences of not following

proper chronological order at work can be much more

serious, so it’s important that you strengthen this skill.

Read the following paragraph, marking it up to help

you keep track of the steps that an employee must follow

to get tuition reimbursement.



Our company will be happy to reimburse you for college courses that enhance

your job performance. Before you register for the course, you must get approval

first from your immediate supervisor and then from Human Resources. If you

are taking the course for credit, you must receive a C+ or better in the course. If

you are not taking it for credit, you must pass the course. After you have completed

the course, you must write a report explaining the content of the course

and its relevance to your position. Then, you must fill out a reimbursement

request. Attach a tuition payment receipt, your report, and a copy of your grades

to this request and promptly submit this request to your supervisor. Once your

supervisor has approved the request, you can then submit all these forms to

Human Resources, and you should receive your check within two weeks.

There are eight separate steps an employee must

take to be reimbursed for college course work.What are

they? List them below in the order in which the

employee must do them.









If you marked up your paragraph, you should easily see the different steps.Here’s how you might have marked

it up. The transitional words and phrases are highlighted in bold.



Our company will be happy to reimburse you for college courses that enhance

your job performance. Before you register for the course, you must get approval

first from your immediate supervisor and then from Human Resources. If you

are taking the course for credit, you must receive a C+ or better in the course. If

you are not taking it for credit, you must pass the course. After you have completed

the course, you must write a report explaining the content of the course

and its relevance to your position. Then, you must fill out a reimbursement

request. Attach a tuition payment receipt, your report, and a copy of your

grades to this request and promptly submit this request to your supervisor. Once

your supervisor has approved the request, you can then submit all these forms to

Human Resources, and you should receive your check within two weeks.

If you miss a step in this process, you won’t be

reimbursed. Thus, it’s critical that you be able to identify

each step and the order in which the steps must be



Chronological structure is, of course, a very useful

organizational pattern. Events happen in a certain

order, so writers often present them in that order. Keep

an eye out for the transitional words and phrases that

signal this type of organization.

need approval

before registering!

1st –get supervisor


2nd –get HR approval

3rd –take course–

get C+ or better!

4th –write report

5th –fill out reimb.


6th –attach tuition,

report + grades

to request

7th –submit to


8th –submit to HR









■ As you think about things today, try to organize them chronologically. If you think back to something

that happened over the weekend, for example, think about it in the order it happened: First ____, then

_______, suddenly, ______, and so on.

■ As you read about events in the newspaper or in other places, put the different pieces of each event

in chronological order, as you did with the story about the International Dinner.

Skill Building until Next Time

It’s a scientifically proven fact: People remember most what they learn first and last in a given session.Writers

have instinctively known this for a long time. That’s why many pieces of writing are organized not in

chronological order but by order of importance.

Imagine again that the writer is like an architect.How would this type of writer arrange the rooms? By hierarchy.

A hierarchy is a group of things arranged by rank or order of importance. In this type of organizational pattern,

hierarchy, not chronology, determines order. Thus, this architect would lay the rooms out like so:When you

walk in the front door, the first room you encounter would be the president’s office, then the vice president’s, then

the assistant vice president’s, and so on down to the lowest ranking worker.Or, vice versa, the architect may choose

for you to meet the least important employee first, the one with the least power in the company. Then the next,

and the next, until at last, you reach the president.

Likewise, in writing, ideas may be arranged in order of importance. In this pattern, which idea comes first?

Not the one that happened first, but the one that is most, or least, important.


Order of



Continuing your study of the structure of reading material, this lesson

shows you how writers use order of importance—from least to most

important or from most to least important. Understanding this commonly

used structure improves your reading comprehension by helping you

see what’s most important in a piece of writing.



Most Important to Least


In the following paragraph, the writer starts with what

is most important, hoping that by putting this item

first, the reader will be sure to remember it. After you

read the passage, answer the questions that follow. Each

question is followed by its answer to guide you through

your reading of the passage.

Choosing a doctor is an important decision. Here

are some things you can do to make the best choice.

The single most important thing is to interview the

doctors you are considering. Ask questions about the

practice, office hours, and how quickly he or she

responds to phone calls. Pay attention to the doctor’s

communication skills and how comfortable you are

with him or her. The second thing you should do is

check the doctor’s credentials. One way to do this is

to ask your healthcare insurance company how they

checked the doctor’s credentials before accepting

him or her into their network. Another thing you

can do is to look at the environment of the doctor’s

office. Be sure patients aren’t waiting too long and

that the office is clean and professional. Finally,

spend some time talking with the receptionist. Keep

in mind that this is the person you’ll come into contact

with every time you call or come into the office.

If he or she is pleasant and efficient, it will certainly

make your overall experience better.

1. According to the passage, what’s the most important

thing you can do to be sure you choose the

right doctor?

The answer, of course, should be clear: The writer

tells you clearly that the “single most important thing

is to interview the doctors you are considering.”

2. What is the second most important thing you

can to choose the right doctor?

When a writer starts out by saying “the most

important thing,” you know that the writer will be

starting with the most important idea and ending with

the least important. The second best thing, therefore,

is the second piece of advice offered in the paragraph:

“Check the doctor’s credentials.”

3. What’s the third most important thing?

Since the writer is going from most to least

important, then according the passage, the third most

important thing is to “look at the environment of the

doctor’s office.”

4. Finally, what is the least important tip the writer


Of course, the answer is the last piece of advice

the writer offers: “Spend some time talking with the


Least Important to Most


Some writers prefer the opposite approach, depending

on the subject and the effect they want their writing to

have. Rather than starting with the most important

idea, they prefer to end with what is most important.

Not only do they leave you with a strong concluding

impression, but they also take advantage of the “snowball

effect.” The snowball effect is the “buildup”or force

that a writer gets from starting with what’s least important

and moving toward what’s most important. Like

a snowball, the writer’s idea builds and builds, gets

bigger and bigger,more and more important. By starting

with the least important point, writers can also

create suspense—the reader is waiting for that final

idea. And each idea or item builds upon the ones that

come before it (as in a snowball).



Here’s an example of a passage that builds from least important to most important. Read the passage, marking

it up as you go along. Answer the questions that follow.



There are a number of reasons why the current voting age of 18 should be lowered

to 16. First, a lower voting age in the United States would encourage other

countries to follow this example.Many countries are discussing and debating the

pros and cons of lowering the voting age, and if the United States gives 16-yearolds

the right to vote, it will serve as an important example for the rest of the


More importantly, if 16-year-olds are old enough to engage in other adult

activities, then they are old enough to vote. In many states, 16-year-olds can work,

get a driver’s license, and engage in many other adult activities that make them

mature enough to vote. If, at 16, a young person is old enough to manage the

responsibilities of work and school, then it is clear that they are responsible

enough to make informed decisions about politics and politicians.

But the most important reason why the voting age should be lowered to 16

is that it will decrease apathy and cynicism while stimulating a lifelong interest

in political participation. Many young people feel as though their opinion

doesn’t matter. By the time they reach voting age, they are often disenchanted

with politics and cynical about the entire political process. If the voting age was

lowered to 16, young people would know that their opinion does count. They

would be inspired to exercise their right to vote not just as young adults but

throughout their lives. The long-term results—a much higher percentage of

interested voters and better voter turnout—will benefit our entire nation.

In the following spaces, list the reasons the author

provides for why the voting age should be lowered in

the order in which they are listed in the passage. In the

next set of blanks, list those same reasons in their order

of importance.

Order of Presentation




Order of Importance




You see, of course, that the orders are reversed:

The author starts with what is least important and

ends with what is most important.Why? Why not the

other way around?

This author uses a least-to-most-important organizational

strategy because he is making an argument.

He’s trying to convince you that the United States

should lower the voting age to 16. In order to be convincing,

he must have a strong argument. If he starts

with what he feels is his most important (and most convincing)

point, he has already shown his hand, so to

speak. Especially when the issue is controversial, writers

often use the least-to-most-important structure.

That way, if their less important points make sense to

the reader, then their more important points will come

off even stronger. Also, if they were to organize their

ideas in the reverse order, most to least important,

readers might feel let down.

Thus, you can often expect to see this type of

structure—least to most important—in an argument.

As the saying goes, “save the best for last.” In an argument,

that’s usually where “the best” has the most


In the first example, about choosing a doctor, the

writer was not trying to convince. She was simply giving

some advice. There’s no need, then, for a buildup.

Indeed, in that kind of paragraph, readers might stop

reading after the first tip if they don’t find it helpful.

That’s why the most important ideas come first—to

make sure they’ll be read.

In other words, the writer’s purpose—his or her

motive for writing—influences the choice of organizational

patterns. In turn, the structure influences how

you take in and understand what you read.


Look at the following list of reasons to read more often.

If you were to put these reasons together in a paragraph

to convince readers that they should read more, how

would you organize them? Rank these reasons first in

order of importance and then in the order in which you

would present them.

Five Reasons to Read More Often

■ It will improve your vocabulary.

■ It will improve your reading comprehension.

■ It will increase your reading speed.

■ It will broaden your understanding of yourself and


■ It will introduce you to new information and ideas.

Order of Importance to You






Order of Presentation






In which order did you choose to present your

ideas? Most important to least important? Or least to

most? Either structure will work beautifully with these

ideas. You may want to hit your readers with what’s

most important from the start so that you make sure

you catch their attention. Or you may want to save

your best idea for last so that your readers get through

all the other ideas first and build up to the most important.

You might present the ideas differently, but here

are two versions of the resulting paragraph as examples.



Example: Most to Least Important

There are many benefits to reading more often. First

and foremost, reading more will broaden your

understanding of yourself and of other people. It will

also introduce you to new information and ideas.

Furthermore, it will improve your overall reading

comprehension so you’ll begin to understand more

of what you read. In addition, reading more will

improve your vocabulary and increase your reading


Example: Least to Most Important

There are many benefits to reading more often. First,

it will increase your reading speed, so that you can

read more in less time. Second, it will improve your

vocabulary. Third, it will improve your overall reading

comprehension, and you’ll understand more of

what you read. In addition, reading more will introduce

you to new information and ideas. Most

importantly, it will broaden your understanding of

yourself and of other people.



Notice how the transitional words and phrases are used

in these paragraphs. Go back to each paragraph and

underline the transitional words and phrases.

Here are the words you should have underlined in

the first paragraph: first and foremost, also, furthermore,

and in addition. The second paragraph uses different

transitional words and phrases: first, second, third, in

addition, and most importantly.

Main Idea

By the way, what is the main idea of the two paragraphs

above? Do you see a topic sentence? Write the

main idea of the paragraphs in this space.

You can probably recognize by now that the first

sentence in each paragraph, “There are many benefits

to reading more often,” is the topic sentence that governs

each paragraph. This sentence is general enough

to encompass each of the different reasons given, and

it makes an assertion about reading—that you should

do it more often.


Organizing ideas by order of importance is a structure

you will see often.Whether a passage is organized from

most to least important or least to most, this technique

should now be easy for you to recognize.



■ As you come across lists today, see how they are organized. Are they organized by order of importance?

If so, are the items listed from least to most important or from most to least? If the lists are not organized

hierarchically, try to organize them by their order of importance.

■ Create your own “order of importance” paragraph like the one on reasons to read more often. Some

topics you might write about are reasons for a four-day work week, reasons why your career is best,

things you need to do this week, and so forth.

Skill Building until Next Time

We spend a good deal of our lives comparing and contrasting things.Whenever we want to explain

something, for example, we often use comparison (showing how two or more things are

similar).We might say, for example, that mint chocolate chip ice cream tastes just like a York

Peppermint Pattie; or that the new manager looks just like Clint Eastwood. When we want to show how things

are different or not alike, we contrast them.We might say that York Peppermint Patties are mintier than any mint

chocolate chip ice cream; or that the new manager may look like Eastwood, but he doesn’t have Eastwood’s dimple.

L E S S O N Similarities and


Compare and



This lesson explores another organizational pattern writers often use to

structure their writing: comparison and contrast.



How Comparison and

Contrast Work

When writers compare and contrast, they provide a way

of classifying or judging the items they are discussing.

They show how two (or more) things are similar or different

when placed side by side. Consider, for example,

the following paragraph. Read it carefully, and then

answer the questions that follow.

Planting a garden is a lot like having a family. Both

require a great deal of work, especially as they grow

and as the seasons change. As summer days

lengthen, your plants become dependent on you for

sustenance,much like your children depend on you

for food and drink. Like a thirsty child asking for a

drink of water, your plants do the same. Their bent,

wilted “body” language, translated, issues a demand

much the way your child requests milk or juice.

When their collective thirsts are quenched, you see

the way they both thrive in your care. The fussy

child becomes satisfied, and the plant reaches toward

the sun in a showy display. You might also find that

you have to clean the space around your plants much

like you would pick up toys and clothes that have

been thrown helter-skelter in your toddler’s room.

Similarly, plants shed spent petals, roses need to be

pruned, and weeds need to be pulled. To keep children

healthy, parents protect their children against

disease with medicine, and gardeners do the same

with insect repellent. To nourish them, parents give

children vitamins, and gardeners use fertilizer, as

both promote healthy growth. As children grow and

become adults, they need less and less care.However,

here’s where the similarity ends.While plants die and

become dormant during winter, children still maintain

a vital role in the family unit.

Finding the Facts

1. What two things are being compared and

contrasted here?

2. In what ways are these two things similar?

(There are four similarities; list them here.)





3. In what ways are these two things different?

(There is one aspect that is different; write it



1. The two things being compared and contrasted are

a parent and a gardener.

2. Gardeners are like parents in that: a) plants are

dependent on gardeners as children are on parents;

b) plants require care from gardeners as children

do from their parents; c) gardeners tidy up after

their plants, as parents do after children; and d)

gardeners protect their plants, as parents protect

their children.

3. Gardeners are unlike parents in that their responsibility

for their plants ends when the plant dies or

goes into winter dormancy.



Finding the Main Idea

Now that you’ve answered those questions, consider

one more. Read the previous passage again, and then

answer this question:

4. What is the main idea of this passage?

Did you notice that the opening sentence, “Planting

a garden is a lot like having a family,” is the topic sentence

that expresses the main idea of this paragraph?

The paragraph does mention a difference between these

two roles, but notice that the topic sentence does not

claim that gardeners and parents are exactly alike.

Instead, it asserts that they are “a lot” alike.

Transitional Devices

As you read the paragraph about gardeners and parents,

did you notice the transitional words and phrases that

show you when the writer is comparing (showing similarity)

and when the writer is contrasting (showing difference)?

Here’s the passage once more. As you read it

this time, underline the transitional words and phrases

you find.

Planting a garden is a lot like having a family. Both

require a great deal of work, especially as they grow and

as the seasons change.As summer days lengthen, your

plants become dependent on you for sustenance,

much like your children depend on you for food and

drink. Like a thirsty child asking for a drink of water,

your plants do the same. Their bent, wilted “body”

language, translated, issues a demand much the way

your child requests milk or juice.When their collective

thirsts are quenched, you see the way they both thrive

in your care. The fussy child becomes satisfied, and the

plant reaches toward the sun in a showy display. You

might also find that you have to clean the space around

your plants much like you would pick up toys and

clothes that have been thrown helter-skelter in your

toddler’s room. Similarly, plants shed spent petals,

roses need to be pruned, and weeds need to be pulled.

To keep children healthy, parents protect their children

against disease with medicine, and gardeners do the

same with insect repellent. To nourish them, parents

give children vitamins, and gardeners use fertilizer, as

both promote healthy growth. As children grow and

become adults, they need less and less care.However,

here’s where the similarity ends.While plants die and

become dormant during winter, children still maintain

a vital role in the family unit.

There are several transitional words and phrases

writers use to show comparison and contrast. In this

paragraph, you should have underlined the following

words: much like, in the same way, similarly, and however.

These words and phrases show similarity:

These words and phrases show difference:


on the other hand




on the contrary





just as

in the same way

in a like manner






Now look more closely at the sample paragraph to

examine its structure. Exactly how is this paragraph


First, you’ve noticed that the paragraph begins

with a topic sentence that makes the initial comparison:

“Gardeners are like parents.”Then, the paragraph identifies

four ways in which gardeners are like parents:

1. Plants become dependent upon gardeners as

children do on parents.

2. Plants require care from their gardeners as children

do from parents.

3. Gardeners clean up after their plants as parents

do after children.

4. Gardeners protect plants from “dangers” as parents

protect children.

Finally, after pointing out these similarities, the

paragraph concludes by pointing out an important

difference between parents and gardeners:

1. A gardener’s responsibility for his or her plants

ends with time while a parent’s doesn’t.

Perhaps you noticed something else in the way

this paragraph is organized. Did you notice that every

time the paragraph mentions something about a parent’s

role, it also mentions something about a gardener?

Each aspect of the gardener’s role is followed by

a comparable aspect of the parent’s role. Thus, for

every aspect of “A” (the gardener), the paragraph provides

a comparable aspect of “B” (the parent) to compare

or contrast. The paragraph is therefore organized

like this: ABABABABAB.

This is called the point-by-point method of comparison

and contrast. Each aspect of A discussed is

immediately paired with that aspect of B (being

dependent, requiring care, cleaning up, and protecting).

On the other hand, some writers prefer to deal

first with all aspects of A and then with all aspects of B.

This is called the block method of comparison and contrast;

it goes AAAAABBBBB. Here is the same paragraph

arranged using the block method:

Planting a garden is a lot like having a family. A

plant becomes dependent on the gardener and

begs for water on a hot summer day. Gardeners

also have to clean up the space around their plants

as they shed spent petals, as they require pruning,

and as they become choked with weeds. Gardeners

also provide for the health of their plants

through insecticide and fertilizer applications. A

gardener’s responsibility for his or her plants

lessens as they die at the end of the season or they

go into winter dormancy.

Like a gardener, a parent finds their children

dependent upon them for food and nourishment.

Like a gardener, a parent is constantly picking up

after their children, as toys and clothes are scattered

throughout the house. Like a gardener, a parent provides

for the nourishment and well-being of their

children with vitamin supplements, food, and medicines.

However, unlike gardeners, parents will find

that their responsibility lessens as the child grows,

but it does not come to an end.

Here, the passage treats each of the things being

compared and contrasted separately—first, all aspects

of the gardener, then all aspects of the parent—rather

than one aspect of the gardener, one of the parent;

another of the gardener, another of the parent. So the

organization is quite different.

But you should notice one thing that is similar in

both passages: They compare and contrast aspects of A

and B that are comparable or parallel.When an aspect of

A is discussed, that same aspect of B (whether similar

to or different from A) must be discussed. This correspondence

of parts is essential for the compare and

contrast technique. Look what happens, for example,

when the writer does not discuss corresponding parts:



Being a parent is a lot like being a gardener. Parents

must bathe, clothe, and feed their children. Parents

must also create and maintain guidelines for acceptable

behavior for children. Also, parents must see to

it that their children get a proper education.

Gardeners nurture the plants in their gardens.

They pull weeds and prune them to encourage them

to grow. They feed them and apply insecticides.

They watch them flower and then witness their


You’ll notice that this passage seems to focus on

differences between gardeners and parents rather than

the similarities. But is this really a fair contrast? Look at

the aspects of A (the gardener) that are described here.

Do they have any relationship to the aspects of B (the

parent) that are described? No. And a compare and contrast

passage can’t be successful unless the aspects of A

and B are discussed comparably. These two paragraphs

don’t really seem to have a point—there’s no basis for

comparison between gardeners and parents.


Suppose you were going to write a paragraph that compares

and contrasts readers and detectives. The following

are five aspects of being a reader and five aspects

of being a detective listed. Only three items in each list

are comparable. Find those three items in each list and

pair them with their matching item. Remember, these

items may be either similarities or differences.What’s

important is that they are comparable aspects.

A reader:

1. Looks for clues to meaning.

2. Has many different types of books to read.

3. Can choose what book to read.

4. Builds vocabulary by reading.

5. Becomes a better reader with each book.

A detective:

1. Has a dangerous job.

2. Gets better at solving crimes with each case.

3. Requires lots of training.

4. Doesn’t get to choose which cases to work on.

5. Looks for clues to solve the crime.

Did you find the aspects that are comparable?

Did you match reader 1 with detective 5 (similarity)?

Reader 3 with detective 4 (difference)? And reader 5

with detective 2 (similarity)? If so, you did terrific work.

Here’s how this information might work together

in a paragraph:

In many ways, readers are a lot like detectives. Like

detectives looking for clues at the scene of the crime,

readers look for clues to meaning in the books that

they read. And, like detectives who get better and

better at solving crimes with each case, readers get

better and better at understanding what they read

with each book. Unfortunately for detectives, however,

they cannot choose which cases they get to

work on, whereas readers have the pleasure of choosing

which books they’d like to read.

Why Compare and Contrast?

In addition to following the ABABAB or AAABBB

structure, compare and contrast passages must, like all

other passages, have a point. There’s a reason that these

two items are being compared and contrasted; there’s

something the writer is trying to point out by putting

these two things side by side for analysis. This reason or

point is the main idea, which is often stated in a topic




The main idea of the first paragraph you looked

at in this lesson was, “Planting a garden is a lot like having

a family.” In this paragraph, you learned that the

writer sees a significant similarity between these two

roles. Likewise, in the previous paragraph, you see a significant

similarity between readers and detectives.

In both cases, you may never have thought of

making such comparisons. That’s part of the beauty of

the compare and contrast organization: It often allows

you to see things in a new and interesting way. In addition,

it serves the more practical function of showing

you how two things measure up against each other so

that you can make informed decisions, like about which

car to buy (a compare and contrast essay might tell you

which car is better) or which savings bond to invest in

(a compare and contrast essay will show you which

bond is best for you).



■ As you go through your day, compare and contrast things around you. Compare and contrast, for example,

your current job to your previous one. How are they alike? How are they different? Make sure the

two things you analyze have comparable aspects. For example, you might want to compare and contrast

the salaries, responsibilities, and benefits at both jobs.

■ As you make these comparisons, or if you notice compare and contrast passages in what you read,

practice arranging them in both point-by-point order (ABABAB) and in block order (AAABBB).

Skill Building until Next Time

For every action,” famous scientist Sir Isaac Newton said, “there is an equal and opposite reaction.”Every

action results in another action (a reaction); or, for every action, there is an effect caused by that action.

Likewise, each action is caused by a previous action. In other words, each action has a cause—

something that made it happen—and each action has an effect—something it makes happen.

■ Cause: a person or thing that makes something happen or produces an effect

■ Effect: a change produced by an action or cause

Much of what you read is an attempt to explain either the cause of some action or its effect. For example,

an author might try to explain the causes of World War I or the effect of underwater nuclear testing; the

reason behind a change in policy at work; or the effect a new computer system will have on office procedure.

Let’s take a look at how writers explaining cause or effect might organize their ideas.

L E S S O N Why Do Things


A Look at Cause

and Effect


“One thing leads to another”—that’s the principle behind cause and

effect. Understanding cause and effect, and the relationship between

them, will make you a better reader.



Distinguishing Cause from


A passage that examines cause generally answers the

question why something took place:Why was the company

restructured? Who or what made this take place?

A passage that examines effect generally answers the

question what happened after something took place:

What happened as a result of the restructuring? How

did it affect the company?


To help you distinguish between cause and effect, carefully

read following the sentences. You’ll see that cause

and effect work together; you can’t have one without

the other. That’s why it’s very important to be able to

distinguish between the two. See if you can determine

both the cause and the effect in each of the following


Example: Robin got demoted when she talked

back to the boss.

Cause: Robin talked back to the boss.

Effect: Robin got demoted.

1. Inflation has caused us to raise our prices.



2. Since we hired Joan, the office has been running




3. He realized that his car had stopped not because

it needed repair but because it ran out of gas.



4. The company’s budget crisis was created by




5. As a result of our new marketing program, sales

have doubled.




1. Cause: Inflation

Effect:We had to raise our prices.

2. Cause:We hired Joan.

Effect: Our office has been running smoothly.

3. Cause: The car ran out of gas.

Effect: The car stopped.

4. Cause: Overspending

Effect: Budget crisis

5. Cause: The new marketing program

Effect: Sales have doubled.

You were probably guided in your answers to this

exercise by the words and phrases that indicate when a

cause or effect is being examined. Here is a partial list

of such words.

Words Indicating Cause

Words Indicating Effect





as a result

because (of)


created (by)

caused (by)



When Cause and Effect Are


Notice how the signal words listed on the previous

page are used in the following paragraph.Underline the

signal words as you come across them.

Ed became a mechanic largely because of his father.

His father was always in the garage working on one

car or another, so young Ed would spend hours

watching his father work. As a result, he became

fascinated by cars at an early age.His father encouraged

him to learn about cars on his own, so Ed

began tinkering with cars himself at age eight. Consequently,

by the time he was 13, Ed could tear an

engine apart and put it back together by himself.

Since he was already so skilled, when he was 15, he

got a job as the chief mechanic at a local repair shop.

He has been there ever since.

You should have underlined the following signal

words and phrases in this paragraph: because of, so

(twice), as a result, consequently, and since.

Notice that this paragraph’s purpose—to explain

why Ed became a mechanic—is expressed in the topic

sentence, “Ed became a mechanic largely because of his

father.” This paragraph’s purpose, then, is to explain

cause, and the primary cause is Ed’s father.

You’ll notice, however, that some of the sentences

in this paragraph also deal with effect. This may seem

like a contradiction at first. After all, why would a paragraph

about cause deal with effect? But it’s not a contradiction.

That’s because there isn’t just one thing that

led to Ed’s becoming a mechanic. Although Ed’s dad

may have been the initial cause, there was still a series

of actions and reactions that occurred—a series of

causes and effects. Once A causes B, B then becomes the

cause for C.

In fact, six different sets of cause and effect are

listed in this paragraph.What are they? The first cause

is provided to get you started.

Cause 1: Ed’s father was always in the garage.

Effect 1:

Cause 2:

Effect 2:

Cause 3:

Effect 3:

Cause 4:

Effect 4:

Cause 5:

Effect 5:

Cause 6:

Effect 6:




Cause 1: Ed’s father was always in the garage.

Effect 1: Ed would spend hours watching.

Cause 2: Ed would spend hours watching.

Effect 2: Ed became fascinated by cars.

Cause 3: Ed became fascinated by cars.

Effect 3: Ed began tinkering with cars.

Cause 4: Ed began tinkering with cars.

Effect 4: Ed’s father encouraged him.

Cause 5: Ed’s father encouraged him.

Effect 5: Ed could tear an engine apart by himself.

Cause 6: Ed could tear an engine apart by himself.

Effect 6: He got a job as the chief mechanic.


When One Cause Has Several


Sometimes, one cause may have several effects: Several

things may happen as a result of one action. In the following

passage, the writer explains several effects of the

new marketing campaign:

Our new marketing campaign has been a tremendous

success. Since we’ve been advertising on the

radio, sales have increased by 35%. Our client references

have doubled, and we’ve had greater client

retention rates. Furthermore, we’ve been able to hire

five new sales representatives and expand our territory

to include the southwestern United States.

According to the paragraph, what were the effects

of the new marketing campaign?







1. Sales have increased 35%.

2. Client references have doubled.

3. Client retention rates have increased.

4. Five new sales representatives have been hired.

5. Territory has been expanded to include the


When One Effect Has Several


Just as one action can have many results, one action can

have many causes as well. The following announcement

is an example.

TO: All Commuters

FROM: The Station Management

Unfortunately, we will no longer provide an afternoon

snack concession at the train station. Although

poor sales are one of the reasons that this service will

no longer be provided, there are actually several reasons

why the concession is no longer a viable option.

In addition to poor sales, the south wall of the train

station (where the concession is located) will be

undergoing a six-month renovation that will force

the closure of the snack concession. In fact, the ticket

windows on that wall will be closed as well. Furthermore,

from this point forward, the station will

close its doors at 6 p.m. due to new town regulations,

which will cut the rush-hour commuter traffic

coming through the station in half. Finally,Mike



Alberti, the proprietor of the concession has decided

to say farewell to his concession business, and after

35 years on the job,Mike will be retiring next month.

While none of these factors on their own would

have caused the long-term closure of the concession,

combined, each makes it impossible to continue

running an afternoon snack concession for

the foreseeable future.

Why is the afternoon snack concession at the

train station being discontinued?






You should have noticed four causes in the


1. Poor sales.

2. A renovation on the side of the train station where

the concession is located.

3. Town regulations will now close the station at

6 p.m., which will decrease commuter traffic


4. The proprietor of the concession has decided to


Contributing vs. Sufficient Cause

You’ll notice that the previous announcement informs

commuters that “none of these factors on their own

would have caused the long-term closure of the concession.”

This means that each of these causes is a contributing

cause. A contributing cause helps make

something happen but can’t make that thing happen by

itself. It is only one factor that contributes to the cause.

On the opposite end of the cause spectrum is the

sufficient cause. A sufficient cause is strong enough to

make something happen by itself. Sufficient cause is

demonstrated in the following paragraph.

Dear Mr.Miller:

It has come to our attention that you have

breached your lease. When you signed your lease,

you agreed that you would leave Apartment 3A at

123 Elm Street in the same state that you found it

when you moved in. You also agreed that if the

apartment showed signs of damage upon your

departure, then we (Livingston Properties) would

not return the security deposit that you gave us at the

time you moved into the building. Upon inspection,

we have found a great deal of damage to the

appliances in the apartment as well as the wood

floors. Consequently, we will not be returning your

security deposit.

Here, you can see that there is one clear reason

why Livingston Properties will not return Mr.Miller’s

security deposit.He breached his lease by damaging the

apartment he rented from them. (If you don’t know

what breach means, you should be able to determine the

meaning from the context.)

Evaluating Opinions about

Cause and Effect

Sometimes, in a cause and effect passage, an author will

offer his or her opinion about the cause or effect of

something rather than facts about the cause or effect. In

that case, readers must judge the validity of the author’s

analysis. Are the author’s ideas logical? Does he or she

support the conclusions he or she comes to? Consider,

for example, two authors’ opinions about instituting

mandatory school uniforms.



Paragraph A

Mandatory school uniforms are a bad decision

for our district. If students are required to wear

a uniform, it will greatly inhibit their ability to

express themselves. This is a problem because dress

is one of the major ways that young people express

themselves. A school uniform policy also directly

violates the freedom of expression that all Americans

are supposed to enjoy. Consequently, young people

will doubt that their basic rights are protected, and

this will affect their larger outlook on civil liberties.

Furthermore, school uniforms will interfere with

the wearing of certain articles of religious clothing,

which will create tensions among certain religious

groups that can lead to feelings of discrimination. In

addition, school uniforms will place an undue financial

burden on many low-income families who may

not have the money to spend on new uniforms every

year, especially if they have several children. Finally,

school uniforms will negate one of the most

important concepts we can teach our children—

individuality.When push comes to shove, we’d all be

better off choosing individuality over uniformity.

Mandatory school uniforms are a step in the wrong


Paragraph B

Mandatory school uniforms will have a

tremendously positive impact on our district. If students

are required to wear a uniform, it will greatly

inhibit gang behavior since they will no longer be

able to wear gang colors. As a result, schools will

experience an overall decrease in school violence

and theft. Since violence is one of the major concerns

that parents, teachers, and students raise about our

district, this change will be welcomed with open

arms. In addition, school uniforms will instill a

much-needed sense of discipline in our student

body, and discipline is something that is, unfortunately,

in short supply in our school district. Also,

students dressed in uniforms will feel a strong sense

of community with their peers, which will lead to a

more harmonious school environment. Finally, if

students were wearing school uniforms, administrators

and teachers would no longer have to be

clothing police, freeing them to focus on more

important issues than whether someone is wearing

a dress that is too short or a T-shirt with an inappropriate

message. You can make our schools a better

place by supporting mandatory school uniforms.

What effects does the author of paragraph A think

mandatory uniforms would have?






What effects does the author of paragraph B think

mandatory uniforms would have?






You’ll notice that both authors take one cause—

mandatory school uniforms—and offer several possible

effects. Often, authors will use the cause and effect

structure to make arguments like the ones we’ve just

seen: one for and one against mandatory school uniforms.

It is up to the reader to determine whose argument

seems most valid.




Understanding cause and effect is an important skill

not only for reading comprehension, but also for your

daily life. To analyze the events happening around you,

you must be able to understand why those events

happened—what caused them. Similarly, to make decisions

or evaluate the decisions of others, you must be

able to consider the effects of a possible decision.

“Reading,” not only texts but also events and situations,

requires you to understand cause and effect.



■ As you work today, consider the effects of any recent changes in your office, such as new equipment

that’s been installed, a new system or procedure that’s been put in place, a new manager or other

employee. How will these changes affect the work place? Your job in particular? Or forecast the effect

of changes that are coming. For example, how will the upcoming layoffs affect the company?

■ Consider recent events at home or at work. What might have caused them? For example, if a coworker

just got a promotion, consider what he or she might have done to get that promotion. Or if a child is

having trouble at school, what might be causing that trouble?

Skill Building until Next Time

Like an architect designing a building, a writer must have a blueprint—a plan for how he or she will

organize the passage. So far in this section, we’ve looked at several ways that authors may organize

their information and ideas:

■ Lesson 6: Chronological order. Ideas are arranged in the order in which they occurred (or in the order in

which they should occur).

■ Lesson 7: Order of importance. Ideas are arranged in order of increasing importance (least important idea

to most important idea) or in order of decreasing importance (most important idea to least important idea).

■ Lesson 8: Compare and contrast. Ideas are arranged so that parallel aspects of item A and item B are compared

and contrasted either in block style (AAAABBBB) or point-by-point style (ABABABAB).

■ Lesson 9: Cause and effect. Ideas are arranged so that readers can see what event or series of events caused

something to take place or what effect an event or series of events had.

L E S S O N Being


Sound: Putting

It All Together


Today’s lesson pulls together what you’ve learned in Lessons 6–9 and

gives you more practice in discerning the structure of a reading





Although writers often rely on one particular structure

to organize their ideas, in many cases, writers use a

combination of these structures. For example, a writer

may want to compare and contrast the causes ofWorld

War I and those ofWorld War II; or a writer may want

to describe, in chronological order, the events that led

to (caused) the failure of the computer system. Thus,

today we will look at how writers may combine these

strategies. In addition, we’ll continue to strengthen

your reading comprehension skills by including strategies

from the first week:

■ Finding the facts

■ Determining the main idea

■ Defining vocabulary words in context

■ Distinguishing between fact and opinion

Practice Passage 1

Begin with the following paragraph. Read it carefully,

marking it up as you go. Then answer the questions

that follow.

If any of the terms or strategies on the

previous page seem unfamiliar to you,

STOP. Please take a few moments to

review whatever lesson is unclear.



There were several reasons behind our decision to move to Flemington. The first

occurred about 18 months ago when Mark and I decided to start a family. We

were living in a one-bedroom apartment and we knew that we wanted to move

into larger quarters before we had a baby. We began to look at houses. Then,

much sooner than expected, I got pregnant. Soon after that, Mark’s company

announced that they were relocating to Flemington, which was in a less expensive

part of the state, about 90 miles south of us.Mark’s company had been good

to him, and they were one of the few around with excellent benefits, familyfriendly

policies, and a child-care center on site.With a baby on the way, these

things were imperative for us. Since I ran my graphic arts business from home,

I wasn’t bound to any particular place, so we began looking at real estate in Flemington

and also did some research on their school system as well as the overall

community. We were very excited about what we found—reasonable housing

costs, great schools, and a lively town. Mark then accepted the relocation offer

and we found a beautiful old Tudor house.We’ll be moving about a month before

the baby is due. Let’s hope she doesn’t decide to come early.

1. Which two organizational strategies does this

writer use?

a. chronological order

b. order of importance

c. compare and contrast

d. cause and effect

2. Imperative means

a. trivial, unimportant.

b. luxurious, lavish.

c. pressing, crucial.

3. What prompted the initial decision to move?

4. What happened after the initial cause set things

in motion?








1. a, d. The writer tells you the causes, in the order of

which they occurred, that resulted in her move to


2. c. The sentence before the one that uses the word

imperative is describing the attractive familyfriendly

benefits that Mark’s company offers. And

since we know that the writer is pregnant, it would

make sense that these benefits would be pressing

or crucial for her, as opposed to the other two


3. The decision to begin a family sparked the initial

desire to move.

4. After the writer and her husband decided to start

a family, the following events occurred in this


a. They began to look at houses.

b. The writer got pregnant.

c. Mark’s company announced plan to relocate.

d. The couple began researching real estate,

schools, and community life in Flemington.

e. Mark accepted the relocation offer.

f. They found a house.

How did you do? Were you able to see how each

cause led to an effect, and how that effect caused something

else to happen (another effect)? If you missed any

of the questions, here’s what you should do:


Question 1 Lessons 6 and 9

Question 2 Lesson 3

Question 3 Lesson 9

Question 4 Lesson 9

Practice Passage 2

Now try the passage on the next page. Again, read it

carefully, marking it up as you go, and then answer the

questions that follow.



There are several changes in the procedure for employees who wish to apply for

vacant positions within the company. These changes make it much easier for inhouse

employees to fill vacancies that occur.

First, the most important difference is that employees will now be notified

of all available positions before the positions are advertised for the general public.

Accordingly, all in-house candidates will be interviewed before we see any outside

candidates, and we will offer the job to outside candidates only if no current

employees are able to fill the position.

Second, under the new procedure, in-house employees can be hired even

if they don’t meet all job requirements. Under our old policy, in-house employees

had to meet all job qualifications in order to obtain the vacant position.Now,

however, employees who have proven themselves dedicated to the company

will be hired for a vacant position even if they are lacking some minor qualifications;

training will be provided.

A third change involves recommendations. From now on, employees do not

need to be recommended for an in-house position before they apply. Instead,

employees may apply as soon as they are aware of the vacancy. The remaining procedures

and policies (those regarding increase in pay, interview procedure, and

hiring approval) remain the same.



5. Which two organizational strategies does this

writer use?

a. chronological order

b. order of importance

c. compare and contrast

d. cause and effect

6. The author organizes his ideas in order of

a. decreasing importance (most important to

least important).

b. increasing importance (least important to

most important).

7. Underline the sentence in this passage that

expresses the main idea.

8. The sentence you underlined is a(n)

a. fact.

b. opinion.


5. b, c. The author uses order of importance in comparing

the old procedure to the new one.

6. a. The author organizes his ideas in order of

decreasing importance. He starts with the most

important change (“First, the most important difference

is . . .”) and moves downward to the second

and third most important changes.

7. The sentence that expresses the main idea of all

four paragraphs is the second sentence in the first

paragraph: “These changes make it much easier

for in-house employees to fill vacancies.”Although

the first sentence tells us what all the paragraphs

will be about (the changes in the procedure), it is

the second sentence that expresses an opinion—

how the author feels about this subject—and

therefore, it is the main idea.

8. b. This sentence expresses an opinion, not a fact.

There have indeed been changes—that is a fact—

but whether those changes make things easier for

most employees is debatable. There may be some

things about the old procedure that we don’t know.

Perhaps, for example, they opened the job to both

in-house employees and the general public at the

same time, but they interviewed all in-house

employees first anyway. Because of our limited

information about the old procedure, we cannot

accept the idea that the change is better as fact.

If you missed some of these questions, now it’s up

to you to figure out which lessons to review.

Practice Passage 3

Now it’s your turn. In this exercise, you’ll take a paragraph

that is organized one way—by cause and effect—

and add another structure: order of importance.

Here’s what you should do: Reread the two paragraphs

about mandatory school uniforms. Decide

which author you agree with most. Then, look carefully

at the effects the author predicts.Which effect do you

think is most important? Which is least important?

Rank these effects in order of importance. Then, decide

whether you want to start with the most important

idea and end with the least important, or vice versa,

start with the least important idea and end with the

most important. Finally, put it all together in a paragraph

in the space provided.

Paragraph A

Mandatory school uniforms are a bad decision

for our district. If students are required to wear

a uniform, it will greatly inhibit their ability to

express themselves. This is a problem because dress

is one of the major ways that young people express

themselves. A school uniform policy also directly

violates the freedom of expression that all Americans

are supposed to enjoy. Consequently, young people

will doubt that their basic rights are protected, which

will affect their larger outlook on civil liberties. Furthermore,

school uniforms will interfere with the

wearing of certain articles of religious clothing, and

this will create tensions among certain religious

groups that can lead to feelings of discrimination. In

addition, school uniforms will place an undue financial

burden on many low-income families who may

not have the money to spend on new uniforms every

year, especially if they have several children. Finally,

school uniforms will negate one of the most

important concepts we can teach our children—

individuality.When push comes to shove, we’d all be

better off choosing individuality over uniformity.

Mandatory school uniforms are a step in the wrong


Paragraph B

Mandatory school uniforms will have a

tremendously positive impact on our district. If students

are required to wear a uniform, it will greatly

inhibit gang behavior since they will no longer be

able to wear gang colors. As a result, schools will

experience an overall decrease in school violence

and theft. Since violence is one of the major concerns

that parents, teachers, and students raise about our

district, this change will be welcomed with open

arms. In addition, school uniforms will instill a

much-needed sense of discipline in our student

body, and discipline is something that is, unfortunately,

in short supply in our school district. Also,

students dressed in uniforms will feel a strong sense

of community with their peers, which will lead to a

more harmonious school environment. Finally, if

students were wearing school uniforms, administrators

and teachers would no longer have to be

clothing police, freeing them to focus on more

important issues than whether someone is wearing

a dress that is too short or a T-shirt with an inappropriate

message. You can make our schools a better

place by supporting mandatory school uniforms.



1. Rank the ideas of the paragraph you have chosen

in order of their importance to you.

2. Now write a paragraph, choosing whether to put

the ideas in the order of increasing importance

or decreasing importance.



■ Look again at the passages you read in Lessons 1–5. What structures do you notice at work in those


■ As you read (and write) during the next few days, be aware of the structure of each paragraph you come

across. Try to identify the author’s strategy; try to use different strategies in your own writing.

Skill Building until Next Time



and Style

In most of the passages you have read so far, the author’s ideas and intentions have

been very clear. But what happens when they’re not? What if the writer doesn’t provide

a topic sentence that clearly expresses the main idea? Or what if the writer gives

you a poem instead of a clear-cut memorandum? How do you figure out what the author

is trying to say?

The good news is that no matter how cryptic a piece of writing may seem, the author

always leaves clues to help you figure out what he or she means. These clues can be found

in the writer’s language and style—the words used and the type of sentences in which he

or she uses them. The next four lessons, therefore, focus on four different aspects of language

and style:

■ Point of view

■ Diction

■ Style

■ Tone

You’ll learn how authors use these elements to create meaning for their readers. Then

you’ll put it all together in Lesson 15 to see how language, style, structure, and meaning

work together.

Picture this: You are walking along a tree-lined street late in the afternoon. Just ahead of you a

woman is sitting on a bench; a dog lies in the shade at her feet. You watch them and nod hello as

you walk by.

Now, picture this: You are that dog. You’re sitting in the shade under a bench next to your owner’s feet.

Suddenly, someone walks down the street in front of you. If you look up, you can see that person nod as he or

she walks by.

Although you’ve just pictured the same thing—a person walking by a woman with a dog—you’ve really

pictured two very different scenes, haven’t you? The scenario looks quite different from the dog’s point of view

than from the walker’s.

This shift in perspective happens in writing by changing the point of view. Point of view is one of the first

choices writers make when they begin to write, because it is the point of view that determines who is speaking to

the reader.

Point of view is the person or perspective through which the writer channels his or her information and ideas.

Just as we may look at a physical object from a number of different perspectives (from above it, below it, behind

it, beside it, and so on), we can look at information and ideas from different perspectives as well (mine, yours,

his or hers, the professor’s, the country’s, and so on).


A Matter of


Point of View


This lesson introduces you to the concept of point of view, one strategy writers

use to convey their meaning to readers. Aspects such as whether writers

use the more subjective I or the more objective one, whether they

address readers as you or merely refer to an anonymous they, influence how

readers understand what the writer has written.



Three Kinds of Point of View

When it comes to expressing point of view, writers can

use three distinct approaches:

■ First-person point of view is a highly individualized,

personal point of view in which the writer or

narrator speaks about his or her own feelings and

experiences directly to the reader using these pronouns:

I, me, mine; we, our, us.

■ Second-person point of view is another personal

point of view in which the writer speaks directly to

the reader, addressing the reader as you.

■ Third-person point of view is an impersonal,

objective point of view in which the perspective is

that of an outsider (a “third person”) who is not

directly involved in the action. There is no direct

reference to either the reader (second person) or

the writer (first person). The writer chooses from

these pronouns: he, him, his; she, her, hers; it, its;

and they, them, theirs.

All these points of view are available to writers,

but not all of them may be appropriate for what they’re

writing, and only one will create the exact effect a writer

desires. That’s because each approach establishes a particular

relationship between the reader and the writer.

When Writers Use First Person

Imagine you get one of the following messages from

your company’s head office:

A. The company congratulates you on the birth of

your child.

B. We congratulate you on the birth of your child.

Which message would you rather receive?

Most of us would probably prefer to receive message

B over message A. Why? What is the difference

between these two messages? Both messages use the

second-person point of view, right? They both address

the reader as “you.” But you probably noticed that the

writers chose different points of view to refer to themselves.

Message A uses the third-person point of view

(“the company”) whereas message B uses the first person

pronoun “we.”As a result, message B seems more sincere

because it comes from a person to a person rather than

from “the company” (a thing) to a person (you).

But those messages do more than just express

congratulations to the reader. They also seem to indicate

something about how the people in the head office

want to be perceived. In fact, their choice of point of

view shows whether they want to be seen as people

(“we”) or as an entity (“the company”). Read the messages

again and then decide how you think each writer

wants to be perceived.

Which message seems to tell the reader, “We can

speak directly to you because we are real people behind

this company”?

Message ______

Which message seems to tell the reader, “We have

a very formal relationship; let’s not get too personal”?

Message ______

The company that sends message A suggests to

the reader that “We have a very formal relationship; let’s

not get too close or too personal.” Message B, on the

other hand, tells the reader something more like this:

“We can speak directly to you because we are real people

behind this company.” Thus, the point of view

reflects the way the senders of the message wish to be

perceived—as a distant entity (message A) or as

friendly colleagues (message B).



Distance vs. Intimacy

Whether writers intend it or not (though they almost

always do), the third-person point of view establishes

a certain distance between the writer and the reader.

There’s no direct person-to-person contact that way

(me to you). Rather, with the third-person point of

view, someone (or something) else is speaking to the


The first-person point of view, on the other hand,

establishes a certain intimacy between the writer and

the reader. The writer uses I,my,mine, we, our, or us as

if expressing his or her own personal feelings and ideas

directly to the reader. “We congratulate you” makes

message B much more personal than message A, where

the company congratulates you.

■ First-person point of view establishes intimacy.

The writer wants to be close to the reader.

■ Third-person point of view establishes distance.

The writer wants to distance him- or herself from

the reader.

When Writers Use Third Person

In a business environment, it’s not always practical to

be personal. Though the first-person point of view

may make the reader feel close to the writer, the firstperson

point of view also implies a certain subjectivity.

That is, the writer is expressing a very personal view

from a very personal perspective.

Subjectivity vs. Objectivity

There’s nothing wrong with expressing personal views,

but in the business world, writers may not always be at

an advantage using the first-person point of view.

They’re more likely to be taken seriously when they’re

objective, presenting things from an outsider’s point of

view, than when they’re subjective, presenting things

from their own possibly selfish or biased point of view.

■ Subjective: based on the thoughts, feelings, and

experiences of the speaker or writer (first-person

point of view)

■ Objective: unaffected by the thoughts, feelings,

and experiences of the speaker or writer (thirdperson

point of view)

Thus, if you wanted to complain about a new

office policy, which of the following points of view do

you think would be more effective?

A. I think our new office policy is a failure.

B. The new office policy appears to be a failure.

Most people would agree that sentence B is more

effective. The question is, why?

1. The point of view of sentence B is more effective

than that of sentence A because

a. sentence A is too subjective.

b. sentence B is too subjective.

c. sentence A is too objective.

d. all of the above.

The answer is a. Sentence A uses the first-person

point of view, and because I is so subjective and personal,

it doesn’t carry as much weight as the objective

sentence B. In sentence B, there is no personal perspective;

someone from the outside (a third person, not

the reader or the writer) is looking at the policy and

evaluating it. The third-person point of view is almost

always considered to be more objective because the

third person is not directly involved in the action. I,

however, is directly involved in the action (the policy)

and therefore cannot have an objective opinion about

the policy’s success or failure. I’s opinion may be prejudiced

by the writer’s personal experience.

Of course, even when a writer uses third person,

he or she can still express his or her own opinion.

When that opinion is expressed in the third person,

however, it appears much more objective.



When Writers Use

Second Person

When is you an appropriate pronoun? What effect does

it create for you, the reader? You generally is used to

address the reader directly, particularly when the writer

is giving directions. Imagine, for example, that you

have registered for a financial planning class at the local

community college. Prior to the first class, you receive

the following note:

Note A

As a student in our financial planning class, you will

need several items. First, you must purchase the

book Financial Planning: The Basics by Robin Wexel.

Second, you must outline your current financial situation

by making a list of your income sources as

well as your bank accounts, investments, and retirement

plans. Finally, you should prepare a financial

wish list that documents where you would like to see

yourself financially ten years from now. You should

be as specific as possible when putting this list


Now, imagine you receive this note instead:

Note B

Students in our financial planning class will need

several items. First, they must purchase the book

Financial Planning: The Basics by Robin Wexel. Second,

they must outline their current financial situation

by making a list of income sources as well as

bank accounts, investments, and retirement plans.

Finally, they should prepare a financial wish list that

documents where they would like to see themselves

financially ten years from now. They should be as

specific as possible when putting this list together.

Which note would you rather receive? _____

Most likely you’d rather receive note A. Now,

here’s the tougher question:

2. The point of view of note A is more effective

than the point of view of note B because

a. note A feels less formal.

b. note A speaks personally to the reader.

c. note A addresses the reader as an individual.

d. all of the above.

Most people would prefer note A for all of these

reasons, so the answer is d. First of all, in note A, the

writer speaks directly to the reader (you). In note B,

the writer speaks in the third person (“students”); the

note never acknowledges that you are a student. As a

result, note B sounds more formal or official. The second-

person point of view, however, addresses you

personally. It singles you out as an individual, not as a

category (student). It is almost like note A was written

just for you.

Second Person and Audience

In fact, because note A uses the second-person point of

view, you can make certain assumptions about the

audience for this note. Reread note A and then answer

this question:

3. Note A was most likely written for

a. students considering the financial planning

class for next year.

b. instructors at the school.

c. students enrolled in the financial planning

class only.

d. all students at the community college.

Because note A uses the second-person pronoun

you, you can assume that it is written for c, only students

enrolled in the financial planning class. It must

be, because it can’t work for any other audience because

of its pronoun.



Note B, on the other hand, could be used for a

much larger audience. In fact, the note could be a

description in a course catalogue designed for all students

at the college as well as the general public. So, the

third-person point of view may have been used in note

B not to create a distance between the reader and the

writer, but to allow for a wider audience.

Writers may also use you to make readers feel as

if they are taking part in the action or ideas being

expressed in the text. For example, let’s imagine that a

writer wants to convince readers in a particular town

that a community garden is a good idea. The writer

could use the third-person point of view as in the following


Paragraph A

Imagine how wonderful it would be if local

residents had access to a community garden. Rather

than gardening in isolation, residents would come

together in an appealing designated spot to plant a

bountiful garden. They would be given a plot of

land within the large garden to plant as they see fit.

They could plant flowers, vegetables, herbs, or any

other greenery they desire. The requirement would

be that they spend at least one hour in the garden

every week and that they bring a few gardening

implements to share, such as watering cans, gardening

gloves, fertilizer, and shovels. The benefits of

a community garden would be numerous. Residents

would have access to land to garden they might not

otherwise have. They would be part of a worthwhile

and rewarding community activity that would allow

them to meet other residents who love gardening

and who might have excellent gardening skills and

hints to share. Additionally, a community garden

would be a wonderful oasis in the middle of our busy

town where residents can come to walk, sit, or just

enjoy the company of neighbors in a lush and

friendly setting.

Or, the writer could use the second-person point

of view to express the same ideas:

Paragraph B

Imagine how wonderful it would be if you had

access to a community garden. Rather than gardening

in isolation, you would come together in an

appealing designated spot to plant a bountiful garden.

You would be given a plot of land within the

large garden to plant as you see fit. You could plant

flowers, vegetables, herbs, or any other greenery you

desire. The requirement would be that you spend at

least one hour in the garden every week and that you

bring a few gardening implements to share, such as

watering cans, gardening gloves, fertilizer, and shovels.

The benefits of a community garden would be

numerous. You would have access to land to garden

you might not otherwise have. You would be part of

a worthwhile and rewarding community activity

that would allow you to meet other residents who

love gardening and who might have excellent gardening

skills and hints to share. Additionally, a community

garden would be a wonderful oasis in the

middle of our busy town where you can come to

walk, sit, or just enjoy the company of neighbors in

a lush and friendly setting.

Did you notice the differences between the paragraphs?

What pronouns does each paragraph use?

4. Paragraph A uses

a. first-person pronouns (I, we).

b. second-person pronouns (you).

c. third-person pronouns (he, she, they).

5. Paragraph B uses

a. first-person pronouns (I, we).

b. second-person pronouns (you).

c. third-person pronouns (he, she, they).



Paragraph A uses the third person (c), while paragraph

B uses the second person (b). Now, which paragraph

do you find more convincing? Most people

would be more convinced by paragraph B.Why?

6. Paragraph B seems more convincing because

a. you puts the readers into the action of the


b. you makes readers pay more attention.

c. you makes readers imagine themselves in that


d. all of the above.

The second-person point of view does all of these

things (d), and that’s why it is often more convincing

than the other points of view. The second-person point

of view puts you, the reader, directly into the situation.

As soon as you read that word you, you start to pay

extra attention because the writer is addressing you

directly. And you can’t help but imagine yourself enjoying

the benefits of a community garden because the

writer puts you in each scenario. The writer of this

paragraph knows that if you imagine yourself in these

situations, you are much more likely to see the benefits

of a community garden.


You can see by now how important point of view is in

writing, for each point of view creates a certain effect.

Sometimes, it brings the reader and the writer closer

together; sometimes, it pushes them apart. Sometimes,

it makes an argument more convincing

through third-person objectivity; sometimes, an argument

is more convincing through second-person

involvement; and sometimes, it’s more convincing

through first-person intimacy. Writers choose their

point of view carefully in order to create a certain

relationship both with their ideas and with the reader.



■ Imagine you have an argument with someone. Tell the story of the argument, first from your point of view

using the first-person pronoun. Then, tell the story from the other person’s point of view, again using

the first-person pronoun. Finally, tell the story from an outsider’s point of view using the third-person

pronoun. Notice how the story changes when the point of view changes, and notice how both firstperson

accounts will be subjective, while the third-person account is objective.

■ Take a memo or letter you received at work. If the information addresses you in the second person you,

change it to a third-person point of view (employees, managers, clients). Or, if the writer uses the firstperson

point of view (I or we), change that to the third-person point of view to eliminate the subjectivity.

Skill Building until Next Time

What made Sherlock Holmes such a good detective? Was he just much smarter than everyone else?

Did he have some sort of magical powers? Could he somehow see into the future or into the

past? No, Sherlock Holmes was no medium or magician. So what was his secret?

His powers of observation.

You may recall that the introduction to this book talked about active reading. As an active reader, you should

have been marking up the passages you’ve read in this book: identifying unfamiliar vocabulary, underlining key

words and ideas, and recording your reactions and questions in the margin. But there’s another part of active reading

we haven’t talked about: making observations.



What’s in a



Today’s lesson focuses on diction, the words writers choose to convey

their meaning. The smallest change in choice of words can significantly

change the tone and meaning of a passage. Today’s lesson

shows you how to pick up on the clues to meaning writers give through

their choice of words.



Making Observations

Making observations means looking carefully at the

text and noticing specific things about how it is written.

You might notice, for example, the point of view the

author has chosen. You could also notice:

■ Particular words and phrases the writer uses

■ The way those words and phrases are arranged in

sentences and paragraphs

■ Repeated word or sentence patterns

■ Important details about people, places, and things

When you make observations, you can then make

valid inferences. As a matter of fact, you did this in Lesson

11 when you made assumptions about how the

writer wanted to be perceived based on the point of

view he or she used.

Observations and Inferences

Inferences, as you may recall, are conclusions based

on reason, fact, or evidence. Good inferences come

from good observations. The observations are the evidence

for the inferences. Good inferences—ones based

on careful observation—can help you determine

meaning, as they helped Sherlock Holmes solve crimes.

To be better readers, then, we need to be more like

Sherlock Holmes:We need to be better observers. In the

story “The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier,” Sherlock

Holmes tells a client: “I see no more than you, but

I have trained myself to notice what I see.”You don’t have

to be Einstein to be a good reader; you just have to train

yourself to notice what you see.

Observing Diction

Test your observation skills on these two sentences:

A.The town’s new parking policy, which goes into

effect on Monday, should significantly reduce

traffic congestion on Main Street.

B. The town’s draconian new parking policy, which

goes into effect on Monday, should significantly

reduce traffic congestion on Main Street.

You don’t need Sherlock Holmes’s magnifying

glass to see the difference between sentence A and sentence

B: B uses the words draconian and new to describe

the parking policy, while A uses only new. (Go back to

Lesson 3 if you’ve forgotten what draconian means.)

Now that you have noticed this, why is it important?

1. What does sentence B tell you that sentence A


a. what type of policy is being discussed

b. how the writer feels about the policy

c. when the policy begins

The answer is b. Both sentences tell you that the

policy is a new parking policy, and both say that the

policy goes into effect on Monday. But sentence B,

because it adds the word draconian, tells you how the

writer feels about the new policy:He doesn’t like it.His

opinion is implied through his choice of the word draconian.

Rather than directly saying, “I think the policy

is very severe,” the writer suggests or implies that this is

the way he feels.



Denotation and Connotation

Now, suppose sentence A also had another adjective to

describe the new policy:

A.The town’s firm new parking policy, which goes

into effect on Monday, should significantly

reduce traffic congestion on Main Street.

B. The town’s draconian new parking policy, which

goes into effect on Monday, should significantly

reduce traffic congestion on Main Street.

Do the two sentences now mean the same thing?

Yes and no. Both firm and draconian suggest that the

policy is strict, but each word has a specific implication

or suggested meaning about how strict that policy is. A

firm policy is not as strict as a draconian policy. Furthermore,

draconian suggests that the policy is not only

strict but unfairly or unreasonably so.

So, the words writers choose, even though they

may mean the same thing when you look them up in

the dictionary, actually have another level of meaning.

This is called their connotation. Connotation is the

implied meaning, the meaning that evolves when the

dictionary definition (denotation) develops an emotional

or social register or a suggestion of degree. The

specific words writers choose—their diction or word

choice—can therefore reveal a great deal about how

authors feel about their subjects.

How Diction Influences


Put your powers of observation to work on the following

sentences. Read them carefully and then write down

what you notice about each writer’s specific choice of

words. See if you can use the writers’ diction to determine

what they are inferring about the seriousness of

the situation they are describing:

A.The political parties are meeting with the hopes

of clearing up their differences.

B. The political parties have entered into negotiations

in an attempt to resolve their conflict.

Both sentences convey the same information:

Two parties are meeting because they have a disagreement

of some sort to address. But the differences in the

diction of each sentence tell us that these two situations

aren’t exactly the same—or at least that the two writers

have different perceptions about the situations.

What differences did you notice between these two

sentences? List them below (an example has been provided

to get you started):

Your Observations:

Example: I noticed that sentence A says the political

parties are “meeting,” whereas sentence B says they

“have entered into negotiations.”

Diction: the particular words chosen

and used by the author

Denotation: exact or dictionary meaning

Connotation: implied or suggested meaning



Now that you’ve listed your observations, answer

this question: In which sentence do you think the situation

is more serious, and why do you think so? (The

why is especially important.)

The difference in word choice should tell you that

sentence B describes the more serious situation. Here

are some of the observations you might have made

about the writers’ diction that would have told you so:

■ The political parties in sentence B are not just

“meeting,” they’ve “entered into negotiations.”

This phrase is often used to describe disagreements

between warring parties. And “negotiations”

are much more formal than “meetings,”

suggesting that there is a serious difference to be

resolved in sentence B.

■ Whereas in sentence A they are ironing things out,

the parties in sentence B only “attempt to” resolve

the problems. This important difference suggests

that the problem between the parties in sentence A

is not that serious—the problem is likely to be

resolved. In sentence B, on the other hand, “in an

attempt” suggests that the problem is quite serious

and that it will be difficult to resolve; the outlook

is doubtful rather than hopeful.

■ In sentence A, the parties are seeking to “clear up

their differences,”whereas in sentence B, the parties

want to “resolve their conflict.” The phrase

“clear up” suggests that there is merely some sort

of confusion between the two. However, “resolve”

suggests that there is a matter that must be solved

or settled. And, of course, “conflict” indicates a

more serious problem than “differences.”

Reading between the Lines

Looking at diction can be especially helpful when the

writer’s main idea isn’t quite clear. For example, in the

following paragraph—an excerpt from a letter of recommendation—

the author doesn’t provide a topic

sentence that expresses the main idea. Instead, you

must use your powers of observation to answer the

question about how the author feels about the

described employee.

Paragraph A

Nicole Bryan usually completes her work on

time and checks it carefully. She is a competent lab

technician and is familiar with several ways to evaluate

test results. She has some knowledge of the latest

medical research, which has been helpful.

2. What message does the writer of paragraph A

convey about Nicole Bryan?

a. Nicole Bryan is an exceptional employee. Hire

her immediately!

b. Nicole Bryan is an average employee. She

doesn’t do outstanding work, but she won’t

give you any trouble.

c. Nicole Bryan is a lousy worker. Don’t even

think about hiring her.

To answer this question, you made an inference.

Now, support your inference with specific observations

about the language in this paragraph.Why do you

think your answer is correct? (An example has been

provided to get you started.)



Your Observations and Inferences:

Example: I noticed that the writer says Nicole Bryan

“usually” completes her work on time (observation),

which suggests that Nicole Bryan is good but not perfect;

she doesn’t always get her work done on schedule


The diction of the paragraph best supports

answer b: The writer feels that “Nicole Bryan is an

average employee. She doesn’t do outstanding work,

but she won’t give you any trouble.” You might have

supported this inference with observations like these:

■ The writer uses the word usually in the first sentence,

which means that Nicole Bryan is good, but

not great; she doesn’t always meet deadlines.

■ The writer describes Nicole Bryan as a “competent”

lab technician. This tells us that Nicole Bryan

does her work well enough for the position, but

she is not exceptional. She could be better.

■ The writer tells us that Nicole Bryan is “familiar

with” several ways to evaluate test results. This

means that she can do her work using those evaluation

techniques, but she is no expert and does not

know all there is to know about evaluating test


■ The writer tells us that Nicole Bryan has “some

knowledge of the latest medical research,” which

tells us that Nicole Bryan knows a little, but not a

lot; again, she’s better than someone who knows

nothing, but she’s no expert.

Now, take a look at a revised letter of recommendation.

The diction (the word choice) has been

changed so that the paragraph sends a different message.

Read the paragraph carefully and determine how

the writer feels about Nicole Bryan:

Paragraph B

Nicole Bryan always submits her work

promptly and checks it judiciously. She is an excellent

lab technician and has mastered several ways to

evaluate test results. She has an extensive knowledge

of the latest medical research, which has been


3. What message does the writer of paragraph B

convey about Nicole Bryan?

a. Nicole Bryan is an exceptional employee. Hire

her immediately!

b. Nicole Bryan is an average employee. She

doesn’t do outstanding work, but she won’t

give you any trouble.

c. Nicole Bryan is a lousy worker. Don’t even

think about hiring her.

This time you should have chosen answer a. The

change in diction tells you that this writer thinks Nicole

Bryan is a fantastic employee. To ensure the difference

in word choice is clear, write the words used in paragraph

B to replace the words in paragraph A. The first

replacement has been filled in to get you started.


usually always



is familiar with

some knowledge






■ Think about how you choose the words you use when you speak to people. Do you use different types

of words for different people? Do you think carefully about what you say and which words you will use?

How much are you aware of your own diction?

■ Notice how much the meaning of a sentence can change when a single word is altered. Form a simple

sentence, like: “Experts say the economy is unhealthy.” Now, replace “unhealthy” with synonyms

that have slightly different connotations, like: sick, feeble, ill, dying, under the weather, feverish, infected.

Each word will express a slightly different attitude about your subject to the reader. Insert each of these

words into your sentence and see how much the meaning is altered. (This exercise will work well if

you choose words, like rich, tired, happy, or sad, that have many synonyms with a wide range of


Skill Building until Next Time


Just as Sherlock Holmes learned to notice what he saw

when he arrived at the scene of a crime, you can also

learn to notice what you see when you look carefully at

a piece of writing. By noticing the specific words a

writer has chosen to use, you can help ensure that you

fully comprehend the writer’s message.

Style?” you ask. “What does style have to do with reading comprehension?”

Actually, style has a good deal to do with reading comprehension. Just as writers use different

structures to organize their ideas and information, they also use different styles to express their ideas

and information. Thus, the more aware you are of the elements of style, the more successfully you can determine

a writer’s purpose and understand his or her ideas.

Style is also important because it is often what attracts us to, or repels us from, certain writers or types of

writing. Though an awareness of style might not make us change our taste, it can at least help us appreciate different

writers and different styles.

L E S S O N Style:

It’s Not What

They Say but

How They Say It


How a writer puts words together to express meaning is as important

as what the writer says. This lesson shows you how to analyze the style

of a piece of writing in order to get a better understanding of what the

writer means.



What Is Style?

Style, in writing, generally consists of three elements:

1. Sentence structure

2. Degree of detail and description

3. Degree of formality

Diction is also an aspect of style, but because diction

is so essential to meaning, it had its own lesson in

this book.

Sentence Structure

Looking at sentence structure means looking at the

type of sentences the writer has used. Are they short,

simple sentences? Or are they long and complex, with

a lot of clauses and phrases? Or does the writer use a

mix? Does every sentence sound the same, or is there

variety in the word order and structure? Is the complexity

or simplicity of the sentences at the right level

for the readers?

Read the following sentences and then answer

the questions that describe their sentence structure.

A. The meeting began.Mr. Thomas described the

policy. Then, Mr. Underwood spoke in favor

of it. Afterward, Ms. Villegas spoke against it.

B. After the meeting, when everyone had already

left the room, Ms. Villegas stayed behind to

speak with Mr. Thomas. She carefully

explained her position on the new policy,

hoping she’d get him to change his mind.

1. Which version uses simple sentences?

a. version A

b. version B

2. Which version uses the same sentence structure


a. version A

b. version B

3. Which version uses complex sentences?

a. version A

b. version B

4. Which version varies the sentence structures,

using different kinds of sentences?

a. version A

b. version B

You probably noticed that version A is the one

that uses simple sentences with essentially the same

sentence structure throughout. (You might also have

noticed that these sentences sound rather dull because

they are so simple and unvaried.) In version B, the

sentences are far more complex with more variation

in their structure.

Degree of Detail and Description

When you look at degree of detail and description, ask

two things:

1. How specific is the author? Does he write “dog”

(general) or “Labrador retriever” (specific

detail)? Does she write “some” (general) or

“three and a half pounds” (specific detail)?

2. How much description does the author provide?

Does he write “Mr. B is my manager” (nondescriptive)

or “Mr. B, my manager, is a tall man

with piercing eyes and a mustache” (descriptive)?

Or, does he go even further: “Mr. B, my manager,

is six foot ten with eyes that pierce like knives

and a mustache like Hitler’s” (very descriptive)?

Try your hand at deciding whether words are specific

and descriptive or general and nondescriptive.

Style: a distinctive way of writing or speaking

or doing something; the manner in which

something is done



5. Which of the following word(s) or phrases are

more specific and descriptive? Underline them.

Which words or phrases are more general and

nondescriptive? Circle them.

a. car

b. red 1968 Ford

c. on the corner of 58th and Broadway

d. on the corner

As you could probably tell, answers b and c are the

more specific and descriptive ones, while answers a

and d are more general and nondescriptive.

Degree of Formality

The degree of formality of a piece of writing has to do

with how formal or casual the writer’s language is. For

example, does the writer use slang as if speaking to a

friend, or jargon (specific, technical language) as if

speaking to colleagues? Does the writer address the

reader by his or her first name (casual), or by his or her

title (formal)?

6. Which sentences are more informal? Underline

them.Which are more formal? Circle them.

a. Let’s get together after work on Thursday.

b. We kindly request that you join us for a social

gathering at the close of business on Thursday.

c. These figures indicate the sales have increased


d. Sales are up!

Chances are that you didn’t have much trouble

deciding that sentences a and d are more informal and

sentences b and c are more formal.

How the Three Elements of

Style Work Together

Look at how these three elements of style work together

in the following two letters. Both convey essentially

the same information, but they are written in radically

different styles. Read the letters carefully and then list

your observations.What do you notice that’s different

between these two letters?

Letter A


Listen, a while ago, I ordered some invitations

from your website. I haven’t gotten them yet.What

happened? Where are they? Find out! I need them!


Letter B

Dear Ms.Mirabella:

Three weeks ago, on April 14, I rush ordered

two boxes of personalized party invitations from

your website (Order #123456). To date, I have not

received my order. Please look into this matter

immediately as I am in dire need of this product.


Ms. Lindsey

What did you notice about these two letters? How

are they different? Consider sentence structure, degree

of description and detail, and degree of formality. List

your observations in the space below (an example has

been provided to get you started):

Your Observations:

Example: I notice that letter A addresses the reader as

“Lucy,” whereas letter B addresses her as “Ms.




Now, answer the following questions:

7. Which letter is more formal?

a. letter A

b. letter B

8. Which letter seems to have been written by

someone who knows the recipient well?

a. letter A

b. letter B

9. In which letter is the sentence structure more


a. letter A

b. letter B

10. Which letter is more descriptive and detailed?

a. letter A

b. letter B

You probably noticed immediately the difference

in degree of formality between these two letters. Letter

A is written in a very casual style, as if the writer knows

the reader very well and therefore does not need to use

a professional approach. Our first clue to this casual

relationship is the way the letter is addressed. Letter A

addresses the reader as “Lucy,” while letter B begins

with a formal “Dear Ms. Mirabella.” The same difference

can be seen in the closing of the letters: “Isabel” vs.

“Sincerely, Ms. Lindsey.”

The (in)formality of each relationship is also

reflected in the sentence structure and degree of

description and detail. You probably noticed, for example,

that letter A uses short, choppy sentences, and

exclamation points, which make the letter sound less

formal, more urgent, and more demanding. The writer

also uses casual words like “listen” so that the writing

sounds conversational. On the other hand, letter B uses

longer, more complex sentences to make the letter

sound more formal and sophisticated.

At the same time, you probably noticed that letter

A does not provide the kind of specific information

that letter B does. Letter A tells us the writer placed an

order for “some invitations” “a while ago,” but letter B

tells us the order was placed “three weeks ago, on April

14”and that the order was for “two boxes of personalized

party invitations.” The fact that letter A does not provide

specific details is further evidence that the reader

knows the writer very well, for the writer doesn’t have to

provide specific details. Furthermore, in letter A, the

writer uses a command—“Find out!”—whereas in

letter B, the writer asks, rather than demands, that the

matter be looked into. This politeness reflects a professional

distance between writer and reader.

In business, as in most writing, the audience usually

determines the writer’s style. The writer of letter A

is probably capable of writing in the style of letter B, but

because she has a casual relationship with her reader,

she doesn’t need to use a formal style.

The Effect of Description

and Detail

In business, what some people call “flowery” style—lots

of description and detail—is almost never appropriate.

Why? Because in business, as they say, “time is money,”

so readers don’t want to spend time reading lengthy

descriptions or extensive detail. They just want the

facts: when the meeting will be held and where; what

the new product is designed to do and how much it

costs; how the new training manual is coming along. In

most cases, the more straightforward, the better.

Other times, however, when they want readers to

imagine a situation or to experience something through

language, writers need a “flowery” style. That is, they

need a high degree of description and detail. The following

two paragraphs show the difference. Both

describe the same appointment, but in two very different

styles. One is written in a style appropriate to

business and only records the facts. The other describes

the meeting in a style appropriate for general readers

interested in the feelings of the people involved.



Paragraph A

Yesterday at 10:00 A.M., Mark Spencer held a

press conference. Eleanor Cartwright was present as

well. Mr. Spencer talked about upcoming events at

the Smithfield Museum of Art, where he is Director.

Then he announced that Eleanor Cartwright had

just been appointed Director of Development. This

new position was created due to the planned building

of a new wing, which will house the significant

art collection that was donated to The Smithfield

Museum last year. Mr. Spencer outlined Ms.

Cartwright’s qualifications and introduced her to

the press. She discussed plans for the new wing, and

she also took several questions from reporters before

the press conference ended.

Paragraph B

Yesterday at 10:00 A.M.,Mark Spencer, the popular

Director of the Smithfield Museum of Art, held

a press conference. The room was buzzing with

reporters as Mr. Spencer took the podium. Standing

to his right was a striking woman with a crimson

suit. Mr. Spencer first discussed the soon-to-belaunched

artist-in-residence program as well as the

upcoming annual fundraising dinner, which has

been the hottest ticket in town ever since Mr.

Spencer came to the Smithfield.

The room was thick with curiosity as Mr.

Spencer turned toward the mysterious woman and

invited her to join him at the podium. Mr. Spencer

then spoke in an excited and genuine tone, “I’m

delighted to introduce to you, the new Director of

Development of the Smithfield Museum, Ms.

Eleanor Cartwright.” Mr. Spencer explained that

this position was created due to the building of the

new wing, for which construction is scheduled to

start soon. The wing will house the impressive and

significant art collection of Mr. and Mrs. Martin

Buckner, which was donated to the museum last

year.Mr. Spencer listed Ms. Cartwright’s impressive

credentials as the reporters hung on every word.

Finally,Ms. Cartwright took the podium and wowed

everyone with details about the new wing. She also

took several questions. By the time she was done,

everyone in attendance was charmed by her wit and

sophistication and they left the room convinced that

the Smithfield Museum, once barely known, was

truly becoming a major force in the art world.

Now, write down your observations about these

two paragraphs below.How are these two versions different?

What did you notice about the sentence structure?

About the degree of description and detail? About

the degree of formality?

Your Observations:

Example: I noticed that version B is almost twice as

long as version A.

Now, use your observations to answer the

following questions:

11. Which version tells you more about Mark


a. paragraph A

b. paragraph B

12. Which version tells you more about Eleanor


a. paragraph A

b. paragraph B



13. Which version is more objective?

a. paragraph A

b. paragraph B

14. Which version makes you feel excited about

Eleanor Cartwright’s appointment?

a. paragraph A

b. paragraph B

You noticed, of course, that paragraph B is much

more descriptive than paragraph A—it tells you more

about both Mark Spencer and Eleanor Cartwright.

Paragraph A just provides the facts—specific details,

but no description. Paragraph A is very objective. We

do not learn anything about Mark Spencer other than

his job title. For example, we don’t know how people

feel about him. In paragraph A, we also learn very little

about Eleanor Cartwright other than her new job.

We don’t know what she looks like or how people in the

room respond to her.

Paragraph B, however, tells us about Mark

Spencer’s reputation (“popular” and responsible for

making the annual fundraising dinner “the hottest

ticket in town”). Paragraph B also provides many details

about Eleanor Cartwright (“striking woman with a

crimson suit,” “impressive credentials”).We also learn

a good deal about the general tone of the room and how

this announcement was received (“the room was

buzzing,” “reporters hung on her every word,” “they left

the room convinced that the Smithfield Museum, once

barely known, was truly becoming a major force in the

art world”). All these details help us feel something

about the announcement and the people involved

because the characters and the situation are presented

visually; we can almost see what happens.


Style, as you can see, is an important aspect of reading

comprehension. It can tell us about the writer’s relationship

to the reader; it can distance us with its objectivity

or draw us in with its description and detail. As

readers, we tend to react strongly to style, often without

knowing why. But now you do know why, and you

can use that knowledge to help you understand what

you read.



■ As you come across sentences or paragraphs written in different styles, see how they would sound if

the style were altered. Change the level of formality, the degree of description and detail, or the sentence

structure to create a new style.

■ Do you have a favorite author? Take a second look at a particularly memorable work by this author, paying

close attention to the style elements at work. If you are a Jane Austen fan, pick out features that

make her novels enjoyable for you. Do you like her degree of formality, the way she uses detail to

describe fancy parties, or the way she varies her sentence structure? After you’ve taken a close look

at this work, try your own hand at it. Can you write a letter to a friend in the same style that Jane Austen

would have? How about Ernest Hemingway or Stephen King?

Skill Building until Next Time

Say this word out loud: “Sure.”

How did you say it? Did you say it with a smile, as in “Sure, anytime”? Or did you say it flatly,

as if responding to a command? Or did you stretch the word out, “Suuuurre,” as if you didn’t believe

what someone just said? Or did you ask it, as in, “Are you sure this is okay?”

Perhaps you didn’t realize there were so many ways to say this one single word, “sure.” But there are.Why?

The word itself isn’t different; its denotation (dictionary meaning) isn’t different; so how can the same word express

so many different things?

The difference in the meaning of all these sures comes from the tone—how you say the word, and thus how

your listeners will feel when they hear you say it.


How They Say It,

Part Two: Tone


The way you perceive a person’s tone of voice has a great deal to do

with how you understand what that person is saying. The same is true

of tone in writing; it’s vital to pick up on clues to tone in order to understand

a written piece fully. This lesson shows you how.



When you speak and listen, you can hear the tone

of your voice as well as the tone of the person to whom

you are speaking. But how do you catch tone in writing?

How do you know how the writer wants his or her

words to sound? “Sure”by itself doesn’t tell us whether

you should whisper or shout it. You need to look at the

context surrounding that word to find clues about the

proper tone to use.

Think about how tone is created in speech.When

you say “sure,” the tone changes according to how

loudly or softly you say the word and how slowly or

quickly you say it. Tone is also conveyed (or supported)

by the speaker’s expressions and body language. In

writing, of course, you do not have these visual

resources, but you do have plenty of clues to help you

determine tone. Those clues come from the elements of

language and style that you’ve studied so far: point of

view, diction, and style.

How Tone Influences Meaning

It may help you to think of a sentence as a collection of

ingredients (words and phrases) that result in a dish

(idea). These elements of language and style are like the

spices that you need to give that sentence a certain flavor.

Different spices will result in a different flavor


Look at the following two letters. Both convey

essentially the same information, but they have two

rather different tones.

Letter A

Dear Client:

Thank you for your letter. We will take your

suggestion into consideration. We appreciate your


Letter B

Dear Valued Customer:

Thank you for your recent letter regarding our

refund policy and procedure. We are taking your

suggestion quite seriously and truly appreciate your


Which of these letters has a more positive tone? As

you can see, letter B is more positive. Why? What do

you notice about letter B that is different from letter A?

List your observations below:

Example: I noticed that letter A is addressed “Dear

Client,” while letter B is addressed “Dear Valued


Perhaps you noticed that letter B uses key words

like “valued customer” and “truly appreciate.” Letter B

also refers to the specific contents of the reader’s letter,

thus letting the reader know that his or her letter has

been read. Furthermore, letter B tells the reader not just

that the company “will take your suggestion into

consideration”—which sounds a bit like an empty

promise—but that the writers are taking the suggestion

“quite seriously.”

You may also notice that the sentences in letter B

are longer than those in letter A, whose sentences are

shorter and somewhat choppy. If you read those short

sentences out loud, how do they sound? They’re not

very inviting, are they? They sound somewhat mechanical

and empty of any feeling.

Tone: the mood or attitude conveyed by words or




Use your observations to answer the following


1. The tone of letter A is best classified as

a. sincere.

b. complimentary.

c. indifferent.

Choice c, indifferent, best describes the tone of

letter A. There is no indication that the writers of letter

A have actually read their client’s letter, so there’s no

indication that they plan to take the client’s suggestion

seriously. They are indifferent to it. Also, the sentence

structure indicates that the writers have not put much

thought into writing this letter; as a result, the sentences

sound abrupt and even unappreciative.

2. The tone of letter B is best classified as

a. cheerful.

b. sincere.

c. apologetic.

In contrast to letter A, the writers of letter B are

b, sincere. They know exactly what their customer

wrote about—there’s the importance of specific details

again! They’ve also taken the time to individualize the

letter; and they’ve added words that show they value

their customer and their customer’s feedback.

Varieties of Tone

Just as there are endless varieties of tone when we

speak, there are endless varieties of tone in writing.

Here’s a short list of some of the more common

words used to describe a writer’s tone:

If any of these terms are unfamiliar to you, please

look them up in a dictionary now.


Now look at several sentences and paragraphs to see if

you can correctly identify their tone. As you read them,

think of how the paragraphs sound. You may even

want to read them out loud.With what kind of voice do

you read? What’s your tone? Use your instincts, as well

as your observations, to choose the correct tone for

each paragraph. Answers and explanations come

immediately after the practice paragraphs.

3. I think the theme of this novel probably has

something to do with revenge.

a. playful

b. uncertain

c. cheerful

4. Without a doubt, the theme of this novel is


a. gloomy

b. disrespectful

c. authoritative























5. Your essay? Oh, it was just fabulous. Really, I’ve

never seen anything like it.

a. insincere

b. critical

c. disrespectful

6. This is one of the best essays I’ve ever seen. It’s

clear, concise, and convincing.

a. complimentary

b. wistful

c. hopeful

7. Bill had stayed up all night preparing for this

presentation. He had everything ready: charts,

graphs, lists, statistics. This was the biggest meeting

of his career. He was ready. He smiled as the

cab pulled up to 505 Park Avenue, and he gave the

taxi driver an extra large tip. He entered the building

confidently and pushed #11 on the elevator.

Suddenly, as the doors of the elevator closed, he

realized that he had left his briefcase in the cab.

a. cheerful

b. ironic

c. critical


3. b. The writer is obviously afraid to be authoritative

and uses phrases like “I think,” “probably,”

and “something to do with” to reflect

this uncertainty.

4. c. The writer is clearly comfortable in making a

definitive statement. There is no hesitation in

the tone here. Instead of suggesting, the writer

declares: “Without a doubt…”

5. a. Because of the opening question and because

the next sentences are so vague, a reader can

assume that the writer either hasn’t read the

essay or didn’t like it. Also, “really” indicates

that the writer is afraid the reader won’t be

convinced by the statement, so he tries to

emphasize it. Furthermore, “I’ve never

seen anything like it” isn’t necessarily a

compliment—it could really mean many

different things, not all of them good.

6. a. Unlike question 5, this paragraph really is

complimentary. The writer specifies three

things that make the reader’s essay exceptional:

It’s “clear, concise and convincing.”

The use of more specific adjectives makes this

writer’s praise seem sincere.

7. b. Irony is the mood created when things happen

in a manner that is opposite of what was

expected to happen. Here, Bill had prepared

diligently for the big meeting and had everything

ready. But contrary to his expectations

of having a very successful presentation, he

had no presentation at all because he left his

materials in the taxi cab. The irony is heightened

by his confidence.


An ability to determine tone is an essential component

of reading comprehension. Often, writers will let

their tone convey their meaning, so you need to look

carefully for clues in the writer’s language and style to

determine how writers want their words to sound.



■ Listen carefully to people today and notice how much you depend on tone to determine exactly what

people mean when they speak to you. Notice also how you use tone to convey meaning when you speak

to other people.

■ Go back to the practice exercise where you identified the tone of those five passages. Try changing the

tone of some of those passages.

Skill Building until Next Time

You’ve learned a lot this week about language and how much it affects meaning. Before you add this

knowledge to the knowledge you already have about structure and the basics of reading comprehension,

take a minute for a brief review of the last four lessons. It’s always a good idea to stop and

review material you’ve learned before you go on to new material.

Review: Language and Style

Point of view is the perspective from which the writer speaks. Sometimes, writers use the first-person point of view

(I, me,my, we, our, us) to express their personal feelings and experiences directly to the reader. This point of view

creates a sense of intimacy between the reader and the writer because it expresses an extremely subjective perspective.

When writers use the second-person point of view, they address the reader directly by using the pronoun

you. This point of view is often used to give directions and to make the reader feel directly involved in the action

described by the writer. The third-person point of view is the objective perspective of a “third person,” someone

who is not directly involved in the action or ideas expressed in the passage. This point of view establishes a dis-


Word Power:

Putting It All



This lesson pulls together what you’ve learned in Lessons 11–14, as

well as in previous lessons. It shows you how to use point of view, diction,

style, and tone to understand what a writer means.



tance between the reader and writer and uses the pronouns

he, his, him; she, hers, her; it, its; and they, them,

and their.

Diction refers to the specific words chosen by the

author to express his or her ideas. Because words have

both a denotation (exact or dictionary meaning) and a

connotation (implied or suggested meaning), as well as

an emotional register, the words an author chooses are

very significant. Authors, like politicians, must choose

their words carefully to express exactly the right idea

with exactly the right impact.

Style is the manner in which the writers express

their ideas in writing. Style is composed of three main

elements: sentence structure, degree of description and

detail, and degree of formality. Some writers use a very

formal style; others may write in a casual style. Certain

styles are best for particular audiences or purposes.

For example, a high degree of formality with specific

details but without any unneccessary description would

be appropriate for business, where time is money and

writers should get to the point as quickly as possible.

Finally, tone is the mood or attitude conveyed by

the writing. Tone is created by a combination of point

of view, diction, and style. Tone is extremely important

in determining meaning because as we noted, a word

as simple as “sure” can have many different meanings

depending upon the tone in which it is said. To determine

the tone, you have to look for clues as to how the

writer wants his or her words to sound.


In today’s practice, you’ll combine these aspects of language

with everything else you’ve learned in this book

about reading comprehension:

■ Finding the facts

■ Determining the main idea

■ Determining vocabulary meaning through context

■ Distinguishing facts and opinions

■ Chronological order

■ Cause and effect

■ Compare and contrast

■ Order of importance

Practice Passage 1

Begin with a paragraph someone might see in a local

newspaper: a profile of a town figure. Read the paragraph

carefully, marking it up as you go, and write

your observations in the space provided.

Ms. Crawford has been a model citizen since she

moved to Springfield in 1985. She started out as a

small business owner and quickly grew her business

until it was one of the major employers in the

region. In 1991, her company was profiled in Business

Week magazine.Her innovative business model

includes a great deal of community work and

fundraising, the rewards of which have brought deep

and lasting benefits to Springfield and its citizens.

Today, she is being honored with Springfield’s Citizen

of the Century Award to honor all her cuttingedge

efforts on behalf of our community.

If any of these terms or ideas sound unfamiliar

to you, STOP. Please take a few minutes to

review whatever lesson is unclear.



Your Observations:

Now answer the following questions:

1. Ms. Crawford’s company was profiled in Business


a. in 1985.

b. in 1991.

c. today.

2. Which sentence best sums up the main idea of

the paragraph?

a. Ms. Crawford is very smart.

b. Ms. Crawford is a dedicated citizen.

c. Springfield would be nowhere without Ms.


3. “Ms. Crawford has been a model citizen since she

moved to Springfield in 1985” is

a. fact.

b. opinion.

c. point of view.

4. “Innovative” means

a. helpful.

b. remarkable.

c. inventive.

5. This paragraph is organized according to what


a. cause and effect

b. compare and contrast

c. chronological order

d. order of importance

6. This paragraph uses what point of view?

a. first-person point of view

b. second-person point of view

c. third-person point of view


1. a. “In 1991, her company was profiled in Business

Week magazine.”

2. b. While it does seem that Ms. Crawford must be

very smart since she has been so successful,

that is not the main idea that governs the

whole paragraph. Instead, the paragraph highlights

her dedication to the town and local

community since she moved there. Answer c

can’t be correct because although the paragraph

indicates that Ms. Crawford is very

valuable, it does not say that Springfield would

be nowhere without her. This is an inference

you might make but cannot support.

3. b. Although the sentence does contain fact (Ms.

Crawford moved to Springfield in 1985), the

sentence makes an assertion about those years

since 1985: Ms. Crawford has been a model

citizen all those years. This is an assertion, an

opinion that needs evidence. The rest of the

paragraph provides that evidence.

4. c. The best clue to determine the meaning of

this word is found in the last sentence, which

says that Ms. Crawford is being honored for

“all her cutting-edge efforts on behalf of our

community.” Since her efforts on behalf of

the community have been “cutting-edge,”we

can assume that her business model, which

includes a great deal of community work and

fundraising and is described as innovative,

must also be cutting-edge. Therefore, the

definition of innovative must be similar to

cutting-edge, so the likely choice is inventive.



5. c. The paragraph follows Ms. Crawford’s contribution

to the community from the time she

moved to Springfield in 1985 to the present.

6. c. This paragraph uses the objective thirdperson

point of view. There is no I or we (first

person) or you (second person), and the only

pronouns the paragraph uses are the thirdperson

pronouns she and her.

How did you do? If you got all six answers correct,

good work. This table shows you which lesson to study

for each question you missed.


Question 1 Lesson 1

Question 2 Lesson 2

Question 3 Lesson 4

Question 4 Lesson 3

Question 5 Lesson 6

Question 6 Lesson 11

Practice Passage 2

Now try another paragraph.Don’t forget to mark it up

as you read and make observations. Pay special attention

to language and style.

There will be dire consequences for residents if a

shopping mall is built on the east side of town. First,

the shopping mall will interfere with the tranquil

and quiet atmosphere that we now enjoy. Second,

the mall will attract a huge number of shoppers

from a variety of surrounding areas, which will result

in major traffic congestion for those of us who live

here. But most importantly, to build the shopping

mall, many of us will be asked to sell our homes and

relocate, and this kind of displacement should be

avoided at all costs.

7. The main idea of this passage is that the

shopping mall would

a. be great for the community.

b. not change things much.

c. be bad for the community.

8. “Tranquil” means

a. calm.

b. disturbing.

c. chaotic.

9. This passage is organized

a. in chronological order.

b. by cause and effect.

c. by order of importance.

d. both a and c.

e. both b and c.

10. This passage uses which point of view?

a. first person

b. second person

c. third person

11. This passage is written from whose perspective?

a. that of the residents

b. that of an outside consultant

c. that of the shopping mall developer

12. The choice of the word “dire” suggests that the

consequences of the merger would be

a. minimal.

b. expected.

c. disastrous.

13. Which words best describe the style of this passage?

a. informal, conversational

b. descriptive, story-like

c. formal, business-like

14. The tone of this passage is

a. sad.

b. foreboding.

c. threatening.




7. c. The first sentence is the topic sentence, which

establishes that the shopping mall will be bad

for residents of the town. The remaining sentences

support that idea.

8. a. This paragraph tells us how the shopping

mall will change the town. The sentence with

the word “tranquil” calls the town tranquil

and quiet, and it says that the mall will interfere

with these qualities. Since a mall by

nature is big and busy, it is likely that it will

interfere with opposite kinds of qualities.

Since “tranquil” and “quiet” are used

together, it is likely that they are similar in

nature. Therefore, “tranquil” obviously

means calm, not disturbing or chaotic.

9. e. The writer warns the readers of the effects

that a shopping mall will have on residents of

the town and arranges those effects in order

of importance, saving the most important

effect for last.

10. a. The first-person point of view is reflected in

the use of the pronouns us and we.

11. a. The writer says that the shopping mall

will have “dire consequences” for the residents

and then uses the pronouns us and

we—which identifies the writer with the

residents—when listing those dire


12. c. The effects the writer includes here are all

very serious, especially the third effect—

displacement. The writer has chosen the word

“dire” to emphasize that seriousness.

13. c. The passage avoids any unnecessary description

or details and uses formal rather than

casual language.

14. b. Each sentence explains a negative effect that

the shopping mall will have on the residents

and the negativity of this passage is heightened

by the word “dire” and the phrase

“avoided at all costs.” Though the shopping

mall itself might be described as threatening,

(choice c), the writer is not “threatening”


How did you do? Once again, congratulations if

you got them all correct. If not, this table tells you what

to do.


Question 7 Lesson 2

Question 8 Lesson 3

Question 9 Lessons 7 and 9

Question 10 Lesson 11

Question 11 Lesson 11

Question 12 Lesson 12

Question 13 Lesson 13

Question 14 Lesson 14



■ Review the Skill Building sections from Lessons 6–14. Try any Skill Builders you didn’t do.

■ Write a paragraph about what you’ve learned in the last two weeks about structure and language. Begin

your paragraph with a clear topic sentence, such as “I’ve learned a lot about how writers use structure

and language.” Then, write several sentences that support or explain your assertion. Try to use at least

one new vocabulary word in your paragraph.

Skill Building until Next Time


Reading between

the Lines

Now that you’ve studied the way authors use structure and language to

organize and express their ideas, you’re ready to tackle more difficult passages:

those in which the writers don’t provide clear topic sentences or do

not clearly indicate their intentions. To understand this type of text, you have to “read

between the lines.” This means you have to really put your observation skills to use and

scour the passage for clues to meaning. Like Sherlock Holmes, you will really have to notice

what you see.

By the end of this section, you should be able to:

■ Determine an implied main idea

■ Determine an implied cause or effect

■ Distinguish between logical and emotional appeals

■ Determine the theme of a piece of literature

You’ll look at a variety of texts, including some literature, and then put it all together

in a review lesson.

Oh, the power of suggestion. Advertisers know it well—and so do writers. They know that they can

get an idea across to their readers without directly saying it. Instead of providing a topic sentence

that expresses their main idea, many times, they simply omit that sentence and instead provide

a series of clues through structure and language to get their ideas across.

Finding an implied main idea is much like finding a stated main idea. If you recall from Lesson 2, a main

idea is defined as an assertion about the subject that controls or holds together all the ideas in the passage. Therefore,

the main idea must be general enough to encompass all the ideas in the passage. Much like a net, it holds

everything in the passage together. So far, all but one of the passages in this book have had a topic sentence that

stated the main idea, so finding the main idea was something of a process of elimination: You could eliminate

the sentences that weren’t general enough to encompass the whole passage. But what do you do when there’s no

topic sentence?

You use your observations to make an inference—this time, an inference about the main idea or point of

the passage.



the Implied

Main Idea


This lesson shows you how to determine the main idea of a passage

in which the writer has not provided a topic sentence or otherwise

spelled it out for you.



How to Find an Implied

Main Idea

Finding an implied main idea requires you to use your

observations to make an inference that, like a topic

sentence, encompasses the whole passage. It might take

a little detective work, but now that you know how to

find details and how to understand word choice, style,

and tone, you can make observations that will enable

you to find main ideas even when they’re not explicitly


Practice Passage 1

For the first example of finding an implied main idea,

let’s look at a statement from a parking garage manager

in response to recent thefts:

Radios have been stolen from four cars in our parking

garage this month. Each time, the thieves have

managed to get by the parking garage security with

radios in hand, even though they do not have a

parking garage identification card, which people

must show as they enter and exit the garage. Yet

each time, the security officers say they have seen

nothing unusual.

Now, there is no topic sentence in this paragraph,

but you should be able to determine the main idea of

this statement from the facts provided and from the

tone.What does the statement suggest?

1. Which of the following best summarizes the

statement’s main idea?

a. There are too many thefts in the garage.

b. There are not enough security guards.

c. There is something wrong with the security in

the parking garage.


The correct answer is c, “There is something wrong

with the security in the parking garage.”How can you

tell that this is the main idea? For one thing, it’s the only

one of the three choices general enough to serve as a

“net” for the paragraph; choice a is implied only in the

first sentence; and choice b isn’t mentioned at all. In

addition, each sentence on its own suggests that security

in the parking garage has not been working properly.

Furthermore, the word “yet” indicates that there

is a conflict between the events that have taken place

and the duties of the security officers.

Practice Passage 2

Now examine the following statement that a neighbor

wrote about Mr.Miller, who owned one of the cars that

was vandalized in the parking garage:

Well,Mr.Miller’s a pretty carefree person. I’ve borrowed

his car on several occasions, and a few times,

I’ve found the doors unlocked when I arrived at the

garage. He often forgets things, too, like exactly

where he parked the car on a particular day or where

he put his keys. One time, I found him wandering

around the garage looking for his keys, which he

thought he dropped on the way to the car, and it

turned out the car door was unlocked anyway.

Sometimes, I wonder how he remembers his

address, let alone to take care of his car.

2. What is Mr.Miller’s neighbor suggesting?

a. Mr.Miller forgets everything.

b. Mr.Miller may have left his car door unlocked

the day the radio was stolen.

c. Mr.Miller is too carefree for his own good.


You can attack the question this way: Which of these

three statements do the sentences in the neighbor’s

statement support? Try a process of elimination. Do all

of the sentences support choice a? If not, cross a out. Do

all of the sentences support choice b? Choice c?



The correct answer is b, “Mr.Miller may have left

his car door unlocked the day the radio was stolen.”

How can you tell? Because this is the only idea that all

of the sentences in the neighbor’s statement support.

You know that Mr. Miller often doesn’t lock his car

doors; you also know that he often forgets thing. The

combination makes it likely that Mr.Miller left his car

door unlocked on the day his car radio was stolen.

Practice Passage 3

Now look at a paragraph in which the language the

writer uses is what enables you to determine meaning.

Here is a description of Coach Lerner, a college basketball

coach, written by one of his players. Read the

paragraph carefully and see if you can determine the

implied main idea of the paragraph.

Coach Lerner, my basketball coach, is six feet ten

inches tall with a voice that booms like a foghorn and

the haircut of a drill sergeant. Every morning, he

marches onto the basketball court at precisely 8:00

and dominates the gymnasium for the next three

hours. He barks orders at us the entire time and

expects that we will respond like troops on a battlefield.

And if we fail to obey his commands, he makes

us spend another 45 minutes under his rule.

Before you decide on the implied main idea, list

your observations.What did you notice about the language

in this paragraph? An example is provided to get

you started.

Your Observations:

Example: I noticed that Coach Lerner’s voice is

compared to a foghorn.

3. Which of the following best expresses the

implied message of the passage?

a. Playing on Coach Lerner’s team is difficult.

b. Playing on Coach Lerner’s team is like being

under the command of an army general.

c. Coach Lerner is a terrible basketball coach.


The correct answer is b, “Playing on Coach Lerner’s

team is like being under the command of an army general.”

There are many clues in the language of this paragraph

that lead you to this inference. First, you probably

noticed that Coach Lerner’s voice “booms like a

foghorn.” This comparison (called a simile) suggests

that Coach Lerner wants his voice to be heard and


Second, the description of Coach Lerner’s haircut

is a critical part of the way the author establishes the

tone of this paragraph. To say that he has “the haircut

of a drill sergeant” (also a simile) makes us think of a

military leader whose job it is to train soldiers. A writer

wouldn’t use this comparison unless he or she wanted

to emphasize military-like discipline.

The author tells us that Coach Lerner “marches

onto the basketball court,” “barks orders,” and expects

his players to respond like “troops on a battlefield.”

The writer could have said that Coach Lerner “strides”

onto the court, that he barks “instructions,” and that he

expects his players to act like “trained dogs.”However,

since the author is trying to paint a picture of Coach

Lerner that will bring to mind a military leader, he

uses words that convey military ideas. Thus, though

answers a and c may be true—it might be difficult to

play for Coach Lerner and he might be a terrible basketball

coach—answer b is the only idea that all of the

sentences in the paragraph support.

Of course, this person’s description of Coach

Lerner is very subjective, using as it does the firstperson

point of view. As an active reader, you should

wonder whether everyone sees Coach Lerner this way

or if this player is unable to be objective.



Practice Passage 4

Many people find reading literature a difficult task

because in literature (fiction, drama, and poetry), the

main idea is almost never expressed in a clear topic sentence.

Instead, readers have to look for clues often hidden

in the language of the text. For example, the

following fictional paragraph describes a character.

Read it carefully, make your observations, and then

identify the main idea of the paragraph:

Every morning when Clara arrives at the gym, she is

greeted with a buzz of warm hellos. She starts her

workout in the weight room, where her exercise regimen

is always peppered with lively chats with those

around her. She then moves on to the pool, where

she stops and converses with other friends and

acquaintances before diving in and swimming laps.

As she swims, her sole focus is the calming sound of

her body gliding through the water—a rare moment

in her always very social days.

Your Observations:

Example: I noticed that Clara talks with many people.

4. The main idea of this paragraph is that

a. Clara is shy.

b. Clara knows everyone at the gym.

c. Clara is very friendly.


Although it is possible that b, “Clara knows everyone

at the gym,” there is no evidence in this paragraph to

support that inference. Thus, b cannot be the main

idea. Answer a, “Clara is shy,” cannot be the correct

answer either, since everything in the paragraph suggests

that Clara is, in fact, quite outgoing.

Furthermore, the language of the paragraph creates

a feeling of warmth and friendliness: Clara is

greeted with “warm hellos” and she has “lively chats”

and conversations with friends and acquaintances. She

also has “very social days.” All these words work

together in the paragraph to paint a picture of someone

who is very friendly and social. Thus, without

directly saying so, the writer tells us that c, “Clara is

very friendly.”


Many writers use implication to convey meaning rather

than directly stating their ideas. This is especially true

in literature, where readers generally prefer suggestion

to direct statements. Finding the implied main idea

requires a little detective work, but it is not as difficult

as you may have thought, now that you know more

about language and the way words can be used to suggest






■ Listen carefully to people today. Are there times when they imply things without directly saying them?

Are there times when you use suggestion to get your ideas across? How do you do this? Be aware of

how you and others use indirect language and suggestion to convey meaning.

■ Write a paragraph that does not have a topic sentence. You should have a clear idea of the main idea

before you write your paragraph and make sure your sentences use language that will help your readers

understand your main idea. For example, think of a topic sentence about the kind of person you

are, but don’t write it down. Then, write several sentences that support your topic sentence with language

that leads your reader to the proper conclusion. You may want to show your paragraph to others

to see if they can correctly infer your main idea.

Skill Building until Next Time

Have you ever regretted just “telling it like it is”? Many times, you can’t come right out and say what

you’d like, but like writers, you can get your ideas across through implication or inference.

This lesson focuses on two specific types of implication: reading between the lines to determine

cause and reading between the lines to predict effects.

In case you need a reminder: A cause is the person or thing that makes something happen or produces an

effect. An effect is the change that occurs as a result of some action or cause. Cause tells us why something happened;

effect tells us what happened after a cause (or series of causes).

L E S S O N Assuming

Causes and




Today’s lesson focuses on how to determine cause and effect when

they are only implied, rather than explicitly stated.



Determining Implied Causes

In order to see how to determine causes that are implied

rather than stated, look at the following brief fictional

passage. Read the passage carefully and actively. After

you make your observations, see if you can use the

writer’s clues to determine why the characters are


Anne sat with her feet up on the couch, drinking a

Coke. She heard footsteps by the front door. Brenda

was right on time, as usual. Never a minute early or

late—for her, everything was very exact.

Anne placed her feet on the floor, reached for

the remote, and turned off the television. She knew

Brenda would demand her complete attention. She

knew Brenda would hang up her coat in the closet by

the door (third hanger from the left) and then head

to the kitchen for her daily inspection (exactly seven

steps). She knew this because they had been roommates

for six months. Taking a deep breath, she

thought about what she would say to Brenda. She

waited and watched from her spot on the couch.

A moment later, Brenda stepped into the

kitchen and surveyed the scene. Anne watched her

expression, watched her eyes focus on the sink, and

watched her face harden when she saw the dishes

piled high. Pointing to the dishes, Brenda said disappointedly,

“I don’t believe what I’m seeing. I

thought we agreed to share the responsibilities. I

thought it was your turn to clean the kitchen this


“I haven’t gotten to them yet,”Anne replied. “I’ve

been really busy. Relax. I’ve got all night.” She walked

into the kitchen and added her empty glass to the top of

the pile.

Brenda fumed. “You know I’m having company

tonight! Somehow I thought you would have

done your share in the kitchen. If we want to remain

roommates, things have to change. ”

The phone rang, and Anne darted to answer it.

Brenda said in the background, “Tell them to

call back, we need to settle this now. I told you I’m

having company soon.”

Anne ignored Brenda’s comment and continued

to engage in conversation with a good friend of

hers. “Did I ever tell you about the time when . . .”

Look carefully at the dialogue between these two

characters.What do they say to each other? How is it said?

What other clues from the author can you find in this passage

to help you understand the cause of their conflict?

List your observations below and then answer the questions

that follow.

Your Observations:

Example: I noticed that Anne was relaxing and watching

TV when Brenda arrived.

1. Why does Brenda get angry?

a. because Anne is unfriendly

b. because she had a bad day at work

c. because Anne didn’t do the dishes

d. because Anne is lazy

2. Why didn’t Anne do the dishes?

a. She didn’t have time to do them.

b. She wanted to start a fight.

c. She was too lazy.

d. She wants Brenda to get a new roommate.



3. What does Anne do that shows she doesn’t intend

to shoulder her share of the responsibilities?

a. She turns off the television.

b. She begins to wash the dishes in the sink.

c. She always helps around the house.

d. She talks on the phone with a good friend.


1. c. Brenda’s face “hardens”with anger when she

sees the dishes in the sink. You can tell she

expects the kitchen to be clean when she

comes home. Anne waits for Brenda to begin

her “daily inspection,” and when she walks in,

she looks around the kitchen as if she’s

inspecting it. Then she sees the dishes and her

face hardens. She asks why the dishes are still

in the sink. Further, she reminds Anne about

the company she is expecting.

2. b. You can tell Anne is not worried about

Brenda’s reaction because she is lazily watching

television instead of cleaning the kitchen.

She knows Brenda is going to check the

kitchen and that Brenda is going to be mad

about the dishes when she sees them. As

Anne waits, she thinks about what she is

going to say to Brenda.

3. d. Anne’s actions speak loudly. She answers the

phone and discontinues a conversation that is

important if the two of them intend to

remain roommates.

Finding Implied Effects

Just as writers can imply cause, they can also suggest

effects. In the practice passage you just read, Anne

clearly had a specific goal. She purposely decided not to

do the dishes in an act of rebellion.Why? You know a

little bit about Anne and Brenda from the passage. Use

that knowledge to answer the following question.What

do you think Anne was hoping to achieve? What effect

do you think she was looking for?

1. Brenda would do the dishes herself for once.

2. Brenda would get herself a new roommate.

3. Brenda would stop being so neat and so


How can you tell that number 3 is the best

answer? You have to look carefully at the passage. Anne

says, “Relax. I’ve got all night.” But, Brenda has her

own priorities. She says she is expecting company. Anne

responds by ignoring her and turning to a phone


The passage doesn’t directly say so, but from these

clues, you can conclude that Anne’s personality is

clearly more relaxed than Brenda’s. That’s why she

didn’t do the dishes and that’s also why she gladly took

a phone call.

But will she get the effect she hoped for? Take

another look at the passage, paying close attention to

the end. What do you think? Will Anne get her wish?

Will Brenda change her ways? Why do you think so?

Most likely, Anne won’t get her wish. How can

you tell? The end of the passage offers a strong clue.

Brenda clearly wants to resolve the situation, but she

can’t compete with the telephone and probably not

with Anne’s relaxed personality.



Determining Implied Effects

In order to learn how to determine implied effects,

take another look at Mr. Miller (the man who had a

radio stolen from his car) and the parking garage where

he parks. Reread the statement of the parking garage

manager as well as the one from Mr.Miller’s neighbor

and then use these statements to predict how the robbery

will affect Mr.Miller and the parking garage.

Parking garage manager

Radios have been stolen from four cars in our parking

garage this month. Each time, the thieves have

managed to get by the parking garage security with

radios in hand, even though they do not have a

parking garage identification card, which people

must show as they enter and exit the garage. Yet

each time, the security officers say they have seen

nothing unusual.

Mr.Miller’s neighbor

Well,Mr.Miller’s a pretty carefree person. I’ve borrowed

his car on several occasions, and a few times,

I’ve found the doors unlocked when I arrived at the

garage. He often forgets things, too, like exactly

where he parked the car on a particular day or where

he put his keys. One time, I found him wandering

around the garage looking for his keys, which he

thought he dropped on the way to the car, and it

turned out the car door was unlocked anyway.

Sometimes, I wonder how he remembers his

address, let alone to take care of his car.

Based on these two paragraphs, which of the following

effects would be logical results (effects) of the

thefts? Circle the correct answers.

1. Security will be tighter in the parking garage

from now on.

2. People walking in and out of the garage will be

required to show their identification cards with

no exceptions.

3. The security officers will be fired.

4. Mr.Miller will get his radio back.

5. Mr.Miller will be more careful about locking his

car door.

6. Mr.Miller will get a new car.

7. Some people who currently park in the garage

will find a new garage to park their car.

8. Mr.Miller will be more careful with his keys.


Effects 1, 2, 5, 7, and 8 are logical predicted outcomes.

Effect 3 is not likely because it is too extreme; the

parking garage manager’s statement does not suggest

that he plans to fire security guards. Rather, it suggests

that he plans to look into the security problem.

There is nothing in either statement to suggest

that effect 4 (that Mr.Miller will get his radio back) is


Finally, there is no reason at all to think that Mr.

Miller will get a new car because his radio was stolen.

He’ll likely get a new radio and perhaps he’ll look for a

new parking garage, but there’s no evidence from the

two statements to suggest that a new car is a likely





In reading, particularly in reading literature, as well as

in real life, you often have to figure out what the causes

of a particular event or situation might have been. The

same is true of effects: Both in reading and in life, you

spend a lot of time trying to predict the outcomes of

real or predicted actions or events. If you “read

between the lines”without going too far beyond what

the passage (or real-life event) actually contains, you

can usually do a pretty good job of predicting these

causes and effects.



■ Observe people’s behavior today. If you see people acting particularly happy, sad, or angry, or exhibiting

some other strong emotion or behavior, see if you can find any clues as to the cause of their emotion

or behavior. Are they reading a letter? Talking with someone? Waiting for something? Why are they

reacting this way?

■ Read a news article today that discusses a current event—an election, a train crash, or a political scandal,

for example. What effects can you predict will come about as a result of this event? Try to come

up with at least three predictions based on what you read.

Skill Building until Next Time

Imagine that you are about to do something when someone runs up to you and says, “You can’t do that!”

“Why not?” you ask.

“Because! You just can’t, that’s all.”

Now, “Because!” is not likely to convince you that you shouldn’t do what you were about to do, is it?

Why not? Well, “Because!” does not provide you with a reason for not doing what you wanted to do. It is not, therefore,

a very convincing argument.



Versus Logical



Writers often appeal to your emotions to try to persuade you of something.

But unless they also provide logical evidence to back up their

claims, you have no reason to accept their argument as valid. This lesson

helps you see how to distinguish between appeals to your emotions

and appeals to your sense of reason.



The Difference between

Logical and Emotional Appeals

When writers want to convince people of something or

influence them to think a certain way, they generally

rely on two means of persuasion: appealing to the

reader’s sense of logic and appealing to the reader’s

emotions. It is important to be able to distinguish

between these two types of appeal because when writers

rely only on appeals to emotion, they neglect to

provide any real evidence for why you should believe

what they say. Writers who rely solely on emotional

appeals usually hope to get their readers so angry,

scared, or excited that they will forget to look for reason

or sense in the argument.

Unfortunately, many readers aren’t aware of this

strategy, so they may accept arguments that are

unfounded, manipulative, or both. Political leaders

who use the emotional strategy in speaking to crowds are

called demagogues. Calling a leader a demagogue is no

compliment since it means that he or she relies on prejudice

and passion rather than clear thinking to persuade

people of his or her position. Sound reasoning

requires that you are able to look beyond emotional

appeals to determine if there is any logic behind them.

While it is true that an appeal to emotions can

help strengthen an argument based in logic, an argument

cannot be valid if it is based solely on emotional


Distinguishing between

Logical and Emotional Appeals

The best way to see the difference between logical and

emotional appeals is to look at some examples. Actively

read the passages that follow, trying to discern whether

the author is appealing primarily to your sense of reason

or to your emotions.

Practice Passage 1

The City Council of Ste. Jeanne should reject

mandatory recycling. First, everyone knows that

recycling doesn’t really accomplish very much and

that people who support it are mostly interested in

making themselves feel better about the environment.

They see more and more road construction

and fewer and fewer trees and buy into the notion

that sending bottles and cans to a recycling plant

rather than a landfill will reverse the trend.Unfortunately,

that notion is no more than wishful thinking.

Second, the proponents of mandatory recycling

are the same people who supported the city’s

disastrous decision to require an increase in the

number of public bus routes. After the mayor spent

hundreds of thousands of dollars for the new buses

and for street signs, bus shelters, and schedules, we

all quickly learned that there was little to no interest

in using public transportation among the people

for whom the new routes were intended.Mandatory

recycling would add yet another chapter to the book

of wasteful government programs.

Finally, I’d like every citizen to answer this

question in the privacy of his or her own heart:

Would the mandatory recycling law really influence

behavior? Or would most people, in fact, go on

doing what they are doing now? That is, wouldn’t the

recyclers keep on recycling and the people who

throw their bottles and cans in the trash continue to

do just that (only being a little bit more careful,

burying the bottles inside “legal” trash such as pizza

boxes and coffee filters)? Why should any of us be

forced to be surreptitious about something so simple

Logical: according to reason; according to

conclusions drawn from evidence or good

common sense

Emotional: relating to emotions; arousing or

exhibiting strong emotion



as throwing away a soft drink can? I urge both the

council and the mayor to reject this misguided


Chances are that no matter how you feel about

mandatory recycling programs, this passage provoked a

reaction in you. Perhaps you found some of the writer’s

arguments convincing; perhaps they simply made you

want to argue back. But take another look at the passage.

Is there any appeal to your sense of logic here—reason,

evidence, or common sense? Or is the author only

appealing to your preexisting ideas and feelings about

environmentalism and government programs?

What Reasons Does the Writer Offer?

To help you see whether the writer’s appeals are based

on logic or emotion, break down his argument. The

writer offers three different reasons for opposing the

mandatory recycling proposal. List them here.




You probably noticed that each of the three paragraphs

deals with a different reason that the writer

opposes the mandatory recycling program. They are:

1. Recycling programs do not help the environment

and people who support the mandatory recycling

program do so simply in order to make themselves

feel better about a declining environment.

2. The people who support mandatory recycling

also supported a failed program to increase city

bus routes.

3. A mandatory recycling program would not actually

cause people who do not presently recycle to

begin recycling.

Are the Appeals Logical?

The next step is to see if these reasons are logical. Does

the author come to these conclusions based on reason,

evidence, or common sense? If you look carefully, you

will see that the answer is no. Each of the writer’s arguments

is based purely on emotion without any logic to

support it.

Begin with the first reason: Recycling programs

do not help the environment and people who support the

mandatory recycling program do so simply in order to

make themselves feel better about a declining environment.

Is there any logic behind this argument? Is this

statement based on evidence, such as poll data showing

a link between feeling bad about the environment

and supporting the program, or environmental reports

showing that recycling doesn’t improve the environment

to any appreciable degree?

Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with

this author, you can probably see that this argument is

based only in emotion rather than in logic. The argument

crumbles when you break it down. The author

tries to blunt any skepticism about his argument by saying

that “everyone knows” that recycling doesn’t

accomplish very much and that people support it

mostly for selfish reasons. He states this as if it was an

established fact, but he fails to establish it with evidence.

Even though many people may agree, no one can

correctly claim that everyone knows this to be true—

as presented, it is mere opinion. In fact, many people

would argue in turn that recycling does a great deal to

help clean up the environment. And if the writer cannot

say for a fact that recycling doesn’t work, how can

he convincingly assert that people support it for selfish


Even without this flaw, the writer’s argument is

not logical because there is no evidence in this essay that

the particular mandatory recycling program being

discussed by the city council will not work. The author

moves from stating his opposition to the program in

the first sentence to a paragraph of unconvincing generalities

about recycling programs in general.



The author’s second argument is that the people

who support mandatory recycling also supported a failed

program to increase city bus routes. Is there any logic in

this statement? No, not if we bear in mind that the

point of the argument is the recycling program and not

the bus route program. Readers who are sympathetic to

the underlying message that many government programs

are wasteful may get caught up in the emotion

of their opinion and lose sight of the fact that the

author is not even talking about the proposed mandatory

recycling plan. The argument is designed to succeed

by appealing to this underlying sympathetic

response rather than by addressing the merits and

demerits of the proposal being considered.

The third argument is that a mandatory recycling

program would not actually cause people who do not

presently recycle to begin recycling. Again, the author

offers no evidence for his claim. Instead, he works on

his readers’ sense of shame about their own failure to

comply with local ordinances or on their cynicism

about whether their fellow citizens will comply with

such rules.He doesn’t offer evidence that people won’t

comply, or that the law enforcement authorities will be

ineffective in forcing compliance, instead suggesting

that the proposed program would be an undue burden,

forcing good people to act “surreptitious,” or stealthy,

about everyday, innocent actions. Again, he avoids supporting

his argument with logic, reason, or evidence.

Practice Passage 2

Now look at another argument for the same position.

Notice how much more logical this essay is—whether

you agree with the author—simply because the author

gives explanations and evidence for his position rather

than appealing solely to the readers’ emotions.

The City Council of Ste. Jeanne should reject

mandatory recycling. Although many good people

support this idea, the proposal facing us is so deeply

flawed that I believe their support is misplaced.

The most glaring problem is that the mandatory

recycling program proposed here would create at

least as much pollution as it would eliminate. Our

neighbors in Youngsville could testify to that:

Greensleaves Recycling, the proposed contractor,

got the recycling contract in Youngsville five years

ago, and their machinery spewed so much toxic gas

out of its smokestacks that the city government

stopped all recycling, mandatory or optional, for a

solid year.

One of the biggest concerns people have is that

the bottles and cans they throw away today will

either accumulate in unsightly, unsanitary landfills

or go up in smoke from an incinerator. But the fact

of the matter is that new waste treatment facilities in

nearby counties soon will eliminate most of the

need for landfills and incinerators. By compacting

unsorted trash into blocks comparable in hardness

to concrete, the new facilities make it available for

use in building foundations, dikes, and road construction.

This form of “recycling” — not part of the

present proposal — doesn’t require us to collect the

garbage in any new way because it doesn’t matter

whether the content is coffee grounds or juice


An argument in favor of the recycling proposal

for which I have some sympathy is that

mandatory recycling will raise people’s awareness of

our beautiful and fragile environment. Reflecting

on this, however, I recalled our wonderful educational

programs, both in the schools and in the mass

media. Voluntary recycling is at an all-time high

level of participation; both anglers and environmentalists

are celebrating the recent reopening of the

Ste. Jeanne Waterway to fishing; downtown Ste.

Jeanne won the “Greening of the State” award just

last year. Taken together, these facts suggest to me a

populace already deeply engaged with environmental

issues and now looking hard for new, wellconceived

proposals to do even more. The present

proposal simply doesn’t measure up to our city’s

high standards.



You probably noticed immediately that this passage

also gives three reasons for not supporting the

mandatory recycling program—so the authors don’t

differ over whether or not to reject the proposed program.

The two passages don’t have as much in common

in their style of argument, though, and that is our focus

here. Let’s take a closer look at passage 2.

What Reasons Does the Writer Offer?

Break this argument down as you did the first one.

Here are the reasons the author of passage 2 provides

in arguing that the mandatory recycling program

should be rejected. Underneath each reason, make a

note about the logic behind the reason; say what reasoning,

evidence, or common sense the author points

to in support of the argument.

1. The proposed mandatory recycling program

would cause as much pollution as it would


2. New waste treatment facilities lessen the need for

recycling programs.

3. The mandatory recycling program is not needed

to raise people’s awareness of the environment.

Are the Appeals Logical?

Whether you agree with the author, you can see that

this is a much more effective argument because the

writer uses logic and common sense in backing up

what he has to say.

The first argument is supported in the following


■ The proposed contractor caused a great deal of

pollution from smokestacks in a nearby city five

years before.

■ The smokestack toxicity in the nearby city was so

extensive that even voluntary recycling was halted

for a year, meaning that even less recycling took

place than before the mandatory recycling program


The second argument is supported by the

following logic:

■ New waste treatment facilities allow all waste to be

reused without the need for sorting it into waste to

be recycled and waste to be incinerated or put in a

landfill, but the proposed plan does not involve

these new facilities.

Finally, the third argument is supported this way:

■ The populace of Ste. Jeanne is already highly

conscious of the environment, and benefit for

educational programs in the schools and the

mass media.

■ The high environment-consciousness of the

people shows (a) the high rate of voluntary

recycling, (b) the celebrated reopening of the

Ste. Jeanne Waterway to fishing, and (c) the

city’s downtown winning a state environmental

award the previous year.

More Practice

Now that you’ve examined two brief essays—one that

appeals to emotion and one that appeals to logic—see

if you can correctly identify the approaches used by the

writers of the following sentences. Look carefully for a

sense of logic. If the writer is appealing to your emotions,

is the author’s argument also backed up by logic

(common sense, reason, or evidence)? Write an E in the

blank if it appeals only to your sense of emotion and an

L if it appeals to logic.



1. Using a cell phone when driving is dangerous

and anyone who does this is stupid.

2. Using a cell phone when driving is dangerous

because when drivers hold a cell

phone to their ear, they’re only using

one hand to control their motor vehicle,

which makes them much more likely to

have an accident.

3. Many states have banned cell phone use

when driving because it is dangerous.

These laws have been put into effect

because of startling statistics that point

to the elevated risk of car accidents due

to cell phone use.

4. Dogs should always be kept on a leash in

public places.What if you were walking

down the street minding your own business

and a loose dog ran up and

attacked you?

5. Dogs should always be kept on a leash in

public places. A leash can protect dogs

from traffic, garbage, dangerous places,

and getting lost. It can also protect people

from being harmed by overzealous,

angry, or agitated dogs.


It should be clear that argument 1 is an appeal to emotion

without any logic and that arguments 2, 3, and 5

use common sense, evidence, and reason. But argument

4 might not be so obvious since it may seem like

a reasonable argument.However, it does not address all

the logical reasons that leashes are necessary but instead

points to one frightening possibility. Yes, we would all

like to avoid being attacked by a dog, which is a scary

and threatening possibility, and by using only this scenario

in the argument, the writer is appealing directly

to our emotions.


Looking for appeals to logic will make you a more critical

reader and thinker. And once you learn to read

between the lines in an argument (to look behind emotional

appeals for some sort of logical support), you’ll

have more confidence as a reader and be a better judge

of the arguments that you hear and read.



■ Listen carefully to how people around you try to convince you (or others) when they want you to think

or act a certain way. For example, if a friend wants you to try a new place for lunch, how does he or

she try to convince you: with appeals to your sense of logic (“The food is great—and so are the prices!”)

or to your emotions (“What, are you afraid to try something new?”)? If your boss asks you to work overtime,

does he or she appeal to your sense of logic (“You’ll make lots of extra money”) or to your emotions

(“I could really, really use your help”)? See which arguments you find most convincing and why.

■ Read an editorial from the Opinion-Editorial page of your local newspaper. Look at how the writer supports

his or her argument. Is the editiorial convincing? Why? What reasons or evidence does it use to

support its position?

Skill Building until Next Time

Literature (novels, poems, stories, and plays) can be quite intimidating to many readers. In literature,

meanings are often implied, and messages and themes are not conveniently housed in a topic sentence.

However, no matter what you are reading, you can feel confident that the author has left behind

clues that will help you to find the theme (the main idea). As an active reader, you are now well-equipped to read

between the lines to find meaning in anything you read.

Throughout these pages, you have spent a great deal of time locating the main ideas in various pieces of writing.

Finding the theme of a work of literature is similar to finding the main idea in an article, passage, or memo.

Just as the main idea is more than the subject of a given article, passage, or memo, the theme of a work of literature

is also more than just its subject: It is what the text says about that subject. Theme, in other words, is the overall

message or idea that a work of literature conveys. For example, you can probably figure out from the title that

the subject of John Donne’s poem “Death Be Not Proud” is death. However, the theme is not merely “death,” but

what the poem says about death, which happens to be that death is a gift if one believes in God.




in Literature


Many people are scared of reading literature—stories, poems, and

plays—especially if they have to answer questions about it, as in a test

situation. But now that you know so much about finding an implied main

idea, you can also find the theme, or main idea, of a work of literature.

This lesson works with poetry to show you how to do it.



There isn’t room in this short lesson to look at

theme in a short story, novel, or play. So this lesson will

introduce you to a few poems. But don’t be frightened:

Reading poetry is really just like reading anything else.

You just have to read a little more carefully and rely a

little more on your sense of observation. You find

theme in poetry the same way you do in other kinds of

writing: by looking for clues in what happens and in the

words the writer uses to describe what happens.

How Action Conveys Theme

First, look at an example of how the action of a poem—

what happens in it—leads you to understand the


Practice Passage 1

Read the following poem by William Blake from his

book Songs of Experience, published in 1794. Read it out

loud, because poetry is meant to be heard as well as

read. Then read it again with your pen in hand: Read

actively, making your observations and comments in

the margins. Then answer the questions that follow.

A Poison Tree

I was angry with my friend;

I told my wrath, my wrath did end. wrath = anger

I was angry with my foe: foe = enemy

I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I water’d it in fears,

Night & morning with my tears;

And I sunned it with smiles,

And with soft deceitful wiles. wiles = trickery, deceit

And it grew both day and night,

Till it bore an apple bright;

And my foe beheld it shine,

And he knew that it was mine.

And into my garden stole

When the night had veil’d the pole: veiled = concealed

In the morning glad I see

My foe outstretch’d beneath the tree.

What Happened?

To understand the author’s theme, you need to look

carefully at what happened, and why. Look at each of

the four stanzas (a stanza is a poetic “paragraph”; each

stanza in this poem is four lines long) to track the


What happens in the first stanza?

1. The speaker was angry with

a. a friend.

b. a foe.

c. his friend and his foe.

2. How did the speaker handle his anger toward his


a. He told his friend about it and it went away.

b. He kept it to himself and it grew.

c. He kept it to himself and it went away.

3. How did the speaker handle his anger toward

his foe?

a. He told his friend about it and it went away.

b. He kept it to himself and it grew.

c. He kept it to himself and it went away.

You probably figured out the answers without

too much trouble: 1. c, 2. a, 3. b.

Now look at the second stanza. The key to understanding

this stanza is knowing what “it” refers to.

Reread the first and second stanzas carefully in order to

answer the next question.

4. “It” refers to

a. tears.

b. smiles.

c. wrath.



Choice c—“wrath”—is the last thing mentioned

in the first stanza, so it follows that “wrath” is what “it”

refers to.

The second stanza tells us that the speaker

“water’d” it (his wrath) with fears and “sunned”it with

smiles and wiles. How can this be? Can you literally

water and sun your anger? No, but the speaker is not

being literal here. Instead, he is using figurative language.

Like the similes we saw earlier about Coach

Lerner, comparing his voice to a foghorn and his haircut

to that of a drill sergeant, this stanza uses a

metaphor—a comparison that doesn’t use the words

like or as—to compare the speaker’s wrath to something

that grows with water and sun. Now, given these

clues (and the best clue of all, the title of the poem), to

what exactly is the speaker comparing his wrath?

5. The speaker compares his wrath to

a. a flower.

b. a tree.

c. the sun.

The answer, of course, is b, a tree. The title gives

this away. Also, a tree is the only plant that could bear

“an apple bright,” as in the third stanza.

What else happens in the third stanza?

6. In the third stanza, the foe

a. grows his own apple.

b. shines the speaker’s apple.

c. sees the speaker’s apple.

The answer is c, the foe sees the speaker’s apple

(“my foe beheld it shine”).

Finally, what happens in the fourth stanza? This

stanza is somewhat trickier than the others, because in

this stanza, something happens that is not directly

stated. You know that the foe sneaks into the speaker’s

garden (“And into my garden stole”), but what else


The poem doesn’t exactly tell you, but you can

guess. The speaker had an apple; you know that this

apple grew on a tree and that this tree is a metaphor for

the speaker’s anger. You also know that the poem is

called “A Poison Tree.” You read in the fourth stanza

that, in the morning, the speaker finds his foe “outstretch’d

beneath the tree.”What can you conclude?

7. At the end of the fourth stanza, the foe

a. is waiting to ambush the speaker and kill him

with the apple.

b. has been killed by the apple he stole because it

was poisonous.

c. is waiting to share the apple with the speaker.

Which answer do your clues add up to? The only

one that can be correct is b. The speaker was angry; the

tree (and so the apple) was poisonous. You know that

the foe, seeing the apple, snuck into the speaker’s garden.

Apparently he ate the apple, because now he’s

“outstretch’d beneath the tree.”You also know that the

speaker is “glad” to see his foe outstretched this way—

he’s glad to see him dead.

What Does It Mean?

Okay, so that’s what happened in the poem. But what

does it all mean?

Look again at the action.What the speaker did was

to tell his friend about his wrath.What the speaker didn’t

do was to tell his enemy about his wrath. The results of

the speaker’s action and his inaction are your clues to the

meaning of the poem as a whole, its theme.

8. Which of the following best summarizes the

theme of the poem?

a. Don’t steal; it can kill you.

b. Choose your enemies carefully.

c. If you don’t talk about your anger, it can be




Before you go any further, think about your

answer again. Like a main idea, a theme must be general

enough to encompass the whole work, not just a

piece of it. Does the answer you chose encompass the

whole poem and not just part of it?

You should have chosen answer c, for this is the

idea that sums up the message or “lesson” of the poem.

In the first two lines, the speaker’s wrath for his friend

vanished when he talked about it, but he did not talk

about his wrath for his enemy. Instead, he let it grow

until it was poisonous and deadly.

How Language Conveys


In addition to conveying a theme, poems also often use

language to create a powerful image or emotion. After

looking at how poets use language to convey an emotion

or a picture, you’ll be ready to put your understanding

of the action and the language together to

understand the meaning of a poem.

Practice Passage 2

Take a look at the following poem by British poet Alfred

Lord Tennyson as an example of how language can

convey a strong feeling by conveying an image or picture.

Read “The Eagle” twice out loud—remember,

poetry is meant to be heard, not just seen. Then mark

it up and write your observations in the margin.

The Eagle

He clasps the crag with crooked hands; crag = steep

Close to the sun in lonely lands, or rugged rock

Ringed with the azure world, he stands. azure =

sky blue

The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;

He watches from his mountain walls,

And like a thunderbolt he falls.

The Sound of Words

What did you notice about the language in this poem?

Did you notice the rhyme in each stanza—hands, lands,

stands and crawls, walls, falls? Did you notice the repetition

of the “k” sound in clasps, crag, and crooked? This

repetition of sounds (especially at the beginning of

words) is called alliteration.

9. Which other line of this poem uses alliteration?

a. line 2

b. line 3

c. line 6

The answer is line 2, which repeats the l sound in

“lonely lands.”

Picture Language

You may have noticed another poetic device at work in

this poem. In line 1, the poet tells us that the eagle

(“he”) “clasps” the rock “with crooked hands.” Do

eagles have hands? No, they do not; but Tennyson gives

the eagle human characteristics. When an animal is

given human characteristics, or when a inanimate thing

(like a rock, for example) is given animate characteristics

(human or animal), it is called personification.

10. Which other line of this poem uses


a. line 2

b. line 4

c. line 6

The other example of personification is found in

line 4, where the sea “crawls” like a baby or a turtle.

Here’s a memory test:

11. Line 6, “And like a thunderbolt he falls,” uses

which of the following poetic devices?

a. personification

b. simile

c. irony



This line uses b, a simile that compares the eagle

to a thunderbolt.What is the effect of this comparison?

12. The comparison of the eagle to a thunderbolt

makes the reader think of the eagle as

a. a weak, timid creature.

b. an unpredictable creature.

c. a powerful, fast creature.

Like all good similes, this comparison creates a

vivid image that not only helps us actually picture the

eagle’s flight, but also tells us something about the eagle

by comparing it to the incredible force of nature that is

lightning. The eagle, this simile suggests, is as powerful,

as fast, as dangerous—and as impossible to catch—

as a thunderbolt.We should, in short, be as awed by the

eagle as we are by lightning—and that feeling, more

than an idea we might call a theme, is what this poem

is all about.

Action + Language = Theme

In the final poem for today, by American poet Stephen

Crane, see if you can determine the theme of the poem

by looking at both the action of the poem and its language

(diction, style, and tone). As before, begin by

reading the poem carefully, first out loud and then

with pen in hand.

Practice Passage 3

A Man Said to the Universe

A man said to the universe:

“Sir, I exist!”

“However,” replied the universe,

“The fact has not created in me

A sense of obligation.”

13. Which sentence best summarizes the theme of

this poem?

a. The universe is too big for humanity.

b. The universe is indifferent to humanity.

c. Humanity has an obligation to the universe.

The best answer is b, “The universe is indifferent

to humanity.” This idea is conveyed in part by the action

of the poem: what the man says to the universe and the

universe’s reply. But the universe’s indifference is also

reflected in the language of the poem.

14. Which of the following best describes the tone of

this poem?

a. warm, caring

b. hot, angry

c. cold, formal

The words of this poem—especially “sir,” “fact,”

and “sense of obligation”—are cold, formal words that

reflect the way the universe feels about man: indifferent.

There is no sense of intimacy, no relationship, no

warmth in these words. The poet’s diction and style

help to reveal the theme of the poem.


Reading poetry wasn’t so bad after all, was it? If you are

an active reader who is sensitive to the language used by

the poet, you can use the clues the poet gives you to

help you enjoy the pictures and emotions created

through words and understand the poem’s theme. And

if you can do this for poems, you can certainly do it for

stories, novels, and plays as well.





■ Read a poem on your own today. See if you can read between the lines to determine its theme.

■ Read a short story today. Apply the techniques you used to determine the theme in a poem to determine

the theme of the story.

Skill Building until Next Time

You’re almost at the end of this book. If you’ve been doing a lesson every weekday, you’ve spent almost

a month building your reading skills. Congratulations! This lesson uses a longer passage than the ones

you’ve read so far to give you a chance to practice all the skills you’ve learned. Here’s a quick review

of what you’ve learned since the last review lesson:

■ Lesson 16: Finding an implied main idea. You practiced looking for clues in structure, language, and style,

as well as the facts of the passage, to determine the main idea.

■ Lesson 17: Understanding implied causes and effects. You learned to “read between the lines” to determine

causes and make predictions about effects.

■ Lesson 18: Emotional and logical appeals. You learned that arguments that appeal to readers’ emotions

must be supported by logic, as well in order, to be convincing.

■ Lesson 19: Finding the theme in literature. You used your detective skills to find the main idea implied by

the structure, language, style, and action in a work of literature.

L E S S O N Drawing


Putting It All



This lesson wraps up your study of reading comprehension by reviewing

everything you’ve learned so far.




Today, you’ll practice these skills in combination with

skills covered earlier in this book:

■ Finding the facts

■ Determining the main idea

■ Determining the meaning of unfamiliar words

■ Distinguishing between fact and opinion

■ Chronological order

■ Order of importance

■ Cause and effect

■ Comparison and contrast

■ Point of view

■ Diction

■ Language and style

■ Tone

If this seems like a monumental task, don’t worry:

It isn’t. You’ve already mastered some of these skills and

should be very comfortable with the others. In fact, you

will probably be surprised at how easy you find this

exercise to be.

Practice Passage

Are you ready? Read the following essay. Remember,

read actively and make observations in the space provided

on the next page. Then answer the questions

that follow. This will give you a chance to see how well

your reading skills are coming along.

Although many companies offer tuition reimbursement,

most companies only reimburse employees

for classes that are relevant to their position. This is

a very limiting policy. A company that reimburses

employees for all college credit courses—whether

job related or not—offers a service not only to the

employees, but to the entire company.

One good reason for giving employees unconditional

tuition reimbursement is that it shows the

company’s dedication to its employees. In today’s

economy, where job security is a thing of the past

and employees feel more and more expendable, it is

important for a company to demonstrate to its

employees that it cares. The best way to do this is

with concrete investments in them.

In turn, this dedication to the betterment of

company employees will create greater employee

loyalty. A company that puts out funds to pay for the

education of its employees will get its money back by

having employees stay with the company longer. It

will reduce employee turnover, because even

employees who don’t take advantage of the tuition

reimbursement program will be more loyal to their

company just knowing that their company cares

enough to pay for their education.

Most importantly, the company that has an

unrestricted tuition reimbursement program will

have higher quality employees. Although these

companies do indeed run the risk of losing money

on employees who go on to another job in a different

company as soon as they get their degree, more

often than not, the employee will stay with the company.

And even if employees do leave after graduation,

it generally takes several years to complete any

degree program. Thus, even if the employee leaves

upon graduating, throughout those years, the

employer will have a more sophisticated, more

intelligent, and therefore more valuable and productive

employee. And, if the employee stays, that

education will doubly benefit the company: Not

only is the employee more educated, but now that

employee can be promoted so the company doesn’t

have to fill a high-level vacancy from the outside.

Open positions can be filled by people who already

know the company well.

If any of these terms or strategies sound

unfamiliar to you, STOP. Please take a few

minutes to review whatever lesson is unclear.



Though unconditional tuition reimbursement

requires a significant investment on the employer’s

part, it is perhaps one of the wisest investments a

company can make.

Your Observations

Record your observations about the passage in the

space below.


1. According to the passage, unconditional tuition

reimbursement is good for which of the following


a. Employees get a cheaper education.

b. Employees become more valuable.

c. Employees can find better jobs.

2. How, according to the passage, will unconditional

tuition reimbursement reduce employee


a. by making employees more loyal

b. by paying employees more money

c. by promoting education

3. The first sentence of the passage, “Although

many companies offer tuition reimbursement,

most companies only reimburse employees for

classes that are relevant to their position,” is

a. fact.

b. opinion.

4. The second sentence of the passage, “This is a

very limiting policy,” is

a. fact.

b. opinion.

5. This passage is organized according to which of

the following strategies? (Mark all that apply.)

a. chronological order

b. order of importance

c. cause and effect

d. compare and contrast

6. The point of view used in this passage is the

a. first-person point of view.

b. second-person point of view.

c. third-person point of view.

7. The writer most likely chose this point of view


a. the writer is describing a personal experience.

b. it enables readers to identify with the situation.

c. its objectivity encourages the reader to take

the writer’s ideas seriously.

8. The writer most likely uses the word wisest in

the last sentence, rather than words such as

profitable, practical, or beneficial because

a. wisdom is associated with education, the

subject of the essay.

b. the writer trying to appeal to people who are

already highly educated.

9. Which of the following words best describes the

tone of this essay?

a. playful

b. optimistic

c. insincere



10. The passage suggests that, compared to employees

of companies that offer unconditional tuition

reimbursement, employees of companies that do

not offer this benefit are

a. less loyal.

b. more likely to be promoted.

c. not as smart.

11. “Expendable” (paragraph 2) most nearly means

a. expensive.

b. flexible.

c. replaceable.

12. The writer appeals primarily to the reader’s

a. emotions.

b. sense of logic.

13. The main idea of the passage is that

a. companies should reimburse employees for

work-related courses.

b. both companies and employees would benefit

from unconditional tuition reimbursement.

c. companies should require their employees to

take college courses.


1. b. The idea that employees will become more valuable

if they take courses is stated in the fourth

paragraph: “Thus . . . the employer will have a

more sophisticated, more intelligent, and therefore

more valuable and productive employee.”

2. a. The idea that employees will become more loyal

is stated in the third paragraph: “A company that

puts out funds to pay for the education of its

employees will get its money back by having

employees stay with the company longer. It will

reduce employee turnover because even employees

who don’t take advantage of the tuition reimbursement

program will be more loyal . . .”

3. a. The sentence is a fact; you could verify it by surveying

companies to find out about their tuition

reimbursement policies.

4. b. The sentence is an opinion; it shows how the

author feels about the policy.

5. b, c. The author lists the ways companies would

benefit by having unconditional tuition reimbursement

in order of importance from least to

most important. The author also shows the positive

effects unconditional reimbursement would

have on the company.

6. c. There is no I or you here; the writer doesn’t

refer directly to herself or to the reader. Instead,

everything is spoken of in the third person.

7. c. The writer most likely uses the third-person

point of view because it is objective, and her argument

is more likely to be taken seriously. If she

used the first person, readers might think she was

an employee who wanted her employer to pay for

her tuition, and she wouldn’t be taken seriously.

8. a. By using a word associated with education, the

writer stresses the importance of education for

the company.

9. b. The passage describes only positive effects of

unconditional reimbursement; there is scarcely a

negative word.

10. a. If employees of companies that offer unconditional

tuition reimbursement are more loyal to

their companies (see the second and third paragraphs),

it follows that other employees will be less

loyal because their company isn’t showing enough

dedication to their betterment.

11. c.Your best clue that expendable means replaceable

is that the writer uses the word immediately after

saying that job security is a thing of the past, so

that workers don’t feel they are important or valuable

to a company that can fire them on a

moment’s notice.

12. b. There is common sense or reason behind each

of the writer’s arguments. Indeed, there are few, if

any, emotional appeals in this passage.

13. b. This main idea is explicitly stated in the last

sentence of the first paragraph (a good place to

look for the main idea of a longer passage like this

one) and repeated at the end of the passage.



How did you do? If you got all of the answers

correct, congratulations! Good work. If you missed a

few, you might want to take time to review the corresponding



Question 1 Lesson 1

Question 2 Lesson 1

Question 3 Lesson 4

Question 4 Lesson 4

Question 5 Lessons 6–10

Question 6 Lesson 11

Question 7 Lesson 11

Question 8 Lesson 12

Question 9 Lesson 14

Question 10 Lessons 16 and 17

Question 11 Lesson 3

Question 12 Lesson 18

Question 13 Lessons 2 and 16


You’ve completed 20 lessons and have seen your

reading skills increase. If you’re preparing for a standardized

test, you should check out Appendix A, which

provides tips on how to prepare and what to do during

the test. And don’t forget Appendix B, which gives suggestions

for how to continue to improve your reading

skills, along with a list of suggested books organized by

subject categories.

Now it’s time to reward yourself for a job well

done. Buy yourself a good book and enjoy!



Now that you’ve spent a good deal of time improving your reading comprehension, take this

posttest to see how much you’ve learned. If you took the pretest at the beginning of this book, you

can compare what you knew when you started the book with what you know now.

When you complete this test, grade yourself, and then compare your score with your score on the pretest.

If your score now is much greater than your pretest score, congratulations—you’ve profited noticeably from your

hard work. If your score shows little improvement, perhaps you need to review certain chapters. Do you notice a

pattern to the types of questions you got wrong? Whatever you score on this posttest, keep this book around for

review and refer to it when you need tips on how to read more efficiently.

Use the answer sheet on the next page to fill in the correct answers. Or, if you prefer, simply circle the answer

numbers in this book. If the book doesn’t belong to you, write the numbers 1–50 on a piece of paper and record

your answers there. Take as much time as you need to do this short test.When you finish, check your answers against

the answer key that follows. Each answer tells you which lesson of this book teaches you about the reading strategy

in that question.



1. a b c d

2. a b c d

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14. a b c d

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50. a b c d




The posttest consists of a series of reading passages with questions that follow to test your comprehension.



Grunge Music and American Popular Culture

The late 1980s found the landscape of popular music in America dominated by a distinctive style of rock and roll

known as Glam Rock or Hair Metal—so called because of the over-styled hair, makeup, and wardrobe worn by

the genre’s ostentatious rockers. Bands like Poison,Whitesnake, and Mötley Crüe popularized glam rock with their

power ballads and flashy style, but the product had worn thin by the early 1990s. Just as superficial as the 80s, glam

rockers were shallow, short on substance, and musically inferior.

In 1991, a Seattle-based band called Nirvana shocked the corporate music industry with the release of its debut

single, “Smells Like Teen Spirit,”which quickly became a huge hit all over the world. Nirvana’s distorted, guitarladen

sound and thought-provoking lyrics were the antithesis of glam rock, and the youth of America were quick

to pledge their allegiance to the brand-new movement known as grunge.

Grunge actually got its start in the Pacific Northwest during the mid-1980s. Nirvana had simply mainstreamed

a sound and culture that got its start years before with bands like Mudhoney, Soundgarden, and Green

River. Grunge rockers derived their fashion sense from the youth culture of the Pacific Northwest: a melding of punk

rock style and outdoors clothing like flannels, heavy boots, worn out jeans, and corduroys. At the height of the movement’s

popularity, when other Seattle bands like Pearl Jam and Alice in Chains were all the rage, the trappings of

grunge were working their way to the height of American fashion. Like the music, the teenagers were fast to

embrace the grunge fashion because it represented defiance against corporate America and shallow pop culture.

The popularity of grunge music was ephemeral; by the mid- to late-1990s, its influence upon American culture

had all but disappeared, and most of its recognizable bands were nowhere to be seen on the charts. The heavy

sound and themes of grunge were replaced on the radio waves by boy bands like the Backstreet Boys, and the

bubblegum pop of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.

There are many reasons why the Seattle sound faded out of the mainstream as quickly as it rocketed to prominence,

but the most glaring reason lies at the defiant, anti-establishment heart of the grunge movement itself. It

is very hard to buck the trend when you are the one setting it, and many of the grunge bands were never comfortable

with the fame that was thrust upon them. Ultimately, the simple fact that many grunge bands were so

against mainstream rock stardom eventually took the movement back to where it started: underground. The fickle

American mainstream public, as quick as they were to hop on to the grunge bandwagon, were just as quick to hop

off and move on to something else.

1. The word “ostentatious” in the first sentence

most nearly means

a. stubborn.

b. youthful.

c. showy.

d. unadorned.

2. Teenagers embraced grunge fashion because

a. they were tired of Glam Rock fashion.

b. it defied corporate America and the shallowness

of pop culture.

c. grunge rockers told them to embrace it.

d. it outraged their parents.

3. By stating that “glam rockers were shallow, short

on substance, and musically inferior,” this author is

a. using a time-honored form of reporting that

dignifies his or her position.

b. resorting to a subjective, emotional assertion

that is not an effective way to build an


c. making an objective, logical assertion based

on facts.

d. merely quoting what others say about glam

rock and detaching her- or himself from the


4. This writer is trying to document

a. the popularity of glam rock.

b. Nirvana’s role in popularizing grunge music.

c. the rise and fall of grunge music.

d. the reasons young people responded so enthusiastically

to grunge music.

5. According to this passage, what is the difference

between glam rock and grunge?

a. Glam rock is flashier and superficial, while

grunge is thought-provoking and antiestablishment.

b. Glam rock appeals to teenagers, while grunge

appeals to adults.

c. Glam rock faded quickly, while grunge is still


d. Glam rock was more commercially successful

than grunge.

6. The tone of the sentence, “The fickle American

mainstream public, as quick as they were to hop

on to the grunge bandwagon, were just as quick

to hop off and move on to something else” can

be best described as

a. authoritative.

b. gloomy.

c. cynical.

d. ironic.

7. Which of the following bands is not associated

with grunge?

a. Nirvana

b. Mudhoney

c. Pearl Jam

d. Backstreet Boys



To Lease or Not to Lease

Planning to lease a car because you don’t think you can afford to buy? Think again. Leasing can end up being just

as expensive as buying—and you don’t even get to the keep the car.Most people who are thinking about leasing

are attracted to this option because they believe it will cost them less money. And they’re right—it is cheaper, but

only in the short term. For example, if you were to lease a brand-new Subaru Forester with $4,000 down, you might

pay $300 per month for the car. If you were to buy the same car with $3,000 down, you would pay closer to $400

per month. Over a three-year lease, that’s $3,600—a big savings. But after your lease is over, you have to give the

car back. If you want to keep driving, you’ll either have to put another down-payment on another lease, or, if you

have the option to buy the car, you’ll have to pay thousands of dollars to purchase the vehicle—dollars that won’t

be spread out in more manageable monthly payments.

Many people want to lease because they can drive a more upmarket car than they might otherwise be able

to afford. For example, if your monthly budget allowed you to spend $300 on a car, you might be able to lease a

brand new Ford Explorer. For the same price, you might have to buy an Explorer that was two or three years old

with 50,000 miles, or buy a new but considerably less expensive make and model. A lease, therefore, allows you

to drive the latest models of more expensive cars. But when your lease is over, you will have to return that

Explorer.Whatever car you can afford to buy, you get to keep it, and it will always have a resell or trade-in value

if you want to later upgrade to a newer car.

Furthermore, people who lease cars are often shocked and appalled by how much they must pay when the

lease is over.Most leases limit you to a certain number of miles, and if you go over that allotment, you must pay

for each mile. As a result, at the end of a lease, you may end up paying thousands of dollars in mileage fees. For

example, if your lease covers you for 25,000 miles over three years, but you drive 40,000, that’s an extra 15,000 miles.

At $.11 per mile, that’s $1,650 you’ll have to pay. And you still won’t have a car.

In addition, when you lease, you still have to pay for regular maintenance and repairs to the vehicle. Since

you must return the car when your lease expires, you are paying to repair someone else’s car. If you own the car,

however, you would know that every dollar you spend maintaining or repairing the car is an investment in a real

piece of property—your property, not someone else’s.

By now, the benefits of buying over leasing should be clear. But if you’re still not convinced, remember this

fundamental fact: If you lease, when your lease is up, and after you’ve made all of your monthly payments, paid

for extra mileage, and paid for repairs, you must give the car back. It isn’t yours to keep, no matter how much the

lease cost you.Whatever make or model you can afford to buy, it is yours to keep after you make the payments.

There’s no giving it back, and that makes all the difference.



8. According to the passage, which of the following

statements is true?

a. People believe leasing will cost them less


b. Most Americans lease rather than buy cars.

c. Most car leases allow for unlimited mileage.

d. Leasing a car is never as expensive as buying.

9. Which of the following sentences best summarizes

the main idea of this passage?

a. Leasing a car is a bad idea.

b. The benefits of buying a car outweigh the benefits

of leasing a car.

c. Leasing allows people to drive more expensive

cars than they might otherwise be able to afford.

d. People are often shocked at how much money

they end up paying when a car lease is over.

10. The author makes his or her point by

a. making an argument using chronological


b. arguing the benefits of buying from the most

to least important.

c. comparing and contrasting leasing and buying.

d. stating opinions.

11. This writer bases his or her argument primarily on

a. facts derived from the author’s personal


b. opinions that others have reported to the


c. facts with logic and statistics supporting them.

d. opinions derived from the author’s personal


12. In another version of this passage, the first sentence

of the third paragraph did not use the

words “shocked and appalled” to describe the

reaction of car leasers to how much money they

must pay when the lease is over. Instead, the sentence

read: “Furthermore, people who lease cars

are usually unaware of how much they must pay

when the lease is over.”Why do you think the

writer changed the sentence to include “shocked

and appalled”?

a. Someone he or she interviewed for the story

used these words.

b. These words make the author sound smarter.

c. These words have a positive connotation that

help the author make his or her case.

d. These words have a powerful negative connotation

that add to the author’s arguments

about the downfalls of leasing.

13. From the context, it can be determined that the

word “upmarket” in the third paragraph means

a. safer.

b. bigger.

c. expensive.

d. dependable.

14. Why did the author choose the second-person

point of view for this passage?

a. The second-person point of view puts readers

into the action of the writing.

b. The second-person point of view makes

readers imagine themselves in the situation.

c. The second-person point of view makes

readers pay more attention.

d. all of the above

15. When this author says that “most people want

to lease because they can then drive a more

upmarket car,” he or she is

a. making a generalization that requires evidence

before it can be confirmed.

b. making an obvious generalization that needs

no evidence.

c. reaching an unreasonable conclusion based on

evidence provided.

d. reaching a reasonable conclusion based on

evidence provided.



“The Weekly Visit”

(short story excerpt)

The requisite visit happened typically on sunny Saturdays, when my child spirits were at their highest and could

be most diminished by the cramped interior of her house.My mother, accustomed to the bright, spacious farmhouse

that was once Grandma’s seemed no less susceptible to the gloom. She would set her jaw as Grandma

described the many ailments attendant on age and would check her watch—an hour being the minimum she

expected herself to withstand.Her barely contained impatience and my grandmother’s crippling age radiated out

around me.We were the women of the Carlson clan, each throbbing with agitation, like concentric, blinking circles

on a radar screen.

I would sit at the white and red metal table with the pull-out leaves and built-in silverware drawer, cracking

almonds. This was the one good thing at Grandma’s house, the almonds, which she kept in a green Depression

glass bowl. I would lift the lid carefully and try to set it down on the metal table quietly, then attempt to crack

the nuts without scattering the shell crumbs. It was not good to draw attention to myself at Grandma Carlson’s.

Sounding angry, she would call to me in her croupy drawl.When I failed to understand her, she would reach out

to me with her palsied, slick, wrinkled hand and shout, “Here!” She would be offering some of her horehound

candy, which tasted like a cross between butterscotch and bitter sticks.

There was this lamentable air in the dim house with its itchy mohair furniture and its dark colors, an

awareness—Grandma’s—underlying the mentholatum, that her age scared her grandkids. I would yearn during

the dutiful visit to get outside into the yard, where Grandma had transplanted a few flowers when she moved from

the farm. But even the yard, with its overgrown hedges and rusted metal lawn chairs, seemed dreary.When I came

back inside, light and air bursting in with me, Grandma, her hair up in a gray bun, would rock a little and smile.

I would lean then against my mother’s chair, Grandma’s fond eyes peering at me, and whisper out of the corner

of my mouth, “Mom, can we go?”



16. From the overall context of the passage, it is most

likely that the word lamentable at the beginning

of the third paragraph, means

a. laughable.

b. sad.

c. insane.

d. inspired.

17. Which of the following does the radar screen

image underscore?

a. the narrator’s absorption in gadgets and the

modern world

b. the narrator’s daydreaming nature

c. the narrator’s uneasy sense of herself in the

same lineage as her mother and grandmother

d. all of the above

18. In revising this story, the author is considering

taking out the reference to “butterscotch and

bitter sticks” and instead describing the candy

as “bitter with a sweet under-taste.”Which is

better—the original or this alternative

description—and why?

a. the original, because it leaves the actual taste

up to the reader’s imagination

b. the original, because it is more vivid and exact

c. the alternative, because it is more brief and to

the point

d. the alternative, because it is more vivid and


19. Assume this piece is fiction and could have been

written from any point of view.What would a

switch to third person achieve?

a. Readers would be somewhat distanced from

the narrator’s feelings.

b. The author would have more latitude to

express the narrator’s feelings.

c. Readers would be more likely to identify with

the feelings expressed.

d. The grandmother’s feelings would become

more apparent.

20. In a previous version of this story, the author

described the garden as having “lush hedges and

quaint metal chairs.”Why is it more effective to

describe the hedges as “overgrown” and the

chairs as “rusted”?

a. These words add to the sense of age lingering

over the place.

b. These words have a negative connotation,

which mirrors the girl’s feelings about the visits.

c. These words make the garden seem like less of

an escape than the girl had hoped for.

d. all of the above

21. Which of the following accurately reflects the

comparative attitudes of the characters in this


a. The attitudes of the mother and the daughter

are similar.

b. The attitudes of the grandmother and the

mother are similar.

c. The attitudes of the grandmother and the

granddaughter are similar.

d. The attitudes of the mother and the daughter

are dissimilar.



“The Wolf and the Crane”

A wolf who had a bone stuck in his throat hired a crane, for a large sum, to put her head into his mouth and draw

out the bone.When the crane had extracted the bone and demanded the promised payment, the wolf, grinning

and grinding his teeth, exclaimed: “Why you have surely already had a sufficient recompense, in having been

permitted to draw out your head in safety from the mouth and jaws of a wolf.”

22. Following is a list of morals from this and other

Aesop fables.Which one is the most likely companion

to this fable?

a. Self-help is the best help.

b. The loiterer often blames delay on his more

active friend.

c. The greatest kindness will not bind the


d. In serving the wicked, expect no reward.

Fly-Rights—A Consumer Guide to Air Travel


If your reservations are booked far enough ahead of time, the airline may offer to mail your tickets to you. However,

if you don’t receive the tickets and the airline’s records show that they mailed them, you may have to go through

cumbersome lost-ticket procedures. It is safer to check the telephone directory for a conveniently located travel

agency or airline ticket office and buy your tickets there.

As soon as you receive your ticket, make sure all the information on it is correct, especially the airports

(if any of the cities have more than one) and the flight dates. Have any necessary corrections made immediately.

It’s a good idea to reconfirm your reservations before you start your trip; flight schedules sometimes change.

On international trips, most airlines require that you reconfirm your onward or return reservations at least 72 hours

before each flight. If you don’t, your reservations may be canceled.

Check your tickets as you board each flight to ensure that only the correct coupon has been removed by the

airline agent.



23. Numbering the paragraphs 1 through 4 as they

now appear, choose the option that places them

in chronological order.

a. 2, 3, 4, 1

b. 3, 1, 2, 4

c. 3, 2, 1, 4

d. 1, 2, 3, 4

24. Notice that this manual is written in the second

person, employing the “you” pronoun. Considering

the purpose of the manual, is this the best

choice and why?

a. Yes, because it avoids the necessity to choose

between male and female pronouns.

b. Yes, because the people who will be doing the

traveling are addressed directly.

c. No, because not all people travel by plane.

d. No, because it makes readers unnecessarily

uncomfortable to be addressed directly.

25. As the passage appears in paragraph 1, why is it

suggested that you buy your tickets from a “conveniently

located” agency or office?

a. because you can stop on your way to the airport

to pick up your tickets

b. because you can pick your tickets up rather

than relying on the mail

c. because the airlines themselves often make

mistakes in issuing tickets

d. because it is good to support local businesses

26. Which is a possible result of not following the

advice offered in the first sentence of paragraph 2?

a. You might fly into the right city, but the wrong


b. You might miss your flight, because the date

was improperly recorded.

c. You might not be allowed to board your flight

because the name on the ticket doesn’t match

that on your ID.

d. Any of the above could happen as a result of

not following the advice.

“Bear Story”

Campers Gene and Marie Marsden took pride in being good citizens when in the wild. While driving the three

hundred miles from their home in Colorado to the Green River Lakes area of the Wind River Mountains in

Wyoming, they instructed their children in the protocol they’d learned in the bear safety pamphlet put out by the

Bridger-Teton Forest Service. The number-one rule was “Don’t feed the bears!”—whether intentionally or not.

Warning the kids not to go anywhere near a bear, the Marsdens had no problem with the intentional part, but the

unintentional part was not as easy to avoid as they thought.

Mr. and Mrs. Marsden did their best to keep a tidy camp.While the bear manual had said to hang all food

at least ten feet off the ground and four feet out from the trunk of a tree, they did what all the other people in the

nearby public campground were doing and locked their food in their little utility trailer at night. Afraid that the

scent of the bait might attract a bear, they even locked up Marie’s fishing pole. It was always dark when they went

to bed, but they perused the campsite with flashlights, making sure nothing was left out. Taking the recommended

precaution of sleeping a hundred yards from where they cooked their food, they kept the car near their tents,

unhitched from the trailer, which they left up at the other camp. Before going to bed each night, all of the Marsdens

took off the clothes they had worn during the day while eating, replacing them with pajamas that they used

only for sleeping. They were also careful to lock the dirty laundry in the trailer. As the pamphlet advised, they took

no snacks into their tents.

Gene says he now regrets not having taken their dog into the tent at night, but they liked having him on guard.

Small animals would often come sniffing around, and the dog would chase them back into the thickets, then return

to the hollow he’d dug for himself in front of the children’s tent. But on the night of the encounter, Spike would

not stop barking, and Marie Marsden knew he must be sounding the alarm on something more dangerous and

dauntless than a raccoon or squirrel.When she unzipped the tent and shined her flashlight in the direction of the

cooking area, she saw Spike attempting to hold a young grizzly bear at bay.

They all managed to pile into the car, and with the kids sitting atop stuffed sacks full of clothes and gear, they

drove quickly down the trail, calling out the window to Spike and abandoning the cargo trailer to whatever fate

the bear might have in store for it. Uncertain whether the bear was following, one of the children opened a door

and loaded Spike up on the run. They drove to a pay phone twenty miles away and called a Fish and Game Department

ranger, who identified the bear by the white ruff the Marsdens had seen around his neck. The authorities

informed the Marsdens that the bear was a young, recently weaned male that they’d been keeping an eye on.

The next morning, the Marsdens heard helicopters circling over the mountain above them and wondered

if it might have something to do with the bear. After spending the night in the public campground, they drove

back to their site.Wandering the area in search of clues,Marie came to a halt below the tallest spruce. She slapped

her head and shouted, “Oh no!”

“What is it?” Gene asked.

Marie pointed at the ground where Spike’s dog food bowl lay upside down.

A week after their return home, the Marsdens read the headline in their local paper. “Bear Euthanized in Wind

Rivers.” According to the article, the Fish and Game Department had shot the young bear because, having been

rewarded for invading a human campsite, it would likely do so again.

The Marsdens knew they had been lucky in the encounter, yet much to their shame and sadness, they also

knew that the bear had not.



27. Which of the following statements is true?

a. The Marsdens went camping in the Wind

River Mountains of Wyoming.

b. The pamphlet on camping in bear country

was sent to the Marsdens by the Fish and

Game Department.

c. The Marsdens went camping in the Green

River Lakes area near their hometown.

d. all of the above

28. Who does the author imply is mostly to blame in

the bear’s death?

a. the Marsdens, because they were not careful


b. the bear, because he invaded a human camp

c. the Fish and Game authorities, because of

poor communication with campers

d. the Forest Service, for putting out incomplete


29. In paragraph 2, it can be determined from the

context that the word “perused” means

a. neglected.

b. cleaned.

c. studied.

d. hid.

30. In paragraph 3, it can be determined from the

context that the word “dauntless” means

a. stupid.

b. fearless.

c. clumsy.

d. spineless.

31. This story is arranged

a. like a news story, with the most important

event told first.

b. in reverse chronological order, with the last

event first.

c. in standard chronological order, with events

told in the order they occurred.

d. in mixed, random order.

32. What was the “reward” referred to in the next to

last paragraph?

a. the bear seeing the Marsdens run from him

b. the bear receiving no punishment for disturbing


c. the bear being able to stand off Spike

d. the bear getting the dog food

33. The tone and style of this piece make it

appropriate for which of the following types of


a. a scientific report on human-bear interaction

b. a pamphlet on bear safety such as the one the

Marsdens read

c. a statistical study on bear fatalities in the

Western mountains

d. a human interest article in the Sunday magazine

of a newspaper



“A Plains Childhood”

When I think of my family’s history on the land, I experience a pang of regret.Unlike much of the arid West, where

the land has gone virtually unchanged for centuries,my place of origin, western Kansas, has been torn up by agriculture.

The flat plains, excellent soil, and sparse but just adequate rainfall permitted farming; therefore farming

prevailed, and a good 90% of the original sod prairie is gone. The consequence, in human terms, is that our relationship

to our place has always felt primarily mercantile.We used the land and denied, or held at bay, its effect

on us. Yet from my earliest childhood, when most of the Kansas prairie was still intact, I’ve known that the land

also had a romantic quality. I’ve felt moved by the expanse of it, enthralled by its size. I take pride in my identity

as a plains daughter.



34. Which of the following is the most accurate

restatement of the author’s position?

a. The presence of people has enriched the plains


b. Farming has improved the soil of the plains.

c. Farming has eroded the natural beauty of the


d. Farming has chemically polluted the plains.

35. The argument in this paragraph is based

primarily on

a. facts of history and statistical studies.

b. facts derived from the author’s personal


c. feelings the author has picked up from

personal experience.

d. feelings passed down to the author by


36. From context, it can be determined that the word

“mercantile” has something to do with

a. practicality.

b. danger.

c. America.

d. spirituality.

The coast of the State of Maine is one of the most irregular in the world. A straight line running from the southernmost

coastal city to the northernmost coastal city would measure about 225 miles. If you followed the coastline

between these points, you would travel more than ten times as far. This irregularity is the result of what is called

a drowned coastline. The term comes from the glacial activity of the Ice Age. At that time, the whole area that is

now Maine was part of a mountain range that towered above the sea. As the glacier descended, however, it expended

enormous force on those mountains, and they sank into the sea.

As the mountains sank, ocean water charged over the lowest parts of the remaining land, forming a series

of twisting inlets and lagoons of contorted grottos and nooks. The highest parts of the former mountain range,

nearest the shore, remained as islands. Mt. Desert Island was one of the most famous of all the islands left behind

by the glacier.Marine fossils found here were 225 feet above sea level indicating the level of the shoreline prior to

the glacier.

The 2,500 mile long rocky and jagged coastline ofMaine keeps watch over nearly 2,000 islands.Many of these

islands are tiny and uninhabited, but many are home to thriving communities. Mt. Desert Island is one of the

largest, most beautiful of the Maine coast islands. Measuring 16 miles by 12 miles, Mt. Desert was very nearly

formed as two distinct islands. It is split almost in half by Somes Sound, a very deep and very narrow stretch of

water seven miles long.

For years, Mt. Desert Island, particularly its major settlement, Bar Harbor, afforded summer homes for the

wealthy. Recently though, Bar Harbor has become a burgeoning arts community as well. But, the best part of the

island is the unspoiled forest land known as Acadia National Park. Since the island sits on the boundary line between

the temperate and subarctic zones, the island supports the flora and fauna of both zones as well as beach, inland,

and alpine plants. It also lies in a major bird migration lane and is a resting spot for many birds.

The establishment of Acadia National Park in 1916 means that this natural monument will be preserved and

that it will be available to all people, not just the wealthy. Visitors to Acadia may receive nature instruction from

the park naturalists as well as enjoy camping, hiking, cycling, and boating. Or they may choose to spend time at

the archeological museum learning about the Stone Age inhabitants of the island.

The best view on Mt. Desert Island is from the top of Cadillac Mountain. This mountain rises 1,532 feet,

making it the highest mountain on the Atlantic seaboard. From the summit, you can gaze back toward the mainland

or out over the Atlantic Ocean and contemplate the beauty created by a retreating glacier.



37. Which of the following lists of topics best

outlines the information in the selection?

a. — Ice-Age glacial activity

— The Islands of Casco Bay

— Formation of Cadillac Mountain

— Summer residents of Mt. Desert Island

b. — Formation of a drowned coastline

— The topography of Mt. Desert Island

— The environment of Mt. Desert Island

— Tourist attractions on Mt. Desert Island

c. — Mapping the Maine coastline

— The arts community at Bar Harbor

— History of the National Park system

— Climbing Cadillac Mountain

d. — The effect of glaciers on small islands

— Stone-Age dwellers on Mt. Desert Island

— The importance of biodiversity

— Hiking in Acadia National Park

38. Which of the following statements best expresses

the main idea of paragraph 4 of the selection?

a. The wealthy residents of Mt. Desert Island

selfishly kept it to themselves.

b. Acadia National Park is one of the smallest of

the national parks.

c. On Mt. Desert Island, there is great tension

between the year-round residents and the

summer tourists.

d. Due to its location and environment, Mt.

Desert Island supports an incredibly diverse

animal and plant life.

39. According to the selection, the large number of small

islands along the coast ofMaine are the result of

a. glaciers forcing a mountain range into the sea.

b. Maine’s location between the temperate and

subarctic zones.

c. the irregularity of the Maine coast.

d. the need for summer communities for wealthy

tourists and artists.

40. The content of paragraph 5 indicates that the

writer believes that

a. the continued existence of national parks is

threatened by budget cuts.

b. the best way to preserve the environment on

Mt. Desert Island is to limit the number of


c. national parks allow large numbers of people

to visit and learn about interesting wilderness


d. Mt. Desert Island is the most interesting

tourist attraction in Maine.

41. According to the selection, the coast of Maine is

a. 2,500 miles long.

b. 3,500 miles long.

c. 225 miles long.

d. 235 miles long.

42. What is the meaning of the underlined phrase

flora and fauna in paragraph 4 of this passage?

a. insects and plants

b. plants and animals

c. deer and coyote

d. birds and beaches



The immune system is equal in complexity to the combined intricacies of the brain and nervous system. The success

of the immune system in defending the body relies on a dynamic regulatory communications network consisting

of millions and millions of cells. Organized into sets and subsets, these cells pass information back and forth

like clouds of bees swarming around a hive. The result is a sensitive system of checks and balances that produces

an immune response that is prompt, appropriate, effective, and self-limiting.

At the heart of the immune system is the ability to distinguish between self and nonself. When immune

defenders encounter cells or organisms carrying foreign or nonself molecules, the immune troops move quickly

to eliminate the intruders. Virtually every body cell carries distinctive molecules that identify it as self. The

body’s immune defenses do not normally attack tissues that carry a self-marker. Rather, immune cells and other

body cells coexist peaceably in a state known as self-tolerance.When a normally functioning immune system attacks

a nonself molecule, the system has the ability to “remember” the specifics of the foreign body. Upon subsequent

encounters with the same species of molecules, the immune system reacts accordingly.With the possible exception

of antibodies passed during lactation, this so called immune system memory is not inherited. Despite the

occurrence of a virus in your family, your immune system must “learn” from experience with the many millions

of distinctive nonself molecules in the sea of microbes in which we live. Learning entails producing the appropriate

molecules and cells to match up with and counteract each nonself invader.

Any substance capable of triggering an immune response is called an antigen. Antigens are not to be confused

with allergens, which are most often harmless substances (such as ragweed pollen or cat hair) that provoke

the immune system to set off the inappropriate and harmful response known as allergy. An antigen can be a virus,

a bacterium, a fungus, a parasite, or even a portion or product of one of these organisms. Tissues or cells from

another individual (except an identical twin, whose cells carry identical self-markers) also act as antigens; because

the immune system recognizes transplanted tissues as foreign, it rejects them. The body will even reject nourishing

proteins unless they are first broken down by the digestive system into their primary, nonantigenic building

blocks. An antigen announces its foreignness by means of intricate and characteristic shapes called epitopes, which

protrude from its surface.Most antigens, even the simplest microbes, carry several different kinds of epitopes on

their surface; some may even carry several hundred. Some epitopes will be more effective than others at stimulating

an immune response. Only in abnormal situations does the immune system wrongly identify self as nonself

and execute a misdirected immune attack. The result can be a so-called autoimmune disease such as

rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosis. The painful side effects of these diseases are caused by a person’s

immune system actually attacking itself.



43.What is the analogy used to describe the

communications network among the cells in

the immune system?

a. the immune system’s memory

b. immune troops eliminating intruders

c. bees swarming around a hive

d. a sea of microbes

44. The immune cells and other cells in the body

coexist peaceably in a state known as

a. equilibrium.

b. self-tolerance.

c. harmony.

d. tolerance.

45. What is the specific term for the substance

capable of triggering an inappropriate or

harmful immune response to a harmless

substance such as ragweed pollen?

a. antigen

b. microbe

c. allergen

d. autoimmune disease

46. How do the cells in the immune system

recognize an antigen as “foreign” or “nonself?”

a. through an allergic response

b. through blood type

c. through fine hairs protruding from the

antigen surface

d. through characteristic shapes on the antigen


47. After you have had the chicken pox, your

immune system will be able to do all of the

following EXCEPT

a. prevent your offspring from infection by the

chicken pox virus.

b. distinguish between your body cells and that

of the chicken pox virus.

c. “remember” previous experiences with the

chicken pox virus.

d. match up and counteract nonself molecules in

the form of the chicken pox virus.

48. Which of the following best expresses the main

idea of this passage?

a. An antigen is any substance that triggers an

immune response.

b. The basic function of the immune system is to

distinguish between self and nonself.

c. One of the immune system’s primary

functions is the allergic response.

d. The human body presents an opportune

habitat for microbes.

49. Why would tissue transplanted from father to

daughter have a greater risk of being detected as

foreign than a tissue transplanted between

identical twins?

a. The age of the twins’ tissue would be the same

and therefore less likely to be rejected.

b. The identical twin’s tissue would carry the

same self-markers and would therefore be less

likely to be rejected.

c. The difference in the sex of the father and

daughter would cause the tissue to be rejected

by the daughter’s immune system.

d. The twins’ immune systems would “remember”

the same encounters with childhood


50. What is the meaning of the underlined word

intricacies as it is used in the first sentence of the


a. elaborate interconnections

b. confusion of pathways

c. inherent perplexity

d. comprehensive coverage



Answer Key



1. c. Lesson 3

2. b. Lesson 1

3. b. Lesson 18

4. c. Lesson 2

5. a. Lesson 8

6. c. Lesson 14

7. d. Lesson 1

8. a. Lesson 1

9. b. Lesson 2

10. c. Lesson 8

11. c. Lesson 4

12. d. Lesson 12

13. c. Lesson 3

14. d. Lesson 11

15. a. Lesson 4

16. b. Lesson 3

17. c. Lesson 12

18. b. Lesson 13

19. a. Lesson 11

20. d. Lesson 12

21. a. Lesson 8

22. d. Lesson 16

23. d. Lesson 6

24. b. Lesson 11

25. b. Lesson 16

26. d. Lesson 17

27. a. Lesson 1

28. a. Lesson 16

29. c. Lesson 3

30. b. Lesson 3

31. c. Lesson 6

32. d. Lesson 16

33. d. Lesson 13

34. c. Lesson 16

35. c. Lesson 4

36. a. Lesson 3

37. b. Lesson 1

38. d. Lesson 2

39. a. Lesson 9

40. c. Lesson 4

41. a. Lesson 1

42. b. Lesson 3

43. c. Lesson 8

44. b. Lesson 1

45. c. Lesson 3

46. d. Lesson 9

47. a. Lesson 6

48. b. Lesson 2

49. b. Lesson 9

50. a. Lesson 3

Most of us get nevous about tests, especially standardized tests, where our scores can have a significant

impact on our future.Nervousness is natural—and it can even be an advantage if you

know how to channel it into positive energy.

The following pages provide suggestions for overcoming test anxiety both in the days and weeks before the

test and during the test itself.

Two to Three Months before the Test

The number one best way to combat test anxiety is to be prepared. That means two things: Know what to expect

on the test and review the material and skills on which you will be tested.

Know What to Expect

What knowledge or skills will the exam test? What are you expected to know? What skills will you be expected to

demonstrate? What is the format of the test? Multiple choice? True or false? Essay? If possible, go to a bookstore


Preparing for a

A Standardized Test


or the library for a study guide that shows you what a

sample test looks like. Or maybe the agency that’s testing

you for a job offers a study guide or conducts study

sessions. The fewer surprises you have on test day, the

better you will perform. And the more you know what

to expect, the more confident you will be to handle the


Review the Material and Skills

You’ll Be Tested On

The fact that you are reading this book means that

you’ve already taken this step. Now, are there other

steps you can take? Are there other subject areas you

need to review? Can you make more improvement in

this or other areas? If you are really nervous or if it has

been a long time since you reviewed these subjects and

skills, you may want to buy another study guide, sign up

for a class in your neighborhood, or work with a tutor.

The more you know about what to expect on test

day and the more comfortable you are with the material

and skills to be tested, the less anxious you will be

and the better you will do on the test itself.

The Days before the Test

Review, Don’t Cram

If you have been preparing and reviewing in the weeks

before the exam, there’s no need to cram a few days

beforehand. Cramming is likely to confuse you and

make you nervous. Instead, schedule a relaxed review

of all you have learned.

Physical Activity

Get some exercise in the days preceding the test. You’ll

send some extra oxygen to your brain and allow your

thinking performance to peak on the day you take the

test.Moderation is the key here.Don’t exercise so much

that you feel exhausted, but a little physical activity

will invigorate your body and brain. Walking is a terrific,

low-impact, energy-building form of exercise.

Balanced Diet

Like your body, your brain needs proper nutrients to

function well. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables in the

days before the test. Foods high in lecithin, such as fish

and beans, are especially good choices. Lecithin is a protein

your brain needs for peak performance. You may

even consider a visit to your local pharmacy to buy a

bottle of lecithin tablets several weeks before your test.


Get plenty of sleep the nights before the test. Don’t

overdo it, though, or you’ll make yourself as groggy

as if you were overtired. Go to bed at a reasonable

time, early enough to get the hours of rest you need

to function effectively. You’ll feel relaxed and rested

if you’ve gotten plenty of sleep in the days before you

take the test.

Trial Run

At some point before the test, make a trial run to the

testing center to see how long it takes to get there.

Rushing raises your emotional energy and lowers your

intellectual capacity, so you want to allow plenty of

time on test day to get to the testing center. Arriving ten

or fifteen minutes early gives you time to relax and get



Plan some sort of celebration—with family or friends,

or just by yourself—for after the test. Make sure it’s

something you’ll really look forward to and enjoy. If

you have something planned for after the test, you

may find it easier to prepare and keep moving during

the test.

Test Day

It’s finally here, the day of the big test. Set your alarm

early enough to allow plenty of time to get to the testing

center. Eat a good breakfast. Avoid anything that’s



really high in sugar, such as donuts. A sugar high turns

into a sugar low after an hour or so. Cereal and toast,

or anything with complex carbohydrates is a good

choice. Eat only moderate amounts. You don’t want to

take a test feeling stuffed! Your body will channel its

energy to your digestive system instead of your brain.

Pack a high-energy snack to take with you. You

may have a break sometime during the test when you

can grab a quick snack. Bananas are great. They have

a moderate amount of sugar and plenty of brain

nutrients, such as potassium. Most proctors won’t

allow you to eat a snack while you’re testing, but a

peppermint shouldn’t pose a problem. Peppermints

are like smelling salts for your brain. If you lose your

concentration or suffer from a momentary mental

block, a peppermint can get you back on track. Don’t

forget the earlier advice about relaxing and taking a

few deep breaths.

Leave early enough so you have plenty of time to

get to the test center. Allow a few minutes for unexpected

traffic.When you arrive, locate the restroom and

use it. Few things interfere with concentration as much

as a full bladder. Then find your seat and make sure it’s

comfortable. If it isn’t, tell the proctor and ask to move

to something more suitable.

Now relax and think positively! Before you know

it, the test will be over, and you’ll walk away knowing

you’ve done as well as you can.

Combating Test Anxiety

Okay—you know what the test will be on. You’ve

reviewed the subjects and practiced the skills on which

you will be tested. So why do you still have that sinking

feeling in your stomach? Why are your palms sweaty

and your hands shaking?

Even the brightest, most well-prepared test takers

sometimes suffer bouts of test anxiety. But don’t worry;

you can overcome it. Here are some specific strategies

to help you.

Take the Test One Question at

a Time

Focus all your attention on the one question you’re

answering. Avoid thoughts about questions you’ve

already read or concerns about what’s coming next.

Concentrate your thinking where it will do the most

good—on the question you’re answering now.

Develop a Positive Attitude

Keep reminding yourself that you’re prepared. In fact, if

you’ve read this book or any other in the LearningExpress

Skill Builders series, you’re probably better prepared

than most other test takers. Remember, it’s only a

test, and you will do your best. That’s all anyone can ask

of you. If that nagging drill sergeant voice inside your

head starts sending negative messages, combat them

with positive ones of your own. Tell yourself:

■ “I’m doing just fine.”

■ “I’ve prepared for this test.”

■ “I know exactly what to do.”

■ “I know I can get the score I’m shooting for.”

You get the idea. Remember to drown out negative

messages with positive ones of your own.

If You Lose Your Concentration

Don’t worry about it! It’s normal. During a long test, it

happens to everyone. When your mind is stressed or

overexerted, it takes a break whether you want it to or

not. It’s easy to get your concentration back if you simply

acknowledge the fact that you’ve lost it and take a

quick break. You brain needs very little time (seconds,

really) to rest.

Put your pencil down and close your eyes. Take a

deep breath, hold it for a moment, and let it out slowly.

Listen to the sound of your breathing as you repeat this

two more times. The few seconds this takes is really all

the time your brain needs to relax and refocus. This

exercise also helps you control your heart rate, so you

can keep anxiety at bay.



Try this technique several times before the test

when you feel stressed. The more you practice, the better

it will work for you on test day.

If You Freeze

Don’t worry about a question that stumps you even

though you’re sure you know the answer. Mark it and

go on to the next question. You can come back to the

“stumper” later. Try to put it out of your mind completely

until you come back to it. Just let your subconscious

mind chew on the question while your conscious

mind focuses on the other items (one at a time—of

course). Chances are, the memory block will be gone by

the time you return to the question.

If you freeze before you ever begin the test, here’s

what to do:

1. Do some deep breathing to help yourself relax

and focus.

2. Remind yourself that you’re prepared.

3. Take some time to look over the test.

4. Read a few of the questions.

5. Decide which ones are the easiest and start there.

Before long, you’ll be “in the groove.”

Time Strategies

One of the most important—and nerve-wracking—

elements of a standardized test is time. You’ll only be

allowed a certain number of minutes for each section,

so it is very important that you use your time wisely.

Pace Yourself

The most important time strategy is pacing yourself.

Before you begin, take just a few seconds to survey the

test, noting the number of questions and the sections

that look easier than the rest. Then, make a rough time

schedule based on the amount of time available to you.

Mark the halfway point on your test and make a note

beside that mark of the time when the testing period is

half over.

Keep Moving

Once you begin the test, keep moving. If you work

slowly in an attempt to make fewer mistakes, your

mind will become bored and begin to wander. You’ll

end up making far more mistakes if you’re not concentrating.

Worse, if you take too long to answer questions

that stump you, you may end up running out of

time before you finish.

So don’t stop for difficult questions. Skip them

and move on. You can come back to them later if you

have time. A question that takes you five seconds to

answer counts as much as one that takes you several

minutes, so pick up the easy points first. Besides,

answering the easier questions first helps build your

confidence and gets you in the testing groove. Who

knows? As you go through the test, you may even stumble

across some relevant information to help you

answer those tough questions.

Don’t Rush

Keep moving, but don’t rush. Think of your mind as

a seesaw. On one side is your emotional energy; on the

other side, your intellectual energy. When your emotional

energy is high, your intellectual capacity is low.

Remember how difficult it is to reason with someone

when you’re angry? On the other hand, when your

intellectual energy is high, your emotional energy is

low. Rushing raises your emotional energy and reduces

your intellectual capacity. Remember the last time you

were late for work? All that rushing around probably

caused you to forget important things—like your

lunch.Move quickly to keep your mind from wandering,

but don’t rush and get yourself flustered.

Check Yourself

Check yourself at the halfway mark. If you’re a little

ahead, you know you’re on track and may even have a

little time left to check your work. If you’re a little

behind, you have several choices. You can pick up the

pace a little, but do this only if you can do it comfortably.

Remember—don’t rush! You can also skip around

in the remaining portion of the test to pick up as many

easy points as possible. This strategy has one draw-



back, however. If you are marking a bubble-style

answer sheet, and you put the right answers in the

wrong bubbles—they’re wrong. So pay close attention

to the question numbers if you decide to do this.

Avoiding Errors

When you take the test, you want to make as few errors

as possible in the questions you answer. Here are a few

tactics to keep in mind.

Control Yourself

Remember that comparison between your mind and a

seesaw? Keeping your emotional energy low and your

intellectual energy high is the best way to avoid mistakes.

If you feel stressed or worried, stop for a few

seconds. Acknowledge the feeling (Hmmm! I’m feeling

a little pressure here!), take a few deep breaths, and send

yourself a few positive messages. This relieves your

emotional anxiety and boosts your intellectual capacity.


In many standardized testing situations, a proctor reads

the instructions aloud. Make certain you understand

what is expected. If you don’t, ask. Listen carefully for

instructions about how to answer the questions and

make certain you know how much time you have to

complete the task. Write the time on your test if you

don’t already know how long you have to take the test.

If you miss this vital information, ask for it. You need

it to do well on your test.


This may seem like a silly warning, but it is important.

Place your answers in the right blanks or the corresponding

ovals on the answer sheet. Right answers in

the wrong place earn no points—you may even lose

points. It’s a good idea to check every five to ten questions

to make sure you’re in the right spot. That way,

you won’t need much time to correct your answer sheet

if you have made an error.

Choosing the Right Answers by

Process of Elimination

Make sure you understand what the question is asking.

If you’re not sure of what’s being asked, you’ll never

know whether you’ve chosen the right answer. So

determine what the question is asking. If the answer

isn’t readily apparent, look for clues in the answer

choices. Notice the similarities and differences in the

answer choices. Sometimes, this helps to put the question

in a new perspective, making it easier to answer.

If you’re still not sure of the answer, use the process of

elimination. First, eliminate any answer choices that

are obviously wrong. Then, reason your way through

the remaining choices. You may be able to use relevant

information from other parts of the test. If you can’t

eliminate any of the answer choices, you might be

better off to skip the question and come back to it

later. If you can’t eliminate any answer choices to

improve your odds when you return, make a guess

and move on.

If You’re Penalized for Wrong


You must know whether there’s a penalty for wrong

answers before you begin the test. If you don’t, ask the

proctor before the test begins. Whether you make a

guess depends on the penalty. Some standardized tests

are scored in such a way that every wrong answer

reduces your score by one-fourth or one-half of a

point. Whatever the penalty, if you can eliminate

enough choices to make the odds of answering the

question better than the penalty for getting it wrong,

make a guess.

Let’s imagine you are taking a test in which each

answer has four choices and you are penalized onefourth

of a point for each wrong answer. If you have no

clue and cannot eliminate any of the answer choices,

you’re better off leaving the question blank because

the odds of answering correctly are one in four. This

makes the penalty and the odds equal.However, if you

can eliminate one of the choices, the odds are now in

your favor. You have a one in three chance of answering



the question correctly. Fortunately, few tests are scored

using such elaborate means, but if your test is one of

them, know the penalties and calculate your odds

before you take a guess on a question.

If You Finish Early

Use any time you have left at the end of the test or test

section to check your work. First, make certain you’ve

put the answers in the right places. As you’re doing

this, make sure you’ve answered each question only

once.Most standardized tests are scored in such a way

that questions with more than one answer are marked

wrong. If you’ve erased an answer, make sure you’ve

done a good job. Check for stray marks on your answer

sheet that could distort your score.

After you’ve checked for these obvious errors,

take a second look at the more difficult questions.

You’ve probably heard the folk wisdom about never

changing an answer. It’s not always good advice. If you

have a good reason for thinking a response is wrong,

change it.

After the Test

Once you’ve finished, congratulate yourself. You’ve

worked hard to prepare; now it’s time to enjoy yourself

and relax. Remember that celebration you planned

before the test? Go to it!



Reading is like exercise: If you don’t keep doing it, you’ll get out of shape. Like muscles that grow

stronger and bigger with each repetition, your reading skills grow stronger and stronger with everything

you read. But if you stop working out, your reading comprehension muscles will deteriorate,

and you may find yourself struggling with material you could have easily understood several months ago.

So don’t stop now! You’ve really just begun. Reading comprehension is a skill to build throughout your whole


Tips for Continuing to Improve Your Reading

The following are some ways you can continue to strengthen your reading comprehension skills:

■ Read! Read anything—books, newspapers, magazines, novels, poems. The more you read, the better. Set

yourself a reading goal: one book a month, two books while you’re on vacation, a half hour of reading every

night before bed. There’s a list of suggested books at the end of this section; try some.



B Resources


■ Discover new authors. Check out the best-seller

list and try the books on that list. If it’s a bestseller,

it’s probably a book that appeals to a wide

variety of readers, and chances are, you’ll like it.

■ Spend time in bookstores and libraries. There are

bound to be books and authors out there that

appeal to some of your interests. Don’t be afraid to

ask a salesperson or librarian to help you: Describe

your interests and your preferences in style, and he

or she can help you find books you’ll enjoy


■ Join a reading group.Most cities and towns have a

club that meets every two weeks or each month to

discuss a selected book. In these groups, you’ll be

able to discuss your ideas and questions with a

group of friends and associates in an informal setting.

If your area doesn’t have a reading group,

start your own. You and your friends can take

turns choosing which book you’ll read and discuss.

■ Review this book periodically to refresh yourself

about the basics. Try some of the skill building

exercises at the end of each lesson on a regular


Suggested Reading List

On the following pages is a list of great reads. These

suggestions is just the tip of the iceberg! It is broken

down into different subjects, so try reading some of the

books in the categories that interest you.


A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya


My Life by Bill Clinton

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an

American Slave by Frederick Douglass

Night by Elie Wiesel

The Story of My Life by Helen Keller

Coming of Age

Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Peace Like a River by Leif Engler

Historical/Social Issues

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry

The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

The Grapes ofWrath by John Steinbeck


Awake My Soul: Spirituality for Busy People by

Timothy K. Jones

Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

Simple Path by Mother Theresa

The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch


The Prayer of Jabez: Breaking Through to the

Blessed Life by Bruce Wilkinson

The Purpose-Drive Life: What on Earth Am I

Here For? by Rick Warren


2nd Chance by James Patterson

American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis

On the Street Where You Live by Mary Higgins


State of Fear by Michael Crichton

The Godfather by Mario Puzo


Collected Poems of Langston Hughes by Langston


The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson by

Emily Dickinson

The Sonnets by William Shakespeare

The Vintage Book of Contemporary American

Poetry by J.D.McClatchy

Walt Whitman: Poetry and Prose by Walt




Science Fiction/Fantasy

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Harry Potter (series) by J.K. Rowling

Lord of the Rings (trilogy) by J.R.R. Tolkien

Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by

Robert Louis Stevenson

Short Stories

Demonology: Stories by Rick Moody

Drinking Coffee Elsewhere by Z.Z. Packer

Everything’s Eventual: 14 Dark Tales by Stephen


The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan

Poe by Edgar Allan Poe


Bioterrorism and Public Health by John G.


Black Death: AIDS in Africa by Susan Hunter

Blood Evidence by Henry C. Lee

Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind

by Michael S. Gazzaniga


Al-Qaeda: Casting a Shadow of Terror by Jason


Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War by

Mark Bowden

Born on the Fourth of July by Ron Kovic



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