When I met my In-Laws

(A/N: First and foremost, if any character is ooc it's because my allergies have been acting doc lately and I couldn't really think straight. Soooooo, I'll just throw this chapter out here, I didnt finish it since I couldn't think of any more ideas to throw in here. But if you want a part 2 I will probably work on it. Anyways, I'm gonna sleeeep (。ノω\。)

Word Count: 3511
(Dont see the point of that but okay TvT)


"Can we sparr another day...my body has been aching since this morning," Kate whined. Hitoshi's brows furrowed as he stretched his arms. "That wouldn't have happened if you did the stretches like I told you to." She crossed her arms, giving him a sad look, seeing that her excuse failed. He started to wrap the boxing wrappers around his hands, then sighed, giving off his tired expression. Kate felt a wave of guilt, she knows she can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but all she wants to do is spend time with him, which she rarely does, due to Hitoshi training and studying under Mr. Aizawa's watch.

He was more focused on becoming stronger and smarter, so he could join class 1-A. Kate loves the idea of her boyfriend in her class, and finally getting in the hero department where he deserves to be in. But lately he hasn't been taking any mental breaks, and it's starting worry her over his mental state. Kate placed her hand on his shoulder, making Hitoshi tense up.

"Let's take a break,"She smiled up at him. His face softened, as he slowly removed her hand off his shoulder, then held it, rubbing his thumb on her skin. "Sorry, not today." He grabbed her arm, placing it on his shoulder, and flipped her over his body, making Kate's back slap on the mat. Her eyes squinted over the pain that rushed through her body. Hitoshi kneeled down, pushing curly strands of her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead. "I'll make it up to you." She stayed there, looking up at the ceiling, whimpering. "Ow... ಥ‿ಥ"

Kate picked herself up, while Shinso walked over to the other end of the mat. She frowned, as he turned around towards her, letting out a sigh of defeat."Fine, I'll rest..." Her face lit up.


Kate's brows furrowed, she started to walk near where he was, and stopped, holding her pinky up in the air. "You promise?" He raised a brow. Her serious face slowly fell apart, but regained it back again, trying her best not to smile. He gave a small smile, realizing what she was doing. Hitoshi wrapped his pinky around hers, as Kate let out a happy squeal.

"But only if you agree to spar with me."

She nooded and quickly walked towards the other end of the mat, as Shinso formed into his fighting stance, Kate doing the same, spreading her heels and arms apart like he taught her to. "Don't hold back," He exclaimed, giving her a stern look. Kate's expression turned from happy into worry, clenching her fists."O-Okay..."


Kate fell on the grass, crushing the tiny flowers with her own small body. Ashley looked down at her, and offered her hand. She smiled, clasping her small hand to Ashley's, helping her to stand up. Their mom placed her hands on her hips, sighing, being proud of Ashley but for Kate, there was a lot of work to be done. Ashley's stance was perfect for her age, at least, she could quickly think and move away from her opponent, as she thought about her weak points. Kate...she was still fairly new in terms of fighting, she would get stressed out whenever she couldn't think what her next move would be, constantly surrenders, and she would try talk things out. Villains will rarely wait for you, or hesitate, it seems that's the thing she doesn't understand. Sometimes, you have no other choice but to stand your ground and fight.

"Okay, now this time you will use your quirks, but..."She looked over to Ashley."You are going to have to go easy on her, understood?"

The ten-year old nodded. "Ashley understands." Her mom smiles. "Good."

The two sisters stood on opposite sides of the small "field", face to face, a few feet apart. Both of them readied their stance, waiting for one of them to make a move. Kate let out a punch, making a big gust of wind fly out of her fist and towards Ashley, making her quickly dodge her attack. Unfortunately, the power of her winds were too strong for Kate to handle that it pushed her away from the field, falling backwards, landing on her back. "Owie TnT"

Ash bended some tiny water droplets that were on the grass, creating a small bubble of water as she made it hover over to Kate's face. She released the bubble, making the water splash on the toddler's face. Ashley turns to her mom and bows down.

"Ashley wins again."

Their mom let out a small chuckle, as Kate groggily stood up, coughing. Her brows furrowed, feeling disappointed in herself that she lost again. Their dad walked over to her, and crouched down, grabbing her shoulders.

"It's okay shortstack, you won't always win every fight."

Their mom's eyes widened in frustration.


He jumped as his wife called his name, as he stood up and turned over to her direction. "What?"

"If you say that, she wont perform her best while sparring!" She said angrily, crossing her arms.

He placed his hands inside his pockets. "I was trying to make her feel better, relax." She growled.

"What are you even doing here, anyway. Dont you have things to do..."

He smiled as he walked over to her, putting his arm around her shoulders. "Yeah I do. I just wanted to check what my beautiful angels were up to." He kissed her cheek, making Ashley gag at the sight. The ten-year old attempted to pull her dad away from her mom, by pushing his legs with her tiny hand, but he didn't budge. Instead, her dad chuckled and ruffled her white messy hair. Her mom gave a small smile, as Ashley glared at his father.

"Hey, your death stare is getting better, snowball."

She cringed at her nickname, blowing a raspberry at her dad, and walked away, heading inside. He looked at her wife with a bright smile. "Looks like she's warming up to me." She raised a brow, and softly pushed his face away, following her daughter. "You can be a idiot sometimes...(-_- )ノ"

He rolled his eyes. "Well you fell in love with this idiot...", he muttered. She looked back at him. "What was that?" Her husband nervously shook his hands, smiling. "Nothing!"

Kate stepped in, with a evil grin on her face. "HE SAID THAT Y-" He quickly covered her mouth, nervously smiling, as Kate started to spit at his hand to make him let go. Her mom squinted her eyes in suspicion and headed inside. He let Kate go, she gave him a angry look.

"Sorry shortstack, I couldn't put myself at risk from getting another lecture from your mother."

Her expression stayed the same. He sighed, and smiled.

"I'll make it up to you. "

She crossed her arms." By doing what..."

"Its a surprise <( ̄︶ ̄)>"

Kate squinted her eyes, holding her pinky up in the air. "You promise?" He lifted his brow, as Kate's face flushed red from embarrassment. "It helps me think that you'll actually keep you promise!...So...do you mean it?"

He laughed, wrapping his pinky on hers. "Yeah, I mean it. Also..."

She tilted her head. "Don't get in a relationship, save yourself while you can"


"I know! I know!" He chuckled. "I just wanted to warn you...and...I dont want you to forget about me..."

Her eyes slowly turned glossy, forming little tears in the corners of her eyes. Kate wasted no time giving her father a hug, as tears fell down her face.

"I will never forget you! Not in a million of years!


Hitoshi swiped his leg under Kate's, she lost her balance but quickly grabbed his arm, making him go down with her. She landed on the floor but quickly rolled over to the side, as Shinso's chest and face made impact on the floor. Kate tiredly pulled her arms out in victory, while Hitoshi rolled over to the side, catching his breath.

"We'll just call it a tie."

Both of them still layed on the floor, trying to calm their breathing patterns down, until Kate sat up, with a worried look.

"What's today's date?"

He sat up, placing his hands on the floor. "Setember 3...why?"

She gasped as she quickly stood up and pulled Hitoshi up to his feet, he looked at her confused. "What-"

She grabbed his shoulders, shaking him. "Today's the day you meet my parents! I completely forgot..."

"I thought it was next week..."

"No, I wrote it down on the calendar so we wouldn't forget." She pointed to the calendar that were placed on the walls of the gym. I guess that was a waste of time. It was written down in her sloppy handwriting so it made it difficult for Shinso to even read, although he could make out some words and numbers on it.

He hummed. "It's at six..."

"What time is it now?"

He looked over to the clock. "Five twenty-nine," He said calmly.

Kate grabbed Hitoshi's hand frantically, and dragged him out of the the small gym, heading towards the bathroom. She pushed him inside, making him suprised by her sudden actions.

"Now, go take a shower, you smell like sweat. "

He chuckled.

"Kate, I need to grab my clothes first..." He said, placing his hands in his pockets.

"I'll find some while you're doing your business. Now go! We're gonna be late!"

"Okay! Okay!" Hitoshi closed the door, as Kate began her quest to find his clothes.


"Hey Ash, have seen my....uh..." Sero looked at Ashley walking back and forth, aggressively eating a cookie in the kitchen. They were almost ready to go, but Ashley has been worried over this dinner since yesterday. Her body would melt if she would even think about all the ways that this event can go wrong. She grabbed another cookie, continuing to eat her thoughts away. Sero walked in front her, placing his hands on her upper arms. She looked up at him, her mouth stuffed with cookie bits.

"Hey...everything's gonna turn out okay..." he cooed. Ashley's eyes shifted over the jar of cookies, as she slowly lifted her hand to grab it, but Sero pushed the jar out of her reach. "Just one more...please" She pleaded.

"No, stop stress eating. " Ash kept chewing the sweets that were in her mouth, finally swallowing it. "Okay...sorry...I just feel-"

"Worried, I know." Sero finished her sentence, giving a soft smile. "I feel the same way...I might actually shit myself this time." Ashley gave him a punch on his chest, as he laughed. She sighed, leaning her head on his chest.

"I just hope they see what I see in you."

"Yeah...what do you see in me?" He chuckled. She lifted her head of his chest, looking up at him. Ash answered with a small smile, giving a quick peck on his lips, walking out the kitchen. Sero looked at her dumbfounded, but quickly pulled himself together. "Have you seen my yellow hoodie anywhere, I can't find it," He asked following his girlfriend. Ashley then held up his bright hoodie in the air, as he gladly took it from her. "Thanks."

Sero then began to insert himself in the hoodie, popping his head through the holes as his hands did the same. "You ready?" Ashley sighed and shook her head, but he let out a smile, intertwining his fingers onto hers. "Me neither."

"I thought you were being sarcastic when you said that your parents live and own a island..."

They both walked on the sand, as the sounds of the soft and small waves crash down on the distant shore. Sand started to get inside their shoes, making them both feel more uncomfortable. Ashley almost forget how often sand will get almost everywhere, the winds in the island were pretty strong during dusk. Sero started to wipe his mouth from the tiny bits of sand that are flying towards his face, he couldn't wait until they go inside. Ash's hair started poke her eyes and go in her mouth, she tried to brush her hair out of the way, but came back to what position they were before.

A faint laughter and the sound of wings flapping echoed through the sky. Water could be heard splashing, sounding like to make a attempt to hit the pro hero, but missing every time. Probably trying to give him several warning shots or to just scare him off, but who knows. Sero looked at Ashley, giving her a worried look, however she answered with a shrug. They both continued to walk towards to the beach house, as their adrenaline started to increase at every step the took, getting closer and closer, until they stopped at the front door. He took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. The sounds of stressful screams and laughter faded until it was quiet. Ash raised a brow, and pressed her ear against the door.

She could hear whispers, but couldn't make any words up. Sero rang the doorbell again, waiting for someone to open up. Ashley moved her head away from the door as soon as she heard football that were coming their way. She quickly brushed some of the sand, that were sticking against her boyfriend's clothes and hair, after that she moved her white locks that were ticking her face. She let out a shaky breath, locking her finger against her other ones, rubbing them for comfort, as the door swinged open. Her anxiety soon washed away, seeing her idol standing there.

"Hey kid!" He smiled.


Sero's eyes widened in surprise. Ashley's mom started pull the pro hero away from the door, as she huffed in annoyance, making him chuckle. She quickly changed her expression into a happy one, giving both of them a smile.

"Sorry about that. I didn't really wanted my first impression to start off like this."

"It's no problem really," He returned a smile.

She then looked over to Ashley giving her a quick hug, happy that she came back home once again. She cupped her face as she inspected each feature in her face, this made her daughter uncomfortable, knowing Sero was watching.

"Look how much you've grown, last time I've seen you, you were skinny as a stick."

Ashley moved her mother's hands away from her face.

"It's getting cold, we should hed inside," She said in a awkward tone.

"Oh, of course, how rude of me." She gestured both of them to come in. Sero happily came in as Ash and her mom followed. The warm air started surround both of them, relieving the coolness that stayed in their skin. The home looked rather comfy for Sero's taste, it looked all clean and homey, a familiar smell lingered in the air, giving Sero nostalgia from his family home.

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me," Her mother said, walking away from the front door. Sero nodded in response.

Ash pushed her white locks behind her ear, looking around the house, until her eyes stopped in front of a photo of Hawks and Ashley, when they were both younger. She let out a small smile.

"Woah! You actually met the winged hero: Hawks!" Kate squeaked, trying to hold in her excitement.

Ashley smiled and energetically nodded her head.

"Yeah! The one and only. We even took a picture together after I suggested it, just to remember the moment." She took out her phone from her pocket, and started to go in her gallery, searching for the photo.

"I thought it was weird for me to ask one after he found me and all...but he was surprisingly okay with it." Ash continued, turning her phone towards her sister, showing the photo of them both smiling, Ashley throwing a piece sign, while Hawks threw a okay sign. Kate looked at the picture in awe.

"Woah! I dont know why you would want to remember your kidnapping, but holy might! That's soooo cool!"

They both looked at their dad and mom from a distance talking to Hawks, as they both thanked them for rescuing Ashley. The pale girl's eyes started to sparkle as Kate took notice of this.

"Yeah it really...is..." Ash said, as her words drifted off.

Her mom shook hands with the hero. He started to take lift off, flapping his wings up in the air, but he stopped mid-way, as he turned his head towards Ashley. Her brows lifted when he gave her a quick finger salute, smiling while he was at it. She gestured the same motion Hawks was doing, hoping that she would be able to see her idol again. He turned around and flew away, all of them waving goodbye at him.

Ashley kept staring at the photo, until Sero snapped her back into reality.

"Heyy...Are you and...Hawks....like related or something," He asked, confused.

She looked up at him, raising a brow. "C'mon Sero, we don't even look anything alike."

He chuckled, crossing his arms."So he's just a guy that just hangs around with your family."

"Yes and no. He's a family friend." Sero's brows lifted as he placed his finger on his chin. "Hm, I'm starting to question how much I really know about you." She rolled her eyes. They both headed over to the living room, where Hawks and her dad was. Sero awkwardly looked around the living room, as his possibly future father-in-law looked through some of his blueprints, with his goggles on. Hawks nudged Ashley's dad with his elbow, but he didn't budge. His brows furrowed and nudged him again but this time more harsher, this caused him too look away from his blueprints, looking at him confused. Hawks glanced his eyes over to Ashley, and back to him. Her dad looked over where her daughter's direction was as he gave out a surprised look. He lifted his goggles over to his head and smiled at her, giving Ash a tight hug. The faint smell of oil and iron started to surround her airways, as she hugged back.

He released her from his grasp. "How ya doing, snowball"

"Not much. Hey, remember when I told you about Sero."

He raised a brow and glanced over to the person that was next her. Sero held his hand up in the air, as her dad looked at Ash, responding with a small smile and a nod. He smiled at Sero, gladly shaking his hand with his dark orange gloves.

"She's talked a lot about you." He glanced at her daughter then back at his possible son-in-law. "Did she pay you?" He whispered, as Ashley gasped, giving him a light punch in the arm, making him, Sero, and Hawks laugh.

She crossed her arms, flextape gave her a kiss on her temple, hopefully calming her down. "Sorry honey, I just didn't expect you to be together with someone more...optimistic." He looked over to Sero.

"No offense."

"None taken ~(˘▾˘~) "

He grabbed Ashley's shoulders, making her look up at him. "But, whoever you choose to be with is all up to you, as long as your happy, I'm happy....but... they have to treat you like the princess you are."

"Dad..." She glanced over Hawks, in embarrassment, as he mimicked what she was saying, in a overdramatic body motion. Sero held in his laughter over this.

Her mother splashed water at Hawks, not approving his mimicking over her daughter. He sighed and rolled his eyes, water dripped down from his hair, as he rested his head on his hand.

"Some people just can't take a joke..." He mumbled.

Ashley's mom then threw him a towel at his face. Sero quickly brushed his laughter, trying to avoid from being splashed.

"Also, where's your sister?" Her dad asked. Ashley checked her watch, her brows furrowed. It's 7:02...Hmm

She shrugged. "She said she'll be here, last time I saw her." He rubbed his chin, burying himself deep into his own thoughts until someone's phone started to ring. Sero and Ash checked their pockets but shook their heads, it wasn't them. The ringtone was so tacky, it started to annoy the hell out of everyone in the room. Hawks raised his brows, and took out his phone from his back pocket. He slid his finger across the screen, and pressed his ear against it, Ren angrily glared at him, as he mouthed a 'what'.

(Annnndddd that it lololol. Also haven't you noticed something about Sero's hero costume. You probably noticed it but still.)

(So I guess this is the "end" of this chapter...welp...all I wanted to say is...)

(Lol. Bye.)

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