Here We Go Again

Me: *standing in front of the zombie squads, all of whom are looking very angry*

Me: about that Blood of the Dead ending? *sniffles, remembering Primis Richtofen's death*

Primis Richtofen: *eye twitches* I'd actually berate you for zhat offense, possibly strangle you, but I'm going to leave the dirty vork to Billy.

Billy: *cracks knuckles* With pleasure...

Me: Okay! *holds hands up* So it may be my fault that you guys got kicked out the Q & A HQ building by the Overwatch and Cuphead crews.

Everyone: *looks up to see both fandoms partying in their 'new' home*

Misty: *groans* Ya think, Lindsay!? *gets angrier* The internet gets cut at your home for a whole summer--

Jessica: *jumps in* --And the second it comes back, you run off to join Tumblr!?

Me: ...Now you see what had happened was--

Billy: What happened was... *throws fists in the air* We just got kicked out of our fucking crib! *storms away to punch the side of the building*

Tracer: *blinks beside him* Oi! Keep up with that and we'll dock that out ya pockets for damages to our property!

Sombra: *appears out of nowhere, draping an arm around Billy* Relajarse, Handsome. We can't take your money...*pulls up a purple hologram, snickering at the image of everyone's bank accounts* When there's nothing left to take!

Billy: *swings fists at Tracer and Sombra, missing both women as they blink away, giggling*

Me: Wait a minute... *points at Victis , Primis, and Ultimis* Didn't y'all get called in by Jason to work on BO4? Surely he paid y'all enough--

Misty: *laughs* *wipes an imaginary tear from her eye* Whew, Lindsay that was hilarious! *points behind her* Thanks to those bozos taking up half the DLC season, we got stuck doing cameos!

Marlton: *shudders* I will never forget my experience being told to not make any movement for as long as the Primis group were in the laboratory.

Russman: Those freezing temperatures nearly made Russman's joints more jacked up!

Stuhlinger: *shivers* Being stuck there with my smell...

Scarlett: *scoffs as she crosses her arms* You scum buckets are just jealous because as the new group, the community favored us more than you.

Stu: 'Chaos story is trash', says the community. From what I heard, the community doesn't like you and want us back! *proud of himself* I made an impact lately.

Misty: *ignores Stu* You obviously ignored the fans cheering for me, Redhead. *sticks tongue out*

Tank: *butts in* Look, I'd like to see a cat fight happen right here but it ain't gonna solve our homelessness.

Albert: *groans* Then let's take it back! *points to himself and his crew* We're thieves, let's go in and rob them of everything they got and take back our property.

Finn: Smart Weasel, but as a natural-born dumbass, ya forget we're outnumbered.

Stuhlinger: And there's a fucking dragon with his head stickin' out, mocking us!

Everyone: *looks up to see Grim Matchstick mocking Stu*

Russman: Stop, Stu...*pulling back Stu, who's blurting out profanities and trying to throw a rock, which Russman takes out his hand*

Me: Oh come on y'all. We can start fresh, ya know. Now that I'm here to write once more, this can be a new start for everyone.

Everyone: *clearly not happy*

Me: *ignores the looks* Besides, how bad could it possibly get?

~A few hours later~

Billy: *opens the door of a crummy, small apartment room with a bang. His eye twitches and there's a large frown on his face*

Nero: *quietly follows Billy inside, closing the door gently behind him*

Misty: So...*looks up from one of Jessica's self-published magazines about ways to kill someone (Magazines that didn't sell a copy)* How'd it go?

Billy: *plops down on the old couch face first, screaming into the weathered cushions*

Nero: *goes over to the top shelves with no doors on them, pulling out his personal whiskey and a glass* Well, no one wanted to see me getting sawed by Billy with a chainsaw. I called it 'magic', those imbeciles called it a 'public disturbance'. *sits down on the floor to pour himself a drink*

~Frantic knocking is heard at the door~

Billy: *looks up* Shit, we forgot about Lindsay.

Misty: *gets up to open the door*

Me: *panting heavily, glaring at Billy and Nero* Y'all left me to deal with the cops!?

Nero: *downs his drink before looking at me* Billy clearly said 'cops', Lindsay. We ran, you reacted too late yet again.

Billy: Better luck next time. *lounges on the coach*

Me: *takes off boots, plopping down on the floor, resting my back against the coach* There won't be a next time anymore...*points at Marlton* Any places available?

Marlton: *tapping frantically on his laptop* Negative. It seems every building in the perimeter are occupied by well-known and the largest fandoms at the moment. *types frantically on a calculator* If we tried to rent a better place for our new Q & A HQ with the...*clears throat, clearly looking at Billy and Nero* 'occupations' we're employed in at the moment, we will not make it far.

Dempsey and his squad (Ultimis): *door opens with a slam*

Misty: *groans* If anyone else bursts that door open one more time, I'm gonna use the nails that I use to fix that door and shove them all in your eyes!

Richtofen: *not phased* Clearly you have yet to work at...*shivers* fast food restaurants.

Me: How was Chik-Fil-A?

Ultimis Dempsey: *unbuttons uniform shirt, leaving him shirtless. He proceeds to toss the shirt on top Nero's head* Being nice...hurts. *rubs jaw*

Ultimis Richtofen: *smacks Billy's legs off the couch, sitting in the vacant spot of the couch* *ignores Billy's threats* My jaw hurts from smiling at people as I gave zhem zheir stroke-inducing meals.

Ultimis Nikolai: Da, there's a reason I don't smile! *plops down beside Nero, taking away the man's whiskey to drink* *pushes Nero easily away as he takes another long sip*

Ultimis Takeo: *fixes his clothing* And I was stuck with the chores. *closes front door behind him*

Stu: *bursts door open*

Misty: That's it! *charges at Stu with a roar, tackling him*

Everyone else: *walks into the apartment from their jobs, clearly not in the mood to go to Stuhlinger's aid as they walk past to other parts of the room*

Marlton: Ladies and gentlemen! *looks up from his computer with a grin*

Everyone: *looks up*

Misty: *gets up, leaving Stu on the ground, who's calling her all the profanities* What is it now, Marlton?

Marlton: I found a housing website that's selling buildings similar to our old home. It's called 'ResurrectCommFandom' and there's a few within our budget. It's a site for dead or small fandoms that can no longer afford their houses due to higher currencies for the past few years and they're looking for a more well-known fandom to relieve them of the burden of going into bankruptcy. *looks at everyone, who are clearly confused* *sighs* That's all short for we might get a better place for a cheap price.

Jessica: Okay, Marlton. *crosses arms* Enough with giving us hope and boring us at the same time, tell us about them.

Marlton: *clicks on one and reads the description*

Hello, how are you?
We're currently looking for a potential buyer for our lovely place. It's a wooded-area that's mostly vacant, unless you're into crazy 80's camp parties all throughout the summer. There's a huge lake, perfect for skinny-dipping or to have really righteous boat rides. There is little to no signal here and if there are ever any power outages, you're basically screwed. There are several cabins that hold up to more than four people, perfect when you and your friends face off against a zombified killer named Jason. Don't worry, you all come back with little to no memory of what it's always a first time! For emergencies or for assistance in killing Jason, call me. Contact soon for your funeral.
- Tommy Jarvis

Billy: *shakes head* Nope, already got a few killers here. I'm not sharing a place with another.

Me: Next, Marlton!

Marlton:'s another one. *clears throat, reading description*

Ciao, new friend!
It's exciting to talk about our home, your new home, once I tell you about everything to look forward to! A deserted island paradise, I say! Don't worry though, friend, as the island has a town for all your needs and for the best pasta!  Though we don't exactly have a house, the shorelines are your domain. All the campfires, sleeping under the stars, the sounds of waves crashing to sing you to's good, no? Now I do have to say this, because Germany told me to, that you may experience a few raids from the Allies from time to time. But don't fret, they're quite harmless unless they send China in to fight you. If so, hold up your white flag and plead as hard as you must! Hope to see you soon, I'll make pasta as a welcome meal for you and your friends! Addio!
- Italy or Feliciano Vargas

Sal: Sounds far too stereotypical for my tastes. Next! *rolls his eyes*

Diego: Pasta does sound good, no? *nudges Sal playfully*

Shaw: After Mr. DeLuca's 'pasta' *gags* I'm now a fan of Mr. O'Leary's whiskey more than my drugs.

Finn: *snorts*

Marlton: *losing a bit of his patience* Oh, here's another one. Huh, it's a voice recording too. *clicks the play button, letting the message play aloud*

"Hello? Hello hello? Well, I'm still getting the hang of this 'website', so I hope you got this message right. Anyway, first thing to do is the introductory greeting from the company that I'm still obligated to read, even though you're looking to rent this place instead of work here. Anyway, "Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. A magical place for kids and grown-ups alike, where fantasy and fun come to life. Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for damage to property or person. Upon discovering that damage or death has occurred, a missing person report will be filed within 90 days, or as soon property and premises have been thoroughly cleaned and bleached, and the carpets have been replaced." Okay, now that that's out of the way, I'll go ahead and tell you about the place. It's a wide building that's open during the daytime as a pizzeria that you're more than welcome to enjoy and the place is all yours at night...and theirs as well. Just know that you're not working for the company, so if anything were to happen to you, it's not the company's fault. If there's more than one of you, you might actually have a chance here. Conserve power each night, clean up after yourself in the kitchen, and check the cameras now and then for the animatronics and you'll be just fine and won't end up dead in a Freddy suit. Uhh, call me then and we'll discuss everything else.
- Phone Guy

Jessica: *shakes head* Pizza has too many carbs for me.

Stu: And there won't be much food left with me and Russ raiding the buffet bar! *gets up from the floor finally, popping his nose back together*

Ultimis Richtofen: Listening to zhe cries of children does sound vunderbar, but I refuse to step in somevhere vith so much grease. *shudders*

Marlton: *deadpanned look in Ultimis Richtofen's direction* I am no fan either of the appalling dishes that can pass for as 'food', but we are slowly running out of options here and my laptop will cease to function soon.

Ultimis Dempsey: Just go use that solar charger thingy you've been talking about.

Marlton: ...It's nighttime, Mr. Dempsey.

Ultimis Nikolai: How would you know, nerd? Are you smart to predict day and night now?

Marlton: *rubs his eyes, clearly too frustrated to point out the time on his laptop* *picks up his phone* That's it, I cannot stand to live in these conditions and be in such close proximity of stupidity! I'm calling in a favor.

Everyone: *clearly confused*

Jack: It's been a few hours, Mar--

Marlton: *hushes Jack, clearly irritated* *clears his voice though he still doesn't look happy* Hello, Ms. Vaswani, Mr. Johnson here or better known as the 'man that cannot tell the structural and mass difference between designs  made from hardlight and basic engineering'. *pauses* Yes, I have accepted defeat and would like to call in a favor as my fellow colleagues and I are in a difficult position to find a decent housing unit. *pauses* Yes, I would like for you to design a housing unit large enough for us. Perhaps large enough to hold at least fifty occupants.

Primis Dempsey: *whispers, very confused* There's not that many of us—

Marlton: *looks at Primis Dempsey with a death glare before going back to his phone conversation* Why fifty rooms? Well, Ms. Vaswani, while our time with Treyarch is nearly over, the new members and future members will need a permanent home and fifty rooms sound alright at the moment. Then, you have to take into account about the appliances and extra rooms needed to situate everyone and their needs. Oh, I do hope this task won't prove difficult for someone of your skills-- *pauses* You will do it? Wonderful! I'll keep in touch. *hangs up phone and gets up from his chair, picking up the bag beside him* *passes everyone, motioning for Albert and Stanton to follow* 

Jessica: And where are you fellas going?

Marlton: *pauses and turns to everyone with a blank look* You will thank me soon enough. *walks out the apartment with Albert and Stanton*

Albert: *closes the door behind them*

~One week later~

Everyone: *clearly upset*

Mercy: *smiles lightly* I'm quite sorry about the arrangements, ladies and gentlemen. My fellow colleagues are quite...barbarians.

Moira: *pushes past Sal and Diego with a cold smile on her face* Don't waste your supposed pity, Dr. Ziegler. *looks at everyone with an uninterested look* They had their chance and they failed to win the admiration of their fans.

Marlton and Symmetra: *step outside of the new building for Q & A HQ* *discussion cannot be heard by everyone*

Marlton: Are you positive that everyone can fit here?

Symmetra: I made the designs myself, Mr. Johnson. I can assure you that my hard light structure is perfect for you and your...colleagues. *smiles proudly*

Marlton: *shakes head* I cannot simply take your word for it, Ms. Vaswani. I would like a demonstration to see.

Symmetra: *sighs deeply, looking at Marlton with a light frown* If it will please you, I can gather my colleagues and our...*motions at the Cuphead characters* childish roommates inside and I can prove my statement.

Marlton: *holds the bag that's over his arm a bit tightly* Yes, that will prove my suspicions are wrong. 

Symmetra: *gathers her teammates and the Cuphead characters inside, single file line* 

Marlton: I would need the front door closed because if anyone's outside the building, I will see that your calculations are off and I shall take my business with someone that's more skillful.

Symmetra: *frown becomes deeper as she closes the front door behind her*

Marlton: *whistles as he casually sets the bag down in front of him, motioning Stanton and Albert closer as he takes out a Gersch device out* Now it's time. Go!

Albert and Stanton: *rush over to the side of the building, setting down the large device beside it*

Marlton: *counts down silently before motioning Al to press the button*

Albert and Stanton: *run over to Marlton's side after the button has been pressed*

~The large Gersch device opens up with the large, purple portal swallowing the building up in a mere two seconds~

Marlton: *continues his whistling as he walks over and shuts down the Gersch device* *walks over and places the device in his bag before smiling at everyone*

Everyone: *mixture of shock, horror, and surprisement is written all over their faces* 

Stanton: Good didn't tell me that was going to happen!

Ultimis Dempsey: What the fuck did you just do to them!?

Marlton: You're welcome. *Marlton's phone rings and he answers with a simple, satisfied hello* Hello, Ms. Vaswani. *pauses* Yes, I am aware that you and your fellow colleagues are no longer in our world because I have decided to send you all back, courtesy of this world's resident genius. *pauses* Yes, I did manipulate you all and I must say, it was a 'pleasure' to outsmart someone that did not see it coming. Pass that information on to Sombra. *pauses, his eyes lighting up* Oh hello, Sombra!

Albert: *snickers*

Marlton: *hushes him while also suppressing a snicker of his own* I'm highly aware of our 'formal' financial situation. Yes, word to the wise for any group: Traditional scheming and engineering can be better than advanced technology and hacking at times. *pauses* Yes, Albert simply tricked your agents into handing back our hard-earned money after looking up all your accounts where you had them. *pauses* Oh he handled the paperwork, I had to call in another favor from a close associate.

Lilith Swann: *takes the phone from him, and holds it close to her to be heard* You may be a good hacker, Olivia Colomar, but this is my addiction that even you couldn't do. *hangs up phone, giving it back to Marlton* I hope you're still keeping your end of the bargain. Getting those funds plus a few more grand wasn't an easy feat, you know.

Marlton: *nods, turning back to everyone* Well, the good news is we have our home and our money back, ladies and gentlemen. 

Nero: Bad news? *raises an eyebrow*

Marlton: In exchange for her services, I've accepted her and her fellow members from Sledgehammer and Infinity Ward to join us as permanent residents.

Billy: They didn't even do anything to be here! *glares at Marlton* And who gave you the right to decide any of this shit!?

Marie Fischer: *comes out from nowhere* Is someone upset that he appeared in one map and another briefly? *pinches his cheek*

Olivia and Bruno: *stare at each other* 

Olivia: Monsieur.

Bruno: Mademoiselle.

Poindexter: *waves at everyone* Any Willard Wyler fans?

Sally: Ignore the nerd, he still thinks that man is awesome, which isn't true. Bastard almost killed  us.

Ultimis Dempsey: *sarcastic* Woah...the painful background.

~All the crews getting acquainted with each other, far better than they did with the Overwatch and Cuphead characters*

Me: Huh...guess you have to assemble all survivors for anyone to get along. *turns to the readers* Well, let's start this thing off one more time. Hope y'all enjoyed!

Primis Dempsey: *laughs at Drostan's complaining in his thick Scottish accent before jumping in* Be sure to vote, comment , leave asks and dares, and follow Lindsay!

Ultimis Dempsey: *slids in on his knees smoothly* We're back, oorah!

Primis Richtofen: *walks beside me after a heated conversation with Scarlett about being a leader* 

Me: One more time? For real this time?

Primis Richtofen: *rolls his eyes, a small grin forming* Ja.

Me and Primis Richtofen: <3Bye<3

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