56. Such a R O M A N T I C
"Have you ever witnessed the
way every night the tides are helplessly
pulled by the moon?
Well, I think you are my moon."
F E. M A R I E
It was Summerslam today and next to Wrestlemania it was a huge event and it was huge to me because my fiance had his very own match. The final two kickoff matches were currently happening so I managed to slip away since I knew Baron was first up. I liked wishing him goodluck even if I knew the match was going left rather than right for him. While I didn't know the results of his match I could guess that him winning John wasn't in the books for tonight.
I hated that I had been at home when Baron had lost his briefcase, having worked Raw I was able to fly home immediately. The disappointment on his face mixed with anger broke my little heart as I knew how much he wanted to be successful with it. The night he had won it was probably one of the happiest nights of his life and I knew it because I saw the huge smile before he told me he loved me.
"Is he in here?" I questioned Finn and he nodded as we were currently at the arena all day. So of course they had made sure the gym would be able to be used and after searching for the past fifteen minutes I finally found my wolf.
Baron did what he usually did when he was angry at the world and shut me out completely. I had called as soon as I saw his loss and several times after but it went straight to voicemail. I tried not to think about the hurt due to it as I knew it was something he was used to doing. So after two days I decided to stop bothering him and simply wait until today.
"Well either way you should at least kick his ass. I know I would if he cost me my case" I heard Jon, the fiance of my best friend Nicole who I had yet to speak to since our argument.
"Trust me, I will be" I heard my wolf as I entered and almost bumped into Jon as he was on his way out.
"Hey" he smiled slightly before vacating and I saw Baron busy lifting. I liked watching him workout because as most people, he was really into the zone. He'd always have a blank look on his face as he pushed to his limits, I mean it did help when he would release a few groans as he did so.
I made my way over to him after I closed the door and hoped no one would come knocking since the show was underway.
"Hey. You have been avoiding me." I stood in front of him and he set down the weights before sitting down. He wasn't surprised to see me, probably had noticed I entered when Jon acknowledged me.
"No, I haven't." He simply said, staring at his hands as he traced them over one another before standing up and heading to the bathroom to rinse them and splash his face.
"I called you like ten times on Tuesday and then you didn't come home all week. Where were you?" I questioned as I had done lots of unpacking of boxes, mostly so we didn't have to do it once we were both home and to distract myself.
"At Dan's." I should have probably suspected that would be his hideout.
He shook his head, he didn't seem angry or anything but just lost and I didn't like it. I hated not knowing what was going on in his head because it usually built up until there was an explosion. An explosion that usually left me on my own after he stormed out.
I sighed, "I wanted to be there for you and you just shut me out."
"And you're still surprised that I did?" He stared at me.
"Well yes. I'm your fiance" I mumbled as I liked to believe that when he was angry at the world I was meant to be the one he let in. I didn't want him to run away from me, I wanted him to run to me when he felt lost.
"Exactly and I didn't like losing in front of you back when we were nothing so imagine how much it fucking pisses me off to now." He shook his head and left before I could get a word in.
I decided against going after him as his match was soon and I didn't want to be mid argument and have him take off like he just did.
Deep down I knew he believed he had let me down somehow. If he had become champion I would have been over the moon but I also knew how things worked in our line of business. The big guys had their plans set out and while Baron had proven himself they might have believed he needed more work. I tried to shake the feeling that him being held back again was due to my horrible ex.
I left the gym and made my way to the green room but as soon as I did I saw Nikki. I hadn't expected her to be here as she had been given time off but heard Brie's voice.
I turned to the direction of the voice and my eye's widened as it was indeed Brie with her adorable little girl in her arms. "Oh my word, I was not expecting you two!"
"Say hello to Aunty NeyNey" she smiled before I kissed her cheek and did the same for Nikki so Brie wouldn't sense the tension.
"I figured its about time she sees the backstage of where her parents fell in love. Its been so long and I wanted to surprise you so I was patiently waiting for you"
"Well I'm happy you stopped me from leaving." I smiled as I stared at the blue-eyed beauty.
"Mmm I'm guessing you were leaving because of my annoying sister" she glanced at Nikki as we moved towards some chairs set near the TV.
"Maybe" I shrugged and Nicole sighed.
"I'm sorry okay? I tagged along with Brie to support Jon but also because I wanted to make things right with us. You were my biggest supporter when my crazy guy entered my life and I just turned on you" She shrugged and I knew how difficult it was for Nikki to apologize.
"Its okay. I mean it wasn't just you, I just felt like no one was taking my relationship with him seriously. He is unpredictable but he is mine and I know I haven't had the best of luck. He is the best though and I don't know maybe its difficult to understand but he makes me laugh, smile and is truly an amazing man." I boasted as he was and did all of those things and more. They just didn't understand all of what he was, I was sure even if they were flies on the wall in our home they wouldn't. Baron would sound annoyed and angry half the time but I'd see the small twinkle in his eye that let me know he didn't mean it.
"If you say so I believe it. I just heard all the things John Cena said and it was a bit harsh. Because in the end I haven't seen you this happy in a long time and while Baron is an ass. He is your ass and I can respect that."
I sighed as of course the hotel altercation had failed to stay there. I'm sure a few other superstars on the same floor had heard, "John has no right to talk about my relationship."
"I think that's what sent Baron over the edge. I'm honestly surprised the match is still happening" Brie shook her head. "Bryan wasn't sure if it would be but now they're kicking off the show"
"Well they are professionals and what happens backstage stays backstage" Nikki shrugged.
"Why wouldn't the match be happening? Their little argument happened before they were even booked together" I frowned as I felt like I was missing something.
Brie glanced at Nikki, "Uhm Bryan and Jon told us that they were going at it backstage after Baron lost the case? We assumed you were the reason he didn't do more than punch John after he brought you into it."
"I wasn't on Smackdown. I worked on Raw" I sighed as I heard Baron's music blast signalling their match was soon to begin.
"I'm sure John provoked him though cause my Jon was saying how annoyed he himself was so that must mean something." Nikki shrugged and they had been talking when I entered the gym.
"Even if he did provoke him, he threw the first punch and I saw Baron earlier so I'm guessing John didn't do anything?" I briefly glanced at the monitor as Baron was currently dominating over John. He usually did in all of his matches and that made me more proud than a win.
"John isn't really the fighting type which is why when I heard about the whole fight surprised me" Brie said thoughtfully.
I didn't respond any further and chose to focus between little Birdie and my wolf on screen trying to ignore the concern that filled me for possible repercussions due to the fight.
I made my way over to Renee who was talking to one of the USO twins. I had been dodging her all night but if I was honest I just wanted to get into bed with her by my side. In order to do that I would have to fully explain everything that had happened.
"What up, uce? Sorry about that loss!" Jimmy took my hand and I shrugged.
"So we'll see you two?"
"Definitely" She smiled while I frowned not sure what I was missing. She caught my face as he walked away and smiled brightly. While I loved her smile I knew this one was filled with mischief just as it had been when she had seduced me many times before.
"Where will he be seeing us?" I raised my eyebrow.
"At our birthday party/engagement party/housewarming" By her mood I could tell she had taken me being an ass earlier in the night all in stride.
"Our what?" I frowned as all I heard was party.
"Well I was sitting here trying to think of what would make me forgive you for leaving me all by my lonesome in our large home. And Jimmy mentioned my birthday and I obviously remembered your birthday. So yeah we're having a party and you my wolfy stud are forgiven." She tugged on my hand so I could move towards her.
"No, we are not. " I shook my head as the last thing I wanted was a party in my house. A house that would be filled with fucking people who did nothing but talk shit about me.
"Yes we are. Pleeeeease"
"No, I don't like a whole big thing for my birthday, Renee. I was looking forward to just being home with you and Xander. Hopefully our house will be done and we can just hang out together that's it." I sighed as it was in a few weeks.
"Didn't you hear what I said? Its not just a birthday party, its an engagement party so everyone will know I'm your little wolf" She pouted and hugged me just like she had the night I agreed to another dog.
I stared down at her now long blonde hair and even though I was annoyed at the idea I smiled. I had been irritated all night and even took that out on her but her arms were around me and I was fucking consumed by my Blondie.
"See now the way I see it is you're trying to lure me in with that idea when you just want everyone there" I narrowed my eyes hiding my smile as she glanced up at me.
"What's so wrong with that?"
I frowned and shook my head, "Let's just be honest here. You just want to prove them wrong, prove that I'm not isolating you."
"I'm not going to throw a party for a bunch of people that hate me, Blondie" I didn't raise my voice but I did move out of her grasps.
"Says the person who was talking to the lunatic? And you have quite a few friends, not everyone hates you." She pleaded.
"I don't have energy for this" I rolled my eyes and walked on and soon felt her arm hook into mine. I frowned but placed a kiss on her head and wrapped my arm around her as we made our way to the parking lot.
"Urgh you're annoying but I love you forever" she whispered and I smiled to myself before pulling her to my chest. "I can't breathe, wolf"
"I love you too, honey till the end. If you want a party we can have it" I could always just hide out in one of the many rooms in our house with Xander. I had disappointed her enough in the last week so I let go of her and moved to the other side of what I assumed was her rental.
"Really?" She smiled as she hopped in.
"I don't know. I could be overtired and you look hot." I smirked and sat back as she pulled out onto the road. She hadn't changed from her outfit for the night and she looked fucking beautiful.
"Why don't you take a nap until we get to the next town?"
"And miss your eyes on the road?" I raised my eyebrow even though I was halfway to passing out after the sleepless nights.
"Just a quick one. You need it, I'll wake you if I need a break."
I nodded and allowed myself to drift off...
I felt kissing into my neck and peeked and surprised her by wrapping my arms around her while she giggled loudly.
"You're in a better mood, I hope?" Her muffled voice filled my neck so I let go of her and took off my seatbelt.
"How are you not fucking sick of me?" I lazily smiled as she moved out of her seat and onto my lap.
"I love you and you're entertaining" she smirked making light of my episodes which I appreciated as the guilt always ate me alive but I couldn't stop my anger.
I rolled my eyes, "I don't know why I let my mind win when you fucking look at me like that."
"Like what?" She frowned but I just shook my head and kissed her. I could feel her smiling into the kiss so I bit her lip before slipping my tongue past her lips. My arm wrapped around her and I fell back which led to her body pressed against mine which I always preferred.
"Fuck" I groaned having not expected the seat to go back.
"Shit, my foot slipped. I'm sorry, Corbin" she giggled into my neck before kissing it. I sighed and ran my hands up her thighs before gripping her bare sides as she bit into my skin. I groaned as she did and laced my fingers in her hair so she could look at me.
I breath in deeply, and traced my finger over her cheek. She didn't say anything despite how fucking weird I knew I was being.
I sat up and rest my head on her shoulder, "I know I could never disappoint you but I guess I just want reasons for you to be able to validate to your friends why you'd choose me over them"
"Well that's silly because they would never understand because they're not in love with you. They don't need to understand, they just need to accept and respect what we have. And you need to understand that I'll always be here, win or lose, fuck ups and all." She whispered and I leaned back with a small smile.
"Written your vows already, little wolf?" I smirked.
"You think you're funny but you just gave me the idea that we should do our own vows." She wiggled her eyebrows and I chuckled.
"You think you're funny when loving you is the only thing I'm certain of, Renee. They'd probably get annoyed with how long it will be" I briefly kissed into her neck and I knew she assumed I was messing around but I was being honest.
"Screw them. The vows are for me" She mused.
"Mmmm how about we get us a room so I can screw you" I slapped her behind and she rolled her eyes and hopped out of the car.
"And then they wonder why I love you, when you're such a romantic!"
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