Eps2: Joining a Guild and getting to know one another

Narrator POV

Silver groaned from being transported to this world. He then opened his eyes to see that he was sitting in a bench in a nearby crosswalk where citizens are either walking or talking to each other.


Silver look at himself in a reflective window to see that he was looking different.

Silver: I don't look that bad *feels something in his boots* huh?

He looked down to see a box next to him with a note on it that said "To Silver". He decide to pick it up and open it and inside was some sort of currency and lots of Gold coins in the box, a bag and there was also a note inside the box. He opened it and read:

To Silver,
Here is one more gift from me. I hope you enjoy it. Also, by the time you are or touch the currency, you'll instantly gain knowledge of how the currency there works. Also, please hide this with the magic satchel inside from Aqua.

She gets... unknown choices with money.
Love❤, Eris

He then felt a throbbing amount of pain coming from inside of his head. It stopped after a few seconds and he able to know how this works.

Silver: Huh, some of the currency is named after her. Near

He grabbed the large amount of gold coins and Eris and placed them into the small, yet very roomy bag. She must've been a deadpool fan as well.

???: Excuse me kind sir

Silver heard an elderly voice then he turn around and see an old man

Old man: Is that your suitcase on the bench?

Then silver look at the bench he saw a long suitcase with his name on it.

Silver: Yes, it is my sir let me get it off the bench

Old man: Thank you kind sir

Silver: No problem

Then Silver go to the bench and he grabbed the long suitcase off the bench then he heard another voice.

???: Whoa

Silver then looked to his right to see Kazuma and Aqua standing a few feet away from Silver. The blue goddess was on her knees, as her hair overshadowed her eyes. Silver was guessing that she is gonna strangle the living out of him.

Kazuma: Its a parallel world. Heh, this really is parallel world! W-wait, I'm really going to be using magic and going on adventures in this world from now on?

Aqua then started to twitch and scratches her hair crazily.

Kazuma: Goodbye, shut-in life, hello new world! I can really start anew in this world!

Aqua then started to cry in despair.

Silver: Uhh Kazuma, maybe you shoul-

Kazuma:*not looking at Silver* Hey shut up. What am I going to do if everyone thinks I'm friends with a crazy woman? More importantly, isn't there something you're suppose to give me time like this? Look at what I'm wearing. I'm in a tracksuit and gear, I am in a fantasy world and all I have is a single tracksuit. Isn't there a bare minimum of starter equipment I shoul-

Aqua then cut him off by grabbing Kazuma's neck and started to strangle him. She then started to cry hysterically. While pedestrians watched. He got out of his own shock and use his psychokinesis at Aqua making her come towards him and trying to calm her down.

Silver: Aqua calm down please

Kazuma: Wh-what the heck! Stop! Stop it! I get it okay?! I'm sorry! If you have it that much, then you can go home

Silver: Are you an idiot? You do realize that the angel said that only way to let Aqua return is to defeat the demon king

Kazuma: Wait....*realize What he remembers* she said that

Silver: *sigh*

Aqua:*crying in despair* What am I suppose to do from now on!?

Silver:*pets her head* Calm down Aqua. May be this world might be not that bad. Plus we can make friends while we're here

She then grabs silver's robe and started to cry on his robe.

Aqua: *realize something* Wait.*get off of Silver and look at him from top to bottom* Silver..your whole appearance is different

Kazuma:*looks towards Silver* Yeah, was this your wish?

Silver: Well, actually one of the wishes

Kazuma and Aqua: Ehhh?? Wishes?!?

Aqua:*shocked* T-that's not fair!

Kazuma: Lucky ass bastard! You get there and I got one

Aqua: Silver, what's that you're holding?

Silver: I don't know, let me check

Then Silver open up the long suitcase and he was surprised then Aqua and Kazuma look above him and they were surprised they saw an sword with a handle looks like a dragon, a scythe that shaped like dragon, an shuriken with a shaped of a dragon and a nunchucks with the handle look like a dragon.

Aqua:*surprised* Wish

Kazuma: What are these?

Silver:*pointing at the sword* This is the sword of fire*points at the shuriken* that is the shuriken of ice*points at the scythe* that is the scythe of quakes* and points at the nunchucks* and that's the nunchucks of lighting

Aqua: They look cool

Kazuma: Yeah, but we were going to find a place to stay the night

Silver:*closes the suitcase* Shouldn't we find a guild to register in first? I highly doubt that we have any idea how this world works yet. If we need to survive here then let's felt on people. Going your place like that to gather intel is what you do in RPGs

Aqua: Well, I guess Silver here is the professional, so I guess I'll stick with him

Silver: Alright then let's-a go

Aqua: Coming!

They then started to walk on who knows where, while Aqua started to ramble.

Aqua: You two can call me 'Goddess' if you like, but when you can, call me 'aqua' so we don't cause a commotion

Kazuma: I get it, if you're a goddess, wouldn't you know where we can find an adventurer's  guild?

Aqua: I'm a goddess. There's no way I'd know about every little lowly place like that

Silver: Well have you guys heard of 'asking', apparently you haven't

Kazuma: That's true

Silver:*notices of a large building* That must be the Guild building. Let's go in and request a job

Silver walked towards the guild with them following him.

Aqua:*feels power coming from Silver* This power...what else does he have in him?

(Small timeskip to adventure guild)

Silver: Welp....looks like this is the place

A glass then could be heard shattering as Aqua grabbed my arm in fear.

Silver: It's gonna be okay, if there's any hostiles in there, I'll protect you

Aqua:*smiles and hug my side* Why thank you

They then entered the guild and saw numerous people eating, and chatting. A waitress carrying two foamy cup came to us.

Waitress: Welcome! If you're here to eat, please take any open seat. And if you need job guidance, head to the counter please

Silver: We'll be sure to do that. Thank you

Waitress: *winks at Silver* Don't mention it cutie

Silver then examine the room more and saw a lot of guys that are strong. He guessing that their ranks are tanks.

???: Hey!

Silver then looked at the source of the voice and saw a burly man with a red beard, small moustache and Mohawk looking at Silver.

???: Haven't seen you there around here before

Aqua then made a cute sequel as she hides behind Silver.

???: And that clothing of yours

Silver:*cocky smile* Oh, this are armor to be exact! All I did was transverse dangerous filled with flame beast and when defeated the leader, I was blessed to have this on me

???: You're tough kid, wandering somewhere far with little to no protection

Kazuma: We also come a long way and just got into town. I want to become adventurer to fight the devil king's army, too

???: Is that right, reckless punk? *changes grown to smile* Welcome to the gates of hell, you guys! If you're looking for the guild admission desk, it's over there *points at the desk*

He then pointed to where it is while they went to the direction. While walking aqua made them stop.

Aqua: Hey Silver, how can you make up a story like that on the stop?

Silver: Well they're mostly true. There are some mobile and video games that give you certain armor for defeat high class monsters. For example: RAID: Shadow Legends

Aqua: Oh. That makes sense. I don't know anything about games, but I guess that's how it works in worlds, right?

Silver: Yes exactly, let's go *starts to walk off*

Aqua: Oh, wait! *tries to catch up* You seems like a such capable guy. Why were you a little shut-in otaku with small friends or no girlfriends before?

Flashback then started occur o f Silver and blaze with his other friends, some memories played some good stuff while the other player has things. And the last one made Silver shed a tear. The day of his death, he saw Blaze and his friends were crying during the freedom fighter hq.

Silver: I'm not exactly a shut-in neet. I usually go to the forest to mediate or training, even reading comics or drawing and also hanging out with my friends. And you should know, based on some creation you saw

Aqua: Oh

Kazuma: Hurry it up, you two

Silver: Ok

They then approached a counter with blonde woman inside.

Blonde: Hello, what can I do for you all today?

Kazuma: Um, we'd like to become adventurers

Blonde: I see, in that case you'll first need to pay the registration fee

Kazuma: Sure, sure...huh registration fee?*looked at them* You guys have any money?

Aqua:*shakes her head as a 'no'* You dragged me here without any warning, or course I don't. What about you, Silver?

Then Silver reached through one of his quills and found his small bag, which Kazuma and Aqua looked suspiciously and took out a few gold coins.

Silver: Will this cover it, ma'am?

Blonde: Yes, it does!

SIlver: Great

Silver turned to see Kazuma and Aqua staring at me with widen eyes.

Aqua: H-how did you get this much money?!

Silver: Sorry, but *boop her nose* That's a secret I was told to keep


Silver:*turns to the Receptionist* So, can you kindly explain what adventurers have to go through!

Blonde: Of course. Adventurers each have their own occupations. *show then something* This is your registration card. It keep track how many monster you've vanquished. As your level increases, you'll earn more points that can use to learn skills, so please work hard to raise your level. Now the three of you please hold your hand over this crystal.

She then leads them to a pedestal with a large blue crystal.

Kazuma: I'll go first

Kazuma then puts his hand above the crystal ball thing and the gold part started spinning and the ball started to glow. Silver was completely mesmerize by that thing. A blue laser then made a X on his card.

Blonde: With this, you will each learn your current status, so please choose your desired occupation based on your stats

The laser then disappeared and the lady got his card and read it.

Blonde: Let's see here... Kazuma Satou, let me see, average across the board with the exception of decently high intelligence....oh? Your luck is the highest out of all of your stats. Of course isn't very essential for an adventurer....with much luck, I'd recommend becoming a merchant or something similar

Silver then let out of small chuckle while Aqua was trying to hold back her laughter.

Kazuma: Hey, she's disapproving my adventurer's lifestyle right off the bat, what's going on?

Silver:*chuckles and knuckles* Looks like your a weaker level

Kazuma: U-Um, make my primary job 'adventurer', please

Blonde: W-well you can always change jobs when you level up!

Kazuma: Y-you're right!

Aqua then went to the crystal ball to get her adventurer card. The lady screamed from either shock or amazement.

Blonde: Aside from your intelligence being below average, and your luck being lowest possible level, all your of stats are drastically above average!

Silver:*gasp* Amazing!

Blonde: A-amazing is an understatement! The mage class which requires intelligence is out of question, but other than that, you can be anything you want! A crusader, sword master, arch priest...nearly any advanced class right from the start!

Aqua: I see, it's a shame there's no 'goddess' occupation, but in my case, maybe I'll be an arch priest who heals her allies

Blonde: An arch priest! An almighty class what commands all recovery and support magic and that boast enough strength to stand on the front lines!

Everyone then started to cheer while Kazuma and Silver clapped in amazement. Finally it was Silver turn. He placed his hand into the crystal and it glowed at the same time as Kazuma and Aqua. Then some music started to play (A/n: Begins the music above) and it show a hedgehog that looks like Sonic but it wasn't with no gloves and shoes with eyes are glowing yellow and he look down at Silver then he nodded at him and disappear into the crystal. Silver's adventure card shows and the lady takes a look at it. Her eyes began to bulge at the sight of what's in it.

Silver: So...is there anything for me?

Blonde: *shaken from surprise* W-well...a-are you some sort of a God?

Aqua and Silver: Eh?/WHAT?!

Blonde: *reads from the card* I-it says here that every part of your stats is beyond maxed out. Your strength, Speed, Agility, Luck, Endurance and everything else is beyond rising!! Your immediate choice could be adventurer

Immediately, everybody in the guild clapped and cheered on Silver's name, being the highest. Aqua jumped on Silver, giving me a tight hug, while he saw Kazuma has dropped at his stats.

Kazuma: Dude...what kind of wish did you make?

Silver: You'll have to see. *to the blonde* I would instantly like to be an Adventurer

Blonde: *smiles* That's perfect. Without further ado, welcome to the adventurer's guild Kazuma, Aqua and Sir Silver. All of our staff will be looking forward to your future exploits

???1: Starting off as an arch priest is incredible!

???2: That hedgehog starting off as an adventurer is like once in a lifetime!

???3: Someone like you might actually be able to beat devil king, you reckless girl!

Kazuma: No event like this going to happen for me

Aqua: It's a the adventure life for us starting today, Silver, Kazuma!

Kazuma: I thought you absolutely hated all this

Silver: No need to be jealous, now our adventure is finally about to begin...first, let's get something to eat. I am starving

Kazuma: *stomach growls* O-oh, yeah

Silver: *shouts* WAITER!

Silver and the group sat on a table nearby other commoners with delicious food on the table and chicken lots and lots of chicken.

With mouth drooling, the three of them scarfed down the food like there's no tomorrow, much to the other people staring.

Silver:'This is the life'

After eating, Silver pays a lot for the food they eaten, and then the three went through a montage of construction working, sleeping/cuddling with Aqua, taking a bath, drinking and eating a meal and cheering and then getting drunk later. Aqua mostly and Silver a little, which involved her vomiting rainbow and Silver singing in japanese.

(I'm changing some canon scenes from the series)

It was nighttime and they then settled into a nearby inn, with some essentials and a room brought by a young man. Since they're are only two bedrooms, Kazuma lay on the first single one with his tracksuit as pjs and went to sleep instantly, while Silver occupied then second with boots off and gloves with his suitcase and his necklace hanging on the handle.

Silver: Man, what a day. I can't believe that my own stats are beyond higher than anyone's

???: I'll say

Silver turned to see Aqua in a light blue pair of pajamas on her own.

                   (Ignore the booze bottle)

Aqua: You really are full of surprises aren't you?

Silver: Yeah, looks like I'm lucky. We should probably get to sleep

Aqua: Well, there is one problem

Silver: What do you....*realize the two bed* Oh.... Well, so you want my bed?

Aqua:*shakes her head repeatedly* No, no! I was wondering..*looks away bashful* if I can lay with you on the same bed

Silver: Well, if your truly ok with it, then sure

Aqua squealed and jumped into the bed on top of Silver and cuddles with him.

Aqua: Thank you, now *cover herself and Silver* let's sleep

Aqua shifted her body to get comfortable before she slowly closed her eyes and slept. Silver saw a cute way of how she is resting.

Silver: Wow, I never knew she was cute when she a sleep

Silver then layed on his own pillow and before he knew it, he feel sleep as well.

(Next morning)

The trio were at the constitution site, right now they were doing their usual things and that is placing to make walls

Kazuma: We didn't come here to be laborers

Aqua: Oh that's right! I need the both of you to defeat the devil king of I'll never able to go back home

Kazuma then looked at Aqua with a 'bruh' look

Silver: If we need to defeat the devil king, it would take some time. Even with my God like higher stats, we can't just do it alone, we need like a army to defeat him

(After work)

Silver was at the fountain next to Aqua and she was drinking milk while he was in deep thought.

Silver:'Her intelligence was lower than an average human, all of the monster near town have been long since exterminated. With no monster, there's no need for anyone to give us any fetch quest '

Aqua: What?

Silver looked to see Kazuma was infront of them.

Kazuma: It's nothing

Aqua: Say Silver can you tell us about yourself?

Silver: After we got a team together

Aqua: Fine, say I was thinking. Let's go away from here and do a kill quest

Kazuma: We're level one. We don't even have full sets of equipment, Silver is the only one here

Aqua: It'll be fine, as long as you have me around it'll be over in a flash! You can count on it

Kazuma: I feel very uneasy about this

Aqua: Who do you think I am?

Silver: That's right, you ARE a goddess after all

Aqua: YEAH! Just leave it to me, as our adventure begins...for real this time

Aqua then stood up, but slipped causing her to fall onto fountain.



(Somewhere in a unknown forest)

A dark portal began to appear out of nowhere and out came a hooded figure

???: Son of Heephis will fall

Who is this mysterious figure in the shadow??


See ya later


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