Explaining The Dimensional Structure

A/n : Hello everyone Son Raon here and I'm going to explain to you all things you'll need to know about the dimensionality in the cosmology of the Raonverse (a.k.a the cosmology that my fanfics are using) so make sure to take either a pencil - or a pen - and a piece of paper since we'll be here for a while longer than in any other chapters of this book.


First of all, before I explain the dimensional structure as the title of this chapter says. Let me to explain to you some theories that will just make the explaining easier to understand. Those theories will be in the both in this book and the upcoming powerscalling novel that I'm planning on writing next week.

Those theories have both theoretical and practical usage in helping you to understand and they are :

- Axiom of Inaccessibles : Similarly to how you can't be finite levels over Infinity you can't be considered finite levels above something you transcend to the point of it being inaccessible.

- R>f Transcendence : R>f transcendence means that being inaccessible or higher layers above something (e.x a concept, a dimension, a plane of existence), you're able to see the lower plane (and in some cases its inhabitants) as fiction similarly to how a human sees something fictional on TV.

- Bohm Theory : Implicate & Explicate Orders : The Bohm's Theory, else known as the Theory of Implicate and Explicate Orders, is a theory made by the astrophysicist David Bohm based on the Daoist thoughts of the world's polarized wholeness.
Explaining it with easier terms, it means that whatever can be comprehended and scientifically quantified is known as the Explicate or unfolded Order, basically what is known to us.
On the other hand, the things that can't be explained scientifically and can be perceived via intuition, based on Bohm's Theory is the Implicate Order.

- Modal Realism : A Metaphysical Theory developed by David Lewis, a theory that states that there might exist other worlds within the realm of possibility similar to our own.
This theory exists in the Raonverse as explained by the existence of other Realms, other universes and possible dimensions.

- External Modal Realism : EMR : External Modal Realism is a Metaphysical Theory developed by Takashi Yagisawa that explains that there are not only possible worlds as seen in the Modal Realism, but also impossible worlds as well.
This theory also exists within the Raonverse as it explains the existence of the Impossible Dimensions and the higher existential planes that we'll learn later in the future.

Inaccessible Cardinals : In set theory, an uncountable cardinal is inaccessible if it cannot be obtained from smaller cardinals by the usual operations of cardinal arithmetic.

Scaling of infinities/words that mean Infinity : Uncountable <<< Infinite <<< Inaccessible <<< Irrelevant


Now that we've said some of the dimensional theories that exist in the Raonverse, let me enlighten you as to what is considered as a dimension in the Raonverse.

First of all, dimensions in the Raonverse are not considered things such as parallel universes and such since I already have a quite literal infinite amount of parallel worlds and existential planes that I left unexplained since they contain spoilers for later chapters.

Secondly the dimensions in the Raonverse are mostly considered as what we perceive as reality , meaning that they have a more astrophysical meaning to them.

What meaning? I'm happy that you asked.

According to the astrophysical theories of String and Super String Theories the scientists hypothesize the existence of more than one dimensions. Those dimensions are known as Super Strings, basically sets of dimensions that exist within our Universe and since we're talking about the Raonverse within everything that's considered to be an actual universe in the Raonverse.

According to the scientists those dimensions are the things that are governing the universal laws, the natural forces of the universe and everything that's considered as a part of a universal structure. Even reality itself is controlled by them.

Those dimensions are 11 in total and are :

Dimension I : Length : This dimension is what's known in sciences as the X Axis a.k.a the length. A good description of an One Dimensional being is a straight line. It can only be recognized by its length alone and has zero other discernible features with the exception of its length. The movement in one dimension is only forwards and backwards.
Finally, although it's called 1D, thinking that it's only one dimension it would be a Name Fallacy in more than one occasions since we don't have only spatial dimensions, but temporal dimensions as well so in reality it's 1 Spatial Dimension (x) + 1 Temporal Dimension (t) which equals two Sub Dimensions.

Dimension II : Height : This is the dimension that describes the Y Axis, a.k.a the height. If we combine it with the Dimension I we have a Two Dimensional being. A good description of a Two Dimensional being is the square.
The movement in two dimensions is quite similar to a character's movement in an old 2D fighting game, meaning that you can move up, down, left and right.
Also, according to the theory of R>f Transcendence that we've mentioned in the beginning, a 2D being would see a 1D being as fiction.
Finally its actual dimensions are 3 Spatial Dimensions (x,y and xy) + 1 Temporal Dimension (t) = 4 Sub Dimensions total.

Dimension III : Depth : This dimension for the sake of simplicity describes the Z Axis, else known as Depth. If we combine it with the dimensions I and II, we can create a 3D being/object. A 3D being is the human whilst a 3D object is a cube.
The movement of a 3D being would be much more free than that of the beings in the previous dimensions, meaning that a 3D being would move except for the four other directions (such as up and down, forwards and backwards), it would also move left and right or in other words in the foreground and background.
A 3D being additionally perceives the beings of the previous two dimensions as fiction as seen in the rule of R>f Transcendence.
Finally, the Dimension III has a total of : 6 Spatial Dimensions (x, y, z, xy, xz and yz) + 1 Temporal Dimension (t) = 7 Sub Dimensions.

Dimension IV : Time : This dimension is the one that was proven by Einstein to be the Dimension IV is the time itself, but since this contradicts the fact that there are Temporal Dimensions that exist alongside the Spatial Dimensions, it later became known as Temporal Position a.k.a a position in time which is completely different from a spatial dimension, therefore it's a higher Dimension as well. A position that for the sake of simplicity will be known as Axis C since by that way it'll be simpler for you to understand it.
A good presentation of a 4D object in all its well... 4D glory is the Universe itself, which is considered to be infinite 4D, but more on that later.
A being that perceives the Fourth Dimension doesn't have any new mobility, it's just able to perceive the flow of time without having any direct control over it. A 4D being would also see the beings of the previous dimensions as fiction.
The Dimension IV has a total of : 10 Spatial Dimensions (x, y, z, c, xy, xz, xc, yz, yc and zc) + 1 Temporal Dimension (t) = 11 Sub Dimensions.

Dimension V : Spatiotemporal Position : This is one of the dimensions that the scientists are conflicted about its existence since its difficult for a 3D being such as a human to try and perceive a higher Dimension when there's no sophisticated technology capable of it. Also the scientists think that the revelation and perception of the Dimension V would show the existence of parallel timelines. Regardless of that, we'll know it for now as P Axis for simplicity.
Additionally an example of a 5D being is a timeline, but in regards to the Raonverse cosmology, we'll talk about timelines in later chapters of this book so I'll let you theory craft for now what they may be.
A 5D being gains a new form of movement, which is the ability to move forwards and backwards in time, alongside with having complete control over the concept of time itself. Also, a 5D being perceives the beings from the dimensions below its own as fiction.
Finally the Fifth Dimension has in total : 15 Spatial Dimensions (x, y, z, c, p, xy, xz, xc, xp, yz, yc, yp, zc, zp and cp) + 1 Temporal Dimension (t) = 16 Sub Dimensions

Dimension VI : Parallel Universe : This is the dimension that sparked the notion to scientists that there may be different worlds, different parallel universes that started the same way as our own (a.k.a the Bing Bang). The position in this parallel universes for simplicity we'll call it U Axis.
An example of a 6D object would be an actual parallel universe whilst a 6D being would be able to earn along with the ability to see the beings of dimensions below it as fiction, the ability to move through time in parallel universes by going to their past or their future.
Finally the Sixth Dimension has a total of : 21 Spatial Dimensions + 1 Temporal Dimension = 22 Sub Dimensions.

Dimension VII : Different Start : The difference between the Dimensions VII and VI are that in Dimension VII we have parallel universes and worlds that have different initials from our own in regards to how they started (e.x. the Big Bang in another universe happened earlier).
In order to recognize our position in a universe like this, we'll name the Axis of this position as Axis D.
A 7D being would be able to get to those worlds with ease, travel as far in the past or as forward to the future as they want, see all beings in the dimensions below them as fiction.
Finally the Seventh Dimension has a total of : 28 Spatial Dimensions + 1 Temporal Dimension = 29 Sub Dimensions.

Dimension VIII : Infinite Parallel Worlds : The difference between Dimensions VIII, VII and VI are that in the Dimension VIII the universes stretch and branch out infinitely. A position in such an infinite universal canvas can be found in the axis we're going to call as Axis W.
An example of an 8D object would be the quote-on-quote "canvas" itself where those infinite sets of universes are placed upon. An 8D being on the other hand would be able to travel anywhere in those infinite worlds, and perceive all lower dimensional beings as fiction.
Finally the Eighth Dimension has a total of : 36 Spatial Dimensions + 1 Temporal Dimension (t) = 37 Sub Dimensions.

Dimension IX : Infinite Parallel Physics : In Dimension IX, we can talk about the potential differences in the laws of physics that govern each one of those infinite parallel worlds, because as we said the dimensions govern the physical interactions and physical laws that exist within each universe so it's not out of the sphere of possibility to see that the parallel worlds would have different laws. This differences for the sake of simplicity once again we'll put them in our imaginary graph under the imaginary Axis L.
A 9D object would be a set of infinite worlds that follow a set of different physical laws about a concept (e.x gravity) compared to ours. A 9D being would not only be able to manipulate every law existing in those universes, but also be able to move freely from one universe to another, unaffected by changes in laws and as a byproduct of R>f Transcendence it would see all lower dimensional beings below it as fiction.
Finally the Ninth Dimension has a staggering total of : 45 Spatial Dimensions + 1 Temporal Dimension (t) = 46 Sub Dimensions

Dimension X : Infinite Possibilities : In Dimension X we've reached the end of what's known to scientists. The Dimension X is the dimension where literally everything is possible. That's why the Axis that we'll use in order to describe it will be Axis E since the possibilities are LITERALLY ENDLESS.
An example of a 10D object would be a Hyperverse or in our case a Complex Hyperversal Structure, whilst a 10D being would not only see the lower dimensional beings as fiction, but would also manipulate and control anything that happens this dimension, alongside going everywhere within the tenth or lower dimensions they please.
Finally the Tenth Dimension has a total of : 55 Spatial Dimensions + 1 Temporal Dimension = 56 Sub Dimensions.

Dimension XI : Outside : According to the Super String Theory in an 11D plane, 10D can be possible so here we have the hypothetical Final Dimension, Dimension XI. In this Dimension a few things are known, but it's supposed to be the scientific outer dimensional limit. The position in this dimension will be known to as from Axis F.
An example of an 11D object would be a Complex Hyperversal + Structure whilst an 11D being would qualify for being considered as a God to the dimensions below it that are nothing but mere fiction, trivial things that it could manipulate on its own.
Finally the Eleventh Dimension has a total of : 66 Spatial Dimensions + 1 Temporal Dimension = 67 Sub Dimensions.


Now many of you might think that we're over, but are we though?

Surprise, surprise, we're not since those are the dimensions according to the scientists since the scientists didn't do their studies with the potential of David Bohm's law of Implicate and Explicate Orders being not confirmed, NOT the dimensions according to the cosmology of the Raonverse where the theory of Implicate and Explicate Orders is confirmed to exist as being seen by the existing quantum dimensions in the Raonverse.

The real powerscalling starts now.


In order to finally explain to you all the dimensions of the Raonverse, we'll take them slowly and tell you certain things about them, starting from those who are similar between quantum cosmology and existential cosmology and then go to those who don't exist in the quantum cosmology of the Raonverse.


Let's start by those who are the same in both quantum and cosmological parts :

Normal Dimensions : The Dimensions of the Raonverse that are still bound by the concept of dimensionality, although they transcend theories such as String Theory, Super String Theory and Bosonic String Theory.
A proof to it being the fact that I said that the dimensions I've stated before are only eleven out of infinite sets of infinite overlapping dimensions, meaning that they follow the Axiom of Inaccessibles which proves their R>F Transcendental nature.

Mathematical Dimensions : Those are the lowest dimensions that exist in the Raonverse. They're called Mathematical since :

- I've stated in the previous chapter that there are infinite sets of infinite of them

-there's still the R>f transcendence rule meaning that the higher mathematical dimension sees the lower as fiction.

- Even the lowest one of them embodies the very concept of mathematics which contain theories like Cantor's Absolute Infinity, Oblivion Number, Alephs, Inaccessibles, Paradoxes, Principles, Axioms and Concepts signifying that everything within them can be explained with Mathematics. Keep these in mind since they'll be needed for later.

Possible Dimensions : Those are the dimensions that are more Metaphysical in nature since even the lowest of them is scaling above the Mathematical dimensions and therefore are scaling higher than the totality of mathematics by infinite sets of infinite Mathematical Dimensions.
Additionally, they follow the Axiom of Inaccessibles meaning that there's an existing conceptual and dimensional R>F Transcendence.

Now let's talk more about the dimensions that exist within the Raonverse and are not parts of the quantum cosmology :

Impossible Dimensions : These dimensions exist above the Possible Dimensions which exist above the Mathematical Dimensions of the Raonverse.
Remember when I told you to remember well about the Extended Modal Realism?

Well... this is the reason why since all the previous dimensions are literally in the Modal Realism so counting that, the R>f Transcendence that makes the lowest of this dimensions to view the previously mentioned dimensional types as fiction and the Axiom of Inaccessibles. Concluding since these dimensions transcend the Metaphysical nature of the Possible Dimensions, they're in a sense pataphysical in nature (I'll explain it later in another chapter when we get to their scaling).

Narrative Dimensionality : Those dimensions are the ones found around the time lines of the Raonverse, making them transcend inaccessibly the aforementioned ones. A Narrative Dimension is a Philosophical, Neoplatonic Dimension that follows the analogy of 1 Real Dimension and 1 Fake Dimension, making an 1D "story" to be 50% Real and 50% Fake and go up to 99,...9% Real and 0,0...1% Fake in an Infinite Dimensional "Story".
Those infinite narrative dimensions as said before, follow the R>f Transcendence and  Axiom of Inaccessibles.

Absolute Dimensionality : Those are the dimensions who transcend every other dimension before them, fortunately enough they can't be found around the verse's Realms, but somewhere else and that place has many names : Tree of Knowledge, Yggdrasil, Gift from the Planes Beyond, God Tree, Tree of Life, Immortal Tree, Elder Tree and many other names that you could possibly see in Light Novel or Web Novel types of Fanfics.
The dimensions themselves are not called as Absolute dimensions in verse, but mainly as Sigils or Runes and are the dimensions that the true Yggdrasil is made out of on which the realms and their timelines bloom on like literal cosmic blossoms on a tree.
Those immeasurable sets of infinite dimensions play along the rules of the R>f Transcendence and Axiom of Inaccessibles.

The Dimensional Gates : Those dimensional behemoths at the end of this chapter are the Gates to the Planes Beyond, there's one in between two planes so in order for someone to get anywhere higher in the Raonverse they'll have to surpass those Gates and the beings guarding them. Only then they may gain access to them.
The first one of them in between the Mortal Plane and The Plane Beyond and similar to the rest of them, it follows the R>f Transcendence and the Axiom of Inaccessibles.


Here we've reached the end of our powerscalling tour in the dimensionality of the Raonverse.

For those who I'm 1000000% sure that are going to go full on Twitter Psycho Mode on the comments and think that I'm pulling those things out of my ass I have to tell you two things.

First of all, we're on Wattpad, neither on Discord nor Twitter to start a petty drama, you don't like the cosmology? That's fine, don't read either it or the stories, but don't complain why your OCs lose in versus against mine and call it asspulls or insult me and my OCs. You enjoy the stories, the cosmology and followed me because of that? Feel free to continue reading and get a follow back from me as well.

That's how we do it here.

Secondly, I'm actually neither pulling things and thoughts out of my ass, nor do I say "Random BS Go Go!!" when I'm making a chapter.

Those ideas were things that I knew - combined with the many hours I've spent watching seminars in astrophysics on my free time - and they might seem wanked or extremely overwhelming since it's about now that I've sat down and finally wrote and powerscaled them, after learning how to powerscale for more than a year or two so yup that's how strong the cosmology of the Raonverse was thought out to be. That's excluding the fact that I was thinking about the cosmology of my stories for as long as I could remember, even before I was on Wattpad.

Apologies for the small vent and I hope that all of you enjoy reading the chapter as much as I enjoyed writing and working on it.

Additionally, don't worry about it, the next chapter in the cosmology of the Raonverse is going to happen waaaaay later.

I hope that I'll see you all another time in another book.

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