Matchmaking gig Part 2 Please read A/N at the bottom

Hey Helena110505 ! I shall match you with the wronged pure boy... Setsuno Touya!

He loves how you would listen to his woes, reassure him that he is okay and fine and how you did the same by opening up to him. It makes him feel special and wanted and worth something when you opened up to him.

Oh and cuddles! He's down for it, a lot. The boy is anxious and is in need of love, lot is it. He's down for any affectionate touch, especially yours. Not to be a creep but whenever he'd hug you, he can't help but inhale your scent because it really calms him down. The boy's clingy to an extreme (unhealthy) way and he needs therapy, please book him into one he as an extreme case of separation anxiety-! But leaving an article of clothing from yours with your perfume/scent for him will ease his raging anxiety.

As for dates, he doesn't mind anything but he prefers to stay indoors. Knowing watching movies are you favourite activity, he will willingly indulge with you and just watch. Cue the smooth yawn and arm stretching before putting his arm over your shoulder move~~~ he's done for any genre you like. If you're fond of romance, he will hold your hand the entire time, with his face red because damgit you're just so cute and adorable and lovable -! He can tolerate horror movies, he prefers modern movies with no cheap plots and jumpscares (Like Hush, Us, Get out, Hereditary, etc.) If you are weak with horror, oh boi he is willing to hug you and ease you until the movie is over. However if you're fond of horror, oh boi he'd be there for you pointing out great make-up effects, sound cues, and other great cinematography. What can he say? He loves good horror movies.

Ever since he's been with you, he found himself slowly loosening from depression and anxiety and his bad habits are slowly vanishing. He will do everything to make you happy, and he knows the first step would be improving himself first for your sake so that you won't worry a lot. You're worth a huge deal for him and he hopes that his love for you is reciprocated.

greymist20, I shall pair you with Nejire Hado! I don't know why, but I think the girl is fond of adopting introverts and calling them her kids uwu but you're an exception! Because you're little pudding! The girl has zero filter and basically said that she likes you, out loud, with a lot of people around.

"Hey Elizabeth! I really like you a lot! Like, a lot lot! Wanna go out sometimes?"

The girl does not run out of energy, I assure you. She will pester you with a lot of affections, and love and all that jazz. If you're busy however, she will take the liberty to help you out, but if you're doing something she can't do, she'll just watch you and ask you how you do it.

As for your hobbies, she likes to watch you draw! But if you don't want her watching, that's fine too! She respects your private space but will get a lil bit sad because you won't show her. But no matter what, she supports and encourages you to do your best.

Also, video games! She's not good with it but she will try her best to beat your ass! But of course in the end she loses and whines at how good you are with it. Oh hell yeah she will most likely love to read with you! The girl has a short attention span, so she will uh space out while reading. But if you're reading together, she'll love it when you read to her out loud.

Being with her may be draining depending on people and she's aware of that and she hopes that she isn't too overwhelming for you. She loves you and she will show it the way she usually does, peppering them with attention and love and all that lovely stuff.

Nxghtmares_ Hello Emily! I hope you're having a great day! I shall pair you with the adorable Speedy boi... Tenya Iida!

Because if there's something he loves, it's being kind and thoughtful. The boy was quite the confused one when he fell for you. He dismissed the random spasm of his stomach when you were around, the tightness in his chest, the image of you making him feel at ease but at the same time erratic?-- let's just say he thought he was dying.

But once he found out it was the feels he caught for you, he did not know how to approach this situation. Cue all the people he asked advice on to pursue you, starting with his friends Izuku and Ochako, who told him to just talk to you and perhaps ask you out on a date. That he followed, but there is one thing he doubted would work, but tried it.

"D-do you want to... Go out in the library with me this weekend to study?" The question is, would you accept? I mean, studying is great but as a date?

As I established, he's game for study dates in libraries but if you don't want to study, he won't force you. If you would read other books in the library, he would be always curious to what you are reading, as he might plan to read it to have something to talk about with you. He will most likely listen to you sing and you bet your bottom that he will cheer you on and will support you no matter what! As for painting, he's not good with art but he will compliment all your works.

The boy holds you in high regards, he just fell for your kindess and thoughtfullness that cracks through your aggressive nature and he somehow feels so... Calmed, eased. Falling in love did not cross his mind, let alone falling with you. And he hoped that he would be enough for you and he will try his best to be the attentive and helpful significant other for you.

xelaMoonstone01, I shall pair you with Yo Shindo!

Okay at first he found you uninteresting but the moment he caught glimpse of your badassery is when he started to be interested in you and soon fell. He himself hid behind a friendly facade when dealing with other opponents in order to win them in and how could he not appreciate a well-hidden badassery?

He's quite the persistent courter, you'd find the boy trying to win you over with different tactics. Whether with gifts, random acts of kindness, flirting etc. After finding out through observation and learned about your hobby, he read about astrology just so he could have reasons to talk to you.

As for dates, he is down to work out with you! Like duh, he's going to be a pro hero and he's got to be always at the top of his work out game. Maybe he'll be there to assist you with working out while he does some wiht his own, and he is also the type of person to remind you to drink water after working out, along with telling you to breathe whilst you work out.

Here's the thing, aside from your secret badass attitude he really finds your gentleness endearing and touching. He often found himself clenching a fist atop his chest as it tightens with sweet delight when he sees you being happy with you friends and really finds everything about you great over all.

Knowing full too well of your need to recharge, he will leave you alone and will wait until you're good to go. He respects it and even asks if you need anything such as snacks, drinks, or anything else. He really wants to make you comfy with yourself. And speaking of which!

He couldn't care less about your appearance. Your so-called 'flaws' (which shouldn't be called flaws in the first place, because it's natural!) are nothing and he will reassure you, make you believe that you are more than stretch marks, acne or your scars. He finds you beautiful, internally and externally. No matter what. And he will pester you non stop with compliments and affirmations. Because all he sees about you is your great qualities, you're beautiful the way you are and there's no one else he'd rather be than be with you.


I'll get to the other requests soon! Please be patient <3

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