Ch13-Pumpkin Pie


Aphmau's P.O.V.




I wake up. Finally my alarm clock is working. I don't want to get ready, can't I just have a day off? Oh well. I get up and get ready. I take a shower and get dressed. I put on black jeans, a purple t-shirt and a white coat. I put my hair in a waterfall braid an I but some purple and white flowers in it. I put on some watermelon lipgloss, eyeliner and mascara. I brush my teeth and I put on my cinnamon and lavender perfume.

I get all my stuff for school and I notice that I still have some time before school. I turn on my to and I switch to the news. Turns out some bad things are happening in Paris. I feel so bad I hope they are ok.

After a while I turn off the tv and head off to school. When I get there I head straight to my locker. I open it and pack away all my stuff. My first lesson is French and I head off to the class. I sit down and Garroth walks into the classroom.

"H-hey Aphmau" he says

"Do you mean Bonjour, this is French class" I giggle

"Mind if I sit next to you?" He says

"Sure" I reply

The teacher comes in and tells us to get into pairs and practise our French conversation skills. I partner up with Garroth.

"Bonjour" he says

"Bonjour" I reply

"comment allez-vous aujourd'hui?" (how are you today?) he says

"Je suis très bien , et vous?" (I'm very well how about you) I reply

"Je suis bon , merci" (I'm good Thankyou) he says smiling "Hey I was wondering if you could help me with a project I'm doing for school"

"Sure I would love to" I giggle "What do I need to do."

"I'm going to interview you and write a report on you"

"Ok, how's lunch" I ask

"Perfect" I says

The bell for the next lesson goes and I say goodbye to Garroth.

*Time skip to lunch*

Garroth's P.O.V.

I'm waiting anxiously in the classroom that Aphmau and I decided to meet up at. When she walks in she was smiling. She looks so beautiful. She comes over and sits down next to me.

"So do you want to start?" I ask

"Sure, ask the first question" she says

"Alright, How old are you." I ask

"I'm 16 years old" she says

"Who is your family?"

"Umm...well it was my parents and I until they went missing. I'm an only child so I have been alone for about a month and a half" she says with tears in the comer of her eye

"I-I'm so sorry" I say wiping her tears away

"I-it's fine, next question" she says

"Ok, what do you want to be when you finish school" I ask

"A sassy lawyer, or a kindergarten teacher" she laughs

"Wow really?"

"Haha yeah"

The bell goes and we say goodbye to each other. She heads off down the hallway and u watch her leave. She really is beautiful. I think I should ask her to the Halloween dance, but I will need to make it special.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I walk to my locker to get my stuff for my next class. I have home ec with Kawaii-chan. We all to the class together and I ask her how her cafè is going and she says that it is going very well. In home ec the teacher pairs us up with someone. I end up getting pared with Dante. Turns out he has to take home ec for extra credit.

We start getting our recipie and our ingredients when the teacher says that he needs to exit the classroom to print off some documents.

When he leaves I look at our recipie. We are making pumpkin pie. Perfect just in time for Halloween. I'm separating an egg and I accadently hit Dante. He grabs a handful of flower and throws it at me. Only he misses and he hits Michi who is one of the popular girls. It looks like I threw it and she does not look happy.

She grabs a handful of her flour and she throws it at me. This obviously starts world war 3 and pretty soon the schools kitchen is a mess. When the teacher comes back the popular girls are about to throw flour at the at me. I manage to duck so the teacher gets hit. The popular girls get detention and the rest of us get off Scott-free. Although we stay back and help clean up. When we are all finished cleaning and making our pies Dante comes up to me.

"Thankyou for partnering me today" he says

"No problem, it was really fun" I reply

"And sorry for causing the massive food fight" he apologises

"It's fine it really wasn't your fault, you can't blame yourself" I say trying to comfort him

I give him a hug and he hugs me back. I pull away and I notice that he has some flour on his nose.

"Hey Dante you have some flour on your nose" I say giggling

"W-where?" He says and turns bright red

He brushes it off and we both start laughing.

Dantes P.O.V.

Ok so I embarrassed myself in front of Aphmau but it dosnt matter. We are both laughing together. I wish these moments could last forever. She looks like a goddess. She is really beautiful and she smells so nice. W-wait is that creepy? Oh well it doesn't matter. When she hugged me it felt amazing. I just wish I could always be with her but that can't happen.

The bell goes and we say goodbye. As I'm getting ready to go home I see Aphmau on the phone. She is laughing and smiling. I wonder who she is talking to? Oh well. WAIT WHAT IF IT'S A GUY?! NO WAY. Atleast I really hope it isn't a guy. I'm the on, I'm the only one who will be with Aphmau. I can promise you that.

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