Agent Whiskey-Partner In Crime

You're working with Agent Whiskey on a top secret mission, tracking some other agents, who secretly want you dead.

Agent Whiskey is never one to keep in his feelings about beautiful women and how much he likes them.

The only exception is: you. Some strong swearing and some sex, but nothing too explicit.


"Jack!" He's drooling. Again. Over some pretty little girl. You want to vomit every single time he acts like that.

"What, darlin'?" Jack smiles charmingly at you and you slap his cheeks. Not super hard. Just hard enough to grab his damn attention.

Jack scowls. You turn your back on him. You immediately feel his fingers, caressing the small of your back. Ooh, that asshole thinks he can just butter you up by touching you tenderly?

"Get your damn hand off of me, Agent Whiskey before I rip it off your wrist and cram it up your ass."

"So hostile," Jack drawls softly. You bite back a retort and check the crowd around you for those asshole agents you're supposed to be tracking.

Except, Agent Whiskey clearly has his mind on anything but the damn mission. You grit your teeth. Why do you always get stuck with Mr..Horny?

You've specifically requested to not get paired up with him. And yet, You always do. Somebody up there hates you. Hates your damn guts. Like a lot.

"Shit! I see one!" You exclaim, thinking you'll have to be the one to go after them. Especially since dumbass Jack is too busy flirting with some blonde.

You decide to go rogue. It you get your ass chewed out, so be it. You've been tracking these guys for weeks. You need to make a move before they're off the radar once again.

You toss Jack a disgusted look before heading after the target. He doesn't even notice you're walking away from him.

You aren't jealous. Not really. It's more that you're tired of waiting around for Jack Whiskey to notice you the way he always notices all these other beautiful women.

Aren't you beautiful? You think. Maybe not beautiful enough for Agent Whiskey.

You called him out on it once and all he did was make up some lame ass excuse about how you were out of his league and you were too classy for the likes of him.

Please. Only assholes who aren't interested in you use that line. The least Jack could do was be honest with you instead of making up lame excuses.

You push the hurtful thoughts away and focus on catching the baddies. That's your job. Not wondering why Agent Whiskey isn't interested in you.


You've cornered the asshole. Except... he's not going down without a fight. Shit. Where the hell is your partner?

Oh, yes, that's right. He's off trying to find someone to screw. Ooh. You so want to use that whip of Agent Whiskey's on himself.

It's serve him right for bailing on you and acting like a disgusting creeper. Asshole.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, Agent Y/N!" Agent Smith declares. You reach into your pocket and pull out a small, smoke bomb.

It's not overly dangerous, but at least it'll knock this guy on his ass long enough for you to drag him back to headquarters.

You place a face mask on, covering your nose and mouth and pull the small pin on top of the smoke bomb.

You toss it in Agent Smith's direction. He curses loudly as he tries to escape. You slowly back away, waiting for the smoke to take effect.

Within ten minutes, Agent Smith is out cold. You get ready to drag him out, when who should magically appear, but Agent Asshole.

"Why'd you just take off like that?" he demands, striding over to you, scowling deeply.

You ignore him as you grab Agent Smith by the legs and start dragging him towards the car.

"Oh, for crying out loud!" Agent Whiskey comes to you, pushing your hands off of Agent Smith's body and hoists him up his shoulder and starts walking out.

You follow, but at a much slower pace. You know damn well that the second you're trapped in the damn car with Jack, he's going to land on you with both feet.

Jack puts Agent Smith's body in the back seat of the car and walks around to the driver's side door, climbing in.

You reluctantly climb into the passenger's side and close the door. Agent Whiskey doesn't utter a peep to you until you're almost to headquarters.

"You never answered my question, darlin.'" His voice is low and controlled, not a hint of anger in it.

Damnit! Now he's not playing nice. You fold your arms over your chest, staring out the window.

"Because, Jack, you were too busy trying to line up a screw buddy for later on. And I'm sick of listening and watching you do that to me!"

Jack sighs softly as you reach headquarters. He stops at the front gate, rolls down the window and leans out to punch in the code.

The front gate slowly opens up and Jack drives inside the gate and straight to the headquarters garage.

Two, big burley guys come over at Jack's call to them. They take Agent Smith's body inside headquarters and you start to follow.

Jack suddenly grabs your wrist and jerks you to a halt. You turn, glaring ferociously at him and yank your wrist free.

"I know I screw around a lot," Jack says softly. "But it's only because I know I'll never have who I really want."

"Save it, Jack!" You snap, turning to head inside headquarters. "I've heard enough of your damn shit!"

Jack hurries to catch up with you. You dare to look at his face. He looks so...hurt.

"I'm in love with you, Y/N."

"You sure have a funny way of showing it!"

Jack grabs you again, swiftly backing you up against the wall, pinning you there.

You try to push him away, but he won't budge. You're really starting to get pissed off when Jack leans closer and.... gently
Oh, shit.

You don't want to be doing this. But you can't stop, either. Jack's kissing is becoming more heated and passionate.

You wrap your arms around his neck, drawing him even closer, just tasting him. He tastes like whiskey and it's intoxicating.

"See, Y/N? I do love you." You slide Jack's sunglasses off and gaze into his beautiful brown eyes. You touch his bottom lip, feeling yourself becoming aroused.

Jack smiles softly at you. Then he leans back. He holds his hand out and you take it.

"We'll finish this later, darlin,'"Jack murmurs. "And you will not be disappointed."


"Holy smokes!" Jack is breathless and sweaty. You giggle as you cuddle with him. You gently kiss his body, working your way down, causing him to gasp.

"I never thought I'd have this," you whisper, sliding back up again and capturing Jack's lips with yours.

Jack gently trails his fingers down your bare arm and it ignites something deep in you.

"I know, darlin.' I was an asshole."

"No argument there." Jack takes you by the waist and draws you closer. You snuggle against him.

"Now this has happened, you're not going back to screwing anybody that catches your fancy, are you?"

Jack shakes his head and kisses your forehead. His mustache tickles and you laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. Your mustache just tickles." Jack grins wickedly and brushes his mustache over your cheek and soon you're giggling uncontrollably.

"You're evil!" You exclaim, punching him in the arm. Jack scowls and glares at you.

You move, pressing your lips to his and immediately, the scowl slips from his face and is replaced with a tender smile.

"Hold me? Please? I just want to feel your arms around me." Jack wraps his arms around you and you close your eyes, beginning to feel drowsy.

"Go to sleep, Y/N," Jack whispers. "I'm not going anywhere."

"You better not. Or I'll hunt you down and cut your balls off."

"Now who's being evil?" You chuckle softly and slowly drift off to sleep.

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