Erza-More Than Anything

Ezra's in trouble and it's up to you to save him.

Some violence and swearing and a bit of innuendo.


Your body is curled around Ezra's. He's not asleep. You thought he was, but you keep feeling him move. You reluctantly unfurl your body and look at him.

He looks pensive and you lift your head, and gently brush your lips over the small, white blond spot just at the temple of his head. He shifts restlessly.

"What is it, my Erza?" He smiles just a bit at you. You ache to have him ravage you. But you can tell from the look that Erza isn't in the mood.

"Just thinking." His lips press to yours. You can't help but smile. Sure, Erza was stubborn and was often prone to anger, although not so often. And he wasn't the brightest man.

But he could be so gentle and tender and kind. And charismatic. Very charismatic. You loved him. More than anything.


"Prospecting." You groan. Honestly! Erza has been nearly consumed by his outrageous desire to prospect.

He discovered these...gems that can be harvested from fleshy plants. They're worth, well a lot. You don't like it when he's gone. It frightens you. You worry one day that Erza won't come back.

"Oh, Erza. Please don't go. I need you."

"Now, Y/N," Erza says gently, patiently, as though he's speaking to an unreasonable child.

"You know I can look after myself out there. Don't be frightened." He kisses you again.

"You could get yourself killed, you stupid fool."

Erza just gives you an affection squeeze before unfurling himself from around your body. You clutch at him, but he brushes your grasp away as he lumbers towards the bathroom to take a piss.

You reach out and snatch up a field kit, smashing it, hard against the wall. Damn Erza! He's nothing but a fool. He'll die from this damn fool's errand

Erza emerges from the bathroom, a deep scowl on his weathered and handsome face. He marches over to where the smashed field kit is lying scattered around the floor.

"What the hell was that shit?" He glares at you, but you just glare right back.

"I'm pissed at you, you asshole!" Erza sighs as he comes back to you and sits down. He runs a hand over his face, looking defeated.

"Birdie, I'm doing this for you."

"If you were really doing this for me, Erza, you'd stop this insanity."

"I'll be okay, my love. I promise to come back to you." He turns, looking at you.

"Come with me."

"All right."


Erza has you come. Except he refuses to allow you to go out with him when he's prospecting. That doesn't sit right with you.

Erza says he'll be fine. He has two others with him. You don't know anything about them. They don't talk to you and you don't talk to them.

Truthfully, they frighten you. You stay out of their way and allow Erza to manage them.


There's shouting and you feel like someone is squeezing your heart. Something's happened to Erza; you can feel it in your bones.

Those others are racing, at full speed, towards the damn ship and you don't see Erza.

"Where is he?" You scream. Oh, Erza. Your beautiful Erza. He's....dead. You collapse against the wall, shaking violently.

"He's not dead. But...?" What. The. Actual. Hell is wrong with these idiots? Besides everything?

"Why didn't you help him?" You angrily start putting on the special suit and helmet that you got and must wear at all times while traipsing around this forsaken planet.

"We were ambushed. We didn't have a shot." You grab two guns and make sure they're loaded and grab some extra ammo.

You don't even bother wasting your breath on these jackasses. You have to find Erza and help him. Before it's too late.


It actually didn't take you long to find Erza. He wasn't far. The only thing is: how to rescue him. There's three others, two are busy looking at their day's collection and the other one is guarding Erza, who, as usual, is flapping his damn gums.

He looks over and...sees you, standing in the background, watching. He stops mid sentence. He jerks his head in the direction of the two that are busy. You nod.

You slowly inch forward, ready to toss Erza a gun, so he can get the others after you take care of the one guarding him.

You lift your weapon and fire. The one who was guarding Erza falls over, landing on the ground with a thud. You toss Erza the gun, as his companions whip around and Erza shoots them.

You race to Erza, latching on to him as you sob. He holds you tightly as he whispers words of comfort to you. Then, he gently takes your arm, guiding you back to the ship.


You're back home. You're happy just to be here. You can't stop kissing Erza. He squirms beneath you. You kiss the small patch of white blond hair and he groans.

"If you ever put me through something like that again, I'll kill you myself."

Erza grabs on to your waist and just gazes at you intently. The heat of his gaze is so intense, it burns into your soul.

"No, you won't. You love me too much." He kisses your forehead. You squirm, loving the feel of his lips on your bare skin.

"Yeah, I surely do. Even though you're an idiot and will most likely end up dead from this stupid prospecting shit."

Erza laughs and kisses your lips. You gaze at him. He's beautiful and he's yours. Even if you do love him and hate him at same damn time.

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