Chapter 8: Light of Life
Allura made it to the Balmera to get the crystal for the giant teludav. It was a long journey, but the space mice helped to keep her entertained by doing "road trip games" as Hunk put, which did help to pass the time. The Balmerans were very welcoming to the Princess and led her deep into the Balmera caves for the crystal.
"Incredible." Allura breathed out at the sight of the enormous crystal before her.
"When the Galra were here, these caverns were closed off. As if the Balmera was protecting itself. Now that the Balmera is free and healed, the crystal caverns are open once more." Shay, a local Balmeran girl and friend, explained.
Allura strolled up to the crystal and placed both her hands on its surface. The crystal began to glow as the Balmerans got down, performing the ancient Altean ceremony for when a crystal is taken from the Balmera. After it was finished, the Balmerans helped Allura to harvest the crystal and bring it up to the surface.
"The crystal has been loaded onto your Castle, Princess." Shay said when they finished and gave Allura a hug goodbye.
"We wish you could stay longer." Shay's grandmother said as Allura hugged her too. "I made you stickercup stew for the sky road." She said and held out a pot to the princess, that had something pop out of it.
"Oh, thank you. I'm sure I shall enjoy this immensely." Allura said hesitantly while taking the offered pot carefully, trying to hide the fact she was a little disgusted, and disturbed, by the concoction. "To all you of Balmera, thank you once again." She then said to all the Balmerans. Suddenly, a low rumble was and felt. "What was that?" The Altean Princess gasped and looked up in horror to see the monster the Paladins first fought on the Balmera breaking free from its crystal prison.
"Oh, no!" She said as the Balmerans ran screaming. "Take cover in the Balmera! I'll hold it off with the Castle's defenses." Allura instructs then retreats into the ship as the monster finished breaking free, but it was different. Its head was missing, it had a purple Balmeran crystal sticking from its chest, and two giant purple crystals were hovering around it.
"Particle Barrier Up!" The Princess commanded as she entered the bridge and activated the ship. She immediately began firing, but the crystals the monster had were acting as shields and the lasers couldn't even touch it. The Princess quickly took off as the monster began shooting back, but the monster also started to fly and follow her into space. Allura knew what she had to do, so she opened a hailing frequency to call the Paladins.
-With Hunk and Keith-
"Argh! I didn't just turn Galra!" Keith shouted at Hunk's accusation. The Yellow Paladin was looking at him intensely, and Keith noticed. "Are trying to see if my skin is purple?" He asked annoyed.
"No..." Hunk drawled out, not convincing anybody.
"Hunk! Keith! Do you read me?!" Both Paladins turned to the console as Allura's image appeared.
"Hunk and Keith here. What's going on, Princess?" Keith replied and asked.
"You must return to the Castle! I need you!" She replied hastily.
"We're on our way." Keith replied and Hunk "stepped on it" as they say.
-With Lance, Pidge and Shiro-
"All right, what are we doing now?" Lance asked as he took the "wheel" in a manner of speaking.
"Let's call Allura and let her know that we have Slav, plus a new friend and ally, and we're ready for her to use the teludav." Pidge suggested. Just then, the aforementioned space centipede appeared.
"You didn't say we'd be traveling by teludav." He exclaimed. That was it! Shiro couldn't take it anymore! With a steaming red face, he finally exploded!
"What's the problem? We're traveling by teludav. So just count your hair follicles or fluff a pillow, or whatever you need to do to make sure we survive the wormhole trip un this reality!" The Black Paladin yells and everyone was shocked at his outburst.
"Is he always like this?" Yusarius whispered to Lance.
"Not until Slav." The Blue Paladin replied.
"I was just going to point out that the teludav is a very efficient form of travel." Said Alien technician while touching his fingers together nervously.
"Paladins, are you there?" Everyone turned to see Allura on screen.
"Princess, what's happening?" Lance asked worried. This sounded urgent.
"That monster that attacked us on the Balmera has returned!" She informed.
"What?!" They all asked while Slav squawks. Yusarius wasn't quite sure what was happening, but it didn't sound good.
"I need you back here immediately." The princess continued.
"You got it, Princess. Sharpshooter is on the way." Lance announced.
"Sharpshooter?" Pidge asked.
"It's my new nickname that I gave myself. Just...Just pass it on." Lance answered.
Back at the castle, Allura was having trouble trying to open a wormhole for the Paladins. The monster's attacks were very annoying and the particle barrier was taking quite the beating, causing Allura to have to dodge out of the way of the attacks constantly, and was unable to focus on conjuring the wormholes.
"What do I do? I need to open a wormhole, but with the monster I can't focus on that." She thought. She was thoroughly exhausted and was about to pass out. At this point, she wasn't even sure if could open a wormhole in here state.
Suddenly, the monster stilled and stopped attacking. Allura looked up confused, and saw the monster turn back to the Balmera, it was then Allura noticed a light shining from the Balmera's surface. It wasn't like the crystals, it was something different. The monster then nose-dived heading straight to the planet.
"No!" Allura thought and used what little strength and energy she had to pilot the castle down to the Balmera chasing the monster.
Meanwhile on the said planet's surface, a strange hooded figure stood on the ground, holding up their right arm that was glowing. The monster flew down and landed in front of the figure, collapsing onto its knees and leaning down to them, just as Allura landed the ship a few yards away and saw the scene. She pulled up a screen and enhanced the image to see the figure and the monster in front of them. The figure suddenly took their glowing arm, and placed it on the purple crystal sticking out of the monster's chest.
A stream of light flowed from the figure into the monster. The crystals imbedded in it and the floating ones by its side changing color form purple to blue. The floating crystals had dropped and stuck themselves into the planet. The creature was still as the energy flowed through it, then transferred into the Balmera, causing the whole planet to light up. When the figure took away their hand the glowing stopped, and creature faded away into dust before the princesses very eyes, leaving behind the crystals.
"What in the world?" The Altean Princess asked herself as she walked out of the castle and was greeted by the said. That's when Allura got a good look at that arm and was shocked. It was covered in pitch black scales with green veins, was clawed and had a golden eye-like gem embedded in the back of it. Allura looked up as the figure pulled down their hood to reveal green and red hair, and bright red eyes.
"It's you, Zarc." She said breathless at the sight of the being before her. The Paladins were right. He did have hair like a tomato, and eyes like rubies.
"Lance, Pidge," the princess calls as she approached said paladins. "I've been meaning to ask. What is a tomato? You said Zarc had hair like one." She asked them. The two looked at each other, then turned back to the princess.
"Well, a tomato is a fruit from Earth. It's red and green, and that's what Zarc's hair color was like." Lance answered. Pidge typed up something on her laptop, and showed Allura a picture.
"I see. It looks like talbaskis fruits that we had on Altea. Only they were purple and blue." Allura says. "And what is a ruby?" She asked.
"Oh, a ruby is a gorgeous bright red gemstone on Earth." Pidge said and typed some more.
"Yeah, if you ever visit Earth I might buy you a ruby necklace." Lance commented, then Pidge showed the Princess a ruby picture on her laptop.
"My, it is gorgeous, I've never seen such a deep Red before." The princess says in awe at the jewel.
-End of Flashback-
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Princess." Zarc greeted as he bowed slightly.
"It is an honor for me as well." Allura said and bowed back. "Forgive me if it seems nosy, but why are you here?" The Princess asked.
"I came to see you actually, and to take care of a pest." He answered and looked at the crystals from the robeast, before turning back to the princess.
"Me?" The princess asked and he nodded.
"Yes Princess, I have wanted to talk about you reacted to Keith's heritage." He stated. The princess stiffened, and looked away. "I understand your plight, your home and people had been destroyed by the Galra, but that was before your Red Paladin had been born, am I correct?" He stated. Allura nodded. "May I ask you something, were all Alteans good Princess?" He asked. Allura shook her head.
"No, there were criminals on Altea, but that doesn't mean they deserved that." She answered and retaliated. Zarc just shook his head.
"That is not what I meant Princess." He said and looked at her with his jewel-like eyes. "If there were bad Alteans, who's to say there aren't good Galra." He states and Allura was stunned at his reasoning. "It is not always as simple as you may believe. You know Keith longer than I have, have you not? Is he the type of person you think of right now?" He asked, and the princess thought hard to herself.
"You're right." She scoffed. "How could I have be so foolish?" She said to herself.
"When we are closed-minded we close our eyes as well, but when we allow our minds to open, we can see so much more." He said. "You need to look closely to see all the details, then what is just in front of you." He added and raised his clawed arm up to the princess' face. The hand touched Allura's forehead, finding it was surprisingly smooth and not rough like she expected.
"Even in the pitch blackness of dark, you can still find the light if you look." Zarc says and she then felt a surge of energy flow through her, not knowing she was a blue so light, it was almost white. "This is a mere piece of what of is yet to come, you already everything you need, now you just a guide to show you the way." He said as Allura suddenly felt reenergized, all her strength returned to her and she felt more energy than ever before. Zarc then let go and backed away.
"We will meet again Princess, but this time, you will not be alone." He says and turns away, walking as he pulled up his hood and disappeared in a shining light.
The Princess was stunned, she had more energy than to know what to do with, but then she realized what exactly to do with it. She heads back into the castle, and launches it back into space. She then uses the energy Zarc gave her to open the wormholes for the Paladins. While she knew what Kolivan had said, she does not believe his words, now seeing Zarc for herself. The wormholes appeared more bright than normal and both the Blue and Yellow Lions appeared.
"Princess! We're here! Where's the monster?!" Hunk asked as he and Keith appeared on screen along with the others.
"Uh... Princess, why are you glowing?" Lance asked with a raised eyebrow, along with the others.
"I'll explain in the Castle, we need get going." The princess replied as the wormholes closed and the Paladins flew in. The Altean Princess turned around as she heard the door open and the Paladins entered. At this point she had stopped glowing, she didn't even know she was in the first place.
"Princess, what happened to the monster you called about?" Shiro asked.
"It's gone." Allura replied, and everyone was stunned. "Zarc came, and got rid of it." She added.
"Wait, Zarc was here?" Lance asked surprised. Allura nodded.
"The lord himself?" Everyone turned to Yusarius as he spoke.
"Who are you again?" Keith asked. Lance spoke again.
"This is Yusarius, he's a Necroshade. He was held prisoner on the same ship where we found Slav over there." The Blue Paladin explained, and gestured to the space centipede who was running around the Castle. Allura was stunned. She had heard of the Necroshades, but never imagined she'd see one. They were said to be a very secretive people rarely found off their world, that was said to be hidden.
"Wait, Allura, did Zarc do anything to you?" Keith asked. The Princess stared at the Red Paladin, the later thinking she still hates him, but Allura was actually thinking about Zarc's words.
"He, I'm not sure what Zarc did, but the beast is gone now, and I doubt we will ever have to worry about it again. He also, said some things, and yes he did do something, I'm not sure what though." She replied and everyone stared at her. Yusarius suddenly walked up to her and bowed.
"A pleasure to meet another who has received Lord Zarc's blessing." He said, confusing everyone. He quickly noticed their expressions. "You see my people for a long time, were homeless. Until Lord Zarc appeared, and found our ancestors a planet to settle on, and for that we are grateful and worship him." He explained.
"You know, it is lucky you all met Zarc. Your powers increase your survival in this reality 150%." Slav commented, and the Blue, Green and Black Paladins groan.
"Have you heard anything from Coran Princess?" Keith suddenly asked.
"Yeah, are we ready to pop through the wormhole to Olkarion?" Lance added.
"Yes, I've checked in with Coran and the teludav is nearly complete." Allura replied. "Hunk, thank you for getting the scaultrite." She said to the Yellow Paladin.
"No, problem." Hunk replied, than noticed something. "You know, Keith was there too." He stated, Allura looked at said Paladin, but stayed quiet. She then went back to the controls and opened a wormhole to Olkarion and went through, they all soon joined Coran on the planet.
"We've made great progress while you were gone. And now that we have the scaultrite, we should be finished in less than a quintant." The Altean advisor explains and showed them the teludav.
"Wow. That is one giant teludav." Lance comments. He wasn't kidding. It was huge.
"Nice work Coran." Keith complimented.
"Good job, Coran. Fist bump." Hunk said as he fist bumped a confused Coran. "Now blow it up." He added causing the Altean man's eyes to widen.
"Oh, don't you dare! It took forever to build this teludav." Coran retaliated, not getting what Hunk really meant. "And let's not forget it's a pivotal piece in our plan to take down Zarkon." He added, than a screen popped and Coran yelped at the sight.
"I've made some improvements to your design." Slav said as he was hitting the teludav with a rock. "This will increase our chances of survival in this reality 205 percent." He added and went to hitting the machine.
"Is this guy a little--?" Coran asked as the others groaned in reply.
"Yes." Shiro.
"No doubt." Pidge.
"Not a fan." Lance.
"Stop hitting the teludav!" Coran demanded, just as a small explosion came from the spot Slav was hitting, getting caught in the blast himself.
The Paladins were all gathered on the edge of the tower, staring at the sunset in silence. It was quiet for a while before it was suddenly broken.
"What's everybody thinking about?" Pidge asked the others.
"Zarkon." Shiro replied.
"Calzones." Hunk said at the same time. Everyone turned to look at him. "I mean, uh, heck, yeah, I'm thinking about calzones, okay? I mean does it always have to be about Zarkon? He's a bad guy. We're trying to defeat him. I get it. I'm hungry." He finished as his stomach rumbled.
"We've come a long way." Keith stated.
"Yeah, remember when Hunk used to throw up from riding in the elevator?" Lance says, side-glancing said boy, who groans in response.
"You guys remember that Arusian? Klaizap, I think his name was? Cool name." Hunk added.
"Yeah, Keith tried to beat him up even though he's the size of a peanut." Lance said while chuckling.
"He was their bravest warrior!" Said Red Paladin retaliated.
"How about the time the food goo machines attacked us in the kitchen?" Pidge spoke.
"That was the scariest thing that's happened to me the entire time I've been here." Hunk comments.
"Oh, come on." Lance implied.
"What? It's the truth." The Yellow Paladin insisted.
"We faced sentries, a haunted castle, giant Robeasts, a mall security guard." The Blue Paladin reminisced.
"And don't forget that cool cube thing." Pidge added.
"Yeah, and that awful cube thing." Lance dismissed. "Not to mention Zarc and these amazing powers." He added, everyone smiled.
"You realize once we defeat Zarkon, the universe won't need Voltron anymore." Shiro interjected as he looked at the others.
"We can return to Earth." Lance says.
"I can look for my family." Pidge says.
"I guess, I could, look for mine." Keith said uncertain.
"This is it. As long as everything goes according to plan, we can't fail." Shiro said certain as they all look out to the sun, looking forward to the battle ahead. This was it, they were going to take down Zarkon, and his empire, once and for all.
AN: Sorry this took a while, busy week. BTW, has anyone heard of the Persona game series? Cause I'm thinking of making a Persona 6 fanfiction book with the Voltron characters. Message me in the comments and tell me what you guys think of the idea, I already got an outline of the story.
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