Chapter 15: Shiro's Return

"Where... Am I?" Shiro thought as he opened his eyes to find himself in darkness. It was pitch black, and Shiro couldn't see a thing. "Hello?" He called, but received no answer. "Hello? Is anyone there?" He called out again, but was met with only silence. He looked around frantically, but there was just nothing.

After what felt like hours, Shiro finally saw something, a small shimmer of light. He instantly moved towards it. As he was getting closer, the light's shape came into focus, and Shiro realized it was a person. Dressed in a black cloak and surrounded by a silvery glow. Shiro reached out his hand and touched the person, who turned around to look at him, and he immediately recognized them.

"Zarc?" He asked. Indeed, right in front of him was the being himself.

"Hey Shiro." The boy greeted, then notices the Black Paladin's troubled expression. "What's wrong?" He asked. turning fully towards him.

"I'm lost. I don't know how to get back." Shiro replied looking down. Then felt a hand on his shoulder, and looked up at Zarc.

"Silly. You're not really lost. Your way out is over there." The being replied and directed Shiro to a path made up of purple light. "Go on." Zarc encouraged. Shiro looked at Zarc one more time before stepping onto the path and following it.

Shiro continued to walk down the path of light, until something came into view, and he stopped in his tracks. It was a giant version of himself, made of the same purple light, at the end of the path. The giant made of light looked at Shiro and gestured for him to come. Shiro reluctantly walked over and seemed to faze into the giant being. Shiro felt, free. Like he was wind, drifting through the universe.

Suddenly, a bunch of images flashed through his mind. Sentries, blaring purple lights, blurry figures, faint voices, a pinkish liquid with bubbles, and a horrifying face that has haunted him for so long. Haggar!

"AH!" Shiro gasped as he awoke to find himself in a healing pod, before the wall went down and he fell to the floor.

"Oh! Shiro!" He heard a voice, but he couldn't make out anything, it was all blurry. He heard a loud voice, and that's when everything finally came into focus. He looked up to see Coran in front of him. "Shiro my boy, are you alright?" The Altean man asked worriedly.

"C-Coran?" Shiro muttered out. "I... think so. What happened? How long have I been out?" Shiro asked, just as the doors to the med bay open to reveal the other Paladins and Allura.

"Shiro!" They all exclaim and proceed to hug their leader with tears in their eyes.

"Uh... Hey guys. What I miss?" Shiro asks the others as they continue to hug him. That's when Shiro noticed his robot arm was gone. His eyes widen. "Guys..." He said seriously. "What happened?" He asked and they all look at each other.

The Paladins first got food, and proceeded to explain to Shiro what had transpired after the battle with Zarkon. Including how he had fell unconscious, how his arm had been destroyed during the battle, the continuation of the peace movement, and the appearance of Zarkon's son, Lotor.

"So just when we finally get rid of Zarkon, now we have to deal with his son?" Shiro clarified, and everyone in the room nodded. At some point Pidge and Hunk left, not saying where they're going. "Great." Shiro said sarcastically, then noticed something, actually someone, who was missing. "Where's Yusarius?" He asked.

"Ulaz and Antok took him back home. He said he had spent enough time away from his people." Lance answered, looking a little down. Shiro understood. Just then, the Green and Yellow Paladins came into the lounge, rolling something in.

"So, yeah, when found that you had lost your arm, again, me and Hunk came up with this." Pidge said as she grabbed the tarp on the rolling table. "Ta-da!" She says as she removes the tarp to reveal a new mechanical arm lying on the table. It was just the one Shiro lost, but was white and blue in color.

"Me and Hunk took any useable parts that remained from your old arm, and some spare parts lying around the Castle and made this for you. What do you think?" The Green Paladin explained, then asked as she held up the arm.

"Pidge, Hunk," Shiro began looking like he was ready to cry. "Thank you." He said to them. "Really, thank you." He repeated with watery eyes.

Coran helped Shiro in attaching his new arm, a perfect fit. Shiro curled his new fingers into a fist, and uncurled them, getting a feel for his new arm. So far, it was nice. Better than his old one even. Honestly, when he had his old prosthetic, he felt like he was still owned the Empire, like the mechanical arm was a sign that he belonged to them. Now, he felt truly free. Currently, he was in the room with the window to space, just starring out at the view before him.

"Hey, Shiro." The Black Paladin turned to look the door to see Keith walk in.

"Hey Keith, you need something?" Shiro asked, noticing the expression on the fellow Paladin's face. Keith sighed and walked over to the older man and drops his head on his shoulder.

"I, just wanted to see you really." Keith said, a little dejected.

"You okay?" Shiro asked. He could tell something was up.

"Well, we didn't tell you everything." Keith admitted.

"Go on." Shiro said to his right hand. (No Pun Intended).

"When we first fought Lotor, it looked like we weren't going to make it, but then, something weird happened. Lance said it was like entering the "Avatar State", whatever that means. I don't know, but it was like, we connected to our powers on an almost spiritual level. After that, Lotor left, and I went after him. So stupid, I nearly got myself killed in the process if Zarc hadn't come and talk some sense into me..." He trailed off. "I really am a reckless idiot." he scolded himself.

"Hey..." Shiro spoke. "At least you're okay, but that was reckless Keith." He said.

"I didn't realize how it would affect me, going after Lotor like that after what had happened to us, it had a devastating effect on my body. Lance said I almost didn't make it. Apparently I had internal damage and he had to heal me on the inside." Keith added, Shiro decided to divert the subject.

"Keith, what exactly do you mean by "connecting to your powers on a spiritual level"?" Shiro asked. "Also, you saw Zarc again?" he added.

"I'm not sure. We were all fighting Lotor, and having trouble, when all of a sudden we each found ourselves in a strange black void. The only light was a path leading to these giant version of ourselves made of colored light. When we went to them, we somehow got absorbed into them and the rest is a blur." Keith explains. Shiro stared at him in shock. That sounds just like what happened to him when he was in the healing pod.

"Shiro, there's something I want to tell you." Keith spoke, snapping the Leader out of his thoughts. "Zarc told me something, about that whole "powers and misery" thing. Zarc told me, that he's not the only one. Apparently there have been many Zarcs throughout the history of the universe, and even reality. He said he was one of many, and a few past ones had granted powers to others, but apparently they were reckless about it, and that's where that legend came from." He explained.

"That had been on my mind." Shiro admitted. "So, it wasn't our Zarc that Kolivan was referring to then." He said. Suddenly Coran's voice boomed across the castle.

"Attention Paladins! Report to the training deck immediately!" The Altean man instructed, and the others followed.

The Paladins all met up on the training deck as instructed. The two Alteans were already there, waiting for the Voltron Lion pilots.

"Greetings Paladins! We've decided to do a little training, now that Shiro is back." Coran announced then pulled out the black bayard and held it out to Shiro. "I believe it's time you got to wield this." He said.

Shiro looked down at the bayard, then reached out and took it. He held it up, then it glowed and transformed into a long staff with two blades on either ends of the stick's. The rest of the Paladins looked in awe at the weapon in the Black Paladin's hand. The silence was eventually broken by a certain Red Lion pilot.

"A stick?" Keith asked with a questioning look.

"I think it's a bo staff." Pidge said. "Though, I don't quite get why." She added.

"I think I do." Everyone turned to Lance. "In Avatar Air-benders used these bo staff styled hang gliders either a means for transportation, or as weapons. They could use them to air bend. So I guess that's what it is." The Blue Paladin explains.

"Heh, I guess." Shiro said. "Speaking of, we should train with our powers some more, and see what we can do now." He suggested.

"Yeah, plus during our trip to the alternate reality I did discover my ability to metal bend and haven't been able to train it." Hunk adds. Shiro looks at him confused.

"Wait, what's this about an alternate reality?" He asked. No one had told him about this.

"While you were still in the pod, we somehow stumbled across a gateway to another reality, and actually went through." Keith explained.

"Yeah, it was weird. There were Alteans, but they were evil." Lance said. "Sorry Allura, Coran." He said to their Altean friends. "Not to mention other Slav, and a guy who really resembled you Shiro." He said and the Black Paladin raised an eyebrow at that. "Only, no scar, or metal arm, completely black longer hair, and an accent. It was a weird day." He added and the others agreed.

"So, with that out of the way." Coran interjected. "I'll get some spare metal for Hunk to practice with, and we can start the training." He said.

Soon enough the training began. Hunk was practicing bending metal using the spare scraps that Coran got for him. Pidge was using the plants she had grown in a garden section of the Castle, bending and twisting them to her will. Little Rover, as always, by her side and flying around the planets. Keith was using his fire to blast the training bots, leaving them scorched. Lance was using water streams like a whip, whipping at the training bots, and eventually moved on to using icicles to impale the bots as well.

Meanwhile, Shiro was facing off against at least five training bots, his activated bayard in hand. Lance had told him some moves the air-benders used. He took a deep breath and began twirling the staff, gathering air, before shooting it at the bots like blades and attacking the others using his staff.

The Two Alteans watched from above as the Paladins all practiced with their powers. A sense of pride for both of them at the sight. The war has been tough, and there have been difficulties and casualties on both sides, but together Voltron will prevail. The Paladins proceeded to trains for the rest of the day, until night hour when everyone went to their rooms to sleep.

"Paladins! Report to the bridge immediately! We're under attack!" Allura's voice rang out through the Castle coms the very next day. The Paladins all rushed to the Castle bridge, to find a Galra cruiser heading for them. The Paladins quickly suited up and zip-lined to their lions. They flew out of the bays and into battle.

"Alright! Let's go! We know what to do!" Shiro said and everyone agreed. And with that, for the first time in several months at this point, Voltron was formed.

The mighty Defender attacked the Galra cruiser and the fighters while the Castle of Lions their own lasers. Once the Galra were finished off, the Castle and Voltron fly away from the battle remnants. While flying away, Shiro was suddenly hit with distorted images.

It was like looking through another's eyes, and he was seeing Voltron, flying away. A hand appeared in view, and seemed to be reaching out to Voltron as it left sight. Shiro felt something, desperation, fear, want. Then snapped out of it.

After some time, Voltron splits back into the Lions and they start to make their way to the Castle to load into the Lions' bays. However, the Black Lion was still.

"Shiro? You okay?" The Black Paladin snapped out of his daze at the sound of the Red Paladin's voice.

"Y-yeah, sorry. Just a lot on my mind." The leader replied.

"You want to tell us what's up? Might help." Lance, the ever charismatic Paladin suggested.

"Well... I guess." Shiro said a little dejected. "It's just, when I was passed out, I had a weird dream. At least, I think it was a dream. This time I saw Zarc." He confessed and his fellow Paladins froze in shock.

"Wait, seriously?" Pidge asked, her mouth agape.

"Yeah. While I was passed out in the healing pod, I was trapped in darkness, lost and all alone. Then Zarc appeared, and showed me the way out. I followed a path made of light, and found myself face to face with a giant version of me made of light. I don't know why, but I was drawn to it, and was absorbed in." He explains.

"No way! You also had an Avatar moment?!" Lance exclaimed. Shiro wasn't entirely sure what the Blue Paladin, but it mostly likely was a reference to what Keith told him the other day, about the others having a similar experience.

"There's something else." He spoke up. "Ever since I, connected, to my powers, I've been getting these weird visions, like I'm looking through another's eyes, through spirit or something. You guys have any ideas about it means?" He asks.

"Hmm... Oh! Maybe it has to do with Shiro technically being an air bender." Pidge suggested over the coms.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Shiro asked not quite getting it.

"Hey she's right. Weren't the air benders super spiritual?" Hunk asked.

"Yeah. The Air-Benders, Air-Nation, or as they're more commonly called, the Air Nomads are a very spiritual people by nature. As the name implies, they are a nation made up of monks and nuns, and are very spiritual. Unlike the other nations, where only a select few were benders, the Air Nomads were all benders, due to their spiritual connection." Lance proceeded to explain.

"Okay, but what does this have to do with Shiro's "visions"?" Keith asked.

"The Air Nomads had a deep connection to the spirit world. The only person outside of the Air Nation who could that was the Avatar. Basically, they could connect through spirits, kind of like astral projection. Air is the element freedom and spirituality, so maybe that's why for Shiro's visions." The Blue Paladin suggested.

"I guess that kind of explains it." Shiro agreed. "It started right before I woke up, but it was just flashes and fuzzy vivid images, but this time, it was clearer. I think it has something to do with the Black Lion. When I was trying to connect with it, I found myself in a sort of astral plane, and faced off against Zarkon there. Luckily the Black Lion came to my rescue. It wasn't the last time either." He explained.

"That actually makes sense. Allura said the Black Lion's element is air." Lance agreed. "Hey! Maybe it's trying to tell you something." He added.

"Maybe..." Shiro pondered the thought. The feelings from before resurfacing. Something was up. Suddenly he felt a sensation, that seemed to be coming from his Lion. "Head on ahead guys, I've got something to do first." He said and cut communications before the others could say anything. He then flew the Lion back the ways they came from.

"Okay, I get the feeling you're trying to tell me something, so I'm gonna listen." He said to his Lion, then felt a sensation again as images appear in his mind. It was a Galra fighter ship, but he felt something from it, something wrong. The Black Lion let out a roar and then flew off where they came across the fighter. Shiro quickly used the Lion to grab the ship and flew back to the Castle.

"So why did you bring back a Galra fighter?" Keith asked. He and the others had all gathered in the Black Lion's hanger when Shiro flew in.

"I-I can't explain it, but something told me to get it." The Black Paladin replies.

"Shiro it's the Galra, why would you bring one aboard the Castle. They could be tracking it. It could be a trap set by Lotor." Allura protested strongly.

"We don't know. It could be a Blade of Marmora member." Shiro reasoned.

Just then, the fighter jet opens and a figure begins to walk out. Everyone takes a step back as the figure walks out. They didn't appear to be Galra as they weren't dressed in typical Galran armor, they sluggishly walked down and off the ramp. A gray helmet with orange tinted visor dropped to the ground, rolling away and everyone gasped when they got a good look at the person's face.

"Nn... What, Shiro?" Hunk gasped out as everyone else was stunned into silence. Including the said Black Paladin. Could you blame them, because standing before them was in fact another Shiro, or at least a Shiro look-a-like. This Shiro appeared disheveled, with longer hair, a stumble on his face and clucky armor. The strange doppelganger looks up at the Paladins, when his eyes spotted one in particular.

"" He said in a breathily voice, very similar to the Paladin. "I finally found you!" He exclaimed as rushed towards the Black Paladin. Everyone tensed, but suddenly the look-a-like stilled and fell forward.

"Whoa!" The Black Paladin exclaimed as he caught the falling man. Shiro stared down his double as he laid still in his arms.

"Shiro..." The man said as he fell completely unconscious. Everyone looked at each other and the doppelganger. What was going on? Who was this person? Why does he look like Shiro? And how does he know him?

AN: Oh man! Sorry this took so long to update. I got stumped for a bit.
Anyway if you're wondering why I made Shiro's weapon into a bo staff, well, I actually have a few reasons. One, it's a reference to Shiro's heritage, another it's because since he never actually used a bayard in the canon show, so you can have a little fun with this. The last is because of what Lance said, about the air benders using staffs like weapons for fighting and their air-bending.
Also, as for Shiro's clone, in the show, I honestly felt like the guy got the shaft in the long run. I mean, yeah, he was a clone, but he was technically a person as much as Shiro. I also remembered, this is my story, non-canon, I can what I want. So, I thought I'd update the character a little. Let's see how it turns out.

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