Chapter 73: An Agate and A Zooman ( Lemon )


Yep, Lurkerbelow you've been waiting for this for a long time so here you go. Enjoy, mate! Cheers!


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Your POV

I was heading to the Human Zoo because Holly told me that there was something strange happening there for the past few weeks, the zoo's systems are glitching and malfunctioning and they always fix it but it always come back. I was in the B.H. Destroyer and I had Tyson with me. I was in the cockpit sitting in my chair as 4 Peridots pilot the ship to the Human Zoo.

In the cockpit was 20 Peridots, four of them pilot the ship as I said before, four of them are in charge of the piloting the ship and the overdrive engine, and the other four are in charge of the state of the ship's Core, and two Peridots are in charge of the Ion Cannons and the main guns, two of the Peridots are in charge of the Vulcan Cannons and Defence Turrets.

Three Peridots are in charge of the Countermeasures of the ship, the flares, the docking and deployment of other ships in the B.H. Destroyer. And the remaining Peridot was Taylor, she now became a manager and I gave her Modified Limb Enhancers which has more features than a normal Limb Enhancer.

( Yes, this is Taylor. I finally found a perfect image for her. )

Y/N: *sigh* Damn. This is so boring, ain't it? Tyson?

Then he just gave a bark which made me chuckle a bit and rub his head maling his ears droop, which is kind of cute. And if you're asking if wolves bark, Yes, but they don't use it anything like as much as dogs. You hear it much more often from puppies than adults, but adults can and do bark. Wolves will bark as part of a chorus howl or as a growl-bark.

Taylor: Such a beautiful creature he is. What's his name again? I forgot.

Y/N: His name is Tyson. And he's a Mackenzie Valley Wolf. Anyways, how much longer until we reached the zoo?

Taylor: It will only take a moment, sit tight and I know you're already bored but we'll get there when we get there.

Y/N: Ugh! Dammit!


We finally arrived at the zoo and I gotta say, my ship is massive. The zoo almost looks like a dot compared to mine, I entered an Archadian and piloted the ship towards the docking area of the zoo.

Then I came across Holly who was at the door.

Y/N: Good day, Holly.

Holly Blue: Good day to you too, Painite.

Y/N: Alright, can you tell me where the main problem of the zoo is?

Holly Blue: The main problem is in the Core, we kept on repairing everything, the wires, the energy cells, and we have been replacing the old parts with newer ones.

Y/N: I need to see this. Wait a second...are you saying that even the energy cells are damaged too?

Holly Blue: Correct.

Y/N: Lead the way, Holly.

Holly Blue: Well, the main door towards the Core has been jammed and we can't get to open for a few weeks now, but we have an alternative route. Through the Containment Area.

Y/N: I'll see what I can do with that door, lead the way then.

She nodded and she walked me towards the Containment Area and she opened the door and saw the humans all lively and happy which made me smile. Holly guided me through the vegetation of the Containment Area. Surprisingly, the humans just let us be, they don't bother us, some of them even smiled and waved at us, one even gave me a crown made out of flowers.

All of them are very nice too, but there is one human that seemed a bit...odd, at least in my point of viee. She looks so sweet on the outside, but I saw in her eyes that she was hurt...badly. She looked at me and she smiled and waved and I just waved back. She had blonde hair and peach skintone and green eyes.

Fun Fact: Only 2% of Human Population has Green Colored Eyes, making it the rarest color for the eyes.

We finally reached the door to the ship's Core and Holly opened it and we entered and we walked down the hallway filled with pipes and wirings, we kept walking, hearing the ambience of the ship's Core or Engine, or both. We kept walking until we reached the Core.

I walked towards the energy cells and they were all deactivated and heavily damaged. The pipes were busted and torn apart, I opened the compartments and saw wirings all messed up and hard to untangle. I pulled the wires and untangled them and it took me about an hour or two to finally get them out of being tangled.

I saw the six wires sitting at the bottom unattached, it looks like it snapped, but something doesn't add up, why would a wire snap, but sit perfectly fine at the bottom of the compartment? And why would the wirings be tangled in the first place? Then I took a closer look at the wires and swuinted my eyes and my eyes finally adjusted, the wires didn't's been cut.

Y/N: Holly, you said that the wires seemed to snap all the time, right?

Holly Blue: Yes?

I pulled all six wire and showed them to Holly.

Holly Blue: Yes, those are the wires.

Y/N: These didn't snap Holly. It's been cut, look at the edges, the cut's clean. Someone has been coming in and out of here and kept damaging the wires-wait a second.

I let go of the wires and walked towards the Energy Cells and saw that the top of all of them were brutally beaten. And then I ran to the pipes and saw that there were signs of struggle both on the floor and the damaged pipes. But what caught my attention was the scratch marks on the walls.

Y/N: Holly, someone has been causing you trouble here. I don't know who, initiate Total Lockdown on the ship, make sure to keep an eye out if you're missing any crew member. But in order to find out who the culprit is, we need to repair all of this again.

Holly nodded and she ran to the door and back to the Control Room. A few minutes later, Peridots entered the room and repaired the wires, replaced the pipes, and removed the damaged Energy Cells. I'm keeping a close eye on the crew tonight.


Me and Holly were inside the Crew Quarters, I was against the door and keeping no gem pass, the B.H. Destroyer fell dormant for now, Tyson was sitting right next to me as Holly kept walking around the room and all of the gems talk and even play with each other. It's been an hour since they fixed the ship...again.

I've been keeping a watchful eye on the crew and none of them even bothered to come near the door. Well...except for Skinny Jasper. She walked towards me and and she smiled and she sat against the door and I did the same thing.

Skinny Jasper: Haven't seem you in a while, what's up?

Y/N: *sigh* I'm doing fine, I recieved my own court and I now have hundred of thousands of gems, ships, and military vehicles in my command. But otherwise I'm doing fine. How about you?

Skinny Jasper: I'm doing fine too, Holly's been nicer to us and somehow, she would even hang out with us...well, only a few times though, but that's progress.
And *yawn* thanks for everything you did.

Y/N: That...came out suddenly, but you're welcome.

Then she looked at me and she smiled and gave me a kiss on the lips. I smiled snd kissed her back. She just smiled sweetly and she yawned again.

Y/N: Feeling tired?

Skinny Jasper: I don't know. For the past few days I've felt awfully tired.

Y/N: You can sleep beside me, don't worry, I'll deal with Holly.

Skinny Jasper: Thanks, babe.

Then she let out one last yawn before completely shutting her eyes and she rested her head against my shoulder. I smiled and I rested my head against the door. I closed my eyes to rest and I ended up sleeping instead.


The Famethysts and other gems are silently snickering as they look at both me and Skinny Jasper sleeping, resting against each other. Carnelian decided to try to mess with us in our sleep and she decided to mess with me first. She was trying to tickle me but I'm not budging at all.

Then her eyes widened and she formed a sadistic grin, she went to her bed and pulled out a permanent marker which I think was given to her by Amethyst. She took off the cap and she was about to write something when I suddenly grabbed her hand and threw her across the room, without me even standing up or waking Skinny Jasper up either.

8X-J: Dude, is he even asleep?
8X-H, check if he's asleep.

8X-H silently walked towards me and waved her hands in front of my face, she even pulled off a funny face but I didn't laugh, I was asleep at that time. 8X-H looked back at 8X-J and she nodded.

8X-J: Is he asleep?

8X-H: Yup, what he did was just a reflex.

Then suddenly the ship shook violently and it was strong enough to wake me and Jas up. Lights were flickering, the ship was losing balance and the doors open and close by themselves. The door opened behind me and Jas and we both fell on our backs.
The door was about to close again and and was about to cut off both of my head and Skinny's but I caught it and Skinny was pulled out and I stood up while still holding the door open and I ran back inside and let go of the door making a loud clash of metal against metal.

I held my left arm in pain and I gritted my teeth and Skinny Jasper immediately went to my side and looked at me worried. I just looked at her and gave her an assuring nod and suddenly my eyes widened as I remembered that the culprit was back in the Core Room again. I opened the door and ran to the Containment Area.

I entered the Containment Area and ran through the vegetation passing by the pool where the humans bathe, I even passed by the humans who are just about to sleep.

I kept running and running until I reached the door and immediately opened it and entered through the door and ran down the hallways down to the Core Room and when I got there, everything was damaged, the wires were all cut, the pipes are destroyed and torn apart from the wall, the Energy Cells all destroyed.

I just groaned loudly and I picked up a pipe and threw it to a wall making a loud metal crash, I looked down and sighed heavily as I tub my temples. I decided to walk back to the Crew Quarters where Holly was.

Holly Blue: What happened?

Y/N: The culprit got away...again...I don't fucking get it!

I shouted and my voice boomed through the ship's interior and it immediately fell silent and I rubbed my temples and sighed deeply.

Y/N: It doesn't make sense. How did the culprit still managed to get past me even when I already told you to initiate Total Lockdown on the ship? I let no gem pass-

Then I immediately went wide-eye as I had an idea. What wasn't a gem...but the humans. But why? Why would one of them damage the ship's systems? What is their reason? What are they trying to achieve? How did they get past the door where only authorized persons can only open?

Y/N: Don't lift the Lockdown yet, Holly. I have a plan, I don't know if I'm right but I have to try! Fix the wires, pipes and Energy Cells! Now!

I left the Crew Quarters and ran back to the Containment Area. I opened the door and three Peridots passed me by and ran to the door leading to the Core Room. The humans were still asleep, that makes it better because I don't want any other gems interacting with the humans for now.

I hid in the bushes and a few minutes later, the Peridots came back and ran back to the exit. If I need to know who is responsible for the ship's malfunctioning, I need to get close to the humans, and in order to get close to the humans, I need to gain their trust.


It was now daytime inside the Containment Area and I was walking around the place, admiring the beauty of the ecosystem. This place kind of reminds me of Pink's Garden. I was walking around the place because I want the humans to find me themselves and let them introduce me.

I kept walking around the area and I was enjoying the peace and quite, when I heared something, and I felt movement. I turned my head to my right and saw the bushes rustling. And by the seems of it, there are two of them.

Y/N: Come out, both of you. Do not be afraid. I mean you no harm.

Then the bushes rustled more before revealing two humans. The other one was a male with puffy hair (kind of) with brown skin tone. And the other one was female, it was the same human I saw yesterday, the blonde, green eyed, female human.

Y/N: Greetings, hope I didn't scare you.

??? (Female): Are you...a gem?

Y/N: Yes, I am.

??? (Male): We have not seen a gem like you before.

??? (Female): Did you pass through a "moving wall" to get here?

Y/N: Moving wall?

??? (Male): You know? The wall that open and closes and it slides to the sides?

Y/N: Oh, you mean a door? Yes, I did. It was the only way to enter this place. Ah, where are my manners. My name is Painite, but please, call me Y/N.

??? (Female): My name is Jey-Ten!

??? (Male): And I am Wy-Six!

Jey-Ten: Would you like to join us for today's activities?

Wy-Six: Yeah! It would be totally fun!

Y/N: Well, I did come here to enjoy the peace and quite.

Y/N (Mind): That was a fucking lie!

Y/N: But maybe an interaction with you humans might be fun. I would love to.

Jey-Ten: Fantastic! Come with us!

Jey-Ten said in a sweet and cheery voice as she and Wy-Six lead me to the other humans, oh yeah, it's all going according to plan. I just followed them and let them take me to the other humans.

Jey-Ten: Everyone! We would like to introduce you Y/N! Y/N is also a gem, but he looks different than the others, come and greet him!

Then the humans all stood up and ran towards me and encircled around me making my eyes widen and I just chuckled, they look at me and they just mumble amongst themselves.

Y/N: Hi.

Zoomans: Hi!

Y/N: It's very nice of all of you, to let me join you today with your activities. I am greatful that you let me join.

A chime is sounded from the earrings, and a voice begins to speak to everyone.

???: Greetings, everyone. It's time to start the daily routine. Please enjoy your meal during this designated eating period.

Y/N: Hmm. It's the ship's A.I.

Wy-Six: So you know the little voice?

Little Voice: Oh! Goodness gracious! My Painite, I never thought that you are here. Welcome to the Containment Area. May I ask what purpose are you here for?

Y/N: Thank you, computer. I am here to have fun with these humans, if you don't mind.

Little Voice: Not at all, my Painite. And please, enjoy your time with the humans.

I followed the Zoomans to the designated eating location, where purple crystal fruits are grown from the trees. How are they even able to make these?

Jey-Ten: Here you go, Y/N. *hands me a fruit*

Y/N: Oh, thank you.

I took a sniff out of it and it smelled fine, I took a bite out of it and it was surprisingly good.

Little Voice: Are you enjoying the food?

Zoomans: Oh, yes

Little Voice: How's the food, my Painite?

Y/N: It tastes great! Thank you, computer.

Little Voice: How is the food? Is it good?

Wy-Six: Yes. It is delicious.

Little Voice: Now it is time to play.

Me and the Zoomans begin rolling down the hill and laughing. Everyone then lies together on the grass.

Little Voice: Now, everyone, reach up like you're going to touch outer space.

The Zoomans comply and reach their hands upwards. I smiled and eventually complied as well.

Little Voice: That's it. Reach up high. Wasn't that fun?

Wy-Six: I have not had that much fun since yesterday!

Little Voice: It's time to stop and smell the flowers.

The Zoomans begin smelling flowers inside a shaded garden, which I just watch on, but eventually I did smell one of the flowers and the smell reminded me of the flower field of Earth where me and Pink went down.

Y/N: The flowers makes me remember a lot of good things, I actually am enjoying this.

Jey-Ten: I know, right? Isn't this the best, Y/N?

Jey-Ten puts a flower on my head. I took off the flower and looked at it and smiled.

Little Voice: Time to clean up, everyone. Let's all take a refreshing bath.

The Zoomans begin bathing in a pool next to a basalt column waterfall. They all relax, laugh and splashes together in the water.

Jey-Ten: Watch my Cannonball,
Y/N! *jumps into the water and splashes*

Y/N: That was good!

Wy-Six: Y/N! Watch mine!

Wy-Six jumps into the water from a higher ground, resulting in a large splash.

Y/N: That was nice!

Wy-Six then surfaced and swam towards me.

Wy-Six: Hey, Y/N! Why don't you do a cannonball too?

Y/N: I don't know, I might over do it.

Wy-Six: Do it!

Jey-Ten: Yeah! Do it, Y/N!

Zoomans: Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!

Y/N: Alright! Don't say I didn't warn you.

I just smiled and summoned my wings and the zoomans watched in awe as I fly up to the highest point, but I decided, I flew even higher than the highest point of the waterfall. I kept rising and rising and rising until I finally stopped. I looked down and saw the zoomans were like dots from up here. I smiled and retracted my wings and curled up into a ball and started falling towards the pool.

Y/N: Geronimo!

When I collided in the water, it made a loud splashing sound and I made a large splash. Actually...I was lying when I said a large splash, I caused a small tsunami. When I surfaced and climbed out of the pool, the zoomans started laughing and cheering and started jumping off the highest point of the waterfall.

Jey-Ten: That was amazing, Y/N!

Wy-Six: Yeah! That was bigger than out splashes!

Y/N: *chuckles* Thanks, you two. I appreciate it.

The light acting as the Sun starts getting blocked off, turning the sky starry night, and the earrings chime again.

Little Voice: And now it's time to say good night. Good night, everyone. Sweet dreams.

The Zoomans begin falling asleep around the pool area. I just smiled and I started walking into the bushes, hiding from all of the zoomans. I looked around myself and I summoned four clones.

Y/N: Alright, you stand guard at the south side where the door leading to the exit is.

Clone 1: Copy that.

Then he ran towards where the Exit Door and I turned to the remaining clones.

Y/N: Both of you, patrol around the hills and the flower fields.

Clone 2&3: Affirmative!

Then both of them summoned their wings and flew towards the hills and the flower fields. I turned to the last clone.

Y/N: You, keep an eye on the path leading to the Core Room door in the north. Stay hidden and report anything you see moving.

Clone 4: Understood, stay safe, brother.

Then he flew to the north side where the Core Room door was, I looked back at the sleeping zoomans and I decided to walk back where the zoomans were and keep an eye on them and see if I can see which zooman has been causing us trouble.


I've been watching them closely for a few minutes now and none of them moved from their position and it was kind of dark so it can be a bit hard to see. I just sighed deeply and closed my eyes for a moment, until I heared a voice in my head.

???: Brother, wake up brother.

I opened my eyes and saw that no on was there, the it spoke again and I looked side to side. Then I realized it was my clone, communicating to me, I closed my eyes again and I heared him talk again.

Clone 4: Wake up, borther. It's your clone.

Y/N: Which one are you?

Clone 4: The one standing guard in the path up the north.

Y/N: What do you got?

Clone 4: I saw movement, I don't know which zooman that was but I'm sure that was a zooman.

Y/N: Damn. I'm coming right there.

I opened my eyes and I stood up and ran to an open field and flew to the north side. I landed directly on the path and ran towards the door and suddenly I heared someone call me.

Clone 4: Psst! Over here.

I turned my head to my right side and saw my clone on top of a tree.

Y/N: Where did the zooman go?

Clone 4: Follow me.

He jumped down from the tree and ran, I did what he wanted me to do and followed him, I jumped over bushes, ducked under tree branches, and dodge stationary stones that were in the way, I kept following until we both reached the end of the treeline. He stopped and couched down on the ground and I went beside him.

Y/N: Where's the zooman?

Clone 4: The zooman is arriving in...3......2......1......aaaand...the zooman is now here.

Then I heared footsteps coming from the left side, I lowered my head and the figure that stepped out was...Jay-Ten?! Why is she doing this? I looked to my side and saw my clone materializing a bow and arrow, he was about to shoot but I put my hand on the arrow and lowered the weapon.

Y/N: Violence is not the answer, brother. I'll take it from here. Thank you.

Then he nodded and he silently fade and turn into smoke and the same happened to my other clones. I saw Jey-Ten lift a rock and saw that there was a long stick shaped like a bat under the rock and a sharp edged basalt and a rope attached to a hook. She looked from side to side and grabbed both of the stick, the rope and the basalt and put the rock down.

She went beside the door and in front of the wall, she looked up and saw a vent with a handle on the outside. She stepped on the rock and opened the vent, she was about to throw the rope through the vent and onto the other side. I stepped out of the bushes surprising her making her pull the rope back and hide the rope, the stick and the basalt behind her back.

Jay-Ten: Y-Y-Y/N! What are you doing here?

Y/N: What are you doing here? This door leads outside. Now what are you going to do outside, Jey-Ten?

Then she dropped the rope and the stick but not the basalt, she pulled the basalt from her back and she pointed it at me, I didn't flinch or move out of the way, I stood my ground.

Y/N: Look, if you don't want to tell me the reason, it's fine. But you have to stop this, you are endangering everyone aboard the ship, including your own. Whatever the reason is, maybe I can help you with your problem, just put the basalt down, and we talk.

She just lowered her head and her hair was covering her face, I slowly walked towards her and gently grabbed the sharpened basalt and gently took the basalt, I finally have the basalt and I put it on the ground. I looked up at her and saw that she had her face buried in her hands while tears were leaking out in between the fingers.

I stood up and walked closer to her, I was about to reach out to her, when she immediately wrapped her arms around my torso and started sobbing in my chest. I hugged her back and I kept patting her back. What happened to you, Jey-Ten? Why are you this hurt? Who would hurt you?

Jay-Ten: *sob* I-I'm sorry. *sob* I-I didn't want to endanger anyone. *sob* I-I only wanted more gems t-to come here. *sob* I-I-I'm *sob* s-sorry.

Y/N: Hey. Look at me.

She did what she was told and she looked at me, she had a lot of tears coming out of her eyes, and I saw it in her eyes that she has been hurt very badly. I wiped away her tears and just looked at her.

Y/N: Let's take a walk. We'll talk about this.

Then she just sniffed and nodded and wiped away her tears, I started walking and she followed me and she avoided eye contact with me. She just kept silent as we walked, I looked at her and she had regret and pain in her eyes, who would hurt you...Jey-Ten

Y/N: Hey, can you tell me why you did it?


Y/N: *sigh* Look, tou have to-

Jey-Ten: I wanted more gems to come here.

Y/N:...Okay? But why?

Jey-Ten: I was the one who made the moving wall stop opening. I stopped it from moving and made the gems use the door in our place. I took this chance to break those things that looked important so gems would enter through here, I take the chances to invite gems to have fun wiyh us, so I would feel better, and a few gems would play with us, and I was hoping to make the hurt go away. But it didn't. I kept doing it over and over and over and the hurt isn't going away. All because of that stupid Ga-reg!

Y/N: Ga-reg? Who's that- Oh! You mean Greg? What did he do to you?!

Jay-Ten: Because he didn't choosen me! I wanted him to choosen me so much but he didn't choosen me!

Y/N: The who did he choosen?

Jey-Ten: No one! I never knew why he didn't choosen any of us and he didn't tell us why. I hate Ga-reg so much.

Then we kept walking and both of us fell silent for a moment until we reached the hills. I walked towards the large grass patch in the middle and sat there, I pat the spot right next to me indicating Jay-Ten to sit with me. And she did sit with me.

Y/N: I know the reason Why Greg didn't choosen you.

Jey-Ten: And what is that reason?

Y/N: He didn't choose you, because he already chose someone.

Jay-Ten: Who is this "someone"?

Y/N: I can't tell you her name. But I can tell you, she was Greg's wife.

Jey-Ten: What's a wife?

Y/N: A wife is a man's partner, a lover which he made vow to love to the end of time. The reason why he didn't choose you is because he already chose someone, and he didn't want to betray his partner by choosing someone else, that would hurt the wife. And he didn't want that. Greg is a good person, he can never betray his wife and so that's the reason why he didn't choose any of you. Don't be sad that he didn't choose you, be happy that he already had a partner.

Y/N (Mind): But that partner is gone, but Greg knows that Pink still lives him and he loves her back.

Jey-Ten: But what about me? Will I have a partner?

Y/N: As they always say, there's still a lot of fish in the sea.

Jey-Ten: What?

Y/N: What I'm trying to say is, there will always be someone who will choose you. It might be now, tommorow, or next week. I don't know when, you don't either, but I am sure that there is always someone out there that will be happy to be your partner.

Jey-Ten then fell silent and looked up into the fake sky, it may be fake, but the stars are beautiful.

Jey-Ten: I...I think the hurt is gone now, instead it was replaced by something...good and...happy. The hurt, it's finally gone! Still mad at Ga-reg!

Y/N: That's great! Except for being mad at Greg. But otherwise, it's good to know that you aren't in pain anymore.

Then I smiled at her and looked back into the fake sky.

Jey-Ten: H-hey, Y/N?

Y/N: Yes, Jey?

Then she looked to her side having a faint blush on her face, I already know where this is going but I'm not going to stop it.

Jey-Ten: Can you...choosen me?

Y/N: Well...I'm not surprised.

Jey-Ten: Please? I really want to-

Then I put my finder in her lips shutting her up and she looked at me dead in the eye and I did the same thing.

Y/N: I didn't say no, did I?

She just fell silent and looked to the side with a larger blush on her face, I gently grabbed her chin and pulled her closer to me, I can feel her heated breath smash against my face, I'm not saying it's bad. The she cupped her hands to my cheeks and both of us locked our lips together.

She went on top of me, still not breaking the kiss, she took a few breaks to catch her breath. She's a damn good kisser! She kept kissing me leaving no spot untouched by her lips. Then she just stopped and she was panting a bit. She then proceeded to grab my right hand and she used her left hand to pull down her top.

Warning: 1st Wave of Lemon approaching

When she pulled the top down, it revealed her soft breasts. She guided my hand to her breasts and she indicated me to start massaging it, and so I did. I started massaging her left breast in a circular motion while I pinch her left nipple making her let out a soft moan.

Then she covered her mouth to supress her moaning and she stopped when she felt something poking her entrance. She lifted herself up a bit and she saw a bulge in my pants. She then removed my hand from her breasts and she stood up, she removed her top completely and pulled down her skirt or whatever that is.

( I really don't know what it's called, sorry. )

Then she sat on my face and I started licking her entrance making her let out another moan, I kept moving my tongue in all directions and I was licking her clit. Then she let out a moan again and she started undoing my pants and it revealed my erect member which she looked at in surprise at it's size.

Then she bit her bottom lip seductively and she started to wrap her finger around my member and rub my member's sensitive shaft, making it twitch a bit. She kept rubbing it in an up and down motion and she was good at it. She suddenly stopped and looked at it with desperation of wanting it inside her, she kissed it a few times before completely taking my whole member in her mouth and down her throat making me let out a silent moan.

She then pulled back a bit but she didn't take the member out of her mouth, she kept it in. She was sucking the tip of my member snd I can feel her tongue moving in a circular motion around my tip almost pushing me to the point where I almost came inside her.

The she started moving her hesd up and down taking me by surprise, her mouth is so warm that it's sending sudden surges of warmth throughout my body. She started moving up and down in a fast speed and she was pushing me to the edge. I kept on licking her clit and she was also moaning and I can tell she was also being pushed to the edge where she will let out her fluids in my face.

The at the last moment, both of us came at the same time. She took all of my load and swallowed it and she panted heavily while I wipe off the fluids she released on my face. Then she kissed me again snd I kissed her back snd both of us melted into the deep kiss. She broke the kiss and she bent over and revealed me her areas making my member rise again.

Link to Lewd Image:

I pulled down my pants completely and took off my top revealing my well built body and my gem on my chest, Jey-Ten simply blushed and smiled. I crawled my way towards her and I kissed her. This time, I dominated over her and I kept exploring her mouth with my own, leaving no spot untouched. Then I kissed her deeply and she just moaned into it.

I broke the kiss and both of us pulled back and a string of saliva was made. I aimed my member at her dripping entrance and and slowly inserted my member inside her, she let out a pained moan because I saw a bit of blood from her entrance. But she was still able to endure and soon, the pain she was feeling was now replaced by pleasure.

Then I started slowly thrusting inside her, back and forth. I can feel my member grinding Jey's tight walls, her tight and warm walls. I can feel the tip of my member hitting her womb and her walls are getting tighter at the moment of each time I thrust.

I then proceeded to massage her right breast using my right arm and I started to massage her breast in a circular motion which she let out a loud moan, good thing we're away from the other zoomans. On the other hand, I used my free hand to play with Jey's clit which made her body heat up crazy and she was moaning loudly.

I started thrusting even faster which made Jey moan loudly, her walls are getting even tighter and even warmer. Each thrust makes a clapping sound that filled the once silent surroundings, but not loud enough to be heared in about three yards. She was moaning loudly and I was panting ad I thrust my member deep in her back and forth, each thrust brings me closer to reaching my climax and each thrust sends a surge of warmth throughout my entire body.

I then did one final thrust and I cane inside her making her moan even louder and I let out a moan as I shoot my load inside her, some of them managed to shoot out of her entrance. Then we finally stopped and I was panting heavily as Jey-Ten did the same thing. I pulled my member out and it made a small popping sound when it cane out and my load was oozing out of her entrance.

1st Wave of Lemon over

I put my pants back on and lay down on the ground with Jey-Ten resting her head against my chest as she was still naked. I brushed her soft blonde hair as she traced her finger from my chest and she tracwd over my G/S gem and then down to my abs.

Jey-Ten: Thank you for choosening me, Y/N. I am glad to show my feelings to you and I am more than happy that I get to strengthen my bond with you.

Y/N: I'm glad as well, Jey.

I gave her a kiss on her forehead and another kiss on the lips and both of us melted into the kiss. A few minutes later, both of us got dresses and both of us slept together, with each other.

The next morning I told Holly that there was an organic inside the ship that has been tampering with the ship's systems. I didn't tell her thet it was Jey-Ten. I want her away from harm's way.


It's been a day or two after Jey stopped destroying the wires and stuff at the ship. But just to be sure, I'm flying back to the zoo just in case. And this time, I'm going alone and I took the same Archadian I used to board the zoo a day or two ago. I arrived at the zoo and I met Holly taking a walk while humming.

Y/N: Hello, Holly.

Holly Blue: Hello, Painite. How are you and you court?

Y/N: I'm doing fine, and same goes to my court. I came here to check if there are still problems happening around here.

Holly Blue: Well...I need help with something in my quarters. Come with me.

Warning: 2nd Wave of Lemon approaching

Then I nodded and followed her though the hallways of the ship. When we both arrived outside her room, she told me to wait outside to check something. And so I did, she then told me to come in and so I did enter. The room didn't had it's lights on so I turned them on, when the lights went back on, I saw Holly naked in her bed with her whip out and I just raised an eyebrow.

Link to Lewd Image:

She was biting her lip seductively and she was about to hit me with her whip when I caught her whip and pulled her closer to me and she was launched feom the top of her bed towards me and I wrapped my arms around her as her breasts press on my chest.

I then smashed my lips into her own and she immediately melted into the kiss, she locked her legs around my hips and carried her back to the bed. She broke the kiss for a moment and I set her down on the bed and I just looked at her while she blushed. I went on top of her and she then kissed me again and I fought for dominance and I won. She moaned softly while I kiss her while I was playing with her clit. I kept rubbing her clitoris and she is moaning crazy.

I then  removed my hand from her entrance and positioned my head towards her entrance and stick my tongue out and started to eat her out while massging her breast. As I was massaging her breast, I kept rubbing her nipples and kept pinching them making her moan loudly. She pushed my head deeper so she could feel my tounge going inside her. And then without warning she came on my face.

I then took of my shirt and she crawled towards me and pulled down my pants. When my pants is completely off my member rose making Holly bite her bottom lip seductively.

She slowly put my member inside her warm mouth. Her insides feels so warm and pleasant. As she kept moving up and down I couldn't help but grunt in pleasure. She's good with her mouth...too good.I am already reaching my climax and I started to move my hips. Holly started moving faster and I blew the load inside her.

I then slowly lay down on the bed and Holly was on top of me. She was aiming her entrance at my member. She slowly slid my member in her entrance and her insides felt very warm and tight. She then started slowly moving up and down, enjoying every thrust. I then massaged her right breast while playing with her clit.
Her moans filled the once silent room and with each moan, it's synchronized with each clapping sound. I felt another surge of warmth go through me. Her walls are getting tighter and she started moaning uncontrollably again. She started to move faster and I was reaching my limit.

One final thrust and we both came at the same time, we panted heavily and we looked at each other and we just smiled. I set her right beside me and I gave her a kiss on her forehead and we just cuddled.

2nd Wave of Lemon ends

Y/N: You have been waiting for this for a long time, haven't you?

Holly Blue: You know me so well.

Y/N: *chuckles* Of course I do. But next time, lose the whip.

I then gave her a kiss in the lips and both of us got dressed again snf both of us walked out of the room with Holly resting her head against my shoulder as we walked back to the hangar. When we arrived, I gave Holly one final kiss before leaving and throught the ship's glass, I gave her a wave and she waved back and I took off and flew back to Homeworld. I need to check my fleet next, along with my Military Vehicles.

And Finished

Another chapter done and this was wuite long, and I'm sorry I'm a bit late, I was doing something in our place. Well, Lurkerbelow I told you, you finally have the Holly Lemon, hope you enjoyed it. Also, Jey-Ten's in the harem because she needs more love, she's so sweet and she was so hurt when Greg didn't choose her in "The Choosening".

Also, I found this.

Are you kidding me right now? You're asking us this shit? Well, I'll give you some of them.

This is just the surface, there are much more characters that has been through much more pain than Ellie did. There's more, I'm telling you. Also, how about we slap 95% of all Adeptus Astartes,Imperial Guards and the Sisters Of Battles in there, eh?

And please, feel free to add more characters that has been through more pain than Ellie. Wether if that person is real or fictional.

I already knew that Joel was going to die, but he died like an idiot, and that's the problem! Arthur from RDR2, Bill from L4D2, And Lee Everet from TWD died a heroic death. He deserves more than a buffed up bitch beating his skull open.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.

Mcfly signing off

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