Chapter 18: A very long break (Lemon)

Y/n has return home thanks to his team as we see Axio's ship floating over the ocean as we cut to Y/n telling Axio what happened and after he told him his story Axio sat there for a moment and then he slam his fist.

Axio: Damn it! I believe everyone in this ship would never turn on their own but one person not only he took you away to be killed but was a government spy! Shit!

Y/n: Don't blame yourself. I was shocked as well.

Axio: (sigh) Right. And he's gathering evidence so he can clear your name? You really sure you can trust him?

Y/n: He may have betrayed me but I know he was just following orders.

Axio:.......Okay then. Well you deserve a long break for what you have to go through. Rest easy.

He node and then he leaves his office and we see him walking down the hallway and heading to his room when suddenly Lena tackle him to thr ground.

Lena: (smile) Y/n! Welcome back! We were worried you were gone forever! Are you okay? Did they do anything to you?

Y/n: (chuckle) I'm doing okay Lena thanks. How is you?

Lena: (smile) Happy. Just glad your back.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Feels good to be back.

The two of them get up and then Lena lend over and the two kissed. They made out in the hallway for a while when Sam came up and called out.

Sam: (chuckle) Get a room you two.

They stop and turn to see Sam as Sam walked over and both Y/n and Sam shakes hands.

Sam: (smile) Good to have you back.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. How are things while I was away?

Sam: Pretty good. Actually very good. After we won at the battle of Paris, the citizens of the world is starting to open up to Overwatch a bit.

Y/n: Really? That's cool to hear.

Sam: Although the government is trying to convince the public to report on Overwatch activity, some people is starting to open up to Overwatch.

Lena: (smile) Looks like Overwatch is making progress.

Y/n: (smile) That's good to hear that. Now I'm gonna rest now.

Sam: (smile) Sure thing. You've been through a lot so best you get some rest.

Y/n nodes and heads off to his room. Once there he enter his room and then fell onto the bed with a heavy sight. He rolled his body over and stare up at the ceiling when he heard.

???: Welcome back Y/n.

He look over to see Kennedy barely wearing anything but her underwear and bra as she come over and then climb into bed and was on top of him.

Y/n: Um hey Kennedy? How long have you been here?

Kennedy: (smirk) Since I heard your coming home. Feels good to have you bed and I have been waiting to see you back.

Y/n: (little nervous) I see.

Kennedy: (giggle) I can't handle this feeling any longer. I really do can't stand you.

Then she lend over and kiss him on then lips. Y/n cheeks blushed while Kennedy is kissing him and soon he start kissing her back and the two make out for a while. They make out for half a minute when the doors open and they turn to see Lena there but rather being mad she just smirked and asked.

Lena: (smirk) Are you two having fun without me?

Kennedy: (smirk) You wanna join?

Lena: (giggle) Well let me show you how to turn on a man.

(Lemon start)

She shut the door behind him and take off her clothes leaving her naked as she climb into bed and she too make out with Y/n. The two kissed as Kennedy watched this as she smirked and then decided to throw away her bra and underwear and join in.

Two of the girls take turns kissing Y/n while laying on the bed as they let out some moans of pleasure and giggles. While that is going on two of the girls slowly took off his prison treasures and shirt and tosses then aside.

Soon Kennedy gets to his dick qnd begins to suck it while Lena keeps kissing him as Y/n let out some moans as Y/n and Lena have a sword fight with their tongue while Kennedy keeps sucking his dick while licking it as his dick gets harder.

Soon Kennedy stop and both Lena and Kennedy grab his dick and begins to shake it, giving him a hand job as he let out some moans as they keep going and after a while of that he can feel it coming and then he erupted.

His white cum erupted as he let out a pleasure like sigh. After that we see Lena on top of Kennedy while Y/n inserted his dick into Lena butt and begins to thrust it. Lena also inter his finger into Kennedy's vigina which made her moan as Lena kept on going until Kennedy let's out a sexxy moan.

This made Lena kissed Kennedy and both girls made out which they made Y/n thrust faster and harder as all three of them let out moans of pleasure and soon they let it out. Then they were on the bed and making out as they have their tongues out and having a threesome kissing as they made out.

After a while we see Lena laying her head onto Y/n's lap while Kennedy was licking her vigina as Lena let's out moans of pleasure while she keep going.

Lena: (moaning) Now this feels good! Aaaahh~!

She then erupted all over Kennedy which she lick  it all up. Soon Y/n insert his dick into Lena's vigina and beings having sex while Kennedy lay next to her as he insert his finger into Kennedy's and both girls were moaning.

He continues on doing it as he increased his speed shich made two girls letting out more moans of pleasure as this continued for 3 minutes and soon he can feel it coming.

Y/n: There is comes! Be ready!

They were and after a short while he let's it out. The two girls let out loud moan and they were now extremely tired as Y/n fall into bed between them as they were breathing heavily and soon they passed out.

(Lemon ends)

We see Reznya at Tech's workshop as Tech and Winston were suspecting a Null Sector bot they managed to bring onto the ship as Reznya stared at the bot and then ask.

Reznya: How is it possible for Null Sector to exist?

Tech: We were just wondering ourselves. It's very strange though, these Null Sector bots should have been scrapped but it seems not only they have the same programming but has been given new upgrades.

Reznya: So you think someone else is taking command of Null Sector?

Winston: That is a possibility however we are not sure.

Reznya:.......Neither the case we have to find out for sure.

Tech: Well I can get access to its files and I can-

Tech was messing around its memory banks within when suddenly the eye open and shoot out a beam which made Reznya jump as she nearly pulled out his sword however they realised it was a hologram of earth.

There was a red dot which Reznya ask.

Reznya: Where is that at?

Winston hop into a nearby computer and then types in the coordinates and then he tells her.

Winston: Temple of Amubis. Strange, why is this showing us this?

Tech: Perhaps that's where their base is at?

Reznya: No. That's homed to the Rapora facility.

Tech: You mean the suits of armor that was created by Helix Security International?

Reznya: Yes. I believe this is their next target. They are going to destroy it.

Winston: Make sense. Their suits are very powerful so it makes sense while Null Sector would target it.

Reznya: (smirk) In that case, time to save their butt's.

Tech: Wait? Your going there?

Reznya: (smirk) Well not just me. You both can come along if you like?

Tech: Well I suppose i can leave the workshop for a bit.

Reznya: (smirk) Good. Let's gather our team.

(A while later)

At the hanger we see Reznya assemble her team which consisted off Genji, Mei, Sam aka Shadow, Brigitte, Angela aka Mercy, Tech and herself as she tells them all the mission.

Reznya: (smile) Okay then listen up team. We believe that Null Sector is targeting the Helix Security International and its our job to warn them and help them out. That clear?

They all agree and they climb inside the dropship. Then Axio came over which she turn as he ask her.

Axio: You okay on your own?

Reznya: (smirk) What? You think I won't handle myself?

Axio: Not that! It's just.......I could come a help.

Reznya: No. Your their leader and they need you. Plus you were close to death.

Axio: Oh come on it was one time!


Axio: Okay maybe 6 or 7 times I was close to death but come on!

She just smiled and then kissed Axio. He kissed her back as the two kissed and then stop as she tells him.

Reznya: (smirk) I'll be back. Okay?

Axio: (smile) Sure. I love you.

Reznya: (smile) Love you too.

The two hugged and then she enter the dropship and they take off. They fly away while Axio watch them go and then walked off.

(Next day)

We see Y/n at the break room playing darts as he throws the dart at the dart board while Ash sat on the table with Baston and having his coffee.

He stared at Baston while Baston stared back at him as Ash find his stare kinda creepy.

Ash: Um Y/n? He's kinda creeping me out.

Y/n: Who Baston? Nah he's just friendly.

Ash: Right? Still I can't believe we have a Baston unit here in the ship? You sure he won't turn on us?

Y/n: How dare you say that! Baston would never do that right Baston?

Baston turn and gives Y/n a thumps up.

Ash: Okay?

Y/n: Besides he has PTSD so don't blame him when he is staring having his episodes.

Ash: Sorry but omnics don't have any metal conditions. That's impossible, here watch.

He pulled out his gun which Baston sees as he stared at the pistol for a while and nothing happened.

Ash: (smirk) See. No episo-

Suddenly Baston transform into a turret and aim it at Ash.

Ash: Oh crap.

He immediately ducks down as Baston begins to fire as Y/n also gets down as Baston shoots the break room, destroying everything and after he was done everything was a mess. Baston transforms and look around the mess he has done.

It made a sad sound which Ash get up and tells him.

Ash: No No! Not your fault. Its my fault, shouldn't have listened, I'm sorry.

Baston made a happy sound while a door open and a trooper walked in to grab some coffee only to see the mess at the break room. There was a awkward silence as the trooper slowly moves backwards and then slowly pushes the button and closes the door.

Y/n: Well Axio is gonna kill us.

Ash: Yes. Yes he will.

Baston: ???

To be continued........................................

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