Some Answers
Dr. Buck is sitting on the chair, as she looks at Gradient before her, who is sitting on the opposite end of the table. It has been about 3 days since the incident with Gradient and his bad panic attack. Gradient is looking down at the table, though he will, on occasion look at Dr. Buck, before looking back down again. Clearly, having her see this part of him was the last thing that he needed, especially since he had tried to suppress it for such a very long time. And now that it had gotten out, well...he has no idea what Dr. Buck thinks of him now.
He knew how bad his own PTSD would be, and knew that it would have a bad effect on those around him. But what he does not know, is what will cause or, or an even worse belief, who would cause it. Because this, he always relied on Palette Roller to use his powerful magic to try and calm him down, or he could cause immense damage. But to have someone such as Dr. Buck to see him like this, who is actually the first human friend that he had in 2 years, to see him act that way, made him very ashamed of himself. And because of this, he cannot face her when she is looking at him. But he knows that he needs to answer her questions, especially since he said something that she needs to hear. And luckily, he is not on there all simply with Dr. Buck. SCP-999 was also present. The reason is that SCP-999 and Gradient have a very close bond, and the fact that Gradient seems much more calmer. While SCP-999 can't truly make Gradient fee better. The fact that he is present with SCP-999 is enough for him. So he will stay in the entire interview, at least until the interview is finally over and Gradient's done.
Dr. Buck, however, looks at Gradient with uneasiness in her eyes. She may have a calm and cold expression, but if one pays attention, she is actually showing concern for Gradient's wellbeing, as well as his mind. While Dr. Buck is normally someone that is not that friendly to the anomalous, to any of the SCPs, even if she does start to get more special and friendly with Collingwood's help, Gradient, he is a very...unique care for the Doctor. Dr. Buck, when she first met this SCP, she considered him to be like all of the other SCPs, but the way that he acts is...different. He acts similar to her father, Dr. Numita, being rather very cold and harsh to her. In fact, Dr. Buck could even say that in a way, Gradient reminds her of her father, due to his personality. But unlike Dr. Numita...Gradient...he shows a much more softer side, one that he tries to not reveal, only for Dr. Buck to see it with her own eyes. So while both are similar, the different is that Gradient, unlike Dr. Numita, is able to act kind. And surprisingly, he is surprisingly slightly much more kinder than Dr. Collingwood, and everyone is very well aware at how kind Dr. Collingwood is when you get to know her. So seeing an SCP that can beat Dr. Collingwood in that department is not something you see everyday.
But the side that she had was very frightening. But the way he acted made her feel concerned with him, as he acted almost traumatized, like he was remembering something that caused him emotional distress of some sort. Well, whatever it is that maybe, she needs to find out.
After a little bit of silence, Gradient, sighed, as he than spoke out, silently.
" do we start this off?"
Gradient...he sounds so tired. Obviously what happened really must have been way to much for him. Dr. Buck sighed, as she than spoke out.
"Well...first off, can you tell me what happened, SCP-7131-1? How did you ended up getting shocked? You didn't do anything bad, did you?"
Gradient shook his head.
" fact, it was out of nowhere. The shock happened when you left. I was simply minding my own business with my own thoughts, until the shock came to me. And it was very, very bad. But...I did have enough strength to see who it was that had done it. And it was what seems to be a security guard, and I believe it to be one of the guard that is supposed to be guarding the area that me and my brothers are in. He turned the dial up, and it made things worse, and I had to use my bone, which was sharp, in order to get him to stop, it worked...but...the shocking didn't stop. It did drive him away though, so...that is good."
Dr. Buck than looks down for a little bit, as she twirls a lock of hair at the front of her head, as she than spoke out.
"Well, we did see the guard that is outside of the containment room that you were in, and he has a bone piercing his shoulder. And Agent Lawrence knocked him out, but unfortunately, he got away before we could go and question him, since we paid way more attention to you."
This made Gradient a little bit frustrated at what he had just heard. The guard that he attacked ended up getting away from him, and they are unable to identify who he is under the helmet. Which is a very bad thing, since he could come back and shock Gradient again without any warning whatsoever. This made his fist clenched, but than, SCP-999 made a gurgling sound in front of him, as it nuzzled against his ribcage. Gradient stopped, before he sighed, as he than rubs his left hand against the top part of 999's slimy head, and that is if you can even call that part it's head, as it is simply just one single mass of slime with 2 nubs for arms. Gradient sighed, as he than spoke out.
"Well...nothing that I can do. Anything else you want to know?"
Dr. Buck nodded silently. She than spoke out to him.
"While you were...panicking. You said something. You were saying stay away from me, and mentioned a name: Infected."
The moment that she said that, Gradient flinched, as a look of fear was present in his eyes. SCP-999 nuzzled against him, and Gradient responded, but he is still shaking a little. Dr. Buck than spoke out.
"Do you mind...telling me about this...Infected?"
Gradient sighed, as he spoke out.
"Okay...I'll...I'll talk about him. At least...most of the information, and this 'most' that this information has, is very important, especially with my connection with him."
Dr. Buck nodded. She does not press him, as she had seen what Gradient acted like when he was out of control. After all, the last thing that Dr. Buck needs is for Gradient to act out of control again, and to accidentally destroy her. Dr. Buck took a deep breath, as she spoke out.
"Who is this...Infected person?"
Gradient than spoke out, calmly.
"Infected...he is not simply a...someone. He is...he is what I would call...a true monster. He is one of the strongest beings in all of existence, second only to...someone that I had worked for, as well as the most sadistic son of a bitch that I had ever met. Not to mention the fact that he is known by many people as...The First Destroyer."
This made Dr. Buck blinked. Gradient never used profanities before, and yet...he did it. Looks like whatever he is, Gradient must really hate or fear him.
"Can you...describe me what he looks like?"
Gradient looks down, and spoke out.
"Actually...Spilled Ink described him when you interviewed him. He is the one with the white eye and the hole in his skull, and the brown patch. But...I can also show you what he looks like."
He than raised his left hand high in the air, and pixels began to form next to him. Dr. Buck watched, as the pixels began to form a humanoid shape, and after about 3 minutes, Dr. Buck was shocked at what she is seeing.
Formed next to Gradient is a skeleton at the height of 5'8, wearing a blue jacket with a slash across his chest, an axe in hand, with purple flames, all of them having faces of agony and fear present. He has block liquid coming out from between his teeth, and wore white, red, and black shoes with red stripes cos that reaches halfway to his knees. There is a bloody slash across his chest, and he has a look of insanity and murderous intent coming from him. Dr. Buck was actually unease, as Gradient than made the pixel-constructed sculpture of Infected vanish, as Gradient spoke out.
"Despite his looks, he is immensely strong, and he is one of the few that I cannot defeat on my own, and where I need help with."
Dr. Buck than looks at Gradient, as she than spoke out.
"Do you know what he can do?"
Gradient nodded his head, as he than spoke out.
"I do. I know all that he is capable of, because I had been observing him in my pocket dimension, and the fact that I had to fight against him many times in the past. Do you want to hear all that he can do?"
Dr. Buck looked down for a litter bit, before she looks at him and nodded. She won't like the answer...but she needs all the information she can.
"Tell me all of it."
Gradient nodded and sighed, before he than spoke out, calmly.
"First of notice those purple flames with faces, well...those are called Wisps. They are the souls of those that he kills, and are transformed in mindless, boiling pieces of torment that follow Infected without any regard for their own safety. They can also range in size and destructive explosions, with small wisps being able to destroy a small city block, and large ones being able to destroy a mountain, or something larger than a mountain. A horde of them is known as a Haunting of Wisps, and can hold a maximum of 30,000 Wisps inside of himself."
Okay, he already described he first power, and it is already immensely destructive, and even Dr. Buck was feeling uneasy. The fact that he can block up a mountain, or something larger than a mountain, is an utter disaster. She can only imagine how powerful Infected is in person, and she does not want to find out.
"He also has an Axe that he uses to kill people with, and the axe has a strong connection with him, and he can summon it by his own decision. He is capable of screaming so loud that it can kill most humans, and even if it doesn't kill you, you'd likely be deaf for a little while. But for me and my kind, it is only powerful enough to stun us, restricts me and the magic of my brothers, or anyone with magic, until hearing is regained, which will take a few days, longer for you humans, if you are lucky to survive it."
Dr. Buck didn't say a word, and luckily, a tape recorder is on, as she than spoke out.
"Is that all?"
Gradient shook his head, as he continues on.
"He can strain his arm and can strike with enough force to punch through whatever defense you have, whatever it be a normal defense, or a defense that a god makes. He can also produce a black liquid from his body that makes him impervious to physical harm, and can stick his hand into the hole in his skull, only to take out your soul and crush it, killing you instantly. He can also extend his bone structure to make himself look bigger and taller, and can fire rotten bones at you that, if you get hit with, will infected your with a disease. I got hit with it last time, and it almost killed me."
The fact that Gradient claimed that it had almost killed him really is making Dr. Buck even uneasy than ever before, as she than spoke out.
"Is that all?"
Gradient spoke out.
"No...there's more. Because of, something that Infected had gone through, he is unable to feel pain whatsoever. It doesn't matter if you stab or punch or crush him, he won't feel it."
So similar to SCP-076-2, also known as Abel. That makes it not so better to Dr. Buck at all. But Gradient was not finished yet.
"But the most scary ability that he has, is that...he is able to bite and consume any organic structure, and allow him to gain certain abilities of said structure. When he used this power, he first tested it on a creator, and is able to create anything that is the size of a spear. And I nearly had some close called with him nearly trying to bite me."
Dr. Buck, now felt a little bit scared at what Infected is capable of, especially with what Gradient said. But Dr. Buck than spoke out.
"How far does it go?"
Gradient looks at Dr. Buck and spoke out.
"I don't know. But if I were to guess, I'd say it is without limit. and it would be bad if his finds this place. Imagine what would happen, if he finds the foundation. And imagine how worse he could get, if he were to bite, consume, and gain the power of, say, one of the most dangerous SCP, perhaps the single most dangerous SCP, ever in existence? Think of the damage that would do to not just humans, but the Foundation itself."
Dr. Buck than looks down, and she can try and picture it. She can picture Infected, biting and consuming some dangerous SCPs, in order to make himself more dangerous than ever before. Infected could bite SCP-966, and he could gain the ability to make radiation that can make his customs sleepy, but in a more potent and permanent way. He could bite SCP-106, and can gain his corrosion power, he can bite SCP-939, and gain their voice mimicry, he can bite SCP-096, and can gain his ability to sense those that see his face. But the most frighting thought of all, is Infected, biting SCP-682, The Hard-To-Destroy Reptile, and he is one of the most dangerous SCPs that the Foundation had contained, and if he bites SCP-682, he can gain the ability to adapt, and that is the last thing that she needs. There is simply no words to describe how bad it would be to contain Infected and try and study him, he could bite any organic SCP, and can use his powers to make himself more and more stronger, more and more dangerous, gaining more and more abilities, all through the use of his Cannibalistic ability. She could only imagine him killing humans left and right, the SCP Foundation trying to stop it, only to fail, as Infected goes all around, and tears the Foundation all by himself. And that is simply just the beginning of what he is capable of doing, should he ever try and bite any SCPs that are presented to Infected himself.
Dr. Buck than looks up at Gradient, as she than spoke out to him, quietly.
"Is there still more of them? Is there still more of his abilities that I need to know?"
Gradient nodded his head, as he spoke out.
"Yes. He is capable of 2 types of transformations. But how they activate, I do not know, but I do know that they are extremely dangerous and...I feel like you won't believe how powerful that it can go."
Dr. Buck looks at Gradient, an amused look is present on her face, as she has a feeling that she knows how far Infected's powers can go, before she than spoke out to Gradient.
"Really? I have seen many SCPs that are capable of ending the world, seen a planet-sized SCP that can make other words, SCPs that can warp reality without any sort of limit, and have seen and heard of SCPs that had came from an alternate version of a Foundation from a different timeline or universe, and an anomaly that has the power to go to different dimension without any control."
This surprised Gradient, as he spoke out.
"Wait, you're aware of...what? But how do you-"
Dr. Buck than spoke out.
"Because these versions of the Foundation visit us at times."
Gradient was shocked, as he looks down, and Dr. Buck spoke out.
"Did you know of alternate universes all this time?"
Gradient sighed, as he nodded.
"Well, that, and the Multiverses. In fact, going to different universes, that is something I have inherited from my parents. But...back to Infected. He has this transformation called the Black Being. It's a transformation that he can't control, can cover him up in a black mass as large as a big house. And can detonate planets with his Wisps. And he has another transformation called Soul Harbinger, the most powerful transformation yet, and is used to destroy Universes. In fact, universe destruction was made he was made for."
Now this is making Dr. Buck concerned, since if Infected is that powerful in his Soul Harbinger form, it would be a nightmare to try and stop him, if not impossible. But she also has another question in mind.
"So...we got all of the abilities of this 'Infected' skeleton you mind telling me how you met him?"
Gradient looked down for a little bit, as he than spoke out.
"I...I don't remember how I met him. I think that I met him while I was on some type of mission. But I do remember what happened when I did meet him. I was a year younger when I had met the first destroyer, about 24 years old at the time, and I was not as strong as I am right now. When I met him, Infected easily overpowered me, even though I lasted a very long time against him. I tried to fight back with all of my might, but Infected barely tried, and I was down. He didn't kill me. No, what he did was worse. He kept me alive, and tortured me with thousands upon thousands of Wisps at once, and even used his Axe and a bit of his rotten borns at me, as he took satisfaction in my pain."
Dr. Buck took note on the tone that he is using. It sounds quiet and a haunting, and yet, still clear and loud enough for her to hear, which is making her worry a little bit for him. SCP-999 nuzzled against Gradient again, as Gradient rubbed the top of his head, and he looks down at the Tickle Monster, feeling very haunted at what he is remembering during his time with Infected. Dr. Buck, a little hesitation to ask this question, than spoke out to him.
"Do you remember how bad it is?"
Gradient looks at her, and his expression...he looked...dead, as he spoke out in a voice that is not so different from the expression that he is making. And in fact, he sounded like he is going to die.
"I remember every part of it. I remember every burn, every explosive force, every cut, every stab, every part of my body being fucked up, as I felt the infection of the rotten bone coursing through every part of my very being. I remember how indescribable the pain is when I was tortured by him 4 weeks, an entire month, as the agony of what Infected had put me through was so...agonizing. And Infected...he kept me alive during the entire ordeal, he kept me from dying, because he took great pleasure in the pain that I had, took pleasure in the agony that I felt, every scream, every cry, every bone breaking, every skull cracking, every single tortuous pleasure that that he felt towards me, using his Wisps and that damn Axe of his. If I was in there any longer...I would've lost my whole mind right than there. I have been away from this for a year...but even I am not safe from it. It will never stop haunting me. Forever, Infected, even in my memories, he will keep on haunting me, and he makes me break. And even after so long, I could never recover from it, and I never will be able to recover from what I had to go through, after what he had done to me. Infected, the First Destroyer, he is the boogeyman of my nightmares, and who I fear with every fiber of my very soul."
Dr. Buck looked at Gradient's hand that is on the table, and she noticed that his fist had clenched, and he is shaking. His eye lights are also shaking, as he cannot help but remember all that he had to suffer through. And SCP-999, it is not able to help Gradient feel better, even though it is nuzzling against him. And Dr. Buck, while a little hesitant, puts a hand on his fist, and this made Gradient stop shaking, as he than looked up, and sees Dr. Buck, who looks at him, with an expression that says that...he shouldn't think about that for now.
Dr. Buck than spoke out to Gradient.
"How did you get out?"
Gradient sighed, as he spoke out.
"I...I don't remember much...since my mind was so focused on the pain. But I do remember one thing, in superior had rescued me."
Dr. Buck looks at Gradient with interest, as she spoke out.
"And who is this, superior of yours?"
Gradient looked at Dr. Buck, and spoke out.
"His name is Error404, and he is the one that had made me as powerful as I am to this day, at least...most of the way. He is said to be my father's ancestor, and he is the only person that is stronger than Infected, though admittedly, Infected does rival him and is powerful enough to fight him. He is also known, as the God of the Multiverse."
This caught Dr. Buck's attention, as she spoke out.
Gradient spoke out.
"You heard right, he is the Multiverse' sole deity, and is one of the most powerful beings in all of creation, with very few that can match him. And Error404, he taught my everything that he knew, taught me some of his powers, improved my old powers and made them stronger, he did everything that he could for me, he even helped me in making new strings, and...aaaahh...admittedly, he forced my father, Error, to train me. Since one of my parents trained at me for creation, Error404 forced Error to train me in how to destroy. It is because of him that I am able to go this far in the first place in when I was with him for the last couple of years. If it weren't for him, I would've been dead already, or worse, been consumed by-"
Gradient stopped himself, seeming not wanting to give something away, before he than shook his head, as he than spoke out.
"Anyway, let me show you what he looks like."
Gradient than held his hand out, and shows Error404 in all of his good glory, as he is shown at his full height of 6'1, and how Gradient had first saw him when he was just a couple years younger.
And needless to say, his appearance is of someone very powerful. Dr. Buck was in awe and was a little bit afraid of the sight that is before her, as she also realized that, Spilled Ink mentioned the appearance of one. So he was right in that Gradient has a superior to answer to. Gradient than spoke out.
"Scary, huh? Well, admittedly, I was scared myself when I had first seen him. When I felt his power, it felt so immense and crushing that I thought that his mere presence was going to kill me in any moment, and I had no idea how to deal with it. I was simply lucky that he allows me to live."
Dr. Buck looks at Gradient, and than at the construct of Error404, before she nodded his head, and she than spoke out.
"Thank you, Gradient. And...if you'd want, I can get you treatment to help you with your-"
But Gradient held his hand up to stop her, as he spoke out.
"I already tried that, Dr. Buck, and it is one of the best ones that they used on me for my stressful condition in remembering Infected. And unfortunately, it didn't work on me. So even if you bring someone like that to me, it is not going to work."
Dr. Buck looks down, before she than nodded.
"Alright then. Well, good day to you, SCP-7131-1."
Gradient than spoke out.
"Goodbye Doctor."
As Dr. Buck left Gradient's containment cell, a voice spoke out from behind him.
"Gradient, do you know what you're doing?"
Gradient turned around, and saw an entity behind him, flying off from the ground by 4 feet, as Gradient took a look at the entity that has appeared behind him. It resembles Gradient a lot, due to the style of clothing, the rectangles on his cheeks, and the left arm and bottom of the jacket having been replaced. But unlike Gradient, all parts of the body that are not black, such as the green and blue parts, are colored red, with the entity's hood being off, and revealing beneath it, is hair made of fire, flames so hot that it never burns or embers in anyway, as the flame hair reaches down to his back, and is slightly longer than Dr. Buck's hair, and on the sides of the skull, sticking out of the hair that is made of nothing but the flames, are charred-black horns that point upwards, similar to that of a Devil's. And coming out from the bottom back part of the entity is a black tail, which appears out of the white parts of the coat, and is pointed at the end. The eyes of the entity are blazing red eye sockets, and he has red teeth instead of the green ones Gradient has, but he does not have eye lights in any sort of way, and the sockets are glowing brightly, as if there is a fire burning within the inside of his very skull. Gradient looks at the entity, as he than spoke out to him.
"Why are you giving her so much information? I mean, did you say that you don't trust them? What had gotten you to change your mind about the Doctor that you are speaking to right now?"
Gradient nodded, as he said that.
"I did say that. However, since Dr. Buck tried to some time my aid in needing to help me, I figure that she deserves the benefit of doubt. She gained my trust. And besides, they will learn the truth about me and where I had came from, one way or another. So best to spill out as much information as I am able to."
The entity blinks at Gradient, as he than spoke out.
"I hope you know what you are doing, Gradient. Because if she does something with it, with the information you've given out..."
Gradient shook his head, as he than spoke out.
"She won't do it. Besides, I know who to trust and who to not trust. Tell me, do you trust me... Maalik?"
The entity, Maalik, looks at Gradient, as it's eye sockets blinked, before he than spoke out.
"I do. And hopefully...the Demon King, Gabriel, believes in her as well."
Hades than vanished from sight, and he is gone. Gradient looks at the area where Maalik was at, as he than turns around, and clenched his fist, before loosening it. He than sighed, as he stood, and he than goes and lies atop his head, before he closed his eyes.
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