Interview 2

Dr. Buck took a deep breath, as she than goes up to the door, and she than pressed a keycard against the scanner, which than turned on with a green light, as he than entered through the door. She looks inside and saw that SCP-7131-2 is present, sitting on his bed, and is surprised to see Dr. Buck.

"O-Oh. I didn't think I was gonna be part of an interview. Sorry, hang on a second."

He than puts his pen away, as he puts the pen near a wall, and he than sits down, as he than spoke out.

" we ready for...whatever you want to ask me?"

Dr. Buck nodded, as she than spoke out.

"Of course. name of Doctor Buck, and I will be the one that will be looking over at the experimentations that will be done on you all."

SCP-7131-2 is a little nervous, as he than spoke out in a rather uneasy and a little bit scared tone.

"It's not..going to kill it?"

Dr. Buck shook her head, no, as she than spoke out to SCP-7131-2

"No, you won't be killed. We are making sure that the anomalies do not get any of you killed. We just contain them and make it their home."

SCP-7131-2 than looks around, and spoke out.

"If it's a home, you are making it quite a high-security one. But...who am I to judge?"

SCP-7131-2 smiled a little bit, and Dr. Buck took note on how he seems to be a little bit more friendly compared to SCP-7131-1, who acts in a rather unfriendly manner towards Dr. Buck. The Doctor than coughed a little bit, to get his attention, as she than spoke out.

"So...SCP-7131-2, do you mind that if I can ask you any questions?"

SCP-7131-2 nodded, as he than spoke out.

"Ask away, Doctor. But...I should tell you that I might've not have all the answers that you may be wanting to gain from me."

Dr. Buck nodded her head at SCP-7131-2, before she than spoke out.

"Okay, so...there is question that I want to know...where did you and your brothers come from?"

SCP-7131-2 flinched a little bit, as he than spoke out.

"Oh...that's...actually kind of difficult for me to answer. To be honest...I...I don't think you'll be believe it, what my answer will be...but...let's just say that we were born from a reality that is separate from earth."

This made Dr.Buck interested, as she than spoke out.

"Really, than where are you from?"

SCP-7131-2 looked at Dr. Buck, as he than spoke our.

"Where am I from...well...actually, I wasn't born from...anyplace that is earth or similar to it. In fact...I...I really don't remember where I was born. My some of my older brothers remembered where they were originally born from, though they don't talk about it."

Dr. Buck was not very happy. Clearly, this SCP has a very not very good memory of sorts. But there's nothing that she can do, as she than spoke out.

" least you are much more cooperative compared to SCP-7131-1."

SCP-7131-2 looked confused.


Dr. Buck than spoke out.

"It is that skeleton with the blue rectangles on its cheekbones and a white sleeve on its left sleeve."

It didn't take long for SCP-7131-2 to speak out.

"Oh, you're referring to Gradient."

This made Dr. Buck surprised, as she than spoke out to SCP-7131-2.


SCP-7131-2 nodded, as he than spoke out.

"Didn't you know. Gradient's his real name."

This is very unexpected. Apparently, one of the instances actually new the real name of SCP-7131-1. Well, she than spoke out.

"I didn't know, because I was never told."

SCP-7131-2 than spoke out.

"Because Gradient didn't try and answer?"

Dr. Buck than looks at SCP-7131-2 and spoke out.

"No, it is because he did not care of what people call him. I didn't question about his identity to him, and he acted as if his own name didn't matter to him."

SCP-7131-2 sighed, as he than spoke out.

"Tell me...what is he like when you entered, besides being...y'know...uncooperative?"

Dr. Buck looks down for a little bit, as she than spoke out.

"Well...when I met SCP-7131-1, he didn't act like you. In fact, he acted like the total opposite. He was acting very cold, harsh, and is not very friendly at all, as well as being stubborn in not revealing any information to me and the rest of the Foundation."

SCP-7131-2 sighed, as he than spoke out.

"Well...not very surprising, but...y'know...he wasn't...always like this."

Dr. Buck looked confused, as she than spoke out to SCP-7131-2.

"Why do you mean by that, SCP-1731-2?"

SCP-7131-2 than looked at Dr. Buck, as he than spoke out.

"You only met Gradient as he is like currently now. But you have not met Gradient as the skeleton that he once was in the past. In fact, he was the total opposite to his past self."

This interested Dr. Buck, as well as Lawrence and Director Jones. They are watching through the camera and hearing through it, and they are surprised at what they are hearing. SCP-7131-1, Gradient, was a lot more softener from back then. Even Dr. Buck was surprised, as this is the first time she is actually starting to get valuable information, at least to the SCP in terms of personality, as she than spoke out

"What was SCP-7131-1 like back then, before he became the way that he is to this day?"

SCP-7131-2 than looks at Dr. Buck and spoke out.

"He was a lot more different than you realized. He was both an introverted and an extroverted person. He was very shy around people, but get through with that shyness, and, while he can be snarky, sarcastic, and not be afraid to speak his mind, he is one of the kindest brothers I have ever had. In fact, I'd say that Gradient was originally the single most kindest brother of all time, as well as from the rest of my family, possibly one of the kindest people in all of existence. He even was very passionate for art and creativity, and he always liked to spend his days drawing and making art for me and my other siblings and half-siblings to have, all just to make us feel better, though he is not without an immature side, as he can be a little bit of a goofball with another one of my brothers, and his younger brother, as well as my older one, Paperjam, had to be the one to baby and parent us, if they end up doing something that is rather stupid on their end."

This was very new for Dr. Buck to hear it. She always believed that SCP-7131-1 had always been this way. But she is getting much more info about SCP-7131-1, as she than spoke out.

"So...if he is as kind as you said, than why is he acting the way that he is."

And for one, SCP-7131-2's attitude deflated a little, as he looked a little bit unhappy, before he than spoke out.

"I...I don't know. But whatever it is, it really changed him, and it was all because some very new people came into our lives, that caused everything to change."

This made Dr. Buck confused, as she than spoke out to SCP-7131-2.

"What do you mean by that?"

SCP-7131-2 sighed, as he than spoke out to Dr. Buck, in order to explain himself.

"In the place we came from, there are very powerful people that are able to do a lot of extraordinary feats, such as being able to alter reality, being able to continuously evolve, absorb human souls to make themselves as powerful as a god, being able to absorb human emotions, or being able to crate and destroy, and the last 3 are those that had gained the title of God, basically, being a deity, due to having immense power. And than...some new people came, and they are very strong and scary."

The way he spoke and the way that he is axing means something wrong was going to happen. So she than spoke out.

"Who were these people, that you are referring to?"

SCP-7131-2 than looks at Dr. Buck, a nervous expression being present on his face, as he than spoke out.

"I...I don't know. And this is because of the fact that I tried all that I can to hide from what is happening, as...when I felt their power, I felt like I was going to die by simply being at their presence. As if that, with one single move, they could kill me. But I do remember their appearances, in a way."

Dr. Buck than looks at SCP-7131-2, before speaking to him.

"Can you describe what they look like.

SCP-7131-2 than closed his eyes, before he than began to speak out.

"Well...I...I remember one of them, a skeleton like me and my brothers, wearing a blue jacket with a white fluffy hoodie, a white shirt with a bloody slash on the ribcage across his ribcage, and having a right white eye socket and the left one being an empty black eye socket, and carried an axe with him, with black liquid coming out of its mouth."

Dr. Buck nodded her head, as she than spoke out.

"Okay, and can you describe the second one."

SCP-7131-2 closed his eyes for a little bit, before he than spoke out.

"I...I actually do remember that other one much more clearer than the other one. He is a skeleton, but is much now taller, and he...he wears a white coat with blue all over the coat itself, as well as having blue teeth and eyes. His body even glitches similar to Gradient...and his power is much more stronger than the last skeleton that I had described."

This made Dr. Buck interested, as he than spoke out.

"Really, do you know what his name is."

He shook his head.

"No, I don't. But I have heard that he is said to be supposedly the strongest god out of everything else, and Gradient, has apparently been acquitted with him. guess is that this person is someone that Gradient answers to. Kind of like a superior of sorts. And he has been the one that made Gradient the way he is today, the way he became that powerful, as you had likely seen him demonstrate his power quite a number of times."

Dr. Buck nodded her head, as she than spoke out.

" that all you know?"

SCP-7131-2 nodded his head, as he than spoke out.

"Unfortunately so. Because Gradient has been trying to keep me away from the dangers that have been happening, ever since that these new guys came here. He even put me inside of his pocket dimension, all just to keep me safe."

This caught Dr. Buck's attention, as she than spoke out.

"Pocket dimension? We've never heard of SCP-7131-1 being able to do that."

SCP-7131-2 than spoke out.

"Well, that is because he shows it to people who he allows to let in. Other than that, he only lets propel such as me and my brothers in, but we cannot access it with our own powers. It is as if Gradient put a type of fail safe to the use that try and enter it. But it is also to make sure that we do not wander to any place that can kill is, and keep us safe, until he made sure that the coast is clear, and than would put us back on our original position."

Dr. Buck nodded at that, as she than spoke out to SCP-7131-2.

"So you've never seen how dangerous your home had become?"

SCP-7131-2 shook his head, no, as he than spoke out.

" least...not entirely. The only time I did see it entirely, was during a fight that had arrived us here, and that was when that skeleton with the axe came, along with the tall white skeleton that is glitching. And they fought like nothing I have ever seen before."

Dr. Buck looked down at the ground, as she feels like that SCP-7131-2 is not telling everything, as she than spoke out.

"Was there anyone else with you? Like, anyone else inside of the battle?"

SCP-7131-2 looked down at the ground, thinking a little bit, before he nodded.

"Yea actually. There were other people. 3 of them are someone that me and the rest of my brothers are related to, and these people are the ones that spawned us into existence in the first place."

This made Dr. Buck guess who they might be.

"You mean, your parents?"

SCP-7131-2 nodded his head.

"Yea. They were there in the battle with us, though admittedly, not in good terms with each other. But me and the others did side with one of our parents."

Dr. Buck than spoke out.

"Who might that be?"

SCP-7131-2 spoke out.

"His name is Error, and me and 2 of my other brothers, Gradient and the third one close to me is actually related to him. Of course, me, Gradient, and the 4th one are also related to the one that we had been fighting against."

Dr. Buck than spoke out to SCP-7131-2.

"Can you tell us about this 'Error' person, and what he looks like?"

But SCP-7131-2 than spoke out.

"Actually...I don't need to tell you. I have a picture of him, at least, with what he looks like currently."

SCP-7131-2, he than fished his hands into his pockets in order got take out the photo of Error, and he was able to find it, before speaking out.

"Well, here you go."

He showed the picture to Dr. Buck, who than took it and saw who this, Error individual looks like in appearance.

And surprisingly, he is actually bearing a strong resemblance to SCP-7131-2, though he looks more similar to SCP-7131-1, due to the black bones, the blue markings on their faces, and the fact that they have different colored teeth, not to mention having much more glitched bodies and having the words, Error, appear all over their bodies. She looked very surprised, as she than spoke out.

"She looks very similar to SCP-7131-1."

SCP-7131-2 than shrugged his shoulders, as he than spoke out to Dr. Buck.

"Well, where did you think that he had inherited his unique looks from? He also inherited Father's powers, such as his strings, the ability to make glitchy portals, and manipulate pixels. Though Error is, admittedly stronger than Gradient and is much more skilled with his powers. The only thing he lacks is the telekinetic magic that Gradient himself has, which is very confusing."

Dr. Buck than spoke out.

"Does he also work for that mysterious skeleton in white and blue clothing?"

SCP-7131-2 than spoke out.

"Well...considering that they actually look similar, such as the facial tear-like markings, and the fact that their bodies can glitch out, I'd say yes."

Dr. Buck than looks down, and spoke out.

"And...what of this other...parent...that you have?"

And too her...surprise...he actually had a haunted look on his eyes, as he than spoke out.

"I...I...I don't want to...I can't talk about it. is too much for me to discuss."

This made Dr. Buck she than spoke out.

"Why is it stressing to talk about it?"

SCP-7131-2 than looks at Dr. Buck and spoke out.

"Our other parent...too be honest...he...he did something that is so horrific that even I have no idea how it happened. Gradient knows what happened, since he discovered it, along with Error...but they won't talk to me about it. And...about the other parent...I...I won't be saying his name, since Gradient is here, and I have big dear respect for my eldest brother. All I can say that our other parent, is a person that has power, who's purpose is the opposite to Error's. Father Error's power is based on destruction. But our other parent's powers are based on creation. In was this creative power that Gradient got his powers from, as Gradient inheritor for, and was trained to do it by the other parent...before he ended up doing that action that he had done, which I have no knowledge about."

Dr. Buck looked down at the ground, as she than thought to herself about what had just happened. Apparently, one of Gradient's parents had done something insane enough to where Gradient had began to change, and combined with that mysterious other glitchy skeleton, made him the way that he is. But whatever it is, it must have been something that was so horrific and so bad. But than, she spoke out.

"That reminds me. You mentioned a third person that was present with you in that battle. Who was that person."

SCP-7131-2 than looked up, and spoke out.

"Oh, that would be Dream, or, as we all would like to call, Dead!Dream, and he is related to Palette Roller, the guy that is in the 4th door. He is actually me and Gradient's half brother, along with the skeleton in the third one."

Dr. Buck than spoke out to him.

"What does he look like?"

SCP-7131-2 than rubbed the top of his skull, as he than spoke out.

"It''s very hard to remember, due to the fact that I was in the middle of a battle, but I remember having traits similar to Palette, having purple wings, a crown made of material in a pattern similar to barbed wire, and had our own clothing and star-shaped eye lights, as well as a barbed sword. But that is all I remember."

Dr. Buck than spoke out.

"I see. Thank you, SCP-7131-2, that is useful. I think I should take my leave now."

She than goes out to the door, but he than spoke out.

"Is it to interact with my brothers. Because if is not a good idea?"

This made Dr. Buck confused, as she looked with a stern glare, and spoke out.

"And why is that, SCP-7131-2?"

SCP-7131-2 than spoke out.

"Well, the skeleton in the third door, BlueScreen...he is unable to speak English, and can only speak in a language version of a computer code of sorts. Because of this, it would cause a lot of confusion to you, and only Gradient and Error can understand what BlueScreen is saying. And Palette...he does not know much, due to Gradient having to shield him from the dangers most of the time. Not to mention the fact that he is...believe it or not, despite his physical appearance being 20, he is actually 2 years old."

This made Dr. Buck surprised, as she than spoke out to SCP-7131-2.


SCP-7131-2 nodded his head, as he than spoke out.

"Yeah, he is actually a recent child. But the parents didn't know that he existed, because Gradient found him before they did. And constantly trained Palette, but does not let him out much, dude to needing to help him improve on his creativity. So even if he does have information, it would not be enough for you people to have."

Dr. Buck sighed, and realized that she is not going to be getting information anytime soon. Gradient is the only one that had the information, but he is not going to budge. So he than spoke out.

"I see, thank you for informing me, SCP-7131-2."

SCP-7131-2 nodded.

"You're welcome. And also, if you see Gradient, tell him that I am still not hurt."

Dr. Buck nodded, before she than left the room, and opened the door. She than went to the Director and Lawrence, before she spoke out.

" was the information?"

Director Jones than spoke out.

"Useful enough. Though we still do not know the whole picture. Nevertheless, I am rather curious as to what made SCP-7131-1 the way he is, and what that other glitched entity had done to him. Also, do you have the photo of this, Error person?"

Dr. Buck nodded her head, as she gave it to Director, and Lawrence than spoke out.

"Well, I think our work here is done for now. Besides, I need to go to Molly."

Director spoke out.

"Right, of course, and I still have some paperwork to do. Dr. Buck, please watch over the SCP-7131 entities, okay?"

Dr. Buck nodded, as he than spoke out.

"Good luck."

Director Jones and Lawrence left the area, as she than looks at the area that SCP-7131-1 was at. And she felt a strange sensation in her heart. Whatever it is, it is growing, and she has no idea why this sensation is growing out from her chest. But there is some strange connection that she feels towards the SCP, some strange form of similarity that she does not understand. doesn't matter to Dr. Buck, as she needs to watch over the SCPs. So she went to the surveillance room, and began to look at the cameras to se what they look like. The camera in SCP-7131-1's containment chamber is static. Not surprising. SCP-7131-3 doing, something. SCP-7131-3's appearance is very confusing to Dr. Buck, as she has never seen anything like that, and SCP-7131-4's appearance is shown, and has purple wings and a crown. is SCP-7131-1 that Dr. Buck could not stop thinking about. Why is it that she cannot stop thinking about SCP-7131-1 for some reason. And why does she feel so...warm around him?

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