Containment Breach
"Surely, you cast me be serious!"
A voice spoke out from a computer terminal. The person that is speaking to the computer terminal is none other than Director Jones, who is conversing with the 05 council themselves.
"I wish I was, but Dr. Buck was able to visit SCP-7131-1, and saw him being unusually gentle to SCP-999, not to mention having been able to calm down thanks to it."
Then, another member of the 05 council, 05-2, spoke out to Director Jones.
" least that is relief. But it seems very odd, that Dr. Buck of all people...I have heard that she is getting rather soft around SCP-7131-1, because of seeing this side of that anomaly, which is something that was not supposed to happen, especially to someone such as Dr. Buck."
Director Jones then looks at the computer terminal again, as he than spoke out, agreeing.
"Believe me, 05-2, even I am not expecting for a cold-hearted doctor such as Dr. Buck, one of our most respected researchers, to suddenly have a soft spot around SCP-7131-1. But this is actually necessary, because...we have no idea of the limits of SCP-7131-1's powers, and due to his behavior, there is not telling what he thinks of us, and what he will do to us. But there is no denying that he can destroy the SCP Foundation, and it will be without effort on its part. This is like we are dealing with a much more aggressive, unpredictable version of SCP-343, and we know how uncontainable that SCP-343 can be."
One of the 05's, 05-1, than spoke out.
"So what do you suggest that we do? Let him escape whenever he wants?"
Director Jones than spoke out.
"Actually, SCP-7131-1 claims that it could escape, but it has decided not to, because of the fact that his brothers are trapped and cannot get out. Although it doesn't make any sense, due to the fact that he himself can get his brothers out with no trouble whatsoever. But SCP-7131-1 said that there is another reason he is staying here, but he won't tell us the reason. So I assume that whatever reason it may be, must be of immense importance to SCP-7131-1 itself."
Then 05-3 took the turn to speak out to Director Jones.
"Why won't he tell any of the doctors anything about the reason as to why he is staying here along with his brothers?"
Director Jones spoke out.
"When I heard one of the recording of an interview with Dr. Buck and SCP-7131-1, the first one, well...SCP-7131-1 claims that he has no idea what we will do with the information that we will give to it, due to the fact that he is distrustful of the foundation itself, as in the way he sees it, we can do anything with the information, which found include killing him and his brothers. So it is out of pure distrust towards the foundation in general, as he has no idea what we'll do with it. So our best option is to gain his trust to make it comfortable in giving us information."
Then, 05-2 spoke out to Director Jones.
"You better know what you are doing, Director Jones, because if this fails, and he decides to become aggressive, than a consequence will be given to you."
Director Jones nodded his head, as I spoke out.
"I am well aware of that. Dr. Buck, she'll make sure that it becomes a success. And I have faith in one of the most respected doctors in the entire foundation."
The 05s didn't speak any further, and the meeting had ended, as Director Jones sighed, and wiped his forehead a little bit.
"I really hope we do not have problems that involve SCP-7131-1. We are already at the end of our rope because of what Dr. Numita had done."
With Gradient...
Gradient is shown to be on the screen and is speaking with his father, Error, as both began to converse with one another.
" you think that this world is able to allow you to hide from Ink the most, compared to the other AUs that you had ventured into?"
Gradient nodded his head, as he spoke out.
"I do. After all, I have no doubt here Ink will not know of this world yet, but he will soon. And besides, I am going to need to take the time to try and use the Book in order to find a way to bring back Ink, while also needing to hide it from Ink, incase going to have need of it in order to fuel its plans."
Error nodded his head, as he spoke out to him.
" least it will give you time, Gradient. And this is something important that we both must do. The soul that is controlling Ink and corrupting him has caused everything way to much harm, and we need to get it out of him, one way or another."
Gradient nodded his head, as he than spoke out.
"I know that. Haaa...I just...I just hope that we do not resort into having to kill father Ink."
Error nodded, as he than spoke out to him.
"Yeah, me too, Gradient. I agree with what you say."
Error than turns to a direction, and he than spoke out to Gradient.
"Error404's calling me. He needs me for something important. I need to go. Be careful with that book, Gradient, and do not let Ink have it, just as me and Error404 have always told you."
Gradient nodded, as he than spoke out.
"I will. Don't worry, dad. I have not forgotten that."
Error nodded, as he than spoke out.
"And also, good luck with your doctor girlfriend of yours."
"Wait, what?"
Before Gradient could speak anymore, Error destroyed the screen, and Gradient looked a little embarrassed, as he than began to bubble up like a lava lamp. This made Gradient very unhappy, due to the fact that his father, upon hearing that he is now acting friendly towards a female doctor, is now teasing Gradient ridiculously.
It has been about a week since he had began to act so what friendly to Dr. Buck, who had seen this other side of him that he did not want her to see. And needless to say, her is actually starting to make his stay here pleasant. While he will still act cold to the doctor, as Dr. Amelia Buck is the first human friend that he has gotten in just 2 years, Gradient has been able to act in cordial conversations with her, though he still is unable to smile like he used to, due to the fact that some part is holding him back from doing it. Though Dr. Buck is trying to know more of the information that he has, Gradient will always remain silent, and teleport out of his containment chamber and into the Digital Sphere to calm down, only to come back. Of course, he doesn't hate her. In fact, he actually began to like having a human friend in so long. She is not bad in his eyes. It is just that she is a little bit...pushy in trying to get information out of Gradient's mouth. And needless to say, Gradient is annoyed at this, though he does not say it out loud. Though she will enjoy her company.
Dr. Buck has tried to improve his attitude a lot, and while there is some success, the only success that she does not have is trying to get him to laugh or smile a lot. Of course, this is because she got Collingwood to help her, and they exposed him to some fun SCPs, but he only reacts in slight annoyance. He does not think of stuff funny, and if he does see anything that would make him laugh, he would look down and shake his head, as obviously that is not very amusing on his eyes. It is as though he does not like to do anything funny. Almost like it is a distraction to him and is a waste of his time. Even Dr. Collingwood pointed this out to Gradient.
"And I thought Dr. Buck was the one I had trouble making her smile with. But you, you are even more difficult."
Despite this, he is now much more kinder, almost as if he was still his old self again, like all those couple years ago, when he didn't meet Error404 in the driest place, though he will still act cold towards other people, especially to Gustav, Dr. Buck's lab assistant. Although Dr. Buck also doesn't like Gustav, the reasons for them both is different. Dr. Buck does not like Gustav, due to asking obvious questions, and acting like a useless assistant, while also acting childish. But Gradient...Gradient's reasons of being cold to Gustav...are actually different. Because he can tell that there is something off about the assistant. Dr. Buck is curious as to what he meant, but he does not answer, he just claims like he is from a different group entirely, but he doesn't discuss it further. Of course, this made Dr. Buck a little bit suspicious, but if she were to taken Gradient's word, than she would have, because she would act like there is something off about Gustav that does not feel right. But she doesn't due to how useless he acts. But Gradient could tell that this was simply a mask, to mask to hide the real self that Gustav has hidden within. He knows better than to simply the facade that Gustav is playing out, and if he is present, Gradient would simply stare at Gustav, as if expecting for him to do something that wound throw off the mask, though he would not care of what he does, due to the fact that Gustav is not gonna be much of a problem to Gradient inside of his eye sockets.
But as Gradient was looking up at the ceiling, a lock of green-flame like strand appeared in front of his eye sockets, as Gradient looks at the lock, before pushing it back inside of his hood, where it had came from. He than took out his stylus, and draws another glitched screen in front of him in the air, away from the cameras, as he than began to look into it. In there, is the place of his birth of origin, the Omega Timeline, owned by CORE Frisk to be used to house the last remnants of the AUs that people such as Error and Infected had destroyed. Acting as a home for the survivors and for the sole purpose of making sure that the Remnant of the AUs are reborn to remake that universe again by the creators, it also houses some Out-Codes, including his original counterpart. Both he and Classic!Gradient met many times before in the past, and they both get along, though it is difficult for himself, due to the fact that, first of all, he is titled Broken!Gradient, in order to differentiate from the original, and second is the fact that he is unable to express himself that much, due to how traumatic his job has been. But Gradient, it doesn't matter to him, as he watched, and sees Lux, the daughter of Classic!Dream and Cross, and is hugging her brother, Starcross, and the original Palette Roller himself.
They seem very happy, and Lux gets even more happy when she sees Classic!Gradient having appeared, and when she saw him, he ran up to him and hugged him, as Classic!Gradient also awkwardly embraced her.
If Dr. Buck had seen Classic!Gradient, she'd get the general idea of what he had once been like. And it is probably a good thing, since he is going to be bothered nonstop by some other researchers. But seeing this made Broken!Gradient a little sad, as he wishes that he can have the life that Classic!Gradient has, only for that to be ripped away from him. Well...nothing he can do...since she is from a different Multiverse. He just needs to live with it. Besides, there is nothing that he can do, since he has no Lux, and even if there is, he doubt that she will be anything like this Lux over here. And luckily, Paperjam, along with his family, and Drop, they are also okay, as they have been living inside of the Omega Timeline.
And needless to say, they are both missing Gradient, as Paperjam is very close to Gradient, due to being his younger, yet more responsible brother, and Drop always loved Gradient immensely, due to the fact that Gradient is always there to try and make sure that she is not alone, due to being a 5 year old at that time, and now, she is a 7 year old. Gradient looks sad at the screen that is before his eyes, as he really wishes that he can go inside of the dimension and tries to be there for his brother and sister, as well as his sister-in-law and his nephew. But he knows that going inside will be a disaster, as Ink wants to go inside and get the Book that Gradient has, and consume everyone that he cares for before his very eyes, in order to make him suffer. So going inside's a no-go. And alarm was heard.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
This made Gradient look up, as he is a little bit curious of what is happening right now. He has no idea why there is suddenly an alarm ringing out from nowhere. But whatever it is, it just be something that is serious. So he decided to stop looking at the Omega Timeline, and decides to go and check out what has happened.
He than teleports out of the containment cell, and he began to look around, and sees that both of his brothers are a little worried. Sans than made 3 screens to his brothers, as he than spoke out.
"Hey, little bros. It's okay. I'll check it out. Just don't panic, and remain calm, okay?"
BlueScreen, Palette Roller, and Spilled Ink nodded their heads, as Gradient than began to looks and walked out of the corridor that leads into his containment cell, and the containment cell of his 3 younger brothers.
And as he walked into the corridors...he then hears that there is a battle happening. As cries and screams of agony and fighting are heard. Gradient began to look around, as he took out his stylus, and he begins to try and see where the sound is coming from. Than...the sound of a blade slicing was heard, and than...
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
This caught Gradient by surprise, as he than looked to see that a wall behind him had just been destroyed...and a body of an SCP MTF Soldier went down behind him. This made Gradient concerned, until a large humanoid figure loomed over it. And as Gradient squinted to see who it is that has arrived, a crow flew over him. Gradient looked, before he than turned around to see that the humanoid entity had been fully revealed, and he does not look like a friendly camper.
Gradient looks at the large humanoid entity, as he readies his stylus, as the entity looked at Gradient. Gradient raised his head, as he stepped back, his fists clenched, as he readies for a fight. He than looks and sees the number, 076-2, on the clothing, meaning that this is SCP-076-2.
" are new, for I have not seen a skeleton that can move on its own, nor does one look like that and feel powerful. Hah. You might actually entertain me."
Than, 076-2 charged at Gradient, readies his sword, and tries to slice his head off, only for Gradient to dodge the attack, as he then swung his stylus, and summoned spears made of pixels at SCP-076-2, and fired them at him. But SCP-076-2 sliced the sword into pieces, and tries to stab Gradient, only for Gradient to manipulate pixels, and formed a wall, as SCP-076-2 stabbed the wall, before Gradient teleport behinds, and kicks SCP-076-2 at the back, making him crash into it. Gradient than stabbed him with a paint tendril, due to making a puddle of paint with his stylus...but than, SCP-076-2 grabbed onto the tendrils, and rips it out from his arm, as Gradient actually winced at the sight of what SCP-076-2 had done. But it didn't take long to Gradient to realize why.
"You don't feel pain."
This made SCP-076-2 surprised, as he looks at Gradient and spoke out.
"How do you know that?"
Gradient narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.
"I met someone that can also not feel pain, though he is way more insane and dangerous than you are. Nearly killed me once.
This made SCP-076-2 smile sinisterly, as he than spoke out.
"Than perhaps I should do that person a favor by finishing you off."
He than swung his sword, only for Gradient to make a Glitch Whip, and wrapped it around SCP-076-2's sword, before he then yanked it out of SCP-076-2's hand, and he than grabbed onto the handle, before he stabbed at the large man in the chest. This made SCP-076-2 a little impressed, as he tries to punch Gradient in the face, only for Gradient to dodge the attack, and he punches SCP-076-2 fast, before kicking him into a wall, making a dent in there. SCP-076-2 than de-materialized the sword, and he than punches Gradient in the skull, hurting him, and kicked him in the stomach, making him grunt, before he than tries to grab Gradient by the hood. But Gradient turns it around, and punches SCP-076-2 in the head, before he kicks him as hard as he could, sending him to the ground. And he kicked so fast that it made a shockwave, thanks to his training with Error404 in practicing his speed and strength. And combined with having consumed universes, Gradient is immensely powerful. Gradient than swung his arm as SCP-076-2 tries to dodge the attack, but the shockwave erupted, and SCP-076-2 got hit, sending him backwards, and making him stagger, before Gradient used his Blue Magic, and than, swings his hand. Before SCP-076-2 knew what was going to happen to him, he was than lifted up from his feet violently, and was sent flying backwards, before he than was able to position himself, and stabbed at the floor with another blade, in order to stop himself. SCP-076-2 looks at Gradient, as Gradient looked at SCP-076-2, both eyes glared at each other, before SCP-076-2 stood up, and began to charge at Gradient, while Gradient waits patiently, as SCP-076-2 than manifested an axe, and tries to slice Gradient's head off, only for Gradient to jump in the air, and ripped out strings from his eye sockets, before she fired them at SCP-076-2. The strings were blue, as they tried to wrap around SCP-076-2's arm, only for the strings to instead wrap around the blade, as SCP-076-2 tugged onto the strings, as Gradient holding his ground, as he than fired sharp bones at SCP-076-2, who than used his axe to slice the strings, and jump away, as the bones hit the ground. SCP-076-2 than swung his sword at Gradient, who than teleported behind SCP-076-2, and wrapped his red strings around his neck, as he than pulled as hard as he could. This made SCP-076-2 angry, as he than tries to stab Gradient in the left arm, only for Gradient to move out of the way, as he than swung SCP-076-2 into another wall, as SCP-076-2 looks at Gradient in the eyes, as Gradient than spoke out to SCP-076-2, completely unamused.
"Are you done playing?"
SCP-076-2 smiled, as he than spoke out.
"Not at all!"
He than stood up, and lunges at Gradient, only for Gradient to suddenly vanished, as he appeared a few feet away from his original position, as Gradient than used his Blue Magic on SCP-076-2, and he than slammed him down into the ground, and walls, and ceiling, before he than slammed him back down to the ground. SCP-076-2 than charged at Gradient, and swung his left arm, in order to behead Gradient's head with his axe, only for Gradient to summon Red Strings, and wrapped it around SCP-076-2's axe, before pulling it out of his hand, and summoning a Gradient Blaster, as he blasted it into oblivion. This made SCP-076-2 surprised, as he did not expect to see something like that. But he than smirked, realizing that Gradient was not giving it his all, and he still has some other powers at his disposal.
SCP-076-2 than swung his sword, only for Gradient to grab onto his arm with his right arm, as he held onto it as tightly as he could. And surprisingly, Gradient is having a little bit of trouble, due to the fact that SCP-076-2 is extremely physically strong, and while not as strong as Infected, Error404, or Ink, he is still immensely strong, as he than swung Gradient into the air, before Gradient than stopped in midair, as he is now flying. Gradient than flies back, and punched SCP-076-2 in the chest, in which his fist bursted out from the other side, splattering blood all over the place. This made SCP-076-2 surprised, as no one has done that before. But it doesn't matter, as he than grabbed onto Gradient's arm, and slammed him down onto the ground, before pinning him by the neck. But Gradient made a hand gesture, and then blue strings came from above, and wrapped around SCP-076-2's arm, as he than began to lost go of Gradient, due to the fact that Gradient is now controlling SCP-076-2. But as he rose up, a roar was heard and a crash erupted next to Gradient and SCP-076-2. They both turned around, and saw that SCP-682 had appeared out of nowhere, and is roaring at them. Gradient let's SCP-076-2 go, as SCP-076-2 made a sword, and charged at SCP-682, as both combatants began to duke it out.
Gradient took the chance to slip past both of the anomalies, and went to the other side, only to see that the entire thing is in chaos, as various anomalies began to go all over the place, many of them aggressive and wreaking havoc. He turns around, and notices that Dr. Buck is backing away from SCP-106, and she is terrified.
Not wanting to lose a friend, Gradient held his hand out, and red strings wrapped around SCP-106's neck, stopping him from moving closer to Dr. Buck, as the Doctor looked and saw that Gradient is present, as Gradient reeled his arms, and clenched his fist. The result was the red strings activating, as SCP-106 began howling in pain, as he tries to rip the strings off of him, only to be sent back to his own pocket dimension. Dr. Buck runs up to Gradient and spoke out.
"What are you doing here, outside your chamber, 7131-1?"
Gradient than spoke out.
"I was wondering what the loud commotion was all about. Decided to go check it out."
He than turns around, and saw that SCP-106 nearly tried to grab him from behind. But Gradient used his Blue Magic and stopped the Old Man, as he than pushed his hand forward, and SCP-106 was sent flying backwards, and into a wall, in which the Old Man crashed into it. He than looks up at Dr. Buck, as he than spoke out.
"Is this part of the Foundation's daily basis?"
Dr. Buck sighed as she pinched her nose.
"Unfortunately, and we try our best to stop it."
This made Gradient look a little annoyed, as he than looked and saw that a pack of SCP-939 nearly tried to rush and bite at Dr. Buck and Gradient, only for Gradient to take a single step, and blue bones erupted from the ground, and pierced all of the instances of SCP-939, and though it does not kill then, it does leave them stuck, until MTF Soldiers found and brought them back into containment.
"You seem to be oddly calm around a containment breach, 7131-1."
Dr. Buck said, as Gradient shrugged.
"Well...had to deal with a lot of insane stuff. And now to...wait a moment."
Gradient than made a glitched screen in front of him, as Dr. Buck looks curiously.
"What are you doing?"
Gradient than made the screen, and saw that the doors that contained Palette, BlueScreen, and Spilled are open, as Gradient spoke out.
"Uh oh. The doors that contained my brother have somehow been opened. And that means that might be wandering around the facility by now."
This made Dr. Buck a little unhappy, as Gradient than spoke out.
"Want me to clean this mess up?"
Dr. Buck looks down at Gradient, as she spoke out.
"Only if you want to."
Gradient than spoke out.
"Want to? My brothers are wandering around the facility and could he killed by anything. Not risking that. You know what? Time to end it quick."
Gradient than looks and sees SCP-096, and it is beginning to target Dr. Buck and Gradient. Gradient, feeling a little bit angry, and needing something to relive the stress from his body, rushed at SCP-096, and began to attack it, as he punched it in the face.
"You guys. I really hope you don't get yourselves into trouble. Okay?"
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