Taking Coming Out Of The Closet To A Whole New Meaning [London]


Lmao so hey guys, long time no see! I have excuses, but they're lame and mostly revolve me around being busy with my fics but I've decided that this week I will work on hopefully two London One Shots before I get into studying mode!

Ahhhh I've missed writing London so much

Enjoy (;

Louis came out of the closet at a young age. He was over the age of 12 but under the age of 15 and even at that, his mother had still thought he was too young to make up his mind on what his sexuality is, nevermind to come out of the closet. And maybe that was the problem, his mother didn't believe in him at a young age to start off with, and maybe she didn't want to believe it and Louis could see her point when it came to that as well.

He was her baby, her first born and her only boy. Of course something like this would've taken her aback, knocked her off guard because how was she supposed to react to her eldest, her baby boy, supposedly coming out of the closet at such a young age. It had shocked her, scared her almost, and in a way should've seen it coming if it wasn't for the subtle hints that Louis threw or the awkwardness that came off her son whenever she brought up the mention of dating girls.

It hadn't taken her long to accept her sons sexuality. Louis had made it very clear that if she didn't, he would be taking up the offer to move into his Grandma's house if he wasn't accosted - in which she had been the first person that Louis had told and infact sang his praises of how brave that he was to come out. Johanna didn't want to face that, to lose her only son.

Despite the fact that Louis doesn't care what people think of him - and he never has, he's a strong independent gay man and he doesn't need people to tell him how he should dress or act  - it still didn't mean he wasn't fearful about bringing his boyfriends home to his mother. Because let's get something straight, he is, and he will always be scared about brining somebody home for his mother to meet.

Especially Brendon, because it isn't like the guy is normal or anything. He's a vampire for fuck sake!

But somehow, Louis had accidentally let it slip that he had a boyfriend - 'You've been dating for 3 years? Why didn't you tell me?' - and out of mere panic and realisation, Louis had agreed on brining Brendon up to his mothers for the weekend. It was a phone call that left Louis hyperventilating on the bedroom floor until Brendon had found him whenever he came home from work that night.

"If you nibble on that lip any more you're going to draw blood, and you know what happens next."With skill, Brendon is thumbing at Louis' bottom lip, pulling it out from the humans teeth where he has been worrying away throughout the car ride.

Thankfully, Brendon had taken upon himself to offer up driving the distance from their London flat to Louis' childhood home in Doncaster, not that it bothered the vampire because he likes the comfort of driving. Also because he knew how worried and distracted that Louis has been over the past days about going up to Doncaster in the first place, and really, Brendon couldn't blame his boyfriend at all.

From what Louis has told Brendon, Louis doesn't get on with his family as much as he likes to put out that he does. Of course it isn't like he doesn't talk to them, because he does, he had made an agreement with his step-dad to ring him mum at least twice a month and he talks to his sisters all of the time, but there has always been this type of barrier between him and his mum since he came out.

"Look, I'm worried okay?"

"About what?"

"About this. You meeting my family, my mum, because you're not exactly normal, are you?"Louis' breath picks up in a panic, because if there's one thing that can make him anxious and panicky, it's his mother. He loves her, because who would he be without his mother, but she makes him feel anxious, she makes him feel like he's always going to do something wrong and that there's nothing to stop it, and that's the worse part.


"So? Did you just say so?"Louis nearly shouts, his jaw clenched closed. As much as he loves Brendon a whole lot, the vampire can be a fucking asshole when he's so calm about a situation that obviously isn't one to be calm about. Especially in Louis' case.

"Yeah? So what, I'm a vampire, I drink blood, I own a sex toy company-"

"I swear to fucking god if you tell my family that, I will stab you with my fork."Louis threatens, because it was enough they Brendon had used that excuse back on their first date as an attempt of a pick up line, it would be embarrassing if he brought it up in front of his family.

"-and I really don't give a shit about who I am. Just like you don't. It's not like they're going to know either, is it? It's not like I walk around with a fucking neon sign above my head going 'Hey look! I'm a vampire!"

"Because the neon sign would burn you, dumbfuck."

"I'd look cool though, wouldn't it?"Brendon smirks, casting his glance over to his boyfriend who sits sulking in the passenger seat, bottom lip once again caught between his teeth. Brendon sighs, looking between Louis and to the road as he sets his hand on his boyfriends knee."Look, I won't bring up that I own a sec toy company, nor will I go into beautiful detail of how I fuck you into our mattress each night, does that make you feel better?"

"How about you just don't talk?"

"Then how else will I be charming?"

"When are you ever?"Louis raises his eyebrow, letting out a laugh whenever Brendon goes to hit him in the thigh. As much as he dreads this weekend, having Brendon with him brings the real Louis back to the surface, no longer being suffocated by a Louis that's on the verge of a meltdown.

It's past 8 by the time that Louis and Brendon are pulling into the drive way of Louis' childhood home, the house flickered to life by the soft glow of lights that shine through the curtains in the window. It's not an overly massive house, especially for a family of 7 and Brendon can see why Louis wanted out of the claustrophobic atmosphere.

"Baby, everything is gong to be fine."

"Fine is the worse possible word you could use right now."

"Everything is going to be fucking bomb as fuck."Brendon throws his arms up in the air, earning himself a punch in the arm from his human boyfriend who glares across at him, the most unamused expression on his face.

"Don't be so sarcastic you cunt."He growls, unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car, slamming the car door shut behind him, something that causes Brendon to shout in protest because his car is his baby. It holds a lot of memories, most of them that he's made with Louis in the back seat.

"I can't fucking win."The vampire grumbles, getting out of the car himself  and following up the path behind his angry boyfriend, leaving what little luggage that the pair brought with them for later to bring in. He makes sure to grab the bouquet of flowers that Louis ordered him to buy for his mum. Louis is jumping back whenever Brendon is suddenly appearing on the path in front of him, a smirk on his lips whenever Louis lets out an annoyed sound and punches Brendon in the chest.

"Don't do that."Louis holds a finger up at Brendon threateningly."Don't use your super speed, don't show off your strength, stay away from metal, be fucking normal."

"And what about mirrors? Won't it be a little fucking weird whenever I walk buy a mirror and nobody sees my reflection?"Brendon raises his eyebrow at is boyfriend teasingly, knowing that he's pushing his buttons. But it's what Brendon does.

"Then don't walk in front of mirrors?"Louis says the obvious, pushing past Brendon so that he can get to the front door, hesitant in his actions as he goes to open it, Brendon following his moody boyfriend like the whipped boyfriend that he is.

The minute that they enter, Brendon can feel the homely vibe that the house brings off. As much as it isn't big, it was evident that it's a home, one that's very lived in with the evident clothes and various toys that have been left laying around despite evidence of haven cleaned up or the family photos of the walls. And it smells like a home, with various smells from dinner haven been cooked and fragrances.

"Another thing,"Louis stops, turning to look at Brendon with full seriousness in his eyes, vice lowered to an almost whisper."If my mum asks, we don't have sex, we don't do drugs, we don't drink and you're in med school, okay?"

"Wait what-"

"Louis!"A new voice is cutting off Brendon, followed by the appearance of what Brendon can guess is Louis' mum. She's short and beautiful, despite her obvious tiredness of living in a house with 6 children to look after and another one that has just appeared, all smiles and open arms as she comes in contact with Louis.

"Mum!"Louis greets with the same amount of enthusiasm, allowing himself to be soaked up in the hug from his mum because he's never going to deny something like that. It's short lived, with Jay pulling away from the tight bear hug, her hands still holding on Louis' arms as she takes a step away to admire her son,

"Have you gotten taller?"

"I don't think so, mum."Louis laughs with a shake of his head because that's the least that he has gotten. He's never been that tall, but neither has he been extremely small either, he's a good height even though Brendon constantly mocks him for it, despite the vampire only being a couple of inches taller.

"Maybe I've just gotten smaller."

"Old age will do that to you."Louis can't help but to smirk, fully expecting the swat that she gives him on the shoulder, having the very familiar unamused Tomlinson look that Brendon knows that Louis has gotten from his mum. It's in that moment that she finally spots Brendon lingering behind Louis awkwardly, her blue eyes going wide."And who's this?"

"Oh, um, Brendon this is my mum."Louis swallows thickly, stepping closer to Brendon as he motions between his mum and Brendon."And mum, this is Brendon. My boyfriend."He can feel Brendon's arm snake around his waist, hand resting comfortably on his hip which calms his nerves.

"It's lovely to finally meet you, Mrs Tomlinson."Brendon offers her his famous charming smile, a hand politely outstretched for to shake because if he's going to be meeting his boyfriends mother for the first time, he might as well be as charming as he can be.

"Just call me Jay."She smiles, accepting Brendon's hand to shake as she gives him an all too familiar smile. Before Brendon forgets, he's holding out the flowers for her as a gift, an idea that Louis had given him in a way to butter up his mum into liking Brendon."These are lonely. Thank you Brendon."

"Uh, you're welcome."He says awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck as Louis laughs quietly at how bashful the the vampire is, despite the lack of blush or awareness.

This weekend is going to be eventful.

I'm going to be writing a second part of this because I didn't have time to write it all and I wanted to update and I have so much more planned in the next one!

But opinions so far is so so so so welcomed!

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