
Hello! This is the last Valentine's Day one-shot. I hope that you enjoyed all of these one-shots that I've posted over the span of these days. This last one is a ship from the anime/manga Bleach. It's between Ichigo and Rukia. It's rather mild on the romance side, but their entire relationship was honestly way milder than it should've been.

Rukia wakes from her sleep by loud yelling coming from the other room. She rubs her eyes and tiredly gets out of bed. She walks out of her room and is shocked to see her brother and Renji in a heated argument of sorts. It clearly is serious as it got to the point that both have their zanpakutos in their hands. Rukia massages her temples and coughs loudly, "Hello? Do you need to have this conversation in here? I was sleeping. It's kind of rude to be yelling this loud, when you know someone is in the other room resting."

"This doesn't involve you, Rukia," Renji states, ignoring what she just said.

Byakuya nods his head, "You can go elsewhere if you wish to rest." Rukia stares at the two with wide eyes, could they be anymore inconsiderate. She rolls her eyes and makes her way out of the room. She couldn't believe the actions of her brother and her friend. It was absolutely ridiculous. She quickly flash steps to the squad 13 barracks. She is surprised to see Shūhei Hisagi standing there. "Lieutenant Hisagi?" Rukia questions, "What are you doing here?"

Shūhei looks at Rukia, "I need to speak with your Captain about an article for the Seireitei Bulletin." Rukia nods her head and makes her way to the front door. Before she can, Shūhei cuts in front of her. He yanks open the door and slams it shut behind him. Rukia shrieks as the doors misses her face by mere centimeters. What the hell!? Shūhei knew she was standing right there. You would think that he would at least leave the door open for her. Rukia scowls and pulls open the door. She glares at Hisagi, who doesn't give the shorter girl's expression much worry. She stomps down to her own little office area and plops down onto the floor. She crosses her arms, upset with the way all the men in the Soul Society were acting. She takes a deep breath and tries to focus on the work in front of her. After an hour, she hears a soft knocking on the door. She looks up from the paper she is reading to see Momo Hinamori. "Hello, Rukia. I wanted to invite you to have lunch with me and some of the other lieutenants," Momo says with a small smile.

"I'm not a lieutenant though," Rukia replies.

Momo shakes her head, "That doesn't matter. We're just friends going to eat lunch with one another."

Rukia nods, "Thank you, Momo." Momo gives her a smile and tells her to follow her. The two females make their way to a small restaurant. The other lieutenants are gathered at a table and food already sits on the table. "Rukia! Momo!" Rangiku exclaims, her cheeks tinged pink. Rukia smiles, "Hello, everyone." Everyone at the table shouts out their greetings before going back to their sake and food. "Momo! Sit next to me!" Rangiku shouts, "I saved a seat for you!" Momo nods her head and heads over to Rangiku. Rukia looks for an empty spot for her to sit. Izuru kicks an empty seat beside him and looks at Rukia. Rukia nods her head, understanding Izuru's silent message. She walks towards the table and sits in the seat. She couldn't help but feel a tad bit bothered by the way that Izuru invited her to sit down. She picked up her chopsticks and reached for a peace of shrimp. Before she could clamp down on the piece of seafood, Tetsuzaemon intercepted. He grabbed the shrimp before she could and popped it into his mouth. Rukia looks at him with an angered expression, but he doesn't even seem to notice. "Here, Rukia," Yumichika states, pushing multiple pieces of shrimp onto her plate.

"Thank you, Yumichika," Rukia states, thankful that someone had some kindness in them.

Yumichika shrugs, "No problem. I wasn't eating them anyway. Shrimp is honestly extremely disgusting. Too much seafood can ruin your complexion. Maybe you shouldn't eat so much shrimp, Rukia. You don't want your face to look any worse." Rukia drops her chopsticks onto the table, in shock. How rude? You don't say something like that to people. The others don't even notice that she is upset. Rukia shakes her head and stands up. She makes her way out of the restaurant, no one saying anything to stop her. "Every single person is acting so urggg!" Rukia mutters as she stomps away, "Not a single person can be somewhat respectful. I can't freaking stand it. They weren't kidding when they said chivalry is dead." She walks around the Seireitei, just trying to ignore people. Rukia walks for a while more before arriving in front of the Kuchiki Manor. "Maybe, I should visit Ichigo," Rukia states, "He can't be any worse than the others..." She makes her way to the Kuchiki's personal Senkaimon. She should probably inform her brother or her friends, but she decides not to tell them where she is off to. Rukia sighs as she passes through the Senkaimon and to the World of the Living. She has had enough of all of these stupid men and their rude personalities. She could only pray that things were better within the human world. Rukia quickly and expertly slips into a gigai. She looks around for someone she may recognize and sure enough she spots someone. Rukia smiles and rushes over to a young man with carrot orange hair. "Hi, stranger..." Rukia says as she falls into step with the taller man.

"Rukia? What are you doing here? Is something wrong?" Ichigo asks, glancing down at the violet-eyed girl.

Rukia shakes her head, "Nothing's wrong. Why did you assume that there was a problem? Can I not just visit my friends?"

Ichigo scratches the back of his neck, "Um...yeah...of course you can. I just wasn't expecting you to be here. Don't you have things to do in the Soul Society?"

Rukia huffs, "I needed a break from the Soul Society. That's why I'm here." Ichigo nods his head and makes a right turn. Rukia recognizes the area as the street leading to Ichigo's home. "I'm guessing you want to stay over," Ichigo states, "I don't mind. I think Yuzu made dinner too. She probably made enough for the both of us."

Rukia gives Ichigo a thankful look, "I would love to stay over. Thank you for letting me come along." Ichigo nods his head and continues on his way to his house. They walk in silence until they reach the Kurosaki Clinic. Ichigo grabs his keys and unlocks the door. He pulls it open and gestures for Rukia to go inside. Rukia looks at Ichigo with surprise, not believing that the young man is actually holding the door for her. Ichigo gives her a confused look, "Go in. Why are you looking at me like that?"

Rukia smiles, "No reason. Thank you...." She walks into the house and Ichigo follows behind her. "We're home!" Ichigo calls out loudly. Yuzu and Karin sit on the couch flipping through channels on the TV. "You just missed dinner," Yuzu says, turning to face the two, "Rukia! Hello, I didn't know you were going to be here. I would've made more food."

"Hello, Yuzu and Karin," Rukia says with a small wave. Karin looks at Rukia and waves back, before focusing on the TV. "It's fine, Yuzu. I'll just share my food with Rukia. Thank you for making dinner," Ichigo states.

Yuzu nods, "You're welcome, Ichigo! Karin and I will let you eat in peace. Bye!" She pulls on Karin's arm, much to her annoyment, and drags her upstairs to their bedroom. Ichigo walks to the kitchen and opens a cupboard. He grabs a pair of chopsticks and a bowl. He places it at the seat across from him. "Come on, sit down. Let's eat," Ichigo states. He removes the lid covers from the food that Yuzu had prepared for dinner. Rukia walks over to the table and places her hand on the chair. Before she can pull it out, Ichigo does it for her. Rukia looks at him for a second before sitting down. Ichigo pushes her chair closer to the table without a second thought, "Go ahead and start eating. Do you want anything to drink?" Ichigo starts to walk towards the fridge, but Rukia grabs onto him before he can. She wraps her arms around him and pulls him into a tight hug. "Thank you, Ichigo. Thank you," Rukia says, burying her face into Ichigo's shirt. Ichigo looks at her weirdly and gently pats her head. "What for? Are you okay?" Ichigo questions.

Rukia huffs, "That's not how you answer someone who just said thank you..."

"'re welcome," Ichigo says, "I don't understand why you're acting so weird."

"Weird! I'm not weird. If anyone is weird, it's you," Rukia exclaims, pushing him away from her.

Ichigo rolls his eyes, "I'm not weird. You're the one that hugged me for no reason. You shouldn't insult the person that is giving you housing and food..."

"I can insult anyone I want!" Rukia shouts.

"Why are we even having this conversation?" Ichigo massages his temples, "I will never understand you...."

I hope you liked this short one-shot. It was inspired by a thought that I had one Valentine's Day, I want to see one man act chivalrous to someone. I'm going to go on a little break with romance one-shots. I need a bit of a break. I will be back soon. Probably way sooner than I think. Please comment, follow me, vote, and add this story to your library. I will see you all in the next one-shot. 

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