pranking him

Niall: You decided to YouTube different things and somehow you went from make-up tutorials to pranks. You sat on the couch for hours before you looked up to see that Niall was going to be home soon. An hour's time to be exact. You went to the kitchen and made an orange juice. What it really was, was a packet of cheese, which came in a mac and cheese box, added to a jug of water. You knew Niall would go straight for that, he had a secret love for orange juice. As you thought, Niall had met you in the kitchen with a greeted kiss before he walked over to the fridge. "Is this orange juice?" he asked, taking out the jug. "Yeah, babe." He smiled and poured himself a glass, you kept an eye on him the entire time. Soon he lifted the glass and as soon as the liquid hit his lips, taking a big gulp, he spit it out. "Ugh, that's horrible! What is that?!" he yelled, wiping the excess off of him lips. "It was a joke," you said smirking. "That's gross, loved. Beware about what you will get in revenge," he said, running up to the bathroom to clean out his mouth. You stood there stunned, you had forgotten that he likes to get even with things like that.

Zayn: This probably wasn't the best, or creative, prank, but hey it was something. He had been sleeping all day, every day for the past week. He had just come home from his world tour, and you were getting really anxious to spend more AWAKE time with him. The brilliant plan was to set up his alarm clocks (his phone, your phone, and the bedside clock) to go off at 1 minute increments. You got up before the first one went off, making your way downstairs so that you didn't get annoyed with the sounds. You knew it was mean to do that to him, but desperate times called for desperate measures. You looked at the coffeepot clock and knew that the first alarms probably went off already. About 5 minutes later, you heard him yell and throw something, making you giggle a little. 5 more minutes later, his footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. Before you stood a grumpy looking Zayn, more sleepy but still mad. "Did you do that?" he asked, staring you down. You nodded and he continued to glare. "I'm going turn them all off and you're going to let me sleep," he said, thinking that you would actually listen to him. "Oh, no you're not. Please, just spend today with me." You grabbed his arm and pulled the best begging face ever. "Fine, but we need to take a nap in a couple hours," he grumbled, giving in and earning a kiss from you.

Louis: It was definitely hard to prank him, so you had to try very hard to get everything to work in your favor. You had researched a ton of pranks that you could possibly pull off and finally found one in particular that you liked. You had to go out and buy that something before he got back from his mum's. You knew that this plan would work because he loved gummy bears and could eat a couple bags like no problem. That trick was that the gummy bears would be sugar-free, giving him some major gas. He was still a little shy about those things with you, seeing as you had just moved in with him. Though it didn't bother you, it was kind of weird that he was like that with you though. You set up a bowl of those bears in the kitchen and when he got home, he demolished them. He had praised you for getting them, which was until he started to get gassy. "I'm sorry," was all you heard every time he farted. It took a couple days before you finally told him about the prank, but he wasn't mad at all. In his words, he said, "that kinda backfired on you, didn't it love. That smell must've been horrible." It had been.

Harry: The pranks you pulled on him was a classic. He was the king of not fixing his autocorrected text messages, so you knew it was going to work easily. He was also a little slow to realize that his phone had been tempered with, or to even know how to get his phone back to normal. One morning before he went off to you, you went and took his phone into your hands. Since the two of you sent messages a lot throughout the day, you knew his lingo so it was easy to know what words to mess with. Later that day, the plan had been working. He sent I loathe you instead of I love you, I'm stupidinstead of I'm sorry, and plenty of other things you lamely attempted at changing. When he came home he ran inside, "I'm sorry. My autocorrect is really bad." You laughed a little and agreed with him. "It's been pissing off more people than me. I sound mean in some of the messages," he said, sadly. You felt bad at that point, so you decided to confess. "I did it to your phone. Give it to me and I'll fix it," you said, raising your hand out to him. He gave it to you with a playful smirk on his face. "You're mean, but that was a good joke." A minute later, you were handing his phone back to him. "There. I'm sorry," you said, kissing his cheek.

Liam: You weren't a huge fan of his smoking, though it was kind of hot. You had tried to get him to stop numerous times, but he hadn't listened to you nor did you think he ever would. One of your friends had told you about a time when her sister had put orajel on the tips of her cigarettes as a joke, so you decided to do that. You waited until he was in the other room before you took your little tube of orajel and coated each end of the cigarettes with it. There was a full box, so you knew that it would continuously make him numb for a couple days. Sure enough it did and he complained about it. "Why does this keep happening? This is the only pack that has ever made my lips numb," he huffed, sitting on the couch next to you. "I decided to have a little fun, since you won't quit smoking." He looked at you confused and you continued, pulling out the little tube and throwing it at him. "You put this teeth numbing shit on the cigarettes?" "Yup. Sorry, I was having a little fun." You laughed and saw a small smile forming on his lips. "This won't make me stop smoking, you know?" "I know, but you will never know if I do this again, right?" "True," he grumbled, grabbing the open pack and throwing it away.

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