Destroyer Meet Forced Destroyer - Part 1

I do not own this picture, it belongs to it's respectful owner.

Where: Dragon Ball Super

Ship: Error x Beerus

When Error woke up with two kids in his arms and found himself on a floating triangle like island surrounded by planets with a huge tree in the middle that had buildings on it, that did not even phase him at all. He's seen a lot of stranger AU's in his life. It was only when he was about to look through the world's Codes did he feel it; Destruction. It shot up and was heading his way, fast approaching him. Quickly hiding the kids, Error was in for a world of confusion when a purple, hairless cat in a nightgown suddenly dropped down from the sky. It was only when the other introduced himself as a God of Destruction did Error realize he was far away from his own Multiverse.

Error had no idea that when his eyes met the other, that this person would be the one to help him on the long road of healing.....In their own unique way.

Destroyer of Worlds meet Forced Destroyer of Universes.

-Start Chapter-

The colors of powerful red faded into black and grey that surrounded him. The one he was fighting having faded as glowing blue strings fell down and hanged down all around him, making it impossible to move. He struggled, shocked that they never broke or gave in. His power not enough to even make them weaken.

Footsteps sounded out, a deep ever changing voice chuckling out. The strings loosened, making him stop struggling. Sighing out, he glanced up only to stop short. A soft voice whispered in his ears as he starred up to see a being that he had never seen before. Multicolored eyes forever crying starred back into his own, laughter in them. A smile grew on the other's dark face face, mouth opening to say something. He strained to listen, but it was like he has suddenly gone deaf. Static over took him, then he flinched back when the one before him suddenly tugged at the strings playfully. Chuckling out. 

The whispering grew louder. It said "Please! Help Er-"


Lord Beerus's, God of Destruction of Universe 7 and known Destroyer of worlds, eyes shot open at the feeling of Destruction coming from within his own home. Snarling, eyes in a glare, he shot up and out of his home. Following the power levels that seemed to be changing at a rapid pace, going up and down at a incredible speed. "Who dares tries to sneak into MY home?!"

In a different room, Whis's head shot up. He blinked in shock, one hand going to his mouth. "Oh my!" Then he giggled. "I wonder what or who could have awoken Lord Beerus a month earlier then he wanted? Whoever it is I should thank them~"

-With Error-

Error's eyes shot open the moment his back his the ground. He caught sight of the VOID moments before it closed up, showing a sky that Error has never seen before. Null and Void whined together, waking up from the jostling as Error stood up.

Nothing but purple trees surrounded him. Glancing up, Error stopped short at what he was seeing. Planets in a yellowish orange sky. For a moment he thought he was in OuterTale, but it had a different feel from that AU. The very air smelled different, had a different feel. Just as he was about to sit the kids down and check this place Codes, a feeling crept up his spine, making his SOUL freeze for a brief moment.

D E S T R U C T I O N - F R U S T R A T I O N - T I R E D - A N N O Y A N C E

Without thinking too hard on it, Error quickly found a tree with a hole in the bottom of it's trunk and placed the kids in it. "StAY hErE UNtIL i SaY So." Not even waiting for a nod or any form of agreement, Error placed some leaves over the hole to further hide them away. Once that was done, he quickly moved away from it as the feeling got closer. Whoever was coming was moving fast to his location.

Then a blur suddenly stopped over top where he was, before Error had a chance to even think, a purple blur shot down and landed only a few feet away from him. Finally Error was able to get a good look at the one that came, and it made him blink. And then blink again for good measures.

A hairless humanoid purple cat - Not a Monster, SOUL feels too different from cat Monsters or any Monster really - in a light blue nightgown stood before him. Error had no clue what was going on, but he was quickly loosing any shits left to give by the seconds. The only thing that made him keep up his guard was the kids hiding away.

Whatever Beerus was expecting, it wasn't this. A Skeleton as tall as Whis - without the hair - stood before him, glitching and multicolored. Black in color, scars, blood, dust and marks all over from what he could see, stitched up clothing under a long trench coat, travel bag, and leather gloves. It was only when he met the other's multicolored eyes that Beerus remembered.

A glitchy laugh, glowing blue strings, a soft whisper in his ear.

"Please! Help Er-"

'A prophetic dream? Two in one it seems....Or was it something more? Less?' Beerus frowned before speaking up. "Hey you! What do you think you are doing in my home?!"

The skeleton frowned as well, tilting his head. "i FeLl hErE." He stated simply, his glitchy voice deeper then what Beerus expected even as it changed pitches.

".....Are you joking?!" Beerus eye twitched at the half-ass answer. "If you don't tell me I'll destroy you!" Beerus would have went on, but the sudden glitched laughter stopped him short. Looking at the taller skeleton for a moment, Beerus then growled out. "I am Lord Beerus! God of Destruction of Universe 7! Destroyer of worlds!"

That stopped the laughter quickly. Beerus smirked proudly, but it feel just as quickly when he didn't see fear. No, all he saw was confusion. The skeleton raised a hand to his skull, scratching it, making chips fall off and making the blood flow off it faster. "....JuST whErE.....MulTiVerse?....NO, thATs...." He muttered to himself, making Beerus strain to hear him.

"Speak up or I will kill off your entire world!" Beerus yelled out, frustrated at the other. Then without warning, Beerus shot off towards Error, fist raised.

Beerus wasn't going to use his full power, just enough to show that he was serious with his threats. Maybe enough power to make the other go flying a few feet away if he wasn't too weak.

What he didn't expect was the other to lift one hand and catch his fist, not even moving a inch. A brief painful squeeze, narrowed eye sockets, and the next thing Beerus knew; He was flying backwards! His eyes widened in shock, staring at the bored yet confused skeleton that was slowly putting his hand down.

'Impossible!' Beerus quickly stopped himself, skidding to a stop and landing where he started. His hand shook, and all he could do was look at the other in shock. 'That actually.....hurt.' Sure, he didn't put all his power into that punch, but he could tell that the skeleton didn't put all his power into that squeeze or push either. "Who are you." Beerus stated serious, wanting to know that more then ever now. 'How are you so strong? Just who are you and where did you come from?'

The skeleton looked at him with a confused from, pointing to himself. "i Am ErRoR." Then the confusion grew all the more on his face, brows frowned in thought. "i Am ThE GoD oF DesTRuCtIOn, DesTRoyER oF UniVerSEs." Then he pointed to him. "I'VE nEvEr hEaRD oF yOU."

'Destroyer of Universes?!' Beerus had no idea where to go after that deceleration, never having heard of a Destroyer of Universes or a another God of Destruction called Error. But that did explain how the other was so strong in a way. Good thing that was when Whis landed down gently, smile never leaving his face.

"You are far from your home Lord Error." Error nearly laughed hysterically at what this blue person called him. He is no lord, just a murderer. "You must be confused as we are. Why don't you come with us and we can discus this with a nice meal?"

"Whis-!" Beerus went to say, but stopped when he had nothing truly against the idea. While this Error was trespassing, he seemed just as confused as him. So for now he would play nice, if only to find out just what was going on. "There better be a feast waiting for me." Both lifted off the ground, looking at Error, waiting for him to come up as well.

Error hesitated, before turning to go back to the tree. Beerus opened his mouth to yell at Error, but it clipped shut once he saw Error lifting two little skeletons into his arms. Error then jumped up into the air, floating only a foot away from them.

Null and Void both gasped at the two new people. "Daddy! Daddy!" Null tugged on Error's shirt, pointing to Beerus. "What kind of Monster is he? I've never seen one like him before!" Meanwhile, Void was cooing at Whis, who was cooing right back at them both. "thEy'Re nOT likE uS nULL." Error answered, knowing that these two were no Monsters at all. There SOULS felt too different. And Error would bet that they looked very different then their as well.

"How cute~" Whis cooed, waving a finger at the little skeleton in orange. "Little tiny bones~"

Beerus though, had caught what Error said. 'Monsters?' Beerus tilted his head in thought, trying to think on why they would be called that. 'Why Monsters? Childish imagination?'

"Well! I've got to prepare a feast now that I have such two cute little guests!" Whis laughed, standing up straight. Null and Void giggled while Error just raised a brow. "Follow me, I'll lead you the the dinning room."

Both children laughed when they all took off. Error couldn't fight the smile off his face even if he wanted to.

"Da~" Void waved his hands into the air as they flew to the big tree in the middle of the place. "Da!Da! Da~"

"Daddy we're flying!" Null giggled, loving the way the air was hitting him. "Daddy faster!"

Whis placed a hand to his mouth, hiding his smile when he noticed that Beerus was staring at the family of three. Frown going away little by little at the children's laughter 'I wonder what the higher powers of another Multiverse are up to now?' Whis glanced to Error and the two children. 'And why they saw fit to place them into a place where they have no power in.'

Only time could tell. But for now, breakfast must be made and eaten.

-Dinning Room, One Hour Later-

"So you jumped into a void?" Whis hummed, thinking about it. "But you didn't die like it was supposed to?"

They all sat at the long dinning table - Error not even blinking at the floating chairs while his kids marveled at them - all kinds of dishes surrounding them. Error was feeding Void his bottle while Null was munching on some type of egg dish on Error's lap. Beerus sat at the head of the table, eating his food, but keeping a eye one the new arrivals, while Whis sat opposite of Error.

"ThE VOID iS EndlEsS, iT IS EvERyWhErE yET nOWhERE." Error's eyes glazed over as he thought about it. "i WaS SuppOSed TO bE scATTEreD AcRoSS TiME anD spAcE, EsSEnTALLy DyING. BUT SOmEtHINg FOrcED mE HERE." Error focused back at Whis. "i hAVE nO IDeA WHy I aM hErE."

Whis hummed once more, trying to think on this new information. "Your Multiverse must be very different then ours Lord Error." He waved a hand. "We have black holes, alternate timelines, but no VOID like you are talking about."

Error twitched at the words 'Alternate Timelines', but frowned at what he was being called. "WhY ArE YOu cALLiNG mE loRd ErRoR?"

Whis blinked while Beerus lifted his head. "Why, because you are a God of Destruction!" Whis gestured to Beerus. "Lord Beerus here is one as well. Very respected and deserves it as well....Is it different from where you are from?"

"Yes, you called yourself 'Destroyer of Universes'." Beerus leaned forward, interested in the answer. "Why is that?" 'Just how strong are you?'

"i AM ThE oTHer HAlF oF thE bAlAncE iN mY multIVerES, ThE ONlY gOD oF DesTRUCtioN anD dEstRoYER." Error took the now empty bottle out of Void's mouth, lifting him up to burp him. "I DeSTroY AUs - AlTErNAtE UnIVErSEs - TOo mAke ROom FOr OThErS To GroW. INkY - ThE OthER hAlf To MINe - IS tHE cREatOR, THE oNE wHO MAkEs AuS. BuT hE mAKEs TOo mAny." Error seemed to sag, eyes going blank as he was lost in the memories. "i DesTRoY EntIRE UniVerSe, InclUDing THeIr OthER TimElinES aND THE MonSTErs IN THEm." He gestured to the kids. "ThaT iS WhaT We ArE cALlEd, MOnStERs. MAgIC BaSEd." He waved off the questioning looks, going back on track. "IT.....WaS noT mY chOICe To BEcoME a DeSTRoYEr. I wAs FORcED inTO kILLinG." Error darkly chuckled, glancing to his hands and seeing nothing but blood and dust even if they are covered. "FatE IS noT kINd anD onLY favORs ONe. AnD i Am nOT THaT onE."

Beerus slowly put down his fork, Whis sat straighter as they glanced to one another. "Why don't you start at the beginning? Then we can try and figure out what is going on."

Null and Void glanced up at Error as he shifted before nodding in agreement. If he was in a different Multiverse, where no Monsters existed, then he had nothing to hide. Not to another Destroyer at the very least. Besides, it was time for the kids to know why he couldn't be the best for them.

"FiRsT ThErE WaS tHE oRigiNAL UniVerSE - WhiCH Was CAlLED 'UNDeRtALE'. BuT THE mULTIvErSE waS TOo EmpTy FOr OnlY OnE unIvERsE, sO FaTE cREatEd THEiR fiRsT TRuE cHIlD, nAmiNG tHEM iNK. RulEs WeRE GIvEN, buT INk DID noT caRE foR tHEM...."

-A Few Hours Later-

"Hmmm....." Beerus narrowed his eyes as he sat on the balcony railing. Footsteps sounded out, Whis coming up and stopping at the doorway. "Lord Beerus?"

"Where are our guests now Whis?" Beerus softly question, not even turning around to look at the other. He kept his eyes to the trees as he tried to process all he had learned for today.

"Lord Error and the Little Lords are in the bath now." Whis sighed, hand going to his cheek as he frowned. "I had to help him go through step by step on how to bathe and what was used for what. It seems that Lord Error just used to dive into a lake or something similar with his clothing still on to clean himself. Never mind all those injures he had, two of his ribs fell straight off! I tried healing him, but he just puked up all the energy that I put into him. Seems his body confused my energy as a virus or poison, he'll have to heal the old fashion way. The ribs are on and stable now though. At least all the blood has been cleaned up with the dust as well." Then a smile worked it's way up his face. "But now they are relaxing in the bath. Last I heard, Error was telling the children about Souls and what their own traits and virtues are."

"Souls, huh?" Beerus frowned, thinking back on to what Error had told him. "To think there could someplace so different.....A entire multiverse...."

"Lord Beerus? What are you thinking about?" Whis walked up and leaned over to look at the purple one's face, which was twisted into frustration. "What is bugging you?"

"I tried to punch him, not at full strength of course, but enough that it should have sent him flying." Beerus admitted, glancing to his right hand, the one that he had used. "But it didn't. He didn't even move a inch! He hurt me! Sent me flying!" Beerus growled out, fist clinching tighter. "Error is a powerful Destroyer there is no doubt. So why in the Underworld did he take that kind of abuse?! If it was me, I would have killed every single one of them!"

"Ah, but you forget Lord Beerus, Error did try that before his anger fell cold." Whis sighed, just imagining it all. "Besides, we do not have to worry about the balance like he does or did. He took it all for his Multiverse's sake because of that out of control creator and maker, someone much like our Kais, but in the end it was beaten out of him. So much so that he lost the will to care about his Multiverse anymore. Lord Error has lost the will to fight unlike you."

"Tch!" Beerus scowled at the answer, but knew Whis was right. "It's a shame.....Error could give me a opponent, one that could match or even beat me, one that I always wanted...."

"He may gain it back Lord Beerus. But it will take time and healing." Whis then smiled, tilting his head in question. "That is if you of course let them stay here? Or will I be dropping them off on a different planet for them to make their living?"

"No." Beerus quickly disagreed with that last notion. A Destroyer like Error had no business going anywhere else. Someone with so much power must be watched, but also must be helped. He wasn't heartless after all. Birds of a feather should flock together, because if not then who will? "All three shall stay with us until further notice. You are to treat the three like you do with me Whis; Is that understood?"

"Yes Lord Beerus." Whis gave a little bow before straightening back up. "Will you be going back to sleep now? You did wake up a year earlier then what you asked for." He questioned, wanting to know if he should go prepare his Lord's - or would it be First Lord's now? - bed.

Beerus thought for a moment before shaking his head. "No, I want to get to know our new guests better. But leave the alarms on, I want to know when the year has gone by."

"Of course Lord Beerus." Whis hide a smile, happiness filling him up. 'I wonder how much these new players will change? How much it will effect us?' He glanced to where his First Lord sat, tail swishing back and forth. 'I wonder what the future holds for you now.'

-First Month-

"Why don't I ever see you eat?" Beerus asked over his own meal. "Whis doesn't either. Do you get some when we're asleep? Or is it a culture difference that I don't know about yet?"

Error turned his head to look into the purple cat's direction. His two kids in his lap, eating some type of cream dish. Beerus was actually sitting beside him today.

Beerus and Error were estranged in a way. Beerus spent time training or trying new dishes. Error spent time with his children and trained away from Beerus. He had a feeling if Beerus saw him, he would get dragged into a fight or spar of some kind. The thing is that he isn't wrong, if Beerus did see that, he would want to test his true power.

But these past few weeks, Beerus has been asking Error questions. Some complicated - like what is a AU's Code? What exactly is the Anti-VOID? What is magic? How do you run on it? How can you not die? Things like that. Error tried to answer as best he could, but always couldn't really answer the last one. Even he didn't know the real reason, only Fate does. And Fate holds no ground in this Multiverse, doesn't even exist. Which once Error found out that piece of knowledge, picked up his two kids and twirled them around, glowing the brightest green ever. - and some not so complicated. - Why do you glow green? Why did you name your kids Null and Void? How did you get the name Error? What is your favorite AU? - Error didn't know why the sudden change, but he went with it. After all, Beerus is letting him and his kids live in his home for free.

"i hAVE nO NEEd To EaT." Error answered simply, not really understanding why Beerus was making such a horrified face. "i hAVEn'T EAtEN iN YEaRS, ThErE IS nO NEed."

"NO NEED?!" If Error was anyone else, he would have flinched back when Beerus exploded. Null and Void just glanced up, plastic spoons in their mouths. "Food is life! Something to enjoy! It makes life worth living!"

Error just stared at the ranting God blankly, not getting what the big deal was about.

Beerus, seeing this, swirled some of the green noodles onto his fork and then shoving it into Error's face. "Try it! Eat every bit and tell me what you think!"

Blinking, Error slowly took the metal fork away from Beerus, glancing to and from it to the other adult. "YoU.....WanT ME tO EaT THE whOLE THiNG?" Error questioned firmly, wanting to know if that was what the other wanted.

"Yes! The whole thing! It is a delicious-!" Beerus started, only to choke in shock once Error put it into his mouth, and then bit down, breaking the top of the fork off and eating the metal as well with the noodle. Error munched on it for a moment, only to then put the rest of the fork into his mouth to eat it as well.

Swallowing, Error brought his attention back to Beerus, who eyes had widened to comical degrees. ".....WhAT?"

"Your not supposed to eat the fork too!" Beerus finally yelled out, grabbing a new fork and putting more noodles on it. "Metal is not the same as food!"

"ThEn i DoN't hAvE TO EAt." Error stated, only to flinch back at the intense look he got from the shorter one.

"No. That means that I have to take up the job for myself." Beerus stated ominously, lifting up the fork full of food threateningly. 

"WhAT ARe YoU tAlkING abOUt?" Error questioned, looking Beerus up and down wearily.

"If you can not eat right, then I have no choice but to feed you myself!" And with that little warning, then next thing Error knew was that Beerus was shoving the fork full of food into his mouth and down his throat! "ARHCJGHV-!"

"I will prove to you the wonders of food even if I have to make you try every food there is in my Universe to do it!" Beerus growled, not even blinking at the number of tongues that Error had in his mouth. "If I have to hand feed you every bite then so be it!"

"Hahaha!" Null giggled, clutching his bowl tighter to himself as his Daddy moved about, Void doing the same. "Daddy is funny!"

"Lord Beerus, your next course is ready-" Whis started, only to freeze in the doorway at the scene before him.

Error struggling in his seat, his two kids laughing as they are jostled about with their bowls tightly in their hold, with Beerus shoveling food after food into said skeleton's mouth. Ranting about the wonders of food and why one should eat it as he floated above the other slightly as his free hand gripped Error's face tightly as to make sure he can't close his mouth. All the while, Error looked like he has had enough - and Whis knew he still didn't see the point in food and eating when he doesn't need it. How he knew this? From Beerus's ranting and Error's muffled yelling and growling. - but couldn't fight back with the kids on his lap.

"Oh my!" Whis chuckled. "It's so nice to see them getting along!....I just hope that Lord Beerus doesn't find out about Error not needing or seeing the point in sleeping as well."

Large purple ears twitched.




-Second Month-

"Mister Beerus?"

Beerus's turned slightly to see Null and Void toddling up to him. "Yes? What is it children?"

Now, Beerus didn't usually have a fondness for children. He saw them all as little brats that needed lessons on how to behave around their superiors and other adults. Null and Void though, are not like that at all. First off, they are children of a Destroyer, no matter what Multiverse he comes from, so therefor they are already above the other children. Second off, they are polite and do not act like spoiled brats. They say please and thank you, and follow the rules set for them.

It also helped that they were adorable in their little dresses, not having grown a inch yet. Beerus had asked Error about that, as he was wondering if all Monsters grew as tall as Error, and it seems like Monsters - depending on their magic levels, who their parents are, what type they are, ect. - grow slower then other species. So Null and Void will be children for a long while yet. For some reason, Beerus is okay with that.

"Your strong right?" Null asked him, frowning up at him in concern. Void just lightly fiddled with his fingers, unnaturally quite. "Strong like Daddy?"

Beerus frowned down at them, not getting what they were going for but decided to play along. "Yes. Both of us are Destroyers, so it is logical that we are both strong." And while he has yet to see Error fight at all, he knows that Error is strong. He has to be to be a Destroyer.

"So...." Null hesitated for a moment, before getting a determined gleam in his eyes. "Can you promise us something then?"

"Oh?" Beerus raised his brows, interested in where this was going. "I would have to hear what you are asking for first before I promise you both anything."

"Pro'tect Daddy!" Void answered suddenly before Null could, looking up at Beerus pleadingly. Beerus flinched back in shock, not knowing what to say to that or if he even heard that right. "What did you just say?" Beerus asked back in answer.

"Daddy's strong, I know he is!" Null paused, biting his lip. "But those stories about the other place, the one with the creator and Fate.....I don't want Daddy to get hurt anymore!" Null looked up at Beerus, eye sockets watering. "But your strong too! So you can protect Daddy like Daddy protects us!"

"I see...." Beerus hummed in thought. It seems like the things Error has told him and Whis about his own Multiverse has scared his children for his safely. And after hearing about Beerus himself, they came to the conclusion that he could protect Error if this 'Inky' or Fate came for Error. It was flattering that the kids knew he was so strong if nothing else.

"And why would I make such a promise?" Beerus asked instead of agreeing right off the bat, curious how far the kids would go for it.

"Because Daddy would protect you without a promise." Null answered straight away, determination in his sockets with a steel edge. "So why can't you do the same for Daddy?"

'Where would they get that idea from?' Beerus frowned confused at the little tiny bones's conviction that Error would fight to protect him. 'Have they seen something that I have not?' It is said that children see things that adults can not because their minds are less clouded and more open then adults are. Or is it all in their minds.

"Well, I suppose that I can make such a promise as you three are my guests." Beerus hummed, deciding to make the promise to try and see how these Monsters tick and work. And besides, it's like he said. They are his guests and under his protection while so. For them to get hurt while this is a fact would be a insult and smear on his honor. "I promise to protect your Father, Error, and yourselves while you live with me. That is all I can promise you, if you live in another planet or Universe, then you are on your own with your Father if something happens."

Null's face brightened while Void clapped his hands. "T'ank you~"

"Your welcome, now I know Whis has hidden some sweets." Beerus smirked and raised a brow in question. What can he say? These kids were growing on him. Such ballsy little terrors they are. Never has children came up to him and do this after all. They deserved a reward for it if nothing else. "Why don't you come with me to find said sweets?"


-Third Month-

"So these are Codes huh?" Beerus hummed in question, looking at the little portal filled to the brim with numbers, letters, and symbols of all kinds form many different worlds.

"yEs. NoRmaLLy i CouLD sEE EvERyTHinG, bUt tHiS iS tOo DiFFerENt FOR ME tO mAke SenSE oF." Error explained to the other Destroyer, frowning at the strain the normally wouldn't be there as he keeps the portal open. Usually it too little to no effort to open one, let alone read it. "ThE SyMbOLS ArE oNEs i hAve NevER saW, ThE NUMbErs aND lEttERs aRE tOO, NevER miND thE oRdER oF tHEM aLL. THe VERy fOuNdAtIOn, nAtuRE, lAws AnD rULEs aRE tOO DifFEreNT FoR mE To Do MUCh WiTH THEm."

"Is that right?" Beerus sighed, crossing his arms behind his head and leaning against the tree they were sitting by. Everyone was outside right now. After hearing the kids had never had a picnic before, Whis had set everything up for them to have their very first one. Right now, Null, Void and Whis were playing a yard or so away from the two Destroyers, running around laughing. "Can you not destroy worlds or universe now then?"

"NO." Error shook his head after thinking about it for a moment. "CoDEs aRE eaSY tO deSTRoY EvEn iF i cAN't ReaD tHEM, i'M jUSt DesTRoyINg THEm, CruCHinG thEM, i DO noT NEEd tO ReaD THEm REaLLy. It JUSt mAkES tHInGS mEssIEr. BUt tHIS mULtiVeRSE iS moRE ComPLiCaTED tHEM mINe, SO i CaN't OFF tHE enTiRe UniVERsE UNlEsS i pUt iN a ToN oF EffORT, mAgIC, AnD enErGY iNTo IT. So muCH So THAt iT maY evEn HuRT mE iF i Do IT." Error then shrugged, lazily watching his kids chase after Whis, who was running in a comical slow manner. "BuT WoRLds? PlanETS? YEs. THoSE WouLD sTIlL TaKE mORe CoNCEnTRaTIOn ThEn i'M uSed TO, BUt noT bY mUCh. At lEasT hErE i DOn't haVe tO KIll oFF aLL liVIng bEings ON iT bEfORe destroyiNg a WoRLd, No VOID hErE....." Error trailed off, eyes glazing over.

Beerus opened a eye, glancing to Error. Finally he sighed, sitting up with a stretch. "Ah, I guess it can't be helped!" swiftly twisting his body, he sharply pointed to Error, who just blinked in confusion. "This is my Universe! Any destroying of Worlds will be done by me!" Beerus smirked cockily, watching the other sag in relief, like a weight was taken off his shoulders, but also looking conflicted. "You may be a Destroyer, but this is my job here! And I'm the best there is, so I have no need for you to help out!" Turning his head away and crossing his arms, he muttered to himself. "You should be focusing on healing anyway...."

Whis grinned, hand coming up to cover his mouth as he chuckled at what he was hearing. 'It seems your making a friend.' He had never seen Beerus so concerned for another, not wanting someone to show their power just because they didn't want to. But it was cute how he was trying, like a rough child trying make his friend feel better. 'I wonder if this was their plan all along....And if this will lead to something else.'

"GOT YOU~" Null cheered, latching onto Whis's leg.

Whis gave a dramatic gasp as Void giggled, also clinging onto Whis's other leg. "Oh no! How will I ever escape such cuteness!"

"Nyha~" Void giggled, blowing a kiss up at Whis, making said alien clinch his chest as if his heart was going to burst out.



-Fourth Month-

"Here! Try this one!"

Error was very tempted to just slam his head down onto the tree he was leaning on. Yesterday, Whis mentioned that having a picnic would be fun. The kids asked what that was, making Whis horrified. It only got worse when Error admitted to not knowing what it was as well, so the tall haired alien decided that they must have a picnic. Error folded quickly once Null and Void asked for one, and once Whis said he would make Beerus's favorite food Beerus was all for it.

So now here Error was, having food shoveled down his bony throat and into his ecto-stomach. Sad thing is that he is getting used to this, which may be a problem but is he going to do anything about it?

'Too much work.....but that's life.' Error sighed, trying to shove Beerus's hand away from him. "i'M FuLL."

"You barely even ate anything!" Beerus huffed, a spoon full of something pink in his hand, his free hand firmly holding onto Error's trench coat. "Now you are going to try this delight! It's called-"

Error tuned the other destroyer out, looking out to where Null and Void were giggling, giving each other food to share and looking more happy then ever. Whis's face could put the sun to shame with how much he was beaming at them all as he shoveled more food into his own face and onto others plates as well. Error could admit that Whis made a ton of food that looked very pretty, but it just made him more apprehensive to eat it. He ruined everything, food included most likely.

"HEY!" Beerus yelled shaking the skeleton, only to still when Error went tense and slack at the same time, eyes shooting to him with something dark and fearful shinning in them. But not at him, at his yelling. Beerus has learned the hard way that sudden screaming and yelling usually made Error twitchy at best, and while Beerus has yet to see the worse end of the spectrum, he had no plans to if he could help it. Taking in a deep breath, Beerus held up the spoon once more and went on in less of a yell. "Are you even listening to me?!"

"nO." Error honestly told the other as he shook his head in response, making Beerus's eyes twitch in anger. The spoon was soon snapped in-half in the purple destroyer's hand. The pink substance flicking off onto the ground. Then before Error could even think of moving, Beerus lunged for all he was worth.




Whis could only hide a smile at the two destroyers rolling around on the ground, growling and gently pushing and hitting one another. Or as gently as they can that is. But he knew they were not aiming to really hurt one another. If that was the case, then there would be a crater by now or even a whole lot of rubble because there wouldn't be a island anymore.

Null blinked while Void laughed at the scene in front of them. "What's going on?" Null asked in confusion while Void giggled at seeing Beerus trying to strangle his Daddy with his scarf, only to yelp one Error used his longer arms to pull on the cat-like Destroyer's ears.

"Don't worry Little Lords, they're just play fighting." Whis waved off any concern, laughing gently over the cursing and insults in the background. "Now; Who wants some candy?"

"I do!" Null quickly answered in excitement. Void quickly turned his attention to the tallest one. "Me too~"

"YOU CHILD! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST EAT?! EAT IT!" Beerus yelled out, suddenly grabbing a bread roll that really wasn't bread and trying to shove it into Error's mouth as he held onto the other's scarf, pulling him up as his legs tried to keep Error down and in place.

"GeT tHAt AwAY FROm mE!" Error growled in irritation, trying to push it away. Feeling annoyed, Error harshly pulled on the long ear in his hold. Beerus's eyes widened to comical degrees, tears shooting out like a explosion.

"LET GOOOO!" Beerus cried out, now actively trying to strangle Error with the scarf as he tried to pull his ear out from the other's hold.

"GEt OfF mE!" Was all Error said - more like roared - in reply, swinging his body around so that he was above Beerus. Sadly said skeleton forgot about Beerus's hold on his scarf. Error's eye lights went out as he was strangled by Beerus trying to pull him back down. In retaliation Error's hands shot out to grab onto the wrist of the hand holding on and the other going for the ears once more.






"Ohohoh~" Whis laughed at the fighting in front of him, moving food out of the way so that the two destroyers didn't destroy it in their play fighting. "They get along so well~"

"Go Daddy~" Void cheered, arms waving as he watched the little fight in front of him.

"Fight, fight, win~" Null cheered right along, a green sweet from another world in his hands. "Win Daddy~"


"-cAT! WeLL?! WhAT aRE yOU goINg To DO ABouT iT KiTTeN?!-ARARCH!"


"So well~" Whis cooed out, closing his eyes in bliss. "Everything is so much livelier~"

-Fifth Month-

"I ReALlY DoN'T tHiNK tHIS iS a GOoD iDeA." Error warned the purple one for about the tenth time. "I ReALlY Do NOT tHInK tHIS iS a GOOd IDEa AnD iT's GOINg To End hORRiBLy." Error emphasized in case the other didn't hear him.

"Tch!" Beerus scoffed, waving off the taller one's concern. "It'll be fine! Besides, this is something I have wanted to try out for a while anyway." He admitted with a shrug but determined glint in his eyes, mind wondering back to when he first saw Error doing this before he shook his head. Beerus moved his legs into a defensive stance, hands getting into position. "Now come on! Show me your power!"

"....FiNE, YOu AskEd For IT." Error scoffed, lifting his uncovered hands, blue magical strings coming to life and moving but keeping his hand steady. "BUT i'M waRniNG YOU; I'M THe oNlY onE iN my MulTIvErSE, So THErEfoR I'M THE bEsT."

"And also the worst if you go by that logic." Beerus pointed out, a smirk working it's way up on his face. "Now, enough talk. Lets begin shall we?" Turning his head, Beerus looked to where Whis was standing with the children. "Whis! Make sure to referee this fairly!"

"Of course Lord Beerus." Whis gave a single nod, then lifted up his free hand like a referee does. Null and Void both plopped down, eyes lighting up in excitement. "Are both sides ready?"

Both Destroyers nodded. Faces grim and looking ready for war.

"Then GO!" Whis called out, hand coming down and small smile never leaving his face.

Beerus swiped his hands back just as Error's fingers twitched, making the blue strings elegantly move about. Two set of eyes glared at one another before the sound of wood knocking on wood sounded out as limbs moved about. With a curse, Beerus's eye twitched. A punch was sent forward-!

And Error's wooden puppet just KO-ed Beerus's.

"Winner; Error!" Whis called out, arm going out to point to Error's side to show the winning side. Null and Void cheered in response, watching in awe at their Father's puppet that was now elegantly doing ballet.

"This is not fair!" Beerus called out, glaring at the strings in his own hands before glaring at Error's puppet. "You didn't even move your hands! Just a twitch of the fingers!"

"i ToLD yOU; i'M THe ONLy pUPPet mAsTEr IN mY MUlTivErSE. TherEfoR THE bEsT." Error told the fuming cat destroyer, playing around with the puppet to entertain the kids.

"OH COME ON! THE PUPPET IS MADE OUT OF WOOD!" Beerus scowled as Error made his puppet bend in ways that wood should not be able to do. It was like Error made the puppet alive, his strings doing the impossible. "HOW IS IT DOING THAT!?"

"talENt." Error deadpanned, fingers barely even moving as the puppet suddenly did a very complex move that should be very impossible for wood to do. Defying all logic as it twisted and doing the impossible right in front of Beerus's eyes.


-Sixth Month-

"So that's a Gaster Blaster huh..." Beerus hummed, watching said Blaster fly around with the three skeletons on top of it. "And it can go even faster then that too..."

"Hmm, yes." Whis nodded in agreement, watching how Error sat down on the huge skull calmly with his kids in his lap cheering as they fly around in the air. "Lord Error said that they are the fastest Blasters in his own Multiverse. They can go much faster then they are now, but the Little Lords wouldn't be able to handle that."

"I suppose that makes sense in a way." Beerus scratched his ear, listening the the laughing children. "To be the only Destroyer, he must be fast to get the job done in time before everything collapses. Faster then his Kai at the least."

"Yes, I still remember the race you had with him last week; He left you the dust. Literally." Whis chuckled while Beerus looked away with a scoff, cheeks turning pink in embarrassment. "And not even a little bit tired after running around for miles at high speeds where as you did give a tiny bit of sweat. Lord Error doesn't sleep, doesn't need food, and hasn't shown much tiredness but mental and emotional." Whis tilted his head, finger going to his chin in thought. "I think he has more stamina and speed then any of the Destroyers here. Those two things he needed in spades for doing his job which is admittedly more complicated and important then ours. His had more at stake if he failed. I wonder if they have found a new Destroyer? If not then they're screwed."

'To go days on end destroying, no years, because of someone who can't stop...' Beerus sighed, closing his eyes in thought. "I suppose that would be the case. He has mentioned always being on the go, therefor he unconsciously trained himself way pass the brink and just kept going no matter what. Eventually making his stamina and speed going through the roof. And that's not counting what his version of Fate has done to him and given him." Beerus's eyes snapped open, a smirk growing on his face. "Stamina and speed are fine ways to win and are very much needed to truly be strong and powerful....But I want to know his full power. Everything combined into one fight; Strength, mental and physical, will, soul, his magic, speed, stamina, tactics, tricks and moves!"

"You could force him to fight if you truly wanted to Lord Beerus." Whis pointed out reasonably, face carefully blank. "If you went after him with the intent to harm, he would protect him and his."

Beerus opened his mouth, but clipped it shut once he heard glitched laughter mixing in with childish once. He thought back on everything, and decided no, he would never do that. This skeleton was broken in ways that he could not imagine, and forcing him to fight wouldn't be honorable or fair to do. It wouldn't be a fair fight, it wouldn't matter who wins in the end with how shattered Error still is. It wouldn't be a win no matter if he won with how unfair it would be. It had nothing to do with the fact that Beerus had gained a soft spot for the family, nothing at all.

"No." Beerus turned his head away from Whis, eyes never straying from the Gaster Blaster and the three on top of it laughing in joy. "Doing so would not make a fair fight. I can wait for him to be ready to spar with me on his own time."

Whis smiled, eyes glittering. "Yes, you and Error have all the time in the world after all." Whis then looked up at the sky, laughing to himself. 'How much you have changed Lord Beerus, and for the better I might add.' Light purple eyes caught sight of the three skeletons in the sky. 'Is this what the other powers had in mind? Or something else? Maybe more? If so, then I think it is just going to get more interesting after this!'

-Seventh Month-

"Is there even a food you do like?" Beerus asked as he munched on some type of meat dish across from Error at the table.

It was late at night, the kids asleep and Whis off doing who knows what. Beerus, who was in his nightgown, decided to get something to eat before he went off for his cat nap. Sleeping years away is something he hasn't considered doing anymore, as Error and his children held most of his attention now. But napping and normal sleeping? Something he would never give up like Error has.

Error decided to sit with him, feeling thankful that Beerus wasn't shoving food at him, and watched the fish swim about in the underwater dinning room with floating chairs. The fish reminded him of different AU's dealing with water and pirates, or even the navy. Also some fantasy ones Error decided as one fish with two heads swam by that was bigger then him by at least fifteen feet.

"....i lIKE chOcOlaTE." Error frowned, thinking to all the times he stole chocolate, only to get beaten for it later. But that was so many years ago, so much so that he is surprised he remembers what's it called and looks like. Seeing the confusion on the face of the one sitting across from him, Error elaborated. "iT'S a SwEET tHAt cAN CoME iN mAny DiFFeREnt flAvORS AnD bE uSeD iN mAnY DIshES FRoM whAT i cAN RemEmBER abOUT iT." Error tilted his head back in thought, a sad smirk on his face. "i ReAllY lIKEd iT....i mISS iT, BUt i LEaRNed TO liVe WiTHouT iT. BEsiDEs, i Can'T RemEmbER whAT iT tAsTS lIKE anymORE."

'Chocolate, remember that word.' Beerus told himself absentmindedly before asking another question that has been bugging him for a while. "And what about sleep? I know you say you don't need it, but you don't have a reason not to anymore. It's not like you have to leave at any moment to go off another universe or world."

He watch the skeleton freeze, hands going up to scratch at his skull as his eyes glazed over. And while Error was healing up nicely with their help, he still had numerous scars, chips and scratches all over him, some of which Beerus knew would never fully go away. He didn't want Error to make them worse or reopen any of them. So he opened his mouth to tell him to stop and even retract his question only for Error to open his mouth.

"NiGHtmAREs." Beerus's mouth shut quickly, watching with narrow eyes as Error shivered. "tHE VoICes, THe scREAMinG nEvER goES aWAy! i hEaR tHEm anD FEEl thE pAin AlL oVeR." Error shivered, thinking about all the screams and hatred that waited for him in his dreams. "iT'S bEsT noT To slEEP. NO mORe huRT, no MOre VoicES. nO mORe FAtE oR iNKY-!?"

Error froze, another pair of hands grabbing onto his, making him stop his scratching. Glancing up, he was greeted with a Beerus glaring down at him with no real heat to it. The humanoid cat was kneeling in front of Error on the table, most likely jumping to the area before Error had time to react.

Softly, the purple hands moved the bony hands back down away from the skull.

"There is no need for that." Beerus quietly stated, frown painted on his face. "Your 'Voices' can not reach you here, nor can anyone else for that matter." Here Beerus smirked cockily. "You think that I, the greatest and most powerful Destroyer, will let anyone take or harm my guests? No. I will deal with anyone who comes for you and the kids, and I will enjoy stopping them permanently." Beerus then glared down at the confused skeleton. "Now, we just need to find out how to stop your nightmares is all. I'm sure there are remedies that could work for you, all we need to do is try and find one or two that works. I'm not going to give up on you, so you better get used to eating and sleeping quickly! I will not have you passing out on me from lack of sleep or food, no matter how much you say you don't need them; Do you understand me?!"

Error looks up at the other Destroyer blankly, before a sad broken chuckle broke through. Beerus can only stare at the other in shock once tears start to fall from the sockets. Slowly letting go of the hands he was holding, Beerus lifted his hands only to stop mere inches from the tears running down.

"ThAnk YOu." Error whispered, a broken smile growing on his face. His hands went to wipe the tears away, but they just kept coming as he couldn't believe it. Someone who wouldn't give up on him. And better yet, someone who can understand him not giving up on him. 'Thank you for saying words that I never thought I would hear. Thank you for caring. Thank you for trying. Thank you for understanding where others can't. Thank you for not giving up on me.'

"Tch, look at you....crying for nothing." Beerus whispered, glancing away from the other, but not leaving or going away. Hands still hovering near the tears, not moving a inch. "But....your welcome."

Unknown to them, Whis was leaning by the door listening in to every word. He smiled gently, eyes closing in thought. 'I think I understand now...'

-Eighth Month-

"This has got to work!" Beerus grinned in his nightgown right in front of his bed that was not floating at the moment. Null and Void, also in little nightgowns in the colors azure and pastel orange respectfully, was climbing up into the bed. "This is going to work!"

"YoU sAId THAt thE lAsT TimE." Error pointed out, dressed in a red T-shirt and his black pants with his scarf and coat off and folded and now laying on a nearby rock along with his shoes, gloves and socks. "AnD WhIlE lEaRniNG daNCes FRom oTHer WorlDs WaS FuN, i CouLdn'T slEEp aFtER oUR lEssON WiTH WhiS tHAt lAstED a WHoLE DaY."

"I know, but this one is going to work." Beerus tugged Error to the bed. "You said the last time you slept peacefully was when the children first slept with you. I think that if you sleep by another person, it will starve off the nightmares." Error grunted when Beerus forcibly shoved him into the bed. Error snorted in humor, his feet and legs dangling off the circler bed because of how tall he was. Null and Void quickly went and curled up on one side of his body, faces grinning as the yawned.

"Whis, make sure that I don't sleep too long as usual." Beerus commanded and got a nod in return - Whis was gushing silently behind his hand, and trying to not laugh aloud at Error's tired yet dumbfounded face - before turning back to Error. "With me and the children here on either side of you, the nightmares will not be able to touch you. We will be your wall." Beerus then crawled in the bed, curling on it and having to curl over Error's chest to fit on the bed with everyone else on it. Laying his head down on the skeleton's chest, Beerus was surprised to hear a beat, almost like a heart yet not quite. 'Must be his Soul...' Closing his eyes, he listened to it for a moment. 'Soothing.' "Now just relax and don't worry about it. I'll destroy all the nightmares for you before they can get to you."

Error just watched as Whis left. Then he just laid there, not really doing anything as he watched the children fall asleep easily. Feeling the breathing and the weight on top of him, Error slowly relaxed.

He could feel his kids breathing, their magic, their SOUL beats. He could also feel Beerus's breath, his heart beat, and while he couldn't feel his SOUL beat, he could feel his aura. It all washed over Error, making him close his eye sockets as he tried to feel it all.

Slowly a smirk worked it's way up Beerus's face as he cracked one eye open and glanced up. Error's eyes closed, steadily breathing, and face peaceful. Holding back a snort, Beerus closed his eye to go to sleep. 'I told you it would work.'

The next morning, when Whis checked up on them and saw that all four of them were sleeping peacefully and curled up on Error who was smiling in his sleep with his arms wrapped around the others, he waved his staff. A list appeared in front of him, showing all the different attempts they tried to make Error sleep or the ones they recorded anyway. Swiftly flicking his hand, it showed the newest and now last plan. With a delighted smile, Whis moved his fingers, making it all light up green.

Attempt Number; Lost Count Three Days Ago.

Plan - Protective Wall! 


-Ninth Month-

"WhIS." Whis blinked before turning to look at Error, who was sitting down by the lake. Null and Void running around not too far away from them, playing some type of game. Beerus was off in his room, taking a cat nap alone. Although he tried to get Error to join him much to Error's annoyance and Whis's amusement. It took a while, but Beerus finally went off alone to take a hour or two nap.

"Yes Lord Error?" Whis inquired with a smile.

Error glanced to where he children played, running around with smiles and laughter. "iS.....IS it OKaY mE bEiNG hErE?"

"What do you mean Lord Error?" Whis asked, confusion on his face as he frowned his brows but kept his smile. "Lord Beerus is fine with you here as well as I, so you don't have to worry about that-"

Error shook his head, looking up to where Whis was standing. "ThAt'S noT whAT i MEanT." Error tilted his head and Whis's smile left his face at the concern and worry on the usually go-with-the-flow skeleton. "i mEanT If iT wAs okAY WItH oTHer'S. i'M a DesTRoYEr ToO, BUt NoT oF tHIS mULtiVErSE. WOuLDn't THat caUSe TroUBLE FoR yOU anD bEErUS?" Error glanced to the lake, frowning in thought. "thE oTHer DestRoYERs aND whOevER elSE WouLDn'T liKE tHIs RIgHT? yOUr CreATORs WouLDn't LIke ME HErE RiGHT?"

A hand softly touched his shoulder, making Error's head snap back to see Whis was now sitting on his knees by him, a gentle smile on his face but a steely glint in his eyes was telling a different story.

"Lord Error, I swear to you that even if anyone has any problem with you and the children it will not matter." Whis suddenly grinned, making shivers go down Error's spin. That was not a nice grin, in fact it would have looked more in place on a insane psychopath. And Error has met more then he can count of those, so he would know. "Lord Beerus is fond of you and the children, as am I. The Little Lords are just so cute you know? If any have any complaints, then we will deal with them, okay?" Whis gave a bright grin, making Error nod quickly in agreement.

Patting his shoulder, Whis stood up and glanced down at Error with a smile. "We will fight for you Error, for you and your family." Whis chuckled as he walked to the children to play with them. "How can we not when your out family too?" To Whis, that was what Error and his children were, family. They made the place brighter and kept him and Beerus on their toes. And although Beerus would never admit it, Whis knew he would fight tooth and nail to keep them safe from anything and anyone. Just like Whis would do if it came down to it.

'If Fate or any other being or even other Gods came here looking to take Error back to his old Multiverse...' Here Whis smiled grimly, eyes shadowed for a moment. 'Then they are in for a nasty surprise.' Shaking that thought out of his head, he quickly jumped into the kids play time to join them. "Little Lords~" 


"Yay! Whis~"

'Family....' A red and yellow tipped bony hand went to the chest, the other covered the mouth. 'Is that what we all are? Family? What is a family really? Like what I had with the Charas? Or is it something else?' Error clutched his chest, his SOUL warming yet sinking at the same time. Error looked to where the others were playing before looking up at the tree with the buildings on it where Beerus slept.

'Will I fail this family too?'

-Tenth Month-

"hErE." Beerus blinked in shock as Error shoved something in his hands. Both Destroyers standing in a hallway with a open wall, showing the forest outside and light shooting inside the hallway from natural light.

Blinking, Beerus looked down only to be more confused then ever. It was a small box filled with dolls. Shifting around, he found a doll of himself, Whis, Error, Null, and Void. There was even a plush doll of the planets surrounding their home. All of them were really well done and looked hand made, button eyes gleaming up at him as he lifted the Error doll.

"What is this for?" Beerus asked in confusion, putting the Error doll back with the others to turn his attention to Error. He knew Error had asked for sewing materials, along with knitting supplise and fabrics with some other random things. Beerus saw no harm in it and had dent Whis off to get some items. Next thing the Destroyer knew, Whis had brought so much that they had to put everything in a large room that was as wide as a normal house. They decided to make it Error's hobby room in the end, because Whis said it would help his mind heal so Beerus saw no problem with it.

In fact, Error has been making things like a workshop. Beerus already saw Null and Void running around in new clothing and holding dolls, their favorite from what Beerus could see was a Error doll.

Null now wore a off the shoulder azure dress that swayed as he walked, stopping at his knees. It had black bows on the right and left hip along with one on the chest and it red buttons in the middle of the bows. The dress also had some red and black flowers stitched on carefully, weaving elegantly about. He wore a azure newsboy hat that also had a black bow on it and a big red button. His shoes had little heels on them and a black ribbon bow on the ankle. Error even made Null a little long strapped bag made with the same design for him to carry things in it. Apparently Error had added magic into it, making it larger on the inside so that Null could fit more then what it could have fit.

Void was now wearing a long pastel orange dress that puffed at the end just above his ankles. The bottom was frilly and a darker shade of orange. It was buttoned up with yellow buttons and over top of the dress Void was wearing a blue cardigan that also had yellow buttons. The dress had some yellow and blue flowers carefully stitched on elegantly. Void now had on a pastel orange cloche hat with blue flowers with yellow buttons in them. His shoes had on little heels as well, but the shoes were yellow and orange with a blue bow on the front of them. Error also made him the same type of bag he made for Null, only it of course had on Void's clothing design on it instead of Null's.

Then Error fixed up his trench coat so it had less holes, but with his own magical strings so the stitching on the trench coat glowed slightly, made better better black pants for himself, and a sturdier red T-shirt for himself.

All that and the new dolls? Beerus was honestly impressed. But he also made a mental note to drag Error out of the room to sleep some time soon. That and shovel more food down his throat. Don't want him missing the wonders of food after all.

"i mAdE tHEm FOr YOU. i AlSo haVe SOmE foR WhIS." Error stated, looking down at Beerus as he shifted his feet. "iT'S a GiFt.....A..." Error glanced to the side, a light yellow blush on his cheeks. "a THanK YOU."

'A 'Thank you'?' Peering up at Error, and silently laughing at the other's flustered face as it was a first to see that kind of face on the taller one, Beerus titled his head with a slight glare. "A thank you for what may I ask?"

Error immediately locked eyes with Beerus, eyes focused and serious as he answered. "EvERyTHiNG."

With that, Error turned and left. Going to get the other box and give it to Whis. Beerus watched as he left, only looking down at the box once the other was out of sight.

"....Everything huh..." Lifting the Error doll once more, he noticed the doll was smiling. Error usually doesn't smile. Smirk and sometimes grin, yes. But smile? The only time that really stood out was when he cried that one night, once he admitted the nightmares.

Softly putting the doll back, Beerus turned and started heading to a safe room to put the dolls in. Not wanting to loose them or accidentally destroy them.

"A thank you for what may I ask?"


"You idiot.....I've not done anything worth thanking for...." A broken sad smile and tears falling down dark cheeks would not leave his mind. Glancing down at the same face but on a doll, it's happy carefree smile beaming up at him. "When you can smile freely without tears or worry......then you can thank me."

Because that means that Error would finally be healed, or at the least as much healed as he can be. Beerus has became fond of Error, seeing him as a friend. Something of which he never really had before. He would hate to sleep years at a time now, because that means leaving Error alone for so many years. It would make him feel like those trash from Error's home Multiverse. And Beerus the Destroyer is not trash thank you very much. He's better then every single Monster and person in that Multiverse. Error giving him this gift proves it, thanking him for something that shouldn't have to be thanked for.

"A thank you for what may I ask?"


Beerus scoffed, ignoring his hot cheeks. "That idiot."

-Eleventh Month-

"Here, have another one."

"Thank you~"

"Thank you Mister Beerus!" 

Whis sighed through his nose at his Lord Beerus. Really, he spoiled the Little Lords too much! It was going to make them sick!

Right now Beerus was giving the kids sweets from another planet that Whis had gotten not too long ago. Right now they were sitting outside under a tree in a clearing. Beerus sat next to Error who was knitting a blue scarf, both sitting crisscross. Null and Void sat in front of the Destroyers, dolls off all kinds surrounding them. Apparently they were skeleton Monsters of different AU's that Error has seen. The skeleton Destroyer had mentioned he used to have a collection of dolls of the different skeleton Monsters in the AU's, mostly Sanses as he was their counterpart. That and the SOULS, it made him feel less lonely at times and gave him something to do before the Voices started again.

While Whis was worried about being surrounded by dolls of the people who hurt you could do to Error's mental state, Beerus was more interested in the SOUL collection that Error had. Seems that he needed them in the Anit-VOID as time is meaningless there, so therefor it stopped them from RESTARTING the Universe he destroyed.

It was confusing to the two others, but fascinating. Their Multiverses were so different. Sure, they had the Kais who were the creation to their destruction, but they could not interfere with life. Just thinking of a out of control Kai who would not stop creating made shivers go down Whis's spin.


Whis jolted out of his thoughts at the call. Smiling, he turned to see Beerus scratching his ear, the kids munching on their sweets and Error knitting but not once looking at his hands as he watched what everyone else was doing. That impressed Whis, knitting was hard, but Error made it look so easy as his hands went to town and he wasn't even looking at it!

Shaking off his thoughts, he gave his attention to Beerus. "Yes Lord Beerus?"

"We need more sweets." Beerus told him plainly.

Before Whis could open his mouth, Error elbowed Beerus upside the head with annoyed face. Not once stopping his knitting or messing it up, impressing Whis even further.

"ThEy'VE hAD ENoUGH SwEETs tO lAsT THEm a WeEK. No mORE." Error told the other, knowing that a normal Monster could not live like he could and did. Babybones especially; they needed a lot of calcium. So milk and the like. "ThEY nEEd CAlCiUM iF tHEY wANt TO GrOW tALl aNd hEalTHy."

"But-!" Beerus started to protest only for Error to give him a firm glare, making him shut his mouth.

"NO!" Turning to look at the kids, who were just looking up at them in interest, Error decided to nip this whole thing at the bud. "bOyS? Do YOu wANt To BE TaLL lIke ME?"

When Null's and Void's eye sockets lit up and stars glowed in them, Error knew he won.

"Yeah! I want to be tall like Daddy!" Null excitedly stated, crawling up to said Daddy with sweets smeared on his face.

"I wanna be taller then Daddy!" Void jumped up with that declaration, fists going into the air as his pearls clanked together. "Taller!"

Turning his head with a smirk, Error raised a brow at Beerus pouting face. "No mORe SWeETs FOR nOW, iT'LL mAke THEm siCK AnD roT ThEir TEETh. We'RE skElEtONs, TeEtH aRE IMpoRtAnT EvEN iF wE havE mOuTHS anD lIPS."

"Tch!" Beerus frowned before sticking his tongue out at the other Destroyer. Said other Destroyer rolled his eyes before sticking out his five tongues out in retaliation.

Both Whis's and Beerus's eyes widened to comical degrees at this new knowledge that was in front of them.

"Oh my~" Whis gasped, hand going to his mouth.

"HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THIS SOONER?!" Beerus exploded, hand going out as if to touch the tongues, only to grunt in pain as Error elbowed him once more only this time on his waist.

"nOT mY fAUlT YOU juST StUFF fOOd iN mY mOuTH WiTHouT tHOuGHt." Error muttered while Beerus rubbed his waist from the elbow hit. Null and Void just laughed at the two, used to how they acted and reacted to one another.

Whis sighed once more, only this time in amusement. While Lord Beerus may spoil the children with food, mostly sweets, Error would always pull him back before he could do any damage. And yes, Error also spoiled his children with items and objects, but Beerus also pulled him back. Complaining about all the time Error spent in his hobby room and dragging him out everyday to make sure he ate and slept some or even just to hang out with him, not that he will say it like that or admit it.

'Lord Error really is Godsend!' Anime tears fell from Whis's eyes, hands clasped together and ignoring the bickering behind him mixing in with children's laughter. 'Truly! He keeps a better leash on Beerus then I ever could!'

"Fine! But tomorrow-"

"WhO'S kiDs aRE thEse AgAIN?!"

-A Full Year-

"What was it again?" Beerus sighed, eyes closed as he leaned back onto his chair, arms folded behind his head. A flash of what he was trying to remember went off in his head, but it didn't stay. It was like he couldn't grasp it, it was too far out of his reach. "It's on the tip of my tongue but I can't remember.....It has been a year since I thought about it but I did have that dream again....."


"Ah!" Whis giggled while the children clung to his legs in alarm. "Do not worry Little Lords, that is Lord Beerus's alarm clock." He leans down to wink at them with a grin. "He's a very heavy sleeper you know!"


'Although it is ironic that Lord Beerus is asleep at this moment.' Whis chuckled to himself as he and the children walked up the stairs to Lord Beerus's room. 'Poor Lord Error though! Probably wasn't expecting this wake up call....and just when he was starting getting comfortable with sleeping.'


"-Up BEeRUS!!!" Was the roar that greeted Whis, Null and Void once they opened the door into the room. Hourglasses flouting in little bubbles.

One hourglass finally stopped, then-


"BEErUS! WAkE UP!" Error roared once more from the bed.

"Lord Beerus! It's been a full year!" Whis called out as the kids hid behind his legs. "You told me to leave the alarms on remember?!"

"WaKE uP!" Error snapped trying to get out from the other Destroyer's hold. Waking up from a nap from a explosion was not a nice thing for Error, for a moment he thought that Inky or others had found him and were causing a mess to get to him. But instead it seems like those alarm clocks did more then he thought they did. Now here he was trying to get Beerus's arms off from around his neck as he tried to wake the sleeping cat up. "bEErUS, NOw!"

"Noooo~" Beerus whined out, yawning. "Just a while more Error~"



Error growled while Beerus tried to tug him back down onto the bed. Hourglasses were now making others explode along with them. "nO! Up! uP! NoW!!"

"I don' wanna~" Beerus yawned, leaning against Error about to go back into dream land. He was having such a interesting dream....Now who was he fighting again?

Error eventually snarled, sharply picking up Beerus bride style making him yelp. "tHAt'S iT!" Jumping down just as Whis waved his staff, making the hourglasses stop before they could all go off. Error landed swiftly on his feet, only to let go of Beerus. With a yelp, Beerus grabbed onto Error as he fell, making the skeleton fall with him. "YoU SoN oF-!"

Whis sighed, looking at the singed Destroyers. Now he was going to have to fight with Lord Beerus on getting a bath now. Maybe if he used the Little Lords against him? Whis hid a smirk. Beerus let go of Error with a yawn, scratching at his ear with his foot. Error grumbled, rubbing his neck now that Beerus finally let go of him. 'It's a fight to wake up every time he sleeps! Only this time bombs were involved.....How is this my life now?'

"I'm up! Happy now?" Beerus grumbled as he stretched. He ignored Error's grumbling as he laid down on the ground as if he was going to sleep again. Too bad for him Error knew what he was planing and kept nudging him with his bony foot. Beerus huffed, eye twitching as Error snickered.

"I would be happier after you get a bath, both of you are singed!" Whis pointed at them, making them look up with a blink. "And Lord Beerus, you haven't bathed in a year! You must have mold behind your ears by now."

"Whis, how about I destroy you-" Beerus's threat was cut off but Null and Void cheering, running up to Error, but making sure not to touch him as he was dirty.

"Family bath time?!" Void asked in excitement, bouncing up and down and nearly falling flat on his face if Null wasn't holding his hand.

Error shrugged, seeing no problem in it. Warm baths were nicer then lakes and waterfalls in his opinion. "SuRE."

"I don't want a bath-!" Beerus's words died in his throat when both kids turned their water eyes to him. Null pouted, hand going out and tugging at his nightgown. "You don't want to join us? No family bath time?"

"That's not-!" Beerus stumbled with his words. "I can't just join you! Error! Tell them I can't!"

"WhAT?" Error didn't see the big deal about sharing a bath. He does it with the kids after all. What was the problem with sharing? It wasn't like Beerus had a small bath, it was as big as a lake. "yOu cAN jOIN uS." He ignored the others spluttering and Whis's laughter as he stood. Popping his bones with a sigh, Error glanced down at a still stuttering Beerus. "ARE yOU coMINg oR Do i nEEd tO cARRY yOU aGAIN?"


After taking a bath with Error, Null and Void, Beerus wanted to try some dragon meat that was rumored to be the best in the Universe. So he sent Whis ahead of him, and if he didn't finish in three munites then Beerus was going to go himself to get it and destroy it all after he got the meat. After all, it has been a long while until he destroyed a world.

Error was standing near the openings in the room sticking out on a cliff, looking at everything below. Null and Void were further back in the room, playing with their dolls and puppets that Error made for them.

Beerus licked his lips, opening his eyes to glance at the hourglass floating right by him.

"Whis." Beerus called out impatiently. "Are you done yet?" After a moment of silence, he called out again more demanding. "Whis!"

Error sighed as Whis's voice called back in answer from out of nowhere. Apparently being a God here means that you can talk to other's with just your head and a bit of chi. Magic in Error's case. Boy was it a shock once Whis first tried it out on Error and it worked, nearly made him flatten everything in surprise because he had the Gaster Blasters out to play with Null and Void.

"There are still two minutes left, Lord Beerus." Whis's voice called out in answer.

With a impatient frown, Beerus stood up after a few more seconds. "I'm going. I am getting sick of all this waiting." Before Error could even think of saying 'OkAY', Beerus grabbed his arm. "And your coming with me."

"WhAT." Error's eye socket twitched, wanting to know just what Beerus was planing now.

"You have never seen me fight before." Beerus pointed out, smirking cockily. "Or, at the least not seriously fight. I'm going to show you a portion of my true power."

'When in doubt; Just go with the flow.' Error sighed, rubbing his eyes with his free hand before turning to look at the kids. "HeY YOu liTTlE TeRRoRS!" Error took in a deep breath once the boys looked to him. "We'LL bE bACk SoOn, StaY oUT oF TRoUBlE. NUlL iS iN ChArGE." Error then pointed to Void. "STAy oUt oF tHE sWEEts Or YoU'lL noT bE gETTinG aNY foR a WeEK."

"I'll be good!" Void was quick to agree while Null snickered but also agreed. "We'll be good Daddy! Come back soon~"

"We will not be gone long children." Beerus stated before glancing to Error. "Now to show you my teleporting, as the planet is not far from here I do not need Whis's help getting there quickly."

'Never should have showed him my Shortcuts-' Error's eyes widened, because the next thing he knew, he was in some type of forest listening to Whis talk in a funny manner to a yellow alien in top of some big blue dragon. Glancing around, Error was picking out what was similar to other AU's as the two Destroyers floated down to stand on top of one of the legs of the dead dragon.

A spike of energy caught Error's attention, turning to look where Whis was, the yellow alien was now a red one and much buffer looking. The energy feeling much different to Error the magic he has been around his whole life.

Ki was a strange thing to Error, who lives and fights with magic. Magic was on the spiritual side of the spectrum while Ki was on the physical side. But Error was made out of magic, he ran on magic alone. Without magic he wouldn't be able to do a lot of things he can do now, like summon his blasters or fly. With the magic in the air and land, it enables him to fly and walk on air. It also makes his moves much more powerful. But the thing about this Multiverse is that it seems to confuse his magic with Ki, and magic is in everything. Magic is a type of energy, and the what little Error could gather through trying to translate the Multiverse's Codes, it sees magic as a type of Ki. At least Beerus's home has a ton of ancient magic, it makes Error feel so much better to be surrounded by it as it helps his body heal faster.

It also helps that Error has no need to breath really, and can fly in space and high altitudes. Monsters, depending on the type, do not need to breath really. Sure, land Monsters can't breath in water, but Error is made very differently then most Monsters. And OuterTale has proven that Monsters can breath in space as long as they adapt to it, made for it or have enough magic. Theoretically, Null and Void should be fine in space as well because of all the ancient magic along with Error's that they have been sucking up. Children Monsters use the magic around them to grow at times, developing with the lands magic as well as their parents or people around them.

Error was shaken out of his thoughts at the sound of Whis's voice.

"Still I do have forty seconds left...." Whis muttered to himself, only for another voice to call out, making him turn to look up.

"Nah, times up."

Whis turned and looked up with a smile to see his Lord Beerus and Lord Error standing up on one of the legs, looking down at him. Beerus had his hands behind his back as he stared down at him while Error was looking at the transformed alien in boredom.

"It's only been two minutes and twenty seconds." Whis informed the cat Destroyer factually.

"Really?" Beerus asked in fake confusion. "It feels like I've been kept waiting for two hundred and twenty years."

"AnD yoU WouLD kNoW tHAT?" Error snorted, glancing down at Beerus. "yOUr AlWaYS sO ImpAtiEnt, onE dAy it'S GoinG To bITe You IN THE aSS." Error pointed out point blank.

"And what would you know?!" Beerus growled back with a raised brow before floating down to Whis. Error just rolled his eyes, wondering just what had crawled up in Beerus and died. 'He's been in a mood ever since waking up.' Error sighed, looking at the area surrounding him and feeling the weird Magic and Ki all around him. 'Such a young planet....much like young AU's.' Memories started to swim in his head as he looked around, no longer seeing the world around him but other worlds that were much too young but had to go.

"I keep asking you, why have you been so angry since waking up?" Whis questioned his First Lord as Beerus landed to stand right by him. "Usually you don't snap like that at Error when he pokes fun at you." Whis then turned to look down at the dead dragon they were on as did Beerus. "Besides, the thing about this dragon's meat being tasty is just a rumor."

"He should stop poking fun of me then." Beerus grumbled lowly before focusing on the dragon. "I still want to try it." Beerus stated, licking his lips. "I'm sure this thing packs a powerful punch." Beerus closes his eyes, trying to think back to that dream. "I'm sure with it I will be able to remember that guy in my dream clearly."

"A dream?" Whis questioned as Beerus opened his eyes and stood up straight. "And besides, if you want a something with a punch to help you remember, then maybe you should ask Lord Error to hit you with all his strength. Maybe he would actually do it if you said it would help you."

"Are you insane?" Beerus asked in return, he couldn't even imagine Error doing that even if it would help him. Error just doesn't have the will to fight anymore unless his was threaten. But he did file that option of asking for later, whatever works. "It was a prophetic dream I had anyway, I am sure it wouldn't work even if Error went with it."

"Your prophetic dreams are not that accurate to being with." Whis pointed out, smile fading away a bit. "A while back, you had that dream about an idol moving into out neighborhood. And that never happened, did it?"

"Your making fun of me." Beeurs glanced to Whis annoyed, before moving his gaze up to Error, who was just blankly looking around. 'But that is not true.'

'"Please! Help Er-!"'

Beerus narrowed his eyes, thinking about that dream. 'The one about Error has com true, or is on it's way of coming true. But was that a prophetic dream? Or someone trying to contact me?' Giving one more glance at Error, Beerus looked away. 'So if the dream before Error's, one that I keep having again and again, then it must be a prophetic one as well!'

Before Beerus had anymore time to think on it, the red alien shot off at him. Whis just watched calmly and Error, who was broken out of his thoughts from the movement, turned his attention to the fight or more like slaughter that was about to happen in front of him. 'Why do idiots think they have a chance when fighting a Destroyer?' Error mentally sighed watching Beerus deflect all the blows with one finger alone. 'Especially one that hasn't given up like me?' Error snorted, catching a glimpse of Beerus's cocky smirk. 'Prideful ass.'

Feeling the other's eyes on him, Beerus smirked wider as he teleported around as lightening was shot at him. Dirt and dust exploded into the air as lightening hit the ground, missing Beerus by just moments. It only got better when he saw the fearful eyes of the alien not not too long later.

"Oh my." Whis blankly said, watching as Beerus was engulfed in flames that the alien shot out of his mouth right as said Destroyer teleported right in front of the alien.

"AnD hE CaLLS mE a ShoWoFF." Error said to himself, watching as Beerus took the next set of flames that shot out at him, and then with one finger, shot it back at the alien. The impact made a explosion, then the next thing Error saw was the alien flying down at top speeds with the sound of something hitting and going into the ground sounding out not even seconds later.

Glancing to Whis, both of them nodded to one another. Concentrating on Beerus's aura and the feel of his SOUL, Error took a Shortcut to him.

"Are you done yet?" Whis asked his First Lord as both him and Error teleported to Beerus's side.

Beerus put his fists to his hips. "I hate people with bad manners."

"yOU hatE YOurSeLF TheN?" Error chuckled, thinking back on all the rude things Beerus has done in the year he has known him. He looked down at the alien, who was was either knocked out or dead at this point. But Error didn't feel like focusing in on them to see if they still had a SOUL.

"I am not rude!" Beerus snapped back at Error, but with less hostility then the last time. It wasn't Error he was angry at, just the fact that he couldn't remember that dream is all. No use in taking it out on the skeleton.

"ShoViNG FoOD doWn PEopLEs tHRoAt iS NOt PolItE." Error informed the other factually, now looking at Beerus. "nOr IS hOLdiNG mE hoStaGE IN tHE bEd WhEn yOU FeEl lIKE tAkINg a NAp. I dO nOT nEed NaPS."

"If I didn't 'shove food down your throat' as you say, then you wouldn't eat at all then!" Beerus slapped Error's arm in annoyance, making said skeleton grumble to himself. "And if I don't hold you down you would get nightmares and never go to sleep! The protective wall plan works, has been since we used it the first time months ago, and you have years of sleep to catch up on! I will not have you skipping out on delightful food and peaceful sleep just because you don't care for it!" Giving one more glare and slap to Error, who just took it all with a slight pout, Beerus then turned to Whis who was laughing behind his hand. "So, where were we?"

Whis clears his throat to get ride of his giggles. "You were talking about how you forgot some person in a prophetic dream you had." Whis reminded Beerus while Error snorted at how silly that sounded, making Beerus wack him with his tail for laughing at him.

"Yes, it's right at the tip of my tongue, but..." Beerus tapped his chin, ignoring Error's low growling as he rubbed his spin from getting waked with Beerus's tail. "It's kinda gross." Beerus rolled his head around in thought. "It's like I've got food stuck in the back of my mouth..."

'You mean like how I feel every time you forcibly feed me?' Error pinched just above his nose holes, not commenting on the fact that Beerus makes him feel that sensation every time he fights with him on eating. Sometimes Error just gives up and lets him have his way, but others Error fights tooth and nail against the food Beerus shovels at him.

By the way Whis is amusingly looking at him, he knows what Error is thinking about.

Beerus then uses his pinky to clean out one of his ears after he stops rolling his head. "Or a bunch of earwax rustling in the back of my ears..." Beerus then looks up to the other two standing in the air beside him. "You get what I mean?"

Both Whis and Error look to one another, having a silent conversation before both decide to just skip over what Beerus just said. They were in no way getting into that weird conversation, not with how Whis believes that the dream is in no way prophetic or with how socially and emotionally awkward Error is, meaning that no, he doesn't really get it. Or at least, doesn't get it in the context that Beerus is describing it.

With that in mind, Whis decided to steer the conversation to a new topic instead. "What will you do about the dragon meat, Lord Beerus?"

Beerus sighed, opening a fist to show a small ball of light. "Forget it." He glances over to where the dead dragon was before looking back down. Error shifted slightly, feeling the destructive power coming off the ball of light. "It doesn't look that good anyway."

Before he could more Ki into the little ball forming in his hand, Error lifted a hand and made it hover over the ball of light. Beerus frowned, opening his mouth to ask what he was doing, before he felt a different kind of energy coming off Error and into the ball of light. Looking to Error, Beerus saw his eyes glowing brightly before they settled, the energy not coming off him anymore. Turning to the white ball of light, Beerus could see some blue and yellow energy in it now, pulsing with the energy that Error called 'Magic.'

A grin grew on Beerus's face once he realized what Error has done. "Hmmm, thank you for help Error. I don't have to put as much Ki into this one to destroy the place."

Error scoffed, looking away. "JUsT beCAuSe I DOn't wAnT FiGHt doEsn't MEan I dO noT lIKE DestRoyinG anYmORe..." Error then grumbled to himself. "i JUsT haTEd tHE pAiN i GoT foR DoINg iT."

"In any case you didn't need to." Beerus smirks up at Error. "Were you worried about me?"

"ShUT UP anD DesTRy THe pLacE So We cAn gO hOme!" Error growled, not looking at Beerus who was still smirking up and him or at Whis was was giggling at how 'cute' he was. So what if Error was worried? Destroying a world can get tiring, Universes especially as you are not just destroying one world but a whole multi-galaxy. Sometimes it is hard for Error to remember that Beerus only destroys one planet, not the whole Universe that is with it. It made him react, thinking that Beerus would need help as Beerus was using life energy, physical energy, to destroy the place and using too much would hurt him at worst. Using the Codes and magic was so much simpler after he killed off the flower and got the human SOUL, everything just erases afterwords. "NuLL anD vOId WiLl bE gEtTinG woRRied."

"Fine, fine." Beerus chuckled, letting the ball drop to the world below the three. "We've wasted enough time here anyway."

Watching the ball go into the ground below, Error wasn't shock once the rumbling happened. Nor the fact that fire and energy flew up, the ground splinting apart as everything started falling apart. And as Error only put a tiny bit of his magic into the energy ball, only some of the ground erased from what was flying up, some trees and other things fading from existence because of Error's magic mixing in with Beerus's.

Although he wouldn't admit it to anyone, a little part of Error missed destroying. Missed the felling, the rush of everything crumbling and ending at his touch alone.

But the feelings and consequences that came with it, being a scapegoat and hated for it made him wish that he never was a Destroyer.

Glancing to Beerus from the corner of his eye socket, Error knew that these conflicting feelings about being a Destroyer will just grow all the more as time goes on.

-In Another Part Of The Galaxy-

A light purple older man with pointed ears and a white spiky Mohawk gasped in horrified shock, feeling the energy that he never wished to feel again. And then to feel another's energy with he's...This was not good!

"Old Kai..." Another man, younger looking, with light purple skin and long white hair looked to the older one in worry. "What do you think?"

At the horrifed gasping, the man titled his head in confusion. His yellow earrings moving on his long ears. "Was the tea too bitter?"

"D-Didn't you feel it?!" Old Kai stuttered out, making the other look around in confusion. Not having felt anything, he turned back to Old Kai from across the table where they sat under the tree. "Feel what?"

"You amateur!" Old Kai exploded, slamming his hands down on the table as he stood up. The other Kai straightened up at the yell, sweating and looking nervous.

"This is awful." He then shook his head. "No this is worse then awful. Truly awful!"

"After thirty nine years, he has...." Old Kai took in a deep breath, trying to calm his heart down. "The God of Destruction, Lord Beerus has awoken and started once more! Not only that, but another Destroyer is with him!" Old Kai shivered, remembering that strange energy he has never felt before mixing in with Beerus's. But while he may have never felt it before, he knew what it was like and could feel the Destruction pouring off of it. "Another God of Destruction is with Lord Beerus, helping him! This is awful!"

-With Beerus, Whis and Error-

Standing in space, watching the planet explode was new for Error. Usually everything just crumbled for a bit before erasing. So this was something unlike Error has ever seen. Well, besides the time he accidentally destroyed a planet in one of the OuterTale copies. It made such a big bang and explosion of color before settling.

The planet shook, color pouring off of it in shade of red and purple before it exploded outward. Energy and matter in the colors red and purple, yellow light shinning out as everything went.

Then, Beerus's eyes widened. The dream finally coming back to him. The image of the man bathed in yellow and red going for a kick and a hit was coming to mind.

With a smirk, Beerus looked to the exploding planet. "Well, things got pretty dreary, but seeing a planet explode never fails to lighten my mood." Beerus glances to Error. "What about you Error?"

"UsUALLy THe UNiVerSes I DesTRoY cRumBle TheN aRe ErAsEd, lIke THeY weRe NEvEr THErE." Error shrugged, thinking back on his own Multiverse. "It MAdE rOOm For OtHEr UniVerSES tO gRoW aND mAdE suRE tHAt nONe ToUchEd. If THaT hapPEnd THEn a LOt oF ExplOSiONs WOuLd be GoinG oN." With that Error looked down at Beerus. "WiTh THaT In MInd, i ThINk I lIKE tHE exPloSiONs HErE waY bEttEr. SO, yEaH, iT liGhTEned MY MOoD."

"Good." Beerus nodded, while also filing away what Error said about his own Multiverse. 'Everything seems so strange there...Whole just erase them....'

"Are you sure you shouldn't have tried the dragon meat?" Whis asked, jolting Beerus out of his thoughts. "I'm sure that the Little Lords would have loved to try it at the least."

"ThErE aRe OThER DrAgONs, THe UNiVerSe iS bIg AftER AlL." Error pointed out to Whis, not seeing the big deal in the meat. "ThEy cAn TRy soME laTEr."

Seeing Error wave off Whis concern about Null and Void trying the meat, Beerus felt no guilt in it. There are better foods that the children could try, like those sweets in the pantry that Whis tries to hide from him.

With a grin, Beerus looked up to Whis, tilting his head. "Yeah, I'm absolutely sure."

Whis looks down at Beerus, frown set on his face. "So that means..."

"Yes." Beerus looked back at the explosion. "That explosion just packed such a punch that it reminded me of what his name was."

"AnD THiS nAmE iS?" Error asked with a raised brow, wondering just who it was that got Beerus so riled up. Whis also glanced to Beerus, wanting to know who it was too.

"The ultimate warrior whom nobody's seen yet...The incredible guy who will amuse me...." Beerus smirked, feeling excitement in every part of himself. "His name is...."

"His name is...?" Whis repeated in question at Beerus's pause while Error rolled his eyes at the other Destroyer's dramatics.

"Yeah, what was it?" Error snorted, hand going to his mouth, trying to hold in his laughter as Beerus closed his eyes in thought and Whis looked so done with it all. Beerus rocked back and forth, thinking about it for a moment. "Super....Super...." 'He forgot what the name was again! And right after all that drama too!' "Super...."

Suddenly Beerus's eyes snapped open, straightening when it finally hit him. "Super Saiyan God!"

Whis leaned back a bit, brows frowning at the name. "Super Saiyan.....God?"

"thAT SOuNDs pREtEntioUS." Error thought out loud making Whis nod in agreement. Tilting his head up as he thought about it some more. "AnD a HoRRiBle NAme, AnD i hAve hEaRd soME nAmEs anD NIckNAmes THroUGHt mY yEaRS. AnD eVEN aS a TiTle, It soUNDs oFf." There was also the fact that Error did not want to deal with more supernatural powerful beings, what if this one turned out to be like Fate?

"Huh?" Tilting his head as if hearing the name for the first time, Beerus closed his eyes once more. Beerus then just rocked some more before closing his eyes and standing still. "I think so..." The made Error snort once more and Whis sigh. "Or was it something else?"

"Sheesh." Whis sighed before turning back to the explosion.

"MAn, YOUr mEmoRY iS AS bAd As MInE, maYBE EvEN worSe!" Error chuckled out, making Beerus's ear twitch in annoyance. Lifting a gloved covered hand, Error tugged at the ear softly. "BuT i waS iNsaNE fOR mAny YEaRS AloNG wiTH mAnY yEaRS oF pAin....WhAt's YOur ExcuSe?"

"You-!" Beerus growled, hands shooting forward to grabbed on to the other's scarf and yank him down so that they were face to face. Error just grinned at Beerus's annoyed expression. "I'll show you pain-!"

"Now, now~" Whis cut in, making both Destroyers look to Whis in confusion. "Why don't we go back to the castle and see if Lord Beerus can remember over some food." Whis then looked to Error. "And I am sure the Little Lords are getting worried with you gone Lord Error."

Both Destroyers glanced to one another before sighing as one and letting go of each other. "Yeah, lets." Beerus agreed while Error nodded in agreement.

Whis smiled, tapping his staff done as if there was a floor, as tap sounding out making Error really wonder about this Multiverse's physics. "Well then..." With that, light surrounded them all, and the next thing Error knew was that Beerus putting his hand on Whis shoulder and grabbing his own wrist. Then once everyone had a hold, they were moving.

Looking around at the bubble of light that they were traveling in, Error let Beerus guide his hand to Whis arm to hold on to. Lightly holding onto Whis's arm, Beerus let go of Error and sat crisscross in midair, keeping a hold of Whis's should.

Beerus hummed, tapping his head in thought. "What was it again?" Tilting his head up, Beerus put a finger to his chin. "Maybe it was 'Super 'Sayan' God instead..." Beerus scratched his head, tilting his head down as he tried to find the name he was looking for. "Or it could have been Super 'Soyan' God...."

"i ThINk yOUr juSt HUnGrY agAIn." Error helpfully put out there, making Beerus pout up at him in frustration. "RemEmBEr tHE lAsT tIme YOu trIEd tO remMEbER somEthIng wHEn yOUr WerE hUNgRy?" Error's glitched chuckle sounded out, his eyes twinkling in amusement at the memory. "YoU kEPt coNfusINg fOOD FoR WhaT yOU whErE tRyING tO remEmbEr."

"It turned up fine!" Beerus pointed out, knowing what Error was talking about. "I remembered eventually!"

"YoU WeRE tRyiNG tO remEmbEr WhErE yOU lEfT yOUr ShoE AfTeR yOu kiCKEd iT oFF, AnD kEPt ThiNKing iT waS iN thE kiTchEN oR WiTH soME fOOd." Error went on over Beerus's growl. "BUT iT wAs IN THe yArD, AS yOU hAd JUsT beEn trAinINg. AnD EvEN tHEn, nUlL anD vOID WeRE tHE oNEs tO fInD it. ONlY WhEN yOU haD iT anD waS TOld WhERe iT wAs DiD yOU 'RemEmbER'."

"In any case," Whis cut in before a argument, even a playful one, could break out. He didn't want to accidentally loose one traveling after all if they rough house too much. "that name seems rather exaggerated."

Beerus then leaned forward, getting a idea. "Whis, use your power to find him." The purple cat Destroyer demanded.

Whis closed his eyes in annoyance, getting tired of this Super 'S' God talk. "With so many candidates, that's in no way possible. Try to narrow down that options a little."

"Tightwad." Beerus scoffed before leaning back a little, looking up in thought. "Man, all this thinking makes me want to eat something sweet."

"ThEn We'LL hAvE SoME cAnDy WhEn We GEt bAcK." Error offered, making Beerus's eyes light up. "tHE kIDs AlReAdY AtE, SO swEEts shOULd BE fiNE...." Here Error lifted his free hand, doing the 'I'm watching you' motions to Beerus. "BuT nOT ToO mAnY foR tHEm! YoU'LL mAkE tHEm siCK iF tHEy haVe TOO muCh."

"Tightwad." Beerus scoffed once more, pouting at Error's light scolding.

"I believe there is some limited edition candy in the refrigerator." Whis tilted his head back to look at Beerus, smiling as he told his First Lord about the candy.

Long purple wars perked up at the words, eyes widen and a exited expression grows on Beerus's face at this new information. "Limited edition candy?!" The expression died as soon as it came, eyes narrowing in a deadly glare. "This better not be a joke, Whis." His eyes narrow further. "If there isn't any...."

Error rolled his eyes at Beerus's dramatics once more, not seeing what the big deal was about some candy. But, he's pretty sure that Beerus will force him to see it if he said anything about it, so he kept his mouth shut.

Whis looked away with a smile and closed his eyes. "You needn't worry, Lord Beerus."

"Say, I've been meaning to ask for a while now...." Whis opened his eyes and glanced back to Beerus, who was looking at him in question. Error just sighed, making sure he has a hold of Whis's arm before he also glanced to Beerus. The skeleton knew that Beerus was going to ask a dumb question, he just knew it.

"Can't you fly any faster?"

'And you say you are polite?!' Error closed his eyes, even he knew better then to question the driver. What if they decide to kick you off in the middle of the road? Or in this case, the middle of the galaxy?

Whis frowned into a pout, eyes narrowing and feeling insulted, the light fading as they slowed to a stop in the middle of the galaxy. 

Beerus went wide eyes at the stop, looking up at Whis in shock. Error just face palmed at Beerus. Why couldn't he have asked that once they were at home and not traveling he will never know. Error then mentally snorted. 'Probably didn't want to forget it like everything else.'

"I'm already one of the fastest flyers in the universe as it is." Whis told Beerus, feeling insulted before he glanced to Error, who was now just looking to all the different planet and stars with wonder in his eyes.

Whis knew he was the fastest flyer there was in the universe, but that was before Error came into it. Error was built for speed, that much Whis knew. So until he saw Error's true speed, he had no clue if he was still the fastest there was. But for now, he knew he was one if not the fastest flyer.

"Really?" Beerus asked, rubbing the back of his head. "I didn't know."

"hOW lONg hAs WHiS bEEn WiTH yOU? YEaRs? CEntURiEs? hOW cAn yOU noT knoW?" Error questioned, making Beerus cough awkwardly into his free hand.

Whis humphed, insulted, before taking off again.

"No, SEriOUslY, hOW cAN yOU nOt knOW?"


"ThE WrONg ONe AnD oNE yoU shOULd'VE knOWn BY noW. YoU reALly Do hAvE bAd MEmoRy..."


"Lord Beerus, Lord Error. I will turn us right around and no one will be getting any sweets if you do not stop arguing right now."


-Other Side Of The Galaxy-

"Old Kai?" Kibito Kai asked as Old Kai got up and started walking away.

"It seems Lord Beerus has destroyed yet another planet." Sighing, Old Kai looked off into the distance. "And with another Destroyer now helping him at that...."

'I've never seen him so frightened before.' Kibito watched as Old Kai started walking off, looking more horrified then he has even seen. Even more so when Buu came into being. 'Is Lord Beerus and the other really that.....' With that thought in mind, Kibito shot up from his seat and walked to Old Kai, stopping a few feet behind him.

"In this universe, there are gods like us, responsible for creating planets and life....And on the flip side there is a god responsible for destroying those planets and life." Old Kai explained, looking off in the distance. "That's Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction."

"Yes, I know of him." Kabito told the older Kai, not knowing where the other was going with this. "So his destruction does have meaning to it."

"No." The Old Kai cut in, making Kabito blink in surprise. "There's no purpose to it."

Old Kai turned and started to walk again, Kabito fallowing behind him. "Lord Beerus destroys on a whim. There is only one thing we can do...Try as hard as we can not to provoke him." Here Old Kai sighs, sweating a bit. "Then there is the fact that we have another God of Destruction. Their energy feeling unlike any before."

"What do you mean elder?" Kabito gulped in worry, starting to see the problems.

"Their energy mixed in with Lord Beerus's when the planet was destroyed, but it" Old Kai explained, thinking back on the feeling. "It did not feel like Ki. It was denser, yet light weight. Cool yet warm. Hard yet soft. It was like a walking contradiction!" Old Kai shivered, paling slightly. "But it held the same destructive feeling and power as Lord Beerus's. While different, it seems to have the same end. There shouldn't be two Destroyers for a Universe, one is already powerful enough!"

"Then how and why is one here?" Kabito questioned aloud, frowning his brows in thought.

"The better question is who they are and what are they to Lord Beerus." Old Kai pointed out, gulping. "The how and why doesn't matter in the end, just that they are here. What matters is their temperament and who they are to Lord Beerus. Because if someone insults the new God of Destruction, and Lord Beerus doesn't like that...." Old Kai shook off that train of thought, wondering on the hows and whys even though he said they don't matter. It doesn't mean he isn't curious and worried about it though.

"In any case, We'll just have to hope that nobody gets the idea to challenge them to a fight or anything." Old Kai looked forward, feeling a chill go up his back before he looked over his shoulder to Kabito.

"Are you thinking of anyone in particular?" Kabito questioned before it slapped him right across the face. "Son Goku!?" Kabito gasped, knowing how said Saiyan loves to fight anyone strong.

"Exactly!" Old Kai cried out, fully turning to Kabito with a fist held up, making Kabito place his hands up in the unarmed gesture. "That battle addict is the one person who we absolutely can not allow to fight or know about the Destroyers!"

"Only Gods can sense their Ki and energy." Kabito pointed out hopefully. "Besides, Son Goku is on Earth, far away from here. I doubt there is a chance of him meet two Gods of Destruction."

"Let's hope so." Old Kai sighed, only to jolt when a voice suddenly sounded out.

"Pardon me if I'm interrupting..." The two Kai's stood straight, ears going to the sky as the voice sounded out in their heads.

-North Kai's Place-

"This is the North Kai." North Kai whispered, making sure to hide his mouth with his free hand, the other hand holding onto a bucket filled with supplies. "You were talking about Son Goku, and..." He glanced behind him to see Goku lifting a ton of weights that were bigger and wider then a house over his head. Seeing that he wasn't paying any attention to the him, North Kai turned back and continued talking. "He's training here at my place."

"Son Goku is with you?" Kabito questioned back, frowning at the thought of Goku being closer then before to the Destroyers.

"Have you noticed Lord Beerus's destruction too? And the new Destroyer as well?" Old Kai asked as well, wanting to know what the other felt and thought about all this information.

"Yes, this time he woke up a lot sooner then expected. And to have a new one as well? That is not what I expected in my lifetime and afterlife." North Kai said, sweating a little at all of it. It was not a nice thing to feel, a planet destroying. Much less knowing who is behind the destroying, only to find out there is a new player in all of this.

"Keep it a secrete from him, whatever it takes." Old Kai ordered, knowing that Goku would do something very stupid, like challenge both of them to a fight, not just one.

"Of course." Noth Kai nodded in agreement. "I'll make sure not to let Son Goku know." Noth Kai went on to say, not noticing Goku bending down right by him listening in.

"Not let me know what?" Goku asked in confusion and interest, thus giving Noth Kai a heart attack as he jolted, falling and making his pan bucket and brush go up in the air and down on him.

Thus began the plan and issue to keep Goku out of the loop about the Gods of Destruction.

-Lord Beerus's Home-

"Hmm~" Beerus hummed as he ate his candy, sitting with his legs crossed next to Error on a large orange seat of some kind in front of a coffee table. Whis sat in a red chair to the side of the blue skateboard like coffee table. In all honesty it reminded Error of that virus, Fresh. But at the same time not, because it was a soft blue, not neon.

Null and Void were sitting on the ground at the coffee table, eating out of their own plastic cups that were filled with colorful candies. Error just sighed, playing with his strings on his hands, making shapes with them.

"So, have you remembered?" Whis questioned after a while, also munching on his own glass of candy. "That Super-something-or-other?"

Beerus hummed with his eyes closed, lifting the spoon that had one of the blue candies on it to Error. Said skeleton just rolled his eyes and obediently opened his mouth, letting Beerus put the spoon in it and once Error softly - and making sure it was softly as he could do it - Beerus slipped the spoon back out. Error then munched on the candy before swallowing.

It was a system they set up once both realized that Error really did not know his own strength and had problems controlling it with things that didn't matter to him. His magic could dissolve the silverware, so he had no issues eating so didn't see the problem when he did in fact destroy them and eat them. And no matter how much Whis and Beerus scold him for it, he just can't see the point in it. There is also the fact he had never used them before, creating a whole new set of issuse and problems.

So Beerus had come up with a simple solution, he would handle the silverware for Error when he could until Error himself got the hang of it. Sure, they fight over Error eating, but when they don't fight over it, making Beerus shove food into him forcibly, they used their system. Beerus would hold up whatever he wanted Error to eat, Error would open his mouth, said food and silverware goes into his mouth, Error tries hard not to destroy said silverware as he has to actively remember and try to control himself, and then Beerus pools out the non-destroyed silverware to eat himself only to late lift it back up, then the process repeats again.

They really only came up with thie system after the first month, as Whis got tired of having to clean up so much food from their fighting over it. So he sat both down to come up with something. Error has learned to go with it most of the time, only fighting about it when he feels like it or when he really doesn't want to eat.

Beerus, after giving Error another bite, then took a bit himself. Opening his eyes, he lifted up the spoon with a grin. "Let's ask the prophet fish!"

All three skeletons stopped and stared at Beerus. Null in mid-bite, Void with his spoon sticking out of his mouth, and Error who had made a zigzag cat's cradle with his strings.

"....ThErEs A pRophEt FiSh?" Error questioned, before shrugging. He's seen, heard, and fought weirder things then fish that can tell prophecies or see the future. Still doesn't change the fact that he hasn't seen said fish or heard about the fish until now.

"Is it a Monster?" Void whispered to Null in confusion. The only taking fishes he heard about were Monsters, but then again aliens seem to be like Monsters; There are a ton of different kinds.

"I don't think so..." Null whispered back, taking a bite out of his candy. "Daddy said that we're the only three Monsters in this Multiverse, remember?"

"Oh!" Void nodded, remembering that. "....Aliens are weird."

"So in the end, you had to resort to her after all." Whis said with his eyes closed, looking very disgruntled.

"So what?" Beerus asked, eyes narrowing at the blue skinned alien as he lifted the spoon once more, making Error sigh and open his mouth once more. "You got a problem with it?"

"Nothing at all. Feel Free to ask her." Whis said, not once opening his eyes. Beerus scoffed at him while pooling the spoon out of Error's mouth. Error just munched on the candy, not really knowing what flavor it was. It wasn't chocolate, that's for sure.

After eating another piece of candy, Beerus stood up and called up to the ceiling where their was a hole at the top. "Prophet Fish? Are you there, Prophet Fish?"

Beerus stared up for a moment, only for his face to twist into a snarl. Before Error could ask about ti, something dropped from the hole and stared zigzagging around the room. Error glitched and quickly shoved the children under the coffee table on reflexes alone, moving so quickly that both Beerus and Whis did a double take because one moment he was sitting, the next he was knelling by the coffee table with the kids under it. Just in time too, because the thing knocked the glass of candy in Beerus's hand, making the candy go flying out from the glass. Error dogged the thing as he knelled by the coffee table, making sure that the kids stayed under and nothing would hit them.

Null and Void clung to their plastic cups, watching in worry and flinching once they saw Beerus's sweet hit the ground and splatter a few feet away. But they knew their Daddy wouldn't let anything happen to them, so they huddled together and stayed under the coffee table, keeping a eye socket out as well.

Meanwhile, throughout all this chaos, Whis was calmly sitting and eating his candy with no worries in the world, eyes still closed.

Eventually the thing hit the ground, making dust go up in the air. It floated up and to Beerus, letting Error see that it was a cup with a blue orb at the bottom, filled with green water and a blue fish that had a antenna. It reminded Error of a tadpole though.

The Fish huffed as it floated over to Beerus, was was scowling at the fact his delicious food was no more. The Fish looked up with a smile. "You need something?"

Beerus stared at the Fish, then glanced to where his food was splattered on the floor. The Fish just tilted her head, confused that he wasn't answering. Error meanwhile, was getting the kids out from under the coffee table now that the danger has passed while Whis just watched everyone blankly.

Beerus looked back to the Fish for a second, before eating what was on the spoon. After swallowing, he decided to get down to business. "Didn't you say that I'd have a powerful opponent showing up in thirty-nine years?"

"Indeed. Somewhere, today." The Fish confirmed. Now that Null and Void were out from under the table, both looked up at the Fish in awe as Error carefully sat their sweets onto the coffee table, making sure not to drop any or accidentally crush it in his hands.

"I knew it!" Beerus grinned, giving his full attention to the Fish now. "So, about that opponent's name...What was it?"

"The name..." The Fish hummed, moving her head up and around. Error stood up as well and look to the Fish, having a funny feeling about this. The Fish right now was reminding Error of Beerus once he forgets something. But that couldn't be the case-

"I forgot." The Fish calmly stated, making Error's eyes widen before he and the kids started laughing in their hands, trying to muffle the sound.

Beerus ignored the snicking skeletons, frowning and looking very disgruntled at what the Fish was telling him. "You forgot?!"

"Hang in there, Prophet Fish!" Whis cheered from his seat, smiling at the little fish.

"Hang in there!" Null cheered along, lifting his spoon as if it was a pompom.

"Hang in there~" Void sang, hopping around as he did so, spoon in his hand as he went around Error.

Error deadpanned, just giving the Fish a thumbs up, silently giving his own support over Beerus's head.

"Hey, Whis." Whis hums, opening his eyes to look at Beerus in confusion at the call. "You Feed the Prophet Fish three times a day, right?"

"Yes, that's right." Whis answered, straightening up in his chair.

"Maybe you should cut it down to twice a day." Beerus threatened, making the Fish jolt and Whis smile.

"Wha-?!" The Fish panicked, looking to Beerus and then to Whis, who smiled and just said that it was a wonderful idea. Error rubbed his tear marks as his kids laughed at the Fish's panicking. 'Threatening a fish.....I guess it's not too out there, I mean their Undyne. Technically I have threatened many fish before.' Error thought to himself, watching the little Fish struggle with her words. 'But then again, Undyne and all the other fish can put out a fight. Well, mostly.'

"Ah! Please, anything but that!" The Fish begged, looking to Whis and Beerus, pleading as she nervously sweat before turning to Beerus.

Leaning down threateningly, Beerus lowly growled at the Fish, death in his eyes as he glared down at the little fish. "Well, you'd better remember it, then!"

"All right! I'll try to remember!" The Fish quickly agreed, sweat now flying off her head.

While the Fish hummed and moved around it's little area, Error bopped Beerus on the head. Making said purple Destroyer turn to him with a growl. Error met the growl head on with his own.

"CaLM DoWN." Error ordered sternly, lightly pulling at Beerus's ear making him grumble in annoyance. "gEtTinG frUStRaTEd iS noT gOINg tO HElp YOU." Seeing Beerus about to argue back, Error went on. "ImpATiEnt ASS, If IT's ProPhesIEd TheN iT WiLL haPPEn nO maTTEr whAT UNlEss YOU fIghT agAInst It! AnD yOUr noT FiGHtiNG iT aRE YOu?" Error asked sarcastically.

Beerus frowned up at Error, before scoffing and looking away with a slight pout at Error's point. "Tch!"

"Ah!" Beerus and Error turned their attention back to the Fish, who leaned out of the cup. "Super Saiyan God!"

"So I was right after all." Beerus stated proudly, a cocky smirk growing on his face. Beerus then sat back down crisscross on the large orange seat, tugging at Error to sit as well. Error rolled his eyes, and sat back down next to Beerus. Null and Void ran back to the coffee table, wanting to eat their candies before the Fish knocked them out of the cup too.

"Super Saiyan God..." Beerus repeated out before putting his hand to his chin. "Since he is called God, I suppose he must be a deity."

Error shook his head lightly at that. 'Not really. 'God' can be a title as much as reality.' Error thought to Nightmare and Dream, some of the other AU's called them Gods when they were in fact not.

Beerus sighed, dropping and laying across Error's lap. "Man, what a bother..."

Error's fingers twitched at the sudden touching, but calmed down. He then looked down at Beerus, who had his eyes closed and was softly whining at the thought of another deity and going up to one and asking for a fight. "yOU LaZY CaT."

Beerus just opened one eye to glance up at Error before smirking, shrugging and closing his eye once more.

Error's eye twitched in annoyance and anger. 'You lazy son of a bitch! I am not your bed! I'll kick you right in the-!'

"But Lord Beerus...." Whis called out, squinting at his orb on his staff, it was glowing softly to show that it was on and being used. "There does not exist anyone called 'Super Saiyan God' or anything along those lines."

"The Saiyan's might know something." Beerus pointed out, not once opening his eyes as he laid back on Error's lap, legs up and crossed with his arms crossed on his chest. Then Beerus opened his eyes a bit in thought, seeing Error's slightly annoyed face looking down at him. "Hmm? But didn't Freeza destroy planet Vegeta, where the Saiyans were?"

Now Whis also looked annoyed with Beerus, but not for the fact that Beerus was using his lap as a bed like Error was. 'Isn't it uncomfortable?! I'm a skeleton, meaning bones!' "Yes, It was you who asked him to do that while you were sleeping, wasn't it?" Whis told Beerus, reminding him what happened over thirty years ago.

Beerus leaned up a bit with a frown, looking to Whis. "Well, they pissed me off." 

"DO nOT UsE tHAt WOrd KIds, oR I wiLL shOW yOU tHE meAniNG oF tHAt WorD. ThAt iS a ADulT WoRd, NOT a KiD'S ONe." Error warned straight away, knowing from watching AU's that children should not be using such words. And while he didn't really see the point in it, it was just a word after all, he in no way wanted anyone mad at his kids.

"M'k Daddy~" Void cooed out, scooping more candy into his mouth.

"Mmmmhmm~" Null hummed out his answer, agreeing with Void as his mouth was full.

"Particularity that King Vegeta guy." Beerus went on to explain after Error was done talking to Null and Void, not even skipping a beat. Sighing, Beerus shifted so that he was laying on his side, scratching his head in thought. "So, let me get this straight...The Saiyans were wiped out alongside Planet Vegeta?"

"No." Whis answered, picking up his own cup of candy. "Most of them were, but those on other planets at the time survived." Whis then used his spoon to scoop up some candy, but glancing to Beerus and Error before he tried to eat it. "Incidentally, Prince Vegeta is alive and well."

"ThAt'S lUCK." Error stated, knowing how hard it was to survive a world being destroyed. Just look at Dream and Nightmare in his case, both are not well no matter how much Dream tries to hide it. Honestly, he is shock this Prince Vegeta fellow hasn't tried to off Beerus yet. Dream has tried to kill him many times for his AU. Shame he was lost to the madness at the time, Error would have destroyed the Codes fully of that wasn't the case.

Beerus hummed in agreement, using his pinky to clean out his ear as he looked to Whis before he rubbed his eyes like a cat does. "Whis, is the bath ready?"

"Your taking a bath now? You just took one not too long ago." Whis asked shocked. Usually Beerus didn't like taking baths.

"I want to look sharp." Beerus explained, licking at his arm. "Besides, I have dirt and dust on me from that planet I just destroyed. That's not very sharp is it?"

"Family bath time?!" Beerus yelped in shock, making Error grunt in pain at the sudden claws digging into his legs.

Shaking it off, Beerus narrowed his eyes at the candy covered kids that are now in front of his face. "No, we are not taking a bath together again!"

"WeLL, ThEY dO nEed a BatH agAIn..." Error hummed in thought before nodding at the boys, making them squeal in delight. "YeAh, FaMIlY baTH tIme."

"I'm telling you; I am not taking a bath with you-AH!" Beerus yelped when Error suddenly stood up with him in his arms. "PUT ME DOWN!"

"BaTH TiMe KIDs." Error motioned with his head for the boys to follow as he walked out of the room with Beerus in his arms, struggling to get out of them. "CaLM DoWN BeeRUS."


-Bathroom, A Half Hour Later-

"I can not believe I am taking a bath with you again..." Beerus mumbled, face half under water so bubbles came up every time he talked. He had a towel on his head tying his ears up, sitting in the water and leaning against some square shaped rocks in the water.

Null and Void were laughing and splashing each other in Error's hold, towels rapped around their skulls. Error was sitting on the other side of the rocks, bones relaxing in the warm water.

"i DoN'T sEE tHE pRoblEm WiTh iT." Error stated calmly to Beerus's mumbling, looking over the rocks at Beerus. "iT'S jUSt a BAth."

With a sigh, Beerus sat straighter and leaned further back into the rocks, looking up at Error's face. "You wouldn't, would you?"

"How's the water?" Whis called from where he was standing, looking out into the very lard and open bath.

"Great." Beerus called out in answer with Error, Null, and Void echoing him in agreement.

"I'm glad!" Whis smiled in joy, internally laughing that Lord Error had literally carried Lord Beerus into the bath room to have, as the Little Lords called it, 'Family Bath Time'. The only reason Whis got out of it was that he said he didn't need a bath, so the skeletons leaved him be about it. But Beerus? He could have gotten out of it, but he really didn't fight it. Meaning that no matter how much he complained, he was fine with it. It really makes Whis want to laugh at how far his Lord has come from a year ago.

Beerus hummed, rubbing his face before looking to where Whis stood. "So, where are the surviving Saiyans?"

Lifting his hand, Whis's staff came to him out of thin air. With a hum, Whis peered into the orb until a planet showed up on it. "Most of them are in 4023, on Green Planet 887..." The Whis looked up from the orb. "A planet called Earth."

Error shot up, making the kids squeal in laughter and making the other two adults jolt.

"Lord Error?" Whis questioned in confusion while Beerus raised a brow. "What's wrong?"

"MOSt oF THE aU'S WeRE stAtIOned ON EaRTh." Error explained, twitching as he slowly went back down. "I....i JUsT WaSn'T reADy TO hEaR 'EaRtH' IS aLL...."

Beerus tilted his head before scoffing as he got what had Error so worried. "Even if Monsters are on Earth, none will touch you or the children." 'I'll kill them all before they could even think about it.'

Error just took in a deep breath, trying to calm his SOUL. Null and Void started patting their Father's rib cage in concern at his worried face. "iT'S....OkaY." Error nodded, gulping. "No mOnStERs ArE tHErE anYwaY....i WiLL BE fINE."

Seeing that Error was calming down, Beerus turned his attention back to Whis. "So, Earth?" Beerus crossed his arms and looked up in thought. "I went there once." Then it hit him. Beerus frowned, pointing to Whis. "Wasn't that the place where those guys called 'dinosaurs' or whatever were acting all rude, so I drove them to extinction?"

A glitched snort sounded out at that revelation.

Error snorted and snickered, making Null and Void giggle as they were jostled around. This was what he needed, the image of Beerus trying to talk to some dinosaurs, only to  be ignored at best or at worse, some of them trying to eat him. Then getting angered at their 'rudeness', Beerus then kills them all. It was such a silly picture, even more so that it was what really happened.

"But the Saiyan who defeated Freeza, the one named Son Goku..." Whis went on, not commenting or answering Beerus's question, as he peered into the orb once more.

This time, it was Beerus who jolted, falling into the water in shock. He just as quickly stood up, eyes comically wide in shock. "Defeated Freeza?!"

Whis lightly blushed, looking away and putting a hand to he cheek. "Oh my, Lord Beerus..."

"Huh?" Beerus frowned before looking down, making him quickly cover himself and shoot back down into the water.

The three skeletons just looked at one another before Error shook his head. None of them understanding really what was going on. Error knows that some baths are made for many people, there are quite a few AU's created with Asian influences. It wasn't like they were in a tiny or closed space tub together; that would be different then. 'People are weird and I will never understand them.' Error decided.

After shaking off his embarrassment, Beerus went back onto topic. "So, Freeza was defeated by a Saiyan?"

"Yes, A Saiyan named Son Goku defeated him." Whis answered, looking into his orb again. "It seems that this Saiyan is currently on North Kai's planet."

Beerus swam up to the edge of the bath, Error moving himself and the boys into where Beerus used to be sitting at so that they can look at the others more clearly to know what was going on.

"How fishy....On a Kai's planet, huh?" Beerus asked softly, crossing his arms on the bath's edge.

Whis tapped his staff, making a projection go up into the air, showing a spiky blond haired human looking man who did not look too happy a the moment.

"Wow~" Null gasped in awe at the projection, stars forming in his sockets.

"Ohh~" Void slapped his cheeks, watching the image in awe as well. "It's like a movie~"

Error just wondered how Whis was doing that without a camera and if he can do that with himself about his own past - showing anyone what has happened to him - even if it happened in a different Multiverse. Gods he hoped not, he wouldn't want to scar others with it nor show them his weakest moments.

"So, that's the Son Goku fellow?" Beerus asked, watching the fight between the Saiyan and Freeza on the projection nonchalantly.

"That's right." Whis nodded, also watching the fight.

"Did Saiyans always have that color of hair?" Beerus wondered aloud, not remembering ever seeing a blond Saiyan before.

"It seems the Saiyans have learnt a new technique that causes them to mutate and multiplies their battle power many times over." Whis explained as the Son Goku on the projection screamed and started whaling on Freeza.

'Like Nightmare, only no apples involved.' Error nodded to himself, knowing that Nightmare's passive form was weaker then his now form, even if he has never seen it. Nightmare keeps that a guarded secret as it can be a very big weakness if someone figures out how to force him into his passive form or knows what it looks like, as if they see Nightmare in that form for whatever reason then he would be a much easier target.

"If I'm not mistaken, they are called 'Super Saiyan'." Beerus peeked his eyes open, looking bored with this information.

"Not God?"

"No, sorry to say." Whis denied, tapping his staff once more, making the projection go away.

With that out of the way, Beerus and the others got out of the tube and into some robes as to wait for their clothes and dry off a bit.

"'Super Saiyan', huh?" Beerus asked himself, walking out into a balcony. "So close....But it's not quite right..." Beerus then jumped on the edge of the balcony like room, tapping his chin as the others walked into the balcony as well.

"Whis, how long would it take to get to the North Kai's planet?" Beerus asked, rubbing his chin in thought.

"26 minutes and 44 seconds, I'd say." Whis swiftly answered from the doorway.

It took a moment, but then Beerus's head shot around with his eyes wide at the time it would take to get to the other planet. "It's that far away?!" Beerus turned back, slumped over. "I could watch a entire anime episode in that time! What a pain..." Beerus suddenly straghtened, hands at his hips. "Well, it's that or nothing."

Beerus looked over his shoulder. "Whis, go make some packed lunches." He ordered.

"Very well." Whis turned and left, going to the kitchen to start cooking.

Error frowned, walking to stand by Beerus while Null and Void followed after Whis, loving to help him cook.

"AnD jUSt WhaT Do yOU haVE plAnnEd?" Error asked, knowing the answer but wanting to hear it.

"Well, after the family bath time, I thought that a family trip would be the smart thing to have after." Beerus sarcastically said, looking up at Error with a smirk. "You best get dressed and packed, the children will have to come as it will take awhile."

Error rolled his shoulders, letting them pop before sighing. "FInE, FINE." With that, Error turned to get himself ready and get with the kids would need as well. "ThE TErROrs WoULd lOVe TO tRaVEl anYWay." Error glanced over his should at Beerus before he left the room completely. "StIll dON'T SeE whAT'S yOUR dEAl WITh tAkiNg A bAth ToGEthER."


-End Chapter-

Words: 22480

I made this chapter extra long for the wait! I hope everyone likes it.

With Error here, it is going to cause a butterfly effect. That will show mostly in later episodes though as it is just the beginning. And the effect is going to be bigger in some areas then others, some more obvious then others as well.

Error's and Beerus's relationship is going to be a fun one for me. They're going to be like those best friends that should just be married already, they are unconscionably in love with one another but have no idea about it. But that doesn't mean others don't notice.

Everyone; The Kais, other Destroyers, humans, and pretty much everyone thinks they are already in a romantic relationship. Heck, Goku is going to think they are already married to one another when they first meet in Part 2. Spoilers.

The reasons for this; Beerus hand feeds Error - shovels food down the other's throat no matter how much he complains - acts jealous once Error pays others attention later on in the story - like a child whose lost his favorite toy - spoils Null and Void - gives them sweets and will protect them - Error and him also play fight a lot - sounding like an old married couple at times - and listens to Error or at least takes his words into account before he does something if Error says something - he respects Error as a fellow Destroyer and for that alone will listen to his words, in fact he is the only other Destroyer that he respects other then himself. There is also the fact that they are slightly touchy feely, but that's because Beerus has never had someone to do this with as he only has Whis and mostly does it unconsciously while Error just doesn't care all that much that Beerus sometimes hangs off him. Error also does protect Beerus even though he doesn't need it, it's all instinct for Error to do so, seeing Beerus as one of his like the kids are his. Error protects what is his.

And Error is Error. Enough said.

Poor clueless, socially and emotionally awkward Error who doesn't understand romance at all.

They just come off like they are together to others when they are in fact not. The funny thing is that they don't know about the misunderstanding, so they don't and can't correct it.

Later on, they will be aware that they have feelings for one another, but that is going to be awhile away. For now I am going to have fun with everyone's reaction - like the other Kais, Vegeta, and Gods of Destruction - to Beerus being in a 'relationship' with another Destroyer and already having kids with him, by adoption or otherwise. It will depend on the person about who they think about the whole thing.

Vegeta is going to be so, so much fun to write. Two Destroyers and their kids? Yeah, that heart attack he has in the episodes are going to be hundred times worse.

Time also moves differently in the DBZ Multiverse compared to Error's Original Multiverse. So while a year passes in the DBZ Multiverse, barely any time can pass in the other one. So just because a long time passes in DBZ doesn't mean it has in the other mutliverse. Other stories will be the same or different depending on what Multiverse it is.

I honestly had too much fun writing this chapter, and I love it!

Words including End Notes: 23,265

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