
Tessa: Howdy. The name's Tessa Mecanismo. The second children and genderfluid. I'm Asexual but am in the process of adopting a child

Yin: Hello. My name is Yin Thermos Mecanismo. I'm the oldest of two and I am married to Tessa's older sister Emily. I also have an adopted son named Zane. Say hi

Zane: -waves timidly before cluching onto his mother's shirt-

Jack: My name is Jackson Flames. I'm married and a father of two. I'm the oldest of three and this is one of my little pride and joys Xin

Xin: -waves-

Ely: My name is Ely Mecanismo. I'm single and the second youngest of the Mecanismo family

Caleb: My name is Caleb Thermos. I'm one of two children of Brendon and Azalea and currently single

Luna: Hi. I'm Luna Flames. I'm Jack's little sister and I like to swing at people with my warhammer or waraxe ^^

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