vii. Her Crisis

"Alright everyone, listen up. Summer Training Camp is coming up soon, but before that, are your Exams. There will be a written portion, as well as a practical portion. Study hard, and train hard. For those of you who pass, you'll be well on your way to our Summer Training Camp. To those of you who fail, you'll be left behind for Summer School." As Aizawa completed his statement, the class erupted in both fear and excitement.

Fear of the exams. Excitement for Summer Camp.

"Oi, Bakubro!" Kirishima's voice rang. "Will you help me study?"

"Tch, whatever Spiky Hair. Just don't expect me to go easy on you!"

"What will you do?" Todoroki asked, as he had stood up from his desk and went towards where the girl Bakugou sat.

"Hm, I'll probably train my body more for the practical exam than I will study for the written portion. I have basically everything down pat already, but my body could use some work." She admitted.

"I'll be the same way." He responded simply, being a man of few words.

"Wanna train together, then?" She asked with a grin, hoping he'd say yes.



And so, two weeks of intense training began. From students forming groups to study at Yaoyorozu's house, the boy Bakugou beating some knowledge into Kirishima's head, Midoriya training with All Might, and the girl Bakugou and Todoroki sparring with each other every day after school, and occasionally studying their textbooks.

Over the two weeks, Iida and the girl Bakugou hadn't spoken much, both being so focused on being prepared for the Exams that what happened in detention that day hadn't crossed their minds, or rather, not as much.

Most students made the assumption that the practical portion of the exam was going to involve robots, like the Entrance Exam had, so, those students didn't train their Quirks and bodies as much, focusing more on their studies, thinking that the practical portion would be a breeze.

Students such as Katsuki Bakugou, Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, [F/n] Bakugou, Tenya Iida, Eijirou Kirishima, and a few others, however, had trained physically, and they trained hard.

Which was good, because when the day of the exams came about, and the written portion was over, many students were faced with shocking news.

"Um, what are all the Sensei's and some Pro's doing here?" Kaminari asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Oh wow, yeah, it is all of our Sensei's and Pro's." Uraraka commented.

"For the practical portion of your Final Exams, you will be put in pairs, and proceed to face off against one of us."

"WHAT!?" Many students shrieked.

"That means this is impossible!" Kaminari and Ashido yelled, internally and externally sobbing.

"We, however, will be wearing these weights, to make the fight much more winnable for you students." Aizawa continued to explain, the students watching as they all began to start putting on ankle and wrist weights. "The pairings and their respective hero, go as followed,"

As Aizawa began listing off all of the teams, he paused near the end, once he reached the last two. "Due to the uneven amount of students, Midoriya, you will be fighting twice. Katsuki Bakugou and Midoriya versus All Might, and [F/n] Bakugou and Midoriya versus Endeavor."

Midoriya whipped his head towards the girl Bakugou, to see her reaction, but what he saw was far from just unexpected. She hadn't even glanced in his direction, rather, her eyes were locked on the Pro Hero himself, and her eyes held an undeniably strong look of determination.

Perhaps she, too, knows what happened between Todoroki and his father. He told me during the Sports Festival before we ended up fighting, but her, she's just really close to Todoroki, so maybe he told her. If so, that look in her eyes... She has no intent on just making a run towards the exit. Technically, Bakugou and I have never really fought together... Well, besides the incident with Stain, but that doesn't count under these circumstances. Based on what I've seen her do at the Sports Festival, she's really powerful, but she only uses her Quirk at the most basic level and understanding. She has no special moves, at least not that I've seen her use- that's not what I should be thinking about right now! Well, it is, but I should be more concerned on how I'm even going to get through a fight with Kacchan against All Might. At least with that, Kacchan and I do have a basic understanding of each other. But Bakugou and I? We've known each other for years and the fight with Stain was the most we had ever talked to each other, and that was barely at all! I have to fight with someone who hates me, and then someone who I don't even talk to!


"Ah! Oh! Uraraka! I'm so sorry!" The green haired boy began bowing and apologizing vigorously.

"You need to head on to your fight with Bakugou, everyone's fights, well, except your fight with the Bakugou sister start in just a few minutes. I've been trying to get your attention, but you were mumbling to yourself." The girl spoke softly with a soft laugh at the end. "Good luck with the Bakugou's, Deku."

"Thanks, Uraraka! Good luck to you too!" And with that, both students parted in their own directions.

The girl Bakugou got to observe the fights from the Observatory, which is also where Recovery Girl was at. Neither really said a word, but the nurse took notice how the girl seemed to pay special attention to the fight between Midoriya and her brother against All Might.

To top it off, Endeavor was in the room as well, though his focus was on his son.

After the thirty minutes was up and the students had all made their way to the Observatory, with the boy Bakugou being carried on a gurney due to the results of his battle with All Might, it was time for the final practical battle.

Midoriya was allocated time to rest and heal, and within that amount of time, the boy Bakugou was back up and on his feet. But before he had the chance to tell his sister anything, she was already gone.

"You know, I can't be the only one who thinks this matchup is a little weird." Kirishima voiced, earning a few nods.

"Most of your pairings were based on your Quirks, or your physical weaknesses. Some, however, were based mentally, such as Todoroki's and Yaoyorozu's, or the brother Bakugou's and Midoriya's." Aizawa stated flatly, allowing the class to make their own assumptions from that point.

"Well, they're both pretty strong, Midoriya has started using his Quirk without breaking his bones, and Bakugou, well, she's a Bakugou. Both twins are excessively strong and great with their Quirks." Kirishima voiced once more.

"That's true, kero. But if you think about it, despite being in the same friend group and growing up together, I don't think I've ever seen them have a conversation." Asui commented bluntly.

"You're right!" Uraraka agreed, now coming to that realization as well. "It's almost like they're avoiding each other. You don't think they hate each other, do you?"

"No." Todoroki spoke up, shocking most of his classmates. "They don't hate each other."

"Hah!? What do you know, Icy Hot!?" The boy Bakugou barked.

"More than you, Bakugou."


The silence in the air was thick as they walked towards their designated area. Midoriya wanted to speak up, to form some sort of plan, yet he couldn't get himself to speak. The girl Bakugou, however, was deep in thought, and not entirely about their opponent.

"Deku." The girl began, catching the green haired boy off guard.

"Y-Yes, Bakugou?" He'd never admit it, but despite the fact she never bullied him the way her brother did, or at all, a part of him was still slightly afraid of her, though he knew there were no grounds for his irrational fear.

"I'm sure you're aware of it, you may be the only one besides myself and Katsuki who are. The power level difference between Katsuki and I, it's rather high. Even with how strong the two of you are, your only choice was to escape All Might. But I'm telling you this right now, and I apologize as well, but I don't plan on running away from Endeavor, no matter how much weaker I am."

"B-Bakugou..." Midoriya couldn't find the right words, or any words at all, for that matter. This girl, this girl who was always so strong, seemed to fear nothing, who charged Stain without a second thought and got her torso cut open, was now downgrading herself? And to him? Deku?

"I'm sure they'll take the winning score from your fight with All Might, and I'm also sure you passed the written portion. If they do take your fail over your win, however, I apologize for being the reason you fail."

"What're you saying!? We'll pass for sure, don't talk like we've already failed!" Midoriya was somewhat panic-stricken at this point.

"I was hoping Aizawa Sensei would pair me with Todoroki or even Kaminari, and against maybe Midnight or Cementoss, but Sensei really pays attention to us, doesn't he?"

"Well, yes, of course he does! He's Aizawa Sensei! He knows us all very well!" Midoriya was panic-stricken, confused, and even worried at this point.

"I don't know where your Quirk came from, or how it developed as late as it has, but you've gotten good with it, and you can seem to use it without breaking all your bones. I can only use my Quirk in the most basic applicable way. Endeavor's Quirk is Hellflame, which I'm sure you know. You're much stronger than I am, but I have more of a heat resistance than you do." The girl spoke, the two now standing dead center in the area, both on guard.

"I don't understand, Bakugou, why, why are you saying all of this?"

"Our classmates can't hear us, which is a good thing. Deku, I'm saying all of this because you're smart and you can come up with a plan for you to escape, win, fight, whatever it is you want to do from this point. But to do so, you need to understand me."

"Wh-what do you mean?" He stuttered, the two able to feel the heat in the area grow, signaling that Endeavor was sneaking up on them, and he was getting close.

"I'm weak, Deku."


"Something is wrong with them." Sero stated.

"Sero's right. Sis' facial expression is so blank as she's talking to Midoriya, and Midoriya looks... Scared?" Kirishima replied, surprised at what he was witnessing.

"Oi, Half and Half Bastard, you have any clue what's got Deku and [F/n] acting like that!?" The boy Bakugou barked, actually concerned about his sister at the moment.

"Bakugou." Todoroki spoke simply, his eyes glued to the monitor.

"What!?" Bakugou barked, but then it clicked.

"Yes, Bakugou. You."


"You're not weak, Bakugou! You tied for second in the Sports Festival! You helped take down Stain! You're Kacchan's sister!" As the last three words left his mouth, he heard a sad laugh.

"Yeah, I am, aren't I?"

"I don't understand you right now, Bakugou. You're usually so cool and confident, ready to fight and brawl it out. Now, you're calling yourself weak and telling me all these things, I'm sorry, I just don't know how I'm supposed to take all of this." Midoriya admitted.

"Come on, Endeavor!" The girl yelled, not giving a true reply to Midoriya's statement, no sort of peace of mind. "I know you're close, it's hot as hell right now!" Sparks began igniting in the girls palms.

"Wait, Bakugou! We need a plan first! This is Endeavor we're talking about!" Midoriya yelled, grabbing the girl tightly by her shoulders.

"In a real life situation, if a villain were to pop up out of nowhere, heroes aren't always given the chance to plan, you have to be quick to think on your feet, Deku."

"Who are you!?" Midoriya yelled, not quite realizing what he said. "The Kacchan's sister I know, she wouldn't be acting like this!"

"You're so damn stupid sometimes, Deku."

"Now you just sound like Kacchan!"

"What is it you told Todoroki at the Sports Festival to get him to use his Quirk fully? That it's his Quirk, not his father's? That he isn't his father?"

"Todoroki has nothing to do with this! I was just helping him understand that he isn't-!"

"Well I'm not my damn brother, Deku!"

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