Chapter 3

~(a/n) I am up to 32 reads so far. Yay! Thanks to the people who read this. I hope you enjoy.~


You awoke once again to the sound of a bored Percy calling your name whole poking your face.

"(Y/N)" "(Y/N)" "(Y/N)"

"OK OK I'm up!" You cried while jumping out of bed.

"Hurry up and get ready, we've got some training to do" Percy yelled as you walked to the bathroom. "Ok give me like give minutes."

-Five minutes later-

"Ok let's go"

-time skip, because I'm lazy. Basically you have been training all day but now it's lunch time, yum!-

You were sitting at your table with Percy as he told you all about his adventures at camp.

"So, what about you? Any crazy things happen when I was gone?" He asked curiously. "Well, not as great as your stories but they were crazy" you said quietly.

"What was that?"
"Oh, nothing. I just said nothing crazy ever really happened."
"Ok. We should go, you can go explore if you want but I need to go teach a sword fighting class."
"K, see you later"

You left to go wander around the camp to think for a bit. You remember after Percy left and your memories were wiped, you were put with a family that didn't care for you very much.

They would always ignore you and call you names. Your "friends" weren't any better. They never helped you whenever bullies would beat you up. They were just as mean and rude as your fake family.

"Hey, are you ok?" You heard a voice say behind you. You turned around to see Nico.

"I'm fine, why do you ask?"
"Because you've got a tear going down your cheek"

You put your hand on your cheek and sure enough you felt a lonely tear sitting there.

"It's nothing, I'm fine." You said quickly and started walking off.

Nico grabbed your arm and turned you around. "No, your not fine. I know what fine looks like and that's not it"

"I was just thinking into the past, it really isn't anything to worry about"
"But it still hurts you now. Doesn't it?"
"I guess"
"Do you want to talk about it?"

You thought about it for a second. Do I really want or need to tell him?

"Sure" Stupid mouth.

You sat down on a log near you both and began to tell your story.

"When I was put with my fake family I had always had this feeling of not belonging there. I had (H/C) hair while they all had (insert opposite color hair). I never had any real friends, I was bad at school, and I was bullied every day of my life." You blurted out.

"So that's why there are bruises on your arms and back?"
"That would be why.... Why am I even bothering you with this? I hardly know you and you probably have things to do"

You started to get up but you heard him say "No, I don't have anything to do and your telling me because I care. I don't like to see others in pain"

~(a/n) this probably sounds so cheesy and bad, sorry.~

You turned sat back down and sat in silence for a bit.

"You want to go do something?" You asked sounding bored out of your mind. "Like what"

"We could go swimming"
"Sure meet you at the dock in ten minutes?"
"Sounds good"

You both left and met back at the dock after about ten minutes. You were wearing (your bathing suit choice) with (picture above) over it.

You saw Nico sitting at the edge of the dock and decided to surprise him. You slowly walked up behind him then shoved him in the water.

Apparently you weren't very quiet because as he fell he grabbed you and pulled you in with him.

"Nico, I was still wearing my clothes over my bathing suit!" You yelled after coming back up.

"Sorry. But can't you dry them with your super water power thing?" He said

"Oh Yea" you took them off and used your power to take all the water out of it.

The two of you swam for a bit and you could breath underwater but Nico needed an air bubble.

After coming back up you both sat by the water while watching the sun go down.

You looked at your waterproof watch and saw it was way past bedtime.

"Oh boy, we better get back before Percy has a heart attack and dies" you say dramatically.

Nico stood up and reached out to help you up. "Ok, let's go drama queen" he said with a laugh.

"OH MY GODS, THE BOY CAN LAUGH" You yell again very dramatically.

"Yes I can do that every once and a while".

You both left to your cabins and saw a Percy pacing around the room looking like he was ready to pass out. Then he looked at you.

"(Y/N) where have you been it's an hour past the time you were supposed to be here!"

"Dude, chill. Nothing happened, I was just out swimming and I lost track of time"

"Alone?!? Do you know how dangerous that is?"

"Ok, I wasn't alone and how can water be dangerous to me? I'm basically a freaking water princess."

"I don't kno... wait, who was with you?"


"Oh, ok."

With that Percy shrugged and left to his bed.

"Wait, that's it no lecture on staying away from him or anything?" You asked

Percy sat up and looked at you. "No, I trust Nico." He said then plopped down on his bed.

"Why?"you asked him. "Shush little one, it's time to sleep." He said then went to sleep.

"Ok then" you shrugged it off and went to sleep.


~(a/n) Thanks a million for reading this and don't be afraid to comment and tell me what you think. I promise you won't hurt my feelings. I'm made of steel! Jk. Have a good day or night, whenever you read this.~

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